• Published 23rd Jun 2017
  • 9,992 Views, 666 Comments

Contest of Rivals - Moon-Lite

It is Sunset's third month at Crystal Prep, physically recovered from the attacks caused by Anon-A-Miss, she now has a new trial to overcome.

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Contest of Rivals: A Better Future...?

Contest of Rivals: A Better Future...?

Sunset took a deep gulp of the hot draught the cup in her hands held. It was a strange feeling sitting in Sugar Cube Corner again after all this time, the Cakes were doing their bests not to stare at the girl who was sitting so calmly in their building. Sunset looked down at the french vanilla that was steaming up from the cup, smiling as she enjoyed one of her favourite treats again. Tearing her gaze away from the piping liquid, she looked out the window and started people watching.

“Sorry for the wait, darling.”

Sunset slowly turned back around to face the door that just opened, the bell chiming pleasantly.

“Hello, Rarity.” Sunset said with a small smile, looking up to the fashionista that was leading the other Rainbooms to the area that the six of them used to share long ago. “Applejack, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Pinkie, good to see you all made it.”

“We’re more surprised you made it.” Rainbow responded, looking up and down Sunset’s body, attempting to find the scars from the attacks she suffered from.

“Rainbow!” Rarity whispered harshly, shocked at the comment her friend had made. “Why would you say such a thing?”

“Aw, come off your high horse, Rarity!” Rainbow responded, before looking over at Sunset, “Sorry if you find that term offensive, Sunset.”

Sunset giggled when she heard the term from Rainbow, then smiled at the apology that the athlete gave. “No worries, Dash. It’s not like it’s something offensive or anything.”

“Regardless, you could at least use a pinch of subtlety, dear.” Rarity said as she crossed her arms in a mock pout.

“Anyways,” Applejack said in a somewhat loud voice. “Ah do agree with Rainbow, It is good ta see ya up and walkin.”

“Ya, how come ya never responded to our texts, only to call for a meeting between us all?” Rainbow asked as she stood up from her seat.

“Ooi…” Groaned Pinkie Pie, as Applejack and Rarity face palmed simultaneously.

“Seriously?” Applejack question incredulously, staring at her friend from between her fingers.

“No, it’s fine,” Sunset said, holding up her hands as she attempted to broker a peace between all six teens present. “Truth be told I regret not responding sooner.” She said with a sad smile as she looked down at her slowly cooling drink.

“Truth be told I was super busy, what with the criminal investigations into Cinch, Gilda, and the Diamond Dogs, recovering from the attacks, plus schoolwork.” Sunset chuckled as she recalled her previous few weeks of non stop activity.

“You were forced to still go to school?” Asked a strangely adamant Fluttershy, the girl having a fire in her eyes that wouldn’t be out of place in Rainbow Dash.

“Oh! No! Nonono!” Sunset said as she shook her head with a goofy grin. “No, I had Twilight gather up my work from the other girls and bring it home each night with her.” She gave a sheepish grin as she blushed, rubbing the back of her stylized mane.

“Anyways, I am sorry that I didn’t reach out to you all sooner, and I am sure you are all wondering why I asked for us to meet up here.”

All five members of the Rainbooms nodded as they looked at Sunset.

“I figured that it was finally time we had a good talk about what happened.” Sunset said with a solemn smile. “You all let me know how sorry you were during the Friendship Games, and Celestia- sorry!- heaven knows I have had enough time to contemplate it, and think it over.”

“Well I’m glad we got to talk to you at least.” Rainbow said, kicking her feet up onto the table and earning a stern glare from Mrs. Cake and a slap across the legs by a rather disappointed looking Fluttershy. “Sorry.” The sky blue skinned girl said as she removed her feet from the surface.

“Aaanyways,” Applejack said, clearing her throat with a cough. “Ah do think Ah speak for all o’ us when Ah say it is good to hear from ya again, sugahcube.”

Sunset smiled a she looked at the five girls. “Thanks, I just wish I could have gotten back to you five sooner.”

“I’m just glad to see you smiling again!” Pinkie Pie cheered softly, her hair almost fully back to it’s regular poofy state.

“I agree…” Fluttershy whispered softly, nodding gently as she peered out from behind her hair.

“So what did you want to talk to us about again?” Rainbow asked after giving an over dramatic bout of gagging.

Sunset giggled as everybody scowled at the rainbow maned teen. “I have decided on what my response is to what you girls talked to me about back during the Friendship Games.

All five grew quiet, anticipatory looks on their features as the leaned in to watch the amber coloured teen.

“Truth be told, I am still hurting from how you girls abandoned me. You told me I was your friend, that I was family.” Sunset said with a sad smile, the other five shirking back as they remembered their actions.

“But I can’t exactly say it was unwarranted, giving to the fact of what I did in the past. You girls only had three years of me being the head bitch of the school, then turning into a raging she daemon and brainwashing almost the entire school followed by me trying to kill you all.”

“So… What then?” Rainbow asked, looking at the Equestrian intently.

“You girls threw me away, threw me to the wolves and never even gave me a chance to defend myself, to prove that I was innocent. You girls were the straw that broke the camel’s back and drove me to the point of wanting to kill myself.” Sunset said with a calm face, watching how the other teens reacted. Fluttershy started to hiccup as tears streamed down her cheeks while Rarity padded at her eyes with her handkerchief, Pinkie’s hair started to deflate it seemed and Applejack pulled her hat in front of her face.

“So that’s it?” Asked Rainbow Dash, the girl surprisingly teary eyed. “You call us all here just to let us know how much we fucked up?”

Sunset sighed tiredly. “No, Dash. I wanted to start by explaining how I felt to you girls. I wanted you all to know that you deeply hurt me,and that everyone in my life now wants me to never talk with any of you again. And can you really blame them?”

“What do you mean!?” Rainbow questioned, standing up from her chair.

“Velvet has only seen you five once, during that incident at the mall, so she doesn’t have the highest opinions of you. The Shadowbolts also don’t like you, given that they now know about how you all were the final straw in me attempting to kill myself. The Sirens, who have lived a very tragic life themselves, don’t like you.” Sunset explained as she looked around the table, Rainbow slinking back into her chair slowly.

“But i’ll be honest, I don’t care what they say.”

All around the table, looks of confusion spread across the faces of the Rainbooms.

“We know you messed up. We know you all are sorry for what you did. We know you want a second chance.” She looked up with a sad smile. “Hatred is a dark path, one I never want to walk again. It does nothing but bring sorrow and sadness, and I hope to never have to deal with it again.”

“Does that mean…?” Pinkie Pie asked quietly, her hair starting to poof up again.

“I will give you girls a second chance.” Sunset said with a slow nod.

Cheers of happiness rang out around the table, sighs of relief intermingled within.


The five friends quieted when they heard Sunset start again.

“This will be like starting from scratch. You are all going to have to earn my trust, and my friendship. This time… I am not some charity case hoisted upon you all by Princess Twilight, agreed?”

All five agreed in their own fashion, party balloons and streamers shot out from Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy started to cry even more profusely, Rarity smiled and reached over to give Sunset a hug, Applejack nodded and rested her stetson back onto her head, and Rainbow Dash did a small lap around the perimeter of Sugar Cube Corner.

“We promise, Sunset!” Rainbow said as she jumped up onto her chair. “We promise not to fuck up this time!”

“I get it, Dash.” Sunset giggled as she motioned at her friend to get down off the chair. “So, how have you all been since the Friendship Games?”

They all looked at each other, before Rarity started talking. “Well Canterlot High has been shut down since the Games.” She explained with a frown.

“Yeah, there’s a whole bunch of big men and police officers combing the school looking for evidence.” Pinkie Pie explained, throwing her arms out.

“Probably trying to find stuff out for that court case…” Sunset muttered, stroking her chin in thought. “But that has come and gone, why aren’t you all back in school?”

Fluttershy looked down and sniffed. “Because the school board has put the blame for everything that has happened since December solely on Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna…”

“What do you mean?” Sunset asked, a pit of worry starting to burn in her gut.

“They’ve been canned.” Applejack said bluntly, crossing her arms with a scowl. “The school board is getting people brought in.”

“Tartarus…” Sunset whispered. “I didn’t know…”

“It’s fine, dear.” Rarity said, resting a pale hand on Sunset’s.

“Truth be told,” Rainbow said with a smirk, “Some of us have found ways to cope.”

Sunset gave the grinning teen a confused look, noticing how Rarity shot a look at the athlete, her face turning red as Applejack shot up to her feet.

“Land’s sake, RD!” Applejack bellowed. “When are ya gonna drop that!”

“Umm… should I even ask…?” Sunset said with a small smile.

“I found our resident farmer and fashionista makin out- mmph!” Rainbow was tackled by Rarity, the girl vaulting over the table and smashing a hand over the blabbering mouth of the sky blue skinned girl.

“Rainbow Dash! I did not go around spreading your secret when I found you and Fluttershy in the girl’s changeroom, now did I?” Rarity had an extremely deadly glint in her eyes as she looked down at the girl below her, Fluttershy blushing as she hid behind her hair.

“Wait…” Sunset was wearing a massive smile by this point as she looked over to Pinkie. “So if I understand this right, Rarity and Applejack, and Rainbow and Fluttershy have all done the horizontal mambo?”

The four mentioned teens look at Pinkie Pie, their eyes threatening the party planner of what they would do should she talk.

“They haven’t gone that far, Sunset.” She said with a forced smile. “Far as I know at least.” She winked as she whispered the last bit.

“Oh man, that is priceless!” Sunset laughed out loud. “Seriously, what is with Humans and being so skittish about these sorts of things?”

“A proper lady does not kiss and tell.” Rarity said as she stood up, allowing Rainbow to make her way to her own feet.

Everyone started giggling at Rarity’s comment, Sunset pausing as she felt her phone vibrate. “Looks like I gotta get heading.” She said with a small smile as she deposited her phone. “I’m glad I could catch up with you all again. We will have to do this again soon.”

“How soon?” Pinkie Pie question with her patented look of crazy.

“Probably gonna be a little bit, Cadence has arranged for the senior year to spend a weekend out at Camp Everfree.” Sunset said with a smile.


Sunset brought her bike to a stop, the traffic ahead of her passing by at a blazing pace, and leaned back and stretched, her leather clothes unhappy at the motion. She flipped up the visor of her helmet up as she peered around, looking at the life bustling through the city, her gaze pausing as she watched four individuals leave a rather fancy restaurant to her right. She recognized Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna, or rather the ex Principal Celestia and ex Vice Principal Luna, and Nurse Red Heart who had her hand firmly entwined with Luna’s, the two women’s skin contrasting the others. But who was the fourth?

She gave a small honk of her horn, waving when the women looked over to her. “Hiya!” Sunset said with a warm smile, quickly realizing her helmet was hiding her smile from the four of them.

“Sunset Shimmer?” Asked Luna, shocked to see the girl out and about. The two sisters had stopped by to see Sunset while the teen was in the hospital, but neither of them expected to see her out so soon.

“Good to see you all again! Let me just park here quick!” Sunset said as she threw on her right hand turn signal, taking a tight turn and stopping in a street side parking stall.

“What are you doing out and about, Sunset?” Celestia asked as the teen threw down her kick stand, shut off the engine and dismounted the bike, flourishing her hair as she took off her helmet.

“I was actually just meeting with the girls at Sugar Cube Corner.” She said with a smile. “Er, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow, and Rarity. Figured it was time to get the band back together.”

“Really?” Celestia looked shocked at the comment. “Sorry if it seems out of place, but I thought you six weren’t on the greatest footing due to Anon-A-Miss?”

“Anon-A-Miss? Wasn’t that what you had me looking into, my love?” Asked the ebony skinned woman with teal hair that had her arm wrapped around Celestia's waist.

“Yes, Chryssi, that’s the one.” Celestia nodded.

“Sorry, but who is this?” Sunset asked with a confused frown.

“Oh jeez, my apologies, Sunset. This is-” Celestia started before the lime eyed woman stepped forward.

“You may call me Chrysalis, and I am the lover of your dear little Principal here.” She said with an over dramatic bow before resting her arm on the slightly shorter shoulder of Celestia.

“C-Chryssi!?” Celestia cried out in shock. “Not in public!”

Everyone started giggling as Chrysalis gave a loving noogy to the spectrum haired woman.

“Speaking of Principal…” Susnet said with a sad smile. “I heard about what happened to the two of you. I am so sorry to hear that those idiots at the school board blame you for what happened.”

“You cannot blame them, Sunset Shimmer.” Luna said as she stepped forward. “We were slow to take the matter of Anon-A-Miss seriously, and then four of our students are enticed to commit murder? We are indeed lucky to be merely removed from our positions.”

“I actually left with them.” Redheart said as she stepped forward, grabbing Luna’s hand with a loving smile once more. “I don’t want to be a part of that school anymore, in fact, I got a position at Canterlot University starting next semester.”

“That’s awesome Nurse Redheart!” Sunset cheered with a bright smile.

“Wait, you are not even one bit weirded out by me being the lover of your ex principal?” Chrysalis asked, giving a pout so adorable it was worthy of Sonata.

“Really, Chrysalis?” Celestia asked as her forehead met her palm.

“It’s fine, really.” Sunset said with a small chuckle. “I had assumed something was up with you four when I saw you holding hands with one another.” She nodded to the two couples. “And besides, if each of you love the other, why should I be one to judge? Just make sure to get Luna outside once in awhile.” Sunset said with a small wink to Redheart, causing Luna to pout.

“We are actually thinking of using the Canterlot University fitness centre whilst We are enrolled.” Luna pointed out.

“Oh? You’re gonna do some studying there?” Sunset asked with a happy smile on her face. “What subjects?”

“They recently added some game design courses.” Luna gave a proud smile as she beat her chest. “We plan to woo everyone with our genius!”

“More like make everyone snore.” Chrysalis said, sticking out her tongue and causing Sunset to gasp at the ball studs sticking out of it.

“Going a little crazy there, Celestia?” Sunset asked with a playful smile.

‘Oh hush, you child. You are yet to turn eighteen and should not be commenting on such matters!” The pale skinned woman scolded.

“Actually, I’m older than that.” Sunset said with a straight face, before blushing and kicking an errant foot. “Truth be told, I’ll be turning thirty technically.”

“What!?” Chrysalis gave a loud shock as she stared at the teen before her. Yes, Sunset was indeed quite well endowed, but thirty?

“Oh, has Celestia or Luna not told you?” Redheart asked, looking at the two women.

“Told me what?” Chrysalis was still staring in shock at Sunset.

“I’m a Unicorn from another world.” Sunset said with a small smile.

Chrysalis paused in disbelief, before a small grin crept across her face leading to her bursting out in laughter. “A-a-a-a unicorn?” She said between loud laughs. “G-good one kid, you got an active imagination!” Chrysalis continued to laugh, slapping her knee as she doubled over and the other three individuals present gave shrugged their shoulders. “If your a unicorn, then I’m a bug horse hybrid queen!”

“Weeeell…” Sunset started.

Author's Note:

Well here we are, the end of the Friendship Games arc~

Sunset has come to terms with Anon-A-Miss, and is preparing for the trip to Camp Everfree~

I decided to start droping some (not so) subtle hints about some of the ships for this AU in the last pair of stories, and will be working towards some more happy stories for Sunset~

The next arc is going to be based on an alternate take of the fourth Equestria Girls movie, Legend of Everfree. It shall be titled; Happenings at Camp~ (I know I suck at titles xD)

It shall be alot more romcomy, more goofy and fun focussed~ mostly >;'D

Also in the works are the following:

Sunset in Equestria: My take of Sunset's goofy antics in Equestria with the Main 6, The Sirens, and The Royal Pony Sisters~ It shall take place in an AU of Equestria as well~

Sunset After Dark: More adult oriented stories from my AU, not necessarily sex, but some good fun and more lewd happenings~

PLANNINGS: UofC: First Semester: This one I will leave up to you all~ ^^