• Published 3rd Aug 2018
  • 3,102 Views, 168 Comments

Alternate Beginnings: Year Four - Doug Graves

Four years after Doug arrives in Equestria and the mares of Herd Apple are still going strong. Well, relatively speaking; Rainbow is on the road to recovery while Applejack and Pinkie Pie add new members.

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13 The Sharpened Blade

May 10th, 996

The loud ring of metal on metal sounds from one of the barns on Sweet Apple Acres, located further back and away from the main drag. Doug had been moderately surprised years ago that the Smith family only had the one small smithy, barely even a furnace, that they used for small repairs. It didn't go as hot as the blacksmith's or the farrier's, but it works for getting the iron plowshares back in shape. Big Mac normally is the one who does the repair work of their tools, firing up the forge and swinging hammer to metal.

Every Apple assists in construction work, but for minor repairs of their existing structures it is sometimes easier to pay one of the unicorns to heat something for a bit of welding instead of taking everything apart, carting it to town or to the 'burn barn', and then taking it back and replacing it where it needs to go. Rarity assists for the smaller pieces, that just need a minor amount of adjustment, or a little help holding everything in place, but she doesn't quite have the oomph a few of the other unicorns have when it comes to fire spells. It pains Applejack every time they have to use magic to fix things, that what they were doing 'weren't natural', but she would go along with it. Begrudgingly. If there is no other option. Which often means Doug helping Big Mac remove and cart the relevant piece to the burn barn.

"No, you want to hit the red part, that didn't sound right."

Doug grunts as he repositions the heavy hammer, striking the softer section of the metal. Big Mac nods at the duller thud, the red earth pony watching Doug as he tries to straighten out the twisted metal, the heavy pony-style gloves making things a little more difficult for the human. It is easier for him than the ponies to work on something delicate, their ability to grab things diluted by the thick material. Their increased strength and stamina, though, tends to let them work the forge easier than he can, especially if they are working on enough things.

Big Mac had been working on plowing one of the new fields to the southeast. It got... well, not quite dangerously close to the Everfree Forest, since the train tracks are in the way of actually trying to plow Everfree land, but still a few stones throw away. Those areas tend to run a little rougher, as if the ground itself isn't quite tame. The plow had hit a snag, some root or rock or a contemptuous essence golem. The sudden stop caused Big Mac to lose his footing, sustaining a nasty gash on his front leg, lending more credence to the golem theory, since there weren't any stones in the area that could have done that.

The earth pony had howled precisely loud enough to get Applejack's attention, and immediately stopped as soon as he knew help was on the way. Nopony questioned this assertion, and neither Applejack nor Big Mac would speak more on the issue. The golem, if there in fact was one, may or may not have been punted far enough into the Everfree Forest that nopony would be finding the gem. If there was a golem to begin with. Doug only knows that not every piece of the plow had been recovered, part of the reason he is here helping repair and replace some of the broken or missing pieces. Fortunately Big Mac isn't permanently injured, but the wound is bad enough to keep him from hard labor.

Big Mac inspects the piece of metal Doug holds out, the stallion holding a bandaged foreleg to his chin. Big Mac nods in approval and looks back to the plow; only two more pieces to go. He winces as he puts his leg back on the ground; fortunately, earth ponies, especially Apple ponies, heal quickly, but it will still be a day before he can get back to plowing the easier sections, and probably two before he tries his hoof at the southeast field again. Doug had expressed a willingness to help out, and had finished most of his other duties around the farm. They would swap it around, have Doug plow one of the new fields, then Big Mac wouldn't fall too far behind.

Doug had readily agreed, so the human will be taking his turn at the plow, just as soon as they finish here. Doug finishes heating the next section, holding the metal on the anvil, stopping at Big Mac's quick, "Nnope." Doug glances over at Big Mac, then back at the metal, and with a sheepish grin flips it over. Big Mac confirms with a nod as Doug begins hammering the next piece, making the bend in the metal sharper instead of hammering it flat.

"So, Big Mac, you, uh, found any mares that you're interested in?"

Big Mac fixes Doug with a hard stare as if daring the human to continue his line of questioning.

Doug, however, remains oblivious as he focuses on hammering, "You know, a lot of the earth ponies in town are pretty cute."


"Oh? You like some of the pegasi?"

Big Mac huffs, saying nothing, shifting a little as he looks away.

"A unicorn?"

Big Mac's eyes dart back and forth; he raises a foreleg to his mouth, trying to hide a nervous gulp before he sets his composure straight again. "Nn... Nnope."

Doug watches the earth pony as he returns the plowshare to the fire, "Well, I'm not judging or anything. Look at me; I certainly never thought I would end up with a pony before I came here. Much less five." He glances over at Big Mac, the stallion still with a nervous expression on his face. "Is it that important to you? You want me to just drop this?"

Big Mac slowly shakes his head, "It's just..." He sighs, pondering how he wants to phrase his next statement. "Ah want to find somepony who will be happy with me on the farm."

"So, no Aloe and Lotus then? I hear they are, ahem, a package deal."

Big Mac snorts, wincing as he stamps his foreleg to the ground. "Ah ain't dealing with those two, not again."

"Again?" Doug smirks, removing the plowshare from the furnace.

Big Mac stares at Doug impassively, who goes back to reshaping the metal.

"So, you looking to find a mare or two who want to help on the farm like Applejack and I do?"

"Well... Ah suppose that would be nice, but as long as you and Applejack are around here Ah don't think that's needed." Big Mac glances back and forth, "Though, we have a lot of land we ain't using to the full potential."

Doug nods, flipping the plowshare over to even out a section, "What about somepony who would help sell the produce? I rarely see you out there, but I know that's because you like working the fields and dislike working the store."


"So, anypony come to mind?" Big Mac stares into space as the sounds of hammering cease, Doug holding the plowshare up to the good one he brought for comparison. He returns it to the furnace, looking over at Big Mac. "I can think of one, well, three. Or maybe more, I don't really keep up with who is dating whom, you know?"

Big Mac smirks, "Is one of them Ms. Swirl?"

Doug nods, "I think she's still a little miffed Pinkie Pie got snatched up before she did. And I know she wants foals, too." He shakes his head, "Or that's what Pinkie says, anyway."

"It would be nice, having somepony dedicated to selling apples and whatnot. But, Ah don't know, we never really... clicked the couple of times Ah've gone into Sugarcube Corner."

"Well, I'd hardly say that Fluttershy and I 'clicked', even after the first date. It took a while to really get comfortable with her, and her with me. But now, she's having a foal, and both of us couldn't be happier."

Big Mac's eyes fall as he sounds a little depressed, "Ee...yup."

Doug glances over as he withdraws the plowshare, slight confusion as he looks at Big Mac. "Is... um..." He pauses, scratching his head with his forearm, the heavy glove depositing soot in his hair, "Did you have feelings for Fluttershy before?"

"Ah... It ain't right, thinking about another stallion's mares that way." Big Mac looks away, trying to focus on anything in the room instead of the human standing in front of him.

Doug slowly nods, "I get that. I'm not worried or anything," Big Mac's eyes narrow as he stares at the wall, "Or accusing you of anything, of course, but I did want to ask you something else." Big Mac turns, the glare in his eyes turning neutral. Doug says, "If a pony lies with another pony, what does that mean?"

Big Mac stares at Doug for a long time before he deadpans, "Ah didn't think Ah'd need to explain the facts of life to you, but here goes."

Doug laughs as he miss swings his hammer, fortunately impacting the anvil instead of his hand. He notices the smirk on Big Mac's face as he says, "Okay, I walked into that one. Maybe I should have been more specific. If a pony is laying down, all four hooves on the ground, and another pony lays down next to them, on their side with their back pressed up next to the first pony's side."

Big Mac looks at Doug, raising an eyebrow, "Ah think Ah follow you, but it might be easier to demonstrate."

"I suppose. You know if Applejack is around?"

Big Mac shakes his head as Doug finishes the plowshare, satisfied with the result. The last plowshare just takes a few hits, not even needing to heat up. "Ah think she's busy with the orchards. Feels like its always apple bucking season around this time of year. So, just lay down on the ground, and show me what it was like. Was it with Pinkie Pie?"

Doug shakes his head, "No, Silver Set." Big Mac raises an eyebrow, but says nothing. "Her foals were crying, and I offered her some of Applebaum and Lemon's bottle, then she lay next to me." Doug sits back against the wall, Big Mac slowly walking towards him. Doug motions with his hand and Big Mac turns around so his head will be laying next to Doug's feet. He looks over his shoulder, Doug nodding, and lays down. His large back presses against Doug's leg, threatening to push him over.

"Like this?"

"Yup, though she is quite a bit smaller than you, so I wasn't pressing up against her as hard."

"Eeyup. It's a fairly innocent position; she don't mean nothing by it, just that she trusts you and is friendly."

"And if my hand happens to rest on her? Or scratch her side and belly?"

Big Mac turns his head, eyes narrowing as Doug demonstrates, "As long as that's all your scratching, but Ah'd be careful there." He turns his head back, resting against Doug's leg. He stiffens for a moment before relaxing as Doug's hand rests on his side, giving a low, quiet moan as the fingers start to rub up and down. He lays still, tongue slowly lolling out of his mouth before his ears perk up.

The barn doors open, Applejack walking through. She spots the two laying down on the floor, a grin spreading across her face as her gaze drifts lower, "Well, Ah knew something was getting hot in here." Big Mac's face turns red, more than his normal coat coloring, stammering a few times as Applejack continues, "Ah know it's not very common, but sometimes a herd does have two stallions in it."

Doug grins, taking his hand away from Big Mac to help contain his laughter. Applejack saunters over, grabbing one of the large sledgehammers along the wall, "Generally they try to take in a few more mares, to try to keep the numbers about where they would be if it weren't for the stallions'... you know... proclivities."

Big Mac's face manages to get close to purple as he shakes his head back and forth, Applejack shushing him with a hoof. She leans in close, "It's okay, Mac, Ah'll be sure to keep my bed separate from yours." She moves her muzzle forward, her hot breath on the stallion's face.

"Nn... you're joking, right, Applejack? Sis?"

Applejack slowly lowers her head, pushing her face into the crook of his neck, taking a long sniff of the stallion's sweat. "Of course Ah am; Ah'd never keep you away from my bed." She winks at Doug, turning and flicking her tail over Big Mac's head before sashaying out the door, closing it behind her.

Doug's discipline fails, bursting out laughing as Big Mac shifts a hind leg and covers his head with his hooves. Doug pushes against Big Mac's barrel as he stands up, leaving the wide eyed earth pony trying to cover himself as he rolls onto his back, his support suddenly gone. Doug busies himself with packing up the pieces of still warm metal, splashing a bit of the water barrel on himself to help with the heat and calm himself down. He begins securing the various pieces of the plow while Big Mac composes himself, slowly getting up.

"Ee... She was joking, right? She don't really think that about us?"

Doug reaches over, patting the stallion's mane, "Nope. She was joking, and she knows that it's really hard to get me. In fact, I'd probably have kissed you if I thought I could keep a straight face afterwards."


Doug nods, "Yup, really. See?" he motions down, "Still limp. Nothing going on between us. I... didn't bother to check you." Big Mac goes red again, somehow managing to not confirm Doug's assertion. Doug laughs, "Kidding, Kidding. Jeez, we might need to tease you more often, I'd hate to see you get this way when the mares really start joking around."


"Oh, fine." Doug starts dragging the plow outside, "What were we talking about?"

"Ah think we were talking about what kind of mares you were going to ask out, since we'll need a couple more to round out the herd."

Doug grins at Big Mac, "Well played, sir, well played. I guess, I haven't thought too much about it. You know what Spoiled Rich did, right?"


"Well, I guess we're what, nearly halfway done with that? Before I can really start courting another mare, if I was in fact interested in any. I figured I would wait, see which ones are still available when the time comes. No sense in pining after a mare when I can't pursue her, just to see her fall into some other stallion's clutches." Big Mac sighs as they walk along the road, "You know I don't hold it against you that you were, or are, interested in Fluttershy, right?"

"Eeyup. It's just, you know, a little hard when every fifth day she comes over here, and Ah know what the two of you are doing. Or when you head over to her place on other days."

Doug nods, "You know, if you got a herd of your own, your own place, it might not bother you as much."

"Or if you got your own place."

Doug nods, "You know, that isn't a bad idea. The farmhouse does get a little crowded, when the whole herd is here."

"Eeyup. Ah still think you're a terrible influence on Applejack, you know."

"Yeah, I know."