• Published 28th Jun 2018
  • 3,716 Views, 228 Comments

To Devour a God - the7Saviors

Peace had finally been achieved after years of war, but then they came—the monsters who would devour the world. In a desperate attempt to survive, we united and became the ones who would devour the monsters. It's been 113 years since that day.

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Prologue – In the Beginning

Long ago, long before the Voracious Gods came and ravaged our planet, Equus had been embroiled in an endless world war.

The battles were brutal and unrelenting -- we fought and we fought until we completely forgot what we were fighting for. Not even the Princesses who had lived and fought during such a violent era, remember why -- only that we fought. It was said that the original reason became lost to time even as the wars raged on.

In hindsight, we probably weren't any better than them.

Over time however, through some miracle that had also been lost to time, we managed to return to our senses and a peace was brokered between all sapient races of Equus.

It was... an odd time for the world.

We had been warring for so long that we had forgotten what it was like to truly be at peace. Eventually, over the span of a few centuries, we learned and adapted to our new way of life.

Entire nations were built and rebuilt from the ground up, countries flourished, the people grew happy and content, the world economy rose to new heights. Science, technology, and magic came together in a harmonious balance that shaped life into something truly wondrous.

But then they came.

Monsters of all shapes and sizes spread across the world like a horrible plague -- powerful, vicious, deadly, and hungry. Before any of us knew it, there were too many to count, and as they descended upon us, they consumed anything and everything in their path.

Organic, inorganic... everything.

We called them the Avidaeos, the Voracious Gods, for we could not stop them in their single-minded drive to devour all... at least, not at first. Many died and civilization nearly collapsed once more.

But we held on.

Every metropolis, town, city, village, and hamlet that wasn't completely destroyed by the Avidaeos were made into fortresses. Even then, they didn't always deter the beasts from their wanton destruction and consumption.

For the longest time we could do nothing but cower behind our walls, waiting for the inevitable attack that would finish us off.

As our world fell further into ruin, we realized the only way to survive was to adapt and unite -- not as separate countries and races -- but as a single cohesive entity.

To that end, the top scientists from every race and Equestria's very best thaumatologists came together in a joint effort to discover the origin of these creatures, and out of this joint effort, the Wendigo Corporation was born.

Based in Canterlot, the Wendigo Corporation dedicated itself to researching anything and everything that involved the Avidaeos, and creating the means to counteract them.

It took many years and countless lives, but eventually we gained more of an understanding of what these creatures truly were. At first, we used what we discovered to build better defenses against the beasts, then we realized through more trial and error what would work against them.

Eventually, through the sacrifice of one brave soul, we found a way to fight them.

building upon this new knowledge, the Daeus Arms were created, and soon after that, the first generation of the Daeus Hunter Defense Force was formed.

By this point, the Wendigo Corporation had already overshadowed many of the governments and ruling classes of the world, reducing many leaders to mere figureheads.

At first, many did not take well to this change and fought against it, but as Avidaeus attacks grew worse and world leaders failed time and again to deliver on their promises of a safer tomorrow, more and more citizens put their faith in Wendigo.

They had set up several branches all over Equus, and the D.H.D.F. were deployed in every single branch to defend against the relentless attacks by the Avidaeos.

The risks of becoming a Daeus Hunter were great, but those who agreed to join their ranks were convinced that the rewards would be much greater in the long run.

Those affected by the Avidaeus attacks could finally get revenge for all their suffering, they could finally protect their friends and loved ones, and those with hope in their hearts for a better tomorrow could make it happen with their own hands.

Recruitment was at an all time high, with more and more people of every race signing up everyday, though not everypony that applied made it in. It turned out the risks involved reached much farther than just deadly fights against the Avidaeos.

Still, many applied, and some were even drafted in a few areas, and in time, a sizable force large enough to be spread across each country ensured our continued survival.

It may seem like a hopeless battle, with the Avidaeos able to adapt far more effectively than we ever could, but we're all willing to do our part to fight for this ravaged planet we call home. Something has to give, and we'll make sure it's them, not us.

It's been one hundred and thirteen years since the Daeus Hunter Defense Force was founded, and now it's my turn to take up the fight against the Voracious Gods.

My name is Twilight Sparkle, and this is the story of how I went from a simple researcher employed by the Wendigo Corporation, to a heroine in the eyes of a small town, and the very special friends and comrades-in-arms that helped guide me along the way.

Author's Note:

Got an idea for this after posting a response in a thread, and I figured if no one else was gonna make this crossover, then I might as well try my hand at it.

If you have made this crossover or know one that already exists let me know. I love God Eater and I love MLP, and I think it's about time someone mashed the two together. :twilightsmile:

Note: Avidaeos is plural and Avidaeus is singular.

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