• Published 24th Jul 2012
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The Daily Show presents: Equestrian Interviews - Daily Show Ponies

Jon Stewart interviews various MLP: FiM characters at the end of an episode of 'The Daily Show'

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Episode 15 [Luna]: Here it is your moment of zen

The roar of the crowd could still be heard as Jon and Luna exited the center of the stage and made their way to the makeup room. Rather than joining his guest in having their facial products washed off, Jon ran past his entire staff and crew and out the side of the door, hollering and flailing his arms the entire time, without fear of a sore throat or pulling a muscle.

“He seems happy.” Selina commented as Luna sat in a chair directly in front of a professional makeup artist’s mirror.

“So Ms. Selina, how did I do?” Luna asked as an intern busily wiped the makeup off her face and undid the microphone from her ear.

“You were fantastic, your majesty.” Selina answered as she watched the intern do her job, making sure she did everything right. “I can already tell that this interview will do very well in the ratings.”

“Excellent.” Luna said. “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a bit nervous back there... I’ve never been on television.”

From there, the two said nothing for the remainder of the cleanup session. Luna’s mind was still racing from the emotional high one got after being on TV while Selina concentrated on taking down notes from her clipboard. It wasn’t until the intern was done wiping the last bit of makeup off the royal guest did someone speak again.

“Also... I’m sure you’ve heard this enough already.” Selina finally said. “But... thank you very much for rescuing my boss.”

“No need.” Luna rebutted. “All in a day’s work for a Princess.”

“Understood... but... Jon is a very good friend of mine, so...” Selina cleared her throat. “So, if there is anything I can do for you while I’m here, then please... let me know.”

Even with Selina being a mere assistant compared to Luna’s Godly existence, the thought was much appreciated. Luna was moments away from respectfully declining her offer, when something she had forgotten popped back into her head.

“Actually... there is one thing.” Luna said.

“Name it.” Selina responded.

“Well... during the interview, Jon mentioned something about ‘videogames’” Luna said. “They sounded extraordinary... I would like to know more about these videos that are games.”

As much as Selina wanted to help, she found herself slightly out of her element. Growing up, she had never played video games before, except for a few play sessions with her older brother back in the 80’s. Back when Jon suggested that Luna ask her after the show about them, she secretly hoped that she wouldn't since she hated being put in places that she had no knowledge of. Though, that didn’t stop her from honoring her promise.

“Yes well... of course.” Selina said. “Video games... let’s see...”

As if the answer was somewhere nearby, she began to scan the room for anything that could help her. What she saw were humans and ponies of all shape and color hurrying back and forth doing something productive... that is until she saw a fairly new Daily Show employee sitting on the ground and talking with yellow and green mare.

His unproductive state wasn’t what initially got her attention, but the fact that she recognized him from around the office. Most importantly, she knew him well enough to know that he identified himself as a 'gamer.'

“You there!” She snapped getting instant attention. “Come over here.” Both the intern and the pony he was talking to were scared by Selina glaring at them. Soon, after his pony friend abandoned him, he scrambled to his feet and rushed to her while looking very apologetic.

“I-I-I’m sorry Ms. Jenson!” He blurted as he nervously bowed. “I was just taking a quick break, I swear I wasn’t goofing off! Please don’t write me up!”

“No need to apologize. You’re not in any trouble.” She assured him. “I just wish to have a word with you... Paul right?... You play videogames, correct?”

The question seemed to confuse him to the point where he was unable to speak, or that may have been because both Selina and Luna were staring at him waiting for an answer.

“Oh uh... yes, yes I do.” He finally answered. “B-b-but I don’t play them while I’m working! I swear!”

Selina knew that was a bold faced lie, but for the sake of this exercise let it slide.

“Yes, yes, I know” She said. “But tell me... do you have any with you right now.”

The nervous intern waited to see if this was a some kind of trap or something, something which he couldn't put pass Selina. However, lying to her would prove to be more disastrous, so in the interest of keeping his job, Paul reached into his pocket and pulled out his own personal handheld device which he always kept handy, a Nintendo 3DS.

“S-sure I do.” He trilled as he offered her his previous device. “See?” Reaching out Selena grabbed the rectangular piece of plastic and as she observed it she realized what it was. She had not too long ago bought the same device (Though a different color) for her niece during the holiday season. She knew just enough to take over from here.

“Thank you Paul.” She said. “You may leave.” Without a word, he dashed to the other room where he would relay how he survived an encounter with Selina to his fellow co-workers which, in itself, was a right of passage at the office.

With him now gone, Selina ran her fingers along the center of the the device and opened it the way she would her small makeup kit. The second it opened, cheerful music began to play since Paul was in the middle of a game when he last played with it.

Even with Selina’s serious lack of knowledge for gamer culture, even she could identify the person on the screen.

“Ah! Super Mario... classic.” She said with a faint smile. “My brother used to play this game all the time.”

Turning around she leaned forward and placed the gaming device in front of Luna.

“This, your majesty... is a videogame.” She said.

For Luna, the strange device in front of her with only a few small buttons might as well have been the control board for an airplane for all she knew. Carefully, she picked it up with a combination of her front hooves and her horn and began to examine it.

“How do I... play this.” She asked.

“The object of the game is to... get to the end of the level without dying.” Selina explained, impressed that she remembered that much. “You press this here to move forward.”

The instructions were simple enough for Luna to understand, but the concept was still very new to her. Slowly, she pressed the button that made the presentation of herself moving forward. As it did, she looked like she just commanded the heavens to open for her.

“My goodness!” Luna said. “I’m... I’m making this human move!”

Her progression eventually came to a stop when she ran smack into a foot high wall.

“Selina!” She screamed. “There is an obstruction! What do I do? How do I proceed forward!?”

“Um... you have to jump over it.” Selina answered. This new bit information caused Luna to look at her with shocked eyes.

“I can do that?” Luna said.

“Yes, but you need to be careful because there is an enemy on the other side.” Selina said. “This button here is the jump command... I think.”

Following her instructions, Luna pressed a button that caused the character on screen to leap into the air. Feeling adventurous, Luna decided to combine what she had learned with this new ability and jump while moving forward. When she did this, she not only cleared her first obstacle, but landed on top of the nearby enemy causing him to disappear.

This momentary victory almost caused Luna to drop the 3DS to the ground.

“Amazing.” She said. “Absolutely incredible.”

“Well I’m glad you like it.” Selina said. “When you’re done, please let--”

“Ms. Jenson!” A voice called out, grabbing everyone’s attention but Luna’s. It was the voice of another Daily Show employee who looked to be out of breath. “Ms. Jenson I’m... I’m sorry to interrupt, but we need your help.”

“Whatever it is, it can wait.” Selina said with stern eyes. “As you can see, I am in the middle of a conversation with our esteemed guest.”

“I know and I apologize, but we need your help with Mr. Stewart.” She said. “He was just spotted swimming in some kind of private lake and now royal guards are chasing after him.”

“Damnit.” Selina said as she slowly began to move away. “Your Majesty, I’m sorry, but I have to take this!... If you need further assistance, please let me know!”

With that, she left the area and followed the scared intern outside into the dark. Luna was so immersed in her game that she didn’t even hear a word she said and was now alone to play with her new found toy in privacy. Selina made plans to return as soon as possible since she was convinced that Luna would get bored in no time and call her back for something. Not only did she stay in that same spot for several more hours, but to this day Paul never did get his game back.

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