• Published 18th Aug 2018
  • 14,366 Views, 2,147 Comments

The Infestation of Equiss Prime - Jest

The queen of blades has launched her newest weapon, a ship designed to infest an entire planet in secret. Unfortunatly for her, this ship vanished after launch and crash landed on a distant world filled with colorful ponies.

  • ...

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“I’m surprised that son of yours isn't an early riser like you,” Cadance remarked as the pair trotted down the asphalt road, the sound of their hooves drowned out by the numerous other ponies walking under the mid-morning sun.

Twilight rolled her eyes and sighed. “He’s reaching that magic age, I guess. Though I’m glad he's not actually mine, otherwise I think I would be the target of more of his angst.”

“He is yours, you know,” Cadance reprimanded lightly.

“I know that. I just mean biologically,” Twilight replied as their hooves turned and the construction site loomed over head.

“I don't know about that. Spike doesn't strike me as the angsty type, even if you were his quote unquote real mom,” Cadance exclaimed.

“You should have seen his goth phase then,” Twilight remarked with a sigh.

“Goth phase?” Cadance asked. “Really?”

Twilight nodded. “Oh yeah, he had the makeup and outfits and-”

“Sparkle!” boomed a deep voice from just within the construction site.

The infested mare reached out with magic and psionics alike, her muscles tense and ready to strike as a shape emerged. Striding out from a flap in the scaffolding was the largest earth pony Twilight Sparkle had ever seen, the mare standing a good head and shoulders above even her. In an instant the unicorn went from confident and ready to strike, to slightly unnerved by the small mountain of muscle trotting towards her.

“Who is that?” Twilight whispered.

“That's Steel Heart. Don't take her seriously, she's just trying to rattle you,” Cadance whispered back.

Twilight nodded and watched closely as the enormous grey mare strode up to her, the unicorn quickly scanning her appearance. Her mane was very short, and even shorter on the sides, while her cutie mark was an image of a heart made of steel. Though enormously tall, with a voice deeper than most males, her eyes shone through with an inner, almost childlike glee.

Steel Heart stomped up to the smaller pony, stopping only when their noses were about to touch. “So this is Princess Celestia’s prized pupil. They told me you were tough, but they didn't tell me you had a terrible sense of fashion too.” The mare brushed Twilight’s lapel and scoffed. “I mean, black leather is so last season.”

Twilight knew she should be unnerved or at least annoyed, but even the briefest look into the other pony’s mind revealed that she was thrilled at the sight of Twilight, and that this was all just a game to her. “It's more fashionable than going in one’s birthday suit,” Twilight replied with a smirk.

Though the other pony’s physical exterior seemed to darken, Twilight could tell that inside, Steel Heart was holding back the urge to laugh. “Hmm, this one’s got a mouth on her,” declared the enormous earth pony before taking a step back. “I overheard one of my boys talking about how you might be the first unicorn to give me a run for my money. You up for a little hoof wrestle?”

Twilight could tell the other pony was genuinely curious about Twilight's strength, and the infested mare was feeling confident from an entire day of hard labor. “Alright, sure,” Twilight proclaimed, puffing out her chest. “Where are we doing this?”

Steel Heart smirked and gestured to her right, where a table sat covered in plans and random tools. “Right here.”

Twilight nodded and was about to follow Steel Heart, only to be caught by Cadance’s hoof on her shoulder. “Don't feel bad if you lose,” she cautioned. “Just being challenged has already earned you some bragging rights around here.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “I know she's big, but she’s just a pony. I can take her.”

Cadance shook her head and released the hold she had on Twilight’s shoulder. “Alright, but don't complain when you can't walk after this.”

“Oh, she can't be that bad,” Twilight replied dismissively, before plopping down across from the construction worker.

“Glad to see princess didn't talk you out of it,” Steel Heart exclaimed with a sneer.

“No way. You are going down,” Twilight declared, while pulling her left forehoof from her jacket and pounding her elbow against the table, hoof in position.

“Alright. That's what I like to see!” Steel Heart shouted. “Gather round, boys. This is going to be a good one!”

Twilight smirked as a small crowd formed around them, Cadance amongst them wearing a smirk of her own. “Till one hoof hits the table, right?” Twilight asked.

The larger mare nodded and took Twilight’s hoof in her own. “Right.”

Twilight grinned, the pony channeling a bit of her psionic power into her foreleg, causing it to bulge visibly as she flexed. Around her, ponies whispered and bits were counted, with a smaller stallion collecting the money in a hat.

“Ready?” Twilight asked.


“Augh, that was a terrible idea,” Twilight muttered, the pony lying half on the table, half off.

Cadance shook her head, a small pile of bits floating before her. “I told you to not get overconfident,” she remarked.

Twilight wanted to say something, but all that came out of her mouth was a strangled groan.

“You put up one hell of a fight,” Steel Heart declared, the pony grinning from ear to ear. “You and me are going drinking, and soon.”

Without saying another word, or waiting for a response, the hulking earth pony turned and trotted away, leaving Twilight feeling slightly confused. “What just happened?” Twilight asked, turning to her former foalsitter.

“It seems like Steel has taken a liking to ya,” Cadance declared, before teleporting away her bits.

“I can't believe you bet against me,” Twilight muttered, as she peeled her aching foreleg out of the dent it left on the table.

Cadance shook her head. “You are strong, but you are not ‘crush rocks with your bare hooves for fun’ strong. Besides, I made more than enough to treat us to some ice cream.”

“Ice cream?” Twilight asked, looking around the job site. “But I thought we were going to start work.”

“Trust me, you are going to want some ice cream right about now,” Cadance replied knowingly.

“I’m fine,” Twilight insisted, only to fall over the second she put weight on her left foreleg. “Okay, maybe a little ice cream would be good.”

Cadance chuckled, and slipped in next to her friend, tossing Twilight’s aching hoof over her shoulder. “Come on, let’s go get you some tiger tiger.”

“Cadence, I am not a baby,” whined Twilight as she hobbled down the road, Cadance supporting some of her weight.

“So you don't like tiger tiger anymore?” Cadance asked.

“I never said that.”

“So where are we going to be training tonight?” Cadance asked as the pair trotted down the asphalt road, ponies going to and fro without giving the alicorn or unicorn a second glance.

Twilight smiled, the shift in atmosphere as obvious as it was pleasant. “The roof of your place should be fine with what I had in mind. Though you should probably-”

“Sparkle!” shouted a now familiar voice.

Twilight and Cadance stopped to see the grey-coated mare trotting through the crowd, a small group of construction ponies following in her wake. Most were from their job site, but Twilight could tell a few weren’t, though it was obvious they all shared a profession given their mostly tool related cutie marks.

“What is it now?” Twilight groaned. “Don't tell me you are here to try tearing off my other leg?”

Steel Heart chuckled, her laughter sounding almost like something heavy rolling around inside of a steel barrel. “No, no. I’m here to take you out for drinks.”

Twilight paused. “Well, the drinking age is seventeen here…”

Cadance shook her head. “Nuh uh, no way. You go way too hard, Steel Heart, and Twilight has never drank before.”

“Hey, I have so. Dad let me have some of his beers before,” Twilight huffed indignantly.

“See? She can totally handle it!” Steel Heart declared before patting Twilight on the back hard enough to make the unicorn almost throw up in her mouth. “So what do you say? The night’s on me, Princess.”

“Well that is really generous of you…” Cadance admitted.

“Come on, I can handle this, Cadance. It's just a few drinks,” Twilight reiterated.

“The last time you said something like that you ended up with your hoof stuck in a table,” Cadance pointed out.

“This time will be different,” Twilight offered. “You are going to be there to make sure I don't overdo it.”

“See? It's a perfect plan,” added Steel Heart.

Cadance sighed. “Fine, but I don't like this.”

“Score!” Twilight shouted, pumping a hoof in the air.

“Wait, she's only seventeen?” someone asked.

“Augh, that was a terrible idea,” Twilight murmured, her voice being distorted slightly due to the fact that her head was currently inside of a toilet bowl.

Cadance shook her head as she ran a hoof down Twilight’s back. “I told you that wasn't going to work out. Why did you do that anyway? You’ve never expressed interest in drinking before now.”

Twilight paused, her conversation with Bull coming to mind, namely the part where the guard had mentioned that this was going to be one of the last times Twilight could truly act like an irresponsible kid. “I just… I just… Hurgh.”

Projectile vomit cut off whatever Twilight had been about to say, leaving Cadance to sigh, and continue stroking her friend’s mane, her magic levitating the pony’s bangs out of the way. “There there, Twilight. After this we’ll go get you some water, and you can lie down, okay?”

Twilight nodded.

Twilight pushed the thick sunglasses further up her nose, grumbling as she walked down the street. The clip clop of her hooves was deafening, as was the general din of the crowd, nevermind all their thoughts. It was enough to drown every sound in a veritable sea of noise, and leave Twilight stumbling around blindly, relying completely on Cadance for direction.

“Would you three keep it down?” Twilight asked all of a sudden, turning to Cadance, Silver Bulwark, and Spike who walked next to her.

“We weren't even talking,” Spike pointed out.

“Maybe you should go back to bed for a bit,” Silver Bulwark offered.

“No, I can handle it,” Twilight replied tersely.

Cadance put her hoof on Silver Bulwark’s shoulder. “I got something in mind for her, trust me. It will be fine.”

Silver Bulwark shook her head slowly. “I’m still disappointed you left me looking after Scales while you went out partying. Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve had a good excuse to drink?”

“Didn't you get drunk the night Celestia hired you?” Twilight pointed out irritably.

“I said a good excuse to drink,” Silver Bulwark replied pointedly.

The infested unicorn grumbled to herself as they turned and made their way towards the construction site.

Upon reaching said site, Twilight found that the thoughts of the ponies around her changed suddenly, going from either unconcerned or curious to awestruck. It was enough to make Twilight peek over the rim of her sunglasses and look out over the gathered ponies. The looks of shock and admiration were evident, though they only lasted a second or two at most before they turned and went back to work.

“What's with them?” Twilight asked, while gesturing to the other ponies working on the now half complete apartment building.

“They are impressed by your exploits, it seems,” Cadance replied with a gruff snort. “Though they should be as disappointed in you as I am.”

“So what am I doing today anyway?” Twilight inquired, while looking around. “And where's Steel Heart?”

“She’s probably in the office, come on,” Cadance announced, before trotting towards the small trailer parked at the edge of the construction site.

Without the energy to offer a reply, Twilight merely fell in behind the alicorn, her bodyguard and son trotting alongside her.

Upon reaching the trailer, Cadance pushed open the door and stepped inside before motioning for Twilight to do the same. After the unicorn did so and fully entered into the surprisingly cozy trailer, she found herself feeling better already, as most sound and light could not pierce the walls of the building.

“You’ll be helping Steel Heart with organization today,” Cadance whispered, gesturing to the other side of the room where the pony in question sat hunched over a mess of paperwork, a familiar set of sunglasses resting on the end of her nose.

Twilight nodded and trotted forward, hardly even noticing that the alicorn had slipped out behind her, closing the door as she went.

Plopping down across from the larger pony seemed to startle her from her reverie though, and for a moment their eyes met. “Nice glasses,” Twilight commented.

Steel Heart nodded. “You too.”

“So that was quite the night, huh?” Twilight offered.

“You are telling me,” Steel Heart muttered with a grunt. “Are you the one that’s going to help me coordinate all this?”

Twilight nodded as she looked out over the pile of work orders, funding requests, permits, and other paperwork that covered the large table that sat between them. “Apparently.”

Steel Heart smiled faintly. “Well alright then, let’s see if you can handle your paperwork better than your whiskey.”

Twilight smiled as she looked out over the land below, which seemed less desolate, and all the more beautiful after the recent rain they had received. The mare marveled at all the small signs of life which sprouted out of seemingly nowhere upon receiving a healthy dose of water. Small, withered shrubs Twilight assumed were dead had bloomed overnight, revealing bright flowers. Even the air smelt fresh, the scent of new growth carried on the gentle breeze billowing up from below.

“Beautiful, isn't it?” Cadance asked, gesturing to the land around them as she continued to trot along the wall surrounding the town.

“It's amazing how it all comes alive like it this,” Twilight murmured.

Cadance nodded. “The presence of so many earth ponies brings the very land back to life and soon they might even be able to replant the lush grass this place used to be known for.”

“Really? It seems like that would be at least a decade away, if not longer,” Twilight remarked idly.

Cadance smiled. “With earth pony stubbornness and a little magic, it can apparently happen in a quarter of that time.”

“Wow,” Twilight murmured. “It’s sad that they don't teach you any of this in school.”

Cadance sighed. “Yes, I’m afraid the curriculum is focused more on the learner’s tribe than the others, leaving many ponies ignorant of what the other types of ponies can do.”

Twilight nodded, only to perk up and turn her head when she felt the unique sensation of another pony’s thoughts. Looking ahead, she found that they had walked nearly the entirety of the wall, and were reaching one of the few towers which were actually manned. Glancing within, Twilight could see the flicker of candles, and hear a hushed conversation happening just inside.

“Would you like to meet them?” Cadance offered, the pony stepping forward and reaching for the door to the tower.

“I shouldn't,” Twilight replied quickly. “I wouldn't want to make them think I was trying to learn something I shouldn't know.”

“Nonsense. I’m sure they are just playing a game of poker or something. The town’s militia don't exactly have a lot to do now that Celestia’s soldiers are here,” Cadance replied before knocking twice on the heavy oak door.

Instantly, all sounds of conversation vanished, replaced by a single pony trotting across the room. The door opened slightly, revealing the deep green muzzle of an unarmored militia pony, a suspicious look already on her face. Upon seeing Cadance that suspicious look lightened somewhat, only to come right back when she noticed Twilight standing just beyond.

“It's nice to see you, Cadance. What can I do for you?” the militia pony inquired.

“We were just out for an evening stroll and saw the tower was occupied. You aren't having a game of chance, are you?” Cadance asked with a smile.

“Not exactly…” admitted the the militia pony, her brow furrowing, causing a strand of teal hair to fall over her face.

“It's fine, Cadance, we don't have to intrude on these ponies,” Twilight interrupted.

“I guess it was rather presumptuous of me to assume our company would be welcomed,” Cadance admitted.

“Hey, is that Cadance out there? You should get her in on this!” shouted a male voice from within.

The green-coated militia pony turned and glared at her companion. “But captain, this is for our eyes only,” she whispered harshly.

“Bah, she's a princess. I’m sure she would be able to help us out,” replied the voice.

The green pony sighed and opened the door. “Come on in then, I guess.”

Cadance took a hesitant step inside. “Well, I don't mean to intrude. If you all are doing something important we can leave you to it.”

Twilight followed close behind her friend and was shocked to find that the captain in question was a unicorn with a short, stumpy looking horn with purple fur and a black mane. To his right sat a silent earth pony with brown fur and a grey mane, the militia pony whom had met them at the door being revealed as a pegasus. On the table was a small scattering of maps, most of which were of the town, and included layouts of the sewers, as well as a topographical map of the area.

“Nonsense,” declared the unicorn, who used his magic to pull up a pair of chairs. “The assistance of an alicorn and Celestia’s personal student would be a great boon. Isn't that right, Granite?”

The earth pony merely nodded slowly while giving the newcomers a slow inspection.

“Well, I don't like it,” added the pegasus, who turned her chair around and rested her chin on the back. “This is a military matter, we shouldn't invite civilians in here.”

“Mossy, you are a farmer who just learned how to shoot last week,” deadpanned the unicorn. “If anything these ponies consider you the civilian here.”

The pegasus mare crossed her hooves over her chest and frowned, but said nothing.

“Sorry if we were interrupting anything, Twilight and I were just out for a walk on the wall when we saw the candle light,” Cadance remarked.

“And Cadance was hoping you were playing cards so she could gamble more bits away,” added Twilight with a smirk.

“I was not… nevermind,” grumbled Cadance, shooting Twilight a good humoured glare.

“Well regardless of why you are here, I’m glad you are,” announced the unicorn, who gestured to the maps. “We were just in the middle of creating plans to defend the town should it be attacked.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow, her interest instantly piqued, a fact that did not go unnoticed by the pegasus sitting next to her. “Why would you bother doing that? I thought Celestia’s soldiers were supposed to be here for indefinitely. Aren't they in charge of the defence of this town?”

“Officially they are,” murmured the earth pony, whose voice sounded more like two rocks grinding together than any words created by a normal voice box.

“But they are planning on an excursion in the coming days,” added the unicorn. “And though they shouldn't be gone long, I had hoped to review our plans in case the worst comes to pass.”

“They’ll miss the big celebration we planned,” Cadance exclaimed with a hint of disappointment. “What exactly are they doing anyway?”

The pegasus shrugged. “We haven't been told much, only that there is some zerg force that was straying too close, and they want to put it down.”

“I’d start by creating a failsafe at your water treatment plant, should it ever be breached,” Twilight suddenly declared, while pointing to the facility which lay at the base of the town.

“Why? The pipes are too small to transport enemy forces,” replied Mossy.

“And they would be full of sewage,” added the unicorn.

Twilight nodded. “Yes, but the zerg are unbothered by such things, and zerglings can fit into any place a foal could.”

“It will be done,” declared the earth pony, writing out a few notes on a scrap piece of paper.

“Is there any other insight you could give us?” asked the unicorn, who leaned forward expectantly in his chair.

Twilight paused, only now realizing that everyone in the room, including Cadance, was watching her expectantly. “I… might have a few suggestions, but I would need a full tactical breakdown of the forces and weaponry you have available to you.”

The three militia ponies exchanged a glance, before the unicorn nodded, and pointed to a file cabinet in the corner of the room. “Mossy, give the mare what she needs. Let’s see what she can do.”

Twilight kicked her forehooves idly in the air, letting them swing back and forth from her position at the edge of the apartment's roof, a smile on her face. Another day had passed, and another sunset could be seen in the distance, its last fleeting rays illuminating the now complete structure she sat atop of. Beside her, Cadance sat quietly, the alicorn watching the same sunset Twilight was, her thoughts similarly consumed by the majesty she beheld

“This is nice,” Twilight remarked idly.

Cadance smiled. “I’m glad you came to visit me, Twilight. I don't think the apartment would have been completed on time otherwise, nor would this week have been as much fun as it was.”

“It was pretty fun, wasn't it?” Twilight muttered, a smile slowly crossing her face. “I am glad we were able to include Spike as often as we did.”

Cadance’s smile grew ever so slightly. “The kid has a great mom, you know. Even if she's a little on the young side.”

Twilight chuckled. “And I wouldn't trade him for the world. Well, except for maybe a version of him that isn't scared of heights,” Twilight remarked, shouting the last four words over the ledge of the apartment building.

“Hey, was that an insult?” Spike shouted from the ground floor. “Because there is nothing wrong with disliking heights you know!”

“Come on, Spike, let’s go get some noodles one last time and leave those two weirdos to do their best gargoyle impression,” Silver Bulwark shouted.

“A gargoyle is a waterspout for a building, we would be grotesques!” Twilight corrected.

“You are grotesque!” Spike shouted back before scampering away with Silver Bulwark, the pair both giggling as they did so.

Cadance chuckled. “Maybe he does have a little youthful rebellion in him after all.”

“At least his sense of humour is good,” Twilight remarked with a chuckle of her own.

The two ponies stared off into the distance together, their gazes lingering on the town, and the fluffy white clouds that floated above it. Several minutes passed in relative quiet, both mares content to hang their hooves off the edge of the building while watching the world turn. The serene quiet couldn't last forever though, and soon Twilight found herself unable to resist speaking her mind.

“So… We only have one day left before we’re going back. What do you think we should do?” asked the unicorn with a slight edge of hesitation.

The alicorn hummed thoughtfully and tapped her hoof against the roof’s edge. “I know you wanted to do more training, and to teach me more spells but why don't we take it slow instead?”

“Slow like how?” Twilight inquired.

“We could do board games, a little sightseeing, and enjoy some more of the local cuisine,” Cadance offered. “I know you wanted to get more done, but at least one day of your vacation has to be relaxing. I’m pretty sure that's a rule.”

Twilight found herself nodding along with the alicorn’s idea. “That does sound like a good idea. Besides, I’ve pretty much covered everything I had hoped to cover.”

“Really? I would have thought you had a bunch more planned,” Cadance remarked with a hint of surprise.

The unicorn smirked. “Oh I had a bunch extra planned just in case, but this is all I assumed we had time for.”

“Makes sense,” Cadance admitted.

“You know, I’m going to miss you, Cadance,” Twilight announced with a slight, sad smile. “I have really enjoyed catching up these past few days.”

“I may not be planning on coming back to Canterlot anytime soon, but that doesn't mean we aren't going to see each other again,” Cadance explained.

“I suppose. It's just, with everything that's happening, there isn't really going to be a chance to do this again anytime soon, you know?” Twilight replied.

“What, get black out drunk and throw up on my tail?” Cadance asked with a smirk.

Twilight punched the other mare playfully on the shoulder, only to send the alicorn tumbling forwards, off the building. The infested mare was milliseconds from panicking, only for her psionic powers to catch the playful glee emanating from Cadance. Crossing her forehooves over her chest, Twilight lay there, waiting for Cadance to come back up, which she did a second later.

“Oh come on, nothing? Not even an apology?” Cadance teased as the alicorn flew before the irritated unicorn.

“That was mean, Cadance. I thought you really fell for a second there,” Twilight stated.

“Oh come on, it was just a prank. I have wings, remember?” Cadance exclaimed, flapping her wings a little harder in emphasis.

“You know the old Cadance wouldn't play a prank like that,” Twilight pointed out.

“Well the old Cadance was a sucker, who almost let herself get brainwashed just to keep her boyfriend,” Cadance shot back.

Twilight sighed and looked into the other mare’s eyes, only now seeing the hurt buried deep down inside. After a long moment of silence, Twilight grinned and began to laugh. “You know, I think I like this new Cadance. She's slimmer and easier to talk to. Not like you weren't easy to talk to before, but you know what I mean.”

Cadance nodded and flew back onto the roof, taking a spot to Twilight’s right. “I have always been in tune with my pegasus side and Celestia taught me a lot about what it means to be a unicorn, but after spending time here I finally feel whole. Like there was a part of me always yearning to be set free, and now I’m who I was meant to be from the very beginning.”

Twilight smiled. “I’m glad. You look brighter, more confident even.”

Cadance nodded. “Thank you, Twilight. That means a lot coming from you.”

“So, what do you wanna do for supper? It seems like we are on our own again,” Twilight offered.

Cadance hummed thoughtfully, and tapped her chin. “What about pie?”

“Pie, for supper?” Twilight asked, with a hint of confusion.

“Oh right, you are probably still full on humble pie after Steel Heart fed you so much of it,” Cadance teased.

Twilight growled, and lurched toward the mare, only to catch a whole lot of nothing, as Cadance had taken flight and was giggling just overhead. “I think I’m changing my mind about this whole new Cadance thing,” Twilight lamented.

Cadance blew a raspberry at her friend. “You just say that because you suck at the whole witty banter thing.”

“Well I… At least I don't smell!” Twilight shouted, jabbing a hoof at the other mare.

“Really, that's the best you got? You smell too, dummy. We worked all day,” Cadance replied while shaking her head.

Twilight grumbled under her breath while glaring at the alicorn. “Shut up.”

Twilight trotted through the more or less empty town, putting a good amount of distance between herself and the bustling city hall she had just left behind. The party was nice, and the ponies had largely grown used to her presence, but there were simply too many minds all shouting at her. Spike and Silver Bulwark’s presence had been calming, but the infested mare could only take so much before she needed her space.

Twilight had been quite surprised that Cadance had managed to talk the event organizers into turning it into a celebration meant to welcome the new wave of refugees which had just arrived. The alicorn herself had been in her element the last time Twilight had seen her, the pony mingling with all the new arrivals while also ensuring everything went swimmingly. Spike had been nearby, the dragon accepted surprisingly easily by the general populace, many of whom had met the drake over the last week. Silver Bulwark was the only pony they seemed to still be suspicious of, but that hadn't lasted very long, as the unicorn’s calm demeanor was surprisingly infectious.

A mental ping told the infested mare that her young son had left the hall, and was standing outside with Silver Bulwark. Pushing that thought from her mind, the pony trotted down the almost empty street, smiling as she thought about her little vacation.

Sure, it may not have been as long as she liked, or as productive as she had hoped, but it was undeniably good. All the regrets Twilight had built up in her mind bled away, leaving only a pleasant warmth and a soft smile. The memories she now had were quickly becoming treasured possessions and the pony was already planning on when next they might be able to do this again.

That was until she heard the colossal crack and snap of a mass teleportation spell, one powerful enough to make her horn ache and her ears ring. A second later and a deep rumble emanated from all around her, like a great many heavy objects had just been dropped from several feet. Looking up, Twilight saw a glyph of magical power hover above the city, its power already waning, and causing the glyph to fade rapidly.

“How the hell did...” Twilight muttered in shock a second before the screaming started.

The first came from somewhere to Twilight’s right, and she turned in that direction just in time to feel the full psionic weight of a thousand unthinking minds all pressing against her. Her vision swam, and she could feel her knees go weak, her body struggling to stay vertical under the pressure now assailing her.

She could hear them, feel them, all around her, their incredible hunger and wild animalistic minds tearing at the wall she had built at the back of her mind. With a shove of her power, she reinforced the barrier several times over, making the feral minds fall into the background. With the pressure now dissipating, Twilight pushed her way into a stand, and gave her head a firm shake.

Looking around, Twilight found herself in the middle of a desperate melee, ponies of all shapes and sizes locked in combat with various zerg creatures. To her right Twilight saw an earth pony crush the head of a wide, flat creature with membranous winglike appendages that grew from either side of its body. Two large pincer-like claws sprouted from the forefront of its body, each one easily large enough to crush a pony’s head.

The creature flailed weakly in its death throes, the large red earth pony continuing to stomp on it until there was little left but paste, only to be tackled when a trio of smaller creatures leapt upon his side. Twilight quickly realized that the creatures were the same doglike monsters Twilight had seen in her dreams when she was very young. Instantly the thin, emaciated zerglings began to tear into the earth pony with tooth and claw, yet the earth pony did not falter, keeping them back with a few well placed kicks.

Summoning her magic, Twilight shot a concentrated beam of energy straight through the three zerglings, bisecting one, decapitating another, and cutting all four limbs from the last. The red earth pony took advantage of the opening Twilight had given him, and hopped back up before delivering a stomp to the last living zergling’s head.

“Hey tha-” Was all he could say before a hail of acid reduced his head to a smoking mound of gore.

Ducking into a nearby alley, Twilight heard the scuttling of many tiny legs, and a quick glance from her hiding spot revealed two heavily armored bug-looking creatures scuttling towards her. Their backs were covered with a hardened, spike ridden exoskeleton, with a pair of scythelike appendages sprouting from their shoulders.

Wasting no time, Twilight teleported to the roof above her, putting as much distance as she could between herself and the roaches who had been bearing down on her only a second ago. Her first thought was to end the creatures, and Twilight was in the middle of casting a fireball spell when she caught a glance of the town and the destruction she was made to witness.

All around her, zerg ran rampant, hordes of starving, half-mad creatures rampaging without direction. Some even attacked each other while others simply stood there motionless, as if their very will had been torn out of them. The one thing that remained constant was the fact that they were all starved, thin, and showed signs of torture or experimentation.

“What the hell is going on?” Twilight whispered in shock.

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