• Published 16th Oct 2018
  • 1,374 Views, 64 Comments

First Thanksgiving To Equestria and the Lands Beyond - xd77

Nathan invites everypony and his new friends to his church for Thanksgiving

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Non-Friendship Lesson on Thanksgiving

Twilight was managing to teach a class today, but today would not be a lesson on friendship. Instead, she decided to let her nephew teach a history lesson on Thanksgiving and why the humans celebrated it. Anyways, ponies and the young seven sat in their desks with notebooks and pencils or quill pens as Nathan stood beside a projection screen.

"All right class, are we ready to begin our first non-friendship lesson?" asked Twilight, her response was murmurs and nodding of heads.

"Okay, Nathan it's all yours."

"Thanks Aunt Twi." said Nathan with a smile.

"Now as many of y'all may have heard, ah've been givin' invitations to celebrate a holiday on mah' world known as Thanksgiving, but many of y'all may ask, 'what is this Thanksgiving that our dear Nathan speaks of?"

"Well, Thanksgiving is a holiday in which humans gather around in groups to celebrate what they are most thankful for and we do it in the form of feasting."

"Thanksgiving like Snilldar, humans destroy feast like yaks?" asked Yona.

"Actually Yona, we do in a way, we destroy it by eating it." Nathan said, every creature laughed, that's when Smolder raised her hand.

"So how long have humans been doing this holiday?" she asked.

"Well for that, we are goin' to have to travel all the way back to the year 1621, 155 years before mah' country of America was even discovered." and Nathan turned on a projector which showed a picture of the Pilgrims and the Indians.

"In that precise year, a group of people called the Pilgrims of a colony known as the Plymouth Colony had arrived into a region which would later be one of the 50 states named Massachusetts, which was known as The New World back then. One of the English traditions for them was celebrating a fall harvest in that era and the Pilgrims had a lot to celebrate."

"I see." said Twilight.

"So what did they do?" asked Spike. Nathan then showed another slide that had a picture of the Mayflower and Pilgrims.

"Well, during their journey to the new land, they came on a ship called the Mayflower. Now when they first embarked, there were 158 colonists of them on this ship, however through their journey, they were struck by disease and starvation, infecting almost half and killing half as well, the remaining 53 had arrived."

"So obviously, these 'Pilgrims' wanted to celebrate being thankful that they made it, even though they lost half their group?" asked Gallus.

"Yes, in fact, they were joined by a Indian tribe known as the Wampanoags, in which 90 of them were there to greet them with their leader named Massasoit."

"One Indian whose name was......." that's when Nathan's giggle side got the best of him, because he always found this Indian's name laughable. Every time he heard this Indian's name, he laughed.

"His name was....." he started giggling.

"His name was what, why are you laughing?" asked Smolder.

"Squanto!" Nathan said, and then it switched from giggling to solid laughter.

"Squanto?" asked Zodiac, he then showed a smirk and started giggling as well.

Suddenly, the whole class broke in laughter, they thought it was the funniest name they had heard in their lives.

"I think it's a fine name." Ocellus thought since she was the only one not laughing.

"Okay, okay." said Twilight, "We all know Squanto is a funny name, but let's back to this quick lesson."

Nathan and the others stopped laughing, "Anyway, Squanto spoke very fluent English and had managed to become the pilgrim's interpreter for the language they spoke during his years as a slave."

"Squanto was a slave?!" asked Zodiac in shock.

"Yes, years before, he was captured by English explorers."

"So, that's when they got together and celebrated their fall harvest which would be knows as the First Thanksgiving."

The whole room applauded.

"And that every creature is what we are going to experience when we go to Nathan's world." Twilight said, that's when they heard a knock on the door. It was Starlight.

"Oh Guidance Counselor Starlight." said Nathan.

"What's going on in here?" she asked.

"Oh, Nathan here is giving a lesson on a holiday on his world known as Thanksgiving, in fact, he's got invitations to celebrate it."

Nathan went into his backpack and gave one to Starlight.

"Thank you Nathan." said Starlight, "I will come."

Author's Note:

Sorry this chapter is short, but the next one will be as long, I'll try to make it like that.