• Published 16th Jan 2018
  • 5,941 Views, 156 Comments

Spike 10 - Silver Butcher

  • ...

Unnatural silence

Twilight was trying to figure out what the Disk she had gotten from Spike's would be assassins was and how it worked, and just to keep the castle quiet she had convinced Spike to go check out the town and see if any new stuff was going on thanks to his Aliens, Spike had been happy to oblige and had been on his way to town when screaming told him a monster was attacking, Spike ran down to the town and was met with the sight of a dozen Timberwolves raiding the market, the animals of Everfree seemed to be getting more agitated and had started attacking the town more often, this proved it as Timberwolves had never gotten so close to the town before, Spike dialed up an alien and Stinkfly flew overhead as they closed in on Bigmac defending his stand. The Wolves where slowly closing in when Stinkfly got to close, the wind was blowing on Stinkfly's back and coating the entire street in his horrible stench, It smelt bad to Bigmac, but to the sensitive nosed Timberwolves it was on a special level of terrible, the stink was causing them to fall apart on the spot, the entire pack began running back to the forest to get away from the stench, Big mac watched in silence as Stinkfly landed.

"Hey come back!" he called "I haven't done anything yet!" Stinkfly began giving chance and Big mac watched in silence as the rest of the hiding ponies of the town came out and watched Stinkfly chase after the wolves.

"Oh wow," Carrot top said "That's an unfortunate superpower,"

"Eeyup" Big mac agreed. The Wolves ran into the forest and Stinkfly watched from the air as they ran into their cave, he landed and kicked dirt at them.

"Fear my smell!" he declared, he was about to start flying back when a voice echoed through his head, faint and impossible to make out, he blinked as he looked around, he was a good way into the Everfree forest, and it was complete silence, no sound of birds, no sound of small animals scurrying in the grass, just wind. "Oh heck naw," Stinkfly declared "This ain't right, this isn't even a little right," He took a breath and called out "Hello!? Scary monsters? Small animals? Annoying insects?" He looked around, the echoing voice was beginning to give him a headache "Nope! Nope, nope, nope!" Stinkfly spread his wings for takeoff and proceeded to time out.

"I hate you," Spike said staring at his watch as the echoing continued before Spike could move his watch began beeping.

"Danger," and in a flash Spike was Turning into Heatblast,

"What the..." He started when it stated Danger again and turned him into Fourarms, who blinked and began backing up, looking around for the source of the danger when the watch beeped again and turned him into Ditto,"

"This is starting to freak me out a little," Ditto said, "If you're some big evil scary bad guy, congrats on..." the watch beeped and turned him into Diamondhead.

"...really nailing the scary," Diamondhead looked around, his heart racing as the watched beeped and began shuffling him threw his entire playlist until he was Ghostfreak, and it made a deduction.

"All Aliens in Active playlist compromised, searching Omnitrix alien database for a solution," and with that, the watch went silence, the Echoing seemed less prominent, but was still present, Ghostfreak blinked and moved across the clearing to where the Timberwolves had fled to, they where at the back of their cave, all poised to attack, their eye's staring past Ghostfreak, their ears moving as to trying to find sound, he looked at them in silence as he thought, the Echoing had turned to scream when he had briefly shuffled to Wildmutt, so much so that he had ended up on the ground in pain, the Wolves with their sensitive ears seemed fine,

"They don't hear the Echo, they just hear the unnatural silence of the forest," He realized when suddenly the Echo turned into a voice, a voice behind him.

"Yes, I'm afraid my device has no particular effect of plants," Ghost freak turned around and looked up at an old looking pony standing on a Cragodile, a large assortment of Monsters standing silently around the clearing. "I must say you have a very interesting device, that puny town I've been using as my testing site seems to think you are a different entity with every transformation, but I see past that nonsense, I can see the power of DNA in that device, I can see it flowing through you, you will be my most powerful minion,"

"Sorry," Ghostfreak said as he looked over the many Animals around him "But I'm not currently looking to apply at the moment,"

"Oh you have a mouth on you I see, I hate that but don't you worry, the only reason you still resist is because you possess higher intelligence than that of the creature you see before you, but even that will not save you, Turn into your Fire from, your Chrystal form, the one with the eye's, the one that can clone itself, you can turn into whichever one you want, but I promise you this, in a Matter a minutes even your ghost form shall bow before the all inspiring might of the Great Doctor Aloysius Animo!"

Author's Note:

My Fav Villian.