• Published 3rd Aug 2018
  • 3,112 Views, 168 Comments

Alternate Beginnings: Year Four - Doug Graves

Four years after Doug arrives in Equestria and the mares of Herd Apple are still going strong. Well, relatively speaking; Rainbow is on the road to recovery while Applejack and Pinkie Pie add new members.

  • ...

20 Path of Betrayal

August 12th, 996

"Hmm," Fluttershy mutters to herself as she slowly flies through the oak trees, "This area might be okay, but there aren't a lot of fruit trees besides the Apple's. I need somewhere that has more flowering plants, or berry bushes." This area of the forest is technically part of Sweet Apple Acres, part of the land grant that Princess Celestia had given the settlers those hundred years ago. But the Apple family has not yet converted the land to apple trees, or any kind of productive tree. Not many ponies ate acorns, other than as a delicacy, and there are plenty of other oak groves in the world. So, the Apple family lets the nuts fall where they may, not bothering to gather or harvest them. Her animal friends, though, sure love them, and she'll be sad to see these trees go when the Apple family expands their farmland.

Fluttershy's ears perk up as she hears the soft, fast cadence of paws on dirt. She recognizes those paws! The pegasus glances around, quickly locating the pet she entrusted to Rarity as the dog makes her way down one of the rows of the nearby Apple orchard. "Oh, hello Winona!" Fluttershy exclaims, peering through the branches of the oak tree she is scouting.

Winona barks once, a cheerful hello. The collie cocks her head to the side with a look that asks Fluttershy what she is doing at this part of the farm.

Fluttershy glances over, "Oh, um, I'm just checking up with a few of the birds. Some of them were talking about a colony of fruit bats that is migrating to the area, and I'm trying to find out how many there are. And if I can find a good spot for them. Make sure they don't put too much of a strain on the nearby forest."

Winona barks a few times before releasing a growl, then a deep ruff.

"Well, I suppose I don't spend a lot of time in the orchard. I can understand why you thought I might be somepony else, somepony who isn't supposed to be here. I do mostly go straight to the farmhouse." Fluttershy glances around, "And, it has been a while since we have spoken. I'm sorry, I should have made more of an effort to meet up with you when I've been over at Rarity's."

Fluttershy stops for a moment, as Winona cocks her head to the side, "You know, speaking of, I haven't seen you at Rarity's boutique in... in a long time." She looks away from the tree, putting a hoof to her chin, "And I see Opalescence over there from time to time, and I haven't seen Opal on the farm. Even in her favorite napping spots, like right by the eastern window when the sun comes up."

Winona sits down, wagging her tail and letting her tongue loll out of her mouth in the hot summer heat.

"Well, you're here now, aren't you? Would you like to help me out?"

Winona lets out a short bark, getting up and walking closer to Fluttershy.

"Aww, who's a good girl?" Fluttershy pulls a treat from her small pack, tossing it to the collie. Winona grabs the treat out of mid air, quickly scarfing it down and looking at Fluttershy expectantly. "You can have another treat once we finish. So, like I said, I'm looking for an area that the fruit bats will be able to live. Ideally, it should be somewhere cool, like a cave, and dark, like a cave. And I'm also looking for someplace that has a lot of flowers and shrubs."

Winona nods along, barking twice.

"I haven't thought to try the northwest part. You say that there are some caves in the areas that lead to the mountains?"

Winona gives a happy bark.

Fluttershy nods, "We should scout that way then! Although, it is getting a little late. Hmm, probably an hour to get there. An hour back. And who knows how long it will take to search for an empty cave or two."

Winona looks up towards the sun, there being about three hours left in the day.

"Oh. Hmm. Um. Well, I should let Applejack know that I might be late getting back. Do you know where she is, Winona?"

Winona nods, taking off to the east. Fluttershy flies behind, slowly losing ground to the running collie. Winona barks as soon as Applejack comes into view, the earth pony smiling in greeting. Applejack says, "Hey, there, Winona! Did you find that pegasus?" Winona barks as Fluttershy comes into view, Applejack remarking, "You got her to follow you too?" She looks up, spotting the yellow pegasus, "Oh! Uh, hey, Fluttershy, how are things?"

"They are going well, Applejack. I was trying to find a place for a new group of fruit bats-"

"Uh-uh." Applejack shakes her head, "No way, no how."

"Um. Okay?" Fluttershy cowers down, hiding behind her mane.

Applejack stares at Fluttershy for a few seconds before sighing, "Ah suppose Ah should let you fully explain, huh? Just know, Ah ain't letting any fruit bats near the farm, and Ah ain't budging on that."

Fluttershy nods, "I... I... Okay. I was going to say that I am going to the foothills of the mountains to try to find a place for them, and that I might be late coming back. And if it is okay for me to take Winona with me, but I suppose I should ask Rarity about that."

"Oh. Well, um, thank you for telling me, 'Shy. Ah'm sorry Ah assumed that you wanted the fruit bats to feast on our hard labors."

"It's okay, I haven't actually talked to them yet. Though I'm sure that they would love your apples, and would help spread the trees far and wide."

Applejack's eyes narrow, "Ah huh."

"But, um, so, hows Opal been? Any trouble?"

Applejack's eyes shift back and forth as she takes a step back, "Oh, um, nope! No trouble at all!"

"Oh good, I'm glad the two of you are getting along. Winona sure seems happy, doesn't she?"

Applejack grows even more nervous, "Yes! Very happy, she's been very happy."

Fluttershy smiles and nods, "I'm glad to hear my two friends are doing so well with their pets. Well, I'll go see Rarity, and I'll see you later."

"Ah... Alright, see you later, 'Shy." Applejack wipes the sweat off her forehead, replacing her hat with a loud sigh as Fluttershy takes off, Winona barking as she follows behind. The two quickly make their way back to town, Fluttershy opening the front door to the Carousel Boutique.

"Welcome to the Carousel Boutique, where every garment is chic, unique, and magnifique!" She pauses at seeing Fluttershy and Winona, a brief shudder passing across her face before she composes herself. "Fluttershy! So good to see you, how is everything? Going well?" Rarity glances at Fluttershy, her head tilting a little to the side as she forces a smile.

Fluttershy nods, "Oh, yes, going very well. Is everything all right here?"

Rarity smiles and nods, "Yes, business has gone well today. Lots of repairs, cleaning, that sort of thing on Summer Sun attire before they put it away for another year. Are things going well at Applejack's? I thought you would be over there tonight."

"Applejack is doing fine, same with me. I wanted to ask if it was alright if I take Winona with me; we'll be traveling to the northwest, deep into the forest, looking for some caves."

"Why would I... I mean, excuse me, why would I have a problem with you taking Winona, Fluttershy? Of course it is okay!" Rarity forces a smile on her face. "Of course you already talked about it with Applejack, and I'm sure she had no issue either."

"No, she is fine with me coming back late tonight. Have you had any trouble with Winona?"

Rarity's eyes shift to the side before she composes herself, "Oh, Fluttershy, Winona and I have been getting along better than ever. Right girl?" Winona gives a bark, smiling and wagging her tail. An annoyed Opal gets up from one of the tables, walking to the kitchen and flicking her tail back and forth. Fluttershy stares, confused, as the cat exits the room. She glances over at Rarity, who smiles back at her with a nervous look. "Well... um... I guess I'll be going."

"Alright, Fluttershy. Stay safe!"

"Okay." Fluttershy looks back at the kitchen as she and Winona exiting the Boutique. "Huh," she remarks to the dog, "I wonder why Opal is over here?"

Winona gives a bark, then something between a growl and a deep ruff.

"Oh, she sleeps over there all the time? Well, I can imagine that gets pretty crowded then, with both of you."

Winona growls again, then barks twice.

"Wait, you sleep over at Sweet Apple Acres?" Fluttershy looks to the south as they exit the northwest part of Ponyville. "But... let me get this straight. You stay at Sweet Apple Acres, and Opalescence stays at the Carousel Boutique?"

Winona gives an excited nod, looking back at the Carousel Boutique with a glare and at Sweet Apple Acres with a smile.

Fluttershy sighs, "But, why wouldn't they tell me?" as she picks up Winona, flying over the forest to the northwest.

About an hour later, Rarity closes up the Carousel Boutique. She sighs before nodding resolutely, starting the walk to Sweet Apple Acres. She hesitates before opening the front door, pushing it open. The light in Doug's office is on, as is the kitchen, but the light in the foals room is off. She she spots Applejack sitting in the dining room and starting at an empty plate in front of her. The earth pony's head raises at the clop of Rarity's hooves as the unicorn sits down at the table next to her.

"Applejack," Rarity leads; Applejack says, "Rarity, Ah-" before they both cut off. After a few seconds Applejack says, "You first,"; at Rarity's, "No, you first," Applejack sighs, "Ah think we need to tell Fluttershy about Winona."

Rarity nods as she sighs, "I agree. And not just because she might have figured it out when she came to the store."

"Of course you tipped her off," Applejack says, Rarity neutrally staring back at her. Applejack sighs before grimacing and looking down at her plate, "Well, Ah ain't exactly blameless either. It just got harder and harder, ya know? It's been over a year."

"I... well, for me, I just didn't know how she would take it. Would she be happy knowing that we are happier, and so are Winona and Opal?"

"Ah know what you mean. Ah hoped it would be obvious, that she had figured it out, and didn't say anything. Well, that ain't true, not fully; that's wishful thinking on my part. It's just, Ah knew that every day that went by that we didn't tell her outright made it harder to tell her, and telling her then would make her feel even worse."

"I felt the same way. It was like walking on pins and needles around her, whenever I thought the topic might come up."

"More like walking along the orchard after a rain, trying not to step in any of the puddles."

"Yes, I suppose." Rarity sighs, "And here we are, talking about her behind her back."

"Rares, you're the... well, fourth worst gossip Ah know, after that flower trio."

"Aww, I'm moving up!"

Applejack rolls her eyes, "And we ain't saying bad things about Fluttershy, we're... discussing the best approach. How to deal with her."

"Hmm, yes, we are. So. How do we approach this?"

"Ah don't, Rares. Ah don't know." The two mares sigh, looking around the farmhouse for anything that might give them an idea of what to say.