• Published 17th Jun 2012
  • 33,472 Views, 2,241 Comments

Justice Itself - Autocharth

Tyrael destroyed the Worldstone, saving mankind and blasting himself unintentionally across reality.

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Act III - Ch. 21 Guilty Justice

Here it is, after far too long a delay! Chapter 21! Beta'd by the tired eyes of Nealend86 this time, so blame him! Don't blame me, blame him! I hope you enjoy this chapter, and don't be too angry at, well, you'll see who I mean.....


Chapter 21 Guilty Justice


Sunlight woke Paladin. He stirred slowly, covering his eyes. He couldn’t remember falling asleep. At some point he must have retired to bed, because he was laid out on one. The covers surrounded him, soft and comfortable with a thick, pleasant mattress under him. He stirred, looking away from the hellish morning rays. Pushing back covers he couldn’t remember pulling over himself, Paladin just stared at the ceiling for a few moments.

They were blissful moments. It took nearly ten seconds before he was awake enough to remember the night before. Ten perfect seconds of empty quiet. Ten seconds until the guilt came crashing down on him.

“This isn’t over.”

The memory of his former follower’s voice thundered at Paladin. He lay limply in the comfortable bed. Too comfortable. It felt wrong for him to in such a position, after what he had caused. ‘A bed of nails would be more appropriate’ he thought bitterly. ‘Rusty nails.

He couldn’t decide which of his crimes was worse. Ardleon was likely destroyed, unmade by the strain of the hostile planar energies constantly weakening him. He had fled far in the wake of the battle, far enough to escape the magic of the royal sisters and Twilight Sparkle. The price this world would exact on such a long range teleport would be heavy. Of course, he could just as easily be undetectable because he was no longer there to be detected.

A loyal follower and faithful warrior of the Heavens, destroyed because he, Tyrael, was weak.

If Ardleon had survived it might very well be worse. A vengeful angel only a step below an archangel, utterly determined that Tyrael was being held prisoner and that the only way to free him was by force, cutting through every foe that stood between them. A wrathful bringer of destruction who was closed to any attempt to sway his mind or convince him otherwise. Ardleon had always been the most reckless of his underlings, rarely planning ahead in lieu of striking with full force at the first opportunity. If he survived he would come again for Tyrael and he clearly believed the Archangel was being controlled or corrupted in some way. Nothing Paladin could say would persuade him this was not so.

It would all be so much easier,’ Paladin thought darkly, ‘if they had never found me. If I had just died on that mountain side.

He didn’t realise he had said it out loud until a soft gasp alerted him to another’s presence. Paladin looked down in surprise, turning his gaze from the ceiling to the door to find Fluttershy staring at him from the partially open door.

“W-what are you-” He suffered, a moment of uncharacteristic stuttering, thrown off by her unexpected appearance.

She took a step further into the room, her expression shocked and fearful.

“Y-you weren’t answering and- and I felt your guilt from....oh Paladin, why would you say that?” She approached him, her concern and worry obvious. “How could you say it?”

He almost flinched at her question before remembering that he wasn’t going to be intimidated by some pony half his mass. Paladin’s nostrils flared and his wings twitched open in obvious agitation.

“Easily!” He barked. “It would have been so much easier! Simple and clean. No lingering on as I have done, confused and worried and filled with guilt. No chance to make mistakes, no chance to fail as I so obviously have.”

Fluttershy tried to get a word in but he just barrelled on, more focused on getting it all out than an actual conversation.

“If Ardleon lives he will stop at nothing to ‘liberate’ me and I’ll have brought suffering upon innocents. If he was destroyed I have caused the death of one of my oldest allies, someone who has stood by me for eons. His death would be pointless and the Heavens would be weakened further by the loss of a powerful warrior. A brave, valiant warrior who despite all his brashness sought to bring an end to evil. Who will now only be remembered as an invader and vandal!”

He didn’t even realise one of his hooves was striking the bed repeatedly, slamming into it with growing force. When he came to a stop in his rant he kept his hoof pressed deeply into the mattress, as though trying to simply push right through it.

Fluttershy’s ears were rigid and stiff in anxiety throughout his tirade. She felt his warring grief and rage over his impotence to change what had happened. The contentedness he had radiated only days ago, a feeling that was at once calming and reassuring that she felt whenever he was near, was gone. It was simply torn away by the tumultuous return of his past in a single evening.

“I...I...” She floundered in search of something say. Fluttershy wanted to reassure him but the depths of the feelings left her drowning in the almost physical sensation from her heightened empathic senses.

Even as she watched him wait for her the energy fuelling his rant drained and he collapsed limply on the bed once again. The depressed pegasus couldn’t even manage the emotional motivation to curse the undeserved comfort.

Paladin looked away from the stuttering mare. “What do you want?” He asked blandly. every word spoken like it was taking monumental effort. There was no emotion behind the words and he was just staring without focus off to the side.

“She took a deep breath, trying to marshal her confidence, however shaky it might be.

“I just...I just wanted to help you.” Fluttershy murmured.

He didn’t even look up. “You have tried. Your duty is done. You may go.” Grunted Paladin.

She very nearly did.

“B-but you’re still guilty.” Fluttershy protested. Even turned away as he was she could see his reaction, backing stiffening.

Without turning he all but growled “I would think you to keep your empathic senses to yourself. Please leave.”

It was a frank dismissal, clear to both of them. He didn’t so much as twitch at her soft gasp. Looking at his back Fluttershy bit her lip as she tried to bring herself to ignore his order. For both their sakes’, she just had to-


Her burgeoning expression of determination crumbled at the snarled command and with that she fled. Paladin watched, his eyes fixed on the panel of window glass reflecting the sight of the retreating mare. The door clicked shut behind her, a final sorrowful look back at her parting.

This time he didn’t have a few seconds before the guilt hit him.


Paladin let out a quite groan.

You utter idiot.

Fluttershy stood outside the door ,her thoughts in turmoil. The surge of guilt from Paladin following her departure didn’t help. His ‘request’ that she stop trying to sense his emotions was impossible now. Something had wrenched open her mind and since the night before she had been unable to block any of the emotions being screamed by others. If anything Paladin’s emotions were ‘louder’ than others.

She was tempted to go back in, to take that fresh guilt as a sign that he might be willing to talk now. Fear paralyzed her. His cold ‘go’ kept her standing mutely outside his room, the memory of that frosty order freezing her limbs. It wasn’t anything magical. She was just afraid. Of upsetting him or, she might come to realise, of being treated like that again. It already felt like one of those ice spears the angel had thrown had lanced deep into her chest, Fluttershy wasn’t sure she could take another.

Quaking at the thought of receiving another equally disturbing dismissal Fluttershy tried to think about what to do next. She tried but her thoughts went back to the hurt. It was almost a physical sensation. He had been mean. Uncaring. Rude. Even with all her rationlisations, part of Fluttershy just couldn’t take the thought that Paladin had been unkind to her. It was too alien for him. Paladin was courteous, not rude. He was sometimes gruff but because he found lying an unsavoury act, he wasn’t harsh like he had been.

Blinking rapidly as thoughts flew through her mind Fluttershy wondered why she was so worried how he had acted towards her. It was their friendship. ‘Paladin is just going through something tough. I want to help but he won’t let me. M-maybe I just need to give him some space for a while.’ She thought, doing her best to resolve the issue with herself first.

“Flutters? What are you doing?” A voice asked from right behind her!

Fluttershy leaped about six feet straight up in fright. She was thankful for the castle’s high ceilings, since banging her head would just made the experience even less pleasant. With her heart pounding at a million miles an hour and her wings locked she would really not have appreciated a painful lump on the back of her skull.

Through all this it took her a moment to place the voice.


Bulwark smiled down at her daughter. Tugging off her helm she pulled Fluttershy into a hug, wing sweeping around her.

“I’ve been looking for you. I just came off-duty. How are you? You’re not hurt, are you?” She asked, a mother’s concern filling her voice as she ran a hoof through her child’s mane and wings, looking for any sign of damage.

“Mama, I’m fine.” Fluttershy couldn’t help but smile slightly at her mother’s fussing. It was reassuring, partly because she couldn’t feel Bulwark’s emotions flooding her. That made Fluttershy stop and blink for a moment. “Um, excuse me, mama?”

Bulwark didn’t look away from her inspection to answer. “Hm?”

The smaller mare fidgeted slightly. “Uh, you know how I said I can feel emotions of other ponies now?” She asked.

“You’re wondering why you can’t feel mine?” Bulwark guessed, finally letting Fluttershy go when she was content that her daughter was undamaged. “Since the Changeling Invasion all high-rank guards have been instructed in mental defense.” She smiled down at her daughter. “Shining Armour made it very clear we were to learn how to maintain them at all times. He’s gotten very cautious about any sort of mental influence being used against us.”

Fluttershy winced as she remembered the empty green-tinted eyes when Shining Armour’s brainwashing was exposed. She could certainly understand why he would feel so strongly about it.

“Oh my.” She murmured.

“If it gives you a bit of peace I’m all the happier for it.” Bulwark assured her. She glanced at the door and a speculative light came to it. “So, what are you doing loitering outside Paladin’s room with that unhappy unfrown?”

Fluttershy flinched as she looked in the same direction as her mother, a gesture that didn’t pass Bulwark’s notice.

“Something wrong?” Her eyes narrowed. “Did he do something? Flutters, did he do something...inappropriate?” There was more than just a threat left unspoken in her tone. There was a promise of extreme impoliteness characterised by the breaking of things few stallions wanted broken. Her tail curled around one of Fluttershy’s legs protectively.

Blinking rapidly as she looked up into her mother’s apocalyptic expression Fluttershy’s cheeks began to grow red under her coat.

“N-no! Mama!” She nearly shrieked, her voice was shrill with embarrassment and shock that her mother could think, let alone say, such a thing. “Paladin would never do that!”

“I don’t know. From what I’ve told he’s been around literally forever and has never got a leg over in all that time. Could make a stallion go to great lengths, if you get what I mean and its sounds like he might have the biggest case of blue ba-” Bulwark went on unashamedly.

Mother!” This time it was a low hiss that Fluttershy gave her mother. The red was bright and luminescent beneath the soft fur on her cheeks and her tail was tucked in tight. Fluttershy looked up and down the hall in case somepony had heard. Paladin’s emotions hadn’t changed so either the door was thick enough to keep the sound out or he was too engrossed in self-loathing to notice.

It seemed to rather startle Bulwark when Fluttershy interrupted her and she stared at her surprise.

“How could you even think that about him? I..I just..just...oh Mother!” Fluttershy was caught between being embarrassed, aghast and horrified by the situation. She was equally busy thinking about what could have happened if somepony had heard and how dare her mother think that about Paladin.

Bulwark’s stern look of parental displeasure didn’t budge in the face of Fluttershy’s interruption. “I know you like to think the best of ponies Fluttershy but-”

“But nothing! Paladin has only ever been a gentlecolt for as long as I’ve known him. I don’t know what the Princesses have told you Mama but Paladin is my friend and- and I won’t have you talk about him that away!” Fluttershy’s tone was one of gentle firmness and she was standing straight as she looked her mother right in the eyes with an expression of fierce determination.

In the face of her daughter’s argument Bulwark’s frown turned into a smile. “Good to hear. What’s he doing still in bed? Its nearly ten in the morning. I didn’t take him for a lazy bum.”

Fluttershy blinked rapidly for a few seconds at the sudden reversal of demeanour. A nudge from her mother reminded her of the question. “Oh, uh, he’s just feeling a little down about last night. I can’t imagine what it was like. That...’Ardleon’ was so mean and the Princess said he ‘probed’ Paladin’s mind.” She wasn’t entirely sure what that meant until Twilight explained it. The idea of having a foreign mind rummaging through your own.made her shudder.

Arching an eyebrow up skeptically Bulwark frowned again. “Depressed? What do you mean ‘depressed’?”

“Oh, uh, well he was just laying there staring at the ceiling and didn’t hear me calling out to him.” Fluttershy answered hesitantly, unsure how much she should share. “When I went in I heard him say...oh, no, never mind.”

She let her daughter backpedal a step before asking; “Never mind about what? Fluttershy, is something wrong? With Shining Armour in a mana-coma, Iron Buckler and I are in charge of Canterlot’s defenses. Paladin is the only one who knows anything about the attacker. If he said something about him I need to know.” She said, looking Fluttershy in the eye.

“It wasn’t anything like,” Fluttershy shook her head, looking down nervously. “It was a bit more personal.” She really wasn’t sure she should tell anypony else but she wasn’t sure what to do. She needed help from someone. “Mama, can you promise me you won’t tell anypony?”

Bulwark didn’t reply right away, clearly considering the request. “I can promise not to tell anypony unless I think its absolutely necessary for his sake. If that isn’t good enough I’ll understand.” She said gently, understanding this was a delicate situation. Whatever her daughter had to tell her was important.

Taking a deep breath and assuring herself this was the right thing to do Fluttershy quietly told her mother the entire encounter, from his self-loathing thought spoken aloud to his final parting dismissal.

Its for his own good.’ She repeated to herself as she spoke. The prickly sensation of his numb guilt was a constant assurance she was doing the right thing. If that mean old angel was still out there and he came back Paladin would be helpless against him.

Plus it just wasn’t at all nice to know exactly how bad he was feeling. Midway through her recounting Fluttershy let her mother pull her close in again, sharing the warmth and comfort from being close and safe. It made it easier.

Bulwark didn’t say anything when Fluttershy finished. She closed her eyes, deep in thought as her daughter looked on patiently. Taking a breath through her nose deep wrinkles marred her face as she thought, her expression faintly unhappy.

“It might pass.” She said at last, opening her eyes. “Once we know if this Ardleon character survived he might very well jump right into action. He certainly seems like a known threat will kick him back to life. But if this ‘angel’ didn’t survive....” she trailed off.

“Oh no, what can we do? I don’t want to see him so depressed.” Fluttershy worried, looking at his door again and beginning to pace. “He hasn’t even come down for breakfast yet and there’s pancakes with maple syrup just for him. The others are down there, maybe they can help.” She looked at her mother for an answer.

Bulwark smiled, holding Fluttershy in place for a moment. “Flutters, I think I can help. What I want you to do is to go back to your friends. I’ll be down in a few minutes with Paladin.”

It took the older mare a few more minutes to assure Fluttershy that she would work it out before she left, leaving Bulwark to look grimly at the the door behind which Paladin waited.

“The things I do for my daughter.” She muttered to herself. Nopony told her she would be trying to break an ages old immortal made mortal out of a funk, but then she had never asked. With a sigh she pushed the door open, pleased it wasn’t locked. Broken doors came out of her paycheck unless she could give a really good reason for having to break them.

Paladin didn’t stir, not even opening his eyes as the door clicked shut behind his visiter. His wings lay limp on his back, half-spread and drooping. Without a mane his ears’ own droop was obvious, visual cues and signs he didn’t even bother to notice. A single thought had the energy to rise to the fore of his mind.


“I do not wish to be disturbed.” He found himself saying instead. His eyes remained shut.

If I apologise she will accept it. I do not deserve that.’ Paladin reminded himself passionless .

The voice that replied was closer than he expected and most not Fluttershy’s.

“That’s a shame, because I pretty much came here just to disturb you.” Bulkwark said cheerfully as she slipped the tips of her wings under the mattress. “Time to get up!”

Eyes popping open Paladin began to turn, a question on the tip of his tongue. Before he could ask it Paladin found himself rolling back the way he had come and then beyond. He fell off the bed with, to his eternal shame, a yelp. Landing with a loud a thud on his stomach he blinked a few times as he lay there, slightly stunned.

Yellowed, armor clad hooves tromped around the bed into his sight. Paladin stared at them dully, surprise already dying out as lethargy overtook the pegasus again.

“There we go, all disturbed. Might as well get up for the day.” He couldn’t see her face as she spoke but from the sound of it Bulwark was amused.

“...no.” He muttered quietly.

Bulwark frowned, peering down at him. “Can’t lay there all day. Sun is up, its a beautiful day and we have business to take care of. Now up.” She ordered, poking with gently in the side.

He flexed a wing slightly to ward her off. “No.” He repeated.

Now Bulwark scowled. “That wasn’t a request. Things need doing.”

“I do not care.” At her next prod he did actually get up - to begin climbing back into the bed. He paused. On reflection, the floor was more appropriate.

He couldn’t have finished getting on anyway. Bulwark’s hoof came down on his tail, holding it to the floor.

The guardsmare wore an expression thick with disappointment and disapproval. “You sound like a sulking child.” She snapped. “For Celestia’s sake, you’re a grown stallion. I don’t care if you’re an eons old spirit angel thing. You should know better. Now stop sulking, come down for breakfast or I swear, I’ll take you over my knee regardless of how big or old you are!”

Paladin snorted, not even looking back. “Your threats are meaningless. Leave me be.” He spat the order.

Moving a hind-hoof onto his tail Bulwark stepped closer and leaned in. “No.”

For a moment anger twisted Paladin’s expression and Bulwark was pleased to see life in his eyes for a second. The moment was gone almost as soon as it started and even his anger just drained out of him.

“Just go. I am not coming down. Nothing you can do will make me.” He seemed to sigh the words.

Gritting her teeth at the failure of her ploy to make him angry Bulwark shook her head. “Can’t do that. I promised Flutters I’d bring you down stairs soon and by the Sun and the Moon I will.”

Paladin made a ‘hmph’ sound at that. He recognised her attempt at angering what it was and it managed to give him an idea to get rid of her, even if it meant her stalking off in a rage. “What you have promised your annoying daughter is of no concern to me.” He growled, pulling at his tail. “Go bother her.”

She released his tail and Paladin felt like he had won. Except...

That made me feel...wrong.’ He frowned, an uncomfortable feeling in his chest. It was guilt, but it was different. Like when he told Fluttershy to go. He felt bad in a way that was somehow even worse than his guilt over Ardleon.

Behind him Bulwark’s face had become a cool, frozen mask. Nopony was rude about her daughter, regardless of how thinly veiled an attempt to make her storm off it was.


Fluttershy approached the table set in the courtyard their rooms overlooked. The mood was mostly the same as she had left it, Rarity demurely eating her light brunch while Pinkie stuffed her face. On the other side of the table the mare who couldn't eat in the dining hall was busy throwing her hooves about as she explained something with grand, sweeping gestures. Applejack watched her, occasionally dodging Rainbow Dash’s more wild movements.

“-so I just took the whole roof in one go! Wooosh!” The athlete was saying when Fluttershy got into earshot, finishing the explanation by whipping her wing aross the stack of pancakes in front of her, slashing the cream pile atop it without disturbing the fattening breakfast treat. “Bam, no more roof, one giant skylight.”

Applejack arched a sceptical eyebrow at Rainbow Dash, watching the pegasus begin to lick the cream right off her wing. “Ya took the whole darn thing roof off that cloud castle a’ yours, just like that?” Her tone wasn’t quite saying she thought Rainbow Dash was lying, just that she might be bending the truth a tad.

“Yep, sure did.” Rainbow Dashed answered, missing Applejack’s obvious suspicion of exaggeration since she was busy. The remaining cream on the edge of her wing was being spread across the top most pancake with painstaking precision.

Across the table from the pegasus, Rarity looked somewhat ‘green in the gills’ as she saw the less than hygienic method of cream application.

Applejack rolled her eyes, one of her ears perking up and rotating at the sound of Fluttershy’s approach. Looking over she began to turn, twisting her neck to see the returnee. “How’d it go sugarcube? Where’s Pally?”

Fluttershy glanced up at the window she was certain looked into his room. “Oh, uh, he wasn’t in a good mood. He really wasn’t.” She said.

“Oh no!” Pinkie looked up from her meal, licking her lips and cheeks clean. A dollop of saliva flew from her tongue towards Rarity. The panicked reaction from the fashionista was generally ignored. “We can’t leave him up there being a grumpy gus. Its Twilight’s job to be grumpy and if he starts getting in on the action there’ll be too much grump in Ponyville!”

Before Pinkie could leap into either an action or a song a sound caught her attention. Recovered from her alarm at nearly being drooled upon, Rarity cleared her throat.

“Darling,” she said when she had Pinkie’s attention, “I think Fluttershy has more to say.” Rarity patted her lips with a napkin to clean any debris from her own meal and looked at Fluttershy.

Taking their cues from Rarity the rest of the table turned to Fluttershy as well. Even though all four pairs of eyes belonged to her friends, Fluttershy had to fight the urge not to jump back or duck out of sight. She preferred it if she got some warning before she had to work up her confidence.

“Uh, where’s Twilight?” She asked quickly, noticing the lack of purple unicorn at the table.

“Checkin’ on her brother. She told us he’d be out for like a week or more if he’s lucky but she wanted ta spend sometime with him.” Applejack informed her. “Now if ya don’t mind sugarcube, the question o’ Paladin?”

“Oh, okay.” Nodding, Fluttershy looked again at Paladin’s window before putting her attention back on her friends. “Paladin, um, wasn’t in a good mood. He didn’t want to get out of bed. He’s kind of...guilty.”

They all gave her blank looks.

“Guilty of what?” Rainbow Dash asked with a frown. She rubbed her wing thoughtfully with her other, only noticing after they began to giggle that it had been the wing with whipped cream still on it.

Covering up her amusement Applejack ignored Rainbow Dash’s antics and focused on the question. “He’s not gettin’ all mopey an’ all that nonsense, is he? What’s it about this time?”

“He feels bad about that mean angel ruining the Gala because Ardleon is his friend!” Pinkie supplied cheerfully.

They all looked at Pinkie for a moment.

“It does seem like a possibility.” Rarity said slowly.

Fluttershy nodded. “Oh yes, he said it was his fault that it happened a-and that Ardleon might have...died when he vanished. He’s so guilty and sad and...and...” Fluttershy trembled slightly, the moisture in her eyes building. “I can still feel it! Even when I try to block out everypony else I can still feel him.”

Abandoning her pancakes Rainbow Dash slipped from the table and spread a wing over her friend. She flushed, cheeks red under her coat, at something so mushy and emotional but Fluttershy looked like she was about to cry.

“Come on ‘Shy, it can’t be that bad.” She tried, looking at her friends with looks telling them she had no idea what to do here. “He’ll get over it and maybe you just need to concentrate a bit more.”

To the others Rainbow Dash mouthed ‘help’. She was not good with this kind of thing.

“Well now Fluttershy Ah can’t help with yer new magic mumbo-jumbo messin’ with ya, but Ah can tell ya this: Paladin is gonna be fine.” Applejack stood in front of Fluttershy, looking her right in the eye.

“H-he is?” She asked with a little whimper. Any reassurance would help her right now and Paladin’s emotions were still radiating from his room, guilt now mixed with anger and irritation. Only his surface most emotions were leaking out as she tried not to focus on him but it was still taking a toll on her.

Applejack nodded firmly. “He is. Ya wanna know why?” She got a nod in answer right away, Fluttershy peeking from within her mane at her tearfully.

“Because we’re here of course!” Pinkie cheered, bouncing down in front of Applejack. She grinned in Fluttershy’s face. “Friends don’t let friends be mopey and sad. They cheer them up and make them SMILE!”

Approaching from the other side of the table, since unlike Pinkie she didn’t feel she could jump over it safely, Rarity agreed just as clearly if a bit less exuberantly.

“Fluttershy dear, between all of us I’m sure we can find a way to snap Paladin out of it. Once we are back in Ponyville, well, he has other friends who can help now. Not just us, but Applejack’s brother and Caramel.” She said calmly, giving her friend a warm, comforting smile.

“See?” Rainbow Dash grinned, her wing squeezing Fluttershy reassuringly. “It’ll be fine. He got all mopey after the whole evil plant thing, he’ll snap out of it again.”

Fluttershy managed to smile, surrounded by her friends and their support. She nodded, standing a little straighter and her ears perking up from their submissive forward facing flatness. “Oh, I’m so silly. You’re all so right, Paladin will be fine. When mama brings him down-”

A tremendous crash, the shattering of glass as a great weight smashed through it, cut her off. She felt the sudden spike of fear, shock and anger from Paladin and was turning as the tinkle of disintegrating glass filled the courtyard. Spell-safened glass was reduced to sand, falling in a rain on the garden. A great, dark form with brilliant wings went tumbling into a bush.

Paladin fell into the thick hedge, little branches snapping at the force of his fall and weight. To anypony else the speed of his flight, from his room to the garden in seconds, would have been stunning. He was still somewhat stunned but ancient habits took hold. The urge to unleash ethereal energy through a display of flaming wings translated into his very much flesh and blood wings spreading and flexing. More of the hedge he had landed in was torn apart. Hooves flailing he fought the grasping branches turned inward by his landing.

All five mares stared, dumbfounded, at the shaking, cursing hedge. It was spitting language that wasn’t so much foul as it was harsh. Their attention was turned up to the window by the large form gliding from it with somewhat more control. Bulwark landed between them and the hedge, giving the girls a warm smile.

“See Flutters,” She said cheerfully, “I told you I could get him down.”

Fluttershy’s jaw fell open, ears splayed to the side, while her friends looked at her next.

“W-what?” The hedge cursed some more as Fluttershy stuttered, cheeks red. “Mama, did you throw him out of the window?”

Bulwark didn’t answer, giving the hedge a kick. "Hey, watch the language in there, there’s innocent ears out here.” She cast a look at the group. “And Rainbow Dash too. Stop memorising them young lady.”

Rainbow Dash, who had been doing just that, gave the older mare a nervous smile and did her best to look innocent. Applejack just looked thoughtful.

“Guess he musta remembered some ‘a that night he spent gettin’ drunk. Sounds like what Mac says.” She thought out loud, chuckling. “He don’t get drunk much but when he does every second word he spits is a swear word. Makes Granny angry somethin’ fierce.”

“Your brother is an angry drunk?” Rainbow Dash asked in surprise.

“Nah, not angry, just swears like crazy. Heard him get asked fer directions once an’ he said gave them perfectly. Just kept swearin’ like it was nothin’.” Applejack corrected her, glancing again from Fluttershy to Bulwark to the harshly speaking hedge.

Rarity strutted between the two as they talked, giving both unhappy looks. Fluttershy had closed her eyes, taking a deep breath while Bulwark berated the struggling Paladin for his language.

“Paladin just fell from a window and you two are discussing swearing!” She reprimanded, frowning at their callous treatment.

Rainbow Dash snorted derisively. “He’s fine. Listen to him, nopony going on like that could be hurt.”

“Sounds fine to me.” Applejack added. “Now, why she threw him out-”

“It was his fault.” Bulwark said matter of factly. When they looked at her she shrugged. “It was.”

Fluttershy slowly opened her eyes. “Mama, you said you were bringing him down.” She said, frowning at her mother with obvious dismay before hurrying past her.

“Trust me Flutters, he deserv-’

“You threw him out a window!” Fluttershy’s tone was more than a little upset, leaving her mother and friends blinking in shock as they watched her fly up to look down into the deep hedge. “Paladin, are you okay?”

The hedge he had landed in was twice his height and thick. Unable to get his head to angle to look at her, Paladin settled for growling “I am stuck in a bush because your insane mother threw me out a window.”

“...is that a-”

“I’m fine.” The venom in his tone made her ‘eep’ slightly.

“Oh, um, I guess I’ll...help?” Fluttershy asked awkwardly. She was desperately hoping he wasn’t angry but the surface emotions she was getting were all annoyance and anger. Anything else he was hiding or burying with his anger.

In the hedge Paladin was just as desperate. He drew on his anger at being taken by surprise, at being thrown out so easily, at his entire situation, and threw the feeling up as a wall. An untrained empath like Fluttershy would be unable to pierce the distracting veil unless she focused. His anger was all he had to hide the biting guilt that was latched deeply to him right now.

“Yes. Help.” He ordered in a dark tone. The rustle of her pushing branches away so he could move reached him but was it was soon clear she was making little headway on her own.

From the side Bulwark watched, her brow furrowed. “If he talks to my daughter like that one more time....” She hissed quietly.

“I am afraid you will have to throw him in through a window this time.” Rarity said. She smiled slightly at the raised eyebrow look from Bulwark and guessed the question; “It does not take much to work out. I suspect it would take a lot to make you go so far as to throw him out a window.”

Bulwark shook her head, chuckling. “Smart girl. He thought he could make me go away by being rude about Flutters.” She made sure to say it quietly.

Although she was always interested in hearing about Fluttershy’s scary mother throwing ponies through things, Rainbow Dash took to wing and went to help Fluttershy. Her friend gave her a grateful smile as they began to widen the hole in the hedge around Paladin.

“That was pretty cool, ya know.” Rainbow Dash said eventually to break the silence.

Fluttershy looked up curiously. “What was?”

The more outgoing pegasus grinned. “When you told off your ma’ for throwing him out. That was awesome.”

Fluttershy blushed. “Oh, no, it wasn’t at all. I was just so frustrated at her that I, um, ‘blew up’.” She sighed, pausing in her work. “I really should say sorry.”

Paladin’s voice made both mares jump, as if they had somehow forgotten he was there. At some point the powerfully built pegasus had stopped his cursing and neither had noticed the sudden silence until he broke it.

“After you have freed me, I assume.” He growled.

Looking down the hole Rainbow Dash scowled. She could understand why he would be in a bad mood but seriously, he wasn’t acting like himself right now. He was just being a jerk. Guilt-ridden or not, a jerk is a jerk.

“Hey, jerk, we’re digging you out fast as we can so zip it unless you want to wait until one of the gardeners comes by.” She shot down at him.

The hedge rustled as Paladin tried to get into a position to glare back. He failed so he settled for directing his withering look at the branches around him. Unfortunately the blasted things failed to react. If he could just get a better grip or some way to throw his weight around he could simply break out on his own rather than wait for the incessantly chattering ponies to get on with it.

Its not their fault.’ He shoved the thought away and as much guilt as he could. Anger, he needed anger to block out Fluttershy. His guilt was his alone. It was a burden he refused to share. Even though he knew it was a bad idea, Paladin pushed himself towards it. The very fact he was doing something he knew he shouldn’t made him angrier.

Further thoughts were distracted by a sudden freedom of movement. Hooves grasped each of his rear legs and began to pull.

“Gotcha!” Rainbow Dash ground her teeth as she pulled, Fluttershy next to her doing the same. Both pegasi strained and Paladin struck at the branches in front of him to push off. As before they were just firm enough to keep him in place but when he went to push they snapped or gave way for him. “We...can...do...this...!”

Bulwark rose up behind the pair, wings flaring. She curved a hoof around each of Paladin’s hind legs and with a great flap of her wings began to pull him out.

“Correction; I’ve got him.” With a lurch he came free, tearing through the tough hedge. She let go the moment his head cleared the vegetation. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash dodged to the side, although Rainbow Dash did most of the dodging for both of them by tackling Fluttershy.

“Save!” She bragged, when their roll ended after several feet of grass. “Am I awesome, or am I awesome?”

Fluttershy just blinked under her, stunned by the sudden launch.

“You are redundant.” Shaking out his great white wings Paladin frowned first at Bulwark, then at Rainbow Dash. His intentions to frown at Fluttershy made it through the first thought only for his second thoughts to veto the motion. He settled for a blank look of nothing.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Rainbow Dash demanded, stalking over to him. When the larger pegasus was on the ground at least she glared at him. “No, really, what’s it mean?”

Paladin snorted disdainfully and turned away, pointedly ignoring her and her question. “I might as well eat, since I am out here.” His tone was dark and not a word of thanks passed his lips.

Giving the other three mares only the most cursory of nods in greeting he strode right past them, wings folding tight.

“Uh, sugarcube, ya’ll okay?” Applejack asked. His ears twitched and laid back as though he were about to attack but he didn’t bother to look back.

“I am fine.”

Watching with a calculating expression Rarity ‘hmm’d' quietly. The time he had been among them was far too little to completely pick up many instinctive bodily visual cues or learn his own. He was also not using contractions anymore.

Paladin didn’t say another word, ignoring them as he took began to eat from the table. Applejack and Rarity exchanged looks. Unfortunately for them they took their sight off of Pinkie while doing so.

“What’s got you so grumpy this morning?” Pinkie popped up next to Paladin, watching him. “You’re not even eating those pancakes with maple syrup! You love maple syrup! Why aren’t you eating it?”

Paladin looked up, meeting her eyes for just a moment. “Pinkie Pie....”

“Yep?” She beamed, grinning back.

“Leave me in peace.” His tone was flat and empty.

Pinkie stared at him, blinking rapidly. She didn’t appear to understand.


“I said, leave me in peace.” Paladin repeated firmly, turning back to his meal.

The party pony rubbed her chin, analysing the frank statement. “I don’t think I understand.” She said, rubbing her forehead.

This time his expression was far from. “Go away.” Paladin growled, nearly snarling.

Pinkie backed away, staring with wide eyes at the grumpy pony. Her mouth fell open, wider than should be really possible and eyes just as wide.

“...huh?” She repeated dully.

Devouring the last of his meal Paladin got up from the table, his rapidly swallowed meal sitting heavily in his stomach. He ignored the looks in their eyes, marching away.

“Wait right there.” Bulwark’s voice brooked no nonsense and the look in her eyes was dark. When he didn’t stop her eyes narrowed and she overtook him, flying over him to land in front of the darker pegasus.

Paladin did stop then. He met her eyes straight on. After a moment he snorted and glanced away. “Move.”

“Apologise. Apologise to them for being so rude.” Bulwark shot back. “I told you, you’re not too big or too old for me to take over a chair and redden you behind mister.”

Behind them Rainbow Dash leaned over to Fluttershy. “Did your mother just threaten to spank Paladin?” She asked, voice dripping with disbelief.

Fluttershy gave faint nod. The anger covering the surface of Paladin’s mind was boiling now and all focused on the large mare in front of him.

The indignity, the sheer indignity of being threatened like this set his teeth on edge and exposed in a silent snarl. His wings began to lift, fanning out as he lost control over part of his body that screamed his anger to the world.

Bulwark advanced until they were nearly nose-to-nose. “No joke here Paladin. I don’t give a flying feather what’s shoved a stick up your flank but you do not treat my daughter or her friends like that. You are very lucky I haven’t made you regret it even more. Now the next words out of mouth had best be an apology or you won’t be speaking quite a while on account of the broken jaw I’ll give you.”

Applejack stepped between the two before Paladin could snarl back his answer. “Whoa now, calm down! Ah don’t think continuin’’ this conversation is gonna work out well fer anypony. Bulwark ma’am, Ah appreciate whatcha doin’ but we can decide how ta feel ‘bout it ourselves. Even Fluttershy.”

Paladin didn’t seem to care, using the stance to tread past. Unfortunately now Applejack moved to stand in front of him.

“No ya don’t. Ah can understand ya might be feelin’ a little down but that ain’t no reason to take it out on us.” Applejack scowled at him, her brow creasing. “Ah can take it but that sorta nonsense can hurt other ponies’ feelin’s.” Her eyes flicked towards one mare in particular and she made sure Paladin knew who she meant.

A stab of guilt flashed in Paladin’s eyes and for a second Fluttershy felt it. A wave of anger was called up and his feelings were hidden beneath the raw emotion once more. He snorted, nostrils flaring wildly and stepped around Applejack.

“The feelings of others,” He said coldly, “are no concern of mine.” His tail curled around the handle, pulling the door shut behind him. In the empty corridor. his expression slipped for a moment.

And hopefully mine will cease to be a concern of theirs.’ He thought, trying to summon up more indignant anger so he had time to flee. Perhaps distance would provide some protection from Fluttershy’s unwilling delving into his emotions. He was just fortunate she had failed to understand the direction of his anger. Her reckless empathy and caring would simply bring her more pain if she knew his anger was not truly directed outward, as he wished it to appear.

‘Better for all. My failures stack upon one another and their potential cost grows. If a little pain now will guard them from it, it is a cost I must pay.

Those thoughts were all well and good, until he reached the stairwell where Rainbow Dash appeared in a flash of light and slugged him in the eye.


Twilight stared down at her brother, feeling the cold lump in her throat steadily descending down into her stomach. It wasn’t really there, she knew the feeling of a cold mass was just a mental or physical illusion her anxiety conjured up. That didn’t make it go away, and it didn’t make her brother wake up. His breathing was steady and calm, giving the appearance that he had simply laid down for a nap. He was even in his own bed. The shimmer of magic around him belied the peaceful image, the finely crafted magic trickling across his coat and gathering around his horn. She could feel the arcane energies being dispersed and ordered by the familiar spell work of her mentor.

A pink hoof tapped her on the shoulder and Twilight looked up. Cadance smiled at the unicorn, although she didn’t quite manage to hide her own feelings when her eyes flicked to Shining Armour for a moment.

“He’s going to be fine.” The Princess murmured quietly, soothingly. Privately Twilight wasn’t sure which one of them she was trying to reassure. Privately, Cadance was doing the same.

Twilight nodded slowly. “I know.” She sighed. “Mana-comas only last so long and even with the amount of magic the likely side-effect will just be a lack of telekinesis for a few weeks. But I can’t help but feel....”

She trailed off, staring down at her brother and biting her lip. This time Cadance wrapped her foreleg around Twilight’s shoulders and gently eased her into a hug.

“You have no reason to feel guilty. I know saying that won’t mean much but its true. The moment he wakes up he’s going to ask if you’re alright, the moment after he’s going to make somepony bring him something to write a letter on to tell you not to feel guilty.” Cadance told her, smiling softly down at her unconscious husband. “The moment they bring him a paper and a pen is about when he’ll realise his magic isn’t working and that his mouth-writing is absolutely unintelligible.”

Despite herself Twilight joined in Cadance’s giggle, covering her mouth with a hoof not quite fast enough. They laughed together quietly, the sombre mood of the room dispersing a little. Twilight leaned against Cadance. She was willing to take any support she was offered.

“I know, intellectually, I shouldn’t blame myself.” She finally admitted. “Its just...I still feel like I should. He redirected all that magic, his own and mine, to himself for my sake. My magic hurt him. I love him and I love my magic, but one hurt the other and I just can’t stand the thought of it.”

Cadance stroked Twilight’s mane as she unloaded her feelings. “I know how you feel, at least a little. But I think your brother knows even better, because it was his love for me that was used by that dreadful monster to trap you.”

The thought of the Changeling Queen sent a shudder down Twilight’s spine. She looked at her brother thoughtfully before turning her gaze up to Cadance. “How is he doing with that? I mean, if he wants to keep it private I understand but, well, he’s my brother. Even if he’s my big brother, I want to look out for him like he does for me.”

“That I definitely understand.” Cadance sighed. “He’s doing...better. He still has nightmares about it and he has trouble talking about the time he was under her control. We still don’t know everything that happened out of sight and I’ve gotten the feeling Shining doesn’t want to remember. We’re just lucky- he’s lucky she only had direct control over him for a week or two at most. Not that it means much, but he’s finally talking to somepony about it.”

That surprised Twilight and she looked at Cadance with wide eyes now. “Really? He’s never been a fan of opening himself up to a doctor. I mean, family like me or you, his wife, yes but not to some pony he doesn’t know.”

Cadance shrugged, holding back another sigh. “He isn’t very good at taking breaks either. Unless something drastic comes up, Aunty Celestia promised to make him stay on bed rest for a while. It will drive him up the wall but Bulwark and Iron Buckler can manage the Guard without him.” She snorted, a very un-princessly gesture. “Maybe the pony who was meant to take charge of the Unicorn Guard while Shiny looks to the Guard as a whole will finally get to do his job.” She finally seemed to notice something. “Where’s Spike? I would have thought he would want to see Shining.”

Twilight smiled slightly. “I let him sleep in. He stayed up so late trying to help clean up last night, the little guy was completely tuckered out.”

They passed the next few minutes with quiet chit-chat. Twilight was relieved to turn her attention to less dire subjects and eventually leaned down, giving her unconscious brother a hug before stepping out. Cadance remained behind a few seconds longer, likely doing the same as Twilight, before joining her in the hall outside.

Together the sisters-in-law walked quietly down the hall. Their destination was probably the courtyard but the large white alicorn with an ethereal mane of primary colours waiting from them not far from Shining and Cadance’s room. Celestia smiled down at the smaller ponies.

“I didn’t wish to intrude while you were with Shining Armour,” she explained, “but I wish to talk with Twilight. There are a number of things we have to discuss. If you wish to return to his side Cadance, I would understand. Its only Twilight I need to talk to.”

Cadance nodded and turned, pausing to give Twilight a hug and murmur a promise to let her know if he woke up. The unicorn and her mentor watched Cadance trot back the say she came, silent until she was gone.

Giving her student a gentle, motherly smile Princess Celestia began to lead Twilight down another corridor. The scholarly unicorn didn’t bother asking, simply following the Princess. She was just relieved to be in her company, taking comfort from her presence and maybe staying closer to her side than normal. Celestia didn’t comment, her smile unwavering as she lent silent support to her faithful student.

“So...” Twilight finally spoke, “what did you want to speak to me about?” Unspoken was her question about whether it was about last night.

Celestia answered the question she hadn’t been asked. “Last night’s events brought certain things to my attention. I have a new assignment for you; research, into a now rare branch of magic.”

That more than perked Twilight’s interest and she looked at her teacher with new energy in her steps and fire in her eyes. “Research? Really?” She asked excitedly.

The alicorn let out a quiet chuckle at Twilight’s reaction and gave her a calming smile when the unicorn blushed. “I am glad to see you haven’t lost that passion for research. Even so, I hesitate to give you this assignment.” She sighed. “It borders darker magics, powers which have led to shadows engulfing whole kingdoms in the past.”

Looking away, Celestia’s gave swung to the north for a few seconds before she looked back down at Twilight. Her expression was grave.

“Twilight Sparkle, I wish for you to delve into soul magic; specifically soul magic relating to the fragmenting and merging of souls and spirits. The knowledge such research may garner in your hold may be of a grave and dangerous nature but my trust in you is greater than my fear of that knowledge spreading into the wrong hooves.” She came to a halt, standing before a opening in the wall that showed a view of the city below. “I will not make you do this Twilight. Such an undertaking can only be done by one who is willing and fully understands the risks.”

Twilight opened her mouth, snapping it shut before she said a word. She looked up at her mentor and nodded. “I want to say yes, but if I do I might seem like I’m just doing it to not let you down.” She took a deep breath. “I need to think about it. If I only accept to make you happy, I’m not sure I would really be doing you proud.”

A small smile spread across Celestia’s face, breaking her serious demeanour. She let out a deep breath. “Oh, thank you Twilight. You do me proud every day. Hearing you say that only makes me realise how much my faithful student has grown.”

Twilight blushed. She tried to ignore the heat warming her cheeks at the praise. “Oh, well, I just thought...I guess I’ve learned a lot about making choices.” She looked down. “If you have time to think about it, take it. Sometimes you get faced with a choice and you don’t have time to think. If you aren’t ready you might regret your choice, even if it seems like the best decision you could make at the time.”

It was obvious what - who - she was referring to.

“Paladin.” Celestia sighed, closing her eyes to hide her eyes. She didn’t need to open them to know Twilight was nodding. “Or rather, Tyrael. He is likely to be in some distress after last night.”

“Was that...’Ardleon’ his friend?” Twilight asked.

Celestia shook her head and shrugged. the un-Princessly gesture a welcome relaxing in private. “I am afraid I do not know. My knowledge of the Angelic Host is limited. The world Tyrael comes from is distant, far from my sight. I have had little interest in looking beyond our world either. Perhaps it was short-sighted of me in that regard, but I have for so long been concerned with matters closer to home.”

“I’m sure we can help him, whatever it is.” Twilight gave a quiet giggle. “Its not like anypony is going to try punching him out of it, we’re better at these sort of things than that.”

Celestia shared her laugh. “Quite. Although I can imagine Rainbow Dash going to drastic measures. You have wonderful friends Twilight, even if one or two lack...tact.”

Together student and teacher enjoyed a small laugh, a minor amusement to make their tasks a little lighter, a little less draining. Both were surprised when a deep laugh joined in from above. Twilight didn’t realise there was somepony else laughing until it drowned out hers and Celestia’s.

“Funny joke, I tink.” A heavily accented voice muttered in her ear as a big weighty thing that was most certainly not a hoof patted her on the shoulder.

Twilight let out a shriek and jumped nearly eight feet into the air. The Monkey King let out another chuckle as he watched her land. He gave the Princess a grin and shrug in response to her mildly reproving glare that thinly masked her own amusement.

Her chest heaving, Twilight gave the royal monkey a glare. “That...” she said between breaths as her heart slowly stopped trying to rip itself free of her chest, “...was...rude.”

The Monkey King shrugged. “A bit, I’ give ya dat.” He admitted, giving her a wide grin to go with the confession.

“Which accent is this?” Celestia asked quietly, smiling serenely.

Again he shrugged. Now it was pointed out, Twilight realised that the Monkey King’s accent didn’t quite match what she had heard from him the night before. She frowned, her thoughts trotting along in an orderly fashion as she began to process the facts she had.

“You have more than one accent. And you don’t need any of them. You fake accents.” She concluded without her frown budging. “...your majesty.” She added.

His wide, toothy grin was all the answer she needed. The Monkey King waved one of his large hands. Twilight gave the odd features a curious look and her gaze darted down to his feet.

“Dun be worryin’ ‘bout titles, little pony. To such a fine young mare, I am merely humble Wukong.” His voice went from one accent to another mid-statement, becoming as polite and smooth as any gentlecolts’.

Celestia let out a bark of laughter that seemed to take even her by surprise, judging by her blush and the way she tried to cover it. “O-oh Wukong, you, humble!” She gasped, trying to restrain the sheer hilarity this comment had to her.

“Hey now, I be de’ most humble of ape ya ever met.” He jerked a thumb at Twilight. “Technically, she ain’t met any ‘udder apes.”

“I have read about them though. Um, if you don’t mind me asking...Wukong? Your title is ‘Monkey King’ and the others you brought with you all match what I know about monkeys. But you don’t have webbed feet, and all my books say monkeys do. You also have rounded nostrils, but monkeys like your retinue have slits.” Twilight listed off, pointing at different body parts. It occurred to her suddenly that she was questioning royalty on his breeding. For some reason, it was just so easy to relax around him.

Nodding along, Wukong glanced at the Princess and smiled. “You have a most learned young mare as your apprentice, old friend.” He said in his sophisticated voice once again. “But you forgot; apes don’t have-”

“-tails!” Twilight blushed at her own exclamation but pushed on. “It slipped my mind. Monkeys might be primates, but they are not apes and you called yourself an ape. So...” Her expression turned thoughtful again.

Princess and King exchanged looks. They were content to wait for her to work whatever it was out, both relaxing. The glance they shared didn’t pass Twilight’s notice and suddenly something clicked into place.

“You’re a combination of traits! Like an alicorn has unicorn, earth pony and pegasus traits, you have traits shared by the subspecies within primates.” Twilight realised, nodding to herself. “You’re also larger than them, much like Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.”

The elder beings shared another look, one proud and the other impressed,

“Ah, a smart one.” Wukong smiled down at the pony. “Impressive. But we seem to have been sidetracked. Ya were talkin’ about de ponified angel, yeah?” He stroked his goatee as he looked thoughtfully at her. “He’s a curious one, alright.”

Twilight blinked, trying to hide her surprise. “You know what he is?”

“‘Course I do, felt the way he tore inta our world from halfway ‘cross it.” The Monkey King rumbled, scratching his chin. “Plus, Tia told me.”

Celestia coughed slightly, trying to hide her blush at the nickname being used in front of her student. “Wukong, if you have something useful to add, please do so. I’m sure my student wishes to join her friends for breakfast. No... monkeying about.” Her features twitched for a moment, the only sign her well practiced control let through.

Even Twilight winced at that pun and the Monkey King glared at the Princess. With a great sigh he nodded. “De angel who attacked, he ain’t dead. His power lingers on da plane of spirits, sending ripples across the world. I can feel it even now, echoing and haunting. Wherever he is, he survives but not unscathed. Something has changed.” His voice became deadly serious. “I know not what it was but I sense darkness ahead. The spirit plane trembles.”

Twilight stared at the towering primate, eyes wide. “W-what?”

“My children are preparing for our departure even now. I must return and set to work calming the spirit plane.” Wukong went on, gesturing at the balcony. They followed him out and looked down; in the courtyard below monkeys were busy at work organising their supplies and luggage. “Whatever the angel does next, I fear the burden will rest on you and yours to counter, Celestia.”

The Princess nodded serenely. “I suspect the same. He knows Tyrael is here, if he lives I doubt he will be any more reasonable.” She agreed with Wukong.

With a gesture of his hand two of the powerfully built monkey warriors from below began to scale the wall until they reached the balcony. “Dis be tw a’ my strongest warriors; Mojo an’ Riko be mighty warriors of the Jade Jungle tribes.”

Their wooden armour clattered as both monkeys kneeled before the Princess. Each was garbed in colourful wood armour, the colours applied in a splotchy fashion as though a child had been left with idle hands and an endless supply of paints. Curved pauldrons covered one’s shoulders, the other left his bare while unlike his fellow armouring his head with a grill eye-plated helm. The bare headed monkey’s wild mane was a chaotic mess, the haft of crossed spears on his back poking through the messy hair.

“Have them guard Paladin or any other purpose and they will serve faithfully.” He finished in his ever-shifting accent. “Whatever you do, be certain of it. The wrathful angel will not give you time to recover should you err in your response. You will not be the only ones to suffer if you falter.”

“We will do our best. It was wonderful to see you again. Visit again soon, please.” Celestia stepped forward and shared a hug with the primate. He clasped her with his long arms. “Be sure to say farewell to my sister before you go.”

“I shall do both, once our world knows peace once more.” He promised, releasing her and stepping back. To Twilight he nodded. “Good luck, Twilight Sparkle.” With that he took another step back, vanishing from sight as he stepped into empty air.

Gasping in shock Twilight rushed forward. “Oh no! He-” A bellowing laugh interrupted her and the Monkey King waved. He hung upside down from the bottom of the balcony, laughing loudly.


Twilight stepped back, her expression doing much to convey her inability to find humour in the situation. She was too old for it to be a pout, at least in her opinion, although if she had been asked, Celestia might have disagreed. As she wasn’t asked, she just settled for not laughing out loud.

“Come with us, please.” The Princess said to the monkey warriors. “Come now Twilight, let us continue our discussion.” Turning from the warriors, she smiled at her student. “Don’t let his jokes and tricks deceive you; when Wukong gives a warning, he means it.”

Sighing, Twilight followed her mentor back into the hall and deeper into the elaborate palace. Behind them Mojo and Riko followed, following them easily with the long, odd gait of their kind. To Twilight it looked like every step they were able to start using only their lower legs but never quite committing to it.

“What did he mean, the ‘spirit plane’?” Twilight asked, already going through her mental library for any references to it. “I can remember a few references to something called the spirit world, is it related to that?”

“Correct. Just as I control the sun, and Luna controls the moon, Wukong maintains the spirit realm. It is no less vital than what my sister and I do. When a soul passes on, chaos in the spirit plane can delay their passage or trap them here. It is linked to him and so long as Wukong strives to keep peace and harmony, so too will the spirit realm know peace.” A shudder ran through the alicorn. “It took him months to calm the spirits of the world after Discord spread chaos for less than a day.”

Twilight shuddered as well at the mention of the crazed creature. She would need to research this ‘spirit plane’, but if Discord did as much damage to it as he did the physical world she could imagine how much of a task it must have been repairing it.

“I know I said I needed time, but after that warning...if the angel, Ardleon, is alive we don’t have time to lose.” Twilight said with a worried note to her voice. “If you think it will help, I’ll start right away.”

A sigh of relief escaped Celestia. “Thank you Twilight, it is a burden taken from me to hear you accept. I have done some tentative research in my time, and what I have uncovered will be given to you immediately. This is a dangerous subject to study, I must warn you. But we must know more about how the angelic energies have bonded to the souls of you and your friends, now more than ever.” Her eyes narrowed. “I will not tolerate another attack on any of my little ponies, especially not my own student.”

Twilight’s first thought was to be flattered at the protectiveness her teacher was displaying. Her second was worry that the princess would do something rash. Her third was just the first, coming back and squeeing happily as it enjoyed the attention. With an effort of will she suppressed it, blushing at her own childishness at getting attention from the pony who was as much her idol as Rainbow Dash was Scootaloo’s.

By the time she was done, Twilight realised the Princess was looking down at her with a far too knowing look for her comfort. Fortunately Celestia said nothing, just smiling.

“I intended to send you back to home to Ponyville for the comfort to research there, but with the news from Wukong I must ask you to remain here. I will ensure your friends do not need to rush home either.”

Relieved for not bringing up the reason she had been blushing, Twilight listened attentively. “I assume Paladin will be staying as well? He will be the most in danger.”

They reached a set of stairs and began to go down at a sedate pace, the monkey warriors following. Twilight thought she heard something like a chuckle and glanced back. Both looked as emotionless and on-guard as any royal guard, although she could only see one of their faces. She frowned and looked forward again.

“I feel it would be the correct course. Another good reason for you to remain with your friends, as I doubt he would be content to just remain here alone.” Celestia said. “A brief visit to Ponyville to organise your things can be arranged for all of you and then you must return.”

Twilight started to nod when she heard another chuckle. Quick as whip she turned her head, just in time to catch the helmeted monkey shuffling back into place. The other monkey, his face bare, looked a bit too steady and reserved. Suspiciously she turned her head away.

“Applejack will be happy to hear that, she doesn’t like just dropping everything on her brother.” They were in the wing of the palace housing her friends, right next to her own room. Each step down the stairs took them closer to the courtyard their breakfast was being served for Rainbow Dash’s benefit. Twilight would be happy to see her friends again. “And I’m sure the others will be relieved as well. When we get back we’ll do our best to keep Paladin from getting too...depressed.” She winced. “His state last night was horrible, it was like he was in shock.”

Celestia agreed, her eyes darting back and her lips twitching for a moment before going serious again. The bare-headed monkey was sliding down the stone railing, his arms out like he was tight rope walking while the other primate shook with suppressed laughter.

“I’m sure you can help him.” Celestia said with a smile, not giving away what was going on as the monkey got back in position just before Twilight looked again.

Sighing as she glared at the monkeys for whatever it was they were doing, or for making her crazy, Twilight just nodded. They rounded another turn in the stairwell and her eyes widened in surprise. “Oh, Pala-”

A bright flash interrupted her. Twilight averted her eyes, hearing the loud thump rather than seeing the source. Celestia, for whom the light meant nothing, got to see Rainbow Dash punch Paladin in the face. She considered her previous statement not so long ago.

Whoops.’ She thought.

Paladin recoiled from the surprise attack, a muted cry of pain nearly forcing its way out his mouth. The glare of the teleportation had blinded him to the alicorn, unicorn and monkeys and the punch had fixed his attention firmly on Rainbow Dash. One of his forehooves struck out, shoving Rainbow Dash away.

“Blasted pony!” He roared, stepping back and fighting the urge to reach up for his eye. Pain radiated from his right socket through his face. “How dare-”

Rainbow Dash didn’t let him get any further. “How dare I?” She thundered. “No, you don’t get to say that, not now! We just pulled you out of a feathering bush, you selfish prick! We don’t get thanks, we get you being an ass to us all! I don’t care if some old buddy of yours is a jerk, we’re your friends and friends don’t act like that. Trust me, I know. You might have some reason for being whatever the hell you’re being right now but that’s no excuse.”

He stared at her with his one good eye, grinding his teeth. “Do not,” He ground out, “lecture me, child. I have watched worlds created and destroyed. I have struck down legions of beasts the likes of which you see in your nightmares.”

“Yeah, and so what?” Rainbow Dash shot at him with a sneer. “Maybe you have, I don’t care. All I know is that you’re acting like a jerk. You don’t say thanks, you just eat and walk away, you nearly get into a fight with Bulwark, what the hay is wrong with you?”

Paladin’s glare was heated and even as one eye swelled shut he managed to make his remaining good eye burn with fury. “That is no concern of yours. Now get out of my way before I make you.”

“No concern of mine?” Rather than treated Rainbow Dash advanced. She was confident Paladin wouldn’t really try to hurt her, even the way he had shoved her away had been done gently. She had seen him really going all out when she taught him what she knew of fighting. That had been a poke by his standards. “I’m your friend, of course its a concern of mine.”

He snorted darkly stepped around her, his half-glare still locked on her. “We are not friends. You are a troublesome, egomaniacal fool frightened of hallways and any space smaller than your own unfounded ego.”

Rainbow Dash’s jaw fell open limply at his declaration. “W-what?! Not friends?” She snapped her jaw shut. “That’s too far. I don’t care what is wrong with you, don’t say that.”

“She’s right!” Both of them looked up the stairs were Twilight stood. Her eyes were fixed on Paladin. “Paladin, Ardleon hurt you last night by what he did but don’t let that-”

“I let it do nothing.” He hissed, his wings fluffing out aggressively. Behind Twilight, Celestia watched silently. The reproving look in her eyes pained him just as much as his eye or the hurt in Rainbow Dash’s expression. “Everything I do is my own decision. His betra- actions mean nothing to me.”

Twilight was unconvinced and she made it known. “Even if you say that, we both know it isn’t true. He’s still alive Paladin, and pushing us away won’t help if he comes back for you.” If she hoped knowing the angel was alive would help, she was wrong.

Then what I do becomes that much more important.’ Paladin knew that even as his body froze with shock. For a moment horror broke through the rage he cloaked his mind in. He quickly suppressed it, hoping Fluttershy hadn’t felt it. “That..it doesn’t matter.” He denied.

Rainbow Dash’s anger and hurt were still burning but now her focus had been broken off Paladin. She had teleported on instinct, not caring about where he was. Now she began to feel the weight of her surroundings, the sheer entrapment of the tight corridor around her. She gulped trembling as she began to pant, her eyes darting about.

Paladin heard the beginnings of Rainbow Dash’s panic attack and without thought turned, his mouth opening to offer something to assure her she was not alone. Before he could his thoughts caught up with him. Grimacing he reversed his forward step towards her and stepped back. He hated himself even more but it was necessary. Now he knew Ardleon lived, he had to put distance between them.

“I am returning to my room.” He said hoarsely, turning away and heading down the corridor in search of another stairwell to use before he gave in.

Twilight saw her cocky friend’s distress, but she saw her other friend’s distress too. Whatever he said, Paladin had began to comfort Rainbow Dash before he stopped himself. His first instinct had been to help her. As she rushed down to soothe the trembling pegasus she knew that, whatever he said, Paladin was still their friend. He could try to cut himself off, but he failed to realise what he was up against.

She was Twilight Sparkle and everything she knew about friendship told her that he needed friends now more than ever.


Paladin reached his room and collapsed onto his bed. He slammed a powerful hoof into the too-soft comfort of his bed. He felt something beneath it break. It didn’t make him feel that much better.

“Damn. Damn. Damn.” He swore, striking again. “DAMN!” He roared.

It shouldn’t be possible for him to be doing this, at least not when he was Tyrael. Angels were what they did and thought. The path an angel walked defined them from thought to action. To think of being just was to be just. All his actions had followed that thought, had been defined by that thought. Tyrael had chosen to not turn his back on them when the Nightmare’s dark roots ensnared them because he thought it the just thing to do and he was justice. While he might have difficulty finding the path of justice, once found he could not turn from it. To do so would be to cease being Tyrael. To do so would be to be cease being himself.

Yet here he was, angrily snarling at them in an act he knew was wrong. It was a path of seclusion and self-destruction visible from a world away but he simply couldn’t face them with his guilt laid bare. They would try to help, try to assuage it and make him feel better. He would become closer to them even as they took away the pain he knew he deserved. Pain that beat at his heart, the furious words of his former follower’s betrayal lingering like poison in his memory.

Because if they remained his friends, remained close to him, they would become targets. The angelic essence would be strengthened and their potential would grow.

And Ardleon would destroy them. He would see them as thieves of Tyrael’s power and he would kill them to reclaim it. They would die, and it would be his fault. He brought Ardleon’s wrath on this world, because he was too weak. They would die because of it, because of him.

The thought of it.....the thought...

The thought terrified him.



Hate was so easy. Ardleon felt the windigos swirling around him, a living cloak of winter draping the world around him. So very easy. These simple creatures fed off it and at first it seemed a foul thing. Yet that foulness had sustained him and what little energy they could give had strengthened Ardleon enough to survive. Yet he was still weak. Weakness.

It sickened him. Ardleon glared balefully at the dome of gold the windigos were assaulting. His weakness demanded that he allow the foul beasts to destroy it. He was still so weak and every moment of it simply made his fury grow and with his fury his hate for the mortals who had done this reached new heights. At the thought of the mortals the herd stirred, feeding off his hate.

He reached slowly, achingly, out stroking the ethereal mane of one of the windigos. It neighed softly and nuzzled his armoured hand. His fist bunched, crushing its head. With a whimper it reformed its head, pained but ‘alive’, if such a term could be applied to these creatures. Disgusting but useful. He could use them.

Fear. He could use that as well. It was wafting from the golden dome. The three mortals within, the trickster beasts that had sent him into a trap, they cowered within just as they had done barely a day of this world’s time ago. With it came desperate hope and attuning his senses for a moment Ardleon was nearly amused. Hope for him to save them again. It was almost funny.

Another howling windigo struck the barrier and its shimmering light diminished. The beast reformed and joined the living blizzard swirling like a dark halo above it shield. Had he eyes they would have narrowed, as it was his impatience grew with no visible sign. Even unable to truly communicate with him the windigos felt it. Their rate of attack grew, his hate fueling them.

At last the dome shimmered with a final impact and gave way. Its destruction sent a pulse of pleasure through Ardleon. He straightened as they carried him down. It hurt - it actually hurt, like a discordant note in the angelic music of his soul - to move at all, his armoured form creaking. Yet still he could command such destruction. His hate grew with each painful note shot into his being and that hate commanded the beasts, the mortals’ fear fed them and drew them into a greater, hungrier frenzy and thus his windigos brought destruction as he desired.

Gold Hollow collapsed in the snow, panting. Her horn flickered weakly but she could do nothing now. Her entire magical reserve had been drained trying to keep the windigos out. She cursed her own weakness, Cryptic’s uselessness and Iron Wing having wings instead of a horn. The pegasus was standing over her even now, but he would be helpless to fight off the windigos.

“Don’t worry.” Cryptic gave them both a weak, trembling smile. “I-I’m sure he’ll come back. He saved us once, why not again?” Neither was convinced and they knew he wasn’t, but it was his nature to try. "He'll....He'll come back."

“Indeed, so I have.” A cold voice snarled. “You will find no salvation in me, mortal.” The voice spat the word like a curse. The windigos surrounded them like the heart of a storm, baleful eyes glaring at the confused ponies.

“W-what?” Cryptic Word stared around in shock.

From within the mists Ardleon materialised. His once gleaming armour creaked, marred by stains that seemed to spread from gaping splits in his shell, as though great pressure had cracked and shattered his form. He hung within the mass of windigos limply, like a puppet with its strings cut. The misty ghost-flesh of the windigos seemed to seep into the wounds in his armour, as though trying to fill them but never quite enough to do it.

His eyeless glare struck the unicorn like a blow and he retreated a step.

“Frostiron.” Ardleon hissed the word the creatures had whispered to him, a vision of cold metal instilled with the essence of blizzards and winters, born from the ice where naturals magics gathered in tundras and glaciers.

A metal to which the word the mortal before him had uttered not so long ago. Horror appeared in Cryptic Word’s eyes as he realised why the creature had returned. Two large, bulging sacks rested to his right, their precious cargo stored away in magically contained sub-zero temperatures.

Gleaming fragments of his shattered swords and their lonely hilts with irregular broken remnants left of their blades floated in an arc above Ardleon as he advanced. The glare that wasn’t there seemed to grow, a weight crushing him down. Around them the windigos howled, basking in the renewed hate and fear feeding them.

“Tell me of this metal, mortal.” Snarling each word Ardleon glared balefully down. “Tell me of this frostiron.” A windigo swept past Cryptic Word, its chill wind blasting Iron Wing to the ground. “Or they die.”

Everything in the unicorn told him that whatever this thing wanted with the frostiron the Princesses had sent them to get, it wasn’t for the sake of others. Nothing good would come of it.

A windigo flowed over Gold Hollow, neighing hungrily.

He made his choice.

Author's Note:

And theeeeeere we go. Chapter 21, Guilty Justice. Paladin is torn up by guilt from believing he's going to get his friends killed and lashing out in reaction to the pain of betrayal from Ardleon's actions. He's quite the mess and he's just making the hole he's digging for himself bigger. Try not to hate him too much.

Please comment, I love comments aplenty. Hopefully I can get the next chapter out a bit sooner, who knows.

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