• Published 27th Jan 2017
  • 6,479 Views, 141 Comments

These Strange Creatures - Dramatic Stories

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An Emergency! Celestia Sends Discord.

Meanwhile, in Canterlot during the big race, the three princesses held a very private meeting in Celestia's personal chamber. "Shouldn't we wait for Twilight to arrive? This matter is a danger to all of Equestria. It is wise that all princesses be present, sister." Luna begged.

"I know...but we are running out of time. I can feel his strength growing more and more out there. I will send a message to Twilight informing her to hide at all costs. Tirek mustn't know of a fourth alicorn's presence at all costs!"

"So what are we to do?" Cadence asked. "How we can we do our part?"

"I haven't gotten that far yet; However, I do have a plan to try and stop Tirek, or at least slow him down until we can figure out what do to." Celestia paused, "You may not like it..."

"Sister...don't tell me-"

"Yes. We need Discord's help. Yes, we three could easily defeat Tirek at his current state, but it's too much of a risk. If he absorbs even just one of us of our magic, we will be powerless to stop him. If Discord is defeated, we still might have a chance to at least find a way out and survive."

"Then it's true...I knew this day something beyond our strength would come. I saw it in my dreams during my imprisonment." Luna thought back to her banishment. The visions she had of Equestria burning in eternal flame. "I thought those dreams came from anger, and my bitterness towards you all in the form of Nightmare Moon. I guess I was wrong."

"Yes...Luna, do you think you can go contact Twilight the next time she is in her sleep, while I get Discord?" Celestia asked.

"Of course, I will do that first thing tonight."

"And what am I to do your highness?" Cadence asked.

"While I get Discord, keep a low profile here in Canterlot. If Tirek is spotted nearby, escape into the royal catacombs. There are emergency exits built everywhere that can be opened with Alicorn magic for that purpose."

"I understand." Cadence replied.

"What if all else fails, sister." Luna looked upon her older sister in fear, "What if Discord fails...or worse, betrays us?" A moment of silence fell between them all. Celestia looked at the ground with closed eyes and sighed.

"Then we will have no choice but to rid ourselves of our magic."

Luna and Cadence looked at each other with their mouths agape; however, even they knew it was the only way...

"I understand..." Luna replied.

That night, Celestia quietly fled to Ponyville to search for Discord. Upon her departure, Princess Luna dove into the dreamland, where she quickly found contacted Twilight.

Twilight walked quietly through a foggy Ponyville under a moonlit sky. Luna called from above. "Twilight!"

"Princess Luna?" Twilight replied, "What are you doing here?"

"Hush now Twilight. You must listen. When you awaken, you must head for safety as quickly as you can. Tirek, a magic absorbing monster has escaped tartarus and is spreading havoc through Equestria. He grows stronger by the minute, and soon he will come after us Princess'."

Twilight gasped. "Can't...Can't we all help some how?" She asked.

"We are unsure, but we have to be extremely careful. We cannot risk Tirek getting his hands on alicorn magic. If he does, nothing will, and nothing can stop Tirek. Princess Celestia has gone to get Discord to try and deal with him. We have faith that he will bring Tirek down."

"And if he fails?" Twilight asked.

"Celestia ordered that in the unlikely event that Discord fails, the four princess', including her, must rid themselves of their magic so Tirek may never wield it." Twilight's eyes widened as she realized the seriousness of the situation. She could only nod in response.

"I understand...where should I go?" She asked.

"Meet us at the castle in Canterlot as quickly as you can. If Discord fails, we will all go our separate ways and spread out as far as we can."

"Yes. Right away!" Twilight bowed to her fellow princess, and Luna turned to leave.

"Good luck, Twilight Sparkle!"

Back in the dreamworld, Luna searched for any clues as to Tireks whereabouts through the dreams of other ponies. She searched and searched, and found nothing. Hardly anypony was dreaming at all.

"This is bad...with no magic, thousands of ponies have no connection to the dreamworld. They can dream, but I can't see any of it...which means I need to look where there aren't any dreams!" She realized that if she could see a somebody's dream, it was because Tirek had not found them yet.

She turned to look further, but was suddenly stopped by a shadowy figure.

"Stop right there!" It yelled. Luna gasped at this familiar figure she hadn't been face to face with in years. "Luna...You must listen to me."

"I will not listen to you! Never again!" Luna backed away in fear.

"I am not here to hurt you! I know the danger Equestria is in!"

"You put Equestria in just as much danger. You threatened to leave Equestria in darkness!"

"You're wrong Luna...Yes, the night would've reigned for a very long time, but that does not mean I would not tend my subjects! Whatever you perceive as evil or good, royalty still have a kingdom to look after."

Luna looked on in silence. "You are the princess of the night. the princess of darkness...and you know your strength lies within me! Combined with the power of your sister, and Cadence, you can defeat Tirek!"

"No...I will never become you again!" Luna snarled.

"You have always been me. You think I am a demon within you, but I am merely just a manifestation of your true strength. Your true love for the night! I am not here to tell you to take over Equestria, Luna. I am here telling you to save it! You became me, because you wanted to! You've always had control over me, and you know it!"

Luna looked down at the ground in shame...she was right.

"Without you, or sister. Equestria will fall no matter what. Day, night, sun, moon. Equestria will burn. It's the only way..."

Luna turned away from the black shadow, and closed her now teary eyes. The shadow faded with a gust of wind as Luna opened her eyes again.

"I know..."

She took a moment to snap herself out of it, and took a deep breath. In front of her, she saw somebody having a massive nightmare. Her eyes widened in curiosity. She could feel it coming from Fluttershy's house. Quickly, she went into the dream and found herself in a world covered covered in lava, with lightning relentlessly striking what little ground there was left.

"Is...this Equestria?" She asked, as she looked across the hellish landscape. Tornadoes tore through and destroyed anything in their paths. Lightning blew rocks to bits, and lava poured out of every crevice and hole in the ground.

Below, a massive crack exploded, sending a shockwave through the air. Luna jumped in fear and looked down below, and saw two beings in a duel. Fighting at an incredible pace the likes she had never seen. One fighter stood shorter than the other, with white and purple skin with a tail. The other, a taller, shirtless creature with standing blonde hair. Both of them were shrouded in aura similar to magic. In reality, it was very different than magic.

Luna casted a magic bubble around her to protect herself from the elements of the dream, and observed closely at the battle. The two fought intensely, both with intent to kill the other. Each attack had nothing held back as their sheer power shook the ground.

"Who is this...and what is their dream doing here?" Luna thought. Soon, the blonde haired warrior defeated the other, and was soon looking for a ship to escape in. Luna continued to follow and watch from afar.

"Come on, come on! Piece of junk!" She could hear him yelling from within a ship. "No!" He yelled again. "NOOOO!" Luna realized the dream was coming to a climax, and she needed to get out of there quickly. As she pulled herself out of the dream, the planet exploded with the blonde haired warrior still on it, unable to escape.

Goku shot up and gasped in a cold sweat, his heart racing. Fluttershy quickly flew into the living room in a worry. "I could hear you panicking in your sleep, are you alright?" She asked.

"Yea...I just keep having this nightmare about Namek...I keep dreaming that I...I..." He took a deep breathe. "I didn't make it." Fluttershy rubbed the beck of his neck softly.

"There there. You're alright...How are you doing after the race? Still a little achy?"

"Yea, a little. Better now though."

"Good. Let me make you some tea."

"You're the best!" Goku smiled with glee. A sudden knock at the door startled them both. "Who could that be at this time of night?" Goku asked. Fluttershy quickly looked through the peephole, and opened the door. A dark blue alicorn stood outside.

"Princess Luna! What are you doing here at this time of night?" Fluttershy asked.

"I was in the area talking to Twilight when I saw somepony's nightmare...or in this case, somebody." Luna stared at Goku. "Who are you? I've never seen a creature like you before in Equestria."

"Yo! I'm Goku!"

"Goku? I think I recall hearing that name in one of Princess Twilight's letter to Celestia." She walked inside and looked upon the man with curious eyes. "Tell me about the nightmare you just had."

"Whoa, how did you know about that?" Goku asked.

"Oh, she's the princess of the night. She can go into anypony's dreams at any time, so long as they are dreaming." Fluttershy explained.

"A princess? Cool. So you saw my fight with Frieza?"

"Indeed...I also saw the planet perish along with you. Or though...I could have sworn your hair was blonde, and standing up."

"Oh, well that form is called super saiyan!" Goku exclaimed.

"Hm...interesting. May we have a demonstration?" Luna asked.

"I would...but I'm in no physical condition to show you at the moment. It would tear my body apart in seconds. Plus, I wouldn't want to ruin Fluttershy's home."

"Shame...perhaps we could have used such a great power to help us defeat him."

"Who is him?" Fluttershy asked.

"Tirek...a magic absorbing monster who is terrorizing Equestria at this very moment."

"Right now?" Goku asked. "Is..is he strong?"

"At the moment, the combined strength of myself, and the other alicorns would be enough to defeat him. Sadly, we couldn't risk one of us getting our magic absorbed. If Tirek obtained alicorn magic, there's no telling how strong he'd become."

At this point in time, Goku's eyes widened in fear, and excitement. "Seriously? Man, that doesn't sound good."

"No...Celestia has sent Discord to deal with him. Should he fail, we have a backup plan. Though we are confident Discord will get the job done, we are taking all precautions just in case."

"He stopped by earlier saying something like that. He told me he was going on an important mission." Fluttershy spoke softly. "He didn't tell me it was something like this...I hope he's alright."

"As do I." Luna spoke.

"If Tirek defeats Discord, don't worry. I'll see what I can do!" Goku said with a smile, before suddenly wincing in pain. "Oww...on second thought, you might need to hold out for a day or two. I'm still a little beat up from that race with Rainbow Dash."

"The strength I saw in your nightmare was unlike anything I had seen before. I believe you could be a viable ally in our battle, should it come to it." Luna smiled.

"Alright!" Goku said.

"I must return to Canterlot. Please, keep a low profile. The less ponies Tirek discovers, the better."

"No problem. Wait, one more thing. You said he could absorb magic and stuff like that...do you think he could absorb ki too? Like, pure energy?"

"I don't think so. When the magic is drained, the life force of the pony is still there; however, they're incredibly weak afterwards. I think if he could absorb what you call 'ki', his victims would die on the spot." Luna explained. "Though, I am not one hundred percent certain."

"Alright...well, I'm gonna get back to sleep. I'll need all the rest I can get!" Goku said.

"Of course. Here, this will help..." Luna's horn glowed, and casted a spell upon Goku. Goku looked at his hands in confusion.

"What'd you do to me?" He asked.

"I cast a spell that will prevent you from having nightmares for a while. It will help you sleep uninterrupted. I bid you farewell Goku."

"Alright, see ya!" Goku lied back down as Luna left. Fluttershy sat in the corner biting her hoof tips. "Hey, what's wrong?" Goku asked.

"Oh...it's Discord. I'm so worried. What if he gets hurt, or killed or..." She gasped, "What if he betrays us?"

"Oh come on, I doubt he'd do that...would he? I don't know I've never met the guy."

"I don't know...I'll let you get back to sleep now, Goku." Fluttershy flew back upstairs to her room, and shut the door behind her. 'Oh Discord...please be alright.'

Author's Note:

Chapter Recap: While Rainbow and Goku race, Celestia holds a meeting with Luna and Cadence to discuss their options on how to deal with Tirek. She decides to send Discord to defeat Tirek, along with a backup plan.
While in the dreamworld, Luna talks to Twilight, and warns her about Tirek. Afterwards, she comes face to face with Nightmare Moon, and realizes she has not only been with her this whole time, but she has been in control of Nightmare Moon from the beginning.
Afterwards, she sees Goku's nightmare, where he doesn't escape Namek. After Goku awakens, Luna talks with him and Fluttershy, informing them of Tirek's presence. Goku agrees to fight alongside them.