• Published 24th Jul 2012
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The Daily Show presents: Equestrian Interviews - Daily Show Ponies

Jon Stewart interviews various MLP: FiM characters at the end of an episode of 'The Daily Show'

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Episode 10 [Vinyl Scratch]: Please welcome to the show Vinyl Scratch

Series: Equestrian interviews
Interviewer: Jon Stewart
Guest: Vinyl Scratch (DJ Pon3)
Date: ???
Location: Daily Show headquarters
733 11th Avenue Manhattan, NY 10019


The day of Jon's interview with Vinyl Scratch had arrived and already he was in a state of uncertainty. Usually whenever Jon had Celestia send him a guest it was early that morning so they could prepare him or her for their segment.

Usually the preparation consisted of: putting on makeup, a quick briefing of what to expect, and attaching a microphone on them (which in itself was a challenge as they usually didn't wear clothes. The standard method up until this point was to have it attached to their left ear). But one advantage of having a guest show up early was that Jon got the opportunity to have a quick exchange with them just so he could get an idea of what he was getting into.

However Vinyl never showed up that morning and for the first two thirds of the show Jon was left in the dark about if she would arrive. Even though Celestia guaranteed her arrival Jon was ready to inform the audience that there would be no interview. But at the last second during the next to last commercial his personal assistant Selina Jenson informed him that Vinyl had arrived.

As the Daily Show returned from its last commercial break the camera made it's way down in a circular motion to give the audience at home a quick glimpse of those in attendance. All of who were in a frenzied state of cheering. Soon afterwards it paned to the center and quickly changed perspectives to another camera that zoomed in on Jon Stewart who was pretending to read his notes at arm length as if he was having a hard time focusing his eyes. Eventually he gave up and addressed his fans.

"Welcome back to the Daily Show my guest tonight!" Jon said as he paused to point at particularly rambunctious fan in the studio. "She is musician of Ponyville as well as the close friend of former guest Octavia. Please welcome to the show Vinyl Scratch!"

The crowd once again began to applaud and cheer while Jon got up to meet his tardy guest of the night. Vinyl hadn't even stepped on stage yet and already Jon noticed something was off. The music that usually accompanied the guest had been swapped in favor of another song which Jon might've liked had he'd been 30 years younger. He had no idea what it was but he could only describe it as "Club music."

He had no idea of knowing till much later but his guest had bribed a stagehand to but in a track of one of her songs. Jon's confusion only escalated when his guest arrived on stage. She wasn't what he was expecting.

Standing to their feet, the crowd welcomed Vinyl who finally arrived on the scene. Jon noted that she carried with her some telltale signs of being a pony musician. She was a Unicorn and her cutie mark was a simple music note, tough that was the only thing "simple" about her.

Her coat was egg white which only caused the rest of her stand out by comparison. Both her tail and mane were streaks of Neon Blue and Cyan blue almost as if she had highlights. But was probably the most prominent feature of all was her glasses which were very large, oval shaped, and were tinted dark purple. She looked like she belonged in a rave rather than Jon's studio.

In an attempt to act professional Jon approached his guest who was now in the center of the stage blowing kisses and pumping her hooves in the air. He extended his hand to shake her hoof but all he got was Vinyl slapping his hand violently in a gesture that suggested that she just gave him an enthusiastic "High five."

Jon stood there staring at his hand while Vinyl made her way to her chair. Before Jon could return to his seat a stagehand ran past him, heading straight for Vinyl. Jon watched in confusion as his employee quickly placed something in front of her then return backstage. The crowd was in a mixture of cheering and laughing while Jon slowly made his way back to his desk as he rubbed his hand. Upon sitting down he could now clearly see what it was that the stagehand had given Vinyl...it was some kind of energy drink.

He didn't know much about Pony etiquette but even Jon could tell that out of all the characteristics that Vinyl was comprised of "pristine" wasn't one of them. The way she sat in her chair wasn't very lady-like as she had her legs spread open and was slouching. Her hair was messy and her shades looked like they'd never been cleaned. To Jon she looked like the kind of person who never made her own bed.

Jon didn't wait for the audience to calm down and quickly began the interview.

"Wait...y-you're Octavia's roommate?" Jon asked.

"Hell yeah I am!" Vinyl answered. Leaning back she placed her hind legs on the desk with a thud, almost knocking over her 'daily show' mug of water in the process.

"Oh well...It's--welcome to the show Vinyl, It's great to have you here!" Jon said, trying to regain his composure. "I'll be honest you uh...you gave me quite a scare this morning when you didn't show up."

"Yeah sorry bout that Jon Johnny-baby." She said. "But hey! I made it didn't I?"

"For those of you who don't know Vinyl was late coming in today." He said turning to the audience. "I was this close to telling you guys that there would be no interview."

The crowd collectively gasped which momentarily distracted Jon.

"I...I hope you have a good reason for this, young lady!" Jon said in a comically authoritative voice, sitting up to look down on her.

"Uuuuh...does 'I slept in late' count as a good reason?" Vinyl asked. "Ya see I was at this killer party last night and I got home kinda late."

"Wait...the reason you almost didn't show up is because you slept in!?" Jon asked with astonishment.

"Hey calm down old timer...like I said I was at a party." She responded. "Ah man you shoulda been there! The place didn't die down till like four in the morning. I was throwing down some sick beats like you wouldn't believe!"

To demonstrate what she meant Vinyl put one hoof over her ear and the over hoof on the table making up and downwards motions. Jon watched and to his surprise knew what this meant.

"Wai--wait just a minute here." Jon said as she slowly shook his head. "Are...Vinyl, are you a 'disc jockey?'"

Before answering Jon's question, Vinyl threw her hooves to the side to strike a quick pose.

"Click click click click click click click click click click! JACKPOT! Ya got it!" Vinyl announced. "DJ Pon3 at your service!"

"DJ Pon3?" Jon asked.

"Yeah that's my stage name." She answered. "Only a few ponies can get away with calling me by my real name and live to tell about it...but you're cool, so I'll let you slide...even if you are totally old."

"Wow you're a...you're a DJ." Jon continued. "And you're friends with Octavia."

"Right again Johnny-baby!" She said. "She's the best roomie I've ever had."

"You'll forgive me for saying this but I was under the impression that you were...in the same field as Octavia." Jon said as he scratched his head. "I mean when I heard she lived with another musician I assumed it was someone who was also a classical artist."

"Pffft yeah right!" Vinyl said. "Octy may be into all that wimpy classical crap but not me. I can't get outa bed in the morning without my daily dose of wubs...Oh wait hold up gramps I wanna down this before it gets warm."

Before Jon could say anything Vinyl grabbed her can of energy drink with both hooves and used her horn make an opening. She didn't use her magic to pop open her drink but instead punctured the bottom of the can with her horn and quickly began to drink it's contests without stopping for breath.

The crowd watched and began to cheer loudly, with some audiences members chanting "CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG." After a few seconds of gulping Vinyl had completely finished her drink, getting some of it on herself in the process. Jon was about to say something when she belched loud enough that it caused some audio feedback from her mic.

"AHHHHH, that's the stuff!" She said as he slammed the now empty can against her forehead and tossing it behind her.

The crowd once again began to cheer at the streak haired Unicorn's antics while Jon just stared at his guest with his hands neatly folded in front of him.

"...Now are you SURE...that you are in fact Octavia's roommate?" Jon asked once again.

"Sure I'm sure!" Vinyl said, her level of intensity still the same. "But you know we're more than just...roomies."

"Ah that's right you two are also friends." He retorted as he made hand gestures. "You guys...went to school together and have been friends for many many years."

"Well...yeah that's true we're good friends." She said. "But when I say we're good friends I mean were reeeaaaally good friends...if you know what I mean." Vinyl leaned forward and peered over her glasses to give Jon a friendly wink.

The crowd began to whisper amongst themselves while Jon just raised his eyebrow at his guest to give the impression that he was confused. In truth this was just an old interviewer’s trick. If you don't say anything your guest would have to. It was instinctual to want to break the silence.

"...I mean I'm banging her." Vinyl added bluntly.

Had Jon been drinking from his mug he would have probably done a spit take but in this case he just swiveled slightly in his chair and began to laugh hysterically as the audience did the same.

"Oh wow," Jon said after waiting for the audience to settle down. "I had no idea you two were...well, were together."

"Yeah she likes to keep the fact that we're a couple on the down low." Vinyl said with a powerful grin. "Kinda pointless though. Everypony in town knows I'm doing her on the side...and on her front and sometimes, when she's really feeling frisky...from behind. OH WHAT UP?!"

Hardly able to contain herself Vinyl threw her hoof up in the air and towards Jon's face. At first Jon didn't know what she was doing but then it dawned on him that even without fingers it would seem ponies still gave "high fives". He continued to stare till he eventually caved in and slapped his hand against her hoof, which greatly pleased both her and the audience.

"My you're...very open about your relationship with Octavia." Jon said as he tapped his pen against his desk. "It seems uh, now obviously you know more about her than I do, but it seems...at least to me...that this is the kind of thing she'd want to keep private. Aren't you worried she'll be mad at you for talking so, so...so openly about this?"

"Worried? Are you kidding I'm hoping she'll be mad at me! The angry make up sex we have after a fight is...Ah. Maze. Ing!" Vinyl said and she flailed her hooves in the air. "Trust me when I say it’s worth it to tick her off every now and again."

"Well uh...well here's hoping she doesn't get too mad at you." Jon said as he lifted his mug in the air. "I mean we wouldn't want you to get into some serious trouble."

"Don't get your panties all up in a bunch Jon, I'm always on top of things," She said as a grin slowly revealed itself on her face. "Aaaand speaking of 'always being on top' me and Octy usually--"

"OK! Let's try and keep things PG-13 here!" Jon interrupted as he adjusted his tie. "SO HEY, we uh, we all know that Octavia has been on this program before...so th- did she at any point give you any uh, advice or pointers to help you out today."

"Ugh are you kidding!? This is Octy we're talking about here." VInyl said with a sigh. "She's always trying to tell me what to do!"

Sitting up in her chair Vinyl posed herself like how one would expect a cellist would position themselves when performing. Though in her case she was doing to so mock Octavia.

"'Vinyl pick up your stuff,' 'Vinyl turn down that music I'm trying to read,' 'Vinyl sit up straight,' 'Vinyl take a bath you smell bad.'" She said mimicking Octavia voice with a thick layer of nagging. "I swear my own mom was less of pain in the ass."

"No, no I mean did she give you and advice about being on the show?" Jon said, taking the pen out of his mouth "I can only assume this if your first time on television."

"Yeah she did, she told me about how I should present myself to the public...for some reason she was super nervous about me being on TV. But mostly she wanted to make sure I looked nice for the cameras." Vinyl said as she rolled her eyes. "Like even though I was already running late she wanted to brush my hair, and give pointers to make sure I didn't do anything to embarrass myself...like I need help with that."

Almost as if she was doing it on purpose she leaned back in her chair and began to pick the inside of her ear, flinging to the ground any matter she found.

"What else did she tell you?" Jon asked as he placed both his hands under his cheeks and his elbows on the desk. "Did she say anything about me?"

"HA! Well actually now that you mention she did tell me something about the show." Vinyl continued. "She told me that you guys can't say bad words on TV or something like that...is it true?"

Upon hearing this, the crowd began to laugh while Jon had a look of worry as if he was about to open Pandora's Box.

"...So she didn't say anything about me?" Jon asked. This made Vinyl laugh along with the audience. He still had a bad feeling about where she was going with this line of question. This was a feeble attempt to stall for time.

"No uh, but yes...on TV we can't say certain words." Jon finally answered as he scratched the side of his face. "In fact uh...one of my all time idols of comedy, George Carlin, had a monologue where he made comical deconstructions on that rule. He called it the 'Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television.'"

"Well I don't who this George dude is but Octy gave me way more than just seven." Vinyl said as she pulled out a piece of paper. "See? Back when she was on the show some human told her that there are some things she shouldn't say."

For just a brief second Vinyl flashed Jon the list of words long enough for him to agree that those were indeed words one shouldn't say.

"Out of those words there are some you could get away with saying on this network," Jon answered cautiously. "But as for the rest, yeah you can't."

"Oh really?" Vinyl said. "...I bet Octy would get real mad if I did huh?"

Half of the crowd at this point were on the edge of their seats while the other half were coaxing her on.

"Her, the FCC, and my producers, yes." Jon said.

Looking back at her list and then at Jon, Vinyl slowly started to smile and soon she swiveled in her chair to look dead straight into the camera closets to her.

"Soooooo you're saying I can't say..." She said as she took a deep breath. "Fuck, bitch, damn, shit, ass, cunt, pussy, tits, piss, or cocksucker?"

There was no way Jon could answer her "question" immediately, the roar of the crowd's cheering and applauding made it impossible for anyone to hear anything. That and Jon himself couldn't help but join them.

While this was happening Vinyl amused herself in the mean time by taking the list of swear words she had pulled out previously and folded it in strategic places to create a paper airplane which she promptly threw into the audience.

"And that was just the first page." Vinyl said, facing Jon again. "I got about three more I haven't used yet...this next one is called 'racial slurs' and--"

"Vinyl...Vinyl I'm only going to say this once!" Jon interrupted, yelling over the audience with a large smile on his face. "...You watch your fucking language, goddammit!"

This time the tables had turned for now Jon who was the only one in the room not laughing. Vinyl laughed so hard she almost fell out of her seat.

"Nice one Johnny-baby!" She said. "But I don't get it...I was told I wouldn't be able to say those words but I did anyway."

"Well I guess...theoretically you can say them," Jon responded. "It's just even if you do they'll just get censored anyway."

"Censored?" Vinyl asked as she looked at Jon over her tinted glasses.

"Yes, for those watching at home some of those words you said got 'bleeped.'" Jon answered. Seeing the look of confusion on her face Jon turned to the side to momentarily address those working behind the scenes.

"Chuck, could we please get an example over here? Thanks." He yelled out. A good three seconds passed before the sound a loud high pitched note filled the silent room. Everyone knew what to expect but Vinyl who was slightly surprised.

"Oooooh so the things I said just got replaced by that weird noise, huh?" Vinyl said with great interest. "...and does it every single time?"

"For the really bad words yes." Jon answered.

Vinyl didn't say anything she just rubbed her chin with her hoof and began to think. This worried Jon greatly because within the short amount of time he's known her he'd learned that her ideas carried with them some very serious repercussions.

"Ok, ok, ok, but how bout this?" She asked. "Let's say I were to say 'Fuck fuck fuck' what would it sounds like for those watching on the TV?"

"...It would just be the sound of that bleep noise three times in a row." Jon answered as he rubbed his hand over his smiling face.

"So...if I were to swear in rhythm...that sound would also be in rhythm." Vinyl thought out loud.

"...Where are you going with this?" Jon asked as he slowly scooted backwards in his seat. Vinyl didn't answer but instead just continued to think to herself as the audience laughed slightly. Suddenly and without warning she spun in her seat to face the camera once again.

"Fuck fuck-fuck...fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck...fuck fuck-fuck...fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck," Vinyl said gratuitously. "Fuck fuck-fuck...fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuuuuuuuuck. Fuck fuck-fuck fuck fuuuuuuck...fuck fuck-fuck fuck-fuck fuck-fuck fuuuck fuck fuck-fuck fuuuuck..."

Vinyl went on to do this for the next couple seconds while the audience laughed and Jon pretended to be a musical conductor by using his pen to direct the vulgar Unicorn.

For those in attendance all that was heard was the bad word being said over and over again. But those who would soon be watching this in the comfort of their own home the sound of the censuring high note was played, following the rhythm of the song that she was trying to convey. But that just for those listening in Jon's world; for those in Equestria all they heard was the phrase "buy some apples" being spammed constantly.

After her one-man show came to an end the crowd stood and began to give a rounding applause to Vinyl, who was now standing as well...so she could take bow.

"Ha! Even without my gear I can still lay down a sick beat!" She yelled over the crowd as she thrust her hips forward. "Suck it bitches!"

"For...for any complaints regarding what you've just witnessed please direct your letters to Princess Celestia of Canterlot." Jon said as he comically pulled on his collar to let out some steam. "...Vinyl can I ask you something?"

"Sure thing Jon." She said as she picked her nose without shame.

"...Do you kiss your mother with that mouth!" Jon asked with fake anger.

"You got it all wrong Johnny-baby." Vinyl said with a cocky grin on her face. "I kiss your mother with this mouth! BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURN!"

Jon tried to sport a look of seriousness but it was hard while at the same time holding back laughter like a dam trying to hold back a raging flood. Instead he got up from his seat and slowly made his way around the desk to his guest where in one full motion he executed a non-lethal chock hold from behind. Something which Vinyl found endlessly amusing as evident by her laughing and flailing excitedly.

Jon returned to his desk while Vinyl adjusted her glasses which almost fell off during Jon's attack.

"Not the first time I've been chocked from behind." Vinyl said as she rubbed her throat.

"You know I'm starting to see why Octavia was nervous about you being on TV." Jon said. "And...this is just me...but uh, maybe you should have taken some of her advice."

"Hey come on, what's the big deal!?" Vinyl asked. "I mean look who's talking. You may look professional and whatever but I've seen your show before...you aint no saint!"

"Hey now, you leave the fact that I'm Jewish out of this!" Jon responded by slamming his fist. Before speaking he made sure to do his best to imitation of an aristocrat's voice. "And I'll have you know that we here...at the Daily Show are revered far and wide for our elegance and courtliness! This show is the embodiment...of professionalism!" Jon finished his statement by putting one hand across his chest and another in the air to punctuate the silliness of his skit.

Before Vinyl could respond however a flash of light exploded in front of Jon's face, momentarily blinding him and a few audience members who were in the front row (though not Vinyl cause of her glasses). When Jon looked back at his desk he saw a stack of envelopes, each one addressed to him. Feeling embarrassed Jon very slowly used his hand to brush the heap of letters off the side of his desk while the audience and his guest laughed at him. He had forgotten to tell Spike to not send him any fan mail during show hours.

"Ignore that." Jon demanded, while Vinyl threw herself back in her chair, flailing her legs as she laughed hectically. "SO you're a DJ! What's that like!?"

It would be a few seconds before she responded.

"Well Jon it's great! You would not believe the RUSH you get when you're up on stage and you crank the bass juuuuuuust right!" She answered by punching the air. "I'm telling ya it's the best job ever."

"Do...uh do you have any upcoming tours or concerts?" Jon asked. "Are-- Is there something that your fans are looking forward to?"

"Hell yeah I do! I'm going to be playing at Applejack's annual barnyard hoedown this Sunday! It's sure to be fucking awesome!" Vinyl announced with pride. "I just hope I make it out ok...Whenever I do a show I always get a whole conga line of groupies wanting a piece of THIS!...But don't worry Octy, you're still my number one, babe!" Vinyl took a second to turn and blow a kiss to the cameras.

"You know it still boggles my mind that you two are together." Jon said. "I mean the differences are like night and day...if uh, If you don't mind me asking; what do you see in her?"

The question caused Vinyl to tilt her head in confusion.

"Huh...usually it's the other way around." She responded.

"Excuse me?" Jon asked. "What uh, what do you mean?"

"Well whenever somepony is all like 'what do you see in her' it's usually some snobby tool asking Octy why she's friends with me." She answered.

"Well...wh-why is she friends with you?" Jon asked. "I've heard this story before but I'd like to hear your version if that's ok."

"...Alright Johnny-baby! Sit back and listen up!" Vinyl said as she cracked her hooves. "The thing about my Octy that you need to know is that she may seem like a serious ice queen but on the inside she's a huuuuuuuge softy."

The audience laughed as Jon pretended to Jot down in his notes.

"We met years ago at some frilly private academy for musicians. She got in on a scholarship thingy and I got in cause my old man new a guy who worked there." She said. "Aaaanyway...she was the only Earthpony in our class and she got picked on crazy bad because of it."

"So far your story checks out with what Octavia told us." Jon said.

"Yeah but I'm guessing she didn't mention the part where nopony would be her friend." Vinyl retorted.

"Uh no...no she didn't." He said tactfully.

"Yeah so right away she was known as the wimpy kid that anypony could walk all over." She added.

"It seems that you might have-- well first what about your social standings?" Jon asked with outstretched hands. "What were you known as?"

"I was the coolest kid there, naturally! That is...until one day some colts were trying to start something with her again and I thought that enough was enough" She said and she began to punch her own hoof. "So I swooped in to save her ass...told them right there and then that if they laid a single hoof on her I would slug em!"

"Th-that was very heroic of you." Jon commented as he stroked his chin.

"Yeah I guess it was...it cost me my ticket back into the cool kid's circle but it was worth it." She said with a smile. "And ever since then the two of us were best friends forever...that is until graduation."

"Uh oh." Jon said, sensing something important. "What happened at graduation?" Vinyl didn't respond right away. It was difficult to tell but under her trendy glasses were a sad pair of eyes.

"Well...you see ever since we were little...all Octy wanted to do was be a fancy musician. She was studying to play that giant Violin of hers while I took classes on audio engineering." Vinyl added. "We both-- and by the way that's another thing I really liked about her. Even though she was in musical field that was fancier than mine she never looked down on me because of it...she saw more as more than just a ditzy audio mixer."

Jon wondered if it was true for Octavia as well. If she liked Vinyl because she saw her as more than just a stuffy cellist.

"Anyways...we both graduated and she got a accepted to go to some fancy shmancy college...but I stayed behind to go from club to club in different towns to try and get my name out as a DJ." Vinyl continued.

"That...that must have been hard on the two of you." He said. Jon couldn't tell but recalling this chapter in her life wasn't easy for Vinyl.

"Man you have no idea...the night before graduation Octy couldn't stop crying. You see the academy we both attended was in Filly Delphia but the school Octy got accepted in was all the way in Vanhoover so there was a good chance we would never see each other again...she didn't like that one bit" Vinyl continued. "She was so sad she suggested that she stay here with me but I talked her out of it...I told her that throwing away her dream because of me wouldn't be fair to anypony."

"But you guys...uh but you guys are together now." Jon interjected. "How did you two wind up back together?"

"Ah that's when the story really gets good. A few years had passed and I finally made it big as a DJ so I bought my own place in a town called Ponyville. But I needed help to pay for it so I put an ad in the papers for a roomie." She continued. "Then one day somepony came by to check out the place and surprise surprise it was Octy! Turns out she realized her dream and was playing for some orchestra in Canterlot. She needed a cheap place to live and as luck would have it she swung by my pad."

"Didn't she recognize your name in the ad?" Jon asked. "Or uh, for that matter hear about your success as a musician?"

"Nah she wouldn't have cause by then I was going by my stage name 'DJ Pon3." She answered as she tapped the side of her glasses.

"I'm guessing she was very pleased to see you again after all those years." Jon said as he adjusted himself in his chair.

"Oh you bet! She recognized me right away even after all those years. but like I said she's a total softy." Vinyl added. "The first thing she did was full on tackle me...crying like a big baby the entire time, too."

"It just sounds like she was really happy to see you again?" Jon commented as he clasped his hands. "I mean how did you feel after not seeing her for so long."

"Honestly...it felt really great." Vinyl said. "Like my heart was whole once more...The feeling of using my beats to get an entire audience to chant my name is nothing compared to the felling I get when I hear her voice." Had she'd not been wearing her glasses everyone watching would have seen a single tear drop hanging off the corner of her eye.

Jon took a second before continuing as he had to let the audience finish making an "D'awwwww" sound. Jon found it nice to have some a moment of honest sincerity out of Vinyl for once...even if it would only last for a second.

"Then later that night she moved in and we humped each other’s brains out." Vinyl added, causing the audience to laugh hysterically. "I mean we hadn't seen each other in so long so we went at it like rabbits! I know she seems like an ol' stick in the mud but damn she can be wild in the sack. Like she'll do this thing with her hooves where she--"

"OK, well would you look at that ,we're almost out of time!" Jon said trying his best to talk over those in attendance. "Now...before we go I just want to...thank you Vinyl."

"Thank me for what?" She asked as she looked at Jon from over her glasses with a raised eyebrow.

"Well when Octavia was here last time she informed me that the reason she came on was because you talked her into it." Jon answered.

"Oh that? Eh don't worry about it." Vinyl said, punching Jon on the arm. "I got your back!"

"Did-- Was if difficult?" Jon asked, as he leaned forward. "To get her to reconsider I mean?"

"At first it was; I has so happy to hear that she got invited but then she told me she refused. When I asked her why she didn't want to go on your show she said she didn't want to talk about it." Vinyl answered answered. "But later that night after asking for the hundredth time she finally opened up to me. She broke down crying and told me that she was scared...scared that if she went on you would make fun of her and it would be the academy all over again."

Jon knew he and his show had a reputation for joking around at others expense but he never meant for it to be a fear inducing factor.

"She was so frightened by the thought looking like a wimp on TV that she swore she wouldn't go on." Vinyl added. "But I told her that she had nothing to worry about cause she was the strongest pony I had ever met. And that she wouldn't be alone cause I would be cheering for her the entire time...also I told her that if you made her cry I would beat you up for her."

The crowd laughed at this while Jon stood up and stretched his arms out as if accepting her challenge to a fight

"You know the night of her interview I was supposed to play a gig but I cancelled it just so I could watch her." She added.

Jon sat back down and began to nod his head in agreement.

"You know...uh, for all your differences I must say you and Octavia are a lot alike." Jon said with a smile.

"What, you mean we're both hot pieces of ass!" Vinyl responded as she spanked her flank earning a holler from an audience member.

"No what I mean is you're both caring, loving individuals who want what's best for the other." He continued. "You both seem very passionate about many things in life...each other being one of them."

Pausing slightly at first she used her magic to take off her glasses for the first time in the interview to look at Jon with her big red eyes.

"Thanks Jon." She said as she smiled. "And you're right...I do love Octavia. She's the most important pony in my life...even if she is an up-tight crybaby."

Using her magic she quickly put her purple shades back on her face to hide her eyes.

"Speaking of Octy and things that are 'tight'..." Vinyl added with a devilish grin. "...I think my favorite part of her body is her--"

"ALRIGHT well I think that's all the time we have today!" Jon blurted as he threw a crumbled up piece of paper at her head. "Vinyl it was nice having you on the show."

"Thanks for having me Johnny-baby!" She yelled. "If you're ever in Ponyville come say 'wassup' I'll give ya backstage passes!"

"I'll keep that in mind." Jon said, as shook her hoof and used his pen to point at the cameras. "She's performing this Sunday at Applejack's barn; tickets on sale now I'm assuming...ok! DJ Pon3 everybody! We'll be right back."

The crowd stood and cheered for the guest who was seen exchanging words with Jon over the roar of the audience. As the camera began to hover away from the set Jon leaned in to whisper something in Vinyl's ear only to have her jump on the desk and wrap her hooves around his face. This time it was Vinyl who was giving Jon the choke hold. Soon the "Daily Show" logo flashed onto the screen followed by its disappearance in the wake of the next commercial break.

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