• Published 16th Oct 2018
  • 1,374 Views, 64 Comments

First Thanksgiving To Equestria and the Lands Beyond - xd77

Nathan invites everypony and his new friends to his church for Thanksgiving

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Part Two of Invitations



Nathan could feel his dream ending as he felt a hoof shaking him.

"Unngghh." He groaned as he pulled the covers over him, only to have them removed and showing his pajamas.

"Come on Nathan, you don't want to be late for school." said the voice, he opened his eyes and yawned while at the same time stretching his arms and legs. Once his eyes were cleared of blurring from sleeping, the view of Cadance came into his view.

"Morning cowboy, did you sleep well?" Cadance asked.

"Sure did Mom." Nathan said with a smile and a groggy voice due to just waking up.

"Well, go on and get ready, your father is cooking breakfast right now." said Cadance as she left the room to let Nathan get ready. After she closed the door, Nathan went over to his closet and pulled out a long sleeve striped shirt, black cut jeans, cowboy boots, denim vest, and clean underwear. Then he went into the bathroom and took a morning shower. After he rinsed himself off and got out and dried, he then went back into his room and put on his clothes that he pulled out.

Once he was dressed, he then went downstairs to the smell of breakfast waiting for him in the kitchen at the table, Skyla and Flurry Heart were already in their high chairs being fed by Cadance as Shining Armor put down a bowl of buttered grits and eggs on the table for Nathan to eat. Nathan sat down and said a small prayer before digging into his grits.

"So Nathan, are you going to hand out more of those invitations to the students?" asked Shining Armor.

"Mom asked the exact same question last night." Nathan said.

"So obviously, it's a yes." answered Shining Armor.

"Ah've got plenty of 'em Dad, so don't worry, everything's A-OK." said Nathan.

"Well hurry up and finish your breakfast, you have to leave soon." said Cadance. And Nathan went back to eating his grits, after finished his breakfast, he looked at the clock to reveal that it was 6:30 which meant it was time for him to go, so he went over to the door and got on his backpack then he gave his parents goodbye hugs and kisses.

"Have a good day at school sweetie." said Cadance.

"Bye y'all." Nathan said as he headed out the door and closed it behind him, once the sky came into view, he flapped his wings and took off into the clouds, as he was flying through the sky, he stopped midway through to check and see if all his papers and invitations were in and ready, which in luck, they were. He sighed in relief as he slipped his backpack back on him and continued flying to Ponyville.

As Ponyville entered the view from the sky, Nathan couldn't have felt more greater that everything had been returned to normal for his aunt, the professors, and all the friends he made there, especially Zodiac, who was already at the school with the young six. Once the school was in full view, he descended to the ground and landed while folding his wings behind his back.

As he opened the doors and entered, he went back into his backpack to pull out his iPod touch, he turned it on and put his earbuds in so he could listen to some country music while walking to the library that he and the gang would meet. Once he got to the massive library, he opened the door, sat down on a chair, went into his backpack again and read over the loyalty report that Professor Dash said was due today, he then started humming along to the song that was playing on is iPod.

Meanwhile, the young six, along with Zodiac who was riding on Silverstream's back were walking away from their quarters and into the library as well.

"So Zodi, you're basically saying that Nathan's world has been halfway completed?" asked Gallus.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, the trains there are back in business, so all the people there can get to work as well."

"Yak seem impressed by humans." admired Yona.

"This is so good!" exclaimed Silverstream, accidentally jumping.

"WHOA!!!!!!" screamed Zodiac as he landed on Silverstream's back again.

"Sorry Zodi, I forgot you were on my back." said Silverstream who then gave a nervous laugh.

"Silverstream need to be careful when handing pony." replied Yona.

As soon as they got to the library section, they opened the door to find their eighth member reading over his assignment, but turned off his music.

"Hey Nate!" Smolder said, Nathan quickly recognized the voice and turned to see his friends with greeting smiles waiting for him to come and join them.

"Hey, y'all." Nathan said as he got up out of his seat and walked over to them while giving Smolder a big hug because ever since she heard how tough and strong Nathan was, she admired that and quickly developed a brother-sister like bond with him, as was Zodiac to Silverstream, even though Zodiac's crush was Ocellus.

And as usual, Smolder picked up Nathan and held him in her arms, "So what's new kid?"

"Well ah've got a little surprise for all of y'all, and it's in mah' bag." Nathan said, so the young eight then ventured over to the table that he was sitting at earlier and Smolder put him down temporarily.

"What's the big surprise?" asked Ocellus.

"Well remember back on Hearth's Warming when we were cleanin' up all that goop from that prank?"

"Yeah." answered Sandbar.

"Well do y'all also remember when we were chattin' about all of our holiday traditions and y'all turned to me about wantin' to know about human holidays?"

"Is this what your big surprise is?" asked Gallus.

"Yes Gallus." Nathan answered, "Ah've got some invitations in mah' bag here to a special kind of human holiday for y'all." He then went into his backpack and pulled out some more invitations and passed them to them all except Zodiac since Nathan gave him one the previous day. Nathan smiled as they carefully read the invitations.

"In order of the celebration of Greenwood Baptist's renovations plus total recovery from the massive storm....." said Ocellus.

"We invite all of Dallas to the return of our church's annual Thanksgiving Banquet on Saturday November 20th from 4PM to 9PM in the church fellowship hall." said Sandbar.

"Greenwood Baptist?" ask Ocellus puzzled.

"Uhhh weird, I never would've thought that there would be a city that would rhyme with my name." said Gallus, that's when Nathan put a hand around him and gave a rather sly look.

"Ah' can totally see it now, Gallus........in Dallas!"

"You know Nate, that is rather catchy." replied Gallus.

"Yeah, but what's Thanksgiving?" asked Smolder.

"It's a holiday in which humans gather together to celebrate what they're most thankful for, plus they get to enjoy a good feast." said an all too familiar voice, the young eight turned to see their headmare Twilight Sparkle and the others in the library with smiles and they walked inside to join them.

"Good morning Headmare Twilight." they all said, except Nathan, who still addressed her as his aunt.

"Hmm, I see you've got some invitations to something." Twilight said to her nephew.

"Yes ah' do." said Nathan, "And here's more for you and y'all." he then handed out seven more to the main 6 and Spike.

Twilight and the others smiled at Nathan.

"Oh darling, we would be delighted to go." said Rarity.

"Thanks Professor Rarity." said Nathan.

"All of us?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"All of us." said Twilight.

"This will be good." replied Smolder, "But Headmare Twilight, how do you know about this holiday?"

"Because I have been to his world, and I've experienced it first hoof myself." answered Twilight.

"Well, we still have no idea why humans celebrate thankfulness." said Silverstream.

"Perhaps Nathan could be of assistance on that." informed Zodiac.

Suddenly, a light bulb flickered on in Nathan's head, triggering an idea. He then tapped his aunt to get her attention.

"Yes Nate?" asked Twilight.

"Aunt Twilight, would it be alright if ah' taught a history lesson to everypony and creature today, a non-friendship lesson?"

"Well if you know the history of this holiday, you are more than welcome to teach it." answered Twilight.

"Yes!" exclaimed Nathan, that's when the bell rang.

"All right every creature time for classes!" shouted Twilight, then everyone went to their classes, but their first lesson was not one on friendship.

Author's Note:

Find out about the history of Thanksgiving in the next chapter.