• Published 9th Jun 2017
  • 1,156 Views, 1 Comments

My Little Pony: Saiyans on the Loose - SolidSparkle117

(This does not follow The Equestrian Saiyan story, this is like a AU of that story) Syera and Twilight are summoned up to Canterlot to investigate strange interdenominational holes, what could possibly be causing this?

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Chapter 4: Unexpected Guests! Night Invasion of Ponyville!

It was the middle of the night, everypony was sound asleep. The town, quiet and peaceful under the full moon provided by Princess Luna. However, all of a sudden, when it was the stroke of midnight.


“Ah….What the?!” The sudden boom made Syera fall out of her bed. She then looked out her window and wondered what was going on outside in Ponyville. Outside was a small fireball coming up between city hall and Carousel Boutique. What the hell is going on?!

Twilight shot up from her bed and fell to the floor. “Sweet Celestia!” She landed with a thud and groaned before her eyes gazed out the window. “SWEET CELESTIA! What in Tartarus is going on out there?!”

Syera had a feeling of dread over come her. “Twilight get the others, I’m going to investigate.” Clad in her pyjamas she shot out her window and pushed her Ki behind her taking flight towards the explosion.

Ponies ran from the blast, others who were away from it looked on curiously as Syera got closer. What the hell is going on?! Just then another blast came and threw dirt and wood up into the air. She avoided any debris that flew her way. “Is something attacking us?!”

She then heard a man’s voice yell. “Rarity! Get back!” Makker! Rarity!! The thought of one of her friends in danger pushed her harder and she soon hovered over town square. There was one hole in the middle of it all, and a part of City Hall was also damaged in some sort of blast.

But that’s not what shocked her. Makker stood strong, alone as about two dozen minotaurs stood with weapons, viscous looking bunch of baddies. She felt that unnerving feeling resonate from them all. That’s what I felt!

One then emerged from town hall, walking slowly towards where Makker was standing. He stood at a good six and a half feet tall and approached Makker. The male Saiyan stood in nothing more than his Gi bottoms. “This, is our town now. Step aside.” His voice was gruff and his yellow eyes narrowed at the man before him. Thankfully none of them noticed Syera as she took cover on a nearby rooftop to assess the situation.

Rarity was on her side a couple of feet behind Makker, she shakily got to her hooves and lightly dusted herself off. “You ruffians! Not only did you desecrate our town, but you got my mane all dirty!”

She walked up next to Makker and grit her teeth. Laughs erupted from the ranks of the minotaurs. “You make me laugh little pony.” Unsheathing his sword the leader pointed it at Rarity. “Now leave or we shall kill you without a second thought.” This made Rarity gulp and take a couple steps back.

Makker stood tall and looked calm. “I’ll give you one chance to leave here right now and never come back.” Syera shifted, getting ready to pounce if a fight broke out,

The leader spit on the ground and snarled. “You talk big little bug. I’ll crush you!” He gave a war cry before some started to charge the lone Saiyan.

Makker took up a stance and narrowed his eyes. “Then come get some!” As the beasts charged Makker, Syera took the chance to jump down and land beside him. The charge stopped as they looked at the new combatant.

“Don’t worry Makker, I got your back.” Syera took up her own stance as the two Saiyans stood strong. Rarity backed away from the two, she could only guess that things were going to get too intense for her.

Makker glanced at Syera and smiled. “Thanks. Now let’s wipe the floor with these punks.” Both charged up in their base forms and readied themselves. “You take the twelve on the left, I’ll take the twelve on the right.”

“You got it, and if you muppets want to fight? Well, we’ll give you one” Syera powered up using on Kaioken X2. She then rushed ahead to two of the Minotaurs, she kicked one in the gut then punched the other on the bottom jaw in an uppercut fashion. Upon landing she glanced back at the pony. “Rarity, you should get somewhere safe, go meet up with the others!” Syera instructed the white unicorn to get the others and keep the town’s ponies safe in case there are more.

Rarity gulped and nodded quickly. “Right you are darling.” She started to run before stopping and turned her head. “Be safe you two.” With that said she took off towards Sugarcube Corner.

Makker charged towards the crowd as well and landed one swift blow in the chest to one. Before he even fell he swung his leg around and kicked another to the dirt. Dodging an axe he kicked the handle right in two before kicking with both feet. “Take this!” Glancing over at Syera he seen one come from behind her and ready a swing. “Behind you Syera!”

Syera snapped to the enemy, catching his punch in her hand she smirked before she broke its wrist then did an upward kick to its jaw, followed by a gut punch on a serious high caliber. “Thanks Makker.”

One by one, they started to fall. Clearly no match for the two warriors. The leader grit his teeth and roared. “Stop playing and kill them already!!!!” The remaining minotaurs surrounded the two as they stood back to back. About ten were left, clearly not happy about the attacks on their own kind.

Once Makker and Syera’s back touched he let out a small chuckle. “Looks like we’re pretty much cornered eh?” With a backwards glance to the female Saiyan.

“Seems like it, but I think we can handle this, what do you say Makker man?” Syera said as she took a serious fighting stance while back to back with the other Saiyan as the minotaurs closed in.

Grinning he nodded. “Of course, these guys ain’t nothin!” Silence overtook the battlefield before a lightning fast purple beam of light flew and knocked three of them down. “What the?!” A blue blast followed onto the other side.

“Take this ya big ugly bulls!” Up above a brash voice yelled down and a rainbow blur swooped in and pushed another right to the ground.

Looking towards where Rarity ran off earlier Makker noticed she and Twilight were running towards them, horns blasting magic the whole time. “Woah nelly!” Came an accented voice from their right as Applejack hopped onto the scene.

With a quick kick the country mare downed two more, smiling down at her rear hooves. “Thanks Bucky Mcgillicuddy, good on ya Kicks Mcgee.” With one more left he took a swing at Applejack. Her eyes narrowed but before he connected with the attack Pinkie popped from behind Applejack.

This sudden pony startled him and she grinned, “Don’t think we’ve forgotten you, you big meanie!” With that she rolled her cannon out and blasted it at the final minotaur. A huge blast of confetti was shot at him, the force behind it send him flying a couple feet to the ground.

Makker stood straight and wiped his forehead. “Wow, thanks girls. You sure can kick some ass when you need to aye?” Fluttershy soon joined as well, a small first aid kit in her mouth as she landed from her flight.

They gathered together around Syera and Makker before Twilight jumped into Syera’s arms and hugged her sister for all she was worth. “Thank god you’re alright.”

“Hmm… Thanks Twilight, but it looks like the Leader wants a piece of me and Makker.” Syera then put Twilight down and approached the leader Minotaur. He was pretty burly, standing about her height, he was a bit taller, though this didn’t make Syera scared at all. “So, you’re the one who is leading this mini assault?” Syera asked the burly Minotaur.

With a snort he barred his teeth. “You ruined it all… You’re going to pay for all of this you worm.” With that he hunched over and kicked the dirt behind his right leg.

“I’m no worm, I… Am your worst nightmare.” She said and this made the Minotaur looked kinda of confused. The Syera said. “Now come, let’s go big guy” Syera said as she waved at him with a pressure sign and smirked.

The minotaur gritted his teeth a little bit. Then Syera started to provoke him a little bit more. “Yoo hoo!” Syera said as she made a funny face as she motioned the Minotaur to her.

“Ngh….you worm! Cut that out!” The Minotaur leader charged Syera at incredible speed, it was obvious this guy was fast and strong.

“Now that’s more like it, come on!” Syera said smirking as she dodged an incoming kick from him.

As Makker stood back with the girls he reached for his scouter when he realized he was not wearing it. Muttering to himself he focused his senses. After a couple seconds his eyes opened wide. “Watch yourself! He’s stronger than he looks!”

Syera took a second to sense his energy and realized, there was an extreme amount coming from this guy. “Wow! You’re right, thanks Makker!” Turning back to her opponent she smirked. “Alright, looks like I’ll have to turn things up a little.” Syera said and took a stance away from the Minotaur.

With a grin sprawling across her face. “Oh, here it comes!” Rainbow Dash said in excitement.

“Ngh….AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” Syera screamed, it first started with her muscles in her legs buffing up just a little bit more than normal. Her eyes changed colour, from her regular bright green color to a cyan blue, her hair spiked up just a little bit more and turned bright golden.

“How interesting, the Worm has changed her hair color, how menacing.” The minotaur leader chuckled, crossing his arms and flicked his right hand towards her.

“Trust me, I did more than that.” Syera said as she readied herself. She lowered her stance, slightly flexing her fingers, never lost eye contact with him. “Now, the real fight begins.” Syera said, both the leader and her taking a fighting stance.

With a grunt and and a snort the minotaur readied himself. “Steel will rip you limb from limb!” They stood off, the moonlight lit up the town square as they stared each other down.

“Come on Syera, you can do it!” Pinkie was wearing a cheerleader uniform and was currently jumping up and waving her pompoms into the air.

“D-don’t hurt yourself Syera!” Fluttershy quietly yelled out to her, a worried look plastered on her face.

As soon as it fell silent, only a small chunk of the town hall that fell down in the distance was enough to cause the fight to really begin. Soon the two collided fists and kicks at a very fast pace. Neither seemed to gain any ground as their onslaught continued.

Syera was quicker than Steel by a margin, but he was, in terms of brute strength stronger than she was. Every clash pushed Syera to her limit. Damn, this guy is tough! Quickly she ducked and went for an assault on his chest. She attacked quickly, getting off five or so punches before he grabbed her arms tightly.

Squeezing together he grinned. “Fruitless worm. Now I’ll tear you apart!” With that he started to pull her arms away from her body.

Syera resisted, trying to escape from his grasp as he pulled more and more. Her shoulders cracked and she grunted in pain. He was literally trying to rip her arms off.

Twilight went wide eyed and started to run towards her sister . “Syera!!” The Saiyan grit her teeth and glared into Twilight’s eyes.

“No! Stay back! I’ll handle this aggg!!!!” Twilight stopped in her tracks as her sister screamed out in pain. Rainbow was ready to pounce at a moment’s notice as did Applejack. Pinkie Pie avoided looking at the two fight. Fluttershy and Rarity held each other tightly, wincing at Syera’s screams.

Makker stood still with a small smiled on his face. “Don’t worry girls… This won’t last much longer.

No sooner then he said that did Syera pull back both of her feet, spin back and kick for all she was worth right into Steel’s jaw. “Ugg!” The blow released his grasp on her and she backflipped to her feet.

With a slight wince she rubbed her right shoulder. “Damn, nice pull on ya. But you forgot I can kick.” She kicked the air a couple times and smiled while Steel rubbed his chin then got back to his hooves.

“Way to go Syera! Kick his ass!” Rainbow called from the sidelines and it earned a glare from Steel, his yellow eyes shooting daggers towards the group. With an evil smirk he turned his attention back to Syera.

“Your friends have confidence in you. I really hate to disappoint them, but soon it won’t even matter!” He quickly charged, Syera took a defensive stance as the minotaur closed the gap between the two. “Die!!” With a powerful blow he slipped under her guard and hit her in the stomach, sending her flying into the buildings. Once the dust settled he turned his attention to the group of ponies standing at the sideline. “Now it’s your turn!”

With that he charged once more. Makker, Rainbow Dash and Applejack took up fighting stances as he neared them. “Get out of here! I’ll take him on now.” Makker took a couple steps forward. Rainbow and Applejack looked between themselves and nodded.

“Yeah, sound good to me! Come on girls let’s go!” Applejack rounded them up and they took off towards Sugarcube corner without Makker. The male Saiyan stood strong but it became clear who Steel was intending to target.

Steel turned his course and was now headed straight for the girls. Shit, shit, shit! “Keep running!” Makker called out and headed to cut him off.

That was when Rarity tripped, time slowed as she face planted into the ground. She tumbled to a halt and groaned at the sudden fall. Steel set his sights on her and made a B line for the downed unicorn. With a bloodcurdling scream Rarity stared wide-eyed at the minotaur as he came closer and closer.

Makker pushed with all his Ki, just as Steel pulled his fist back to attack Rarity. Her eyes shrunk to pinpricks as Steel started to unleash his punch. Makker skidded to a halt right between the two and blocked her with his body. Steel’s fist made contact with his head, sending the Saiyan flying backwards into the home behind him.

Grunting in pain as he blasted through the wall and tumbled into the empty house. Tables, chairs and other household items got demolished as Makker rolled to a halt inside. Fuck… He hits like a damn train… Putting a hand to his head, he felt a wet sensation run down the right side of his face. His body was bruised and throbbing from the impact. As the blood trickled onto his chest only one thing came to mind. Rarity! With wide eyes he looked outside. Steel had picked up the unicorn by her head, tightening his grip on her and she cried out in pain.

Anger flared up in Makker as he seen him grin maliciously. He grit his teeth hard and yelled loudly. “LET HER GO!!” With a huge push of energy, Makker immediately transformed into Super Saiyan Grade Two. Legs, chest, then arms all bulked up on the male Saiyan. Steel’s eyes widened just before Makker shot at blinding speed and delivered one strong punch to the gut. “HYUAA!”

“GAH!!” Steel recoiled, an absent stare on his face before he shakily looked down at Makker. “W-what… What are you things?” His grip loosened on Rarity’s head, that made the now dirty and injured unicorn fall to the ground unceremoniously. With his other hand, he put it around the man’s neck, squeezing with all his might.

With a cold stare that could kill, Makker looked up into Steel’s eyes and narrowed his own. “We are Saiyans…” With a twist of his hand and a cry of pain from the minotaur, the Saiyan continued. “AND DON’T YOU FORGET THAT!” With a quick blast from his hand he sent Steel flying back about fifty feet. He landed with a boom that shook the earth as Syera crawled out of the building she got thrown sent into.

She was still in Super Saiyan as her eyes locked to Makker. He looked battered, bloody and worn but still stood strong. Wow… His power spiked higher than mine! He panted and looked down at… Rarity!

The other ponies quickly returned to the scene after it was evident that Steel wasn’t about to get up anytime soon. Makker powered down and picked Rarity’s head off the ground. “Rarity! Are you ok?!” Twilight was the first to speak as Syera walked closer, she could sense that she was still alive, which gave her a reassuring smile. However seeing one of her best friends hurt like this made her extremely angry.

“She’s still breathing, but she’s hurt.” The male Saiyan spoke with worry laced in his voice. Fluttershy looked over her friend but her eyes glimpsed over Makker his own injuries catching her gaze.

“M-Makker… You’re also hurt…” The tender pony turned her attention onto the injured Saiyan. He had multiple cuts on his back that were trickling blood down, the gash in his forehead continued to bleed as he blinked.

“I’m fine…” Panting, Makker closed his right eye from the blood that ran down across his eyebrow and cheek. He cradled the injured pony in his arms, being mindful not to get his blood on her.

Just as Syera was about to speak, a groan from the distance snapped her attention back to the matter at hand. She stared with anger in her eyes and looked at the male Saiyan.

“Makker, get Rarity and the others out of here. This Steel guy has caught me by surprise for the last time, and he will not hurt anyone else I CARE ABOUT!” Syera yelled and turned quickly before rushing ahead of Steel at the speed of sound and skidded to a halt. “You...you call yourself Steel right? Then let’s see the breaking point of your metal strength.” Syera then flared up her power even more, standing over the downed minotaur she glared down at him.

Steel groaned in pain as he tried to crawl away, pushing his hands under himself he struggled to get to his hooves. “Y-you.... I'll get you for that!” Spitting a bit of blood onto the ground, he smirked. With that he suddenly swung his right arm at her.

She dodged it at the last possible moment, “Come on, fight like you mean it!” She then countered with a swing of her own, connecting her fist to his jaw. The punch sent him once more to the ground. He landed with a grunt and groaned once again. She stood above him and grabbed the scruff of his neck.

With a small smile he looked up into her eyes. “Is that all you got?” He coughed up more blood before he spit at her feet. “Just you wait…” He then started to quietly laugh.

“Enough waiting, show ME NOW!” Syera then threw him a good ten feet across the ground. “Now get up, or I’ll make you.” Something in Syera changed, her heartless Saiyan demeanor was in fullforce. She wanted him to fight her so she could have a reason to take him out.

He rolled to a halt as rain started to fall, Makker and the other ponies had already started to clear out and made their way to the library. As Syera stood alone with Steel, he pushed himself up on one arm. “Kill me all you want little girl.” With a grin he pushed his face up to look at the lone warrior. “Come on! We both know how this will end!” He yelled at her, his eyes locking with hers.

“If that is what you wish.” Syera then slowly raised her arm, before opening her palm all the way. With all of her fingers extended out, she then slowly started to gather an energy ball in her palm, aimed right at Steel. “If you survive this, you should consider yourself lucky Steel, and for your sake…...I hope we never meet again.” Syera shot the small energy ball at Steel, it may have been small, but the force of it pushed him back, into the air, far away from Ponyville. As soon as he landed outside of Ponyville, the small energy ball exploded.

“Hmm…..” Syera powered down from Super Saiyan as she could feel that Steel’s energy signature, after the blast dissipated, was gone. The rest of the Minotaurs cleared out, their wounded carried out in retreated. In the back of Syera’s mind, as the rain fell and hit her on the face, she felt guilt for killing him. However at the same time she knew it had to be done. “Tonight… Will be a night to remember.” Syera said to herself as she saw the rain wash away any blood left on the ground into the soil beneath her feet. Soon she turned around and walked to go check on Makker and the others at the Golden Oak Library. Rarity….I’m sorry I wasn’t there in time to stop him….. She knew her friend was hurt, because of her….she doesn’t know how she’ll able to live with the guilt of not only killing the threat of the Minotaurs, but of not being there for her friends to stop them from getting hurt because of her screw-ups.

The door of the Library opened wide as the rain started to fall harder. Twilight looked towards the door and, with tears welling up in her eyes she ran towards it. “Syera!!” Clinging to her sister’s legs she nuzzled her. “What happened?” Syera held Twilight close and said nothing.

Applejack leaned against the wall to the left of the door. Her emerald green eyes met with Syera’s, and she could read the look on her face. “You did what ya had to do sugarcube… Ain’t nopony gonna blame you for that.” She spoke softly, tipping her hat down. Rainbow looked between the two confused as she laid on the floor.

“What are ya talking about AJ?” The rainbow pegasus laid on her back before she flipped over, her bangs covering her right eye. Applejack just shook her head which caused Rainbow to keep her lips sealed.

Pinkie and Fluttershy were currently occupied at the table as Rarity slept on the couch next to the right wall. She had a couple scrapes and cuts but looked better than she did outside. “Hold it lightly Pinkie.” Fluttershy muttered to the both of them, but the quiet atmosphere of the library projected her voice a little louder then normal.

“It's a story for another day Rainbow Dash… Where’s Rarity?” Syera asked in a dry kind of monotone voice as she looked around the room, obviously acting different from her usual self.

Twilight took a step back, looking up into her face. She didn’t look like the usual Syera. She looked serious, her stare scanning over the room before Twilight pointed to the couch that held the white unicorn. “She’s over there. Luckily there doesn't seem to have major head trauma.” Twilight spoke softly and looked worriedly at her friend.

Syera then took a few steps forward, approaching her injured friend. Rarity…… Syera spoke to herself in her mind. With a deep breath she closed her eyes. “Mm….” Syera stuck her hand out, a soft gold glow resonated from her hand, it soon made it’s way to Rarity. Surrounding her in a golden aura and soon faded. “It’s done.” Syera said, which gave Pinkie and Fluttershy a confused look.

Fluttershy’s attention turned back to the table as Pinkie spoke up. “What’s done?” She asked quietly, a sort of different look on the pink pony’s face.

“I gave her some of my energy, just a small dose, she’ll be ok by morning. It’s the least bit of generosity I could give her after what happened, I couldn’t stop that Minotaur from hurting her.” Syera said softly, still feeling guilty that she wasn’t there. She got overconfident in the fight, it led to her friend getting hurt. Something she wasn’t about to let happen again.

Pinkie gazed at Rarity before she turned attention back to the table as well. “Don’t beat yourself up Syera.” Pinkie Pie said quietly while Fluttershy wiped sweat off her forehead and let out a small sigh.

“I know…. But I wasn’t there in time to stop her or any of you getting hurt. I got too overconfident and look what happened……” Syera said as she dropped to her knees and put her hands onto her face and started to lightly sob.

The room was quiet enough to hear a pin drop. Nopony knew what to say before Rainbow Dash rolled to her hooves and walked over. “Syera. It wasn’t your fault.” She put a hoof onto Syera’s shoulder.

“Yes it is…. I wasn’t taking the fight seriously with that bastard from the start… And look at Rarity. She’d be just fine with us all if I didn’t play around.” Syera explaining how her actions caused all of this.

Rainbow let out an agitated sigh. “Syera. You. Didn’t. Know! None of us knew what was going to happen tonight! The only one who sensed how strong he was at the start was Makker!” The Rainbow pegasus put her face into Syera’s while motioning towards the table.

With tears streaming down her face, Syera closed her eyes and sighed sadly. “You’re right, and Makker told me how strong that guy was but….I didn’t listen...” Syera said still sobbing a bit, however Rainbow Dash didn’t like this look of Syera, this wasn’t her usual self, being sad and self-blaming of stuff she had no control of.

Rainbow grit her teeth and pushed Syera onto her back. “Cut the crap Syera!” She flared her wings wide. “I’ve heard enough of this already!” She then took off out one of the upstairs windows into the rainy, dark night.

Syera just layed there motionless, flat on her back with a sad expression as tears ran down her cheeks. Soon she felt a hoof on her right hand and saw it was Twilight, she then smiled and climbed on top of Syera and hugged her softly. “We all make mistakes Sis, but don’t worry, Rarity will be ok. And remember this, you did all you could to protect us, which in the end really matters.” Twilight then hugged her sister tightly, Syera soon stopped sobbing and hugged her sister back.

“Thank you Twilight, I need to hear that. And you and Rainbow Dash are right, I didn’t know… And I did all I could.” Syera said as she soon sat up with Twilight in her arms and looked over at Rarity.

“And that’s all we could ask for sugarcube.” Applejack spoke up from across the room. She was still leaning against it, looking out the window into the darkness. She had dark bags under her eyes and her hat was laying beside her.

“Ahh….” Syera then stood up, and walked over to Applejack. “It looks like I’m not the only one tired, you’ve been getting any sleep AJ?” Syera asked looking at her country pony friend.

“Yeah ah have been. Just didn’t sleep much till Fluttershy came bangin on mah door.” She then glanced over at the yellow pegasus. “Which ahm glad she did. How’s he holdin up there anyways?” Applejack asked as Fluttershy continued to work.

Fluttershy once again wiped her forehead of sweat. She looked ragged and exhausted as she turned to look at the two. “He’s alright.” She turned back and sighed. “He got hit pretty hard, I’m surprised he is still breathing. I had to stitch up his forehead a little bit, the other injuries were pretty minor. He does have a couple bruised ribs but nothing much I can do about that.”

She took a step back and sat on her rump. Both her hooves were coated in blood. “Could… Anypony get me a wet towel?” She asked aloud staring at her hooves. Pinkie put the medical stitching back into the first aid kit and sat down.

“Hold on, I’ll get you one.” Syera then got up and got Fluttershy a towel, it was damp enough to get out the dry blood from her coat. She helper her out so she could get every spot of blood off Fluttershy’s body.

“Thanks Syera, I’m glad you’re here to help me get all this blood off me, but I know when I get back home I’ll need to take a bath before I go to bed.” Fluttershy said as she looked at herself.

“Yea….I’m gonna need a cold shower myself to wash off this headache.” Syera murmured as she finished getting the blood off the yellow pegasus mare.

Pinkie sat beside the table, gently rubbing her hoof through Makker’s hair. “I hope he’s gonna be ok.” She seemed slightly pale, her eyes glancing over his scarred body and to his forehead.

“Well, I’ll say this Pinkie. Since he is a Saiyan, once he recovers from these wounds. He’ll grow even stronger than before.” Syera explained, as she looked over at Makker.

The male Saiyan laid atop the table. His body was battered and the left side of his chest was bruised badly. His breathing was slow, but shaky. Dried blood stuck to his skin, trailing down his face and onto his chest. He had past wounds that scarred his body. He had a calm look on his face that periodically slightly distorted in pain.

Syera then kneeled next to Pinkie as she was slowly running her hoof on Makker’s hair. “He’ll be ok, the same with Rarity. I just know it.” Syera said as she then slowly rubbed Pinkie on the back and patted her a little bit.

She smiled and looked back at Syera. “You’re right.” She turned back and let out a small sigh. “This night has to be the craziest night I’ve ever had.” Pinkie giggled a little and let out a huge yawn. “Wow… I need to get back to my bed.”

Twilight was the third to yawn and shook her head quickly. “Yea, same here. Let’s all get some shut eye. We can meet back here in the morning, until then try and get some sleep everypony.” Pinkie, Applejack, and Fluttershy all said their goodbyes leaving only Twilight and Syera, Rarity and Makker left.

With Makker and Rarity out cold for the night in the main room of the library, Twilight started to climb the stairs towards her bed. “Come on Syera. We need to try and get some sleep tonight.” She said turning to her sister with tired eyes.

With a yawn and a few nods, Syera followed Twilight up the stairs so they can both get some sleep. “Night Twilight.” Syera said as she went to her bedroom, closed the door and just collapsed on her bed. It didn't take long for Syera to start cutting wood with her snores too.

The morning came quick for the citizens of Ponyville. A hefty knocking at the door to the library shook the entire tree and awoke Twilight and Syera instantly. Twilight shot up and fell onto the floor with a dull thud. “Ow…” She grumbled before rubbing her face while getting to her hooves. “Who in Equestria could be here?”

“Ahhh...Stop knocking….We hear ya jeez!” Syera came out through her bedroom door, obviously hearing the knocking as well. “Morning Twilight.” Syera said rubbing her eyes as she went downstairs with the purple unicorn. Soon they got to and opened the door.

In stepped Princess Celestia and Princess Luna behind her. Celestia had a stern face on her as her eyes scanned the room. “Twilight… What happened last night in Ponyville?” Luna looked between Twilight and Celestia, taking a couple steps away. “And why did no one notify me?”

Twilight flayed her ears to her head. “There was a raid by minotaurs. But we held them off. Mostly Syera and the other saiyan Makker.” She pointed to her sister and tried to appear smaller under the preying eyes of the princess.

“Sister, surely these ponies and Syera had everything under control. There have been no reports of anypony getting hurt.” Luna bit her lip and tried to talk to her sister.

Celestia shot her a glare and snorted. “Ok then Luna, then what happened to that pony over there!?” She pointed a white hoof towards Rarity who was still sleeping on the couch. Her purple eyes then trailed over the sleeping Saiyan. She raised an eyebrow and gazed towards Twilight and Syera.

“Rarity only suffered minor injuries, and so did Makker. Other than that, they’re gonna be fine Princess Celestia, we swear.” Syera explained to the Princess, telling her that these two only helped and got hurt minorly, all the other ponies stayed indoors where it was safe. “And…..What happened last night was not easy for any of us.” Syera said looking down was a sad expression.

Celestia stepped forward to give Syera a piece of her mind when a voice surprised everyone. “She’s telling the truth Princess Celestia.” Came a male voice. Makker groaned as he sat up on the table he had as a bed for the night and got to his feet.

Luna looked at him quizzically and turned to Celestia. “Tia? Who is that being?” Celestia was taken a bit back by Makker that she fought for words.

The Saiyan hobbled closer before giving a weak smile. “The names Makker, Princess. I’m a Saiyan just like Syera is.” Taking a seat on the floor he slightly coughed. “They came quickly, we had no time to plan or anything. So we did what we do best, right Syera?” Giving a quick glance over towards her.

“Yeah, it was so sudden that we didn’t have much time to finesse and act strategically. So we did what we could, Makker and I tried to keep the raid’s damage to the town minimal. However, there were a few buildings and houses that were damaged, but nopony was hurt. We’re sorry we didn’t get a message to you in time, explaining what happened and our forward actions to push those minotaurs out.” Syera said pointing over to where they came, there were a few bloodstains in the soil, the rain didn’t wash all of it away. However it was barely noticeable. “And Makker, you doing ok? I’m surprised you’re up so quick, you are one tough S.O.B aren’t ya.” Syera said smiling at him.

Grinning Makker ran his fingers through his hair. “Could say that, us Saiyan’s are made of stronger stuff.” Celestia took a moment to collect her thoughts.

She pondered and chewed on the inside of her cheek. “Ok.” She spoke quietly, almost absentmindedly.

Luna picked up on it and tilted her head towards her older sister. “Is something the matter Celestia?” The smaller pony spoke a she took a seat on a small cushion that was beside the table.

Twilight also noticed the strange look the princess gave and reached out with a hoof. “You look like… Well like you’ve seen something strange Celestia.” The white pony stood straight as she stared into Makkers eyes.

“Hmm?” Syera looked at Princess Celestia with worry, then back at Makker. She gave him a nervous shrug, wondering what is she was thinking. Which at the moment is a total mystery, hopefully it’s nothing too serious.

An uneasy tension filled the room as the two locked eyes. The hairs on Syera’s arm stood on end, and an unusual energy filled the room. The white ponies eyes narrowed, and she idly ran her tongue over her lips and teeth. “His energy… Can you feel it Luna?” Celestia whispered, almost talking to herself. Luna’s ears twitched as she looked up at her.

This puzzled the younger pony before she stared at Makker. After a couple seconds she went a bit wide-eyed. “Oh my…” She said breathlessly, a forehoof touching her lips as Twilight looked on with confusion.

Makker looked puzzled himself. “What are you on about?” The injured Saiyan stood up and looked at Celestia. She took a step back, her eyes slightly wider as her horn lit up brightly and she lowered her head a bit.

Twilight herself gasped and reached a hoof towards Celestia. “Celestia?! What are you doing!?” She cried out towards the white princess.

Luna herself got up and got behind her sister. “Tia. Is this really the best course of action? I mean look at him. He’s injured, clearly not even at full strength. Surely…” Her dark blue eyes glanced back at the two Saiyans and pony. “Surely we can do this without incident.”

"Wait, Princess Celestia, what is it that you're trying to do?” Syera said with an worried yet concerned tone as she had a stern expression towards Celestia and Luna, she wanted answers. However Celestia just stood there silent.

While she knew Syera was on edge she was not about to take that from even her. With a stare that rivaled Fluttershy’s she stared daggers at Syera. “Stand down…” Celestia spoke softly but with vigor.

This sort of tone of voice shocked Syera since she had never seen the Princess this serious since Discord came back. Syera was hesitant to stand down, except when a hand from the injured Saiyan touched her shoulder and she looked back at him.

“It’s fine Syera. I can handle this.” The injured Saiyan smiled as the everypony in the room looked at him.

“Makker… alright.” Syera decided to stand down, but it wasn’t for Celestia and Luna’s sake. It was for her friend and she respected his decision. Syera still stared at Celestia and Luna, even though she stood down. She was ready for whatever came next.

Celestia faced Makker and closed her eyes. Her horn lit up brightly as did Makker’s chest. The room filled with a bright yellowish light from Celestia’s aura as she pushed with all her might. “Hnn!” Clenching her teeth tightly, Makker slowly lifted from the ground.


With that her magical aura dissipated, fizzling out as Makker was dropped back to his feet. Luna looked on with wide eyes. “Tia!” She ran up to her older sister as Celestia rubbed her forehead with a hoof.

“Wow…” Blinking away the fuzziness in her mind Celestia looked once more at Makker. The feeling she felt from him seemed to be gone. “I think that just about did it.” With that she shook her head and let out a sigh.

"Whoa… What did you do that for?” Syera asked rubbed her eyes from how blinding the light was from Celestia’s magic then looked at Makker then back at Celestia and Luna for answers.

Makker looked just confused as Syera did and ran his hands over his chest. He looked towards the white Princess looking for answers.

Shaking her head to regain her vision she gave a small smile. “It was nothing major, just a small abnormality of magic embedded inside Makker. I just safely and carefully removed it. Nothing to worry yourselves about my little ponies.” She said with a smile, her eyes closed as Luna gave her own smile.

Syera sighed in relief since whatever this magic was that the Princess removed was gone. “I see…..sorry I got a little worked up. I’m just very on edge since last night.” She then kneeled before Celestia and Luna, it’s been a very bad time in Ponyville for her and the others. She became way overprotective with those around her.

Twilight then approached Syera and walked by her side and put a hoof on her shoulder then hugged her briefly. “Mmm…. Thanks Twilight” Syera hugged her sister back. But then the white Alicorn approached the Saiyan, looking her right in the eye… Princess Celestia placed a hoof on Syera’s cheek and smiled.

“I understand Syera, I just did not want anything else to happen to you ponies or the rest of me and Luna's subjects. And now that this is resolved. Me and my sister have business to take care of back in Canterlot. Come Luna.” She then took her leave out the door with Princess Luna. The darker Alicorn took a small glimpse back before departing with her sister.

"Wait, Princess!" Syera ran towards them outside. "I'm just curious, what kind of abnormality of magic did you remove from Makker?" she asked, Celestia just told her this.

"There is darkness on the horizon my pupil, I'd advice it best you focus on your training since this recent attack maybe one of few to come. So stay on guard as best you can." Celestia told, still this left Syera with even more questions, she wondered if Luna knew anything, however it seemed the Moon Princess herself was just as confused. Syera could only have patience to find out what is to come now.

Syera pondered it then nodded, Celestia smiled then was off back to Canterlot with Princess Luna.

Makker sat back down, taking a small sigh of relief as he rubbed the side of his head with his hand. Slightly wincing in pain as his eye closed. “Ugh, gonna need a senzu for that one…” His gaze set to Twilight. “Any idea what that was about?”

Twilight stood mouth slightly open and her eyes narrowed in thought. “No… I haven’t. The magic she used was something I have only seen on rare occasions. It was a type of ancient magic, the way she had to focus all her energy only mystifies this more.” the purple pony sat on her rump and tapped a hoof to her chin.

Makker looked down at his chest, there were still spots that blood had dried and scabbed over amongst numerous scars atoned his body. “I have no idea either. But she felt something in me, something that scared her.

Twilight giggled and flicked a hoof. “Yeah right Makker, Princess Celestia isn’t afraid of anypony! She’s the princess of the sun for crying out loud!” She wiped a tear and shook her head before resting her gaze on him. The male Saiyan stared back seriously.

“No Twilight, she was scared at what she saw. I’ve seen that look before, whatever she felt inside me she was scared to death over it.” Their eyes locked as Twilight’s shrunk to pin pricks. “Regardless, she fixed it. So there isn’t any need to worry ourselves about it anymore.”

Twilight blinked a couple times before glancing at Syera nervously as she walked back in the Library. “Yeah, I think we will be ok. Besides, Celestia fixed it right?” With a half-hearted laugh she stood up and stretched her neck.

"I sure hope so, still I asked about whatever she removed from Makker and all she told me was... "Darkness is on the horizon and I should focus on training." I just hope whatever this 'darkness' is that's coming shows itself soon so we can kick it's butt!" Syera told as she cracked her knuckles. However, before the conversation of darkness continued further...

“Ugg, my aching head…” Came a raspy voice that startled the group before all their eyes rested on Rarity. She propped herself up with one hoof while the other rubbed the side of her head. Syera’s face lit up and she rushed to hug her friend.

“Rarity! You're awake!” She gently hugged the white unicorn, not wanting to cause any further damage with her hug.

“Hmm, quite.” Rarity said while returning the hug. Her azure blue eyes scanned the room, her brain registering that she was inside the library. “Is… Is everything back to normal? I mean as normal as it can get around here without a bunch of ruffians terrorizing our town?” Rarity spoke with a smile while Twilight walked up to the two.

“Yes, Syera as well as Makker took care of everything.” Twilight got in her own small hug and Rarity closed her eyes with a smile.

“That’s great to hear. You’re not hurt are you dear?” Rarity pulled back and looked Syera over, checking for any injuries.

The Saiyan sat back with her legs crossed and took a sigh of relief, wiping a tear from her eye. “No, I’m fine.” Her expression changed as she laid eyes on Makker. For this first time since the attack, she really got a good look at him. He sat half laid back, using an elbow to support his body he gently scratched at his chin. Sporting a black eye he also had a good ten stitches across the lip of his forehead. Multiple small cuts were on his chest and arms while a decent sized bruised spot was on the left side of his chest.

She let go of Rarity as her own eyes fell upon Makker. Her jaw dropped a little as her eyes shrunk a little. “Oh my… Makker you’re… You’ve gotten yourself hurt.” The white unicorn slowly got off the couch and limped towards Makker.

“I’m fine, really. All that matters is that you’re ok Rarity.” Using a hoof she moved his head side to side, getting a good look at his black eye. “Honestly I’m fine.” He cracked as smile as Rarity glared at him.

“He did all he could. It was to save you and bring you back here to the Library. I on the other hand took care of the Leader of those bastard minotaurs.” Syera explained as she crossed her arms looking at Rarity as she examined Makker. She then shut her eyes, recalling what she did….it was very intense. “And I’m sorry Rarity…..I wasn’t there in time.”

The room fell silent as the clock on the wall ticked the seconds by. All of a sudden Twilight gasped and her eyes opened wide. “Oh gosh, I forgot about Rainbow Dash! She flew off last night to Celestia’s knows where.” She started to pace and bit her lower lip. “Oh I hope she’s ok…”

Syera then stood up from the ground. “I can check if you want.” She told Twilight as she put two fingers on her forehead and focused on Rainbow Dash’s energy signature. “Umm…...wait, I can’t pick up on her energy… hang on, I’ll try again.” Syera then held fingers continuously to her forehead. “Wait… I think I have something…” Syera then paused when she pinpointed where Rainbow Dash was.

The rainbow maned pegasus was atop a small storm cloud, rain and the occasional lightning bolt came from the small cloud. She sighed with her head hung low, her rainbow mane covered her face as she sat in silence and deep thought.

“Oh I see….” Syera then teleported to the depressed Rainbow Dash who was atop the stormy weather cloud. “Um...Hey Rainbow Dash, you feeling ok? You seem a little down.” Syera looked at her as she seemed very under the weather with depression, this made Syera worry a bit with a sad expression.

Rainbow Dash looked up and took a deep breath. “Syera… You’ve done so much for all of us and you still regret not doing more. Hell, what did I do during that? Nothing. I just sat back and watched as you and Rarity got hurt.” She then closed her eyes once more and put her head down. “Even Makker did more than I did…”

“Rainbow Dash, you did all you could. You helped and fought alongside all of us till now and most likely forever. Also….you’re wrong about one thing, sometimes I do regret the actions I do….but I try to look forward and make up for those mistakes. I’m only Saiyan, ya know? I can only do but so much on this world….and I’m not sure how much longer I can keep it up, but I will go on for as long as I can. But don’t think for one moment you and the others for that fact were not there for any of it.” Syera then placed a hand on the backside of her friend and smiled. “And to be honest, all the things we faced, what we’ve done. It's only just getting started, I can’t wait for more to come, no matter the danger.” Syera looked at the cyan pegasus pony with a determined look of joy and excitement as she told her all about what the future could possibly hold. More strong opponents to fight, and more amazing adventures together, till the end.

Rainbow Dash wiped her cheek. “Thanks Syera, you always know just what to say.” Taking a shaky breath the blue pegasus gave a weak smile

“Well…..I guess, I honestly just said what I felt was right really. To be honest with all that we’ve been through, all of the danger. I’ve had so much fun too at the same time. Don’t ask why, but I just get excited at the face of danger.” Syera told Rainbow Dash, this caused her pegasus friend to stand up on the cloud and smile a bit more.

“I hear that, I can totally relate Syera. I remember a few times when there was danger. I think one was when we were on the train to Appleloosa and Little Strongheart and the Buffalo natives assaulted the train for Bloomberg.” Dash said and she chuckled a little.

“Yea, and Spike happened to be with the damn tree. However I’m glad we were able to get the ponies of Appleloosa and the native Buffalo clan to get along nice with each other. Hopefully they’re doing alright.” Syera said crossing her arms as she looked in the direction of Appleloosa.

“Yea, I bet they're doing ok.” Rainbow Dash said smiling as she looked in the same direction as Syera was. They both knew that if there is any danger, they’ll be sure to stop it at any cost.

Syera then ran her digits through her hair scratching her scalp a little. “Agh….I need a day at the spa…..” Syera sighed a little right after she said that.

“Yeah, I could go for that too. It’ll help me get all this negative feelings out.” The blue pegasus stretched her legs and cracked her neck. “Hey, you think you could show me how you do those cool fighting moves?” Rainbow Dash then punched the air a couple times.

Syera smiled and pat her friend on the back. “Sure, I’ll show ya a thing or two.” The two shared a laugh then Syera rested her hand on Rainbow shoulder. “But first things first, let’s get back to the library.” Raising her fingers to her forehead Syera focused for a moment before the two instantly transmitted in front of Twilight.