• Published 31st Dec 2017
  • 10,367 Views, 67 Comments

Rainboom Mutant Apocalypse - Wildcard25

In a desolate alternate future, Raph, Donnie, and the Rainbooms fight to survive in a wasteland of mutants

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Deserted World

Somewhere far in the world was a desert littered with bones of deceased animals, and the only birds alive were buzzards. A older male voice began narrating, "The world has changed. It's a never-ending wasteland now. Not a single human is left only mutants. At least I haven't seen a human in years. No one has." driving across the wasteland was a giant armored truck. The interior design of the truck was like a less than advanced version of the former vehicle the shellraiser. The hood ornament hanging from above was a familiar tessen that appeared to be broken. Driving the vehicle was an old and withered looking Raphael with a beard.

"Something happened in my memory a few years back when the Mutagen Explosion went off. All I know is only me and Donnie made it out alive," Raph spoke into a T-Phone, "We need fuel, Don. Down to two barrels. Never gonna make it to Merchant Town on two barrels."

Donnie's voice came back, "Scanning now. Sorry, Raph, there's nothing for at least a hundred miles. Looks like we'll just have to..."

"Make do. Like always, make do." Raph interrupted having heard that a million times.

"Now entering the Savage Deserts," Donnie began backseat driving, "Keep one hand on the wheel and the other on your blaster."

"Every second, Don, every second." Raph replied.

Unknown to them, they were being watched by what looked like a mutant honey badger with mechanical modifications, "Well, well, what do we have here? Time to do a little fishing, my Ravagers. We got a big one to catch!" he spoke to multiple honey badger mutants wearing body armor. The group cheered before revving up their tricked out motorcycles and took off. They however were unaware of someone watching them. The figure was wearing a cloak with its hood up, before hopping on their own tricked out bike and took off after them.

Later as nighttime fell, Raph had pulled up to make camp and to reserve fuel. He was currently roasting roaches over a campfire on his sai. Donnie speaking through the T-Phone spoke, "Desert roaches, Raphael?" he asked, "And to think you used to be afraid of bugs."

"I was? I don't remember." Raph answered, as he ate.

"Well, out here, bugs are one of the few sources of the nine essential proteins your body needs to survive. Those little critters, they contain histidine, isoleucine..."

Raph interrupted him, "I do remember you used to annoy me with all the science talk."

"Don't worry, Raph. One day you'll get those memories back, but my cyber cortex needs to go into rest mode. Powering down. Goodnight." the T-Phone shut off.

"Goodnight, brother." Raph gazed up at the sky seeing the partially destroyed moon and many shooting stars. Suddenly he heard something and quickly put out the campfire. He armed himself with a blaster and searched the area for any intruders. When he saw no one, he lowered his weapon and sighed thinking he was losing it. He was suddenly jumped by the Honey badger mutants who started tying him up with chains. He grabbed his sai and stabbed one of them in the foot while trying to escape only to get pounded in the head by the leader.

When Raph looked up he saw the lead Honey Badger mutant, "Nice to meetcha. You can call me Verminator Rex. Maybe you can help us. We're looking for a girl and a map."

"Oh here. Let me show you a map to my fist!" Raph slugged Rex in the face. The other Honey Badger mutants dog piled on Raph whacking him with blunt weapons.

Rex spoke up, "Everything you have belongs to Honey Badger Ravages now, You old terrapin including your shell."

Raph reached for his T-Phone and clicked it, "Donnie!" Suddenly the truck hatch opened up and flipping out of it was something metal all curled up.

It uncurled to reveal to be a robot turtle like Metalhead with a purple visor. It drew two electrical bo-staffs and started fighting the ravagers while Raph himself was holding his own against Rex and a few more. Rex's mechanical arm became a chainsaw and went to attack the robot turtle. Before Rex could slice him, Raph knocked the mutant unconscious.

Suddenly the robot turtle spoke with Donnie's voice, "Oh, yeah! Robo high three!" he raised a hand.

"No time! Move!" Raph ran back to the truck.

"Oh, desert wasteland apples." Donnie groaned.

Raph tried to start the truck, but it wasn't working and the ravagers were starting up their rides. Raph finally fixed the problem and sped off. The ravagers were in hot pursuit while blasting the truck with their own blasters.

Donnie mounted a cannon atop the truck, "Time to kick some badger butt!" he opened fire on a few of the bikes taking them out, before noticing one riding up with a rocket launcher, "Yikes! Really big rocket launcher." the badger launched it, but Donnie shot at it before it could hit. Raph struggled to keep the truck on course.

"For once we could really use some help." Raph groaned, until he saw another biker riding by in a cloak giving him a signal to speed up. Raph taking a chance put the pedal to the metal, as the stranger pulled out some kind of grenade and threw it releasing an explosion of smoke blinding the ravagers and making them crash. Rex evaded it and continued to pursue the heroes.

He rode up along side the stranger and looked closely before seeing the person's left arm was robotic. He gasped in shock, "You again?! I will finish you this time!" he tried to ram the stranger, but kept missing, until the stranger grabbed a kunai dagger and threw it at the bike's tire jamming it, "No!" Rex abandoned his bike which exploded. He watched as the stranger rode after Raph and Donnie, and screamed in frustration.

Raph pulled over, as did the stranger. He and Donnie got out of the truck, as Donnie spoke to the stranger, "Hey, thanks for that." he nudged Raph.

"Yeah, thanks I guess. But why'd you help us?"

"Does a person need a reason to help her old friends?" the stranger asked with a woman's voice.

"Old friends?" Raph asked in confusion.

"Wait a mintue," Donnie began, "That voice. I know it."

The stranger removed their hood to reveal a woman dressed in savage clothing with a familiar shade of red and blonde hair in a bob cut. The two brothers recognized a red necklace around her neck, "Raph. Donnie. It's been a long time." she greeted.

"Sunset Shimmer!" Donnie gasped.

"Sunset?" Raph asked, before bits of memories came back to him about the girl and six others, "Sunset!" he gasped.

The woman embraced the two, "It's so good to see you!" Donnie cheered.

"It's great to see you too, Donnie. Despite your robot body." She noted.

"Yeah, and I see you got some kind of upgrade too." he noticed her robotic left arm.

"How's this possible?" Raph asked, "I thought the mutagen bomb wiped out all the humans."

"Luckily it never touched me," Sunset said with relief. She looked around as if expecting others, "Where's Mikey? Where's Leo?"

The two brothers flinched, as Raph looked away in guilt, "We lost them in the mutagen explosion."

"Are they..."

"We don't know, but without a doubt they..." Raph was cut off by Donnie.

"Raph! Sunset, what happened to the Rainbooms?" the robot asked.

"We got separated in the mutagen explosion. I don't know what happened to the other girls," Sunset explained, "Canterlot High, my home town. It was all gone. Nothing left. Not even the portal to Equestria."

"What about the journal you use to keep in touch with Princess Twilight?" Donnie asked.

"I lost it." she answered in guilt.

"So what happened with you?" Raph inquired.

"Well, as I said the girls and I were separated. The only other one I had with me was Fugitoid. We traveled the wastelands looking to survive. For years we've been traveling until we met up with Verminator Rex and the Ravagers. They wanted us to join them, but we refused. And they attacked us with Rex taking my arm in the process."

"Ouch." Raph replied.

"Fugitoid however didn't survive. The Ravagers destroyed him and his brain," Sunset said in sorrow, "I made sure Rex would pay by taking his arm as well. I couldn't survive with only one arm so I managed to attach Fugitoid's left arm and use as a replacement. It's all I have left of the Professor who gave his life to protect me once again." she held onto her robot arm.

"Oh, man." Donnie said in shock.

"Sorry about this." Raph said feeling equally sad.

"Since then I've been on the run from the Ravagers. What about you two?"

"We go where we can and fight to survive." Raph answered.

"Just like me." Sunset smiled.

"Hate to interrupt this reunion but we really need to get out of here." Raph said, as he headed back for the truck.

"You guys look like you could use some company," Sunset noted, "After all, it's been too long since I've seen anyone not looking to kill me."

"That'd be great, Sunset. How about it, Raph?" Donnie asked.

"Whatever you want." Raph answered, before climbing in.

"Is he ok?" Sunset asked.

"He lost some of his memories in the explosion, so he's got some issues."

"More than before?" Sunset joked.

"You know some things never change." Donnie said, as he got back into the truck, while Sunset revved up her ride, and the travelers took off for parts unknown.