• Published 2nd May 2017
  • 9,807 Views, 2,622 Comments

Fading Suns: A New World - David Silver

A new jumpgate is discovered, or rather a very old and decayed one that had been brought back online. House Hawkwood sends a bold explorer through to discover what riches await on the other end. He did not expect equines to be the result.

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43 - Exploring

It was time for dinner. Paul, his men, Laud, Twilight, and Spike were all gathered around a table with a spread of Equestrian cuisine to choose from. The soldiers sitting stiffly, all eyes on Paul.

He raised his hands and clasps them together. "We gather here tonight..." His words were solemn, as fit the words of prayer that he offered. Twilight watched with fascination. Spike watched impatiently. When he was finished, the men, including Laud, echoed his final word, though the translator didn't have the translation for it, nor did it a few select others.

Mealtime began properly.

"I never heard you do that," noted Spike towards Laud even as he reached to snag some choice morsels over to his plate.

Laud stiffened. "It seemed improper. I did it when I was alone, to not upset the locals with my beliefs."

Paul seized a carafe and filled his cup with the dark-red fluid it held. "Decided not to see if they had an inquisition of their own?"

Twilight perked at that. "We have many ponies that ask many questions." She put a hoof to her chest. "I like to think I'm a bit of an 'inquisitor' myself. My curiosity is rarely satisfied."

Paul burst into laughter. He set down the carafe to free a hand for slapping the table once. "Our languages are frighteningly similar, but still I feel there's been a misunderstanding. I doubt your people could form a proper inquisition, even should they want it. It is a tool that does not fit those dainty hooves of yours."

Twilight pulled her head back a little, confusion and a little irritation showing on her face. "If it isn't a group of ponies pursuing a truth tirelessly, what is it?"

Laud shook his head. "Humanity--" He waved around the table at all his fellow humans. "--has led a long past, with good and bad points..."

Twilight's ears lifted high before falling to either side. "Is this one of the bad points?"

Paul lifted his filled cup and took a deep pull of the fruity alcohol. "Some bad points are required, others get in the way. Some we try to forget about. In this case, it promises to become a concern for this world in time." He swished the cup towards Twilight. "The inquisition is religious in nature, investigating and punishing things that they deem 'obscene'. But that's neither here nor--"

Spike leaned forward over the table. "Uh, that sounds kinda important."

Twilight nodded towards him. "I am inclined to agree. Is this inquisition allowed to go deciding how not-humans go about their lives? That's... rude, to say the least." Her eyes turned to Laud. "We haven't infringed on his right or ability to do as he pleases, so long as it isn't hurting any ponies in the process."

Laud's food was barely touched. His attention was on the conversation. "I will protect them," he stated with all the firmness he could muster.

"Protect them?" Paul set his glass down. "It'll take more than you standing in their way."

Another soldier down the table lifted his own glass. "Good thing he's not alone!" A communal cheer went up among them.

Paul smiled at that, some bitterness in the expression. "You've dragged us into this, Laud. Our hosts are trusting us, and it wouldn't be the Hawkwood way to abandon what we've claimed."

Spike hiked a scaley brow. "Claimed?" A knocking at the front door drew his attention quickly. "I'll get it!" He dashed off, arms pumping at his side in his hurried dash.

Twilight rolled a hoof at Paul. "As Spike was asking, claimed?"

Paul put up his hands, palm-side up. "I spoke prematurely, but Laud's presence here, and his acceptance, can be taken as a sign of willingness to join our house. I must assume this is the case, or it would not be our job to intercede in the workings of the church. Still, you've at least chosen a good house. We do right by our vassals."

Another soldier leaned in over the table to be seen around his peers. "My world's suffered under other houses before. My family was nothing but mistreated miners for generations before the Hawkwoods came. Suddenly we started getting paid, and told our lives actually matter. The quotas started being set by people who knew us, instead of entitled nobles who'd never set eyes on the mines if they could help it. It was night and day, and that's why I signed up to serve."

Other soldiers murmured in agreement, those beside that soldier patted him on the shoulders for his choice.

Twilight settled back on her seat. "I... see. What if we just don't want to be part of any house, or the church?" She raised a brow. "What if we just wanted to be left alone?"

Paul set his hands on the table, not eating. "That option faded the moment we figured out how to reach the gate hovering over your head. Even if we just... leave." He raised a hand to wriggle a few fingers. "Others will come, and they are less likely to have your interests in mind. Even if you killed each and every last one of us on your world." He spoke as if he admitted it wasn't an impossible thing. "We weren't the ones to find that gate. Others know you're here already. Others will come. This is an unchanging fact."

Laud frowned a moment. "I thought we were the ones to find the gate?"

Paul snorted back a brief laugh at Laud. "The Charioteers haven't given up their monopoly, Laud. They found it, and sold us the right to be the first ones through. They had already done a flyby of the world, and its curious sun, but their bravery ended when it came to landing and surveying. Besides, there was money to be had, and they knew it. They sold that precious first exploration and claim right to us, and we snatched it up. Then, lo and behold, a young noble, head full of visions of grandness, happens to be in the right place and time, ready to volunteer."

Laud colored faintly, restraining himself admirably despite the words that sketched him as some random brash youth. "I have conducted myself honorably."

"Never said otherwise." Paul pushed his dish away. "Princess, there is the matter of surveying. Laud became entangled with political maneuvering, which I am grateful for, but we still want that survey. Do we have permission to begin exploring this world, presuming we bring no harm to your people in the act?"

Twilight turned to where the dock was, and the great ship. "Are you going to fly that around the world?"

"That would make a certain impression," said Paul as if musing the idea. "But it is impractical. We will use smaller craft. We have terrestrial vehicles."

"Like the ones in the other world," quickly added Laud.

That dispelled the mystery. "Ah." Twilight nodded. "You understand, not this entire world is Equestria, by far. Once you leave its borders, I can't promise others will greet you as kindly. Many other races are fiercely territorial, especially if they mistake your disciplined appearance as an attack force."

Spike came back into view. "Hey, it was--"

A mint-green unicorn bounded into view. "Laud!" Lyra grinned at him, but also skidded to an awkward halt. "There really are a lot of you..." She wore no translator, her equine noises making little sense to most of the room.

Despite that, Paul nodded faintly towards her as he covered his translator. "I gather she knows you?"

"She does," Laud replied in English before slipping to Pony, "Good to see you, Lyra."

"It's been too long." She hastened to a trot, coming around the table to be at his side. "You didn't forget about me, I hope? I didn't forget about you." Her cheeks were pinked faintly as she spoke. She started when something touched her ears. Twilight popped a translating collar around her neck, locking it into place. "Oh, uh, thanks?" Her ears danced as it echoed those words into English.

Spike hopped back into his abandoned chair. "So, what's up, Lyra?"

"Oh, you see..." She tapped her hooves together awkwardly.

Paul's attention had slid back to Twilight. "My men will handle themselves, and we will not cast fault on your people for the action of your neighbors. We may proceed then?"

Twilight glanced between Lyra and Paul before holding up a hoof at Paul, her eyes settling on Lyra. "Is everything alright?"

Lyra squirmed all the more fiercely. "W-well, I mean..." With a loud uncorking sound, a tiny box appeared. "You don't have a horn to put this on, but..." Twilight's eyes went wide, but Lyra wasn't paying attention to her. "I... Will..."

Laud suddenly took hold of the box, holding it firmly but softly. "Lyra, we should speak, in private."

Lyra shrunk back. "O-oh, yeah. I suppose... it was silly of me to--"

"We should speak," repeated Laud in firm tones. "In private." He rose to his feet and gestured at her. "I need to see to Lady Heartstring. Apologies for leaving mid-meal."

Paul was quiet as Laud departed, the obviously flustered Lyra trailing behind him. He looked to Twilight once they were gone. "Is she of noble birth, or was Laud humoring her for her sake?"

Twilight let out a slow breath. "She does belong to one of the noble houses, yes. I'm sorry for..."

She didn't get to finish, as Paul slapped the table. "This is far more bold than I expected. Already maneuvering for a political marriage to cement your place?"

Twilight folded her ears back. "I..."

Paul made silent judgements entirely off her slow reply. "Think nothing more of it. I will say it wouldn't be the first time those deemed 'human enough' have courted with nobility. I leave that up to Laud. He isn't young enough for me to decide what strikes his fancy. Back to business. We have permission?"

Twilight frowned softly. "I see nothing wrong with you looking around Equestria. Let me get a map of the known world so I can show you where Equestria ends and what we know lies beyond it. You should not disturb things. Looking is fine. What is the saying... take only pictures and leave only hoofprints."

"Thank you." The meal continued, the matter seemingly closed for the moment.

Laud sat down on his bed, Lyra looking at him across the room with concern and worry painted across her equine features. "Allow me to ask," he spoke in pony, she being the only one present. "--why now?"

Lyra shrunk a moment before sitting up. "You see... I heard about your ship... and... Well, now you could... go... home..." She trailed a hoof slowly on the ground. "I was working up the bravery, and some bits... So... since you wouldn't come to me... I came to you." She tapped at the small velvet case with her magic. "I figured, if I didn't just ask, I'd regret it forever..."

Laud smiled thinly. "I don't think you were even trying, but you've painted me into a corner."

Lyra blinked at that. "I did?! I mean, sorry! Do humans do this differently? I can go!" She turned for the door. "I didn't--"

"--Stop." He held up one hand. "What's done is done. You've made your intentions crystal clear in front of the only human on this entire world with authority outpacing mine. If I say no, now, there's a good chance he'll wrench my arm until I agree, if it means the world will be more officially secured by house Hawkwood. The choice I have now is if this is entirely a political marriage, or not."

Lyra's ears sagged miserably. "Oh... oh... I ran so far to get away from everything like that, and then I go and do this. I couldn't even be angry at you if you hated me forever. Having someone else tell you who to marry? What are we, sheep?"

Laud raised a finger, then lowered it. He was certain he heard the sheep speak pony before... How did that saying work in Equestria?! There were more pressing matters to deal with... "I don't hate you, Lyra."

Author's Note:

Lyra and Laud, sitting in a tree, P O L I T I C. First comes a legally binding contract, then comes marriage. Then comes a religious war in ten well-armed cruisers!

That's how this rhyme goes, right? What do you mean it doesn't rhyme? I blame typos.

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