• Published 27th Jan 2017
  • 6,479 Views, 141 Comments

These Strange Creatures - Dramatic Stories

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A Visit to Zecora. Goku Takes to the Sky!

Goku and Fluttershy didn't get home until very late the previous night from Twilight's place. After Goku had told the tale of his origin, and how he got to Equestria, they spent the rest of the evening playing games and enjoying AJ's freshly brewed cider.

Sunlight peaked through the window on to Goku's closed eyes, opening them lightly. "Morning already?" He said. He rubbed his eyes and yawned as he sat up on the couch. The front door to Fluttershy's cottage opened up suddenly, and Goku looked at the doorway.

"Morning Flutts! What are you doing up so early?" Goku asked.

"I must be up early every morning to put feed out for my friends of course." Fluttershy flew in and put her baskets down. "I also spoke with Zecora, I'm going to take you to her today. She has some special things for you to help you get better."

Goku perked up with excitement. "Aw, really! I hope it works, man I've been beat the past couple weeks, asleep or not." He stood up carefully and put on his training shoes. "You know, I'm still surprised you guys managed to take these off of me. They weigh like 50 kilos each."

"Yes, Applejack and his brother said they were heavy." Goku buttoned up his jeans and made his way to the door. "Let me grab some water before we go."

"Yea, no problem." Goku replied, "By the way, thank you for your help the past couple weeks. I don't know how I'm gonna repay you."

"It's what I do." Fluttershy smiled at Goku as she returned with a canteen of fresh water. "Follow me."

"So this Zecora pony, she lives deep in these creepy woods?" Goku asked, pushing past the thick brush.

"Yes, but don't worry. I know the way." Fluttershy navigated her way through the everfree forest carefully, avoiding every branch and fern with precision, while Goku, with his significantly larger body, was having a difficult time keeping up.

"OW!" Brambles and thorns pokes and scratched Goku, tearing a small hole in his jeans Rarity made him. "Darn it. How much further?"

"Oh..we're here." Fluttershy said, pushing the ferns aside and revealing a treehouse.

"Man, you ponies sure do like living in trees." Goku scratched the back of his neck. The front door to the home opened up, and Zecora stepped out to welcome them. "Whoa, a zebra!"

"Welcome, Son Goku. It is so good to meet you." Zecora said with a smile. "Please, come in and sit. Let us relax, and talk for a bit." Zecora led them inside her humble shelter, where her cauldron was bubbling with a wicked and exotic brew as usual. An aroma occupied the room, one that Goku knew all too well.

"Is that..." He sniffed, having a very strong sense of smell compared to humans. "G-g-grape?" He said in fear.

"Let me examine your wounds...

Ok. I'm too lazy and don't have the motivation to keep coming up with rhymes for Zecora. Let's just pretend she doesn't have OCD and talks like a normal pony...or...Zebra I guess.

"Let me examine your wounds. I assume you have been healing already, yes?" Zecora asked.

"Yes, but it still hurts sometimes. I definitely can't use my energy at all or I'll just injure myself again, at least for a while." Goku explained. Zecora nodded and grabbed a dish, and filled it with the purple brew that was in the caldron.

"This will aid in your healing. It's effects are slow, and may take a day or two, but at least you won't feel so blue."

"Aw do I have to? It's grape flavor isn't it." Goku held the dish and looked at his reflection in the hot liquid. "Eh...what's the worst that can happen. Maybe grape isn't as a bad as I remember it."

Goku brought his lips to the crest of the dish, and tipped it slightly, allowing him to consume the liquid. As soon as he finished, and sighed and put down the dish. "Ech, I hate grape." Zecora laughed softly, and took the dish.

"I would have chosen a different flavor, but grape was a key ingredient."

"Thank you Zecora." Fluttershy said, "Also, you wouldn't happen to have finished the medicine for Angel have you? His fever is coming back."

"Ahh yes. I have it right here." Zecora pulled out a small vial of orange liquid. Fluttershy pulled out five bits and put them on the table. "The bunny called Angel, will feel better in no time at all." Fluttershy put Angel's medicine in her bag she had brought with her.

"Please come back soon again Fluttershy, for I must tell you about this guy." Zecora winked at Fluttershy.

"Oh yes, certainly. My next day off is in three days...if that's ok?"

"Splendid! I will see you then." Zecora led them out and back into the everfree, and saw them off back to Ponyville.

"Thanks for the healing stuff Ms Zecora!" Goku said.

"No need to be so formal, just call me Zecora." She replied with a smile.

With that, Goku and Fluttershy made their way back towards Ponyville.

The next day, Goku sat with his legs crossed out in the field just outside Fluttershy's house. His eyes remained shut as the wind blew though the grass which danced back and forth. He could feel Zecora's remedy taking effect, aiding his body in healing itself faster. Though he was still far from perfect, Goku felt that it was time to stretch his legs.

Fluttershy came out of the cottage for lunchtime feeding, and saw Goku sitting quietly. As she fed, she would glance over at him every now and then to see if he would move. 'I hope everything is alright' she thought to herself.

The feed that lied scattered on the ground suddenly began moving slowly across the ground. The wind had changed direction rapidly, and picked up a little. Fluttershy's mane became caught in the wind and blew across her face, covering her eyes completely.

"Oh goodness." She shook her head and her hair freed itself from her eyes. She opened them and realized the wind was coming from the direction of him...from Goku.

She looked over, and saw Goku hovering above the ground, and rising. A meter off the ground. Two meters. Three meters. He stopped at five meters above the ground, and unfolded his legs so it looked like he was standing on thin air. Fluttershy looked in awe. He was flying. He was really flying! No wings, no magic. He was just floating there!

"How are you doing that?" She asked quietly as she watched. Goku turned around to face her.

"Hey Fluttershy! Look at me, I can fly again woohoo!" He slowly, and cautiously did a single front flip in the air, and landed on his feet. "Wow...I can't believe how amazing that felt to finally stretch my legs again."

"Stretch your legs? You say that like it was easy. You don't even have wings." Fluttershy inspected Goku's back closely just to make sure he wasn't playing a trick on her.

"Well, believe or not this is the tip of the iceberg. Once I'm fully healed, I'll show you what I can really do."


"Yep...to put it into perspective, I'm not even halfway healed yet. No where near in fact....but just enough to get myself into the air again."

"I...I'm. That's amazing." Fluttershy was lost for words.

"In fact, I don't think I'm done yet...come on, let's go for a fly!" Goku said. The wind picked up once again, and he rose into the air. Fluttershy, still on the ground, looked up at him.

"Oh..but, I still have to finish the feeding." She said.

"Aw come on Shy, they got plenty. Plus I'm sure they can find their own food out there."

"Oh I suppose we can go for a minute or two." Fluttershy spread her wings and took flight gracefully, following Goku into the sky. The two were now above the tree line, and could see Ponyville in the distance.

"Don't go too far ahead. I still can't fly very fast."

"Oh, no worries. I'm not much of a fast flyer like Dash is. I don't want to disturb the air for all the birds around."

"Hehe, gosh you sure do take everything into consideration when it comes to your animal friends."

"Of course. I love them all."

Goku rolled and spun around as well as he could, feeling the breeze on his skin. Ponyville and Equestria was so peaceful. It was truly a land of harmony and prosperity. 'From what I've seen so far this place is incredible. Everyone seems so nice. The land is so lush and green. 'If anything ever threatens this world. I'll be here to defend it.' He thought. Equestria was quickly becoming a second home to him.

Author's Note:

Chapter Recap: Fluttershy takes Goku to see Zecora, and is given a healing potion that should help his body recover quicker from his injuries on Namek. The next day, the effects of the potion have healed him enough for him to finally fly again. Fluttershy and him go for a quick fly to stretch his legs.