• Published 22nd Jun 2012
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My Little Changeling -- "I" is Magic - Wing Dancer

In the far north, where changelings live, change begins -- a single changeling learns to think...

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Dented Armor

Shining Armor’s attention was now riveted to Redberry.

In his time, the Captain of the Royal Guard got many mean glares. Be it his subordinates, superiors, the Princesses or even his fiance, he always endured and stood his ground. His spirit was unyielding, one of a true warrior and protector.

That same spirit was now desperately trying not to empty its bowels on the quite expensive rug below. There was something off about the way the private stared at him. If you’d ever seen a gryphon soldier observe his opponent, it was something similar. There was predatory ferality in that stare. An unbridled strength and tension. Shining felt like he couldn’t look away, lest he be struck down in an instant.

“Alright. Let’s talk about this. Calmly.” The Princess rubbed her temples, her head thankfully clear. “First things first, though,” she whispered, enveloping the room in a golden aura. “What you see or hear today, Captain Shining Armor, is extremely top secret. It is unfortunate that you heard what you did. I wish I could have just altered your memories somehow, but you’d eventually figure out you have been tampered with. You were chosen for having a specific skillset, after all.”

Celestia moved in between the two stallions, releasing Shining Armor of the heavy, blood-chilling sensation of the private’s stare. Redberry tried to shift around her, never looking away from the point where Shining's head was, but was stopped with a gentle hoof and a slow head shake from the Princess.

“Let me handle this,” she said to him with a neutral tone. After a brief pause for thought, she looked the guard straight in the face. “Shining Armor. Can you please tell me of our political standings with our neighbours?”

The captain blinked rapidly. The question threw him off a bit, but it took him only a few seconds to regain his composure. “W-Well,” he gulped, “the Gryphon Empire in the west has been rather peaceful. We had a few skirmishes here and there I’ve been told, but nothing out of the ordinary. The southern buffalo tribes haven’t bothered us much either, even going so far as to sending an ambassador every now and then. From the east there is the ocean, and up north there is nothing but a span of wastelands.”

An uneasy silence fell. Shining begun to sweat. He tried to think of anything that he’d missed, guess this dark secret that was apparently a great burden for the duo before him.

“That is not entirely true,” mused the Princess. “There is another nation we were not aware of, living in secrecy, not that far away from us.” She looked at the confused captain, stepping to the side to reveal Redberry again. “Our friend here is one of them. Now, Armor, I want you to remain calm. You are safe here with me. Redberry, or rather Chip, is on our side.”

“I-I wasn’t aware of another pony nation up north-” started Shining, only to be interrupted by the Princess’ hoof.

“Not pony.” She pursed her lips, nodding slightly at the shapeshifter. “Changeling.”

Without much warning, the red fur on Redberry’s back burst into green flames. Armor didn’t have even a second to yelp before the whole stallion was ablaze. A blink later, the fire died out, leaving behind a much more massive, charcoal black creature. The monster was daunting in every way possible - starting with his bulky build, shiny armor plates, through the fangs on his elongated muzzle and strange, insect like wings on his back, ending on the twisted horn and slitted, deep blue eyes.

The Captain has never seen anything like that in his life. His body reacted immediately, tensing up for a fight or flight reaction. His breath was shallow and fast, eyes darting between the Princess and Chip.

“Calm down, Shining Armor. As I said, he’s our friend. He’s unique, one of a kind in his race. He came here to warn us and help prevent conflict between our two nations.”

With his ears still glued against the back of his head, the stallion nodded. He silently stared up and down the massive chest and holed hooves. The changeling’s plate, despite the shine it had, was littered with tiny cracks and bruises.

“I know his appearance may seem...startling at first,” said the Princess, looking the changeling over. “Still, trust me when I say that he isn’t as bad as he looks. Rough around the edges and still unprepared to live in our society, but not a threat to it either.”

“T-Those flames,” stammered out Shining, his voice cracking despite his most valiant effort.

The Princess nodded her head. “That’s a sort of magic, a kind of skill unique to their race. While each pony tribe has a special strength in them, like growing food or flying, the changelings are capable of assuming any form they desire.”


“A small demonstration, Chip,” ordered the Princess.

The so far motionless monster nodded lightly, staring the Captain down. Shining winced, given only a second to look into the cold, almost soulless eyes before an unexpected emerald flame blinded him. He raised a hoof on instinct, the fire gone as quickly as it appeared. Hesitantly, the stallion lowered his appendage, looking back at a mirror copy of himself doing the same thing. Armor jumped in place, the clone mimicking the motion.

“As you can see and feel, this is a most formidable ability. One that, when used poorly, could threaten all of Equestria and beyond.”

The doppelganger stood up, as did the original, gingerly tip-toing forward until the two stood muzzle to muzzle. The captain raised a hoof, and so did the other. They both cocked their heads, letting their eyes travel around one another’s body.

“Even for me, it is difficult to tell you two apart. There is no trace of magic left behind, and their race developed a skill set that would make the best infiltrators green with envy. They can easily blend in, pretend to be anypony, even going so far as using some form of mind control to bend creatures to their will...”

Unexpectedly, Chip sat down, startling Shining to jump back. He could swear he was faced with an invisible mirror up to that point. “Wow,” he whispered, sitting on his own rump, his mind racing. “And such creatures...how many-”

“You have no idea,” said the doppelganger in the captain’s voice, making his eyes go wide in both fear and amazement. “The swarm I came from was immense, with every drone controlled by a single Queen, my former ruler. She...” The changeling paused for a longer time, sighing deeply before continuing: “She is dangerous. To herself and your kind.”

Hearing your own voice not coming from your mouth, but from the lips of a picture perfect copy felt outlandish. Shining was assaulted by all these new realizations, terrified at just how little he knew. It was as if he was watching some kind of play and, unexpectedly for the audience, the curtain in the back lifted to reveal all the props and ponies working various mechanisms and maintenance to keep the show going. He got himself into a mess that could potentially end in a war with a foe who could be anyone. Even…

“Wait!” jumped the stallion, backing up a bit. “If they can be anyone...h-how can he be trusted? How can anyone?!”

The Princess sighed. “That’s the thing. We cannot. He can identify his kin through some kind of pheromone his people secrete. We had him and your sister, Twilight Sparkle, conduct research at the Ponyville Library, and-”

“Sister?!” shouted both Shining Armors.

Celestia was taken aback by the sudden outburst. The atmosphere changed rapidly in the room - both captains were now staring at each other in disbelief, tension almost visibly growing.

For the true stallion, the thought of his little Twily being in the presence of the abomination was unthinkable. Celestia let him near her? His mind flashed with all manner of horrible images, each more sexual and violent in nature than the last. He riled himself past fear and confusion, his overprotective-brother side stirring from its dormant state.

Chip was curious and shocked on his side. He would have never thought that Twilight would have such an accomplished brother. Talent ran in the family, it seemed. Now that he knew about their bond, maybe the changeling could somehow learn more about the unicorn without her knowing? Oblivious to the other stallion’s face changing into an ugly mask, he begun exploring the possibilities in his head - he could ask about her favorite activities, what kinds of stallions she really liked, what was on her mind most-

* * *


The mighty volume of the Canterlot Royal Voice shook the shimmering barrier enveloping the room. Celestia rarely summoned this ability, even less with such passion.

Two Shining Armors got thrown against a wall with a thump, falling the short distance to the ground afterwards. Their fur was ruffled and torn in many places. One of them had a nasty black eye, the other’s muzzle growing a sizeable purple lump.

The Princess was huffing loudly, shocked at the scene that just occurred. She would have never envisioned the usually collected and matter-of-fact Captain of the Royal Guard throw himself like a wild barbarian against his doppelganger. Fur started flying not long after, the two rolling on the floor around the stunned monarch. They nearly toppled her at one point while she tried to part them with gentle telekinetic nudges and commands.

Now they sat stunned as Celestia slowly calmed down, looking over the battered stallions. Fur missing, bite and hoof marks everywhere…

“Are you in a brothel, or in the presence of a Princess, Captain Shining Armor?!” blurted out the alicorn. She snapped her attention to the one on the left who immediately saluted, looking way up above her head.

“I am in the presence of a Princess, milady!” he yelled in a soldierly fashion, his facial expression more likely of a recruit than a veteran soldier.

“Well then, are you a soldier, or a playground brat, Captain Shining Armor?!”

“I am a soldier, milady!” yelled back the distressed stallion, shrinking under the blazing gaze of Celestia. “Princess, if I can just-”

“No!” she shouted back, snapping her head to the other snickering Shining. “And what’s so funny to you?!”

“N-Nothing, Princess!” he barked back in a high pitched voice, whipping his hoof to a salute. He suppressed a hiss as it collided with his brow.

“Just what in all of Tartarus and Equestria got into you two?!”

There was heavy silence as the mighty alicorn observed her subjects, both apparently trying to merge with the floor. She felt so old now it hurt.

The real Shining meagerly raised a hoof. After receiving a silent nod, he began mumbling: “I’m sorry, Princess. I-I just...that thing was with my sister, and I didn’t know!”


“W-Well...what if he hurt her?” Despite his trembling, he managed to furrow his brows.

“I didn’t!” piped up Chip, burning away his disguise. “It was just research! I mean, we did kiss on accident, switch bodies and I kinda watched her sleep at some po-”

* * *

Celestia was so old. Every bone in her body was older than the walls of this castle. She remembered events so far in the past, most of them were passed down from generation to generation as myths and legends. The goddess of the sun, ruler of all ponies and benevolent light that shined in the dark felt ancient.

By comparison, the two in front of her could might as well have been kindergarten colts. They sure did act the part. On her left, locked down by an excessively strong restrain spell lay Shining Armor, a few more gnashes on his muzzle and hooves than before. He was looking away, his whole body heaving in hurt pride. On her right was the sitting changeling, looking no worse for wear, save for his muzzle missing an orifice that would allow him to express how deeply sorry he was despite not understanding what he did.

The Princess was dead tired and sleepy. With the two stallions finally listening to her, willingly or not, Celestia finished the briefing unhindered. She didn’t know nor care if Shining got any of it. She got her weights off her chest, tinting the telling with her doubts and fears, talking out all the issues she had bottled up inside since first meeting Chip.

Chip wanted desperately to assure the Princess, to comfort her, to let her trust in him. He had no idea the alicorn, the Ruler, the one he trusted to command him was as worried and troubled as he was about the situation they were in. Ponies were indeed made of different clay than changelings.

Chrysalis was decisive. She had no one to care about, save for herself. Everything she wanted or needed was law. No soft spots. Every task achievable with enough drones thrown at it.

While his rational part clearly appreciated the changeling way of things, his newly developed feelings for the equine race made him realize, in a weird way, just how special these creatures were. Nowhere near as happy as could be, always troubled and struggling. Yet they carried on, leaning on one another, forming a living wall of comfort and security. They were as strong and as weak as every individual brick. Only now did Chip truly start feeling like part of that construct. Shining Armor was dragged into this, and even with all his conflicting emotions (most of which consisted of daggers of hate directed at the innocent shapeshifter) there was a prevailing sense of duty, compassion and will. He knew the pony would rise to the challenge and support the ruler he believed in.

A soft knocking on the door startled the trio. Without much warning the doors flew open to the midnight coat and starry mane of Luna.

“Sister, thou art late with the...w-what is going on here?”

Not again! internally screamed Celestia, watching with a pained expression as her sibling poked at the golden force field with a hoof, a most puzzled look on her face.

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