• Published 22nd Jun 2012
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My Little Changeling -- "I" is Magic - Wing Dancer

In the far north, where changelings live, change begins -- a single changeling learns to think...

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Important Mission

Chip felt warmth. It wasn’t the scorching sensation from a few moments ago; it actually felt comforting. This heat spread over his body in waves, going along his belly, reaching to the very tips of his hooves, flowing gently around the head…life. It was the warmth of his own body.

He was numb and unable to move a leg, but the comforting sensation of warmth made it irrelevant. On the edge of his senses the changeling knew something was going on around him. There were sounds, faint smells…it all blurred together into a colorful cloud; the hues shifted and turned -- blue danced with green, which then shifted to red. Blobs of colorful smoke filled his vision, slowly assuming forms and shapes. The colors settled down, molding themselves into faces and objects.

Then, his body stopped being numb. It was sore and worn out, like an old jacket worn for way too long. The warmth from before was settling in, sinking into the aching muscles. Voices were clearer now – there were two of them, both female, each asking him a question. What was that again?

“Chip? Are you alright? Speak to us, please! Doctor, are you sure he’s alright?” The worried voice seemed to be coming from a blurry white face, very close to Chip’s own.

“Yes, yes, of course! He’s coming to as we speak. Please, My Lady, give him time! Honestly, I’m surprised this…thing still lives. It’s a miracle, I’m telling you!” This voice didn’t have a face, and it sounded like it was far away.

Another muzzle came into view. This one was blue. Was that a smile?

“Look, Celly! He’s opening his eyes! Chip? Chip, can you hear me?”

The changeling finally understood the voices that spoke to him. Shyly, his mind started reminding him words and images that should have always been there – Luna. Celestia.

“I’m…” started Chip in a crooked voice, unable to finish due to a fit of coughing.

The blue mare was shoved aside, replaced with a face of Doctor Hoffenweiser.

“It’s nothing dangerous. He’s just really tired, and if I may speak as a professional doctor, please, I’d advise you let our patient rest! This crowd and constant stimuli isn’t good for his current health state!”

“Alright, doctor…we’re sorry. This was such a…stressful time, for all of us,” sounded the voice of Princess Celestia, calm and regal as always. “You did a great job and we shall see to it that you are rewarded accordingly. We would also like to remind you that what you saw here is-”

“Extremely confidential and not to leave these four walls. Yes, My Lady, that is perfectly clear to me. What kind of a doctor I’d be if I went about talking about my patient’s private matters?”

There was some shuffling at the far side of the room Chip was in, then a loud wham and silence. Sweet, empty silence…

And a dream…

* * *

It was dawning when Princess Celestia gently knocked on the door to Chip’s room. Carefully, her sister’s head poked out, squinting at the royal mare. Seeing nopony else, she let the sun-goddess inside.

Chip was sitting upright in his bed, bandaged no more – it was troublesome with his chitin regrowing all the time, so the doctor decided to let the changeling body handle itself. His shoulder and chest plates were smaller than the rest on his body, but they already looked as healthy as the rest.

The colt himself was staring into the window to his left, through which a portion of the royal maze was visible. The place where things changed and got out of hoof. Once the changeling could more or less think and remember things, it became clear to him that the original plan of going to Ponyville was no longer viable – Chrysalis was hell bent on killing Chip, and hurting the ones he loved.

“How is he?” silently asked Celestia, eying Chip from behind her sister’s mane.

“Silent. When he came to, he just asked a few questions; did the assassin flee, about some ponies near the north borders, any other casualties…”

The white mare nodded and slowly approached the bed. Chip spared her a glance and a weak smile before locking his eyes back onto the window.

“How are you feeling, Chip?”

“Tired,” whispered the changeling. “Any news on-”

“We’ve sent guards to check up on Autumn Leaf and his family just a few hours ago. They’ll be back with a report near noon. I’m sorry, Chip.”

“It’s okay. And her?”

“You mean the assassin?” the Princess sighed, remembering the bloody view. “The doctor ran an autopsy on the body. You…well, kind of removed her head. And she was dead long before we found you two. There’s not much else to say. A roll call showed no missing staff or guards in the castle, and officers are checking the city for any casualties.”


“Chip…about you moving to Ponyville-”

“I know,” cut in Chip, turning his head to look at the Princess. The sad face didn’t suit her. “The situation has changed. Chrysalis found somepony else, similar to me. She came all the way here, to Canterlot, without being noticed. She almost killed me, and was targeting you next…there is no time for fun and games anymore. I’ll understand if you’ll want me gone from your country, so I don’t cause trouble… ”

“No Chip, you are only partially correct,” spoke Celestia, waving a hoof at Luna. The blue mare understood the sign and went outside the doors to stand guard.

The white mare herself flared up her horn, producing a sphere of light. As the orb traveled the room, the royal mare used telekinesis to close the window shut and cover the curtains. The light made a round alongside each wall and around the ceiling, finally returning to Celestia who brightened up a little.

“What was that?” asked Chip, adjusting himself in the bed.

“A spell I rarely use…one that I guess I’ll have to teach you. It is meant to uncover all things hidden – in this case, anypony who would want to eavesdrop on our important conversation here.”

The white princess took a deep breath and sat on the chair, moving it a bit closer to the bed.

“It is vital, now more than ever, that we learn of you and your kind, Chip. Your Queen has made a move, one that she will regret in the long run – but we need your help to put her to justice.”

“W-What?! Princess, I can’t…I can’t hurt my mother!” yelled the changeling, squinting in pain as his chest burned.

“We’re not going to hurt anypony, Chip. I used the wrong words. What I meant was, we need means to protect ourselves from her. Not a sword, a shield. We have to learn what she knows about us, how to distinguish changeling from pony…we must not allow any more acts of violence upon our subjects.”

She delicately put a hoof on his good shoulder and smiled faintly.

“Seeing you in that puddle of blood, it was…a terrifying experience. Equestria prides itself in maintaining relative peace, and what just happened down there, in that maze, is a great shock for me and Luna. We can’t have our friends fret for their families and lives.”

“Friends?” repeated Chip.

“Yes, friends, Chip. You are a friend. Your terrible past follows you around and you will not face it alone. But the only pony that can give us the tools to help is you. Will you help us Chip? Do you think you can?”

There was a heavy silence after those words. Chip was torn – he loved the Queen as much as the Princesses. Now it seemed that all his hopes for peace between the two nations were naïve and foalish from the very beginning – the changelings were the issue here, not ponies. It was impossible for the wolf to shake hooves with the sheep…but then again, wasn’t he a tame wolf himself?

“Princess…I-I will help,” said Chip, sighing. “But there is…one condition. I will not allow violence against the changelings…if necessary, I will deal with them myself… I-I have to try. I have to try and convince Chrysalis to change her ways. I’m not sure I can, but I’ll try. That is why I need to learn about you as much as I can as well.”

“If you could convince your Queen to live in peace and harmony with us, we would be very grateful, Chip. I have faith in you – you are a kind and rational colt. You are a bridge between two different worlds; if anypony would be capable of uniting our two nations, I believe it could only be you.”

“Or someone like me,” corrected Chip. “So, we have a plan. To learn, to defend, to unite…but what to do now? Anypony could be another changeling waiting in disguise for the right moment. You are all in danger while I’m here, and the pony, this Twilight Sparkle, will be in even a direr situation with me at her side.”

“I know, Chip. We gave all this a lot of thought while you were lying in bed. The original plan remains unchanged – you will travel to Ponyville and stay there, learn about ponies and teach about changelings. We will just have to spirit you away from Canterlot without anypony noticing”

The smirk on her face made Chip feel a little bit more confident. And a bit less sore.

* * *

Cadance dropped by to visit Chip. Most of his blue coat was wrapped up in bandages and his black mane was a total disaster. The mare found him talking to Gustav, who was as optimistic as ever, spreading laughter and the faint scent of cooking oil around the room.

“Ah, Miss Cadance! Have you come to visit our clumsy friend here?”

“Of course!” smiled the pink mare, sitting on the chair that Gustav emptied for her. “You really should be more careful, Chip! Those stairs are reaaaally long, you should be thankful it’s just some scratches and a broken leg!”

“Yeah, I know,” replied the colt, blushing.

“So what, you’ve been here for a week or so? When are they releasing you?”

“Quite soon I think. The doctor said that the bone is healing nicely and I’ll be able to walk maybe even later today, without any stunts of course.”

“Glad to hear that!” Cadance patted Chip on the back.

The trio was interrupted by a discrete cough from the doors where Celestia appeared.

“I’d like to speak with Chip in private, if you don’t mind. Chef Gustav, Princess Cadance,” said Celestia, closing the doors behind the duo.

The Princess cast her light orb spell, sweeping the room carefully before approaching the changeling.

The colt immediately dropped his disguise and jumped out of bed. His body was healed, armor as shining as ever. Eyes blue and full of life, the spark of intelligence visible behind the thin black cat-like pupils.

“We have finally found a colt similar to the disguise you use, Chip. He will take your place around midnight – Luna will make sure everything goes smoothly and according to plan. Remember – I’ll send you straight to the Ponyville Library, where Twilight Sparkle will be sleeping. Don’t startle her too much and make sure she reads the letter from me. From there, just stay hidden and work as hard as you can, dropping off reports for me personally in the spot we agreed upon.”

“Behind that fake wall, right?” Chip pointed at the masterfully hidden high-security stash.

“Yes. I’ll make sure this room is arranged as a library for books from my…khem, personal collection, so nopony ever has to wander in here.”

Chip snickered uncontrollably, causing the white face of Celestia to redden slightly.

“It’s a plan as any other, nothing funny about it,” mumbled the royal mare.

“Of course, My Lady. I have a question though.”


“Would you mind if I read some of those books later on? I believe I haven’t-”

The sore cheek Chip got was answer enough.

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