• Published 28th Jul 2016
  • 5,431 Views, 54 Comments

The Sinister Six meets the boy who was raised by Dragons - Beacon Student Ruby Rose

One Highschool under the rule of six girls yet one transfer student is about to change all that.

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Chapter 8 - Let the Games Begin

Chapter 8 - Let the Games Begin

Its been several days since the announcement of Canterlot High joining the Friendship Games. Students, staff and athletes were all getting ready and hyped up for what the games will hold. Meanwhile Spike, Principle Celestia and Vice-Principle Luna were at Crystal Prep Academy meeting Principle Cinch and Dean Cadence to discuss on what the games will hold and rules and such. "Thank you for meeting with us Principle Cinch. As student body president of Canterlot High I know how busy it is running a school and such." Spike said in a normal tone but was hating every moment he had to sit in front of his Aunt-in-law.

Cinch pushed her glasses up her nose and gave a smile which was as real as a vipers bite not being poisonous. "Yes well when we heard Cantelrot High was joining the Friendship Games much to our surprise we figured we speak about what the games will hold and what the rules and such shall be." Cinch said in a posh tone with her hands on the desk folded over one another. Spike growled in his head but said nothing about the comment. "So shall it be normal as always. Academics and Physical activities." Cinch said and Spike nodded in agreement.

"However the Physical part shall be different this year. Rather not have students using motorcycles as some of the participants don't have their licenses yet." Spike said and made an valid point. "Instead of that sort of obstacle course we'll simply make it to where every participant will have a chance to be in it and have equal terms with ability, stamina, balance and other things." Spike said and pulled out a layout of the obstacle course he had in mind.

[A/N: Basically if you've seen America Ninja Warrior the course is like that]

Cinch and the others were impressed by the design and such. "Very well I agree to this new course that the students shall take in the Friendship games." Cinch said nodding her approval. Spike nodded and would need to make a phone call later. "Now then shall we talk about rules and regulations." Cinch said and the group nodded. The rest of the meeting was rather boring stuff and went by rather quickly. "Alright well seems everything is in order. So in 3 months the friendship games will begin and we shall see who will be on top." Cinch said with a smile as if Crystal Prep already won the games. Spike, Celestia and Luna left to go prepare for the games and to tell the students what will be going on and such. "Well then....let the games begin." Spike thought to himself as the group headed back to Canterlot High.

Comments ( 2 )

short but to the point

To everyone who supported me and wanted the series to continue I apologize but I will not be able to continue this series due to IRL situations and I dont know where to go on from the point. I was gonna have the games be where the girls in the council plus a few extras fall for spike but Ive drawn a blank and cant figure out how to continue the story. I will however put this up for adoption if anyone wishes to try and continue this story just DM me if you're instrested (and give credit to me for starting it). Again I'm sorry and thank you for all you've done.

As always stay Malefic~

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