• Published 9th Jun 2017
  • 1,156 Views, 1 Comments

My Little Pony: Saiyans on the Loose - SolidSparkle117

(This does not follow The Equestrian Saiyan story, this is like a AU of that story) Syera and Twilight are summoned up to Canterlot to investigate strange interdenominational holes, what could possibly be causing this?

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Chapter 3: Just Another Day in... "Paradise"

Syera was asleep in her bed in the Library snoring lightly, same goes with Spike and Twilight as the night went on till it was early morning in Ponyville.

However, once the rooster crowed outside, it made Syera open her eyes slightly and get up, stretch a little and stand on her two feet. She was in her long pajama pants with a tank top shirt, soon she went into the bathroom and then proceeded to the sink, grab her toothbrush and brushed her teeth.

A small groan let’s itself out from Twilight’s room. “Shut up rooster…. It’s way too early today…” Twilight grumbled before the sounds of hooves on floor registered in Syera’s ears. “Stupid bird…” Twilight sleepily walked to the bathroom and into Syera.

“Mmm….Morning Twilight” Syera voiced out with her toothbrush in her mouth and soon rinsed her mouth out with water. After that, she handed Twilight her brush which she then took it with her magic grasp and proceeded to brush her mane.

“Morning Syera.” Twilight said as she brushed her mane out. She had a serious case of bed-head this morning. “Some days I never want to get out of bed. Today is one of those days.” With a small smile she continued. “But I guess we have to help Makker get settled.”

“Yeah, it's been a stressful 3 weeks….I usually am up earlier than this when you are all sleeping. If anything I might see Applejack hauling some Apples and other stuff she has for her stall in the market. But oh well, I could use the extra sleep.” Syera then washed her face a little bit after she was done brushing her teeth and sighed a little in relief since her face didn’t feel so dry now.

Twilight washed her face as well, helping to wake her up. “Well I can go help Makker if you want to head off and help Applejack.” Twilight left the bathroom and trotted downstairs. “It’s up to you.”

“Alright, see you around Twilight.” Syera waved goodbye to her sister as she walked out the bathroom. Soon Syera then went to her room and got dressed. “Hmm….what to wear…….ah, here we go.” Syera then decided to wear a white t-shirt, some brown/tanish pants, one of the legs was cut off so it had a cool look and exposed her leg. She then put on some boots, some gloves and what looked like some shoulder pads that went around her arms. Along with some shoulder straps that she adjusted on her shoulders along with a pouch on her leg that matched, hooked up onto her belt and pants legs. She then made sure everything in the outfit was proper. Lastly, she used a comb she had in her nightstand and made her hair a bit more presentable than before so it wasn’t a total mess.

“Alright, time to go see Applejack.” Syera then used Instant Transmission to go see her country flair friend.

Twilight waved to where Syera once stood before she left the library, trotting across the dimly lit Ponyville towards Rarity’s Boutique.

Rarity was still working hard on Makker’s outfits to make sure they were perfect. She only got about 6 hours of sleep before she started up again working on the set of outfits for him.

“Thread by thread…..stitch by stitch” Rarity continued to murmur her little song as she worked.

The morning birds chirped happily in the early morning sunlight. It was another beautiful day in Equestria. Makker opened his eyes slowly and took in his surroundings. “Where… Oh yea, that’s right.” The Saiyan sat up in the cool room, the blanket covering from the waist down.

“Hmm… Here, and… Done! Oh Rarity you impress yourself so well. this should do the trick. Now… To give these to Makker to try on.” Rarity then lightly knocked on the door to the room Makker was sleeping in. “Um, you awake in there darling?” Rarity lightly opened the door and peeked inside. The stack of clothing neatly folded on her back.

Makker looked at her. “Yes, I’m awake Rarity.” She wore her regular ruby red glasses for stitching, but Makker had never seen them yet. They clung delicately to her muzzle, the colour really bringing out her eyes.

“Ah good, I got you something to wear besides that Gi of yours.” She then walked in and gave him the clothes she made for him. “Tell me what you think, I want to hear your feedback on the matter.” She offered a small smile before she turned around so he could have a little privacy to get dressed.

Makker quickly slipped into his Gi before checking out the new clothes she made for him. They were all made with high craftsmanship, and in a variety of colours. “Wow, thanks Rarity! But where am I going to keep them?” He asked the unicorn.

“Hmm… You can keep them here I suppose since you are going to stay here till you have a proper stay of residence right?” She looked at him a smile since she was happily able to let him stay for as long as possible.

Makker got on one knee and shook her hoof gently. “Once again I must thank you from the bottom of my heart Rarity.” There was a small bell sound from downstairs.

“Rarity? Makker?” A recognizable voice called up to them. It was Twilight!

Rarity placed the clothes onto a small dresser next to the bed and trotted down the hallway. “Coming Darling~” She sang out before disappearing downstairs. Makker stood up, rolling his shoulders before taking his scouter in his hand. Following Rarity down to meet up with Twilight.

“Ah Rarity, Makker! Good morning to you both, I hope last night was alright for you both?” Twilight smiled as she waited for a response to her question.

“Oh but of course Twilight, I slept like an angel, and was successful in completing some new outfits this morning for Makker here.” Rarity pointed a hoof at Makker as she explained her morning.

Makker came down the stairs, attaching his Scouter to his ear once more. Booting up the program and making sure it was running proper. “Morning Twilight.”

“I assume your night was good Makker?” Twilight asked the Saiyan before her with a grateful smile.

Cracking his knuckles he smiled. “The best sleep I’ve had in a while actually,” He started to stretch his legs a bit. “And thanks to those senzu beans, I don’t even have to eat for a couple more days.”

“Sounds great… But…” Twilight’s stomach then growled a bit as she was now experiencing hunger at the moment. “I could really go for some food now.”

“You came at the right moment Twilight, I was about to start making breakfast, come and join me, Makker you sure you don’t wish to have one meal with us?” Rarity asked with a worried look, cause she doesn’t want him to starve. Usually Rarity cooks a good amount of food when Syera comes around, but I guess each Saiyan is different.

The male Saiyan patted his stomach. “Those senzu beans are magic. They can keep a person fully fed for up to ten days… But Saiyans are more like three or four. But I can stay until you two finish up.” Makker then sat in the middle of the room and crossed his legs.

“Oh, thanks Makker. But if you wish to go and explore you may, we don’t want to slow you down.” Rarity explained.

“Yeah, maybe you could find Syera, she said she was going to be with Applejack for a little while, maybe you two can chat a little bit.” Twilight explained to Makker.

With a small smile Makker gently floated off the ground. “Yea, and who knows, maybe she won’t kick my ass this time. I can wait here.” Resuming a neutral face he floated gently above the floor while the two unicorns prepared their meal.

Meanwhile with Syera and Applejack

“Thanks again for your help again Syera, moving all these apples and such.” Applejack had Syera carry a giant tub of apples, they weighed about half a ton but she managed just fine.

“Yeah it’s no problem, it's a great workout.” Syera said as she soon got the half ton load of apples into the barn and cellar. Syera then got hungry, her stomach growling a bit.

“Whoa….getting these Apples sure made me hungry, I think I might take a lunch break Applejack, I’ll see ya in a bit.” Syera then took to the skies after helping AJ with the Apples and such for now.

“Alright, see ya when you get back partner!” Applejack waved her hoof in the air goodbye for now. Syera did the same and soon was now out of sight in the sky from her Apple friend.

“Now… To get something to eat, ah this looks like a good spot.” Syera landed in front of one of the many small restaurants in Ponyville. Little did she know Pinkie Pie was there as well. “Oh, hey Pinkie Pie!”

“Ooo ooo oo!! Hey Syera! Overe here! Come sit next to me!” The pink pony pointed to the seat next to her urgently.

“Yeah, Imma coming” Syera walked over to her good friend Pinkie Pie. She also proceeded to look at the menu, she saw all the entries she absolutely loved. “Mm….alfredo pasta, fried salmon and shrimp, house salads. even sushi rolls, I gotta have em all!” Syera then ordered at least a whopping 6 servings of each of those. “Alright! Thank you for the food.” Syera then started to chow down as the entries got to the table, one after the other. This surprised everypony there, some were kinda disgusted on how much she could eat, but Syera didn’t care, she was enjoying herself. “Wow this is great! Nom om om nom!”

“EATING CONTEST!” Pinkie Pie dove into her own meal face-first, chowing down quickly. The ponies around them shook their heads at the two, but this was usual for them. Within five minutes they were both full. “I’m stuffed~” Pinkie patted her round belly lightly and let out a little burp. “Oop! Excuse me!” She threw a hoof-ful of bits onto the table and got up. “Oh hey Syera! I got a super duper secret wecret! Can you keep…” She then suspiciously looked around before extending her neck so her mouth was right in Syera’s ear. “A secret?”

Syera looked around for a few moments making sure nopony was listening. “Yes, I can, what is it?” Syera listened close and carefully to her pink pony friend.

“I have… A secret party planned… Tomorrow night at eight… Tell everypony…” With that she slithered away across the ground like a snake and into an alleyway.

“Um...alright then.” Syera then thought to herself. She is just being Pinkie Pie after all, anyway, I should pitch in some of the money for this food and get back to Applejack. Syera pulled out a big pouch of bits, placed it on the table and soon flew off to meet with Applejack. Along with telling her the news about this secret party Pinkie has planned.

The farm pony was still hard at work in the mid-morning sun. The sweat trickled down her face as she reared for another kick. With her right hind-leg she firmly kicked the tree she stood under. Bunches of apples fell neatly into the expertly placed bushes beneath the tree, Crossing her legs with a smile one more fell in. Looking up she noticed Syera coming back from Ponyville.

Syera then landed while then proceeding to kick the tree next to Applejack with just enough force to knock all the Apples down into the bushels beneath them. “Ha! Alright, got em!” Syera then did a backflip off the tree and landed on her feet firmly on the ground. “Talk about making an entrance right Applejack?”

Applejack chuckled. “You always make an entrance. Whether smoothly like that, or on your rump.” Smirking Applejack moved to the next tree and gave it a kick. “I hope you’ve had your fill for the morning, Ah can’t keep having you eat half of what you harvest.”

“Oh don’t worry Applejack, I’ll be good for a while now. I can’t wait to go to this secret party Pinkie was telling me about.” Syera then told Applejack about this shindig Pinkie Pie had planned, it must’ve been for Makker since he is obviously new to town.

“Well of course she’s throwing a party. She always does one for literally everypony in town.” The pair had gotten through two dozen more trees before Applejack stopped to take a break. Taking a couple swigs from her canteen she pondered more. “I hope it doesn't spook him like you were.” Applejack remembered back to that night.

“Oh yeah! I literally almost blasted you guys, sorry about that.” Syera nervously chuckled, scratching the back of her head. “Anyway, should we take five? Oh, and if there are any bad apples, I can take care of em for ya.” Syera sounded excited with the idea of getting to blast some bad apples.

The two carried the full bushels back to the barn and started sorting them. They put all the bad apples into an old bushel. “Alright Syera, ah think that’s all of em. Time for the fun part.”

“Alright, let’s do this!” Syera then powered up, some Kaioken to spice things up a little. “Ok, ready when you are Applejack. Bring em on when you’re locked and loaded.” Syera waved her hand signaling to throw it down with her.

With a smile Applejack nodded. “You got it!” Using her tail to throw an apple slightly into the air, she reared back and kicked it towards Syera.

“Yea! Hiya!” Syera then threw a punch forward, shattering the Apple to pieces, basically disintegrating it. One after the other, either a high kick, uppercut, somersault or with an open palm, shattering each individual apple to pieces. “Ha! Come on!”

Grinning Applejack picked up the entire bushel and threw all the apples out. “Here comes!!” Bracing her forehooves she kicked hard and fast, hitting each and every one. Sending them all towards Syera at breakneck speeds.

“Alright! Double Banshee Blast!” Syera put both of her hands forward, shooting scattershot beams from her fingertips, ripping through each of the apples that were thrown at her at such fast pace speed.

Before the bushel hit the ground she also kicked that with both hooves as hard as she can. “Try this one!” The farm pony yelled as soon as her hooves made contact.

“Alright! Kaioken, HA!” Syera powered up so much that before her fist even touched the flying bushel that was thrown at her, it already started to crumble and break from her pure Ki energy mixed with the King Kai Fist ability. The results were pretty destructive since pieces of wood, sharp pieces at that flew everywhere. Some hit Syera but they just exploded and popped from her Ki aura.

Applejack wiped her forehead of sweat. “Hoo-wee! Good show like usual Syera.” She walked up to the Saiyan and stuck her hoof out to her.

“Ahhh… Thanks Applejack, for giving me all of your best strength. You never cease to impress me.” Syera fist bumped AJ’s hoof, the two enjoyed the amazing moment while it lasted. “Anyway… Um, maybe I shouldn’t have broken your bushel, you needed one right?”

“Don’t fret none sugarcube, that was an old one anyhow.” The sun was barely overhead, about eleven in the morning. “Well, we breezed through the harvesting for today Syera. Thanks again for the help. I’ll see you later!” The farm pony then trotted towards the barn.

“Already? Wow, ok then. See you around Applejack!” Syera waved goodbye to the orange mare and took off in the sky with a good pace as she then flew over Ponyville. “Hmm….I wonder, how long would it take to circle the Planet?” Syera thought long and hard, she never done it before, maybe she could... Maybe she couldn’t...

“Whoa! Syera is moving pretty quick, what is she up to?” Rainbow Dash then flew as fast she could to catch up with her. “Hey Syera, what’s the hurry?” Rainbow asked her Saiyan friend as she hung close.

Syera then moved her head and saw it was Dashie. “Oh hey Dash, and I was wondering if I could circle the globe of the planet at high speed.” Syera explained.

“That… Sounds… Awesome! Can I join? Maybe if I fly fast enough with you, I can do a Sonic Rainboom along side with your Super Saiyan speed! Oh the thought sounds amazing, let’s do it!” Rainbow Dash sounded really excited about this idea.

“Alright, let’s get a start at Ponyville and we’ll give it our all.” Syera and Rainbow Dash then headed back to Ponyville to prepare for this wicked adventure of a flight across the globe.
Rainbow Dash and Syera both prepped themselves for this serious flight. Syera stretching her legs, rolling her shoulders, cracking her neck, followed by cracking her knuckles. Rainbow Dash tried to copy her a bit, stretching and such else. The only thing different was that she started doing some Wing Prepping and stretches.

“Hi Rainbow Dash, hi Syera! Whatcha doin?” Pinkie Pie bounced and trotted happily to her friends.

“We’re prepping for the flight of a lifetime. A trip across the globe!” Rainbow Dash explained.

“Oh, hey everypony. What’s going on?” Fluttershy came in the scene since she was getting some stuff from the Ponyville market and was now heading home, but came across Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Syera.

“Ooo! Oo! Fluttershy, we gotta see this! Syera and Rainbow Dash are going to attempt the flight of a lifetime! Circling the entire planet!” Pinkie was jumping up and down in excitement as she talked about it.

“Sound like it’ll be fun, woo.” Fluttershy said softly, sitting on the ground as Rainbow and Syera got ready to start.

Rainbow hunkered down and scratched the dirt with her right forehoof. “You ready for this Syera?” She spoke in a low voice, grinning at the Saiyan.

“Yeah.” Syera got in a stance to take off as she then transformed within a blink of an eye into Super Saiyan. “Alright, here we…...go!” Syera then took off with a running start with Rainbow Dash, then lifted off in the air with incredible speed.

Rainbow was quick on Syera’s heels as they took the the sky, flapping her wings for all that she was worth. “Damn you’re fast!” She yelled to her as they flew through the sky. Rainbow had both hooves pushed forward her wings never missing a beat.

“Thanks, so are you Dash! Now, let’s give it our all!” Syera and Rainbow Dash were neck and neck as they rushed across the globe. First they crossed over Las Pegasus in the first hour as they made their flight. “Look, we’re already on the west coast!” Syera was amazed how fast they could get from Ponyville to Las Pegasus.

Rainbow Dash panted, her wings were on fire. She pushed her muscles to their limits, her body begging her to stop and rest. “S-Syera?” She panted hard before she started falling behind. She noticed Syera didn’t even look tired yet.

“Dash? You say something?” Syera then looked behind her and saw that she was getting tired and falling behind. So Syera swooped her up and rested Dash on her back. “Hey, rest up. You’re gonna need it if you’re gonna make across with me.”

Dash held on tightly. “Thanks Syera.” The cool air hit her as they finally crossed over the sea. The sun sparkled brightly as the Saiyan ducked to the water, skimming her hand in it. The wind howled in her ears, water splashing on her body as they were mere inches from the water's surface. Her heart-rate returned to normal as her wings throbbed. “Wow! You’re really quick!”

“Stamina is key for flying fast and long distances Rainbow Dash. If you wish, I could teach you how to use your Stamina to it’s best.” Syera then thought long and hard on what they could do so she could make it across. “Ah, since we are near the calm waters of the sea, maybe we could try swimming rest of the way. It looks far but we're close, I barely see the land on the horizon. So, whatcha say to that idea?” Syera asked Dash.

Rainbow looked at the water before shaking her head. “I-I’m good. Besides, I’m still tired out from flying. Once we hit land I’ll be good to go again!” The blue pegasus gripped a little tighter to Syera.

“Alright, hold on tight to me. We’re going in.” Syera looked back at Rainbow with a small smirk.

Rainbow’s eyes went wide. “W-what are you doing Syera?! Don’t get any smart ideas!” She fully wrapped all four legs around the smiling Saiyan.

As Syera took a look at Rainbow Dash, she then took a deep breath and rushed in the water with incredible speed, Rainbow Dash held on for dear life as they were underwater rushing fast, bubbles were grazing their body as they were moving very quickly. Eyes open and not stopping, Syera eventually surfaced, Rainbow Dash still on her back. “You ok back there?” Syera asked as she got her breath back.

Rainbow Dash coughed a couple times, her breathing was quick and sharp. “What, are you trying to kill me?!” Loosening her tight hold on her friend. She spread her wings, trying to dry them out.

“Nope, I was trying to get us to land quickly... See” Syera pointed in front of herself and land was in sight. A beach was there and soon Syera swam to it and walked on shore. “You need to rest more or should we keep going?” Syera asked Rainbow Dash as she then sat on a big rock that was on the beach.

Rainbow stood on the sand and shook out like a dog. “Yea yea… Thanks for almost drowning me.” She said with a smile. Upon spreading her now dry wings, the blue pegasus looked at Syera. “Well? What now? How much further?”

Syera then stood up and pointed at the mountain range. “See those mountains? That’s the next place we need to go, basically we are all the way on the other side of Griffonstone Mountain Range. We cross that and we’ll be back in Ponyville in no time after we cross the Celestial Sea.” Syera explained and then stopped pointing.

Rainbow stretched her legs and shook her head quickly. “Alright, let’s do this!” She then took off into the air once more. “Last one back to Ponyville is a rotten egg!”

“Oh yeah, let’s go then!” Syera then rushed over the mountains with Rainbow Dash, first crossing over Griffon territory. Next they crossed over the Celestial sea, it was much of a shorter distance than the southern Luna sea. “We’re almost back, how’s your wings feeling Dash?” Syera shouted over to Dash as the winds were blowing around them as they flew at high speeds.

“Doing good! Can’t wait to get back to Ponyville though! I need a real rest.” Rainbow pushed with all her might and started to lead on Syera.

“Yeah, I could go for some good food when we get back, I’m so hungry.” Syera mentioned to her blue pegasus friend as they pushed forward. With it slowly getting dark, the sun barely peaking over the horizon, they eventually passed over Baltimare. Soon Canterlot came into view, Ponyville right below it at the base of the mountain range there. “I’m gonna win!” Syera said boasting a little bit as she was just a bit ahead of Rainbow Dash but she was catching up.

“Oh yea?!” Rainbow pushed harder, her wings straining once more as she nose-dived towards Ponyville. “Time for a Sonic-Rainboom!!” The air coned at her forehooves, her lips flapped in the wind as she went faster and faster. “Just a little... Further…”

“Now that’s what I’m talking about, push it! Give it your all!” Syera powered up, pushing herself just as hard as Rainbow Dash was trying to do a Sonic Rainboom. Syera’s gold aura soon lit up the sky as Rainbow Dash lit up the sky as she did the Sonic Rainboom.

Once the initial explosion was over, she shot out at the speed of sound, a rainbow trail following her as she zoomed through the sky. “Oh yeah! Sonic-Rainboom!” She shot over Ponyville, writing her name in the sky with the rainbow streak.

“Rainbow’s number one, yeah!” Syera cheered as the so epicness of the Sonic Rainboom. She couldn’t believe the sheer awesomeness from seeing the it so up close. She only saw it once when she had to save Rarity and the Wonderbolts from tumbling out of the sky during the Best Young Flyers Competition.

Dash slowed down and soon the rainbow disappeared. “Holy cow… That... took a lot…” She panted for breath, soon landing on the ground and slumped onto her belly.

“Oh yeah, me too….I’m pooped.” Syera said as she came out if Super Saiyan and she laid next to Dashie on the ground, arms and legs spread out. “Think we could do that again sometime?” Syera asked.

Rainbow panted hard and smiled. “Oh tartarus yea… Definitely.” Fluttershy approached slowly with a worried look.

“A-are you both ok?” The timid pegasus whispered. “You look exhausted, even you Syera.” She tenderly reached towards the pair as they regained their breath.

“Yeah I’m alright Fluttershy….Just that was probably the longest flight I ever done, and I’m so hungry…..” Syera said on cue when her stomach began to growl loudly.

Pinkie Pie bounced up and around the trio. “Well you went around the whole world silly, of course you’re gonna be tired! Even I was a little tired when I did it!” She continued to bounce around in circles.

“What? You went around the world before?! Well….knowing you, I bet you could Pinkie, your power is something I probably would hope to achieve.” Syera even couldn’t even begin to think how strong Pinkie Pie is, or if she is just that one pony who can pretty much do anything with nearly any explanation needed.

Pinkie giggled sorting a little. “Don’t worry your itty bitty head about it Syera! Let’s go get something to eat before you pass out in hunger!” She then started hopping towards the town.

“Well, I’d better be going home now. Goodbye Rainbow, bye Syera.” Fluttershy picked up her saddlebag once more and headed for her cottage. Syera and Dash both said their goodbyes before setting eyes to town.

Rainbow Dash got to her hooves and started to walk into Ponyville as well. “I’m down to get some grub. Burned a heck of a lot of stamina doing that flight.”

“Oh yeah, the food’s on me. Let’s get down and chow.” Syera and the gang then headed to a nearby restaurant and got some grub. Of course out of the group, Syera seemed to eat the most as usual, however it seemed Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash both ate a tremendous amount of grub.

While the trio ate their fill, across town Twilight, Rarity and Makker just made their last stop at Town Hall.

“And that’s everything Darling, I hope it wasn’t too boring.” Rarity said then rolled her eyes. “Especially the hour stop at Sofa and Quills…” She playfully glared at Twilight.

The purple pony blushed and looked away, her ears folding slightly to her head. “W-what! His quills were not organized in standard, they were sorted in metric! Somepony had to fix it!” Twilight explained as the two others shared a small smile.

Makker laughed a little bit. “It was all fine, lot of stuff to do around here too.” The Saiyan stretched his arms a little and cracked his right knee.

“Whatever you say Twilight, it just made for a pretty funny adventure of your…..organization skills.” Rarity chuckled a little while remembering that event of the day. Twilight grumbled a little before turning to Makker.

“So, that’s all of Ponyville! There is still tonnes more in the rest of Equestria, but we’ll save that for another day.” Twilight said while flicking her hoof downwards.

“It’s nice here. Peaceful even.” Makker frowned and gently bit his lower lip. What is this feeling? Looking around him, seeing all the happy ponies going about their business. But Twilight and Rarity noticed the look on his face.

“Makker darling? Is something the matter?” Rarity spoke with concern for the man. Quickly shaking his head he smiled a bit, but stared into the distance.

“Nothing, just my imagination…” He thought he felt something lurking on the edge of the forest, near the west side of town. Touching his scouter button, it couldn’t find anything out of the ordinary... Beep! Beep! Beep! The scouter flashed at the young man. “Damn Scouter, hunk of junk is acting up again.”

Twilight was also looking at the forest before she heard Makker speak again. “Scouter? You mean that thing on your face?” She pointed up to the device that attached itself to his head.

“Yea, it’s on the fritz again. Probably from when Syera went Super Saiyan Two back at the castle.” Taking the device off he sighed. “Guess I’ll have to fix it tonight when I get back to the boutique.” The sun began to set as they walked back through town, meeting up with Rainbow Dash and Syera.

“Hey guys! What’s going on?” Syera called out to Rarity, Twilight and Makker as they were walking around the sunset lit Ponyville.

“See or do anything interesting while you were around town and….Who is that?” Rainbow Dash stopped in her tracks and asked as she laid her eyes on Makker. He looked a lot like Syera… But only male. His biceps were bigger, chest was broader and he had a small white device on his right ear.

“Oh crap, I didn’t tell you did I? Rainbow Dash, this guy right here is Makker. He’s a Saiyan, just like me! On top of that, he can go also Super Saiyan.” Syera said crossing her arms with a smirk as she explained to Rainbow Dash.

“Wait really?! That’s sooo cool! Show me, I wanna see what it looks like when you do it!” Rainbow Dash asked wanting to see what a male super Saiyan looked like.

Makker was a little unprepared for the new ponies enthusiasm. “Umm… Alright, Rainbow.” Taking a couple steps back from Twilight and Rarity he took a deep breath. Dash looked on with excitement as Rarity took a couple steps back herself. “Here goes! Haaaa!”

Makker powered up, focusing his energy as his aura started to build. Dust kicked up while his power rose further and further. Lifting his left arm up a bit, he clenched his fist and gave a mighty “HYAA!!!” As he transformed into Super Saiyan. Makker’s hair spiked, becoming a full golden colour as his aura turned gold as well.

“Wow, that’s soooo awesome! Your transformation looks really cool, but I find Syera’s Super Saiyan look is maybe 20% cooler. Still though, both of your transformations are awesome.” Rainbow Dash got up close to Makker, looking the male Saiyan over.

“Yea? You think mine is 20% cooler, I’m flattered but I do like Makker’s since it’s different from mine, and his fighting style is amazing too. I wish you could’ve seen the battle between me and him up in Canterlot, now that was awesome.” Syera was amazed by how much power Makker has, she knows he can get even stronger with a little bit more hard work.

Rainbow’s eyes went wide. “You guys fought!? And nopony told me!! Awww that’s lame!” The blue mare pouted and gently flicked her hair out of her face with a turn of her head.

Running his fingers through his hair he smiled. “Yea… Syera kinda attacked me when I fell into this world. She wanted to see if I was indeed a Saiyan. I tried my hardest, even gave a couple good shocks with techniques I learned. But it was all in vain.”

Syera gave Makker a hard pat on the back. “Don’t beat yourself up too hard man! You gave me a run for my money in the beginning. It was only when I went Super Saiyan Two that I over powered you. You’ll get there someday.”

Twilight looked between the two Saiyans. What is it with these people and their love for fighting anyways? More studies must be done! I even have a new subject. She then thought for a moment. “Wait… You’re both Saiyans.” The pair looked at each other, then too Twilight and nodded. “Then why can’t Makker go Super Saiyan Two or whatever you call it, like you can?”

Syera rolled her eyes. “Well duh. It’s the same as Super Saiyan. It responds to a need, not a desire. Remember when I had to fight Discord alone? You were all corrupted by his magic… I was the last stand of all of Equestria. I almost lost it too, but something inside me snapped. I couldn’t protect you all, my friends. That triggered my Super Saiyan Two transformation.”

The three ponies looked at each other, remembering that day and nodded. “That makes sense…” Twilight began but shook her head, looking at the ground. “Kinda. So Makker can only go Super Sayian?” She questioned as Rainbow looked on with curiosity.

Makker smiled and shook his head. “While Syera may be able to go Super Saiyan Two, I can Ascend as well. To a different level.” With that Makker focused more and rose his power even more. “This…. Is a Ascended Saiyan!” Giving a final push Makker bulked up, exerting his power a bit as his hair even stood more straight. Small electrical currents corsed around his body. “This is the form that I used against Syera. But this still wasn’t powerful enough.”

Rainbow’s eyes went wide, while shes was used to the Super Saiyan transformation. This was different. He was bulkier, meaner and more menacing looking then Syera. “Woah…” She muttered her eyes never leaving him.

Rarity tucked her tail between her legs. “Could you please stop that dear? It’s making my hair frizz.” She looked worriedly at Makker. This actually frightened her, what seemed like a gentle being was now replaced with a more aggressive person.

Makker stood straight up, gaining a couple more inches on his base height. “Yeah, I can do that.” Concentrating, he powered down to his base form. “That takes a bit more energy to keep up. That’s one of that forms downfalls.”

Syera thought for a moment then spoke. “It is a huge drawback I will say. I can use that form as well but like you said, it takes up too much power. But even though I can go up to Super Saiyan Two level, it’s still a strainer. But I’m sure with a little bit of training I can master it eventually, I hope.” Syera explained to the ponies, but Rainbow Dash was really interested in seeing this form while listening to her female Saiyan friend.

“Mind showing me one more time your Super Saiyan Two?! So I can get a clearer picture of it, pretty please Syera?” Rainbow Dash pleaded lightly bouncing on all four hooves.

“Ok, but I’ll have to be careful.” Syera then concentrated on the transformation and how much power she needed to transform. “Here I go! Ngh…..Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!” Syera powered to Super Saiyan first. “Ok… One more step up! Haaaaaaaa!!!!!” Syera gathered more energy, this time electricity started to go around her aura, her hair now getting spiker than before and a brighter gold. Her two front bangs were now out of her face and spiked with the rest of her hair. With one last push of energy, she lit up the town with her gold aura. “Is this what you wanted to see Rainbow Dash? And… Oh sorry Rarity.” Syera saw that Rarity’s hair was messed up even more than before when Makker went Ascended Super Saiyan.

“Whoa, now that is awesome! You’re aura and everything has changed so much with the electricity and all, but what happened to your long bangs in your hair? They’re totally gone!” Rainbow Dash wondered, looking up at her friend.

“Oh that, I’m not so sure why? I suppose because of the transformation.” Syera guessed since it is a step above the regular Super Saiyan, and so much power. With that she powered back down quickly before Makker spoke up

“When I seen Super Saiyan Two back where I came from, the user's hair changes drastically. While muscle mass is slightly increased, the power output is at least double of the first.” Twilight looked on with wide eyes as he continued. “There is a huge energy reserve, power, and speed are all greatly increased. But there is a drawback…”

Syera smiled as Makker continued to explain. “The Saiyan nature is amplified, bringing out a merciless attitude that can be hard, but not impossible to overcome.” He pointed out while Twilight wrote everything down quickly.

“Fascinating…” She muttered while her tongue stuck out in concentration. Rainbow looked quizzically at her before rolling her eyes.

Rainbow did a double take as she looked at the sun that almost set on the horizon. “Oh crap! It’s late! I gotta get home, see ya girls!” She then took to the sky before stopping and looking back at Makker. “Oh, and you too!” With a small smile she zoomed off towards her cloud house.

Rarity and Twilight stared where the pegasus flew off to before Rarity let out a dainty yawn. “Oh my goodness me. I guess it is around that time of the night, I do need my beauty sleep.” She then looked up at Makker. “Are you going to accompany me home?” With a raised eyebrow she asked.

“Of course Rarity.” Makker responded while meeting the gaze of the azure eyed unicorn. “I’ll see you tomorrow Twilight, Syera.” He said with a grin while he and Rarity started to head towards her Boutique.

“Yeah, see you around you two. And Makker, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Syera then gave Makker a wink from her left eye. Followed by a small chuckle with her usual smirk.

He paused and turned to look at Syera. “What are you?...” With a pause his cheeks flushed a deep red. “Umm… R-right.” With that he continued to follow the now giggling Rarity.

Twilight glanced at her sister and rolled her eyes. “Really Syera?” She smirked as the trotted towards the Library.

“Just giving him a little bit of advice and a warning. Ya never know what’ll happen.” Syera then frowned slightly as she looked to the north of Ponyville, she didn’t like the look of it. What…..is that? Her sudden look caught Twilight’s attention.

The purple unicorn stopped in her tracks and turned her neck back. “Is something the matter sis?”

“I don’t know...I just got this very weird feeling. Something is coming and I don’t like it.” Syera looked over the horizon, however she couldn’t get a clear picture of what was out there since it was out in the heart of the Everfree Forest. “Mm….it must be nothing though, anyway we should probably get some rest. It’s been a very crazy day for all of us I bet.”

Twilight tilted her head a little and continued walking home. “Makker said the same thing...” She muttered to herself. The two then headed home and were quick to bed.

As Makker and Rarity reached her place he opened the door for her. “Here, let me get that for ya Rarity.” He said with a slight bow.

“Why thank you Makker, such a kind gentleman.” Rarity then went inside her home and soon he followed her inside.

“I’ll be upstairs trying to fix this thing.” Makker removed his Scouter and climbed the stairs. “Stupid thing.” He grumbled before reaching the room she let him stay in. He entered and sat at a small table, placing the device onto it and began to take it apart.

“Ok dear, just let me know if you want some tea. I’m putting the Kettle on to make some.” Rarity called out to Makker before he went to his room. Upon doing so, she got some tea bags and started to make some good herbal tea in the kitchen.

Makker concentrated hard, looking at all the small components in the device as he tried to figure out what happened. He hummed to himself as he got to work tracing each part, making sure each one was in working order.

A small knock at his door barely registered in the young Saiyans mind. After a couple moments, hoofsteps came across the floor towards him. “Tea is ready darling. I’m guessing you’re into trying to fix your device hmm?” Rarity approached the working man and placed a mug of tea in front of him.

Looking over at her Makker smiled. “Thanks Rarity.” He picked it up and took a little sip before setting the mug back into the wooden table. Picking up his tool once more he continued his work on the scouter.

Rarity looked inside the compartment with interest, it looked complex and technical. Nothing like she had ever seen in her life before. “Do you know what happened?” She quietly asked, not wanting to break his concentration.

Makker sighed and pointed to a part in the upper left corner of the board. “See this? That is the energy reader. The actual part of the scouter that registers the energy level of the target.” Using his small tool he removed it and placed it onto the table. “The connectors fried right off it. Luckily it is still in one piece.”

Rarity slightly squinted her eyes to look at the small part. “I see. You have an exceptional sight Makker, then again I don’t have my glasses on.” She said with a small giggle.

Using his tool once more he gently lifted the small part back into the scouter housing. He picked up another more pointed tool on the left side of the table. “Now with just a little…” Using a gentle and steady hand, he zapped the connectors with this new tool and before long he smiled. “There! That should fix it.”

The white unicorn looked on as Makker closed the lid on the side of the scouter. Rarity took another sip of her tea while Makker reattached it to his head. “Well? Does it work?” She inquired while he pushed the button on the side.

It made various beeps and bloops before it locked onto Rarity. After a couple seconds it displayed a power level of nine thousand. Makker looked puzzled and touched it once more. “Just need to calibrate it…” It unlocked and gave more boops and beeps before it displayed another number. “Ninety five? That’s not too shabby.” It then locked onto her horn and started a whole new number.

“Ninety five?” With a smile she took another sip of tea. But this time the scouter seemed to have trouble.

Beep! The scouter locked onto her horn and gave another level. “A hundred and fifty?” Makker muttered under his breath. This surprised him and Rarity looked even more puzzled.

“What was that darling? Is something wrong with it?” The male Saiyan removed it and placed it onto the desk once more.

With a shake of his head he spoke. “No. At least I don’t think so.” I’ll have to try more ponies.. See if it just needs more calibration. With a yawn he downed the entire mug of tea Rarity had given him. “Thanks again for the tea, but it’s getting late. I think I’ll hit the hay for the night.”

Rarity took both mugs in her magic aura and headed towards the door. “But of course, it’s very late. I’ll see you in the morning, night Makker.” She closed the door behind her as he started to strip his Gi off.

Once he was down to his underpants, he looked between the bed and the floor. Giving in, he let himself fall to the floor.

Only to catch himself at the last moment with his hands. “I should get a small workout in…”