• Published 23rd Jun 2017
  • 9,993 Views, 666 Comments

Contest of Rivals - Moon-Lite

It is Sunset's third month at Crystal Prep, physically recovered from the attacks caused by Anon-A-Miss, she now has a new trial to overcome.

  • ...

Contest of Rivals: The Tri-Cross Relay

Author's Note:


Contest of Rivals: The Tri-Cross Relay


“What. The. Hell?” Sunset was shocked, the two Shadowbolts that were accompanying her shared her look of awe, but not her confusion. The school’s athletics fields had been completely changed, completely constructed over with wood and dirt. There was an obstacle course that lead to an archery range it looked like, two pairs of targets making different movements on a wooden backboard. A wooden track, it’s oval shape curving around the ‘corners’, encircled the obstacle course, itself encased by a peak and trough ridden course for… were those motocross bikes?

“I call dibs on the bikes!” Indigo Zap shouted, running towards where Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna, and Dean Cadence stood in front of the other nine teen competitors. Sugarcoat sighed in her usual tone before walking after her cousin as Sunset looked around the mock stadium. Two sets of wooden and metal bleachers stood all around them, the seats full of teens from both schools. Bon Bon, Lyra, Octavia and Vinyl waved from the CHS section, the surrounding teens glowering at the four girls, whilst Adagio, Aria, Sonata and Twilight waved, and cheered in Sonata’s case, from the Crystal Prep section.

“Now,” Cadence started as Sunset arrived, “How would you girls like to split up who will compete in which leg of the race?”

“Dibs on the bikes!” Indigo reaffirmed, shouting as her hand shot up, as the entire team’s eyes trained on the goggled teen.

“Er, anyone… else?” Cadence asked, tired smile on her face.

“Why don’t we ask the Captain?” Lemon Zest stated, taking her headphones off as she turned to Sunset.

“M-me?” Sunset took a step back as everyone turned to look at her. “I, er… I don’t really know sorry…” She looked down at her feet.

“How about I help?” Sugarcoat mentioned, everyone now turning to the glasses wearing girl. “Me and Indigo on Motocross, Sunny and Lemon on the track, and Sour and Sunset on the obstacle course?”

“Works for me.” Sunny Flare nodded, looking around at the rest of the girls who did similar actions of approval. “Is that okay, Dean Cadence?”

The woman smiled as she nodded, jotting down the names into the proper slots on her sheet before heading over to Celestia and Luna.

“So…” Sunset started as she looked down at her uniform, grabbing the bottom hem of her skirt. “Are we supposed to compete in these?” All six of the teens looked around at one another, each of them unsure of the answer. “I’m gonna go ask Dean Cadence quick.” She said as she jogged off to catch up to the educator.

“Dean Cadence?” Sunset asked when she got closer, Cadence pausing what she was talking to Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna.

“Yes, Sunset?”

“Me and the girls were wondering if we are supposed to compete in our uniforms or not?” She asked, hands pulling her burgundy blazer down.

“Oh my! Principal Cinch was supposed to bring you six the uniforms.” Cadence had a worried look on her face as she dug around in her pockets, before pulling out a key chain and single one of the many metal objects out from the rest. “Here you go Sunset, could you go grab the uniforms off of the second bus for me?”

“No problem!” Sunset smiled as she received the chain from Cadence. “I’ll be right back.” She waved as she started to jog off once more.

“Hey, where are you headed to?” Sour Sweet asked as Sunset came close.

“Cinch was supposed to have gotten us our uniforms, but she’s MIA so Dean Cadence asked me to go grab them.” The amber teen turned around and jogged backwards as she passed them. “I won’t be too long.”

She made her way around the school, thinking over the events of the day so far. The Rainbooms had each approached her, begging for a chance to apologize to her for their actions during Anon-A-Miss. Just like how she had begged and pleaded that she was innocent, yet they ignored her. Should she give them the chance? Pure emotion said no, they threw her away and they weren’t worth the risk of getting hurt again, but…

If she said no, wasn’t she no better than what they had been? She kept saying she had closed that chapter of her life, had moved passed it and no longer wanted to deal with it. Right?

We both know that isn’t true~ came the voice once again, You are still hurting, still feeling betrayed~

Stop that.

Stop what? Explaining your own thoughts to you?

I’m over it. No point in following the path of hate and anger… I know where that leads and I don’t want to walk down that road again.

So instead you suffer with heartache because of them~

… I could fix all this. I could make it so that everyone would love you, would treat you like the Princess you obviously deserve to be~

You’re insane!

Says the girl arguing with a voice in her head~


Regardless, at least I will always be here for you, to give you the power to-

I don’t need you. You are a parasite, something I had hoped to cleansed of.

And yet I remain~

Sunset shook her mane of crimson and gold, sliding the key into the lock of the bus and turning. She slid the door open and hurried up the stairs, peering around and looking for something that looked like it could be related to uniforms.

“And what are you doing here?”

Sunset jumped, before frowning and taking a deep breath. “Hello, Cinch.” She said as she turned to regard the devil of a woman that came into the bus behind her. “I am here looking for the team’s uniforms for the Tri-Cross Relay at the behest of Dean Cadence.”

The older woman sneered as she looked up at the taller teen. “Are you all so impatient that you cannot wait for me to bring them?”

“From the looks of it I beat you here.” Sunset said as she crossed her arms coldly, glowering at the blackmailing witch that stood at the head of the bus.

“I was… preoccupied.” Cinch stated, “I had to take care of something first.”

“What could be more important that making sure that we had what we needed to compete in these Games?” Sunset asked, mood darkening steadily, the voice starting to whisper once more to her. “This is your reputation on the line after all.”

“Don’t you dare talk as if you know a damn thing you insolent little child!” Cinch shouted, fire pouring from her eyes. “You were lucky that Cadence managed to convince me to allow you into my prodigious Academy!”

Sunset smiled, she had managed to strike a blow against the woman.

I could strike a more permanent blow~

“Seems to me that you-”

“Do I look like I give a damn about anything that could come from your slovenly maw?” Cinch interrupted. “If you hadn’t wrapped so many of the pathetic teachers in the school around your finger I would have you expelled for you flippant behaviour!”

Sunset chuckled, wishing she had her phone recording this outburst. If only.

I can fix her attitude~

“Look, how about you get your granny panties out of their obvious knot, get the massive stick out of your ass, and show me where the uniforms are so I can get them to the girls so we can win the Friendship Games for you?” Sunset had a cheeky grin on her face, she knew she had won this encounter.

I could make sure you don’t have another encounter~

“You!” Cinch stomped her foot, before taking a deep breath and straightening her hair and glasses. “You shall head back and let them know I shall be along shortly.”

Sunset shrugged as she passed the woman, not even looking back.

“Don’t be long.” She sang.


“The first leg of the race shall be the Obstacle Course.” Celestia called out, forced smile on her face as she shared the commentators booth with the other three women. “The competitors shall start one at a time, and must get a bullseye before the next teammate can start their attempt.”

Sunset looked over the obstacle course. Hay bales had to be vaulted before reaching a hill with a pit that had to be crossed by swinging over on a rope, but not before grabbing a bow and quiver of arrows first.

“Once both members of the first leg get their bullseyes the second portion can start.” Sunset turned to observe the Short Track as it had been dubbed, Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare joking and laughing as Pinkie Pie and Rarity looked hesitantly at one another. “Each team needs to make eight laps, which shall only be counted when the last member of the team crosses the line. Once all eight laps are done the Motocross racers shall start.”

Indigo was constantly revving her engine, probably wearing a huge grin the whole while, her helmeted head turned towards Sugarcoat. Rainbow and Bulk Biceps sat patiently on their bikes, Sunset wondering if the bike could hold the massive weight of the muscled mountain of a teen that was mounted on it.

“The winner of this event shall be the team to cross the finish line!” Luna added, standing up as she regarded the two teams before her. “However, three members of each team shall be eliminated. The ones who are last for the Motocross and Short Track.”

Cadence stood up next, airhorn in her hands. “For the obstacle course, a combination of speed and accuracy shall determine who is eliminated. Now if the competitors can line up.”

Sunset nodded to Sour Sweet, the girl had put her normal pigtail into a pair of buns, while Sunset had tied her hair back in a ponytail. She always chuckled at the term the Humans gave this hairstyle. The Ponies of Equestria had just casually said that they tied their hair back, the few that did as manes were a lot different to try and style than the hair of Humans.

Sour Sweet walked up to the starting line, stretching briefly before getting down into a sprinting position, Fluttershy having gotten down into the same position after flipping her own braided ponytail over her back. The two teens were not down for long before the air horn sounded and the two started their way through the course.

Sour Sweet vaulted the bales with what seemed to be practiced ease, while Fluttershy slowly slid over them, and gained a substantial lead. She ran up the hill, her boots giving her a steady grip as she reached out and grabbed her bow and quiver, sliding them over her shoulders before jumping and grabbing onto the rope with both hands. Once she cleared the pit she lept off, hitting the ground before rolling and knocking three arrows, loosing them in a spray. Two of them landed in the outer ring of the target, it’s back and forth motion continuing until one landed just inside the bullseye, stopping it. She smiled cockily, before looking back at Sunset.

Sunset nodded, ignoring the look Applejack was giving her before starting her own way towards the goal. She vaulted over bales as if they were hurdles, not even touching them before her feet found purchase on the ground past them, making amazing time as Fluttershy finally started to knock arrows of her own. She covered the third bale, the fourth, and the fifth, all before Fluttershy had even come close to hitting the target, before rushing up the hill and grabbing the bow and a single arrow.

Time seemed to slow down as shock started to cross over Sour Sweet’s face, the girl looking at the single arrow Sunset carried in her mouth like a pirate would hold a knife. Sunset remained calmed as she continued her pace, foot landing on the edge of the pit as she launched across, grabbing the arrow from her mouth before knocking it and letting loose mid air, the arrow rocketing out of the bow and towards the circling target, landing in the direct middle as Sunset hit the ground on the other side of the pit, rolling to her feet.

The stadium grew silent as Sunset fully stood up, her hand brushing her ponytail back over her shoulder, everyone in shock at the girl’s action. Fluttershy wasn’t even paying attention as she let go of her bowstring, the arrow flying through the air and embedding itself in the center of the horizontally moving target. Sunny Flare and Lemon Zest both shook their heads before starting around the track, not wanting to waste the large lead they had received from Sunset and Sour Sweet. Applejack started sprinting her own way towards the target, hoping to get her teammates started as soon as possible in hopes of catching up to the pair of Shadowbolts.

Sunset ignored the silence around her, turning to Sour Sweet with a friendly smile, her hand outstretched. “Nice shot there, Sour.”

Sour stared slack jawed at the hand offered to her, before chuckling and accepting it. “Ever the humble one, aren’t ya Sunset?” She commented as she felt her hand squeezed in the firm shake.

Sunset tilted her head, “What do you mean? You had a nice shot and I wanted to compliment it.”

Sour shook her head, laughing. “I now understand where Aria and Indigo come from in their fangirling.”

Sunset shook her head, “How about we head to the finish line and cheer on the other two?” She watched as Sunny Flare crossed the line a fair distance ahead of Lemon Zest. “I think Lemon could use some motivation.”

The two made their way towards the finish line, walking around the bales of hay that they had crossed on the way to the archery range. They noticed little excitement in the stands, Crystal Prep students were watching boredly or playing with their phones, while the students of Canterlot High had arms crossed and looking incredibly unhappy at how behind they already were.

“Looks like they’ve consigned themselves to their fates finally.” Sour pointed out, head jerking towards the section of bleachers that CHS remained in. “Well, most of them at least.” She muttered as four girls waved at the pair of them.

“You know you like them.” Sunset joked as she nudged the other girl with one arm, while she smiled and waved at the Orchestra Group.

“Whatever.” Sour shrugged as the pair stopped a little ways away from the wooden track. “I don’t know why we need to be here. We’re gonna win anyways and,” She looked at the track as all four teens were making their way around, “it looks to me that Sunny is going to win handily.”

“C’mon Lemon!” Sunset shouted, one arm cupping her mouth the other in the air. “You don’t want to lose in front of your idol, do you?” Sunny looked to have a small grin as she passed the line, Lemon following behind Pinkie and shaking her head.

“Four laps to one- make that two.” Sour commentated, hands on her hips. “Wonder why they don’t forfeit already, they all know they are gonna lose and none of them look too happy to be here.”

“Yeah…” Sunset added as she frowned at the bleachers. “I thought the students would be more welcoming…”

“Well from what you have told us all, it seems that the school is still fighting itself. No wonder they can’t succeed at anything.”

Sunset frowned as she looked at Sour Sweet, the girl watching the two teams do their laps around the course.

You aren’t disagreeing with her~

Just cause I haven’t said anything doesn’t mean I agree with her.

That still doesn’t answer the question~

Fine. I’m not sure, alright? I understand that they are all bitter with one another because of the events, but I don’t think it’s cause they feel bad about what they did to me. It’s cause they were betrayed by their friends that shared secrets.

Isn’t that what happened to you and Them?

That’s different.

Is it?


The ponytail wearing teen shook herself back to the real world, noticing Sour Sweet elbowing her in the side.

“Looks like I was right.” She stated, pointing to the scoreboard. “Eight to four, and Sunny finished first.”

Sunset shook her head with a smile, walking over to her two teammates that were sitting on a bench as they removed their rollerblades.

“Good work you two!” She cheered as she approached the two seated girls.

“Thank you, Sunset.” Sunny said, not looking at Sunset. “It was a nice change of pace to do something athletic instead of academic.”

“I can’t believe I embarrassed myself infront of DJ-Pon3!” Lemon complained, throwing her head back and rubbing her hands through her hair.

“Could have actually tried out there.” Sour snarked with a grin, drawing a playful scowl from the audiophile. “At least you get to join me in the cheap seats for the next event.”

“What do you mean?” Sunset asked, though more out of being polite than confusion.

“Stop being so damn humble girl, damn!” Lemon chortled, slapping the girl's leg playfully. “Everyone here knows that you’re going onto the next round with that shot. Like, holy shit! I totally understand Aria and Indigo now! You're a freaking beast!”

Sunset blushed and rubbed the back of her head. “Thanks…” she muttered softly. With things going the way they were, Twilight’s future was all but secured, much to the great relief of Sunset.

“Hey! Watch where you spray that dirt!” Screamed Sunny Flare as Indigo roared past on her bike, Sugarcoat a ways back.

“I swear that hooligan is part monkey.” Sour chided, swiping a fleck of dirt off of her outfit.

“At least she’s having fun…” Sunset muttered, looking at the CHS students as Rainbow and Bulk Biceps’ started their bikes. Fluttershy and Applejack walked over to Pinkie Pie and Rarity, smiling sadly at the two who looked over at Sunset and the three other Shadowbolts.

“Yeah, with the exception of Pon3 and her group, everyone here is really… down? I don’t know how to describe it.” Lemon said as she shook her hair loose upon removing her helmet. “Maybe we should go hang out at the finish line? At least we can catch some shade.”

“True.” Sunset agreed, her legs already starting to carry her over there while the other three followed behind. They all shared small talk as they crossed the field towards the end of the Motocross track, happy to have the chance to catch their breaths.

“Dammit, let go of me Sonata!”

“What the…?” Sunset wondered as she heard Aria’s voice call out from the other side of the massive dirt pile, hurrying to get to the other side.

“No way!” Sonata cried back, struggling it sounded like Sunset judged. “You can’t keep doing this Aria! Right, Adagio?”

“She does indeed have a point, Aria.” Adagio’s calm voice replied, though it carried atone of amusement.

“Bah! Of course Mommy-Dagio would agree with ya, Sonata.” Aria shot back, just in time for Sunset to round the corner. “Ah, there ya are Shimmer!”

Sunset waved, confusion on her face as she watched Aria pull loose of Sonata, the bubbly siren falling down onto her ass as Adagio and Twilight watched with smiles for the former, worry for the latter.

“Hey all, how are you doing?” She asked, doing her best to not break out into giggles, though that couldn’t be said for Sour Sweet, Lemon Zest, and even Sunny Flare.

“I’d be doing better if I could spend my money without others judging me.” Aria scowled as she looked back at her sisters, Sonata puffing up her cheeks adorably and stamping her foot, while Adagio sighed and rubbed her temples with delicate digits.

“And Crystal Prep crosses the line first!”

The girls all looked up at the observation deck where Cadence called out the victory for Crystal Prep Academy. Indigo shot a wild grin as she tore off her helmet, fingers running through her wild crown.

“Woah baby, that was a rush!” She called out as she walked the bike down the slope and parking it in it’s stall before walking over to her friends. “Not as much of a rush as Red here gave me though!” She winked as she gave the lewd compliment, the girls around her blushing or scoffing except for Aria, who reached a hand out and got a resounding high five from her comrade in crassness.

“Just in time, Zap!” Aria said with a grin, pulling out and snapping taught a fifty dollar bill. “You can pay me back later.” She said offhandedly as she handed the bill towards Sunset.

“Please tell me you aren’t still all caught up in this?” She asked, even though her hand shot forth and grabbed the bill and deposited the bill in a bra strap.

“Says the girl who accepts the cash with no remorse.” Indigo giggled as her hands reached forward. “Now roll that sleeve up, Red!”

Sunset sighed as the girls around her giggled, slowly grabbing the sleeve and rolling it up her firm arm. “I swear, you two are worse than guys…”


“Now that you all had a chance to cool down, it is time to have a quick recap of the previous event!” Celestia called out, failing at forcing a smile across her face. “All of you competed amiably, though sadly only three members of each team shall be moving on.”

“Congratulations to Miss Sunset Shimmer, Miss Sunny Flare, and Miss Indigo Zap for moving onto the next round!” Cadence called out, grimacing smile on her visage.

“We would like to commend Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash for qualifying for the next round.” Luna said with a somewhat happy nod.

Once more a smattering of claps and cheers could be heard from the crowd of students, with Sonata drowning out the Crystal Prep Academy students, and Bon Bon, Lyra, Octavia, and Vinyl overwhelming the Canterlot High School student body.

“Now We think you should all take a moment to rest, and join us in the cafeteria for lunch.” Luna added, before the four women made their way down the stand and towards the doors back inside.

“Congrats, Shimmer!” Aria cheered as she clapped her friend across the back, taking a little bit longer to remove her hand than was probably necessary.

“Indeed.” Adagio added, smiling as she nodded at the teen.

“Enough about me, what about the other two?” Sunset asked, eager to get attention off of her.

“Sunny made me look bad infront of DJ Pon3 herself!” Lemon called out, harrumphing as she did so. “She deserves no acclaim.”

“I say I deserve some pity.” Sour Sweet added, playfully jabbing Sunset in the side. “I thought that I was guaranteed to move on with that shot of mine, but then this beast comes and blows me out of the water.”

Sugarcoat nodded. “I am still unsure how you did that, though I am glad I at least didn’t finish last.”

Indigo burst out laughing, slapping her knee as she doubled over. “Oh man! How embarrassing would that have been, Specs? One member passed you, and the other would have if he hadn’t have crushed his bike under his weight!”

Everyone chuckled as they recalled Bulk Biceps standing up and hefting the mangled remains of the motocross bike over his broad shoulders, sheepish grin worn across his blushing face.

“At least we won!” Sonata cheered, jumping up in the air in joy. “Now we get to have lunch!” Her stomach growled out in time with this, causing everyone to burst out into fresh laughter. “I wonder if they have taco’s today?”

“I’m sure if you ask Granny Smith nicely she would be more than willing to make some for you.” Sunset chuckled as she lead her friends towards the cafeteria.