• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 3,777 Views, 134 Comments

30 Minute Sparity - Path_of_cloud

Sparity stories written for the 30 minute pony stories tumblr

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The Fruits of Labor

Two dark shadows moved quickly over the snow covered hills held within an endless blizzard. One giant one with two large wings, a tail, and a long neck attached to a fierce looking skull. This shadow belonged to a gigantic white dragon with teal spikes. The other shadow was the same in many ways but two. It was many times smaller than the first, and it appeared to have a second head. Its owners were a purple drake with green spikes, and a white Unicorn mare with a purple mane and saddle bag.

The white dragon spoke up, “Your training appears to be paying off nicely Spike. You couldn’t fly in the blizzard at all originally, and now, you’re a natural.”

“Thanks to you, Niveus. I’m just glad Rarity can protect herself with her magic.”

The Unicorn perked up with the mention of her name. “It is quite useful. He’s right though Spike, you really are doing fabulous. Just as Niveus predicated, we'll be in Canterlot in a few hours.”

Niveus smiled wickedly. “Wait till we get out of the snow.”

Spike and Rarity both gave him a quizzical look, but decided against asking him what he meant. Enough time with him had taught them both that he enjoyed surprises.

They flew out of the blizzard into the clear skies two hours later. Almost instantly they shot off at incredible speed.

“You see young ones, if flying in snow storm is easy, than flying in a blue sky is effortless. It all carries over.”

Spike was amazed by his new found speed and wing strength. He decided to try and push it as far as he could, Niveus joining in with a toothy smile. Rarity on the other hand, was holding on for dear life as the trio rocketed through the sky.

Before long a giant, white, stone castle with a city under it that built entirely into the side of a mountain came into view.

Niveus sighed at the site of the grand and beautiful city. “Canterlot, it’s been too long.”

They slowed down their approach as they reached the city, gliding on the air for the last step of their trek. The ponies below gawked at the site of the grand beasts and the beautiful Unicorn.

Niveus slowly seemed to shrink till he was Spike’s size much to Spike and Rarity’s surprise. He shouted to them both playfully, “Something you learn as you get older and too big to fit into most places.”

They landed gently on the steps of the palace. Four mares cheered loudly at their arrival while the two Princesses smiled warmly.

Suddenly, a pink Earth Pony appeared on top of Spike and behind Rarity. “I missed you two so much. You know what this calls for?”

Rarity was busy trying to breath so Spike answered happily, “Let me guess Pinkie, a party.”

Pinkie jumped down. “No silly, A PARTYYYYYYY!”

An orange Earth mare in a Stetson hat trotted over, “Pinkie you scared poor Rarity half to death.”

Rarity having found her composure answered, “Its fine Applejack. Honestly, you’d think I ‘d be used to it by now.” She stepped off of Spike as he lowered himself down and took her place next to him.

A lilac Unicorn trotted over and hugged them both around the neck.

“Miss us Twilight?” Spike chuckled.

“The letters helped, but yes, I did. You two are being grounded to Ponyville until I say so.”

Spike laughed. “I’m a little old for you to being grounding me Twilight.”

“As am I, darling,” Rarity added.

“I don’t care. You’re both grounded and that’s that.”

Rarity and Spike hugged her back. His older sister and her best friend would always be their adorkable, overbearing pain in the flank, and they wouldn’t have it any other way.

“Fluttershy stop hiding behind me. He’s a guest of the Princesses and a friend of Spike and Rarity for Celestia’s sake,” declared the blue Pegasus with a rainbow colored mane to the yellow Pegasus with a long pink mane hiding behind her.

“But Rainbow Dash, he’s a dragon,” Fluttershy whimpered.

“I’ve see you face down dragons before. Now, get over there and say hi already.” In a flash Rainbow Dash had gotten behind Fluttershy and pushed her in front of Niveus.

Fluttershy seemed to lose all her color. “Um… hi- i?” she squeaked

“Hello, little one. Hello, everypony, in fact. Celestia, Luna get down here and take part.”

The dark blue Alicorn walked down first. “It is nice to see you Niveus. It has been too long.”

“Too long indeed my old friend.”

“I hope my son and his mate didn’t give you any problem during their stay Niveus,” the white Alicorn announced.

“None at all. Have you been in the cake again Celestia? I don’t remember your flank being so shapely.” Niveus wore a shit-eating grin.

Celestia blushed, finding the floor suddenly very interesting. “Must be your imagination.”

“Speaking of imagination, students are you ready to show your friends and family the fruits of your labor?”

Spike and Rarity suddenly stood before Niveus and spoke together, “Yes sir.”

“I suggest we all adjourn to the stairs.”

Spike and Rarity stood before the entrance to the castle facing the town. Spike took a deep breath, but instead of blowing a wall of flame, he released beam of blue and white with a huff. The beam hit the ground forming into ice. The ice quickly ascended, rounded at the top, and then descended back to the ground creating a giant arch of ice. Everyone but Niveus looked on in shock at the drake’s new ability. Before they could say anything, thirty diamond tipped chisels held in a light blue aura levitated out of the saddle bag Rarity carried.

“Ready, Spike?”


Suddenly, the chisels all started chipping away at the ice as Spike took off into the air. He quickly flew around the structure and used his claws to carve into the ice. His fire breath melted away any unnecessary ice as he worked. The quick work created a small snow fall on the ground below as they worked effortlessly together. The watchers stood with their mouths agape, sans Niveus, as they watched the arch of ice take form. The two finished as Spike used his wings to blow off any ice shaving and landed next to Rarity.

Rarity and Spike shared a small kiss and a nuzzle as they admired their work.

Before them stood a perfect, larger-than-life replica of the Sun and Moon Princesses rearing on two legs, their front hooves meeting in the middle where a crescent moon eclipsed the sun directly above and between.

“So Celestia, how do you like your new archway?” Niveus asked smugly.

Spike and Rarity joined the group who stood in silent amazement at the beautiful piece of art before them.

“Not bad, huh?” Spike asked with the same smug look the older dragon was wearing.

“Not bad, psh. We were amazing my love,” Rarity answered for everyone.

Niveus looked proudly at his disciples. “Celesta, Luna don’t you think you should work a little magic to keep it from melting?”

Luna snapped back to reality. “Of course. Come on Sister, if these two can work together to create this, surely we can do the same to preserve it.”

Celestia nodded her head in agreement. “Together.”

Their horns lit up in a white and blue aura as a mixture of the two surrounded the sculpture sealing it forever in its glory.

“Now, I think we have a treaty to sign,” Niveus announced, heading into the castle with the Princesses in tow.

Rainbow Dash flew up to Spike, “You, me, race, now!”

Comments ( 33 )

Boy, dragons must be naturals at giving shit eating grins :rainbowlaugh:

1088174 Wink wink nudge nudge hulabaloo :ajsmug:

im so glad that u decided to continue this, this could be given its own story man, not as part of thriry minute sparity

Like I said this deserves its own story in itself. It deserve more than just the thirty minute sparity...

Skype ain't working right. FlimFlamBros. and I are blaming you are to blame for it.

Man, not even Rainbow Dash could keep up with Dragon wings.:rainbowdetermined2:

please continue?

1089032 no not adorable he ment it like A DORK ABLE
also I:heart:SPARITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:moustache::heart::raritywink:

The story seemed a bit on the short side bit was awesome regardless. Sparity is one of my favorite pairings and this was great! I really enjoy the fact that you managed to create such a smooth storyline in such a small fic!

1165006 Well it's not so much a fic as just a continuation depending on the prompts.

I wouldn't really call it a loophole myself... but whatever suits you.

I agree with others. There is a strong potential for a proper story here...

In fact, you won't mind if I use the entire 'Frost dragon treatry' thing as a basis for a story would you?

... No comment.

1258076 Go for it. I have a rather large amount on my plate at the moment anyways.

1500750 What does that mean?

1881183 Just that I have been very busy lately.

Path_of_cloud, your stories never cease to amaze me. Now only if you would finish them, lol.
But seriously, I don't even know how you get dislikes on any of your stories.

2610030 It would seem so.

2610058 I thought about, but it seemed a bit cliche and my ending was way better :rainbowlaugh:

2610115 Psh, everyone knows that's only in video games. Real Pokemon can know as many moves as they want!

5439377 Well it hasn't been updated in forever to be fair.

5525453 Still good is good, Like fine wine.:twilightblush:

Hey mate, I know this story hasn't been...uh...alive? Or something...?
But, uh, I dunno if it's appropriate to say this now, but uh
Knighty added an Anthology tag...and this is a collection of Sparity one-shots...

No reason to leave it with just the old tags if new ones exist.

Oh cool then thanks.

Further continuity! I loved the demonstration that the two gave, although I felt that I had to imagine what Rarity was doing with those thirty chisels myself while you described what Spike was doing. Also, it was difficult to tell how tall the sculpture was until after it was finished. You could have indicated how tall the ice pillar was when Spike had finished creating it with his ice breath.

Regardless, another charming addition for these two, especially when you indicate that Rarity actually has some pretty powerful magical aptitude; not so much as Twilight, obviously, yet magic would not have much of a point if only unicorns of Twilight's level could learn advanced incantations. I wish that they would show more of Rarity's magic in the show. They did demonstrate that she can use a lighting spell during the second Halloween episode and those intriguing effects when showing off her dress designs to Hoity Toity during the first season, yet that appears to be the only time that they showed such advancement.

The proper lady should have a fight scene. xD

I'll respond to all your comments in this one for the sake of ease and space. One, nitpick my spelling and grammar errors all you like, I appreciate the opportunity to fix mistakes and present a cleaner story. In other words, thank you. I will fix those errors as soon as I send this.

Second I'm glad you've been enjoying these old challenges, there's a lot of things and ideas within that I'm glad I had a chance to get out. You have been pulling some old stories (Though I find the holiday ones start getting a lot of views around those times of years, so you're a bit early to that party.) out and enjoying them, which is great.

Yeah the initial rush really caused me to miss some pretty clear indicators, but those mistakes have brought me a long way when improving myself. It's nice to look back and see my evolution as an author.

Finally, as for the Niveus matter, I believe you are looking for a story in my collection called Eternal. None of my stories are, "dead" I am simply insanely busy in life and writing is often long and few between unfortunately. I hope to see a change in this in the coming year with a rather large change to my life. As for Rarity's magic, Rarity actually seems fairly powerful in the show compared to many unicorns, she has an insane amount of control and precision that others outside Twilight's god tier seem far from. This is show cased in Art of the Dress particularity. Shes easily controlling dozens of items in her magic of different size while making them all act in unique ways and perfectly in harmony.

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