• Published 17th Feb 2018
  • 5,066 Views, 166 Comments

The Fightin' Dragon - Phantom-Dragon

A MLP FIM/Them's Fightin' Herds Crossover. Spike goes on an adventure, in the world of Fœnum.

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The Prairie's Champion(s) – Part 2

After awhile of resting, Spike and Arizona were back on their feet, with Spike helping Arizona up, "How do you feel, Ari?" He asked.

"Still a little sore," Arizona answered. "But I'll be fine."

"But can you still walk?"

The young calf's legs wobbled at first, still hurt from her previous battle with the wolves, but her determination and the spark in her eyes were undeterred.

“Yeah, I can still walk,” Arizona sighed. "Thanks Spike."

“Okay,” Spike said as he gently lead Arizona the way.

They arrived in another cavern chamber, where another splotch of pitch-black waited in the center.

“I’ll go get it,” Spike said as he ran to pick up the splotch, when he was suddenly surrounded by four wolves who materialized out of thin air.

“Oh! No fair!” Spike shouted as the wolves advanced upon him.

“Hey!” Arizona stomped her hooves, immediately regretting as she winced, “Why don’t’ya pick on someone ‘ya own size?”

But the wolves ignored Arizona, as they all set their hungry red eyes, licking their chops at the little dragon.

Spike felt his whole body tensing up in fear, with every part of him freezing up as he stood paralyzed before the predators as they slowly advanced upon him. His mind was working fast, as if it was on a marathon, but it could not do. Neither his legs nor his hands were responding.

He turned to Arizona, to see she was limping and tripping on her hooves, looking helplessly at Spike.

Looking down at the splotch in his claws, possibly the only thing that could heal Arizona and save her, Spike looked up and arched his face into a look of determination.

He stomped his foot as he challenged the wolves, “Who wants a piece of the Spikester?” He challenged.

In response, all four wolves lunged forward, snapping their jaws at Spike. Reacting fast, Spike ducked down to avoid the teeth from the wolves, as he quickly dives under, weaving between their legs, and shot his fist up in an uppercut, hitting one of the wolves in the stomach, followed by a burst of green fire that torched one of the wolf’s behind. Another wolf leapt at Spike from the left, just as another pounced forward from the right. Spike quickly backed away, dodging the wolves' air attacks, while whipping his tail away to avoid the bite of another. Spike breathed another jet stream of fire, but two of the wolves backed away, while the other two circled around the dragon.

"Arizona!" Spike called. "Catch!" With a swing of his arms, Spike hurled the splotch towards the injured calf, who quickly galloped forward with every bit of strength her hooves could carry her.

Unfortunately, upon seeing the injured calf reaching for the magic ball that could heal and restore her energies, the wolves all leapt towards them both. In a desperate lunge, Spike leapt at one of the wolves, grabbing it by the end of its tail, holding it back before it could lay its claws on the injured calf. Angered at the intervention, the wolf snapped its jaws at Spike, but the little dragon quickly ducked his head and threw the tail into the wolf's jaws.

The wolf's red eyes bulged open with tears streaming down its cheek upon the painful realization that it had bitten itself by accident. With that, the wolf let out painful howl.

In the meantime, Arizona quickly stomped her hoof on the splotch of pitch-black, releasing several sparkles of magical lights of green and blue, which Arizona absorbed. Once again, working their magic, the lights quickly healed Arizona's wounds from the previous fights, and the large bloody gash on her neck seems to be knitting, until at last, the young bovine was good to go for another fight.

"Oh, y'all are in a whole herd of trouble!" Arizona stomped her hoof eagerly.

Then, with a kick of her hooves, Arizona charged into the fray, landing a punch on a wolf, before she twisted her body and lands a bucking kick with her hind legs at two more of the advancing wolves.

"YEAH!" Spike cheered enthusiastically. "Go get 'em, Ari!"

With a snap of her head, Arizona smacked her horns against a wolf, followed by a strong head butt to its stomach, sending it flying away, colliding into one of its pack members, and they both disappeared into smokes. Arizona turned her head, just in time to see Spike being chased by the other two wolves. With a stomp of her hooves, the cavern floors shook, stunning the wolves for a brief moment, while also causing Spike to trip and fell. Then with a kick of her legs, Arizona charged forward, scooping up a wolf into the air with her horns, before she quickly leapt to the air to land a double kick with her legs, before she flipped herself forward to land a double-axe kicks, slamming the wolf towards the ground, where it bounces for a moment, which she immediately chains with another quick head butt, followed by an even stronger head butt. The wolf immediately disappeared, just as the remaining wolf made a desperate lunge at Arizona.

"Nuh-uh!" Arizona shouted, immediately kicking her leg into the wolf's snout, defeating the predator and causing it to disappear.

End of Fight Music

"Alright, Ari!" Spike shouted happily, embracing the calf happily. "You did it!"

"Thanks to ya, Spike!" Arizona mooed happily, returning the hug. "You were amazing back there, the way ya ran and dodged them varmint's teeth. Ya may not be strong, but you've got real bovine heart."

The two shared a quick hoof-fist bump, before they were on their way. The two continued exploring the caverns, running into some more wolves along the way. Three of them were on patrol, while one was fast asleep until it was alerted awake by its pack members.

Spike and Arizona both exchanged nods as they charged into battle with the wolves. Arizona stomped her hooves, causing the cavern to shake, causing most of the wolves to trip while a few jumped to avoid the tremor and were about to land on Arizona, had Spike not intervened with a blow of his fire breath that scorched the wolves. With that, Arizona made quick work with the wolves with a thrust of her horns and a kick of her strong legs, knocking two of the wolves into the walls, causing them to disappear upon.

"Arizona! Hit the deck!" Spike shouted, warning Arizona just in time as a wolf pounced her from behind.

"Thanks, Spike!" Arizona mooed, before she twirls her rope to lass the wolf in for a quick headbutt, before she launched the predator into the air and proceeds to land a punch, a double kick, and a double axe kicks, defeating the predator canine, before she proceeds to finish the last wolf with a lasso, swinging it up in the air, before slamming the dog into the ground in a puff of smokes.

With that, Spike and Arizona continued their way, through the caverns, coming across some salts that Arizona harvested, in case they may need them in Reine City. Along the way, the two friends have also come across some splotches of pitch black, which they didn't hesitate to stomp on, absorbing more magical lights that replenishes their energy and heals any damages from their recent fights.

Along the way, Spike decides to strike up conversation again, "Phew, so far so good," He said. "Sorry, don't mean to jinx, or anything."

"Don't worry, we'll be out of 'ere soon," Arizona replied. "I can feel it!"


"Ah jus' do. Every bovines feel it in their hooves."

They kept on walking, when they suddenly came into a large chamber, with old wooden bridges connecting the cliffs, over a huge dark pit below. There wasn't any sound of water, so neither Arizona, nor Spike, were taking any chances of a straight jump below. Furthermore, the bridge that would've made their journey across the chasm a short trip was destroyed.

"Looks we'll have to take the long way then," Spike pointed to the bridges on the left.

"Easier said than done, little fella," Arizona replied, pointing to some wolves sleeping in their paths. "Them varmints are in our way and... uh... is that a coil 'a rope... with a head?!"

"Head?" Spike squinted his eyes as he took a closer look, before they widen in alarm, with his pupils shrinking to dots. "Uh oh! That's a snake!"

"Snake?!" Arizona gasps in alarm. "Great. Now what do we do?"

"Maybe we can try and sneak past it...?" Spike suggested.

"Eh, a little simple...but, worth a try," The young calf replied. "I'll go first. Watch my back." Arizona quietly tiptoed across the bridge, which creaked a little quietly as the calf walks onto the stoney platform. Unfortunately, in the darkness, Arizona failed to see the tip of the snake's tail, and she accidentally stepped on it, painfully waking the snake up. "Dangit...!" She mooed.

Then, without warning, the snake struck, snapping its head forward at Arizona, who leapt back to dodge the attack, while inadvertently stepped on a sleeping wolf's tail. Angered for being disturbed awake, the wolf barked, snapping its jaws at Arizona.

"Arizona!" Spike shouted, running to the calf's aid, and threw a punch, a kick, and a whip of his tail at the wolf.

Before the wolf could counterattack the dragon's interference, Arizona already charged in, ramming her head into the wolf's side, tossing it across the distance. In the meantime, the snake struck back, shooting strands of purpling spit at Arizona, hitting her on the cheek, barely an inch below her eye.

"Whoa!" Arizona exclaimed.

"Yipe!" Spike yelped in startle, holding his book out as a shield, blocking the attack from the snake before it could hit him. "That snake can spit?!"

"It's a spitting cobra!" Arizona explained, holding her hooves up to block another incoming attack. "Gives the ol' sayin' a bull's eye a terrible meaning! One good shot and yer blind as a bat!"

"Good to know!" Spike cringed, as he continued to hide himself from the snake's slobbery assaults.

Soon, Arizona stomped her hooves and ran towards the snake, catching it by surprise and sent it flying into the chasm below. However, the battle was far from over. Arizona looked across the bridges to see two more wolves entering the chamber, with two more cobras.

"Heads up, Spike!" Arizona mooed in alarm. "We've got company."

"This just keeps getting better and better," Spike replied in sarcasm.

The two friends braced themselves for the upcoming battle, as the wolves pounced forward, while the snakes stayed back to snipe at the calf and her dragon companion.

Arizona fought off the wolves, kicking, punching, and bashing with her strong head, all the while keeping a look out for the snakes, readying herself for any of their poisonous attacks.

"Arizona, look down!" Spike shouted, as he darted toward the calf, holding his book out as a shield, blocking the snakes' venom spits.

"Good thinkin' there, Spike!" Arizona replied, as she scoops Spike onto her back. "You use that book to save us from them snakes. I'll take care of the wolves!"

"You got it!" Spike replied, as he held on tightly to Arizona's bandana, as she sways her hooves to fight the wolves off, while Spike struggled to keep their shield up from the snakes' spits.

The two wolves were lunged at Arizona, snapping their jaws at the calf, who retaliated with a kick of her legs, though she nearly threw Spike off, unintentionally. To him, it almost felt like the time he's been in a rodeo, riding on Applejack, back home in Equestria.

Suddenly, one of the wolves leapt at Spike, knocking him off of Arizona, and they nearly fell off the edge of the bridges. The book landed a few feet away from Spike, who quickly scrambled up to his feet to get the book. But the wolf pounced on Spike and pinned him down, near the edge, with its paw on his throat.

"Get off of me!" Spike coughed, feeling the air choked out of him as the wolf exerts more of its weight on top of him, as they neared closer and closer to the edge of the cliff.

"Spike!" Arizona mooed in concern for her dragon friend.

Thinking fast, Arizona quickly grabbed the wolf she was fighting, by the neck, and tossed it towards the other wolf, throwing them both off of Spike, causing them to fall into the darkness of the chasm below.

Upon the wolves' defeats, the snakes quickly retreated, somewhere into the other darkest part of the caverns.

[End of Fight Music]

After Spike recollected his book, he and Arizona took the moment to catch their breaths.

"This cave was already scary enough with the wolves," Spike panted, while steadying his breathing. "Now we've got snakes to deal with?"

"I'm afraid this is still jus' the beginnin' of what we're dealin' with, Spike," Arizona replied. "It's gonna get a whole lot more worse if we don't stop this soon."

Spike shuddered as he recalled the nightmare he had the previous night, when he was all by his lonesome, lost in a cave, and chased by a hungry bear. The young dragon can't think of anything more dangerous than a bear, and frankly, he'd rather not having to find out.

"Well in that case, let's go!" Spike whimpered as he leads the way. "The sooner we find a way out, the better."

Arizona nodded in agreement as she follows the young dragon across the bridges until they've reached the other side, where the found another huge mound of salty crystals. With that, they both mined the salts, until there was no more and they entered the next chamber.

Upon entering the cavern, they met a large wolf who proceeded to run off. No doubt, a whole pack of wolves were nearby and it intends of rousing them all awake. Not wanting to let that happen again, Spike and Arizona chased after the wolf to a large crag, where two more wolves were resting, guarding a large silver treasure chest.

The wolf was about to howl, only to be caught by the neck, courtesy of Arizona's lasso. With a jerk of her head, Arizona pulled the wolf towards her and Spike, and she proceeded to jump into the air, catching the wolf with her hooves and slams her head into the wolf, crushing it beneath her when they landed back on the ground. The commotion startled the other two wolves awake, but they were still too sleepy to react when Arizona stomped her hooves, shaking the ground to stun the wolves, before she charged in, smacking them to the side with her horns, and a strong head butt that sent them flying into the cavern walls, where they immediately disappeared.

After the fight was over, Spike and Arizona checked out the silver chest the wolves were guarding. They opened the lid up to find the content was, "A dusty duster?" Spike exclaimed in bewilderment, before he sneezed, "A-choo! Ugh, looks like someone's forgotten to do their laundries."

"Though, you'll have to admit, they do have a sense of style," Arizona replied. "I mean, pa did once talked about how these were the height of bovine fashions back in the days."

Spike rolled his eyes, "Maybe."

Arizona simply puts on the duster coat, draping it over her shoulders, suspending it by her neck, "How do ah look?" She asked.

Spike tilted his head to the side, looking at Arizona from different perspectives when something caught his attention in the corner of his eyes, "HEY!" He pointed to a wolf that immediately darted in the opposite direction.

"After that varmint!" Arizona mooed, as she and Spike once again gave chase.

But unlike before with the previous wolf, this next one was fortunate to reach its two sleeping pack members, where it howled them awake, and together, the three wolves charged at the two friends. Reacting fast, Spike let out a burst of green fire at the attacking wolves, scorching them and blasting one of them out of the air, leaving only two for both Spike and Arizona to contend with. One of the wolves snapped its jaws at Arizona's neck from the left, biting off a chunk of the green bandana Spike used to patch up the calf, while the second wolf leapt at Arizona from the right, only for Spike to jump forward, shoving the wolf out of the way.

Angered at the interference from the little dragon, the wolf let out a bark and repeatedly snapped its jaws at Spike, who quickly ran away, with the wolf chasing after him. The third wolf was just recovering from the explosive blast it received from Spike, when the said dragon came running to it. Spike looked back, just in time to see the second wolf lunging pouncing towards him.

"AAAH!!" Spike shrieked, as he rolled to the side, dodging the attack, causing the wolf to fly pass him and crash into the third wolf. "Phew," Spike sighed in relief, until he turned to Arizona to see the calf was having troubles of her own.

Arizona was throwing kicks and punches at the first wolf, but it continued to leap back and held its paws up to block most of her attacks. Then, with a frustrated moo, Arizona kicked her legs into a charge, but missed the wolf and ended up crashing into a large mound of salty crystals. Salt flew everywhere, stinging Arizona's eyes, while her head spun dizzily from the impact.

With the young calf stunned, the wolf seized the chance to attack. The wolf lunged towards the calf, baring its fangs at her, when it was abruptly stopped midway, by a pull of its tail. The wolf angrily looked back to see it was none other than Spike, holding the end of its tail in his claws. With a snarl, the wolf was about to jump at Spike, when Arizona quickly recovered and grabbed the predator from behind with her hooves. Then she proceeded to throw the wolf onto her back, repeatedly bouncing it up and down before she kicks it away.

"You okay, Ari?" Spike asked the calf.

"Yeah," She replied, cracking her neck. "Thanks for the save there, Spike." Then a growl was heard, to which the two friends snapped their heads in the direction of the other two wolves, who've recovered and were prowling closer to attack.

The first wolf soon joined in the fray, and had its sight set on the young dragon who had cost it and its pack a cow dinner.

The other two wolves charged at Arizona, with one attacking her from the front, while the other flanked in and attacked her side. Arizona slashed her head to keep one of them at bay, while leaving herself expose for the second wolf to snap its jaws at her. The calf had narrowly dodged the second wolf's attack, but was unsuccessful at evading the third wolf's attack, when it disappeared into the ground and suddenly lunged from the ground, ramming the calf and throwing her off balance.

Spike was about to run to Arizona's aid, but he was blocked by the first wolf. With a loud bark, the wolf lurched forward to snap its jaws at Spike, "YOW!" Spike yelped, ducking his head down to dodge the teeth, before the wolf attacked again, snapping its jaws at the little dragon's leg, who quickly jumped to avoid the attack.

Out of impulse, Spike threw his fist out in a punch, bonking the wolf on the nose. Though not as strong as Arizona's punches, it still further irritates the wolf, as it retaliates by grabbing Spike by the tail in its jaws, and it threw the little dragon to the side, "AAH!! Oof!" Spike grunted as he tumbles across the cavern floor.

He got up, just in time to see the wolf charging at him, "AAAAAH!!!" Spike screamed a burst of green fire at the wolf, engulfing the predator in flames.

Though burnt, the wolf was undeterred as it resumes its chase after the little dragon.

Back with Arizona, the young calf was barely holding her own agains the other wolves, as she furiously bucked her legs at one of the attacking wolves, while jabbing her horns at the other. But she couldn't keep up the momentum and was starting to tire herself out. Still, she went on fighting, for she knew if she stopped, then the wolves would be on her.

Just when it seemed all was lost, Spike came running to her, with the first wolf chasing him. Running under one of the wolves's underside, Spike lead the other wolf to crashing into its fellow pack member. With the two wolves stunned and discombobulated, Arizona quickly seized her chance to use her lasso to ensnare one of the wolves by the legs, repeatedly thrashing it back and forth, and slammed it hard, onto the first wolf. With that, the two wolves disappeared in puffs of smokes.

In the meantime, Spike was too scared to look back to see the two wolves' defeat, and he kept on running blindly in fear. He didn't stop until he crashes into the third wolf.

"AAAAAAH!!!" Spike screamed, and out of fearful impulse, who quickly threw a punch, a kick, and a tail whip combo at the wolf.

Arizona watched in astonishment, as Spike continued to throw his punches and kicks at the wolf, without even opening his eyes, and he shouted random karate yells. Eventually, the wolf had received enough beating and was gone in smokes.

End of Fight Music

"Whoa," Arizona marveled in amazement, while Spike continued to throw punches, kicks, and a whip of his tail. It wasn't until Spike accidentally landed a flying kick at Arizona, when he finally stopped, "Ow! Easy there, Karate Kid."

"Oh! Sorry about that, Arizona," Spike apologized.

"I know Spike," The two friends turned to see another silver chest, resting before them, "Hmmm, I wonder what we've got this time?"

"Maybe it's another treasure for real this time!" Spike commented. "Maybe something like this crystal ball we found earlier," He said as he brought out the jade orb.

The two exhausted young fighters both opened the lid up to reveal, "A ten-gallon topper!" Arizona smiled. "This'll do nicely with ma new duster!" With that, Arizona dons up the hat on her head. "There, how do ah look?" She asked.

Spike was at a loss for words. Seeing Arizona wearing a hat immediately threw Spike in for a loop, as if he's looking at his friend, Applejack.

"Wow," He finally gasped in shock. "You look just like Applejack!"

"Huh?" Arizona asked. "What'd ya say?"

"Um, nothin'," Spike shook his head, getting himself back to reality. "Nothing. Let's just keep moving."

Spike and Arizona both left the cavern chamber, before entering the next, where they find three more splotches of pitch-black on the right. Without a second thought, Arizona immediately went to the splotches and stomped on them into balls of light that immediately healed all of her wounds and empowered her with magical strength. Afterward, Arizona went to a nearby mound of salty crystals to harvest some more salts.

“Hey Ari! Check this out!” Spike pointed to a circle of stones, which makes a fireplace.

“Huh, looks like someone made camp here, once upon a time,” Arizona deduced. “Maybe we should get a fire goin’,” With that, Spike ignited the campfire, which created blue fire. “What?! Blue fire?!” Arizona exclaimed.

"Just like before with the lanterns in the other part of the cavern," Spike deduced.

“Somethin' jus' ain't right about this place. C'mon, let's go."

Arizona and Spike immediately took their leave and entered the next cavern, where they find their next path barred by a pack of wolves, led by a larger one, with a single spitting cobra.

"Sweet Celestia!" Spike quivered. “That’s a big wolf!”

“So, ya’ll wanna get in line or are we doin’ this hoedown-style?” In response, the larger wolf let out a threatening growl. “Hoedown it is! Cue the music!!”

"ZOINKS!" Spike screamed.

Spike quickly ran to hide behind a rock, as he watches Arizona fought the predators head-on. The large wolf let out a howl, calling forth its fellow wolves to attack.

Both wolves charged towards the calf, circling around her before they leapt forth, with one wolf attacking her on the left, with the other attacking from the right. Arizona immediately jumped back to dodge the attacks. Once she was back on her hooves, she charged toward the wolves with her horns. But the instead of jumping to the sides, the wolves charged forward, clutching the calf by the horns with their jaws, as they forced her to a halt.

Then the snake joined in the fray, slithering behind the calf, baring its fangs ready for the strike.

Spike saw what the snake was going to do, and quickly picked up a rock and threw it at the snake. However, he missed and accidentally hits Arizona on the flank instead.

“Oops!” Spike yelped.

“YOW!!” Arizona yelped in alarm, thrusting her hind legs out into a kick, which hits the snake away, before she instinctively hurled the wolves off her head.

One of the wolves attempted to jump on Arizona again, but the calf quickly threw it off, before she thrusted her legs out to buck another away. During the fight, the snake shot some of its poisonous spits at her.

Some landed on the side of her face, while one of them was a clean shot to her right eye.

“AAAH!!!” Arizona yelled in agony, as she stumbles half-blind. “My eye! It burns!” She said, as a searing pain ran from her eye and throughout her head, as if she’s been speared by a sharp rod through the back of her head.

“ARI!!” Spike shouted, watching as the calf fumbled with her stances, while she moo in agony at the searing sensation from the poison in her eye.

The predators weren’t holding back, as the wolves proceeded to hit her from the left and right. Finally, after watching from the sidelines long enough, the large wolf leapt into the fight, catching Arizona by the scruff of her neck, thrashing her to the side, before it threw her across the cavern, where she crashes into the walls.

“Hey! That’s not fair!” Spike shouted in protest. “You can’t—OOF!!” Spike’s words fell on deaf ears, when the large wolf shoved him to the side, as it and its fellow pack members towered over the injured calf.

Spike looked at the predators, while looking at how exhausted and battered Arizona was from all the fights they had throughout the night.

They were tired, scared, but determined to see through the end of their adventure together. And frankly to Spike, this is not how he wanted it to end for both him, nor her.

“LEAVE HER ALONE!!!” Spike shouted, leaping to the air and bit the large wolf’s tail.

The large wolf immediately let out a loud painful howl, before it spun in circles, struggling to chase the little dragon off its tail, when a lasso of ropes flew and ensnared the wolf by the snout. Arizona, using her yet to be inflicted left eye, had spun her rope and successfully lassoed the predator.

With a growl, the wolf proceeds to pull Arizona by the rope, only for the calf to pull herself towards it, bucking her legs out to strike the bigger predator in the face before she bounces off and landed back on her hooves, though she still fumbled a bit, due to her blind right eye.

The other predators were about to jump at the calf, when they were stopped by a wall of green fire that burst from above, revealing itself to be Spike who had swung himself off from the giant wolf's tail.

The young dragon landed between the other predators and the calf, “Spike?!” Arizona exclaimed.

“I’ll hold them off!” Spike shouted. “You take care of the big guy!”

Immediately remembering the fight still going on, Arizona nodded as she turns to the big wolf, "C'mon! It's jus' you n' me!" She challenged the wolf. "So let's dance! Ow," She winced, still stung from her right eye by the poison.

With a loud bark, the large wolf lunged forth to snap its jaws at Arizona, but the strong calf quickly dove beneath its chin and swings her horns up in an uppercut, followed by a lurch of her shoulder, she sent the giant wolf flying in the air, where she proceeds to land a punch, a kick, and an axe-kick to slam the predator down to the ground. The wolf bounced on the ground for a moment, before Arizona proceeds to slash her horns at the predator, followed by another.

Then, the magic strength she felt before came again, to which she kicked the dirt with her hooves and shouted, "Ya'll in for a beatin'!" At the blinding speed of light, she rammed her horns into the giant wolf, bouncing it even higher in the air, while she flies towards the cavern walls, where she felt another burst of magical strength, which she uses to bounce of the wall and mooed, "Roundabout rodeo!" With a kick of her legs, Arizona sent the giant wolf flying into the air, and it crashes its head into the ceilings of the cavern, breaking some rocks to fall on top of it.

In the meantime, Spike continues to keep the other predators from assisting the bigger wolf, with his green fire. But not for long, since Spike needed to catch his breath for another burst of flame.

"Need to...catch my...breath," Spike panted, which the Predators paid no heed to. "Whoa!" He yelped, holding his claws up, just in time to block a poisonous spit from hitting his eyes.

In spite of being a dragon, in which he is covered in scales, head-to-tail, Spike's claws started to tingle and burn. Without a doubt, the poisonous spit was as sharp as acids, much like the ones that Twilight had once experimented on in her lab, back in Ponyville, and back when the Golden Oak Library was still standing. As Spike kept on preventing the other wolves and snake from assisting their big boss, he knew one thing for certain.

"I've got to get rid of the snake!" Tipping his hat low, across his face, to prevent the snake from getting any clear shots at his eyes. This, however, makes Spike almost blind from any other oncoming attacks from the wolves. He had to squint a bit, looking down, while arching his chin up in order to see through the bottom of the hat - a visual gap he has for his eyes.

Spike felt the hot breath from one of the wolves blowing across his right frills, and he rolled to the left, where his head collides with the other wolf. The large dog barked as it snapped its jaws, snatching the hat off of the dragon, revealing his face completely, much to the predator dog's bewilderment.

Spike could've sworn for a moment, he heard the wolf gasping, "A dragon?!"

Before long, the other wolf leapt forward, ramming Spike to the side, before it pinned the young dragon down, with its paw on his stomach. However, the wolf had gave Spike such a fright that he immediately lets out a burst of green fire that engulfed the wolf's face. With a loud yowl of pain, the wolf disappeared into smokes, just as the other wolf got over its shock and lunges towards Spike. At the same time, the snake fired several more poisonous spits at Spike, who immediately ducked his head down to avoid the shots, which flew overhead and splashes against the wolf instead, blinding it.

Spike, meanwhile, managed to pounce on the snake, "Gotcha!" He shouted, grabbing the snake by the throat with one claw, while using the other to hold onto its fighting coil. "Ow!" He yelled, when the tip of the snake's tail whipped him in the face in a desperate effort to force him to release it.

Soon, both Spike and the snake wrestled each other to the ground, as the snake slithered its coil around Spike, in an attempt to suffocate the little dragon. But Spike wouldn't have none of that, as he quickly bites down on the snake's coil, and it disappears into puffs of smokes. The third remaining wolf stumbled around the cavern, before it tripped and fell onto a stalagmite, disappearing upon impact with the pointy rock.

"Yee-haw!" Spike looked back at Arizona, seeing the calf riding on top of the large wolf, with her rope suspended around its neck as it runs around the cavern in an attempt to throw her off.

"Yahoo!" Spike hollered. "Ride 'em cowgirl!"

With a tug of her rope, Arizona steered the large wolf, running into a the cavern wall. Arizona quickly jumped at the last second, just as the big dog crashes into the wall, causing several stalactites to break loose, falling and crushing the predator into smokes, ending the fight.

End of Fight Music

“Ya’ll have enough yet?!” Arizona shouted in triumph. “Keep ‘em comin’!”

“Wow! That was... VIOLENT!!” Spike cheered, as he reclaims his hat. “We rock, Arizona!”

Arizona chuckled as she ruffled the enthusiastic dragon’s crest, “We sure did, Spike," She smiled. "We do make a great team, don’t we?”

Spike couldn't help but blush in response. To him, it almost felt like Applejack was complimenting him.

"Yeah, I sure do!" Spike's smile soon turned to a concern frown as he looks at the calf's inflicted right eye. "Ooh, your eye."

"Huh? Oh," Arizona winced, having been reminded of the burning sensation from where the snake had spit on her. "It's nothin', I'll live."

"Don't say that," Spike said, as he he pulls out their canteen and pours the waters over her eye.

"Aaah," Arizona hissed, gritting her teeth as she feels the cool liquid clearing away the snake's poison from her eye.

Then Spike reaches for the red and green bandanas around Arizona's neck, untying the knots, as he uses them to wipe her eye clean.

"There, is that better?" He asked, watching with concern as Arizona slowly opened her right eye, squinting a few times as she recovered from seeing several dots of lights.

"Yeah," Arizona replied as she kept blinking her eye a few time. "I'm fine now. Thank ya, Spike!"

"No problem," Spike soon tied Arizona's red bandana, together with his green bandana, around her neck. "Now let's get out of here."

Spike and Arizona turned to the other tunnel, which leads them further through the caverns. Soon, they were walking into a dark hallway, filled with more splotches of pitch-blacks. The two friends quickly smashed the splotches, receiving magical lights that healed and strengthen them.

Along the way, the two happened upon another silver chest, which they opened up to reveal, "A fake mustache?" Arizona mooed incredulously.

"Lemme see those!" Spike enthusiastically slapped the mustache onto his nose, giving it a slight twirl, "Oh yeah! This is so awesome! How do I look? Am I awesome? Or am I awesome?"

Arizona couldn't help laugh, "Oh Spike!" She laughed, collapsing on all four of her hooves, tapping the floor with one of them. "Stop it! You're just too much!"

Spike soon joined in the laugh, "Well, it's all part of my natural charm," He chortled, until he and Arizona finally caught their breaths.

As they continued their trip down the cavern tunnels, Arizona took another glance at Spike. It was still so hard for her to believe that a little dragon like Spike – a predator – could ever be so friendly, as opposed to all the stories her folks have once told her. Here he was, the only predator to have gotten into Fœnum, all flesh and blood, and above all, alive. Many ungulates, like her, would thought the first thing he would do was try to eat someone. Instead, he was helping her fight off his own predator kinds. And his only desire wasn't to invade, but to return home.

Could there possibly be other friendly predators, like him?

Curious, Arizona started to strike up conversation, "Y'know Spike. I've been wonderin' about somethin'."

"What's that, Ari?"

"From where ya come from... Are there any other... friendly dragons like you?"

"Well..." Spike hesitated for a moment, as he thinks about the friendly dragons he knew, "There are some friendly dragons. But not all of them are friendly to ponies, including to my friends."

"Oh, so it's a yes and a no then," Arizona nodded in acknowledgement. "Sorry I asked."

"No, it's fine. It's kinda something I've gotten used to. Besides, there are some bad ponies as much as there are good ponies."

"Well Spike, for what it's worth, I'm glad to have met you." The calf smiled, pulling Spike close in for a quick hug. "Hmph. With friends like you, who needs Predators?"

"Oh I can be just as ferocious if I wanted to," Spike smirked. "You would've been roast beef if I hadn't taken out those wolves and snakes."

"Yeah, I know," Arizona rolled her eyes. "But I had to teach ya to fight first."

"Well then I think the student's become the master."

"Oh yeah? Hi-yah!"

With that, Arizona tackled Spike and they rolled across the floor, before they stopped, with Arizona pinning Spike down, "Who's the master now?" She teased.

"Let me up!" Spike got back up on his feet, dusting himself off, before he lunged at Arizona. Both he and the calf rolled in the dust, until once again, Arizona stood triumphantly over Spike.

"Looks like ah win," She smirked to the defeated dragon.

Spike pouted in reluctant defeat, before he looked up, "Hey look!!" The young dragon pointed ahead, to a shining ray of lights flowing from an opening.

“Whoa now,” Arizona gasped. “That looks like daylight! Sun’s jus’ comin’ up...” The calf then turned to Spike and asked, “Have we been down here that long?”

“Looks like it,” Spike replied, before he took off running. “C’mon, let’s go. Last one out's a rotten apple!”

"Oh yer on!"

With a newfound burst of joy, Spike and Arizona laughed as they kicked their legs into a run, racing towards the exit, emerging themselves into the prairie, painted in the dusk morning of red.

“Aaah, fresh air!” Arizona sighed in relief. “That ol’ salt mine wasn’t such a bad detour.”

“Wasn’t such a bad detour?” Spike asked.

“Well, couple at hitches along the way, but I think we’re close ‘ta the harbor now...”

Then, as an insult to injury, without warning, a giant cobra snake suddenly appeared before them, blocking their path.

“Oh come on now!” Spike groaned.

“Didn’t ya’ll get enough keister-lock-in’ ‘fer one night?!”

In response, the snake let out a haunting hiss, “THE KEEEY. GIVE USSSSssss THE KEEEY.”

“Not gonna happen!” Arizona stood her ground. “I ain’t scared’a y’all creepy critters! I’m Arizona, Champ’een of the Prairie, an’ if y’want the Key, ‘ya gotta go through me!”

“SSSSO BE IT!” The cobra accepted the challenge.

With that, a fight began as Arizona and Spike marched up to the giant cobra, “Alright ‘ya slitherin’ scoundrel! Outta my way!” Arizona mooed.

In response, the giant cobra leapt across a chasm and onto one of the canyon's arch bridges. But it still kept its eyes locked on both the young calf and dragon. Spike and Arizona watched the snake's massive silhouette, outlined by the light of the rising sun behind it. They watched as the snake pointed its head up in the air, opening its mouth wide, and a massive glob of purple poisonous saliva immediately erupted from the snake's gaping maw, flying into the sky, where the night's stars were fading.

Spike's eyes immediately widen in alarm, when he saw the glob the snake had fired, exploded into tiny drops of poison that were raining back down.

"IT'S RAINING POISON!" Spike screamed, as he clings to his hat tightly, covering his eyes from the falling poison.

Arizona quickly picked Spike up by the tail and plopped him on her back, "C'mon, Spike! We gotta go!"

With a kick of her legs, Arizona sprinted forward, dodging the falling poisons, left and right, though a few managed to hit her and Spike on the head. Thankfully, they were protected by the covers, provided by their hats. This kept on, until at last, Spike and Arizona managed to cross over, onto the same archway the snake was sitting on.

The two fighters and the cobra had an intensive stare down.

"Say yer prayers, varmint!" Arizona threatened the snake.

“DRAW!!” Spike challenged.

With that, the snake immediately fired a strand of poison at the traveling duo, which they immediately cocked to the side, evading the shot, before Spike retaliated with a green fireball. However, he too missed his mark as the snake leapt to the right, onto the last structural archway.

"Hey! Get back here ya yellow-belly draggin' coward!" Arizona mooed.

Spike looked to the side, "OH DARN!" He pointed to a wolf that had emerged from the shadows, advancing towards them.

"Ha! Can't take us on by itself, can't it?" Arizona scoffed, as she charged towards the wolf, whips out her lasso to bring the wolf towards her, before she landed a punch, a head butt, and a kick to the predatory canine, until it was nothing but smokes.

However, without warning, a streak of shadowy blur whipped across the air and tripped Arizona into falling on her chin, with Spike falling off her back.

"What the–" Before they had a chance to recover, another streak of shadows slashes from behind, knocking both Spike and Arizona's hats off, and causing the spell book Spike's been carrying to snap off the ropes on his back.

"The book!" With a kick of his legs, Spike leapt to the air at a tremendous height, catching the book in his claws.

Arizona could hardly believe her eyes, "He jumped good!" She was quickly brought out of her shock, when a loud hissing roared and she looked, just in time to see the snake rearing its head and lunging towards Spike. "SPIKE!" Reacting fast, Arizona whipped out her rope and quickly lassoed Spike in the air, reeling him back, just as the snake nearly snapped its jaws at him.

"Whoa!" Spike breathed heavily, "That was close!"

Another loud hissing roar brought Spike and Arizona's attention back to the snake, just as it made another lunge at them. Reacting fast, the two friends leapt back, evading the fangs of the snake, causing the large predator to accidentally clamp its fangs stuck on the rocky ledge. Upon seeing the predator had left itself vulnerable, Arizona proceeded to land a powerful head butt at the snake, stunning it in a daze, before she proceeds to land a punch, a headbutt, and a kick, followed by an axe-kick, and a thunderous stomp. Spike too joined in the fray, as he begins to use everything he had learned, thus far. Spike threw a punch, a kick, and a whip of his tail at the snake, followed by a burst of green fire.

After receiving so much beatings from the two fighters, the snake eventually recovered from its stupor as it retracted its head, back to its coil, putting itself some distance away from its preys again. Spike and Arizona waited in anticipations for its next attack, which came as the saw the massive serpent arching its head up to blast another ball of poison, which again exploded into a rain of poison. Once again, Spike and Arizona ran left and right to avoid the poisonous drops.

Suddenly, the streak of shadow came again, and neither Spike or Arizona had time to dodge it, when it tripped them again. The snake had whipped its long tail at them, and the poisons were still falling.

"Ah!" Arizona quickly held her hooves over her face, to avoid being blinded again.

"Ari!" Opening the book up, Spike held it above his head so that only its thick binder could shield him from the falling poisons. Looking back at the snake, Spike saw the monstrous cobra holding its tail up for another whip.

"Arizona! Jump!" Spike alerted, as he and Arizona quickly jumped up, as the serpent's tail flies beneath them.

Seeing that it had missed its preys, the cobra whipped its tail again, but again, Spike alerted the incoming attack, as both he and Arizona kept on jumping to avoid the attack. The cobra spits up another poisonous rain, but Spike managed to shield himself and Arizona from the raining assault, using the book as a makeshift shield. Then the snake attempted to whip its tail again at the heroes, but they quickly jumped to avoid the fast attack.

Having grown frustrated at its failed attempts, the snake let out a roar and lunges forward in another strike. Arizona and Spike quickly leapt to the side, avoiding the snake's fangs, before it got stuck in the dusty red rocks again.

"GET 'EM!" Arizona shouted, as both she and Spike charged in and threw several more attacks on the snake, knocking it into another daze, until it regains its composure and withdraws its head, back to the archway it was on.

Searching across the grounds, Spike quickly spotted some rocks which he picked up and turned to Arizona, "Arizona! Kick!" He said, throwing a rock up in the air, as it falls back down, to which Arizona quickly kicks at it, launching it at the snake, landing a direct hit on its face.

With that, Spike proceeds to throw more rocks at Arizona to pelt at the snake, just like the time when Applejack saved Spike from a pack of timberwolves, by kicking several rocks at the speed of bullets, with her legs.

This kept on going, until the snake grew irritated and lunged at the heroes again. But this time, Arizona was ready.

"Nuh-uh!" She mooed, leaping to the air, twisting her whole body in a clockwise turn, landing a kick across the snake's head.

With that, the snake fell to the ground with a thunderous thud, kicking up some dirts. After picking up their hats, Arizona and Spike quickly crossed onto the next archway and walked up to the seemingly unconscious snake.

“What’s the matter?” Arizona asked the winded out snake. “Outta breath?” In response, the snake leapt itself back onto its coil.

“Guess not,” Spike moaned.

With that, the fight resumes as the snake leapt into the air, before it came back down, swinging its massive tail at the two friends. Spike quickly held his book up to block the attack for himself and Arizona, but the snake's tail was so strong that it knocked him back a few feet away. Distracted, the snake failed to anticipate a sudden charge from Arizona, when the calf came and rammed her horns to its head, followed by a sweep kick, and a twist of her body into a high buck to its chin.

The snake leapt to the sky again, but Arizona quickly used her lasso to snatch it out of the sky, before she reeled it back to the ground in a thunderous slam. For a short moment, the snake was still.

Arizona and Spike were both sweating heavily in the warmth of the morning air, and panted heavily from the exertion of the fight,"...How about now??" Arizona panted heavily.

But again, the fight was far from over, when the snake leapt itself back onto its coil, "Argh! Enough already!" Spike grunted in frustration, as both he and Arizona resumed the fight with the serpentine adversary.

With another snap of its neck, the snake spit out more poisonous saliva at the heroes, which Spike quickly blocked with the book. But then the snake whipped its tail out again, tripping both Arizona and Spike off their feet, before another whip of its tail knocked the hat off of Spike, revealing the dragon's full face in the morning's glow.

"What?!" The snake exclaimed in bewilderment at the little dragon's identity. "You?! You're a...dragon?! A fellow predator?!"

Spike stood up and looks up at the giant serpent, "Yeah I'm a dragon," He replied. "But I'm nothin' like you guys!"

The snake let out a hiss of disgust, "A traitor to all predatorssss then. I ssshall ssssavor the moment to devour you firsssst!"

Arizona then stepped forth, putting herself between Spike and the snake, "You want Spike?! You'll have ta go through me first!" She stomped her hoof.

"A pleassssure!"

With that, the snake slithered to the side to avoid a lunge from Arizona, before it retaliated by whipping its tail out to trip up the calf, before it lunged forth with its open jaws again. But Arizona quickly recovered from her fall, rolling herself out of harm's way, though she nearly fell of the edge of the archway. However, she managed to steel herself, and she whipped out a lasso to ensnare the snake's massive head, mustering every ounce of her strength to pull it towards her, slamming it down to the ground.

The snake quickly recovered, and stood up on its massive coils and was preparing to strike at the calf again, when a ball of fire came flying and exploded upon impact with the enormous serpent. The serpent looked back, just in time to see Spike taking to the sky.

"You can fly!?" The snake hissed, noting the young dragon's lack of wings.

"No!" Spike countered. "Jump good!" With a strong inhale, Spike let out a burst of green fire, down into the slack-jawed serpentine predator's maws. The fires coursed throughout the snake as it writhes in agony, letting out a dreadful wail, burning from the inside-out, until at last, the snake was no more than a pile of burnt dusts blowing in the breeze.

End of Fight Music

“And that’s a wrap,” Arizona punned at their tired but triumphant victory.

"Whoa... I... I can't believe I... I did that!" Spike panted wholeheartedly, as he fell to the ground on his haunches, exhausted from the adrenaline, relieved that the fight was finally over. “Oh I wish my friends were here to see me now...”

"Ya were amazing back there, Spike!" Arizona congratulated the young dragon. "I knew ya had it in ya to jump good! And the way ya fight off them predators, ya've got the makings of a fighter! I'm real proud of ya, Spike!"

"Hehe, thanks," Spike panted. "Wow... me... a fighter..."

The young calf and dragon looked off in the distance, to see the sun was rising over the horizon, painting the Prairie in a colorful blanket of orange.

“Wow,” Arizona mooed. “We really have been at this all night. Sun’s comin’ up.” The two heroes let out a yawn, “Heh... probably should find our way back ‘ta the road... there’s still a whole lotta land an’ sea before we get ‘ta Reine City... No rest for the champ’een! C’mon, Spike! Let’s...”

When Arizona turned to Spike, the young dragon was out like a log, with his head tucked beneath his hat, while snuggling himself up beneath the book.

Arizona could only chuckle, "Oh Spike," She picked up her new hat and puts it back over her head, as she helped the sleeping dragon up and carried him away, and off they rode into the sunrise.

After an eventful night in the Abandoned Cave of The Prairie, the sun has risen on a new day of adventure for both Spike and Arizona to continue their quests. Arizona was a step closer to finding the fabled Prophet's Key, and Fœnum's hope for survival against the incoming invasion of the Predators, with Spike being a step closer to finding his way back to Equestria.

However, though they have won the battle, the war was far from over. The Predators were still on the attack, and more challenges lay ahead. Challenges that will test the two heroes' wits and their determinations to fight til' the very end. But with Arizona's strong heart and hooves, combined with Spike's friendship, they have only begun to fight.

Spike's learned super jump!

Spike’s developing fight moves


  • (Light) Punch
  • (Medium) Kick
  • (Heavy) Tail Whip
  • (Magic) Fire belchDrains magic the longer it's hold
  • Launcher – N/A
  • Throw – N/A

Special Attacks:

Magic Attacks:

  • Fire Ball

Unique Command:

  • Run
  • Anti-Air – Uppercut
  • Super JumpMove Unlocked!

Super Attacks

“ARGH!!” Oleander stomped her hoof in frustration, after her search turns up empty. “I can’t believe we lost the trail again!”

"Yes, so I noticed," Fred muttered. "Not to mention that little dragon did a good job with those bridges."

"Isn't that just like a dragon?"

“Howdy stranger.” A voice greeted, revealing herself to be Madison. "Say, yer not from around these parts, are ya?"

"You're astonishing perceptive," Oleander snarked sarcastically.

"Gee, look who woke up from the wrong side of the bed," Madison commented. "Then again, I've seen stranger things. Why jus' yesterday, a little calf was passing by, telling me she was off to Reine City."

"What?" Oleander exclaimed, looking at the cow, and began in a proper tone. "Excuse me, ma'm. But what was that you said about Rein City?"

"Oh, well a young calf, no older than a year, was jus' passing through these parts, telling me she was on her way to Reine City," Oleander looked further intrigued as the cow continued. "Says she's goin' there to look for clues to the Prophet's Key. I don't know how, but seeing how she's that determined to get to it, I hope she finds what she's looking for. Though she must be crazier than a bovine in a windmill if she goes off, claiming herself to be Champ'een of the Prairie and what not."

"You don't say, you don't say," Oleander pondered, before she asked, "And by chance, she wouldn't happen to have a little dragon with him? Would she?"

"A what now?"

"Uh....what I mean is, was she accompanied by anyone....unusual?"

"How do you know all that?"

"Oh, I happen to be a close friend of hers. I was visiting her family in the Prairie, not too far away, but she wasn't there. So I've been following her for a long time, and from what I...know. She's not alone."

"Uh huh," Madison nodded in acknowledgement. "Well, come to think of it. She's got this little fella about a yay high, wearing a brown five-gallon hat over their face. I never did got a good look at what kind of ungulate they are. But I saw 'em with the young calf. And as you can see, neither of them are here. Must've already gotten up for an early head start. They must be off to the Tundra by now."

Oleander thought in glee and in triumph, 'So that's where he's going,' Looking up at Madison, Oleander smiled politely, "Well thank you for your time, Miss Cow. Now if you'll excuse me, I'd best be on my way."

"A pleasure helping," Madison replied. "And tell yer friend, Arizona, I said howdy!"

"Will do," Oleander replied as she took her leave, until Madison was out of sight, in which she then turned to Fred, "They’re heading to Reine City,” Oleander informed the demonic book, before she cracked a wicked smile.

“Ooh, if I’m not mistaken, I take it you have a plan?” Fred asked enthusiastically.

“Fred. I always have a plan. And this one is foolproof. Now that we know where that dragon is heading, we're taking a shortcut! We’ll get to the Tundra first and head him off!"

"Ooh, brilliant idea, Ollie," Fred commented. "Dark and brilliant. I love it."

"Yes," The dark unicorn chuckled sinisterly, as she ranted, "Your time in this world will end soon enough, predator. Very soon, you will rejoin your predator brethren in the Hold where you belong. The Prophet's Key will be in my hooves, and all of Fœnum shall thank me for all eternity. Soon. You. Will. DIE!"

With that, Oleander concentrated into her magic, before both she and Fred disappeared in puffs of smoke, with their wicked laughters echoing.