• Published 17th Jun 2012
  • 33,441 Views, 2,241 Comments

Justice Itself - Autocharth

Tyrael destroyed the Worldstone, saving mankind and blasting himself unintentionally across reality.

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Act II - Ch. 9 Alarm

Here’s chapter 9! Not too much to say beforehand. I hope you enjoy the read? Any comments from Merujea, whose user-name has some element about it that still eludes me, below!

Hey everypony, sorry for the wait. I’ve been trying to sort out some rather personal affairs this past week in addition to preparing for my second-ever anime con that’s happening in a few days, so things have been a bit crazy (well, crazier than usual that is). In any case, how about I stop myself there before I begin rambling and let you guys get to the actual story? Enjoy!


Chapter 9 Alarm


The collapse of the old house near the market had attracted some attention, as it struck the balance between normal bad thing and a weird bad thing, the latter of which had become more common since Twilight Sparkle moved into town.

Those who had approached the area were treated to a slightly...odder sight.

“Let go!”


Applejack’s jaw was starting to get sore. Her hooves dug a furrow into the dirt and her neck was starting to ache a little but she refused to let go. Following in her easily tracked wake ran Rarity and Caramel, Pinkie having dragged Fluttershy off in another direction at some point.

“Let go!” repeated Rainbow Dash, panting despite her usual stamina. Her wings beat at the air as she crisscrossed the streets of Ponyville, fighting against the weight clamped to her tail.

“Neb ar!” was Applejack’s muffled but defiant response. She simply tried to dig her hooves deeper and slow the fleeing pegasus. It was going to take more than twenty minutes of this to make her give up.

In pursuit Rarity called out between deep breaths “Hold on dear! We’re -huff- coming!” Panting in what was a most unladylike fashion she nevertheless forced her legs to keep going.

Being slightly fitter Caramel could have tried to close with Applejack but chose to stay next to Rarity while keeping Rainbow Dash and her passenger in sight. The only reason they hadn’t lost the pair yet was because Dash seemed unable to fly in a straight line, zigzagging in attempts to knock Applejack free while stopping short of doing anything dangerous.

Not that he considered much would hurt Applejack if she survived a house falling on her head without harm.

Rainbow Dash zoomed towards the edge of town while keeping clear of buildings and trees. Despite the pull on her tail and the soreness in her wings Dash was feeling more confident as they approached empty air. All that stood in her way was the bridge over the small river and hopefully that would shake Applejack off. The very last thing Rainbow Dash wanted to was to, urgh, talk about it.

The expression of almost fatal stubbornness Applejack was wearing said it wouldn’t work. Glancing in the direction they were going, something caused her to blink, just in case she was seeing things.

What the hay is that filly doin’?’ she wondered, staring at the sign Pinkie was waving from under the bridge, angled so Rainbow Dash couldn’t see it from her elevated position. Wishing she could sigh, Applejack read the sign.

She better have a plan.’ Applejack thought. ‘A proper plan, ah mean.’ she mentally amended. Pinkie switched to another sign bearing the words ‘Trust me! Pinkie Promise!’ with a helpful picture of Twilight poking herself in the eye. Below that were four exclamation marks.

Nonetheless, just as Rainbow Dash reached the bridge Applejack reluctantly let go. The determined earth pony giving up was not something Rainbow Dash, even with the bridge, had been expecting short of Discord turning up so she was totally unprepared for the loss of her weight. She shot forward suddenly disorienting her for a few seconds.

The moment she was above the bridge the sound of ropes slithering, snapping and the whoosh of something moving through air at high speed came from beneath it. Launched up came Pinkie Pie riding her party cannon as it was effectively catapulted from under the bridge. It promptly opened fire. How she had managed to fit the larger than usual cannon under the not all that big bridge was a question best left for another day. The answer would still be “Pinkie Pie” but why deal with a logical impossibility today when you can put it off until tomorrow?

Regardless of how she did it Pinkie’s plan showed itself to be successful, the cannon firing something large right into Rainbow Dash.

When the smoke cleared Rainbow Dash was lying in a dazed pile on the ground bound in a heavily weighted net made of what looked like a strange combination of confetti, streamers and chains.

“Gotcha!” screamed Pinkie cheerfully, jumping off her party cannon and trotting over to the recumbent pegasus with a smile. “That was fun!”

Hurrying over the bridge, being sure to go around the part where the party cannon sat heavily on the worryingly creaking bridge, Applejack gave Pinkie a grateful smile.

“Thanks fer that sugarcube, mah jaw was gettin’ a little sore.” She said before turning to Rainbow Dash, who had yet to speak. “Now, fer y-” her words were lost when she saw Dash’s expression.

Rainbow Dash was shaking, her eyes blank as she struggled against her bonds. Her mouth moved, whispering something to herself. After a moment Applejack realised what it was.


Her shaking grew and so did the volume of her mad mantra. Wings and legs strained to force the tightly wrapped constrictors away without success.

Fluttershy emerged from under the bridge a few seconds before Caramel and Rarity arrived, all in time to see tears dripping down Rainbow Dash’s cheeks while Pinkie and Applejack rushed to get her free.

“Why’re these things so darned tight?” snarled Applejack, searching desperately for a way to loosen them.

Pinkie was in barely a better state then Rainbow Dash. She was just trying to help and now Dashie was crying and frowning and it was all wrong wrong wrong-

“Stand back!” cried Rarity, her horn lighting up. Hours of untangling ribbons, lace and wayward strings coupled with a talent for delicate work were applied to the task of helping her friend. She looked at the mess of chain and confetti and how Applejack and Pinkie had missed the obvious flaw in its binding was amazing. In seconds Rainbow Dash was free. She continued to sob and shake in place, fear overwhelming any possible thoughts.

The first to her side was Fluttershy, wrapping her hooves around Rainbow’s neck and pulling her close.

“It’s alright now.” She whispered comfortingly. “Ssh, it’s alright. Just let it out.” Fluttershy rocked her oldest friend and ran a hoof through her mane. A week of barely any sleep and all the day’s drama, not to mention dragging Applejack halfway through Ponyville caught up with Rainbow Dash and within minutes she was out like a light.

Pinkie spent the entire time being reassured by Rarity it wasn’t her fault in the slightest and resisting the drooping of her mane.

“This” Applejack muttered to herself, guilt and worry warring inside, “is worse than Ah thought.”

With no idea what was going on Caramel could only agree.


Tyrael came to a stop, the plough stopping with him. He glanced at Big Macintosh and asked impassively “Was that satisfactory?”

The red farmpony said nothing for a few seconds, eventually remembering to close his mouth. “E-Eeyup.” He managed, gazing at the perfectly ploughed field. Each row was straight without flaw as though they had been drawn on with a pencil and ruler. Paladin had needed some tips with making turns but everything he was told was absorbed without comment and never was the same mistake repeated twice.

“Very well. What shall my next task be?” asked Paladin, shifting slightly in unconscious response to aches across his body.

Considering the pegasus had just done the field quickly and done it as well as Big Mac ever had he was tempted to just have him move on to the next field. Big Mac changed his mind quickly, remembering the other jobs he needed to see what else Paladin could do.

“Let’s give applebuckin’ a go.” He told Paladin as he helped him remove the harness for the plough.

Paladin inclined his head in agreement and followed Big Mac without a word. Another tick for the strange pegasus; he was stoic and not particularly talkative. As a pony of few words himself Big Mac appreciated the silence.

Saved mah sisters’, saved Applejack’s friends, best plougher Ah’ve ever seen and he ain’t a chatterbox. Almost too good ta be true.’ the red stallion mused. ‘Thank Celestia. If he’s anywhere near as good with applebuckin’ as he is the plough we’re in for a good year.

Coming to the first apple tree with ripe red apples, Big Mac turned to the prospective employee. “’S all ‘bout kickin’ it the right way.” He explained shortly. “Now, Ah ain’t much of a talker so not sure Ah’ll be able to explain this. Only pony Ah’ve ever needed ta teach was Applejack an’ she’s an Apple.”

The two-toned pegasus considered this without a change of expression. “I see. If you would allow me to see, I shall do my best to imitate you.”

Big Mac nodded in agreement and turned around to bring his rear to the tree. Motioning for Paladin to come around the side to look properly he braced and with a tremendous surge of muscle struck the tree. In truth, most of the focus Big Mac required was to not hit the tree too hard and damage it.

Apples rained into the large buckets placed strategically around the tree.

“Again, if you would.” Paladin asked quietly.

Glancing at him curiously Big Mac complied anyway. Three more times Paladin had requested he repeat the feat and each time his eyes bored into Big Mac as he studied him.

At last, he nodded in satisfaction. “My thanks. I am ready to make an attempt.”

With little ceremony Big Mac placed buckets under another apple tree and moved back. All he saw was Paladin moving into position, mirroring his own stance quite well thanks to their similar builds, and giving the tree a good buck.

What actually happened, what had been happening since the first demonstration, was an intense mental exercise.

Though Tyrael had lacked muscles in the same way as mortals or demons up until a week ago he had been fighting creatures of tremendous physical power for most of his lengthy existence. Part of his vast experience was experience earned from observing his foes even as he fought them.

All those millennia of battle, of watching the smallest twitch of muscles from creatures of myriad form, were put to use analysing Big Mac’s applebucking technique. A mind that once spent days in passionate debate with his kin in the Courts of Justice over the words and spirit of the laws of Heaven turned to kicking apples off a tree.

Tyrael dissected the flow of restrained might within his memory and began to essentially reverse-engineer it. As he did so the ‘former’ Archangel felt admiration for the farmpony watching him. Clearly Big Mac was far stronger than his demonstration had shown yet he held that power within the constraints of tight control. There was no greater test then to have power surpassing others and yet deny yourself it.

It was, to use a cliché, the start of a beautiful friendship. Not that Tyrael realised this.

Big Mac’s jaw dropped as, for a second time, Paladin reproduced something which had taken him years to develop. “Holy horseshi-”

“Big Mac!” a stern voice called out, interrupted him.

The large stallion spun to find Granny Smith approaching. She was, as he was relieved to find, too far to have heard him.

“Jus’ tryin’ out a new worker, Granny.” he answered quickly.

The elderly mare slowly made her way to them. Paladin had turned to face her as well with his usual bland expression.

She scowled at her grandson. “New worker? Ah don’t ‘member nothin’ about no new worker.”

“Seein’ what he can do, Granny,” Explained Big Mac nervously. Granny Smith did always get a bit...stubborn where Sweet Apple Acres was concerned. Privately Big Mac thought his sister and grandmother were too strict with hiring new workers for anything more than less important jobs.

“Ya ain’t even introduced us yet, whippersnapper.” She snapped, eyes turning to Paladin.

Big Mac winced. ‘Bad start.’ “Ah’m sorry. Granny Smith, this here is Paladin. Paladin, this is mah granny, Granny Smith.”

“Ah don’t think Ah know ya, sonny.” She approached Paladin slowly, eyeing him in consideration. Her eyes darted over to the apple-filled barrels. “Was that yer applebuckin’?”

“It was.” Paladin nodded placidly.

She seemed to think about this for a minute. “Well” Granny Smith said at last “Ah ‘pose y’all will do. Ain’t gonna turn away a farmhoof who done saved both o’ mah granddaughters either. Apple family knows how to pay its debts. Ya got the job.” She smiled at last and nodded to Big Mac. He let out a breath he hadn’t realised he was holding.

“Thank you. It will be honour to assist the orchard.” Paladin told her, looking at the trees around him before going on. “I will do my best, no less than such a place deserves.”

“Such a place?” asked Granny suspiciously.

He didn’t seem to notice that. “Indeed. Twilight Sparkle told me of the history of your orchard and in particular your own role in Ponyville’s founding. Such dedication is something worthy of respect.”

The old mare looked unsure how to take this before finally settling on ‘pleased’. “Well, don’t that just make an old filly’s day. Y’all ever want ta hear some more ‘bout those days Ah’ll be happy to spin ya a tale or two.” Tittering in happiness Granny Smith turned and headed back to the house.

Big Mac let out a sigh of relief and turned to Paladin, opening his mouth to say something when she looked over her shoulder and pierced him with a glare.

“An’ if Ah hear anymore language like that young’un y’all be over my knee like when ye were a foal. Ah don’t care if the new farmhoof sees ya bein’ spanked like a little colt, ya hear?” she demanded.

Blushing, Big Mac lowered his head. “Eeyup.” He sent Paladin a pleading look, as if asking him to forget this. Paladin looked on expressionlessly, though the edge of his mouth twitched.

She nodded in satisfaction and turned away once more. This time Big Mac waited until the door of the house closed before sighing in relief.

“Let’s practice that buckin’ some more.” He said for lack of any other distractions. Something distantly related to amusement gleamed in Paladin’s blue eyes as he complied.

They were making good progress well into the late afternoon and Paladin was proving his merit already when Applejack came trotting through the trees.

Tyrael glanced up, having heard her before she came into sight. “Applejack,” He greeted her with his habitual stiff nod.

“Paladin,” She nodded back and he couldn’t help but notice that she seemed distracted.

Where Tyrael had eons experience of detecting the smallest give away in the muscles of a pouncing demon-beast he lacked much skill with noticing emotions. While he saw that something was off largely thanks the way she moved, the lack of her usual self-assurance, Big Mac saw far more.

“What’s wrong?” he demanded instantly, approaching her with concern in his eyes.

Applejack hesitated. “It’s...its Rainbow. She’s in a bad way.”

“What happened?” Frowning, he threw a hoof over her neck and patted her reassuringly.

Tyrael approached as well. “Her fear struck again?”

She nodded. “Sure did. The girls are lookin’ after her out near her place. Not sure she’ll even go back into her own home when she wakes.”

“It would seem she needs you more than the farm right now.” Observed the dark pegasus, not actually asking anything but there was a question in his words nonetheless.

“Ah know that! But Ah thought Ah’d come get ya.” Applejack explained quickly.

“Me?” his eyes widened in surprise.

“Yeah, you sugarcube. RD woulda never got out o’ that trap without ya, just like the rest of us. Besides, Ah thought...” she trailed off awkwardly.

He cocked an eyebrow curiously, a sentiment mirrored by Big Mac. “You thought what?”

“Well, ya seem ta know a lot about this kinda thing an’ Twi’ said somethin’ about thinkin’ ya might have been dealin’ with dangerous stuff” Admitted Applejack. She was fairly certain Twilight wouldn’t mind her telling Paladin, especially for something this important. Besides it wasn’t like it was a secret or anything, just idle speculation.

Tyrael wondered at that privately. Technically it was true. In fact he had been dealing with the most dangerous stuff anywhere short of the Prime Evil returning and he would be damned before that happened.

“I have some experience with dealing with such things.” This was true as well. Angels felt emotions, even they could be afraid and he had been given cause to reinforce their wills more than once. “However...”

Applejack’s eyes flashed with anger “’Howeva’ what? Rainbow Dash needs help!”

He held up a placating hoof. “Yes, I understand that. I have a duty now that your grandmother has granted me work here. I promised to do the best I could.” He looked into her eyes and she wanted to withdraw such was the intensity in them and his words came out harsh. “There is no power in this world that will make me abandon my duty... not again.” the last he whispered as he turned away, not even realising he had said it.

Both Apples stood there for a moment, staring at him. Paladin ignored them and turned back to resume his work.

“What was that?” Applejack whispered to her brother.

“Ah ain’t got a clue.” He admitted slowly as he studied Paladin intently. “But gimme a minute.”

She nodded after a few seconds and retreated back to give the two stallions some privacy. Big Mac said nothing yet, simply watching Paladin move to the tree he had been about to buck before Applejack arrived.

At last he spoke.

“More ta life than work, ya know.”

Paladin didn’t even look back. “Not for me.”

Big Mac chewed on his stalk of hay absently, thinking before he spoke again. “Ah respect yer putting the farm before what yerself less’an a day after Granny said ya were hired, but normally we don’t start new workers properly until the next day at earliest.”

Now the pegasus did look at him. He narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “Truly?” he asked softly.

The red-coated stallion nodded seriously. ‘Ah don’t like it, but at least Ah can lie better than Applejack.’ he thought.

“Eeyup. So y’all head on off with mah sister an’ see ta that friend o’ hers. Besides, won’t do the farm no good if we don’t get any o’ that rain she brings around most weeks.” Big Mac added with a shrug.

Paladin seemed to turn this over in his mind for a short time before at last conceding.

“Very well, I shall return tomorrow.” He said with a challenge in his eyes and words.

Macintosh shrugged again. “Eeyup. We get up with the sun so anytime near dawn is normal. Considerin’ that yer meant to be recoverin’-”

“I shall be here at dawn.” Paladin cut him off.

For a moment Big Mac was attempted to point out that he was the one in charge, not Paladin, but decided to let it go. The white-winged pegasus was stubborn if nothing else.

“Eeyup. See ya then.” With that obvious dismissal they separated, Big Mac getting back to work as Paladin went to find Applejack.

He found her as she emerged from the house with her saddlebags stuffed with various goods. “Well, ya changed yer mind?” she asked unhappily.

“Macintosh has informed me that I shall officially begin work tomorrow. Therefore I am no longer bound to remain and work.” Paladin said simply.

She sighed but nevertheless accepted this. “Sugarcube, ya need ta learn there’s more ta life than workin’. Friends matter an’ RD needs hers.”

“Your brother said something similar.” Muttered Paladin as they began their journey to the empty field where the others waited. “Surely coming to get me means she had one less friend to look after her.”

Applejack snorted. “Ah hate ta use them fancy maths but she’s gonna have one more friend when we get back.” She shifted slightly as she spoke to adjust her saddlebags.

“Ah, we are collecting another on the way.” Paladin nodded. “Very we-”

“Ah meant you.” growled Applejack, catching the look of surprise that appeared on Paladin’s face for a brief moment. “What, that’s a surprise ta you sugarcube?” she asked with a frown.

He mastered himself. “I...it was merely unexpected.”

She arched an eyebrow at him. “Really? Uh, ya know we all consider you a friend, right?” her voice betrayed her unease. ‘He must know that somepony who saved our lives would be a friend at least.

“I...” Paladin frowned slightly. “I do not believe I have had such a thing before.” His wings flicked unconsciously.

At his words Applejack nearly tripped over her own hooves. “What?” she nearly shouted. “Yer not serious are ya? What sorta pony has never had any friends?”

He began to respond but she cut him off.

“Ah mean, even Twi’ had Spike an’ her brother. Everypony has friends.” She insisted fiercely.

Paladin shrugged, white wings stirring at the movement. “I do not. Have not.” He looked thoughtfully into the distance, studying the slowly dwindling apple trees on either side of them.

Was Imperius a friend? Before we voted on Sanctuary, before his pride began to grow, were we friends? Izual...was he? Ardleon? Auriel?’ he mused, mind drifting back over his long existence not noticing the low grunt he made as he did so.

Applejack watched the strange pegasus as he became lost in thought. Clearly something was wrong. What sort of pony never had any friends? None at all!

“No.” He frowned, “Maybe. I do not know.”

“How could ya not know if ya have friends?” she stubbornly asked, stomping a hoof in frustration.

“Very easily.”

Applejack glared at Paladin, not entirely certain he wasn’t pulling her leg. He looked back as though completely serious.

“There is dust in your mane.” He observed quietly.

Her glare became a confused stare. “Beg yer pardon?”

Paladin’s nodded at her. “Your mane, it has dust in it. I am merely curious as to why. Considering her condition I cannot imagine you found Miss Dash where I can imagine there would be a large amount of dust.”

The farmpony looked away, thinking about what to say. “Well, ya see, there was a bit of a’ kafuffle when Ah was chasin’ RD. A house might’a kinda...fallen on me.”

“A house,” Paladin replied slowly after a few seconds of silence “fell on you.”

“Eeyup.” she nodded.

He looked at her and noticed the distinct lack of gapping injury. “You seem...well. Remind me, the major construction material used is wood and brick is it not? Perhaps Miss Dash’s home? Or Sugarcube Corner...hmm.” he frowned thoughtfully and missed Applejack rolling her eyes.

“Don’t get smart.” She muttered. “Ah ain’t got a clue how, but the ole’ derelict near the market came down on me – an’ no, Ah ain’t explaining why – Ah came out of it fine an’ dandy. Not a scratch on me.” Applejack sighed. “Can we not talk ‘bout this? RD is the one who needs helps, Ah’m fine so Ah don’t see why it matters.

“Hmm.” Paladin nodded in acceptance and they fell into silence. ‘The Princesses told me much of their world. Earth Ponies are physically the strongest and can survive great wounds. Yet she is unharmed.’ he thought.

Suspicion crawled into his contemplations and the image of the weeping Applejack, clad in a pony-shaped parody of angelic armour filled his vision. ‘Twilight’s horn has changed. No...impossible. No mortal soul can wield my power however fragmented it might be.’ Tyrael tried to assure himself.

He nearly came to a stop as another revelation came to him. ‘No. Yes. The Elements. Power kin to mine yet different acting as a medium.’ he glanced at Applejack discreetly and she was too absorbed in her own thoughts to notice. ‘I already knew what I gave them is too infused to be returned without killing them. Is that same reason allowing them to manifest some reflection of power?

Tyrael’s mind was abuzz with speculation as he tried to work out what would happen. Mortals empowered directly by the might of an Angelic soul! It was blasphemy.

Into his thoughts intruded a voice that sounded like Deckard Cain. ‘Blasphemy? Are you truly so far above them? How are you better than Imperius?’ it asked him sternly.

Applejack looked up Paladin’s indrawn breath but he kept looking forward so she just shrugged. He seemed fine.

I am not. I am...Paladin.’ he snarled back. Mentally he cringed at the name.

The voice was relentless, and even though he knew it was part of himself it cut deeply. ‘Yet your pride as ‘Archangel’ puts them in danger. What if one of the others manifests power without understanding and react badly?

They will be fine. None are stupid and-’ Paladin argued.

And they are endangered because you were too wrapped in bitterness at what you gave up to be honest?’ the inner-voice hissed. ‘They have been honest and kind even before you saved them. The truth must be known. Twilight Sparkle will not let the changes go unnoticed. You saw what comprises her in the nightmare. Do you truly think she will never track this back to you? She will study and research and one day realise the common element to the changes is you.

Paladin hesitated at this and the voice mercifully went silent.

“What was Miss Dash’s status when you left them?” he asked in hope of distracting himself.

Applejack shrugged. “Same as it has been since we found her. Been sleepin’ like a foal an’ Fluttershy ain’t left her side fer a second.”

“Hmm.” Paladin grunted.

“Somethin’ on yer mind sugarcube?” she asked him when no reply was forthcoming.

Paladin stirred from his thoughts to offer a mumbled negative.

“Uh huh.” Applejack was, to say the least, unconvinced. “Ya sure?”

“I’m sure.” He growled back somewhat harshly. When she recoiled in response Paladin reached up to rub a hoof over his forehead. “I...apologise. I do not mean to be rude.”

“’s alright, no offense taken.” Shrugging it off, Applejack kept her gaze locked with his. “Ya seemed a mite unsettled if ya don’t mind mah sayin’.”

“Thoughts of the past. And the future, I fear.” Paladin sighed.

She reached over and patted him on the shoulder, not noticing the way he tensed at the contact. “Don’t worry none Paladin. Y’all ever need somepony ta talk to, well, all o’ us are yer friends. Ah don’t know what life has been like fer ya but everypony needs somepony they can talk to.”

Paladin let out a bitter laugh. “Someone to talk to? There is none.”

Her eyes spoke of concern Applejack wasn’t sure he would want to hear. “T’aint healthy, bein’ alone.”

“Let us not talk of this,” He shut down the conversation without raising his voice but it was clear Paladin wanted no more part in it.

Applejack sighed and hung her head. ‘Looks like RD ain’t the only one with issues.

The subject of her thoughts was again immersed in his own musing. ‘Alone? Am I alone? No, of course not.’ he denied. Whether he realised it or not his own thoughts still sounded to him like his angelic-voice had. ‘I have stood with my brothers and sisters for millennia. I have never been alone.

Yet as they passed through Ponyville the thought remained with him. ‘If you are no longer an Archangel, they are not your kin.’ whispered a treacherous voice all too similar to his shell’s. A mortal’s voice.

Be silent.’ he thought back at whatever part of him seemed determined to spark fury.

Tyrael had his fellow Angels, but you aren’t Tyrael anymore. You, Paladin, are alone.’ The voice went quiet at last, leaving its parting words to ring in his mind.

They walked in silence, neither saying a word until a small group of ponies came into sight. They actually heard them before they saw them. Fluttershy and Pinkie watched Rarity and Rainbow in concern. Of Twilight there was no sign.

“I told you, I’m fine!”

“I do believe you are lying, dear. Now sit down and wait for Applejack to get back.”

“Or what?”

“Or I, darling, will make you.”

Rarity and Rainbow Dash were face to face, neither looking willing to back down. Both looked about ready to start attacking the other.

“Oh consarn it.” Applejack facehoofed. “Ah get back an’ yer about to take a bite outa each other.”

“Applejack!” Rainbow Dash froze. “Uh...” her wings shot out and with a great heave she took off. ‘Applejack is too stubborn to let me weasel out of this! I need time to think of something, anything!

“Where ya goin’?” Pinkie leaned down next to Rainbow’s head, looking around curiously.

“Gah!” Jarred by the shock Rainbow’s wings jerked awkwardly and she fell down the three feet she had gained before Pinkie somehow got on her back. “Pinkie!”

“That’s my name don’t wear it out.” The party pony frowned. “Wait, can you wear out names? Oh my gosh I say my name all the time! I’m wearing out my name, my name is being worn out; I am out wearing my own name! I don’t wanna be wear my name out until nopony can use it anymore because-”

Rainbow Dash’s eye twitched dangerously. “Pinkie.”

“-if nopony can use my name how will I know when they’re talking to me? Somepony will say ‘you’ and I’ll have to look up every time just in case because I would hate to miss out on having a super-duper fun chat with anypony-”


“-but wait! Every time I say Applejack or Dashie’s names I’m wearing them out too! Oh no, what about Celestia? Every time somepony says ‘by Celestia’ or ‘oh Celestia’ they’re wearing out her name and I mean sure her name must be pretty good quality-”


“-since she is a princess but still oh no I’m wearing out her name as well! I need to stop wearing out Celestia’s name or we won’t able to call her ‘Princess Celes-”

Pinkie found a hoof in her muzzle, cutting her off. It was her own hoof so it wasn’t too much of a surprise.

“Get off!” Rainbow Dash roared in the silence.

Pulling her hoof out Pinkie giggled. “Woopsie!” she sing-songed, quite literally hopping off her friend’s back.

Instantly moving to flee again Rainbow Dash felt another weight settle over her, this time around her neck. Applejack had moved quickly and dropped a foreleg to keep her in place. She was fairly certain this wouldn’t set Rainbow Dash off but if it did she could get off in a second.

Looking up in panic, Rainbow Dash found Applejack’s calm eyes staring straight into her and bit back a groan. ‘No escape now.’ she thought bitterly.

“Hold on there, sugarcube. Y’all ain’t runnin’ off again.”

Dash snorted, grumbling aloud “Yeah, I got that.”

“Good.” With a warning glare Applejack forced her down so they could both sit comfortably. Not for a second did the strong farmpony’s arm budge.

“Miss Dash.” Ignored until now Paladin nodded at her.

He, at least, wasn’t looking at her like she was made of glass. “Heya Pally.” Rainbow Dash took petty satisfaction in his nearly suppressed wince at the nickname. “I told you, it’s just Rainbow Dash. Or Dash. Or RD. Or Rainbow Dash the Amazing, Future Wonderbolt extraordinaire-”

An apple was shoved into her open mouth cutting off her continued bragging. “Good ta see yer boastin’ ain’t been affect. Celestia knows - Pinkie, ya can’t wear names out it’s justa’ saying’ - what we'd do if ya couldn’t even talk yerself up.” Applejack told her with a chuckle.

“I know, so I guess I’m fine and you should all just let me-” the near-deserpate mare tried to stand but the iron-bar that was Applejack’s leg still held her down. She let out a whine. “Come on!”

“Not happ’nin’” Said Applejack shortly.

“Nngh.” Slumping in defeat, Rainbow Dash scuffed at the grass. Her house loomed not far away in the sky but its shadow was cast away from them.

A few seconds passed.

“Fine! Let’s get this over with!” she growled unhappily. “What are you waiting for?”

Applejack barely glanced at her. “Not ‘till Twi’ gets back.” She said firmly.

“Argh.” Dash’s face fell to the ground and she affected an expression of disgust and annoyance.

Paladin had turned to greet the other mares and Fluttershy had come creeping over to sit on the other side of Rainbow Dash. The timid pegasus clutched one of Dash’s hooves, smiling through her worry in the hopes of helping her friend.

“I really haven’t had much of a chance to thank you, Sir Paladin.” Rarity was saying to the taciturn pegasus.

He shrugged. “I have only awoken today and have spent much of it at Sweet Apple Acres.” He explained simply.

Rarity shook her head, mane flowing through the air as she had practiced countless times. “Nevertheless we all owe you very much. I can’t bear to think about what might have happened to Sweetie Belle if you had not come to their rescue to say nothing of giving up your cutie mark to save us.”

“I merely did what I thought was right. Think nothing of it.” He muttered, looking away.

The fashionista smiled widely at that. “Oh, such modesty! I knew the moment I saw you that here, here was a proper gentlecolt.”

“Oh.” Was all the bewildered pegasus could manage before she struck a strange pose.

“No! Here, I must say, is a hero!” she smiled as the light of inspiration came to her. “Yes, I can see it now. Paladin, the Hero of Ponyville! What sort of suit would a genuine hero wear?” Rarity frowned now as she began to muse on a possible design.

Paladin watched her pace before closing his eyes for a moment of peace and sanity.

Rarity gracefully flopped to the ground, although she made sure to do so on a strategically placed picnic blanket. “I do hope I can make you something properly, darling. I have been having such trouble recently.” She murmured quietly.

He looked down at her. Against his better judgement, Paladin took a deep breath and asked “Is something wrong?” he immediately regretted it. ‘I must learn if a side-effect is manifesting for her as well.

“Wrong? Oh, not wrong!” Rarity moaned “Quite the opposite! My inspiration has been flowing as a river all week but...” she bit her lip uncertainly. “Well...”

Paladin fought the urge to just let her trail off without carrying the conversation onward but he knew he needed to know. “Yes?”

Rarity hesitated before letting out a long sigh. “Oh darling, it’s simply horrible. My skills cannot match my vision anymore! Every dress I make, every stitch I do I cannot help but find a flaw. Nothing is perfect like it once was. Even some of the dresses I made last week I could not help but work on. How could I have missed such obvious faults? Perfection remains outside my grasp,” The look on her face was now far more depressed than he had expected.

Perfection.’ he thought dreadfully.

“I think I must have some work done on the store as well.” Rarity added.

“Oh?” was the best he could offer, but it seemed enough.

She nodded. “Oh yes. There are a few dreadfully weak places in the wall and I would hate for somepony to accidentally put a hole in such a weak wall.” She shuddered, “How ugly. I can’t imagine how I failed to notice before. They’re so easy to spot.”

Nothing he had seen or heard suggested Rarity possessed much in the way of knowledge about the fundamental structural integrity of buildings. ‘Ah. I see.’ was all he thought, confident now he had identified the effect his- Tyrael’s power was having on Rarity.

“So...anypony got any stories?” Pinkie asked, looking hopefully between them.

“Anything to pass the time.” groaned Rainbow Dash. She looked up at the rapidly darkening sky and smirked. “Any scary stories?”

Something in Paladin urged him to speak. Perhaps it was the thought still ringing in his ears, the words Applejack had spoken about loneliness. Perhaps it was the thought that they had been true to him and that he might find some way to share with them, even if they would not know it.

“I do.”

They all looked at him in surprise. He answered questions readily enough but offering to tell a story felt out of character for him.

Pinkie simply clapped excitedly. “Yay! Story story story!” she chanted.

“Cool, I bet you have awesome stories!” Rainbow Dash asserted, discreetly trying to budge Applejack. The farmpony rolled her eyes and nudged her captive back down.

Rarity looked interested. “Please, do tell. I’m sure anything you wish to share will be very interesting.”

Paladin looked at the sky. “Yes. Interesting.” He turned back to face them. “This tale is known as the Darkening of Tristram.”

The name alone made Fluttershy whimper slightly.

“The tale begins, in truth, long before the Darkening of Tristram.” He began, the words spilling out in his clear and concise manner. “There existed three demons, the Brothers of Hatred, Destruction and Terror and they exemplified their names. They ruled the darkest realm of fire and stone they called Hell as the Evils. But their minions were as evil and vile as they were and eventually they grew to resent their masters. Hell went to war against itself and though the Three were powerful indeed they were defeated and banished to the mortal world.

“Though weakened the Three were agents of terrible evil and began to sow the force from which they drew power. Destruction laid waste to glittering cities. Hatred turned brother against brother and drove friends to loath each other. Terror spread across the land in a vicious cycle of fear and pain.

“Their dark reign was ended for a second time when a group of mages known as the Horadrim banded together. Guided by the hand of a celestial warrior they bound the Three within prisons of crystal and locked them away. Destruction was sealed in within an ancient tomb where its weakened prison would forever be augmented by the soul of one of the Horadrim. Hatred’s prison was given to a gathering of monks who held to tenets of kindness and acceptance where its influence would be trapped.

“Finally the last of the Brothers was trapped and for its wardens the Horadrim chose to guard it themselves. They had found and defeated Terror in a system of caverns, and above this place they built a monastery to watch over Terror’s prison. The caverns became catacombs and as the years passed the Horadrim interred their dead within them.

“Centuries came and went. Around the monastery a town was formed and though over time the Horadrim died out save a single blood line the town prospered. This town was named Tristram.”

Paladin broke off here for a moment to let the girls finish their intakes of breath at the ‘dramatic’ revelation before continuing.

“The lands around Tristram came to be known Khanduras over time as the Horadrim dwindled until the last of their line was an old man who served as the Elder of Tristram, a scholar of obscure arcane knowledge-”

“Sounds like Twilight’s type” Muttered Rainbow Dash.

Paladin glanced at her and she went red before motioning for him to go on.

“Yes. Well, over the centuries the monks who guarded Hatred grew into a vast religion worshipped far and wide. A devout lord of another land was sent to Khanduras to be its king. At the urging of his advisor and friend, a powerful priest of this religion, he chose Tristram as his capital and the now abandoned monastery was refurbished into his palace.

“King Leoric was kind and wise, and soon the suspicious folk of Tristram accepted him. In time, they grew to love him. Leoric took a wife and their sons were considered as much a part of Tristram as any others who had been there for generations. All was good with the world, or so they believed.

“In truth, darkness awaited all those lands. The King suddenly changed. He saw traitors and enemies in every shadow, poison in every meal. He became irrational, setting his loyal soldiers on the kingdoms around him despite being massively outnumbered. The peo- ponies of Tristram’s love turned to fear and finally hate. While he sent his eldest off to war, Loeric’s other son vanished. This was the last straw and the King’s wrath was great. Innocents were executed, faithful servants slain by their lord’s insane belief that they were responsible for his beloved son’s disappearance.

“Yet as nobles had fought to avoid their liege’s ire his advisor, the priest, remained untouched. The truth was even darker than any could imagine. For Hatred had corrupted his prison and spread his taint amongst the once goodly priests, twisting them into his puppets.

“Leoric’s priest had directed him to take the Horadrim monastery as his palace because he knew it was the resting place of Terror and sought to free his master’s dark kin. He travelled into the catacombs and shattered Terror’s prison. Free but still weak, Terror had attempted to possess Leoric but found the King too kind and strong of will to take full control. The effort cost him his sanity but Leoric resisted even as he was transformed into a monster he would have loathed. Thus was Leoric truly Terror’s first victim upon his release.

“Good King Leoric became the Black King and his madness knew no bounds. When at last his swiftly vanquished soldiers returned he flew into a rage. The leader of his warriors was a knight named Lachdanan who looked upon what his king had become and wept, for he knew in his heart that the king he swore to serve was long gone. With a heavy heart but knowing this was best for the people of Tristram, Lachdanan killed his king.

“Terror chose Leoric’s second son as his host and so the priest took him. Lacking his father’s conviction the son was soon fully taken and Terror walked upon the earth once more.

“The eldest prince came home to find Tristram a place of naked fear. Monsters stalked the night and the dead walked with a taste for the living. As the Black King was laid to rest he rose again, cursing Lachdanan and his former soldiers to serve him in death. Lifted by Terror’s power, Leoric returned once more, the Black King no longer. His armies would follow him beyond even the grave as the Skeleton King.

“The last of the Horadrim’s blood line had grown up with ancient tomes warning of such things and believed them as nothing but myths and legends. Seeing the truth, he aided the eldest prince. The prince, alongside adventurers come to pit their might against the darkness beneath Tristram, began to purge the evils that plagued the land.

“The prince ventured into the depths of the monastery, freeing Lachdanan who refused to do evil or harm the innocent even as he became the unholy living dead. He fought his way through the catacombs until at last he sent his father to his eternal rest.

“Demons and undead, monsters to shake the heart of a lesser warrior came at him. Level by level the prince fought and even as beasts of fire and darkness, creatures of pure evil that lived only to kill. Each that dared meet him in battle was defeated and cast down.

“At last, the prince reached the very deepest level and found waiting for him Hell itself. Striding fearlessly into the flames and brimstone he fought Terror in a great battle. Against all odds he slew Terror. But as he drew forth the shattered prison of Terror, the method by which it had possessed mortal form, his elation turned to horror. Terror’s demonic form melted back into his brother’s.

“With a great cry of grief the prince realised that despite all that had been lost Terror’s prison was forever weakened and would soon break. Left no choice, he drove the crystal into his own flesh so that he might contain the evil within himself....”

Paladin trailed off. He had stopped seeing what was real as he talked and at some point Twilight had joined them. She, like the others, had become enrapt with his story and followed his words.

It took a full minute for them to realise he was done.

“What happened after that?” demanded Rainbow Dash.

“What a brave prince....” Rarity murmured.

Applejack sighed, tipping her hat to Paladin. “Mighty fine story,” She told him, impressed.

“T-that poor p-prince.” Fluttershy whimpered.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “Come on ‘Shy, it was just a story.”

“Where did you hear that story, Paladin?” Twilight approached, startling the others. None had noticed her arrival it seemed.


Paladin gave a noncommittal grunt. “I cannot recall. It is merely a story.”

She sighed in disappointment “Really? What a pity.”

“I believe my story is not why you have gathered here.” Paladin reminded her.

Damn!’ Rainbow Dash gulped as everypony turned to look at her. She sent a glare at Paladin which he met calmly without a flinch.

“Thank you Paladin.” Nodding thankfully him Twilight’s horn lit up and she placed her book-filled bags in the middle of the group. “Now, I found a few helpful books that I’m sure can be of use. ‘All You Need to Know About Common Phobias’, ‘Your Friend Is Afraid And How You Can Help!’, ‘Irrationally Frighten? Ten Easy Steps That Can Help!’, ‘Phobias: Causes and Treatments’, 'Claustrophobia and the Fear of Death and Dying’, and from my favourite series ‘An Egghead’s Guide to Psychotherapy’.” She beamed at them proudly.

Rainbow Dash’s expression fell. “You’re kidding, right?” she looked frantically between her friends. “She’s kidding, right? Are you seriously going to let Twilight book me to death? One of those was called ‘Death and Dying’!”

“Ah...Ah’m sure Twi’s got something that’ll help.” Unwilling to admit it, Applejack was somewhat hesitant herself.

Twilight’s proud smile faded slightly. “Oh, sorry. I just...” she murmured, blushing. “I really wanted to help. Rainbow, we all do.”

The cyan pegasus fidgeted uncomfortably. “Yeah well don’t worry, I’m fine.”

“Darling, you were crying and shivering in a most frightful manner!” Rarity protested hotly. “Do you really expect us to just forget that? More to the point, would you really want us to? We’re your friends.”

The others chorused their agreement. Paladin had discreetly stepped back into the lengthening shadows of dusk. Even his glorious white wings seemed to lose their lustre as he faded into the back ground.

He was, bluntly put, extremely uncomfortable.

“Yes! I mean, no. I don’t know, shut up!” Rainbow Dash growled stubbornly, refusing to look any of them in the eyes.

Fluttershy ran her hoof through Rainbow’s mane. “We just want to help.”

“I just...I can deal with this myself.” Dash murmured into the ground.

A pink hoof pulled her face up. “Aw, but where’s the fun in that Dashie? Friends are for having parties and fun and parties and cake and parties but they’re also for when things get all saddy-waddy. Who better to turn your frown upside down than us?” Pinkie grinned cheerfully, bouncing in place.

The weight holding Rainbow Dash down eased up. She looked at Applejack, who gave her a reassuring smile. “She’s right, sugarcube. Ya need help an’ we all know yer too gosh darn stubborn to get help so we’re gonna help ya our own selves. Friends do that fer each other. Help ya despite yerself.”

“I...” to her embarrassment Rainbow Dash stuttered, unsure what to say. “No, I... you shouldn’t have to.”

“Why not?” asked Twilight with disbelief heavy in her voice that Rainbow was still not giving in.

“Because I’m meant to be Loyalty!” Rainbow Dash snarled with sudden force. “How can I be loyal if I’m dragging you down with my problems? I have to fix this, fix myself, myself!”

Paladin’s voice came as sudden rumble, everypony having forgotten his presence as they focused on Rainbow Dash.

“Loyalty is not so shallow.”

“Paladin!?” Twilight squeaked and nearly tripped as she spun around to look at him.

He gazed back at the group, his voice as impassive as his expression. Paladin’s eyes bored into Rainbow Dash’s.

“You are so desperate to not let what you foolishly deem ‘your’ problems affect others that you fail to live up to your Element.” He told her coldly.

No longer held down, Rainbow Dash leapt to her hooves with a glare. “What the hay do you know?”

His voice became, if possible, even colder. “I know the truth of loyalty, child.” He said slowly but firm in each word. “You are blind to the truth that loyalty, no matter how heartfelt and fervent, is not truly given unless shared. To be given and received is its true nature. You have let your fear of failing to be loyal do to you the very thing you are trying to avoid.”

“What...what are you talking about?” she demanded in her most authoritative tone, failing completely. Her mouth was dry as sand paper and something about Paladin’s almost luminescent gaze held her transfixed.

“Loyalty must be given to be received. You are trying to be so loyal; however, you are not giving your friends the chance to be loyal to you or even for you to be loyal to yourself. Your Element is more than just what you are-it is something you share with others. Too often to reserve even a good thing for yourself and none other is a fatal flaw.” Paladin took a deep breath and for a moment his gaze darted between the others.

“Generosity and Kindness you direct only inward are merely greed and selfishness. Laughing alone highlights what you lack as none answer in kind. Even Honesty can be destructive when forced. Loyalty...you must balance between being loyal to others and to yourself. Only those who return your loyalty deserve it. Rainbow Dash, you would destroy yourself so that you can still be ‘loyal’, yet if you are reduced to a terrified infant how can you help?”

Silence stretched out around them as Paladin fell silent for a few seconds.

“You have tried to be alone. Believe me, loneliness is crushing. Let your friends be as loyal to you as you have been to them.” With that he stepped back, out of the light Twilight’s horn was projecting to ward off the night that seemed to have swallowed them as he spoke.

“Paladin is right.” Everypony looked at Fluttershy when she broke the silence. “We just want to help. If that’s alright?” she asked quietly.

For a moment Rainbow Dash didn’t move, staring into the darkness where Paladin lay. At last, she nodded slowly. “Y-yeah. It’s alright.”

Fluttershy let out a squeak as Pinkie somehow reached out and pulled the entire group into a big hug.

“Yay!” she squealed happily. Her expression quickly changed and she did a mental tally. “Wait a minute! Paladin!” Pinkie turned her head further than her neck had any right to go.

From the shadows she was glaring at, Paladin’s firm voice muttered “I refuse.”

Pinkie’s glare intensified.

The aura of stoic refusal replied in kind.

“Don’t make me come in there.” The party pony warned him.

“I will make you do nothing.” He said back sharply. “It will be your own choice to attempt it. I refuse.”


Silence. “It is....I wish to retain my dignity.”

Pinkie opened her mouth to continue her attempt to coerce Paladin into joining their group hug Applejack let out a great sigh.

“Pinkie, ya can hug ‘im all ya like later. Get back here.”

“Okie dokie lokie!” with her usual change by the moment smile Pinkie happily returned to holding her friends close.

Paladin coughed and thanked the Gardens of Hope for Applejack.


Celestia sighed in elation. The first night Luna had raised the moon again had been bliss. After one thousand years of constantly controlling both celestial bodies she had forgotten how much of a weight it was on her mind. Even sleeping it pressed against her dreams. They had been forced to use drastic measures to wake her on time to raise the sun for dawn when she had been having such a wonderful sleep.

Curling up in her large – at least compared to her subjects – bed Celestia let out another sigh.

“Sleep well, sister.” Luna called softly from the balcony outside Celestia’s room.

Celestia smiled, poking her head out of the covers for a few seconds. “It’s a beautiful night, Luna. I hate to miss it...”

Trotting over Luna nudged her sister back into the covers and used her magic to adjust them properly. “You stay up with me often enough as it is, ‘Tia. I know how much it means to you, to be able to sleep without this burden anymore.”

Celestia shifted slightly as she tried to get comfortable. “Mmhmm.” She mumbled sleepily. “But something else means more to than that, little sister.” The solar alicorn whispered.

Leaning in, Luna’s expression became curious. “Really? What might that be, sister?”

“Having you back,” Celestia murmured as she drifted off into sleep.

Drawing back from her slumbering sister, Luna couldn’t help tearing up slightly. She brushed it away, but really hearing Celestia say that reassured her hugely.

Stepping out onto the balcony Luna spread her wings wide. ‘Enjoy your rest, ‘Tia. After a millennia of filling in for me, you deserve it.’ she thought happily.

Because of all this, it was rather unfortunate when the mental shriek of wards dragged Celestia kicking and screaming from her dream.

Celestia stared at the ceiling of her bedroom, eyes hard as she ignored the psychic alarm bells.

“Why?” she asked simply before throwing the cover off and getting up. She could feel Luna approaching, having sensed her awakening. ‘I should have linked Luna back to the last of the wards as well.’ Celestia mused with annoyance.

Pulling a prepared scroll from its place and setting it where it would be seen, Celestia lightly tugged a pull-rope to call a servant. Taking to the air, she soon met Luna in the sky above Canterlot.

“’Tia! Were you not intending to sleep until dawn?” Luna asked, confusion evident.

Celestia sighed. “If only. Events seem to disagree, however. Come, Luna, we must make haste.”

Following her sister’s lead Luna turned in the direction. It was a familiar one at least. “We go to Ponyville?”

Expression dark, Celestia shook her head. “No, though I wish we were. The wards at the entrance to the Pit have been activated. We fly to Tartarus.”


Well, here’s chapter 9! I’ll be honest, the emotional part was not something I was confident about but I realised it was the only logical way for it to go. So, how do you think I went?

The Darkening of Tristram story Tyrael told will obviously be familiar to those who have played Diablo. I assume that’s a lot, since this is a Diablo crossover. But I included it so that readers who haven’t played the games but still read this would have some idea. Plus I wanted a way for Twilight to turn up in the twilight without anyone noticing.

Don’t expect any updates IN THE SAME WEEK but still every 2 weeks or so for at least 14 weeks. Why 14? Because Semester 2 of University, which I just started, goes for 13 weeks + 1 for exams. So, yeah, I’ll be doing that. Still, hopefully should turn about a chapter a week which is better than some stories I’m waiting updates for.

Just to clarify again because a lot of people seem to keep misunderstanding:
I'M STILL UPDATING, JUST NOT EVERY WEEK. Not taking a 14 week break.

Kudos to anyone who fully gets the idea behind Rarity’s side-effect. I’ll be honest, Mace Windu’s ‘Shatterpoint’ ability was a big inspiration for it. If you get that without checking a wiki or TVTropes, well Full Fist to you.

If you say you know what it is but don’t really know, No Fist to you. Also a Double Full Fist if you get the “No Fist/Full Fist” thing but only Australians are likely to get that.

As always, any comments from Merujea at the start or down here to read.

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