• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 3,779 Views, 134 Comments

30 Minute Sparity - Path_of_cloud

Sparity stories written for the 30 minute pony stories tumblr

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Into the Blizzard

A long purple drake with green spikes running down it’s back landed at the foot of the northern snow mountains, folding his wings up. His spikes were far from the most interesting thing on his back though. Just below his shoulders sat a white unicorn with a curled purple mane and a white and blue scarf and hat. She was holding on to the spike in front of her as an extra safety precaution during their flight.

The mountains in front of them were legendary for two reasons. The first, being the never ending blizzard, and the second, for being the home of the Northern Ice Dragons. A species of dragon rarely seen in Equestria.

The unicorn stepped off the dragon, who stood only half a head taller than her. “So Spike, you ready for a little adventure.”

“With you Rarity, always. How far in do we have to go?”

The unicorn levitated a map over from the saddle bag on her back. “A day and a half walking, considering the storms.”

“Might as well get started then, stay close. I’ll shield you from the snow, wind, and cold with a wing.”

She giggled. “Like I need a reason to be close to you.”

The drake opened his wing, and the beautiful mare snuggled against his side. They began their dangerous trek through the mountains and into the white flurry of the storms.

The two adventurers found themselves in a cave on the side of one of the mountains. A warm, green fire burned, controlled and fueled by magic and the air, in the middle of the small cave. Rarity laid against Spike’s side purring softly in her sleep, enjoying the warmth from his inner fire. It was one of those things he had discovered later in their relationship that he had come to love; it was extremely cute and innocent. He had a hard time getting to sleep without it nowadays. Still this mission and their selection was plenty to keep him awake, staring into the fire as his memories played through his head.

“Spike and Rarity, it’s nice to see two of my favorite subjects,” the large white Alicorn announced from her throne.

“Subjects huh, so I’m guessing this is official business then, mom?” Spike replied.

“Spike, darling, behave. I’m sure Celestia needs us for something very important.”

The sun goddess smiled warmly on the odd couple before her. ”You’re both right. Equestria’s treaty with the northern ice dragons is due to expire in the coming year. I want you two to go ensure another 100 years of peace between us.”

“Why us? Why not one of your diplomats, or even yourself or Luna?”

“An excellent question, Spike! You two represent the pinnacle of our two species interaction. A dragon and a pony, deeply in love with one another. I believe this will go a long way with the ice dragons. On top of that the northern ice dragons are known for their love of beauty and art. Rarity’s natural talent and eye will prove invaluable at winning them over.”

“I’m a fire dragon, how do you know that they’ll be as accepting?”

“Dragons may be more ferocious than ponies, but they believe strong in the bonds of their race. It won’t matter to them.”

Rarity gave Spike a playful jab. “It would be an honor, Princess. Maybe Spike will even learn something from the experience. Thank you for choosing us. Come now, Spike, we have to prepare for our trip.”

Spike still seemed concerned, his few encounters with dragons not being very positive, but he decided to trust Rarity and the princesses’ judgment. The two walked out of the throne room.

Spike stared at his love, still concerned for their safety. Maybe, he was picking up on Twilight’s paranoia. “I love you, Rarity.”

“I love you too, Spikey-Wikey,” she mumbled in her sleep.

Spike let sleep take him in the embrace of his love.

The next afternoon found them at their destination, the northern ice dragon cave-city Glacialis. Upon entering the cave system they discovered giant sculptures of dragons created in ice, as well as flowers and gems. The cave walls shimmered with embedded diamonds. Rarity’s mouth stood agape at the beauty.

A strong cold voice spoke out to them, “What brings you here, little ones?”

Spike answered the giant white dragon that had descended upon them,”Celestia has sent us to forge another treaty between our kingdoms.”

“Ah yes, the princess did send a message about your arrival. Allow me to escort you to the throne room.”

Rarity allowed her manners to speak up, “That would be very appreciated, Mr.?”

“Niveus. So tell me, what do you think of my home, Glacialis?”

“It’s beautiful.”

“Beautiful? Spike, are you blind? It’s amazing I’ve never seen such detailed art, especially on such a large scale. The light from the diamonds accentuates the sculptures perfectly.”

“That pleases me. It’s been a long time since I’ve heard someone compliment my art.”

Rarity gasped. “You did these masterpieces? Do you think you could teach me a little? With this level of dynamic and detail I could really advance my skill.”

“You’re an artist?”

“She is. She’s Equestria’s most talented dress maker and fashion designer, as well as the most beautiful mare in the world.”

“Spike, dear, don’t embarrass me in front of our host here.” Rarity’s cheeks blushed red from the compliment all the same.

“I’m just telling him the truth.”

“You two are interesting. Are you perchance, a mate pair?”

Both of their cheeks flushed red at the dragons faux paus.

“In a word, yes,” Rarity answered.

“How interesting indeed.” The large dragon appeared lost in thought for a moment. “What if I offered to fulfill both your wishes? If you agree to stay here under my tutelage for two months, I will agree to Celestia’s treaty. A pretty good offer if you ask me.”

“Wait. How can you do that? Don’t we need to talk to the king?” Spike asked skeptically.

“You have been.” The old dragon smiled mischievously. “”I find beings much more honest when they aren’t afraid of a title. I like you two, and I have much to teach. For instance Spike, did you know you can breathe ice as well as fire? It merely takes practice and a guiding hand to perfect the skill. I bet you two together could make some beautiful sculptures, and that is something I truly wish to see. So if you fulfill my wish, I shall in turn fulfill yours.”

Spike looked at Rarity, noticing the shine in her eyes as her mind worked it’s artistic magic. “We’ll do it.”

Rarity leaped into Spike’s embrace. “Really?”

“Of course. The look in your eyes says it all.”

Rarity gave Spike a passionate kiss, causing him and the elder dragon to blush.

“Well then little ones, you have much to learn. Let’s get started.”