• Published 16th Feb 2017
  • 2,904 Views, 44 Comments

The mage, the inventor, and the explorer - Jonny Bench

Three friends were having a nice time, playing modded minecraft on their favorite server, until an accident renders them lost in a new world

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Guest speaking

The week goes by and the three bases are built, Lucifer’s near Sweet Apple Acres, Him’s over by Rainbow Dash’s cloud house, and jonny’s near Fluttershy’s cottage. Lucifer’s base looks like a castle made out of stone bricks and oak logs. There are four large towers each with six floors, four above ground and two below. In the main courtyard, there are many desks set up along with a celestial displacer at the gateway. On the west wall of the courtyard, there is an end portal and on the east side there is an array of machines set up.

In Him’s base, there is a small classroom as well as a large room filled with assorted weapons and training dummies. A few machines are scattered about, some spawning in monsters, others making a pounding sound or shooting off particles in different directions. Outside of the base, there is a large obstacle course that is filled with mud pits, rope ladders and a large race track. Every so often, a trap is scattered about, a spike pit here, an arrow launcher there everything and anything that could be seen. At the entrance to the base, there is a celestial displacer.

Jonny’s base is a large tower like structure filled to the brim with items both mundane and magical. There are seven floors to it, six above ground and one below, as well as a large garden area filled with a countless amount of flowers and plants. On each floor there are rows of desks as well as various items unique to each floor. On the top floor, there is a large structure surrounded by crystals and skulls. On the fifth floor there are many cauldrons spread about as well as purple liquid on both the floor and ceiling. Each cauldron has an arcane crafting terminal at it. On the fourth floor, there is a large assortment of metal and warded glass set on the teacher's desk, as well as a small golem made out of straw. On the third floor, there are multiple chests set up with large assortments of wood and metal in each one. On the second floor there are many vents and magical trinkets upon the teacher's desk, each one more curious than the last. On the ground floor, there are many bookshelves lining the walls and instead of the standard desk, there are writing tables strewn about the place. In the basement, there are many dark and mysterious things (partly because of the amount of gaseous tenebrae down there.) outside of the base, there is a celestial displacer
Meanwhile, at the schoolhouse.
“Class, I have a special announcement!” Ms.Cheerilee says, immediately capturing the attention of all the foals present. “Princess Twilight has started a cultural exchange program with some visitors from a far away land. It is my pleasure to be able to say that our school has been chosen to participate in this event. There will be three separate classes you all can choose from. Now I’ll let the guest speakers come in to tell you about the classes. Come on in boys!”

Then, Lucifer and Him both come walking into the classroom wearing their draconic and dark steel /flux plate armor, causing all of the foals present to gasp in amazement.

“Wait, weren’t there three of you?” Ms.Cheerilee asks.

“Give him a second, he might just be running late.” Him replies

suddenly, jonny pops into existence right behind the teacher's desk, wearing his signature ichorium robes and holding his ichorium wand in his left hand and his thaumonomicon in his right. This causes everypony present to jump in shock while Lucifer and Him both roll their eyes at him

“Ever the one for theatrics aren’t you?” Him says

“The cooler the entrance you make, the more someone might want to take your class. I’ll go last though since I got here late.”

“Then who’ll go first?” Ms.Cheerilee asks

“I’ll go.” Says Lucifer Good afternoon everypony, my name is Lucifer. The class I will be teaching shall focus on technology. In the class, I shall be showing you how to build and operate various types of machinery as well as craft tools and generate electricity. We will start with the basics of tool smelting and work our way up to the cooler aspects such as the safe handling of laser rifles and robot programming. I hope to see some of you there. Also, no, I am not Lucifer, the lord of the underworld either. I was just very unfortunate with my name.”
The young fillies and colts eagerly start whispering to each other about what Lucifer said, expressing great joy at the idea of robots and laser rifles. After a few minutes, Ms.Cheerilee calms down the class before Naruto begins to speak

“Hello, I’m Him, and yes I was also given a poor name. In my class, we shall be exploring the world around us, through field trips to visit cities and learn about how the business world works, to trekking through abandoned ruins in the middle of a rainforest filled with traps and treasure. As you may have guessed, my group will be focused on improving your body’s natural strength as well as teaching you about the world around you. I look forwards to seeing some of you there.”

This brings about another round of whispers followed quickly by Ms.Cheerilee quieting down the class before jonny steps forwards to speak

“I am jonnybench, but you all may call me jonny. If you wish to be in my class, we shall be working on magic through studying and carefully supervised practice. You will not need to be a unicorn to take this class and there will be homework. I must say now that once you start the class, you will be expected to participate for the entire semester. If you do not think that working on study skills and tests on what you learned are for you, then you may not want to choose my class. I do hope to see some of you there.”

The foals mumble to themselves for a moment before quieting down as Ms.Cheerilee asks for questions.

“How much will this program cost?” Derpy whooves asks

“The program is free for any foal to take and will run the course of a full year, not a school year.”

“Are adults able to join in the program or help supervise?” Rainbow dash asks

“That is up to the instructor, however Him’s class will require chaperones for their field trips. Especially the more lively ones.”

“Why should we send our children to these monkeys to be taught about their obviously primitive way of life?” Spoiled Rich asks

“Don’t worry Ms.Cheerilee, I got this one.” Jonny replies before an answer could leave her mouth. “We are doing this to further expand upon the knowledge that both of our species come from, and we do not appreciate being insulted by someone who is looking a gift horse in the mouth. Now, if i may suggest this, would you kindly refrain from asking redundant questions that only sour our relationships?” Suddenly jonny’s Face turns dark black as the tip of his wand changes from white to a dark green. Seeing this, Filthy Rich quickly escorts his wife out of the room before the situation could escalate any more.

“Well then, sign up sheets are with Ms.Cheerilee and I wish you all a wonderful rest of your day.” jonny says as the tip of his wand turns to a white blue before he teleports away.

Author's Note:

Hey, long time no see. So a few things i need to say, if any of you feel like this is rushed, I would like to know. Either pm me or leave a comment about it and let me know what you'd like to see more of. I will go into greater detail about the other two bases later, it's just that this story will focus more on jonny than the other two (seeing as he is my player character). Also, the server i had been playing on was shut down and i am currently playing crundee craft on the kookykraft server if any of you would like to join me.( this means I am no longer able to play with mclovinnn and arrowsnaruto). I may post more in a blog post later, but for now, I will see you in the next chapter