• Published 9th Mar 2017
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For His Majesty - CrackedInkWell

It has been two months after Prince Blueblood came out, and the Princesses decided to help their nephew out by throwing a masquerade to help him socialize with other stallions that had the same interests.

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Chapter VIII: Of Gossip and Movie Tickets

It wasn’t uncommon for the press, (in particular the magazines that release hasten articles about celebrities, rumors, and suspicious looking photographs) to print stories about the Royal Family. On some days, they would print about Princess Celestia’s diet habits or spread rumors about an affair involving Cadance. Of course, many of these sources that come from gossip magazines weren’t taken seriously since much of what they end up printing turns out to be false.

However, when a picture of Prince Blueblood and Fancy Pants eating from both sides of rather a long noodle, looking at one another made the front page of The Canterlot Times, did it give the Prince reason to take a spit-take of his morning coffee. The blond unicorn was his royal apartment, the unicorn quickly forgot the breakfast that he was being served on his small table to flip open the paper in sheer horror.

The Prince and the Royal Daddy:

Has Blueblood Finally Taken a Suitor?

(Canterlot, Equestria)

Last night, our journalist photographer had taken a fascinating picture of what appears to be Prince Blueblood having an intimate moment with Art Patron, Fancy Pants (See above). The photo was taken at the Istallion restaurant, Il Fuoco Della Cucina. While it isn’t unusual for a member of the Royal Family to occasionally dine outside of the castle, especially in the case of Blueblood. What is unusual, however, is the fact that from the collective interviews from the restaurant staff was that he was seeming to be dining alone with Fancy Pants.

“At first I didn’t put much thought into it, really,” said Thyme Leaf, the waitress who had served the Prince and the Patron. “The staff was really excited to get a Royal visit to our place, you know, something to help further promote the restaurant. But now that I think about it, when I wasn’t interrupting those two with food and such, I would have to say that they were acting something like a couple… Just the way how they talked and looked at one another, they act like how couples do when they eat here.”

What was the most intriguing was the fact that Blueblood was dining alone with Fancy Pants? As far as we know, the Patron, while he has indeed had spoken to both Princesses Celestia and Luna, there’s no mentioning about him meeting the Prince until this photo was taken. This, of course, raises several questions over the circumstances. Fancy, while he has been divorced for about a decade, he had made no mentioning about returning to the dating field – which raises the question: Why was Fancy Pants there to begin with?

If the photograph is anything to go off of, this might suggest that both stallions might be closer than what anypony had assumed. Perhaps, the outed Prince might have finally found someone that could be his possible Royal Suitor? An unheard Royal Affair? Or a possible one night stand? Confirmation on this is still left unknown, and the Royal Family has refused to comment at this time.

“Oh good Celestia,” the blond unicorn moaned, his ears folded back, cheeks made evidence of his embarrassment, and rubbed over his eyes. ‘Just what I need! Right when everything was going perfectly, this happens! I can’t believe that mare got away to show that picture on the news.’ For several minutes, he let the stillness of his chamber to make it easier to wallow in mortification. He didn’t feel like finishing his breakfast as he just felt exposed to the world… again.

Then there was a knock on his door before a guard walked in, “Your Highness,” he said, “Princess Luna wishes to speak with you.”

After taking in a deep breath, he told him to send the blue alicorn in. To which, the door was held wide to let Luna come trotting in. “We’ve just seen the news, are you doing alright dear nephew?”

He responded with a hard gaze, “How do you think I am doing?”

“Not that good I’m assuming,” she sat down across from his dining table. “We take it that you were not ready in telling the whole world about Fancy?”

Another sigh escaped her nephew’s lips. “I knew that Equestria would find out about us eventually. I mean, I do like him and all, but I was rather hoping to do that until we were certain that we’re… you know. In love. I didn’t want them to know about us until then because the last thing I wanted was to have everyone outside of these walls thinking about us that we’re only doing this for sex. Everything was going so well last night and now it’s ruined!” He folded his forelegs, pouting. “We had to spend a good fifteen minutes going after that mare with a camera only for her to get away. I mean, is a little privacy too big of a price to ask for? A quiet dinner with him in order to get to know each other turned into this.”

“Your consort has not asked to repeal the relationship, has he?”

Blueblood shook his head, “Thankfully no. We ended walking back to the restaurant with him trying to tell me not to worry about it, that it might have been a tourist or something along those lines.” Lifting up his copy of the newspaper, he gave it a disapproved look, “I wonder if Fancy had seen this? He must be mortified by now.”

“Why not you go and see?” his aunt suggested, “After all, they know where he lives so they can simply take you to him. I would encourage it.”

The Prince raised an eyebrow, “Why are you here?”

“My reasons are twofold. The first is to check up on you and to comfort you in light of this. If you’ve read that paper, then you must know that we haven’t confirmed nor denied about the status of your relationship with Consort Fancy Pants without you saying otherwise. We think that the next time you go on a date that we should up the security in order to prevent such a thing happening again.”

“And the other?”

Luna lifted up a wing in which she held two tickets. “If you wouldn’t mind, I think I have a suggestion that you and your consort may do that is fun.”

“What are those?” the Prince lit up his horn to pick up what was on her aunt’s wing and held them close for him to see. “Movie tickets?”

“I may have pulled a few strings,” Luna admitted, “that I have rented out a theater in order to show a film. One in which it would be just you and Fancy to sit there in the dark.”

Blueblood looked took a closer look at the two sheets of paper. “‘Til Death Do Us Part’? I don’t think I ever heard of it, Auntie Luna.”

“That’s because it’s just been rediscovered. From what I know, it’s from what they called the ‘silent era.’ It’s supposed to be a romantic horror movie that was once to have thought to have been lost until recently. Actually, now that I think about it, I was told that it was considered a little too shocking at the time that it was never released in theaters. Somepony found a copy of it in a vault, along with the original score that was supposed to be played along with it.”

“So in other words, you’re giving me tickets for me and Fancy into seeing a silent movie?”

“A lost film is more like it,” his aunt pointed out. “Of course, you would probably speak to coltfriend about this. Still, I would encourage it,” she smiled as she got up, taking enjoyment of seeing her nephew’s cheeks turning red at the word ‘coltfriend’. “Now, I must be off, there are a few things I need to do before I retire to bed. Good morning, Blueblood.”

“Um… Thanks, Auntie,” he replied as he watched the blue alicorn exited from his chambers.


“We’re here, Your Highness,” his guards set the palanquin down near the steps of the grand blue house. As he expected, standing in front of the door were two Solar Guards that flanked both sides of the peal white door. Once the door of his mode of transport was opened, the Prince stepped out and went straight for the door, pulling on the rope to ring the bell.

It didn’t take too long for it to be answered. The door swung open to reveal a familiar unicorn mare with a pink mane. “Your Grace,” she said dryly while bowing.

“Fleur,” Blueblood nodded. “What exactly are you doing here?”

“I’m your coltfriend’s bodyguard. I tend to protect him whenever he goes out.”

This made the Prince raise an eyebrow, “Funny, I didn’t see you anywhere last night.”

“Trained to hide in plain sight, remember.” She leaned against the door, “But let’s get to the point, you’re here for Fancy are you?”

“I am, is he here.”

“He’s in his study, gathering up all the things he would need today.”

“Would you allow me to come in?” Blueblood asked, and at this, she stepped aside and showed him in. The Prince didn’t exactly know what to expect as he stepped inside his suitor’s home to be like. Sure, he didn’t exactly expect it to be anywhere near the grandeur of the palace per-say. He half estimated that for somepony who is the top patron in Canterlot to be packed with grand artwork from the basement to the attic. To be stuffed with statues in the foyer, paintings in the hallways, tapestries in the dining room, stained-glass in the bedrooms, expensive hoofstiched carpets on the stairs and costumed made chandlers on the ceiling.

However, what he found was surprisingly modest. Yes, there were a few statues here and there, and paintings too. The interior has hardwood flooring, white walls, classical columns, and ceiling. There was some simplistic molding overhead and around the black, cast iron chandeliers. In this clean environment, any other color that was inside seemed to have made the paintings pop out as Fleur lead the blond unicorn through the hallways to a door.

After she knocked on it, she opened it and stuck her head in, “Guess who’s here?”

“Send him in,” he heard Fancy’s voice say. The Prince entered a grass green library in which it had a Neighponese theme from his desk to the scroll-like tapestries that hung on the wall. For a moment, Blueblood was taken aback at the number of books that surrounded the desk. The blue-maned unicorn looked up from his papers, “Oh! Bluey, what are you doing here?”

The Prince turned to the ex-royal guard, “Leave us Fleur. I want to speak to him alone.”

While she obeyed, his consort’s interest had been piqued. “Do you know her?”

“I knew her for a time.” He walked up to the desk, “She used to be in the Royal Guard some time ago, and if I remembered right, Fleur de Lis used to scare the living daylights out of everyone else.”

Fancy leaned back in his seat, “I already knew that to a point. After all, her previous occupation was a major reason I gave her the job of a bodyguard. So far, she has been doing a smashing job at it.”

This got a chuckle out of Blueblood, “When she served the crown and that she earned the title of commander, she was so good at her job to the point where it scared the guard. I mean, she’s the kind of mare that she could easily mime you with a napkin,” the look on Fancy’s face dropped, “Yes, she’s that good.”

“Well, good thing we’re friends then,” the wealthy pony commented as he rubbed the back of his head. “But back on topic, what do you come for?”

“For two reasons. The first is that I want to apologize,” Fancy tilted his head and asked what for. “The date last night ended in complete disaster, and I think it was my fault. If only I had added some more guards around that night, you and I wouldn’t end up on the front page.”

Much to the younger unicorn’s confusion, the older was laughing. “Really? That’s why you’re here? Oh Bluey, I’ve already seen it. I’m not embarrassed by it at all. Although, I did receive a telegram from a certain mare in Ponyville that I may have unintentionally broken her heart because of that article.”

Blueblood was about to ask but quickly shook his head, “No, that’s not the point I’m trying to get at. Last night’s date wasn’t perfect and all I wanted was for it to go right, you know, being our first date and all.”

“Second,” Fancy corrected him.

“We’re not doing that again!” the Prince interrupted. “The point is that I’ve made a mistake that has ended up costing us and… I feel guilty about it. So here,” he reached into his pockets and pulled out the movie tickets. “I want to make it up to you. So if you’re still interested, would you go out on a date with me again?”

The older unicorn looked at the tickets for a moment before putting a hoof over his heart, “Oh Blueblood, you don’t have to because I didn’t think that dinner last night wasn’t half bad. Sure, there was that chase, but I did have a brilliant time with you. There’s no need to apologize.”

“But it wasn’t perfect,” the Prince muttered.

“Trust me; I’ve been on dates a good deal worse than last night so that was nothing to be concerned over. But to answer your question, yes, I would love to go out with you again. May I see those tickets?” Blueblood gave the tickets to him where he adjusted his monocle. “‘Til Death Do Us Part at the Magic Lantern Theater’? While I am familiar with the theater, I don’t think I’ve heard of the movie.”

“My Auntie Luna gave me those, said that it will be a screening of a long lost silent movie that’s just been found,” he took notice that his suitor’s face had an uneasy look. “What?”

“Blueblood, while you’re here, can I ask you to do something for me?”

“And that being?”

“The next time you see Princess Luna, could you implore her not to come into my dreams again? Last night she stumbled into mine while I was in a…” he coughed into his hoof, bearing a shade of scarlet on his cheeks, “compromising position. It would be appreciated to know that she won’t enter my dreams without invitation.”

Blueblood stared at his consort for a long, silent minute. “Compromising position?”

“Trust me, old sport, the less you know, the better off you’ll be.”