• Member Since 30th Nov, 2015
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Rambling Writer

Our job is not to give readers what they want; our job is to show them things they never imagined. --Walt Williams


Struggling to find somepony to cover for Rarity for You, Rarity is surprised to find that Maud's available. But Maud's not alone; she's got Boulder to help. In fact, she might be the one helping Boulder.

Has a not-so-dramatic reading by River Babble.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 44 )

“And they’re procyonids,” said Maud. “No thank you for your lack of patronage.”

It was at this point that I knew I'd favorite this story.

In any case, wonderful stuff. Boulder's probably very popular with the goth crowd, given how he symbolizes how even the mightiest stone erodes to irrelevance under the uncaring caress of time.

Well, not irrelevance per se. Not to Maud.

Thank you for this. And I can't believe there's no Boulder tag.


And I can't believe there's no Boulder tag.

I know. The motherducking Breezies get one, but not Boulder?

Yes. Just... Just yes. That was amazing. I just feel bad that Rarity didn't have Fluttershy there to get her final inspiration.

Bolder is a member of Crime Stoppers .

This is amazing.

And somehow, they actually work. Huh, never thought it was possible but they are hilariously competent at this job. Good on them.
Great work for this story. A nice and funny one shot.

Ponies should remember, never to question Boulder's ability, just look at him!

He's a picture of Competence and Trust

Better than the actual episode. Where is our Boulder tag? Take all my praise!


But who would be better: Boulder, Gummy, or Mudbriar's pet? What was it, Twig?

All this talk of Boulder reminds me of the discussion in DC COMICS involving Kirby's New Gods. The idea being that the New God dimension is gigantic compared to normal humans and that the dimensional Boom Tubes shrink them down when they come to Earth. Conversely, if Superman flew to New Genesis under his own power, he'd be tiny on arrival.
What if Boulder is a dimensional refugee and where he comes from, he truly is tremendous in size, fully fitting of the name "Boulder", but the ponies universe is much bigger, relatively speaking, and thus ponies are only 'little' proportionate to their universe?

“…divided by season, color, and price,” Rarity was saying. “Classic SCP system. All the shops use it.”

As well as a certain foundation.

“Oh, thankCelestia!” gasped Rarity. “I was at the end of my rope and- You… and… Boulder?”

"You have a valid point," said Maud, "My tastes are admittedly, too simple and monochromatic to run your boutique properly. Very well, I will have Boulder run the store by himself."

Spade sat curiously opening this story.
Spade sat amusedly reading this story.
Spade sat appreciatively after finishing this story.

This was absolutely priceless. There's a lot of ways that this kind of story could have been written, but the way you handled it did not disappoint me in the slightest. It had all the humor and charm I could have hoped for. Keep this up.

I feel like this was stretched out a little, with the joke overstaying its welcome after a while. I think the story would have been better had it been shortened a bit.

That minor criticism aside, this was amusing.

Boneless probably wins, he was a key for the Rainbow Power as well!

*sigh* I hate fixfics that try to make Boulder into some Mary Sue who can do everything, it takes away the entire conflict of a rock who serves as the steadfast companion of Maud Pie. /s
Other than that, I thought it was pretty great.

“Technically, you can,” she said, “but that doesn’t mean I’ll do it.”

not sure if she said that in the episode itself, but I kind of hope they don't write her like that all the time now just because of her boyfriend.

well the story was not bad, there is just something missing for me.

Boulder is best Pony.
A good funny story.

Is it bad that I liked this fanfic better than the actual episode?

Also, Boulder is best pet.

But when will Tom join the game?

8855240 Tom set out to rock Boulder's world. Their relationship went through a rocky period, though, and it was all downhill from there.

It was then they realized they shouldn't have taken each other for granite.


8854874 Boulder is The Allmighty.


I love EVERYTHING about this SO. MUCH. XD Every single time a "Boulder sat [insert emotion]'ly on the [insert sitting space" I grinned harder. Perfect comedic timing, 5/5 stars, Favorited, would read again.

Boulder is Best Fashion Shop Manager <3

I don't know why I loved this so much, but i did <3

I thought this was better written. And didn't try to shoehorn a moral.

Careful who you chide with that 'taken for granite' line:

We seriously need a boulder tag.

Well, I'm grinning. That was very well done. Not often that I see Boulder done this well. Or... ever. This is probably my favorite fic with Boulder as one of the main characters.

Not... not that there are that many, but this is still excellent.

8856244 I was thinking of that scene when I wrote it. :raritywink:

They say "Silence is golden", now Boulder proved it.

I would like to sit joyfully in here, but I'm sadly not as patient as Boulder. Very well written, loved it.

But Monochromatic tastes aren't that bad... Raritwi is the best ship ever, and it was Mono who convinced me.

Why does this keep popping into my head?

The would-be shoplifter peeked through the window at the temps inside. "Not happening, dude. The stiff and the rock's at the counter again."

His partner groaned. "Aw, schist."

It may be when the one color is grey

Upvoted for hilarity, but also for exceptional writing skills. Not sure where you picked up how to speak proper goth, but kudos to you for the exceptional job of doing so, along with the story as a whole.

The best part of this story is that Boulder was perfectly in character the entire time.

This was great. I liked it better than the actual episode.

I donktknow why, but I really like how you kept the fact that Rarity fialed the fashion show w/o Fluttershy inspiration.

This was already entertaining, but Maud correcting the customer on her use of "rodent" sold it.

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