• Published 28th Jul 2016
  • 5,433 Views, 54 Comments

The Sinister Six meets the boy who was raised by Dragons - Beacon Student Ruby Rose

One Highschool under the rule of six girls yet one transfer student is about to change all that.

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Chapter 5 - The New Council of CHS

Chapter V - The New Council of CHS

It had been one month since Spike was taken into the hospital and he had finally been able to get out. Ember and the girls had helped him keep up with school and such and the Council had turned over a new leaf even thought the students of CHS didn't believe it. They had it in their minds that the Council will always be sinister and nothing more. The week after Spike was released from the hospital he was allowed to return to school and Principle Celestia and Vice Principle Luna had called an assembly in the gymnasium. Soon all the students were gathered and Spike was standing on the back stage with the Student Council who he now called friends. Celestia soon stood on stage in front of the mic and tapped it to get everyone's attention.

"Students of CHS we are gathered here to today to honor a student for his heroic and selfless act of protecting a fellow student from a horrible accident. One month ago Mister Spike De Lis bravely had thrown himself in front of a car that had lost control and had pushed Miss Trixie Lulamoon out of harms way and by doing so was sent to the hospital. I am happy to say he has made a full recovery and is finally joining us back today." Celestia said and the students cheered. "Now i like to have Mister De Lis appear on stage and accept this award of Bravery and selfless." Celestia said as Spike walked from back stage and Celestia had put the medal around his neck and he smiled as he accepted it. "Now then Mister De Lis has a few words he like to say and also has a very important announcment." Celestia said as she gave Spike he microphone.

Spike smiled lightly as he accepted the mic and waited for Celestia to sit down. He then breathed lightly and turned to the students. "First off i like to thank Principle Celestia and Vice Principle Luna for giving me such a wonderful award that i really don't deserve. I'm sure if anyone else was in my place they would of done the same thing due to it being the right thing to do. Now as for my announcment." Spike said as he cleared his throat. "As you of probably notice the student council has slowly but surely began to be nicer and have turned over a new leaf. I know some of you don't believe this is real and is just a hoax to have you lower your guard. I can personally tell you this is one hundred percent not the case and the council have in fact turned over a new leaf. As a result of them turning over a new leaf and wishing to learn about friendship and such they have chosen a new leader to take Miss Adagio Dazzles place. Miss Adagio is still on the council but instead of her being president I, Spike De Lis, am the new president of the Student Council. Thus i like you to meet the new and improved Student Council." Spike said as Aria, Adagio, Sonata, Lighting, Suri and Trixie walked onto the stage.

Before Spike could say anything else the students all went "Boo" and began throwing stuff at the girls. Spike saw this and got in front of the girls and formed a shield form. Spike was hit with a few tomatoes and rotten fruit and vegetables. "ENOUGH!" Spike yelled and his voice made everyone freeze up and he looked up and he had a face were it looked like a demons. Some even whispered that a demon shadow was standing behind him. "This school is about friendship and honor! If you have a problem with my fellow teammates of the Student Council then you have a problem with me and the faith you have in this school." Spike said as the crowd was shocked by the sudden change in attitude.

"The reason I joined was because of the honesty, loyalty, generosity, kindness, laughter and magic this school has formed with everyone in this room." Spike said and that struck a few students. "If you wish to leave this school then you may do so now if you wish to keep this school and the dreams of our fellow Wondercolts alive then let me here you say "We are WONDERCOLTS!"." Spike said. Suddenly all the students stood up and yelled "WE ARE WONDERCOLTS!" and kept repeating it over and over.

"Now tell me Canterlot High! WHAT ARE WE!?!" Spike yelled raising his fist into the air. "WE ARE WONDERCOLTS PROUD AND UNITED WE STAND TOGETHER!" The students even the staff yelled back. Soon the meeting was over and Spike was in the back in a dressing room changed his clothes. He then heard a knock on the door and turned to see girls standing there. "Hey girls....guess that got out of hand real quick huh..." Spike said smiling abit. Spike was about to say something else when he got hugged by the girls and they had tears in their eyes.

Spike was shocked but smiled lightly and hugged back. "Thank you....for what you did Spike....you really are a good friend." Adagio said and the girls nodded. "We promise we'll do everything we can to prove that we've changed. Even if we have to start from scratch with everything." Adagio said and surprised everyone by giving Spike a kiss on the cheek. The others got jealous and puffed their cheeks.

"HEY If you're going to do that then so am I!" Sonata yelled and gave Spike a kiss on the cheek. Then each girl gave Spike a kiss on the cheek and Spike was blushing deeply.

"Geeze girls you do know how to make a guy blush..." Spike said blushing deeply. His heart fluttered lightly as they each kissed them and soon he was walking home and had a smile on his face. "I guess I'm falling in love with each of them...Question is...which one do i go on a date first?" Spike thought in his head. Little did he know that the girls were having the same thoughts.

Author's Note:

GASP!!!! :pinkiegasp:


Yep I thought i be extra nice and give you Two chapters for the price of one since the other one was kinda short and i wanted to get back into the swing of things! Anyway if you enjoy the story so far leave a comment, like and dont forget to hit that tracking button to keep up to date. and as always my fellow writers, readers and bronies~ Stay Malefic!