• Published 16th Jan 2018
  • 5,941 Views, 156 Comments

Spike 10 - Silver Butcher

  • ...

Heatblast Cider

"I'm not enjoying this" Stinkfly grumbled as Fluttershy moved his wings up and down with her hands, They where in her cottage, Spike had been kicked in the shin by Angel and the watch had reacted before Spike could

"This could be a problem" Fluttershy sighed "If you transform randomly whenever you attacked the things could get dicey quick if somepony accidentally runs into you in the streets."

"Oh it's not that bad" Stinkfly responded "I don't really care about the Secret Identity thing, I just think it's funny to see others argue over witch me is the better me, he blinked before adding

"I heard Nurse Redheart has a crush on Ditto, but you didn't hear that from me" Fluttershy sighed

"It's not very nice to gossip..." Fluttershy stopped when there was a knock on the door "Oh that must be Cheerlie, I forgot we had tea this afternoon, Fluttershy walked over to the door then froze when she realized she had a giant alien bug in her house, who was now attempting to nail angel with a buggy kick

"I must defend my honor," Stinkfly said as he chased after the rabbit, who was still mocking him with faces. Taking a deep breath she opened to the door and greeted her friend

"Hi Cheerlie, I'm sorry about this but I...invited a guest over to join us."

"Oh? Well as long as their...whoa." Cheerlie stood in silence as she watched Stinkfly poke at the couch Angel was hiding under

"Shin Kicker" Stinkfly muttered before turning and facing Cheerlie "Whoa! Where'd you come from!?" he asked looking around "How long was I chasing Angel for?" he turned his eye's to look at the clock behind him "hmm...not that long actually."

"Your...one of those alien hero guy," Cheerlie said in awe.

"yes nice to meet you Cheerlie," Stinkfly said before realizing he had no reason to know her name

"Oh, Fluttershy already told you about me then?"

"Um...yup, you're a teacher and what not." panicky slightly as he felt like his time as Stinkfly was almost up he added lamely while still looking at the clock "Oh would you look at the time, I've double booked the evening, so sorry but I have to fly, maybe we can have tea another time Fluttershy!" Cheerlie moved out of the way as Fluttershy helped Stinkfly leave and the two watched as he flew away.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that Chee..." Fluttershy stopped mid apology when Cheerlie turned to her shaking with excitement

"Oh my Celestia that was awesome! I didn't know you knew some of those hero guys! I don't suppose you could introduce me to Wildmutt could you? I saw him saving Scootaloo and I really need to thank him, anyone who saved one of my students is a friend of mine."

"Um...sure, yeah I know Wildmutt, I'm sure I could find some time where you two could meet, might not be for long tho, they tend to be...you know, very busy what with being hero's and what not." As the two made their way to Fluttershy's kitchen Angel poked out from under the couch and shook his fist, swearing Vengeance on Spike for the chase."

Meanwhile, Spike was on his way to Sweetapple acres, he actually had accidentally double booked the evening and had timed out just as he was about to arrive.

"I guess this worked out in the end, this way I didn't have to run out on Fluttershy." As he turned the corner he was met with the line for admission, at the front of the line was a large stand with the words "Meet Heatblast today at 7 pm" he was lucky, as it was current 6:52. He walked around the line and meet Applejack at the appointed meeting place

"What took so long?"

"Long stupid story, turns out I auto transform now if I'm kicked by a rabbit, and it also turns out it's hard to get out of a door as a Giant fly." Applejack nodded

"Fair enough." she responded, "Alright, you said that activating survival mode fixed that thing where each transformation lasted less time than the one before right?"

"As it is at the moment I can now stay in alien form for 10 - 15 minutes, depending on if I activate it or if survival mode activates it."

"Alright, remember, you pop in as Heatblast, say hi, make a few of your fans happy, Tell my Sister you know about her existence since she's such a fan of yours, then you leave, join in the crowd when you time out, and I pay you for your time, and a free Heatblast Cider to go with your trouble."

"What exactly make's the Heatblast Cider different from normal cyder?"

"It cost's twice as much, and thanks to Big Mac calling in a few favors..." Applejack walked reached into her bag and pulled out a Cup in the shape of Heatblast's head "They all come in this collectible cup, and they have a little bit of Mango added since you like them so much" Spike smiled

"I approve of this drink." He said as he looked at the cup "I'm gonna put you next to Fourarms" He decided as he looked over at the crowd "You do have enough cup's right?"

"Oh yeah, We've gone big on this promotion, even imported some apples from Applelossa and a few other Apple family orchards just to make sure each cup is filled, and look at this turnout!" Applejack smiled "Oh, I smell a new plow." Applejack stepped out from the field as Spike dialed up Heatblast, in a Flash Heatblast waved as the crowd cheered him and Applejack on as the got on the stage, Heatblast standing on a special metal plate, Big Mac stood at the ready with a Fire Extinguisher.

"Hey Ponyville" Heatblast said with a wave,

"I Love you Heatblast!" Octavia called from the crowd "You saved our lives!"

"I'm making a song about you!" Vinal scratch called out

"I saw the entire thing!" Junebug called out "It was awesome!" A large roar of woot's came from the Fire Fighters who had shown up to the event. several of them yelling thanks, and a few thanking him for making sure they were recognized along with him. Heatblast threw a fireball into the air, it exploded and formed the Word Apple before smoking out.
Vilgax looked down at the bounty hunters who had responded to his call, as he looked down at them he smiled, he pointed to 6-6, Tetrax, and Kraab.

"You Three, go to the area I have designated, should team A fail, you will draw the Omnitrix and it's user far from their home territory, and team A," He turned to his second team of Bounty Hunters, "You three are to go to the area of most Omnitrix use and should you fail, make sure to 'accidentally drop' your communication device so they can be driven into the trap. his two teams saluted as they made their way to their destinations, One of his robot droids looked over at him,

"I thought you only required three Bounty Hunter's my Lord." The Droid said in confusion, why allow three more?"

"I have my reasons!" Villgax responded waving the droid away "Go Get Psyphon for me." as the Droid did as it was Ordered Villgax waited till the room was empty then opened a screen, "I did as asked"

"Good, Make sure my boys are paid good for their time, I just made 'em and I want them well taken care of, Capiche?"

"Yes Ma'am," Villgax said with a nod before ending the call, he sat in silence for a second before shivering "She scares me" he muttered to himself while waiting for his lackey."