• Published 28th Jun 2018
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To Devour a God - the7Saviors

Peace had finally been achieved after years of war, but then they came—the monsters who would devour the world. In a desperate attempt to survive, we united and became the ones who would devour the monsters. It's been 113 years since that day.

  • ...

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Chapter XIII – A Surprising Visit

Vinyl and Seeker finished the rest of the registration, and at Whooves' insistence, we made our way up to the third floor via the elevator. Both the infirmary and lab were on this floor, and while I wanted to check in on Fluttershy, the doctor had other plans.

We moved past the door to the infirmary and made our way further down the hall to another door at the end. It was just before the door that Doctor Whooves stopped and turned to us, his familiar friendly smile in place.

"And here we are fillies and... gentlecolt," he nodded towards Seeker, who gave no sort of response. Whooves didn't let that bother him and simply continued, turning the door knob and pushing the door open as he addressed all of us, "now then, there'll be no need to worry here. This will be a simple procedure, like your average visit to the doctor's office, nothing more."

He stepped inside and the rest of us followed after him. I took a moment to look around the room and was rather surprised at how minimalistic the place was. The walls were the same depressing brown-grey metal as the waiting room where the Daeification Chamber was.

Though unlike the waiting room, this room was smaller. It looked very much like an office itself, with its singular desk in the middle of the room, two large bookshelves, no doubt full of tomes on engineering and the various sciences, a long bench not unlike the ones in the waiting room, and not much else really.

There were two red metal doors on either side of the back wall, one had a large yelllow triangular sign with an exclamation point and the word 'CAUTION' printed on it. The other had nothing adorning it. I imagined one of the rooms held the actual laboratory, but I couldn't guess what was behind the other door.

"Seeker, if you'd follow me to the lab, we can get started right away. Miss Vinyl, Miss Sparkle, if you two will please have a seat just over there for a moment," the doctor continued, nodding towards the bench on one side of the room, "I'll have Mister Seeker out in a jiffy."

With that, Whooves and Seeker made their way over to the door with the sign, stepping through as it slid open to admit them. The door slid shut again and Vinyl and I sat down on the bench to wait. For a time things were quiet, save for the faint sound of bombastic music coming from Vinyl's headphones.

I turned to the door Doctor Whooves and Seeker had just gone through, and heard nothing from within. I couldn't help but wonder just what the doctor intended to actually do. He'd said it would be like a normal visit to the doctor's office for a routine check-up, but I wasn't quite convinced.

I shook my head and sighed before turning my attention to Vinyl Scratch. The mare didn't seem to have a care in the world, sitting there relaxed against the back of the bench and bobbing her head to the music, her eyes hidden behind her large violet shades and a faint smile on her face.

There always seemed to be a faint smile on her face, like she knew for a fact everything would work out in the end. I envied her for being able to take things as they came, and wished I'd had a bit more of that attitude.

It always felt like I was worrying about one thing or another, and that'd been especially true now with how drastically my life had changed in the blink of an eye. Looking back down at my armlet, I frowned slightly and wondered how it had come to this, and why.

"Hey, you alright there, Sparks?" came Vinyl's voice, a hint of concern coloring her rather deep tone, "you look like somepony next in line for the gallows."

I turned to see Vinyl with her headphones around her neck and a worried frown adorning her face as she looked back at me. For a second I didn't know what to say, then I sighed and looked away towards the entrance to the lab. I was silent for another moment before finally speaking up.

"Hey, Vinyl," I began, not sure where I was going, "what do you think about all of this? You probably had a bunch of things you wanted to do besides becoming a Daeus Hunter, right?"

"Sure," Vinyl replied easily, "I was a DJ back in Manehattan, and a damn good one if I do say so myself, which I do," she leaned back against the bench and sighed wistfully, "DJ Pon-3 they called me. Played some crazy gigs in nightclubs all over the city, and when I wasn't mixing tunes or playing gigs, I slept all day and drank with my friends all night. Good times..."

I furrowed my brow in thought.

I'd heard the name DJ Pon-3 somewhere before, but I couldn't place where. I didn't really listen to anything you'd hear in a nightclub, so the fact that I knew the name baffled me. A moment later it finally hit me.

"Oh, now I remember!" I exclaimed, my eyes widening with recognition, "one of my friends, Minuette, she used to listen to your music all the time, still does, I think. She talked about going out to Manehattan to see one of your performances live, but never really got the chance."

"Bummer," Vinyl replied with a sympathetic shake of her head, "things get pretty wild during my shows, she probably would've had a blast."

"Yeah, maybe," I responded absently before frowning, "but what about you though? From the sound of it, you had a pretty great life. Why give that up and become a Daeus Hunter of all things? I know you said your granddad convinced you, but is that really all it was?"

Vinyl's smile slipped a little and she turned away with a humorless chuckle.

"Nah, there's more to the story than that, Sparks, believe me," she paused a second, her expression inscrutable behind her shades. She spoke again in a quieter tone another second later, "...I kinda bucked up and got myself into a bit of trouble back home."

"Oh," I replied, not liking the sudden bitter atmosphere, "I'm... sorry to hear that. If you don't wanna talk about it, that's fine."

Vinyl remained silent before nodding slowly.

"Yeah, that's probably for the best right now," her smile returned as she turned back to me, though it didn't feel as genuine as before, "anyway, it's nothing you need to worry about, Sparks, and to answer your original question, I'm pretty cool with this."

"Really?" I asked incredulously, "how though? I was terrified when I found out, I still am! There's every chance we'll die out there, Vinyl. If we slip up..." my frown deepened and I looked at my hands, "...if even one of us freezes up in fear, that could be it."

"Maybe, but here's the thing, Sparks," Vinyl removed her shades and turned to face me, her expression more serious than I'd ever seen it, "things might seem like they're stable now, and that we're finally starting to rebuild our lives, but that ain't the case at all."

I stared at her, once again unsure of what to say. She took no notice and continued speaking.

"The DHDF was only founded a little over a hundred years ago. I know that might sound like a long time ago, but in the grand scheme of things, it's not. Not really. Equestria and the rest of the world is still on the brink of being wiped out by those things out there.

"There's still a lot of things we don't know about the avidaeos, and they still outnumber us all almost three to one. It doesn't matter if we're scared, and our lives are always gonna be at risk no matter what we do."

With that said, she pushed her shades back onto her face and leaned back again with a small shrug.

"We're not gonna save the world from these things if we just cower behind walls," she gave a small genuine chuckle, "if Equus is going down, we're sure as Tartarus not gonna go down without a fight, at least, that's what gramps always said. Stuck with me, y'know?"

"Very well put, Miss Scratch."

Both Vinyl and I turned towards the room's entrance just in time to see Director Mare and Harshwhinny walk in. My eyes widened in surprise as the two looked around the room, no doubt looking for Doctor Whooves.

"Your grandfather is a fine stallion, and was one of the best in the field," the director continued, smiling at Vinyl, "I daresay he fought harder than any of us, save for maybe Nightmare Moon herself."

"Miss Harshwhinny?" I asked, looking between the two, "I thought you would've left for Canterlot by now."

"I'm more or less done with business here. The transfer forms have been finalized and you've already been registered," the orange mare replied, folding her arms as she stood near the desk, "I just need to speak with Doctor Turner once more, then I'll be on my way."

"In any case," Director Mare chimed in, "how are you girls finding the Ponyville base so far? I know it's not the most colorful sub-branch in Equestria, but this was one of the first built back when the DHDF was first founded."

"Really?" I asked, looking around with some interest, "I had no idea..."

"Yes indeed," the director replied with a chuckle, "the place has quite a bit of history, but I suppose you'll learn more about all that during training, so I won't say anymore on the matter."

"Right... training," I muttered with a grimace, "can't wait."

"Oh come now, Miss Sparkle, I'm sure it won't be that bad," Harshwhinny said, shaking her head disapprovingly. She furrowed her brows and turned towards the red door the doctor had gone through, "how long is that stallion going to—"

The door slid opened at that moment, revealing a stoic Seeker and a troubled looking Doctor Whooves. He stepped out with his head downcast and a deep frown on his face, causing Vinyl and I to look from him to the dark green stallion he'd been examining.

Curiosity bubbled up within me and I wondered more than ever just what had gone on in there. Had Doctor Whooves found some sort of anomaly in Seeker? I looked at Seeker, trying to find any kind of hint that something wasn't right, but aside from his eerie blank expression, I couldn't see any outward issues.

"It's good of you to join us, Doctor," Director Mare called out, "I trust things are going well on your end?"

At her voice, the doctor looked up, his grim expression turning more genial. It was like he'd never been upset at all, and I found the abrupt change rather unnerving.

"Director!" the doctor exclaimed as though this was all a happy coincidence, "I wasn't expecting you for another half hour or so. I'm afraid I'm not quite done with the, ah... new recruits just yet. Still a few more tests to run and all that."

"Please, no need to rush on my account, Doctor," Director Mare replied, waving a hand dismissively, "I only came to inform you that Applejack and Sweetie Drops have returned. They'll be meeting the recruits in the training room, so be sure to bring them there when you're done here."

"Excellent, excellent," the doctor replied, clapping his hands together before turning to VInyl and I, along with Seeker who'd just sat down next to us, "it seems you'll be meeting your new captains soon enough. Now that'll be a treat, eh? Well, provided you pass training at any rate, but I have faith you'll all do well."

"Indeed," the director agreed, "but that's not the only reason we're here, Doctor."

"Oh?" Doctor Whooves asked, raising an eyebrow as he turned back to Director Mare, "and how else may I assist you, Director?"

"Not me," the director replied, shaking her head. She nodded towards an impatient looking Harshwhinny, "Miss Harshwhinny here would like to have a quick word with you, if you don't mind that is."

"Harshwhinny?" Doctor Whooves asked, looking at Harshwhinny as though he'd only just noticed she was there. His mouth fell into a slight, somewhat insincere looking smile, "...I see. And what can I do for you, Miss Harshwhinny?"

"I'd actually like to speak with you privately," for an instant, the orange mare's rather cold blue eyes flickered in my direction before focusing back on the doctor, "I don't suppose we can use the lab?"

"Of course," Doctor Whooves replied after a moment. He adjusted the clipboard he'd been holding onto before gesturing to the red metal door, behind him, "right this way."

Without another word, Harshwhinny walked past the doctor and towards the lab at a brisk pace, the door sliding open to let her in. Doctor Whooves grimaced a moment before straightening up, adjusting his lab coat, and giving the three of us sitting on the bench an apologetic smile.

"Terribly sorry for the delay, Miss Sparkle, Miss Scratch. I won't be but a moment," he said before giving Director Mare a nod of acknowledgment, "Director."

The director nodded in return and Doctor Whooves quickly followed after Harshwhinny, the door sliding shut behind him. I watched the door for a moment before I was distracted by Vinyl's inquisitive voice.

"What was that all about?" she asked the director, "is there like, some kind of bad blood between the two of them or something? The doc did not look happy to see her."

"To my knowledge they've only met a few times in the past," Director Mare replied, eyeing the door and letting out a small sigh, "I'm not quite sure what the issue is between the two of them, but I think it'd be best for all of us not to worry about it."

"Eh, works for me," Vinyl replied with a careless shrug, "none of my business anyway."

I wasn't quite so willing to let the issue go, at least, where Harshwhinny was concerned. I got the feeling they were talking about me, but I could've been wrong. The look Harshwhinny gave me could've had significant meaning, but it was such a brief glance that I wasn't completely sure it wasn't just my imagination.

It worried me.

"You said the captains were back?" I asked, trying to distract myself, "I was told 1st Unit Leader Applejack would be my Captain if I passed training."

"You heard correctly, Miss Sparkle," Director Mare replied with a nod, "when you and Fluttershy pass training, the two of you will be assigned to the Retaliation Team under Captain Applejack, while Miss Scratch and Seeker here will be part of the Defense Team under Guard Captain Sweetie Drops, though her team just calls her Bon Bon."

Wait, Retaliation Team?

"Um, I don't know too much about squad setups," I replied with a bemused and slightly worried frown, "but from what my brother told me, there should also be a Research and Reserve Team. With me being a researcher and all, wouldn't it make more sense for me to be put in that squad instead?"

"It certainly would be a better fit for you, I admit," the director said with her own apologetic smile, "unfortunately there are no open spots in the squad. The Reserve Team gets deployed far less often than the other two teams and as a result, we rarely have to replace its squad members. On top of that, the Retaliation and Defense Teams need the support far more right now."

"Oh," I replied, a bit dejected and somewhat bitter that I couldn't at least join the team that would've best suit me, "I guess there's nothing I can do about it for now then."

Director Mare eyed me for a moment, her brows furrowed and a scowl on her face. She gave a heavy sigh a few seconds later and spoke again, giving me a reassuring smile.

"Look, I understand what you're here to do and to be honest, I couldn't be more thankful," she explained, "under different circumstances, I would've placed you in the Research and Reserve Team in a heartbeat, but as things stand, it's not possible at the moment."

I was about to respond when the director held up a hand to forestall me.

"However," she lowered her hand and her smile widened slightly, "I'd already planned to have you transferred the moment a spot opened up, so for now, please just bare with it. If the time comes and you still want to switch to the Research and Reserve Team, then I'm sure they'll be happy to have you."

Well... it's something, I guess. Let's just hope I can survive long enough to actually take the offer...

"Thank you, Director," I replied with a half smile, "I appreciate it, and I'll be waiting."

"So that's all well and good, but I got a question of my own," Vinyl said, raising a hand, "I have this friend, Octavia. She moved here and joined the Ponyville Sub-Branch not all that long ago. She wouldn't happen to be on Bon Bon's team, would she?"

"Ah, Miss Octavia," Director Mare mused, "yes, I believe she recently finished her training and joined Sweetie Drops' squad not even a week ago," she chuckled and turned to Vinyl, "quite an interesting mare, that one."

"Sweet!" Vinyl exclaimed, pumping a fist in the air, "damn it feels good when things work out."

I watched Vinyl celebrate with a small smile, happy that the mare had something to look forward to once she passed training. I just wished I could say the same, but the only thing I really had to look forward to was continuing my research into Hive Cells.

While the case of the cannibalistic avidaeus was interesting, it wasn't exactly something I was jumping with joy to investigate. Both Vinyl's celebration and my own thoughts were cut short when the door to the lab suddenly slid open.

Harshwhinny and Doctor Whooves stepped out, the former wearing an expression of professional disinterest and the latter looking somewhat shell-shocked. The moment he stepped hoof outside the lab, he glanced over in my direction and I blinked before furrowing my brow in confusion.

Why is he looking at me like that? What did I do?

From his reaction, I was now thoroughly convinced that whatever Doctor Whooves and Harshwhinny had been talking about, had something to do with me. The doctor must've realized he was gawking, because he coughed into his hand and schooled his features into something more pleasant and unassuming a moment later.

"All finished?" the director asked, turning her attention to Harshwhinny, "the truck is ready whenever you are."

"Yes, I'm done here," Harshwhinny replied, walking past Director Mare and towards the exit, "I'll be sure to let the President know everything went smoothly."

"Good to hear," the director replied, following after the stern faced mare. She stopped for a moment to wave a goodbye to the rest of us, "it was nice seeing you all again, and good luck with your training."

The two mares continued out the door and the rest of us watched them go for a moment. Once they were gone, the doctor rubbed his temples and muttered something I couldn't hear before inhaling sharply through his nose and putting on another smile as he turned to me.

"Right then! Miss Sparkle, if you'll please follow me, we'll have you in and out of the lab in a heartbeat."

Author's Note:

Sorry if the ending is a bit abrupt, but I couldn't find a good spot to finish. :twilightoops:

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