• Published 27th May 2016
  • 3,318 Views, 32 Comments

Two Saiyans in Equestria - SlayGuy295

Nappa made a ridiculous wish, instead of immortality. Now, him and Vegeta are stuck in a new dimension.

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The Ultimate Battle Begin! The Great Ape Rampage!

The citizens of Ponyville were rebuilding their damaged home after the attack of the Saiyans. The fire and smoke were immediately faded. The ponies helped and rescued others who were trapped in the rubble.

Suddenly, the ponies immediately stopped from the presence of the prince of the Crystal Empire, Shining Armor. He rushes through the crowd and trying to find his sister and wife. He stopped and he spotted Spike helping the citizens of Ponyville.

“Spike,” Shining Armor called him while trotting.

“Oh ha, Shining Armor,” the little dragon greeted him.

“Spike, have you seen Twilight and Cadance?! I heard what happened in Ponyville and the guards told me that Cadance and the other princesses headed here to help! Where are they?! Is Twilight okay?!”

“Oh, you should’ve been here, Shining Armor! It was really crazy! Me and the others were just thinking about what float we should build, until there was a bunch of explosions happen! There were these two crazy ponies-or aliens-or monkey ponies attack us!

“We even fought back with magic, punches, and even a bunch of Pinkie Pies, but no effect! They were completely unstoppable! I even almost die from this big one! They were about to kill us, until Rainbow Dash saves us and beat the heck out of this big guy! His boss destroyed him and right now they’re all fighting that guy!”

“What,” Shining Armor freaked out. “Twily is fighting it! We need to go help her!”

“Relax, there’s nothing to worry about. Princess Celestia and the other princesses headed towards her and help her out. With all four princesses together, there’s nothing they can’t handle-“

Then suddenly, a gigantic explosion occurred and shook the entire town of Ponyville. The explosion came from the same area where Twilight and the others headed. Shining Armor turns to Spike and told him, “So they can handle it, huh Spike?!”

Meanwhile, Twilight and the others were terrified by the unexpected transformation of the evil prince. Vegeta roars in his giant ape form as the group of ponies stood there paralyzed by his form. “Now, what are we going to do,” Rainbow Dash freaked out.

“Calm down everypony,” Pinkie calms them. “He’s just a giant monkey, which means he’s isn’t fast because he’s big!”

“You’re right Pinkie,” Twilight agreed. “Due to his size, there’s no way he can move-“

Suddenly, Vegeta dove his fist towards them, but the ponies managed to dodge his attack. “I was wrong! I was so horribly wrong!”

The ponies were dodging every one of Vegeta monstrous attacks. The princesses kept shielding the others from the giant ape blasts. Twilight rushes towards him and fired her blast, but the monster knocks her away and sent her to the ground.

“How is that, you pathetic pony,” Vegeta laughs. “My power level is ten times stronger in this form! Now, none of you can defeat me now!”

“We’re going to defeat you, Vegeta,” Twilight yelled at the Saiyan. “No matter what form you take, we will never give up!”

“Your talk means nothing to me! Now, prepare to die!”

Then, Rainbow Dash rushes towards the giant ape and kick him in the nose, but no effect. Vegeta grabs the pegasus as she’s struggling to break free. “Let me go, you freak,” she yelled.

“I don’t think so, bisexual! I am going to squish you until you turn to glue!”

Vegeta began to squeeze the brave pegasus as she screaming in total pain. Her friends watched in horror as their loyal friend is being tortured. The giant ape began laughing in pure evil as the pony is slowly dying.

Until, Princess Celestia appears in front of the ape face and releases a roaring bright flare, which blinding the Saiyan. Vegeta roared in anger as Celestia snatch Rainbow Dash and carry her to somewhere safe. The others began falling back while the evil prince is distracted.

“D**n,” he roared, “my eyes! Oh God! It’s like walking in on Frieza in the shower! Wait a minute… he’s always naked.” He screamed in horror when he realized that.

Twilight and the others hide within the rubble a couple of miles away from Vegeta. They were all worried about Rainbow Dash condition. “Rainbow Dash, are you going to be okay,” Twilight concerned.

“Yeah,” she responded with a weak tone. “I can still-“

When she tried to move, Rainbow Dash immediately grunted in pain and almost fallen to the ground, but Applejack caught her. “Slow down sugarcube,” she said while laying her down. “That rag bull almost killed ya back there. Y’all were very lucky to survive out of that.”

“She’s right, Rainbow Dash,” Celestia agrees. “If I didn’t make it in time, he could’ve ended your life in an instant. I advise you to rest while we’ll take care of that monster.”

“With all due respect your majesty,” Rainbow Dash argue while picking herself up, “you all need my help. I can handle that jerk-“

Rainbow body kept shutting down when she tried to move. Rarity and Applejack both caught her before she could hit the ground. “Darling,” Rarity concerned, “you need to rest! If you’re going to face that ruffian like this, then he will kill you! Please rest!”

The pegasus grunted at the truth and sighed in defeat. “Fine. I’ll rest.”

“We will handle this creature while the rest of thous will get somewhere safe,” Luna told them.

“Now wait a dadgum minute,” Applejack stops the princesses. “We can’t let y’all handle that big bull by y’all lonesome. Y’all need our help!”

“We cannot risk losing any of thou during the fight. Thous must flee at once.”


“She’s right, Applejack,” Twilight told her friend. “I don’t any of you to get hurt like Rainbow Dash. Plus, Rainbow Dash needs all of you to take care of her.”

“But Twi-“

“No but, Applejack! Get Rainbow Dash and the others out of here now! The princesses and I will handle Vegeta!”

“But-” Finally, Applejack sighs in defeat and reply, “Alright, sugarcube. Just promise that y’all make it back”

“I promise.”

Applejack and Rarity help carry Rainbow Dash to safety as the others follow them. Starlight turned to Twilight and told her, “Be careful, Twilight.”

“I will.”

Finally, Twilight and the other princesses prepare to fight Vegeta great ape form. The four alicorns group together to fire an ultimate blast as the evil prince regaining his eyesight. “Finally,” Vegeta spoke as his eyes barely open, “I can see again. Alright you pathetic ponies, I am going to kill all of you!”

“It’s over, Vegeta,” Twilight shouted at the prince of Saiyans. “You shall face the combined power of the princesses of Equestria-”

Sadly, Vegeta manages to fire an enormous blast from his mouth and blew them away without giving them a chance to attack. As the alicorns were laying on the ground injured, the great ape called them out, “Ha ponies, what’s the opposite of Christopher Walken?!”

“I… don’t… know… who’s,” Twilight barely speak from her injuries.


The giant ape jumped into the air and stamped on the princess of friendship lower legs as the princess screamed in pain. Her screams echoed through the valley and reach to her friends. Starlight and the others were shocked by their best friend torment. “That was Twilight,” she told them.

“She’s in terrible danger,” Fluttershy terrified.

“Come on, girls,” Rainbow Dash stood up bravely for her friends ignoring the pain. “We need to go save Twilight!”

“Darling,” Rarity calmed her friend, “you’re in no condition to fight. That ruffian really hurt.”

“She’s right, sugarcube,” Applejack agreed. “If ya attack that ape, he will kill ya.”

“Screw that! Twilight needs our help! And I am not gonna let my injuries get in the way! I am going to take that big jerk down once and for all!”

The rainbow pegasus flew off to save her friend as the others were left behind. “Rainbow,” Starlight called her, “come back!” She turned to the others and told them, “Come on girls! We need to go and save them!”

Meanwhile, Vegeta was torturing the young princess in front of the others. The great ape picked up Twilight and preparing to end her life. “Now,” The monstrous prince laughed, “pathetic pony, time to crush you like an Arlian!”

“A… w-what,” Twilight coughs confused.

“Exactly, now die!”

Then suddenly, Celestia and the others used their last strength to blast the great ape in the eye, thus freeing Twilight from his grasp. Cadance flew in to catch her sister away from the prince as he’s roaring in pain. “AGAIN WITH THE F****ING EYE!! GOD D****IT!! AND I AM ALREADY SICK OF THOSE F****ING BEEPS!!”

“I got you, Twilight,” Cadance comforts Twilight as she’s carrying her to safety.

“Thank you, Cadance,” Twilight hugs her sister.

Sadly, their escape was foiled when Vegeta knocks them out of the sky. When Twilight crashes to the ground, Celestia and Luna rush to her aid, but the great ape knocks them away from her location. The monster stood in front of the princess and laughs as she’s crying in pain. “I’m already sick and tired of you dumb ponies and this stupid world! Now, I am going to destroy you once and for-”

Rainbow Dash dashes towards the ape and kicks him in the nose. “FIRST THE EYE AND THEN THE NOSE!!”

“Rainbow Dash,” the purple alicorn called her friend.


“You think I am gonna stay down and let you hurt my friends,” Rainbow Dash yelled at that great ape. No matter what you do to me! No matter the pain you gave me! Even if my body breaks, I will always defend my friends and family!”

“What a pathetic heroic speech,” Vegeta laughs. “Sadly, here’s a good question…” The evil prince grabbed the wounded pegasus while she let her guard down. “How can you defend them… if you’re dead?!”

Then, the monstrous ape began squeezing the life out of her as Rainbow Dash is screaming in pain. Twilight and her sister tried to save her, but Vegeta used his tail to knock them away. The sinister prince laughs as he’s torturing the poor pegasus.

Starlight and the others rush to aid their friends from the dreaded Saiyan. Suddenly, they ran into two more friendly faces, Spike and Shining Armor. “Spike? Prince Shining Armor,” Starlight surprised. “How did you two get here so fast?!”

“Never mind that,” the unicorn prince told her, “where’s my wife and my sister?!”

“They’re being attacked by a giant ape! We could really use your help!”

“Just point me where that dirty ape is and I will end it!”

“Hold it, sugarcube,” Applejack stopped him. “We need ta come up with ah plan ta bring down their vermin.”

“This is my wife and my sister lives we’re talking about! I won’t let that monster kill them!”

“And we won’t let them, darling,” Rarity tried to calm him down. “All we need is a plan-”

Suddenly, they heard the cries of their close friend Rainbow Dash being tortured by the Saiyan. ”That’s Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy cried. ”She’s in trouble!”

“Alright, get out of my way,” Shining Armor order them as he drew his sword. “I’ll handle this.”

“Prince Shining Armor, please listen to us,” Starlight Glimmer stop him. “We need to figure out how to defeat that monster. If we’re just gonna attack it head on, then there’s no chance that any of us will defeat him. Which means that Twilight and the others won’t survive.”

“Listen to her, Shining Armor,” Spike begs him. “If we’re going to save Twilight and Cadance, we need to come up with a plan!”

The stallion was frightened by the facts and the truth of what will happen if he faced the Saiyan by himself. Shining Armor sighs as he draws his sword back. “Alright,” he said. “What do we have to do?”

“Don’t worry, I already came up with one,” Starlight told them.

Meanwhile, the evil Vegeta is still torturing the rainbow pony by squeezing her to death. “ALRIGHT LITTLE PONY,” the great ape laughs. “LET ME HEAR THOSE BONES SHATTER!!” He kept squeezing her very hard, until he heard a squeak from her. “What the?!” He repeatedly squeezes her, causing Rainbow Dash to squeak a bunch of times. “OH MY GOD!! THAT IS HILARIOUS!!”

“You big dumb jerk,” Rainbow Dash yells at him in pain. “That’s my ribs crushing my lungs-” Vegeta squeezes her again as he’s laughing sinisterly.


The great ape turned and immediately spotted Starlight Glimmer, standing bravely before the prince. “Oh, very creative,” he said to her. “And what exactly will you do if I don’t?!”

Before she could tell him, Starlight noticed the others sneak behind the mad prince and began their plan. As the purple unicorn talks to Vegeta, Applejack throw a rope around the ape tail and tied it as Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Spike carries Twilight and Cadance to safety.

“I’ll make you regret it,” Starlight distracted the great ape as her friends commit the plan. “The law of mass dictates that the mass of an object dramatically increases the force of impact when said object collides with the ground; and, with your size, you'll make an extensively large impact upon your inevitable defeat.”

Everyone was silent after what Starlight just said. “What,” both Vegeta and Rainbow Dash said confused.

“In shorter words; the bigger they are, the harder they fall!”

“Listen pony,” the evil prince told her, “you all are real brave and all but I had personal defeat your pathetic so-called leaders and this bisexual as well! And neither of you have the skill or energy-”


Applejack and Rarity used the rope to pull the great ape tail as Shining Armor charges at it with his sword. They were about to cut his tail, until Vegeta did a backflip, knocking them away from him. “... to take me on,” he finished after he landed.

“Th-That’s impossible,” the purple unicorn shocked by the outcome.

“Now, it’s time for me to end the bisexual pony!”


The great ape kicks Starlight away from him and places his hand on Rainbow Dash. “Any last words, pony!”

“I-I am so… sorry girls,” Rainbow Dash with her dying breath. “I let you all down… I’m so sorry…” Her friends watch helplessly as their friend was about to die from Vegeta.


Vegeta was about to snap the pegasus neck in front of her friends, until a slice causes the great ape to gasps in complete shock. A red colored royal guard, Sword Light, uses his sword to slices the ape tail off. The guard screams as he ran away from the Saiyan.

The great ape dropped the rainbow pony and he stood paralyzed by the loss of his tail. “God-GOD D**N IT!!” He roared as he deformed back to his pony form. He stood there growling after he let his guard down.

“He’s… He’s back to normal,” Spike cheered as the others are still scared of the evil prince. “Guys, we can do this! We can beat him! WE HAVE A CHAN-” Vegeta rushes at the little dragon and knocks him across the field. “Oh-Ohhhh Celestia,” he cried in pain.

Comments ( 3 )

O.O IT LIVES!!!!! :pinkiehappy:

Now that Vegeta beated much of them, I really want to know who is the other one who will become another type of rampage. I think Spike would be if he became greedy. And then the scene of Gohan Gozaru would fit on him. I don't think Starlight would be a rampage one.

And the final attack the Spirit Bomb I'm curious how you will make it.

He has canceled everything, read his current blog post for information.
You didn't deserve the harassment.

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