• Published 2nd May 2017
  • 9,807 Views, 2,622 Comments

Fading Suns: A New World - David Silver

A new jumpgate is discovered, or rather a very old and decayed one that had been brought back online. House Hawkwood sends a bold explorer through to discover what riches await on the other end. He did not expect equines to be the result.

  • ...

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118 - Festival for the Living

There were people bustling and moving. There were things to buy and things to gawk at, but most of it was light in touch and aspect, more likely to be something tasty to put in your mouth or pretty to gaze at, with all more serious matters deferred for the moment.

There were church guards and priests wandering about, not wielding spears or any other weapons. There wasn't a weapon in sight. It was a day of peace.

"Thank you all for coming," spoke Twilight from behind a lecturn. "We survived a great conflict, but not every creature involved can say the same. Though our friendship allowed us to prevent more from falling... Let us take a moment to reflect on those who were... lost." She turned to the side and backed away, allowing Father Gregor to step up with his gentle smile.

Gregor did not rest his hands, instead gesturing with them grandly as he spoke. "My children, on two legs, or on four. With protruding faces or flat. With glistening pelts or smooth skin. Today, we are united. It is a shame that we are united for such a sad turn, the loss of those who fought to see us through to this day." He folded his hands together. "But let us turn our thoughts also to those we will never meet. Who you may have only seen once, as a flash in the sky. The brave warriors of either side that fought valiantly above you. To the priests, the Hawkwood warriors, and the merchants all who gave everything they had to give."

A raucous cheer erupted, the merchants making it clear that they were present with uplifted steins of drink.

Mayor Mare advanced to take her turn. "In honor of this exchange, which determined the very fate of the world, I declare this to be a new holiday." She coughed into a hoof softly. "I present! The day of humanity, to remember the price we paid to make new friends from so far away. May this be the last of such trials, and may we be ready in case it is not." She turned to look at Gregor. "You are welcome here, as all humans are, if they come with peace in their heart." She winked dramatically. "And a few coins in their pockets." The merchants chuckled at the joke, getting it far better than most of the other groups present.

Ahead of her, several ponies were busy signalling with movements of their hooves, angles of their ears and motions of their tails. It was sign language, decided on instead of the translating collars to convey the speech from the human tongue to the Ponish one.

Mayor Mare retreated behind Twilight. "You have no idea how many times I repeated that speech," she whispered in Ponish. "Did I get it right?"

Gregor advanced to take the stage once more. "We will not hang our heads today. We will instead celebrate what lies ahead of us. Let us celebrate the lives of those who passed, and cast our eyes to the future they fought to protect." He spread his hands out to either side, palms up. "My precious brothers and sisters fought to see a brighter day. Let's celebrate what they have brought to us."

As the signalling ponies caught up, the ponies began to cheer and clop down their hooves. That is also the time that confetti rained down from above and Pinkie rolled in a huge cart of sweets, an equally sweet smile on her face. "That's enough of that," she cried in ponish. "Time to party!" She felt certain, ponish or english, her meaning would carry through.

That both humans and ponies approached to share of the treats offered was hint enough. The festival kicked into a new energy, with less speeches, and more cake.

Lyra escaped when the party wound down. She was part of the entertainment, playing her instrument with the other musically inclined ponies of Ponyville, but as the evening dragged on and creatures started to become tired, she made her escape.

"Is it alright if I visit?" she asked with a hopeful smile.

Nurse Redheart inclined her head at the lime green unicorn, considering. "He's still hurt. Can you take it easy?" A little smile broke her features. "I know that's not your specialty."

"Hay!" Lyra stuck out her tongue. "I'll be on my best behavior, promise..."

"Ten minutes," allowed Redheart. "And not a second longer. Be gentle."

"You got it." Lyra trotted past, defeating the advanced security of pony hospitals. Her horn glowed as she bade a door open in front of her. She reached up, adjusting her collar and making sure it was turned on. "Hello?"

"I am not hungry," replied the voice within in human, faithfully repeated by another worn collar in ponish.

"I didn't come with dinner." Lyra slipped inside, where the prone form of one of the most powerful humans on the planet rested. "How are you feeling?"

The cardinal sat up slowly, his body not as willing to start movement. "Who are you?" That was not one of his nurses, or one of the doctors.

"The name's Lyra," she introduced, tipping her forebody down. "Nice to meet you." She placed her hoof on her chest, then sat down inside the door, closing it with her magic. "I don't understand."

"What do you not understand?" he asked in a tone that revealed how little he thought it was his job to help with that, even if his collar translated it evenly. "You do not belong here."

"Neither do you." Lyra walked slowly towards his bed. "Or any of the humans, really. We had a deal."

"What bargain?" Ah, the subtle differences in translation. "I agreed to nothing save to end the battle."

Lyra reared up, hooves on the bed. "There wasn't supposed to be a battle. We overlooked Laud. Nice guy... That was our mistake."

He could hear her dire words and tone, even if the collar kept speaking on in its neutral way. "Are you here to kill me while I lay in bed?"

"That is something a human would consider." She raised a hoof to her chin. "Lucky you, I'm not one of those... Equestria is a special place. With rules, very specific rules." She set down a hoof, trailing it along the blanket that covered the man. "Your little religion, keep it to yourself, hm?"

"Even the fools that took up arms were already speaking of how well ponies lined up to hear the word of the Pancreator." Despite his prone position, his spirit swelled. "Kill me, if you want. It won't stop the coming of God."

She slid down to all fours. "Again with that... A human notion. I will not stoop to your level." Her tail flicked as she turned away. "If you whisper a word of this, I will deny it, of course. As if they'd believe innocent and bubbly Lyra would ever speak out of turn." She inclined an ear back at him. "You are in a garden of a god. Take care you do not trample the flowers, or their wrath will do the job I refused to do."

Lyra trotted out of the room, a bright smile back on her face. She waved amiably at the nurses as she headed out, making sure Nurse Redheart saw her going. The work of a secret agent was never truly done, even if she went ahead and married one of the greatest potential threats to Equestria they'd ever seen.

Starlight was awakened, her eyes snapping wide. "Ow!" She'd just been thwapped right across her quivering nose. "What the--Chrysalis?" There she was, scowling at Starlight. "I thought you were long gone."

"Tempting." She inclined her head faintly. "But you haven't finished your day of service."

Starlight smiled a little as she began to sit up. "Oh, I..." Well... If Chrysalis was willing to stay... "Alright. Do you... want to start now? It's night. Why don't we both get some good sleep and I'll gladly finish tomorrow."

"I desire a treat." She pointed the way. "Carry me to the kitchen."

Starlight rolled her eyes, but her glowing horn gently picked up Chrysalis to begin carrying through the castle on her head. "Of course. I hear you were very brave, up on that ship. Good job, helping keep them alive."

"And myself," she reminded with an arched brow. As if any life was as important as her own. "Still, yes, I was quite the hero..."

"All hail," sang out Starlight, sarcastic, though her rider didn't seem to notice or mind. "Good thing you were with him."

"As much as it would have amused me to see that little princess sob..." Chrysalis rolled her eyes. "It satisfies me to know how much this will gnaw at him."

"Hm?" She reached for the fridge, her magic willing it open. "What will?"

"He was saved by what he calls a demon." Chrysalis smiled with smug satisfaction. "The very definition of evil, if I heard right, and the only reason he's still alive. Ha! That will haunt his bed time for quite a little while..." She brought her hooves together, rubbing them with a vicious smirk. "Still, better than the alternative."

"I won't argue that." She performed two great scoops of ice cream into two blue-purple bowls, a spoon plunked into either as she set them on the dining room table. "You did good, really. Creatures, humans and ponies alike, are happy to have you around."

"As well they should be."

"Just think." She set the tub back where it came from and trotted to where their ice cream awaited them. "You could have people happy to see you all the time."

Chrysalis gently bonked Starlight on the noggin. "Are you trying to infect me with friendship?"

"You're too strong to be taken by something as weak as 'friendship'." Despite her rolling eyes, she could see Chrysalis was scowling. "What?"

"I'm not an idiot," huffed the small bug. "Friendship has defeated me, three times now. It puts on a weak show, to make you drop your defenses, then it pounces!" She hopped down off of Starlight, pouncing her bowl, her own little horn hefting her spoon to carve out a morsel to chew on. "Mmm."

"Mint chocolate chip is one of my favorites," agreed Starlight, nibbling on her own bit. "Now, really, why not beat it at its own game?"


"If you look harmless, people won't have their defenses up." Starlight inclined her head. "You were in the company of a warrior, a real warrior, and he ended up thanking you for the opportunity..."

"The look on his face... it was priceless." Chrysalis paused her eating to savor the memory of Laud's stupid face as he realized the situation he was in. "Mmm, yes."

"And you could do that more often... Besides."

"Besides?" She peered at Starlight who had gone quiet. "Besides what?"

"Besides, your people need you."

Chrysalis sprang to her hooves. "You would lecture me on my changelings!"

"Only to say they need their past." She rested her head against a hoof, a glowing spoon slowly feeding her frozen treats. "You are the only real link they have to it. They face a future, unrooted and adrift."

"Then maybe they shouldn't have betrayed me." She sank her jaws into the frozen goop, slurping it up. "Besides, they have... ugh... Thorax now."

Things became quiet, only the clinking of spoons against bowls. "I mean... he's nice... sure... but he's not a good connection to what makes a changeling... a changeling."

"As if I hadn't mentioned that!" She threw a hoof up high. "Why would they care now?"

"They're ready to listen." Starlight smiled a little. "If you're ready to talk. Your people are moving on. They will keep right on walking, with you... or not. They'd rather have you with them, but they're still walking."

"Bunch of ungrateful whelps," she huffed under her breath, attacking the ice cream as if it would wail in horror. Oh, that would have been nice.

Author's Note:

Important pieces are set down on the board in this chapter, I feel. What do you think?

Written early for patreons who got this ahead of everyone else. Want to get early chapters, or even your own story written? atreon!

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