• Published 9th Mar 2017
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For His Majesty - CrackedInkWell

It has been two months after Prince Blueblood came out, and the Princesses decided to help their nephew out by throwing a masquerade to help him socialize with other stallions that had the same interests.

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Chapter I: Making Plans

Even before either Celestia or Luna had sat down at their dining table to pick up the morning newspapers, both sisters already knew what one of the headlines was going to be. It was over something that they knew for well over a week since their nephew’s confession. That morning they got to see the results of the press conference that had taken place the night before.

On that morning in their private dining room that had a window that looked down upon the city. The room itself was only used by the royal family whenever they’re not called to attend any formal meals that it gave them room for privacy. Inside this room was Luna having dinner while her elder sister held a cup of rich coffee in her aura, waiting for her breakfast.

The white alicorn lifted her copy of The Canterlot Times while a nearby chef was cooking stacks of crepes and pouring the batter over a hot frying pan. On the paper was a black-and-white photo of their nephew standing before a podium. Below him was the outline of the heads of journalists and photographers, some of them held up a hoof or their cameras. Right next to the photo on the righthoof side of the page was the following headline:

Prince Blueblood Comes Out of the Closet.

(Canterlot, Equestria)

Last night at eight-thirty, Prince Blueblood made an announcement at a press conference that he is has come out as gay. His Majesty had taken the advice of the Princesses to come clean to Equestria of his attraction that he had hidden for the twenty-six years of his life. In doing so, the chief ambassador of Equestria has become the very first royal stallion in history to come out as homosexual.

“Auntie Celestia said that I should tell you for my own good,” said the Prince. “She said that it’s not healthy for me to pretend to be as someone I’m not. And neither is it good as my duties as a Prince to give other nations that may in the future offer some political marriage to me to be given the wrong impression. Now that the truth is out, I do hope for you and the kingdom’s support.”

The Prince took some time for questioning by the press. From it, it is revealed that His Majesty was slowly made aware of his sexual orientation and had fully realized it when he was around fourteen or fifteen years of age. He also admitted that he had a few crushes with some of Canterlot’s aristocracy and even a few guards, but has refused to give any names. Blueblood made it clear that he is single and doesn’t have a romantic interest as of yet.

(Blueblood, page 5.)

Celestia put down the newspaper, smiling, “I’m proud of him.” She said, “Now that he doesn’t have to hide anymore, it would be interesting what happens next for our nephew.”

“You know, while we are waiting for him,” Luna began as scooped up a spoonful of mashed potatoes. “Do you suppose that our little Blue might be expecting some male suitors now that his long-held secret is out?”

“I won’t be surprised about it; I suspect that it will be a matter of where and how.” She turned her attention towards her breakfast, a stack of rolled up crepes. “Thank you,” she nodded to the chief who gave her a bow. “Although, it would be highly unlikely that those said suitors would be of royalty – since I’m afraid that I don’t know any that comes to mind.”

As Luna picked up an orange, she mused, “Are you sure that Blueblood isn’t seeing anypony as far as you know Cel?”

“He did tell us that he wasn’t. Given that he himself doesn’t know anyone who likes other stallions, it would seem rather unlikely that he would.” She looked up at her younger sister with a raised eyebrow, “Why?”

“Do you think, that maybe, we should help him out? Play matchmaker.”

Celestia tsked, “Lu, that’s Cadance’s job.”

“So? Blueblood is twenty-six for crying out loud. How long are we going to let him go on with his life like this?” she questioned before started peeling the orange. “Don’t tell me that you aren’t the least bit curious to see who he takes on as a lover.”

“But I’m sure that he would be able to find someone eventually.”

“How do you know?” Luna raised an eyebrow. “I mean, do you remember how afraid he was just to speak to us a week ago? He wasn’t just fearful but downright terrified, so it must have taken a good amount of courage just to tell us the truth. Besides, what makes you think that now that he’s in the open that he’s immediately going to ask a stallion on a date? Frankly Cel, I see it unlikely that he would make the first move on anyone. So if he won’t do it himself, maybe we should step in?”

After the elder Princess chewed through her crepe, she responded. “I don’t know about this Luna. Maybe we shouldn’t interfere with Blueblood’s love life; after all, we don’t have a clue what he looks for in a stallion. Even if we did know, and that you are right, how do we know that he won’t reject this supposed Mr. Right that we set him up with?”

“Point taken,” while the Night Princess got to the slices of the fruit of her orange, she hummed in thought. “Maybe we can come to a compromise? Can I suggest that if our nephew hasn’t gotten a coltfriend in say… two months, then we should step in, and maybe get Princess Cadance to help assist us?”

“I’m still not entirely on board,” the Sun Princess said. “I know how much you want to help him, but I’m not sure about interfering with forcing him to have a special somepony.”

“Whoever said about forcing him? Maybe organize a little… get together, with him and several other stallions with common interests. Have him mingle a little and see who he has an attraction towards.”

Celestia picked up her cup of coffee, “That does sound rather reasonable when you put it that way…” she thought for a moment as she sipped on her drink. “If Blueblood doesn’t say about interest in two months, then we’ll get Cadance to help us this party.”

Luna smirked, “Either way, I would like to see who he does fall for. Though knowing my nephew’s extravagant tastes, how much you’re willing to bet that he will want to go out with a… (What is that word…?) a supermodel, one that has a pleasant figure that shows his masculinity.”

“Oh Lu, of course, he wouldn’t go for the hunk. That would be too predictable.” The elder sister giggled, “I think that he would probably go for the more intellectual type.”

“Do you want to make a bet out of it?” Celestia raised an eyebrow and asked Luna what she meant. “When our nephew goes to this meeting in a room full of gay stallions, how about we make a bet to make things interesting? I would bet you: three months of me raising the sun; my moonshine cake recipe; and a vacation in Prance (paid by me) that Bluey ends up with a drop dead gorgeous stallion.”

Celestia leaned forward, “Feeling confident, are we? Very well, if this does happen, then I will be willing to bet six months raising the moon, twenty barrels of Sweet Apple whiskey and a vacation to Istallion if Blueblood takes on a stallion that has a beautiful mind.”



Just as Luna predicted, the Canterlot Prince had not taken an interest in a stallion. Two months after he came out, there was no word that Blueblood was seeing anyone. If anything, whenever either Princess questioned him, he told them that he hadn’t found anyone worth courting.

So on a warm, late August afternoon, when his cousin came to visit the capital along with her husband, they invited him for tea in a shady part of the royal garden. In a small grove of trees that gently sway in the mountain breeze, a blond unicorn was just been told from his aunts of what they had in mind. As soon as they did, however, Blueblood nearly dropped the porcelain cup he was holding in his aura.

“I beg your pardon!” the Prince interjected. “You three are planning on what?

The three princesses and an ex-captain glanced over at one another, “We just thought it would be good for you.” Cadance carefully explained, setting her cup of tea back down on the cast iron table. “It will only be a little get together to hopefully get you to open up more.”

“By that, you mean toss me into a room full of strangers in hopes that I may find a date?” Blueblood questioned, his gaze sharpening.

“You know Blue,” Shining Armor propped his chin up by a hoof. “I can’t really see why you would be against something like this. I mean, you’re really good at meeting ponies, yaks, deer, zebras, and others from all over the world. From what I can tell, none of them are asking you to find a guy right off the bat, just to get you to socialize more.”

“That’s where I have to disagree, Prince Armor.” Blueblood pointed out as he lifted his cup in his azure aura, “It’s one thing to speak to other royals and ambassadors from other nations to settle trade agreements, preventing war and try to represent the best of Equestria – it’s quite another for me to go up to a stallion to see if he would make a good suitor.” After taking a sip of his tea, he continued. “There is a reason why I have not announced to the kingdom that I’m looking for someone to court with. I don’t know if you haven’t taken notice, but I’m a prince.”

“So?” both Shining and Cadance asked simultaneously.

The blond unicorn looked over at the Princess of Love, “Do you remember what life was like before you met your husband, cousin?”

“Of course I do, why?”

“Do you remember all that never-ending parade of stallions that came knocking on your door, each holding a bouquet of flowers and a fake smile that they asked you to be their special somepony? Only in the end to find out that they’re not doing it for you, but because you were a princess?

Cadance frowned, “So I’m assuming that the real reason why you haven’t been seeing anyone is that you’re afraid that you’ll get a line of suitors that only want you because of your position?”

“It’s true, is it not? I don’t want to take any part of this ball you’re planning on because I know that I’m going to be overwhelmed in a room full of strange stallions that only want me to be their coltfriend because of my position. So far I haven’t met one when that wasn’t the case.”

Luna put a hoof to her chin in thought, “What if none of them have to know that you are a prince?” The rest of the royal family turned to look at her, inquiring what she meant. “If you want to eliminate that possibility, then perhaps in order to conceal your identity, we could turn this ball, into an old fashioned masquerade. That way, you along with everyone there would be wearing masks and costumes – and the best part is that nopony would know who the other is. You would enter there as a blank slate.”

“In other words auntie,” Blueblood said, “this would be a glorified blind date.”

“It’s not a bad idea,” Celestia finally spoke up. “This would give you the chance to socialize with those like yourself. They don’t need to know that you’re Prince Blueblood and you can speak freely with any of them to see which one takes your fancy.”

The blond unicorn looked at all of them, his ears folded back, he had the look of uncertainty, “I don’t know about this.”

“If it helps,” Cadance said, “I would gladly write up the guest list and send out the invitations. Of course, I would have to brush off my detective skills to find any stallion that is single and has an attraction to the same gender that won’t cause you any harm. I will also try to gather those who have different interests, occupations and personalities for you to see who you like overall.” She smirked, “And if we’re lucky, perhaps you may find your special somepony at that ball.”

“Sounds like a pretty good deal to me,” Shining leaned forward. “Having to go around in a room full of potential love interests, all chosen from the Princess of Love herself does sound rather inviting now, doesn’t it?”

Blueblood frowned, “I still don’t like being set up like this.”

“We are not forcing you into finding a suitor,” Celestia pointed out. “All we ask is to mingle with other gay, bisexual or pansexual stallions that can help you open up more. It would help you in getting used to speaking with those who have some common interests. Just give it a try and we’ll see what ends up happening.”

The blond prince looked down at his reflection in the cup. It has been made clear that his aunts and cousin were only trying to help in something that he didn’t exactly feel comfortable in doing. They’ve offered up to him a plan to eliminate the possibility of any potential gold-digging stallion that would flirt his way.

‘I suppose that it would make sense,’ he thought. ‘The masquerade ball idea would level the playing field as it were. I would go around without them knowing who I am… Then again, I won’t be able to tell who they are either. Whatever their true intentions are, it would be a very big gamble. I’ll be playing date roulette with strangers that I may have never heard of. Then again, what do I have to lose in agreeing to this? Chances are, I would end up going to a party where I won’t find anyone, and they’ll be the ones in the end who’ll have to pay for it. Besides, this is Cadence that’s putting together the guest list; she has done this whole pairing up thing before. So maybe…’

“I’ll do it,” he finally said. “But only on one condition: when you send those invitations out Cadance, I do not want you to mention my name; just to cut down the chances of encountering any charlatans.”

Cadance grinned widely, “I think that can be arranged Bluey.”