• Published 18th Aug 2018
  • 14,351 Views, 2,147 Comments

The Infestation of Equiss Prime - Jest

The queen of blades has launched her newest weapon, a ship designed to infest an entire planet in secret. Unfortunatly for her, this ship vanished after launch and crash landed on a distant world filled with colorful ponies.

  • ...

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The Jacobs Installation

“The tracks head out of town,” Twilight muttered to herself.

She leaned down and touched the small puddle of oil before lifting her hoof up, inspecting it closely. She then lit her horn and cast a quick spell, causing a purple arrow to appear directly in front of her. The magical manifestation pointed forward, well beyond the city limits and back towards the way they came.

“Little Havana,” Twilight muttered. “What did that stallion say? It had a nice bar?”

My queen? Jetstream has returned and is looking for you, inquired Applejack. She doesn't seem very pleased with you either.

Twilight grunted. That's an understatement. She's been trying to reach me over the radio for ten minutes at this point.

What should I tell her? Applejack followed up.

Tell her I require you two and that Quick Buck fellow to meet me at the edge of the city with a vehicle. I’m following up on a lead, Twilight replied.

There was a short pause before Zecora’s neutral tone entered Twilight's head.

She didn't like that, Zecora remarked.

I don't care if she liked it, did she send a transport or not? Twilight pressed.

She did, though she included two extra marines, Zecora explained.

That is acceptable. I’ll be waiting, Twilight stated.

Moving now, Zecora replied.

Twilight turned back to the town and looked out over the settlement while waiting patiently for her ride to arrive. It was quiet, with the inhabitants having remained indoors for the most part. The only thing that had changed since Twilight's arrival was the abundance of eyes gazing down at her from on high.

Shrouded by darkness and obscured by distance, it was difficult to make out who exactly was watching her. Worse still, the mental fog remained, leaving Twilight unnerved by the attention she had garnered. Lacking the ability to determine their motives made things difficult for the mare, but she persevered.

It was unlikely that anyone harbored any ill will, and if they did, Twilight was well-armored. Even with those thoughts firmly in mind, Twilight couldn't help but feel exposed standing out in the open. Thankfully she wasn't alone for long as her ride could be seen speeding towards her in the distance.

Within seconds, it rolled up to her position and stopped, releasing a plume of black smoke when it did so. The back ramp soon engaged, and by the time it hit the ground Twilight had rounded the transport. As she trotted up into the back of the large machine, she noted that both of her infested were there along with the three marines Zecora had told her about.

“So,” Twilight began, sitting down across from the still unhelmeted stallion. “What do you know of Little Havana?”

Quick Buck paused as he waited for the ramp to ascend, its grinding gears making conversation impossible. Once that was done, the engine roared, and they began to accelerate towards their destination in relative quiet.

“Now? Probably not much,” Quick Buck admitted. “Ran a few jobs through there back in the day. Nice bar and decent people. Even if they tend to be a bit goody goody for my tastes.”

“You mean raiding?” Applejack accused.

Quick Buck raised his forehooves defensively. “Woah there. We weren't getting paid to do anything quite so bloody. Just some security work for a couple of smugglers who operate out of the old mines around these parts.”

“Tell me more about these mines,” Twilight pressed.

Quick Buck shrugged. “Ain't much to tell. Before they tried to grow stuff, they mined the hills for everything they were worth. They were too lazy to decommission the mines properly, so plenty of smugglers used them as warehouses.”

“Interesting,” Twilight murmured.

“What about this goody goody you mentioned?” Applejack asked.

“They're the reason I’m stuck in this thing,” Quick Buck declared, clanging a hoof against his chest. “The bitch had a crisis of faith after diggin’ around in some crates they weren't supposed to. Musta found somethin’ awful ‘cause she went straight to the powers that be and turned us all in.”

“That bar you mentioned, what was it called?” Twilight demanded.

“Joeyray’s,” Quick Buck replied. “Owner’s some minotaur fella that damn near lost everything to the zerg. Now he serves some of the foulest swill this side of the capital.”

“I thought you said it was a good bar,” Applejack deadpanned.

“It is,” Quick Buck exclaimed. “The old cow only serves minotaur beer, which, let me tell you, might be gross, but it will put hair on your chest. Right before it knocks your ass onto the floor.”

The stallion then laughed like a set of enormous billows rapidly exhaling.

“Then that's our first stop,” Twilight stated, tapping her hoof and activating her radio. “Driver, drop us off at-”

“Joeyray’s,” Quick Buck muttered, clanging a hoof against his armor. “Never thought I’d ever end up back here. Not while I still wore this stupid thing anyway.”

The building before them resembled a slightly lopsided triangle that featured a large neon sign that simply said ‘bar’. Made from what looked like random shipping containers welded to what had once been a simple habitation block, it was not a pretty sight. Rust was everywhere, and even at midday, there were a pair of ponies lying face down in the gutter mere feet from its entrance.

“We aren't here to reminisce, so keep your visor down,” Twilight commanded.

Quick Buck grunted. “Yeah yeah, keep your horn on straight.”

Twilight glanced back at the transport parked between a pair of squat metal habitation structures. After locking eyes with the hydralisk and zerg hybrids hidden within the dark of the alley, Twilight turned back to the bar. Only to be surprised when she saw the three marines had actually listened to her and were waiting for her patiently.

“Stay behind me,” Twilight commanded. “I want a private word with our target, so keep any onlookers out of my sight.”

“Let's move,” replied the gravely, radio-distorted voice of the stallion inside the armor.

Twilight nodded and trotted inside, pausing briefly as the automatic doors slowly and loudly opened before her. Upon stepping into the bar, the unicorn was immediately hit with the scent of vomit, dust, and some of the foulest alcohol she had ever smelled. So powerful was the booze that she could almost feel it sticking to the inside of her mouth like a layer of slime.

“Smells like home,” Quick Buck remarked.

“Smells like piss,” Twilight retorted.

“You ain't wrong,” Quick Buck exclaimed.

Twilight scowled. “Let's keep going.”

Despite her demand for them to continue on, Twilight found herself forced to stop once more. Only this time it wasn't a faulty door that opened a bit slow, but rather because she didn't immediately locate the female she was searching for. There were plenty of ponies as well as few other creatures, but neither hide nor hair of Free Flier could be seen.

Only a dozen or so grimy tables and as many patrons, most of whom gave her only a glance before returning to their drinks. The sole exception to this rule was the towering minotaur standing sentinel behind the bar. In one hand he held a dirty glass, and in the other was an even dirtier rag he was rubbing inside the cup as if that would help matters.

Twilight trotted up to the bar and cleared her throat. “Have you seen a marshal come through here?”

“I ain't seen no one,” growled the minotaur in such a low tone that it sounded like two enormous boulders grinding against one another.

Twilight gritted her teeth. “I will not ask again. Tell me where my target is, or I’ll-”

“Woah there, girly,” Quick Buck interrupted. “Let me handle this one.”

“Quick, is that you?” muttered the minotaur.

Twilight restrained her anger and stepped back, allowing the conversation to play out.

“Sure is,” Quick Buck replied, pulling his visor down. “Long time no see.”

“No kiddin’,” murmured the minotaur in astonishment. “They told me you went away for life.”

“And leave such a capable pair of hooves behind bars? Not while the zerg are runnin’ about,” Quick Buck declared.

“No shit, eh?” murmured the minotaur. “I’d offer you a drink, but you seem to be on the job.”

“When has that ever stopped me before?” Quick Buck retorted.

The pair exchanged a laugh that only ended when the minotaur retrieved a cup and filled it with a thick brown liquid. “On the house,” exclaimed the bartender.

“Appreciated,” thanked the stallion, who downed the drink in a single gulp followed by a grimace.

“Need I remind you that we are on a schedule?” Twilight whispered.

Quick Buck coughed into his hoof. “Yeah yeah. Just give me a second, would ya?”

Twilight grumbled to herself but restrained herself from saying anything more on the subject.

“Right,” Quick Buck cleared his throat. “We’re looking for some marshal that might have come through here. You seen any that fit that description?”

“Just one, but you ain't going to like what you find,” warned the minotaur.

“And I also ain't going to like going back to the boss with empty hooves,” Quick Buck countered.

For a moment the two males stared at one another without either giving any ground. Then the minotaur cracked, his aged features sagging into a deep frown.

“Just remember the rules about fighting,” he remarked in a tired tone.

“Take it outside or you’ll throw me outside. I remember,” Quick Buck replied.

The minotaur grunted. “Good. Now, who yer lookin fer is back there, behind the VLTs.”

“You got slots here?” Quick Buck exclaimed, turning around and gazing at the wall of glowing machines partially hidden behind a booth. “Well, I’ll be damned. I thought you said you weren't going to put another bit into this place.”

“What can I say? I like money,” answered the minotaur with a shrug.

“Fair enough. Lead the way, oh fearless leader,” Quick Buck exclaimed.

Twilight snorted.

She then trotted ahead of the small group, weaving her way through the crowd with practiced ease. Most gave her a wide berth, and those who didn't only needed a firm glare to realize the error of their ways. In no time at all, Twilight had reached the other side of the smokey room and was about to round the wall of slot machines when she heard something.

“Stop bullshiting me,” hissed a familiar, female voice. “I know you know something about this rash of disappearances. Now are you gonna tell me what you know, or do I hafta tell old Joey about you dealing out of the bathroom again?”

“Stars above, Free, relax,” whispered a nasally male-sounding voice. “All I said was that it was probably the daughters. They’ve been using the old mines ever since the combine finally gave up the ghost and bit it for real this time.”

“Is that…” Quick Buck muttered.

Twilight was about to ask what the stallion was talking about when the burly male brushed past her at a sprint. Cursing under her breath, Twilight rounded the corner just in time to find Quick Buck holding his rifle against Free Flier’s head.

“I guess today really is my lucky day,” Quick Buck exclaimed.

“What the hell… Quick?” muttered Free Flier in shock.

“In the flesh, no thanks to you. Traitor,” stated Quick Buck through gritted teeth.

“What the hell is going on here?” Twilight demanded.

“This is the bitch I told you about,” Quick Buck replied. “The one that sold me and my crew out.”

“Get that fucking thing out of my face. I did what I had to do,” Free Flier replied.

“Bullshit you did,” Quick Buck spat. “You didn't have to turn us all into marshals. You didn't have to ruin the biggest score of our whole dang careers?!”

“Put the gun down, or I’ll turn you inside out before you get the chance to blink,” Twilight hissed.

Quick Buck and Free Flier both glanced nervously at the glowering unicorn currently towering over them.

“This doesn't concern you,” Quick Buck shot back in a slightly shaky tone.

“It does know,” Twilight retorted. “Drop the weapon, or I’ll tear your lungs out through your throat.”

Quick Buck hesitated a moment before disengaging his rifle with an annoyed huff. “This one deserves her comeuppance, but I ain't laying down my life for the chance.”

“I don't give a shit what you want,” Twilight spat. “Get in my way again, and I will kill you so fast your head will still be spinning by the time you get to Tartarus.”

“You made your damn point,” Quick Buck muttered angrily. “Now ask your questions so we can get outta this dump.”

“Hey, hold on a sec,” Free Flier interrupted, catching the large stallion by the shoulder. “Did they ever tell you what was in those crates?”

“Guns, right?” Quick Buck dismissed. “That was about all the combine ran in those last days.”

Free Flier shook her head. “Those weren't guns, Quick. They were… kids.”

“Bullshit,” spat the marine. “I seen those crates. Weren't even any damn air holes on those things.”

“Didn't need any,” Free Flier replied. “Had them hooked up to these gas masks with a bunch of needles stuck in ‘em. Turns out the combine were getting real desperate and were selling to some nutjob up in Canterlot.”

“That's…” Quick Bucks’s shoulders fell. “You ain't kiddin’, are you?”

“I know you don't like me right now, but can you remember a time I ever lied to you?” Free Flier asked.

Quick Buck cursed under his breath. “No. You were always decent. A bit too decent, given our occupation.”

“We good?” Free Flier asked, extending a hoof.

“I ain't about to invite you out for a drink, but I also ain't about to put a bullet in your back. If that's what your wonderin’,” Quick Buck replied, clopping his hoof against the mare’s.

“That's all I’m askin’ for,” Free Flier declared. “Now then. What can I do for ya, miss?”

“Twilight Sparkle, and I’m looking into some of the strange events that have been happening around here,” Twilight replied. “And I need your help.”

“Well, you came to the right place. I was about to go check out an old spot used by the combine, and reportedly, now the daughters,” Free Flier exclaimed.

“Do you, uh… still need me?” murmured the short, wiry young griffon currently hiding between a pair of slot machines.

“What do you think?” Twilight retorted.

“Right,” murmured the male before extracting himself and all but sprinting out of the bar.

“He's got his uses, but not a spine,” Free Flier remarked.

“He should get the hell out of the game then. Peddling around here ain't exactly a long-term career,” Quick Buck added.

“I don't care if he's dealing in death sticks,” Twilight stated. “I have a mission to complete. Now, where is this abandoned mine?”

“The hills west of town. I’ll lead ya right to it. Just follow me,” Free Flier offered.

“Perfect. Meet us out front. I need to notify the rest of my team,” Twilight ordered.

Free Flier snapped off a lazy salute with her wing. “You got it.”

Twilight nodded. “Good. We have no time to waste.”

Then before the pegasus had a chance to reply, Twilight turned and departed, leaving her escort to scramble in order to catch up. Quick Buck was the first to do so, a frown on his face.

“Not sure how to take gettin’ bossed around like that,” he remarked.

“Don't do anything to hamper my mission again, and we won't have any trouble,” Twilight replied without turning her head.

“I suppose I can do that,” Quick Buck muttered. “Didn't think you had the guts. Until you looked me in the eye, that is. Thought you were going to kill me for sure.”

“I wouldn't have hesitated,” Twilight replied.

“No shit. Felt like you were ready to unscrew my damn head if I didn't back off,” Quick Buck murmured under his breath.

“I thought about it,” Twilight admitted.

“Well, you're certainly a league apart from most of the greenies I get paired with,” Quick Buck stated as they boarded the transport together. “Half of these kids ain't never seen a dead body before they get dropped into the shit. Hell, stims and training can only get you so far.”

“I think you’ll find that none of my staff hold any qualms with killing,” Twilight explained.

“Not one bit,” Zecora muttered in her watery, unintelligible speech.

“I’d rather avoid it, but if it's the queen’s will,” Applejack added.

“I wouldn't order it if it wasn't necessary. Now then.” Twilight paused and clicked a button on her right foreleg, opening a radio channel. “Follow Free Flier. She should be on a vulture waiting for us on the main road.”

“Got it, over,” replied the staticky voice of the driver.

“Now then,” Twilight began, leaning toward the stallion across from her, “tell me everything you know about these caves.”

Twilight tromped off the ramp, her escort only a few feet behind her. The second she was outside, the marines fanned out, while Twilight herself remained stock still. Her gaze swung this way and that, observing the strange layout of the surrounding landscape with a sharp, critical eye.

Where she stood now was at the lowest point, and around in nearly all directions save behind her rose high rocky walls. Which sported nearly a dozen openings, most of which still seemed usable, while a minority had collapsed. Ruined mining equipment littered the area, though most were piled near a dilapidated structure to Twilight's right.

Her psychic senses could detect nothing living within the mass save for a family of raccoons, so Twilight ignored the building. The thing had mostly collapsed, so the chances of it actually holding anything except a small mammal was unlikely. With that in mind, Twilight turned her attention back to her surroundings and the layered manner in which it was arrayed.

Each level rose a good ten to twelve feet above the previous one and sported a minecart track that wound down to the level below it. Bushes, trees as well as other small plants had sprouted up all over the place, granting considerable cover to anyone defending the area. Though Twilight could see no one save for the marines, she could sense that something was out there, but she knew not what.

“It's clear. Ish,” Twilight shouted.

A second later, both Applejack and Zecora emerged, with the two infested taking positions on either side of their queen. They too inspected their surroundings to mixed reactions, with Applejack being unnerved while Zecora was unbothered.

“Feels like we're being watched,” Applejack murmured.

The fog remains even out here, Zecora pointed out.

“It’s lightened somewhat at least,” Twilight added.

“We’re not seeing any movement on the scanners,” remarked one of the marines. “Something definitely came around here, and recently too.”

Twilight followed his gaze down to a great number of tracks that made a mess of the dirt path leading to the mine. The sheer amount of them made it difficult to pick out who or what had made them all. Kneeling down and inspecting them closer didn't help much, though Twilight wasn't exactly a well-accomplished tracker.

There are tire tracks here as well as footprints from several species of zerg, Zecora reasoned, her spiked appendages digging into the earth. The tires are older, but I can't tell if they were accompanied by any marines due to their age.

“Looks like there was some kinda dust-up here,” Applejack added.

“You think these smugglers got into trouble with the local wildlife?” Twilight asked.

Possible. But whoever won made sure to cover the majority of their tracks, Zecora replied.

The roar of an engine alerted everyone to a new arrival, causing the marines to jump to attention. Twilight didn't need to look to know who it was, as the distinct whine of the vulture engine was hard to forget. By the time she bothered to turn around and look, Free Flier had parked her bike next to the transport.

“Sorry ‘bout that,” Free Flier apologized as she dismounted. “Set up a few proximity nodes back near the entrance to the hills. Don't want anyone sneaking up on us while we snoop around.”

The marines relaxed, as did Twilight's subordinates, though Twilight herself couldn't help but remain skeptical. Focusing her psionic abilities on the mare, Twilight was able to sense that she was abnormally willful. Not only that, but she was far more intelligent than she let on and had a few minor augmentations that made her mind difficult to read. Despite this, Twilight could detect the marshal’s surface thoughts, which proved that Free Flier had been honest so far.

“Makin’ sure I’m not a changeling?” Free Flier asked with a smirk.

“Something like that,” Twilight admitted.

“Well, don't bother. If the zerg didn't eat them, then those damn bugs died out in the badlands years ago,” Free Flier replied.

I know little of the doppelgangers, though from what I’ve been told, making others assume they are dead is one of their top strategies, Zecora pointed out.

“Never assume a foe is dead until you see their corpse lying before you,” Twilight exclaimed. “How did you even learn of them? Knowledge of their very existence wasn't exactly widespread.”

“You’d be surprised what you could learn from the folk who fled or were exiled from quote-unquote normal society,” Free Flier explained.

“Are you girlies going to jabber all day, or are we going to do a job?” Quick Buck barked over the speaker built into his suit. “I don't like this place one bit.”

“Right, which mine shaft did they use to store supplies?” Twilight asked.

“Third row, second from the left,” Free Flier replied.

“You got a weapon on you?” Twilight inquired.

Free Flier nodded and retrieved a large hoof-held revolver from an unseen pocket in her armor. “Never leave home without it.”

“I can't believe you still have that old thing,” Quick Buck remarked. “Can you even still get bullets for it?”

“I bought a ton of the things before they went outta style,” Free Flier replied, spinning the revolver around and popping open the cylinder to reveal that six rounds were already loaded. “It may be old, but it can still punch through armor like a hot knife through butter.”

Quick Buck shook his head. “You always were the sentimental type.”

“Now then, we ready to move or what?” Free Flier asked, flicking the cylinder closed with a twist.

“Quick Buck and I will take point. Applejack and Zecora will be in the center, while the other two marines will watch our backs,” Twilight declared, pointing to each person in turn. “Free Flier, I want you on overwatch. Let us know if you see anything. If it does go sideways, help where you're needed most.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Free Flier agreed.

“Rock and roll!” shouted one of the marines as they extended their weapon from its mount.

“Let's move,” Twilight declared.

Together the group moved out just as Twilight had ordered it, their pace quick but not hurried. After ascending the first ramp onto the second level, Twilight paused to peek inside the cave. She found that it had collapsed a dozen feet in and now contained nothing but dust as well as the odd loose stone.

Just to be certain, she used her magical and psionic powers to ensure that there was nothing hidden inside. When that came up with nothing, she continued on, repeating this procedure with each mine shaft she came across. Each one either collapsed or didn't go far before they ended, with none having anything of note save for the odd busted mine cart.

Soon the second level had been searched, and the group had yet to find hide or hair of anything out of the ordinary. No smugglers were caught crouching in the shadows, and no zerg could be found skulking within the caves. Only dust, debris, and the odd forgotten bit of equipment left to rust in some dirty corner.

That was until they neared the mine shaft Free Flier had mentioned earlier. Then they stopped.

“Hold on. I’m picking something up,” Twilight whispered. “Life forms, inside, but faint.”

“Scanner’s picking up movement, but not a lot,” Quick Buck added. “What are ya thinking?”

Twilight hummed thoughtfully. “If it's zerg, take one or two alive. If it's smugglers, then do the same.”

“Just gimme something to shoot,” Quick Buck replied, his gun swiveling towards the entrance.

Twilight gave her infested subordinates a nod before carefully trotting out in front of the mine shaft entrance. There she found that a few meters in lay a pair of zerglings chewing on the same leg bone. Both were thin and wiry, with little meat remaining on their bones. Together or apart, they posed little threat to Twilight who had already lit her horn and was readying a spell. Only to be interrupted by a sudden shout.

“We got bugs, boys. Frag ‘em!” Quick Buck declared.

Before Twilight had a chance to offer a word in edgewise, the marine’s rifle erupted, sending rounds down the corridor. The first zergling was blown apart before it even knew what was happening, its head pulped by the powerful projectiles. Its buddy didn't last much longer, though it was at least able to shriek before a three-round burst tore through its midsection.

“I was going to take them out quietly,” Twilight hissed.

“Respectfully, fighting them all in this here tunnel is the best course of action, as their numbers mean nothing,” Quick Buck retorted.

“It doesn't matter now. Here they come!” Applejack shouted before releasing a burst of spines from her shoulders.

The organic projectiles slammed home, burying themselves in a zergling that had been sprinting down the tunnel. The beast toppled over, green blood oozing from its deep wounds, and though not killed outright, it died a second later. Its former allies tore into it with cannibalistic glee, ripping limb from bloody limb in the process.

The mass of zerglings, drones, and hydralisks made short work of their downed ally before continuing their charge. Though numerous, Twilight and her entire force had already arrayed itself at the tunnel entrance, allowing them to fill the tight corridor with a mix of hot lead, acidic bile, organic spines, and scorching magic.

A fireball tore through the bravest or most hungry of the zerg squatters, cutting them down and sowing confusion. Which was all the small squad needed to mow down the mass of barely sentient zerg without any trouble. A couple of hydralisks shot at them, but the attacks were half-hearted and mostly went wide.

Leaving the horde of zerg easy prey to the carefully aimed shots of Twilight's squad. Within seconds the majority of the feral zerg were down, their numbers and poor coordination leaving them vulnerable to their foes. Who picked them off one by one until only a couple of confused zerg remained, their eardrums blown out from one of Twilight's fireballs.

“Hold,” Twilight commanded, raising a hoof.

The marines stopped, taking the moment of quiet to reload while Twilight unleashed another spell. This one took the form of not a magically contained miniature explosion, but rather a wave of bluish energy. Which, upon reaching the injured trio of zerg, knocked them out cold, their bodies hitting the ground with a dull series of thumps.

“Zecora, Applejack. You’re on me. The rest of you, watch our backs,” Twilight barked.

“Standin’ by,” remarked one of the marines.

“Sounds fun,” added Free Flier.

Twilight stepped forward, wading through the mass of gore without a second thought given to the dead zerg until she reached the injured duo of drones and the lone zergling who yet lived. Using her magic, the unicorn gathered them all up and placed them on a section of ground that was less smeared with blood or brains.

“Now then. Let's see what you have trapped within that prison of bone,” Twilight muttered to herself.

Be careful, my queen. This one is quite wild, Zecora warned.

“I am aware,” Twilight dismissed.

The infested unicorn then pried open the mind of the zergling and delved within using her psionic powers. She was immediately assaulted by a ferocious hunger and a directionless savagery known only to those zerg who had gone feral. Though powerful in its intensity, Twilight was stronger still, and through sheer force of will, she brushed aside the creature’s animalistic impulses.

Delving into its memories, Twilight found that it had spent a considerable amount of time in or around the mines. Between hunting, lounging, and scrapping with the other feral zerg, it had all the same routines of a rather ferocious predator. Yet at the edge of its mind lingered a feeling that was not one of hunger, rage, or terror, but rather purpose.

It had been gathered, along with other feral zerg found within the hills nearby, by a powerful will. One which commanded it to assault the mines along with its wild brethren. Following this command, the zergling did just that, throwing itself at the stunned mix of ponies and other races.

Caught with their pants down, the defenders put up a brief, yet intense fight before eventually being overwhelmed. They were then stripped of armor and consumed by the ravenous horde, who settled into the area, waiting for more food. No confederate reinforcements arrived, however, though there were more people who came to the mines.

These individuals were blurry, their forms scrubbed from the zergling’s mind through powerful psionics. Though the zergling had its mind tampered with, it didn't seem bothered, nor did it fear the strange zerg that had come. Rather it felt oddly loved, its feral hunger subsiding for several hours before the creature departed, relinquishing the hold it had on the zergling. With its brief master’s departure, the usual routine of hunting and quarreling with its kin returned only a few minutes earlier.

“Odd,” Twilight muttered, pulling her mind back from the zergling. “I’ll need to see the drones.”

“I’m afraid one of them have, uh… died,” Applejack murmured.

Twilight looked down to find that the acid which had been bubbling on one of the drone’s back had eaten straight through it, leaving the creature without any functional organs, save for its brain as well as half of a lung.

“Unfortunate,” Twilight muttered, tossing aside the dead zerg. “At least we have one more.”

She then picked up the unconscious drone in her magic and peered deep into its blank, unseeing eyes. The unicorn was once more assaulted by the usual ferocity, though it was dampened somewhat, the drone’s impulses to build and grow limiting its more predatory tendencies.

Its memories were nearly identical to the zergling’s, Twilight soon discovered, though there was one major difference. After the drone had finished consuming the skull of a griffon, it was called into the abandoned mine shaft. There it was commanded to ferry all of the crates and boxes contained within, back outside where its new master waited.

The worker did so quickly and without complaint, with the drone happy to finally have a purpose again. Though that purpose vanished after the last crate had been moved and the strange slug-like creature which had dominated it left. Without that guiding force, it had returned to the cave, the last vestiges of its former master’s commands lingering in its mind.

“Still blurry, but at least I got a vague outline,” Twilight murmured, closing her eyes and imagining what the drone had seen. “Long, wide, like a huge anaconda that had recently gorged itself on a some manner of wild beast.”

“That doesn't sound like any zerg I know,” Applejack remarked.

Twilight frowned. “I know of one, but she is the queen of the entire zerg swarm and would not lower herself to coming all the way out here.”

“Maybe there was a mutiny?” Applejack offered.

Impossible. No true zerg would, or even could, betray their queen, Zecora dismissed.

“Regardless,” Twilight began, rising to her full height once more. “We have questions that require answers, and I think our mayor friend may be able to help us.”

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