• Published 16th Feb 2017
  • 2,909 Views, 44 Comments

The mage, the inventor, and the explorer - Jonny Bench

Three friends were having a nice time, playing modded minecraft on their favorite server, until an accident renders them lost in a new world

  • ...

The beginning

Author's Note:

Welcome to yet another fun idea I've had yet, will probably go for a few chapters before going inactive for a few weeks because i forget to work on it. Even so, I hope you enjoy and get inspired to be better than me by going out there and writing stories that last longer than my own. Still, I'll be seeing you all, in the next chapter.
(P.S. This server is the reason why I rarely update. Feel free to drop in to yell at me for being a lazy bum.:pinkiehappy:)

It was a bright and cheery day on the minecraft server. Three friends were playing together, trying to get an old portal that they found to work again.
“Thank you so much for helping me to find a new one Him, all of the ones I find tend to be looted already.”

“Happy to help Jonny, although I don’t get why you didn’t just want to scan my primordial pearl.”

“I haven’t cleared this dungeon before Him, so I wanted to do it legit instead of cheesing the research. I just wouldn’t feel like I earned it.”

“I understand that Jonny, I haven’t done this before either but I definitely want to try it at least once. So we got a game plan for this?”

“Yeah, I need all of you to fan out and look for an old tablet lying on the ground before the clear lag deletes it when we go in. If it’s deleted, i have a few ideas as to how we can get into the boss room, but one may not work, and the other would require time, and we wouldn’t be able to do it today.”

“So in other words, find the key, don’t get distracted.”

“Yep, that’s about right Lucifer. So let’s get going!”

All three players jump through the portal, into the great expanse of the outer lands.

Once all of the players are through, they split up to search for the boss room and the key, rushing since none of them remember how long it had been from the last clear lag.

Him encountered many swarms of head crab like creatures that latched on, causing him to struggle and slash about violently to prevent them from draining his health. Meanwhile Lucifer was cornered by a group of ender triplets and ender guardians, not knowing how they got there in the first place and regretting not having brought a ranged weapon.

Jonny, on the other hand had been making good progress through the maze like structure, shooting the headbiters and ender triplets from long range using his frost wand focus. However, he started having problems once he ran into a shadow wraith that blasted him with primal magic. Suddenly, the minute warning for the clear lag pops up in the chat, causing him to panic. He knows that the others must be in a fairly tough spot, especially if they had run into a bs extreme mobs boss type mob. He grits his teeth and pulls out his thaumium cleaver that he made specifically for clearing the dungeon, and rushes the wraith, slashing at the magic bolts at speeds not normally possible for someone with a cleaver. Soon, he is right on top of the wraith and begins to hack away at it, melting through the shield in seconds before rendering the creature dead. However, the 20 second warning pops up in the chat, causing him to realize that his efforts were in vain again due to poor timing. He decides to keep looking for the boss room to attempt his second plan though, not quite ready to give up.

Meanwhile Him had decided to light the floor on fire using flint and steel to clear out the mobs, disheartened at the fact that the clear lag was about to run its course and render the trip pointless. After a few seconds, all of the mobs around him have burned away, leaving xp orbs behind. Suddenly more of them spawn in, causing him to facepalm. Remembering what to do, Him breaks two mounds that are in the ceiling and one that’s in the floor using his cobalt pick As he walks over where the old spawner used to be, he falls through the hole and instantly starts to take damage. Thinking quickly, he tries to fly out of the hole, and barely makes it before dropping to the ground and having the words pop up in chat,”you feel heavy and are pulled to the ground.”
“Great, completely forgot you can’t fly with most items in here.” Then the clear lag runs and deletes all ground items
“And now this is pointless, guess we should meet up at the portal home.”

Meanwhile, Lucifer hides from the ender triplets as they barrage him with blasts. He peeks over the top of a makeshift cobblestone barrier to try and spy the location of the triplets. He ducks behind the barrier again as a fireball goes zooming past his head. Seconds later though, he hears the sound of one of the triplets dying. He peers back over the barrier to see two ender guardians trying to attack the remaining two ender triplets. Apparently they had been hit during the barrage and wished revenge upon their flying counterparts. Thinking quickly, Lucifer rushes the two now distracted triplets and dispatches them both using a thaumium longsword he borrowed from Jonny.
“Well that could have gone better.” He says as the clear lag runs. “Great. Guess we’ll have to try again some other time.

“Well isn’t that swell, looks like we’ll have to use plan B. Meet up with me, I’m at the boss room.”
Jonny asks in the chat.

Lucifer and Him both run the teleport command and pop in next to McLovinnn in front of a large locked door.
“Now what?”

Lucifer asks, causing Jonny to smirk as he explains
“Alright guys, here’s the other two plans. The first one is to let the moderators know about this to try and get the key from them. That may take a while though, and I want to do this today. Also I never got the key last time i tried the dungeon”

“And the other plan?” asks Him, curious as to what his friend may do.

“I’m glad you asked. On another server I used an item called the transvestic displacer to move unbreakable blocks around when they were in the way.”

“Not sure I understand where you’re going with this, but continue”

“I brought one with me, and I bet it’ll be able to move the gate out of the way .”
He says as he places it down next to the lock.

“Jonny, are you sure about this? It doesn’t seem safe.”
Him says worriedly

“It’s not supposed to be safe!”
Jonny says as he finishes setting up the device, places a lever on it, and activates it. The gate moves immediately , and a strong suction starts to pull the three players towards a dark hole.
“That’s not supposed to happen.”
Jonny says as he grabs the displacer and puts it back in his inventory.

“No shit Sherlock!” Him screams at Jonny as he tries to fly, failing to do so just like before.
He is quickly pulled into the hole, soon followed by Lucifer. Jonny braces himself next to the door with a warded block of cobblestone, contemplating what he should do next. After a few seconds, he comes to a conclusion most dedicated researchers would. He jumps into the portal after his friends all the while shouting
