• Published 13th Nov 2018
  • 5,468 Views, 287 Comments

Flash Sentry, Defender of the Peace S4 - Banshee531

One year has passed since our heroes first met and saved all of Equestria. Now, Flash must protect the newly crowned Princess Twilight as she carries out her duties. But when a strange new power awakens, he must learn to grasp his own destiny.

  • ...

Lightning's Redemption


Lightning's eyes cracked open at the sound of his alarm clock, a low moan following as he reached out to shut off the ringing devil. And as the alarm finished, his hooves stretched out as much as possible, cricks soon popping as he lifted himself out of the bed. A yawn came next as the unicorn fully hopped out, his hooves shifting side to side as he made his way into the kitchen.

There, a unicorn that was already pouring a bowl of cereal looked up at him, "Morning Lightning."

"Morning, morning." five little puppets repeated as they floated around the room.

Lighting's reply was another yawn, his hooves sleepwalking over to a counter as he started pouring a cup of coffee. "Morning Wild," he groaned as he turned around, now seeing a bag next to Wild. "You got a show somewhere today?"

Wild nodded, "Yup. Dodge Junction."

Lightning let out a small snort, "Fun place. If you run into a mare named Jubilee, tell her I said hi."

"Will do. Any idea what you're gonna do today?"

Lightning responded by taking another drink as he sat down at the kitchen table, "Patrol. That and training. Not sure what I'll do after that."

"Maybe Flash will have some work for you," Wild replied as he did one last gulp, both cereal and milk now down his gullet.

"Work?" Lightning asked, blinking. "What work?"

"You haven't been here too long, so you haven't had to do it yet. You see, Flash sometimes has himself, Springer and Iron help out around the town. They mainly do some odd jobs, or just help out with whatever is needed to keep the town going." Wild then hopped off his chair and started to put the bowl away, "Now that you're here, he'll likely have you doing it too."

Lightning raised both eyebrows at this. "You're pulling my leg, right? We're supposed to be protectors of the town, not handyponies."

Wild just shrugged at this. "You'll have to ask him yourself."

"Great...that sounds lovely." Lightning moaned as he leaned back in the chair, "First foalsitting and now this? What, am I gonna be painting houses or something?! Tch, maybe Sentry suggested this job because he saw it as an excuse to get payback for all the times I mocked him...." The unicorn slumped down, his chin almost touching the table, "Then again, I did do that for a whole lotta years..."

"Flash doesn't seem like the kind of pony who'd do that Lightning. Well, at least to what I've seen being here in Ponyville." Wild then put his bag on his back, "Anyways, time for me to get out of here. Gonna grab myself a snack from Sugarcube Corner before heading to the train station."

Lightning chuckled at this. "You mean you're gonna go have one last makeout session with your marefriend before leaving."

Hearing this, Wild's face went completely red. "We do NOT have makeout sessions."

"Do not, do not."

"Oh yeah? I noticed you didn't deny her being you're marefriend." He then burst out laughing as Wild's face got even redder, "See? Told ya!"

"Shut up," Wild growled before gesturing to his puppets. "Come on buddies, we're leaving."

"Just make sure you don't lose track of time while kissing her. You don't wanna miss your train!"

"SHUT UP!" This was followed by a door slam, the sound almost making the entire room shake. Lightning just chuckled some more, quickly finishing his coffee before returning to his room. There, he grabbed his bag of knives and headphones, ready to go to work.

The unicorn then stepped outside, his smile immediately vanishing as he did. In the first few days he was in Ponyville, he quickly learned that if ponies saw him smiling, they would stare at him suspiciously. An assumption soon entered his brain from there, making him think that ponies were thinking he was up to something bad because he looked happy. Because of this, a sigh followed as he started his patrol.

As for the patrol, Flash and Springer used to patrol the whole town in the mornings, which required them to get up at the crack of dawn and do only morning training. When Iron joined the team, they split the town up, allowing an extra hour of sleep and more time for training. However, now that Lightning was working with them and had memorized the town's layout, (Which Flash was truly glad that Lightning understood directions so much better than Iron) the town had been split into three for them to patrol, allowing more training and sleep.

Flash and Springer were on air support, flying around the edges of the town, along with any nearby areas. This left Iron and Lighting to patrol the inner parts of the town, checking anything and everything. Lightning had been given the more suburban part of the town, with only a few stores here and there that he would need to check.

The only problem was that most of the ponies didn't want to interact with Lightning. This was mainly due to most of them had close friends and family in Canterlot during his attempted coup. And while some ponies had been willing to forgive him and grant him a chance, most chose to ignore his presence unless he talked to them directly.

Lightning had quickly picked up on who those ponies were, but couldn't blame them for thinking that. Because of this, all of his patrols were quite standard. He would walk around, keeping an eye out from problems, and nine times out of ten, there was nothing to do. The most action he got that morning was when some foals were playing with a ball and accidently kicked it too hard, causing it to roll over to Lightning and he kicked it back.

"Thank you!" One of them cried before they all ran off, leaving Lightning with a quick smile that instantly faded. He then finished his patrol as the sun finished lifting itself into the air, meaning it was time to do some training. Getting to the training grounds was an easy feat, especially considering he had left a dagger there for instant teleportation.

He knew from their meeting yesterday that they would be meeting at the canyon training ground. As such, he teleported and was greeted by the sight of Flash and Springer talking. Flash had a sketch book in his hooves and a pencil in his mouth, causing Lightning to speak up, "Hey, what are you two doing?"

Flash looked up and spat the pencil out, "Working on our combo move."

"Combo move?" Lightning asked with a raised eyebrow.

Springer nodded rapidly, "Yeah! We wanna make a move that combines our two attacks together!"

Lightning just blinked at this, causing Flash to speak up, "When we were fighting against your nutcase of a father...no offense."

"Some taken."

"Ruby showed us how Skybreaker could combine his wind element with Springer's Aura Blast."

Lightning memory flashed back at this. "I remember seeing that. Didn't it make some kind of spinning blade of wind? The thing looked like it could shred anything."

Springer nodded again. "Yeah! Ruby called it the 'Aura-Shuriken'! It was awesome!"

"Which is exactly why we have to come up with our own combo move," Flash added as he looked back down at the paper, "We just got to figure out someway to combine Springer's Aura Blast with my light element."

Lighting tilted his head at this, "Is that even possible?"

"I have no idea." Flash replied as he tapped the notebook, "But it couldn't hurt to try."

"Unless it explodes in our face," Springer added with a huge grin. "Then it's gonna really hurt to try."

Flash smacked the jakhowl with his wing, "It could still be a useful attack if we can get it down Springer. We asked Twilight and she said its possible, but we need to get the 'exact theory of the attack' down...whatever that means."

Lightning rolled his eyes at this. "It means you've gotta understand every little detail of what's happening when you use it. How the attacks are combining and what effect it'll have on you."

Flash and Springer both gave dumb-founded faces, "Ohhhh…."

Lightning let out a groan. "You still don't understand, do you?" Their response was a unified nodding, causing him to facehoof. "How did you ever beat me?"

It was in that moment that Iron Core chose to make his appearance. From the look of his eyes, he hadn't got much sleep, causing Flash and Springer to snicker.

"What's up with you?" Lightning asked as Iron glared at the three.

"Didn't get much sleep last night."

"Yeah, he was probably too scared of the g-g-g-g-ghosts." Flash mocked before he and Springer burst out laughing, Iron growling at them while gripping Piecemaker.

Lightning raised an eyebrow at this. "Am I missing something?"

"No," Iron hissed as he walked away, deciding to start training without them.

Seeing this, Flash stopped laughing as he turned to Lightning. "Let me explain. Turns out that last night, everypony decided to head out to the castle of the two sisters. Iron went with Fluttershy and Rarity because she wanted to restore the tapestries there. They then ended up getting trapped in one of the castle's booby-traps, causing them to get lost and end up running around the place screaming at the scary sounds they heard."

Springer kept giggling as he added, "Which actually turned out to be everypony else, who were also running around the castle aimlessly! When Twilight, Spike and us found them, they were all in the throne room and Iron was wildly swinging his Celestic Gear around to try and get the ghosties to go away! HA!"

Lightning's smile had been slowly increasing at this, only for a snort and giggle to follow. "Okay, that's funny."

"Har har…" Iron growled as he smashed a boulder with his gear now turned into a hammer.

"Alright, alright. We'll stop for now Iron." Flash commented as he flipped his sketch book to another page, this one showing a list. "Now, before we start our training, there's a few jobs we need to go over for today."

Lightning blinked at the sight of the sheet, "Wait...Wild was actually serious? You actually do everyday jobs?"

Flash nodded in response. "Its usually not this many, but with what happened with the Everfree Forest-"

"That was days ago," Lightning interrupted.

"And we've only now just totaled up the damage done and what needs to be fixed," Flash answered as he tapped the list with his hoof. "Anymore questions?" Lightning didn't reply, causing Flash to nod, "Good. Now, let's decide who should do what."

The three others then looked at the list, the jobs ranging from simple chores to hard manual labor. Lightning frowned at the sight, groaning. "I didn't sign up for this. I thought we were supposed to be defenders of the peace."

"We are. But that doesn't mean we just fight bad guys all the time."

Iron nodded in agreement. "Keeping the peace means we have to deal with any situation that might cause the peace to be disrupted. Like for example...here! This one says: help Big Mac buck apples."

"How does that help keep the peace?"

"According to my little sis Scootaloo, Applebloom is sick. Granny Smith has to look after her, and Applejack has to setup at the market. That leaves Mac alone to buck apples and if he can't buck enough, they'll lose some of their income and that could effect Ponyville's whole economy."

"Seriously?" Lightning asked with another raised eyebrow.

"You'd be surprised how a seemingly little thing can affect a place like Ponyville," Flash told him as he pointed at Lightning. "Why don't you take that one since you've apparently worked on a farm before."

"I...guess? What else am I doing besides that?" They then quickly divided up the jobs, soon beginning their training. As such, Lightning pulled out his bag of knives for his spar against Iron.

"You really need a better way of storing those things," Iron commented as he twirled Piecemaker in his hoof.

Lightning let out a groan, "Tell me about it. I've been looking for a cloak that can hold this many, but can't find anything that'd work."

"Maybe you can see if Rarity can make you something custom?" Springer suggested, making Lightning glance at him before letting out a hum.

"That's not a bad idea. Just go ask her on your way to your first job," Flash added as he pulled out a cloth and began to wipe Lightbringer. "If she's not too busy, she might be able to get you measured and have it done by the end of the day."

"Just make sure you let her know you're looking for function over aesthetic," Iron finished as he pointed Piecemaker at Lightning, "Trust me, that's important when it comes to her."

"Right. Got it."

And so, the group of defenders got to work, Lightning and Iron sparing while Flash and Springer continued working on their own combo attack. It wasn't long till the hours passed, training ending with one last spar between all four. As such, Lightning decided to take Springer's idea and head to Rarity's boutique first after training, eventually finding himself outside the overly decorated building. The bell rang as he stepped inside, the unicorn looking around and not seeing anypony inside.

"Be out in a minute darling," he heard Rarity call from another room. Lightning stood there and exactly one minute later, the fashionista unicorn entered. When she spotted who her customer was, her eyes went wide before frowning. "Oh, its you. Can I help you Lightning?"

Lightning did a silent gulp, his eyes now remembering their first encounter in Canterlot. Trying to get his courage together, he stuttered out, "Er...yeah. I uh...I um uh, was wondering if you could make uh...let's just say, a custom order."

"I see," Rarity replied with a slightly raised eyebrow, "And what exactly are you needing?"

Lightning lifted his bag off his back and opened it up, levitating one of his knives out. Rarity's eyes went wide again and started to backpedal, causing him to shake his head, "Oh relax, I'm not gonna do anything with these. I just uh...need something I can use to carry all of these better." He then showed her the inside of his bag, displaying the variety of daggers, "Springer said you might be able to help me."

Rarity hummed as she took the dagger in her own magic and looked it over. "I'm not much into making....armor, but I suspect that's not what you want. What exactly are you wanting to go for with this? A cape? Perhaps a coat or cloak?"

"A cloak might work. I was thinking of something that had several pockets that I could put each knife in individually. That and uh...I was told to tell you that I need to specifically ask for function in this."

Rarity nodded as she moved over to her drawing table. "I think I can work with that. Get up onto my fitting stage and I can take the measurements now."

"Okay..." Lightning said as he hopped on stage. "Is this gonna take long? Sentry gave me a bunch of jobs to do."

Rarity put the knife on her table and moved over to him, a tape measure and note pad hovering in her magic. "It shouldn't take too long," she replied as she started taking the measurements. "So Flash has you doing work today? What jobs will he be having you do?"

Lightning opened his mouth, only to not respond. He glanced at the fashionista, seeing that the frown on her face had not changed. He wasn't sure to respond to this sight, but after taking a slightly deep breath, he responded, "Well first, I'm gonna help out at the apple farm, then I'm going to the bakery to help out before helping some scientist guy as he works on something."

"Sounds difficult," Rarity added before looking up to smirk at him. "Are you sure you can handle getting your hooves dirty?"

Lightning let out a small snort. "I've worked before you know. When I was travelling around Equestria, I did a lot of jobs to stay afloat."

"I'm sure that was very demoralising for you," Rarity said sarcastically as she went back to her measuring.

Lightning looked away at this. "Actually, I found the jobs to be quite the learning experience."

Rarity's horn flickered at hearing this, causing her to look back up at him with wide eyes, "Oh?"

"Yeah, I did." Lightning replied as a sigh followed, memories of that journey now floating in his head. "To be honest, I uh...I really learned what hard work was out there. Especially when I worked for Cherry Jubilee, as she taught me I couldn't use magic to help buck her cherry trees." He bit his lip as he said these next words, "I had no idea that magic could affect food like that."

"Indeed." Rarity added with a slight chuckle, "I remember when we helped Applejack during harvest time. Twilight spent twenty minutes working on the spell she used on the apples." She then gestured him to move his hooves, her horn now slightly flaring to write more notes, "Nice to hear that Cherry is doing well."

"Yeah, she is." Lightning mumbled as he looked back at Rarity, seeing the unchanging frown on the designer. The sight made him do another slight gulp, his nerves now telling him to pony up, "Um...say uh...do you not want to make this? I get it if you don't."

Rarity came to a stop at this suggestion, her pencil halting as she glanced back at his face, "No. I always make the product darling." she then moved over to her design table. "That's what I do, regardless of what I have to make."

Lightning sighed at this, "Look, I uh...I get you hate my guts, and I don't blame you. But...I really am trying to prove that I've changed."

Rarity's pencil came to a halt again, a small sigh releasing from her mouth, "I know. I know you've changed." Lightning raised an eyebrow at this, noticing she hadn't looked back up at him as she continued, "If you hadn't, you wouldn't have saved Flash or fought against your father. In fact, according to what Flash told us about that whole mission, I suspect the old you would have likely joined him."

Lightning looked away again, "Take out the likely in that sentence and you'd be right."

"But you didn't," she remarked as she finally looked up at him, the frown now gone, "You risked your own life to stop him. That at least makes up for most of what you've done."

Lightning blinked at this, confusion on his face as he turned back to the unicorn, "So...you've forgiven me for what I did?"

Rarity's frown returned. "I didn't say that. Flash asked us to give you a chance, which is what I'm giving you. Also, hood or no hood?"


Rarity nodded and jotted that down before moving back over to him, begining to measure him once again. "So, to continue to what I was saying, I'm going to ignore what I thought of you before you came to Ponyville. But that's all I can do for you, as I'm letting you show me how much you've changed."

"Er...thanks, I guess? That's all I want really, to show everypony I'm not the same stallion I was before." He then sighed again, "if only everypony would give me a chance. Some of them don't even act like I exist."

"Well, you can't expect everypony to be as forgiving as others," Rarity said as she stop measuring, now backpedaling and staring Lightning in the face. "You want some advice?"


"Trying to earn everypony's trust at once is going to be next to impossible. Well, that is unless you end up saving the entire town from some major disaster, like Iron tried to do. Since I doubt that would happen, try and earn ponies' trust one at a time." She then stopped as an idea popped into her head. "In fact, since you'll likely be working with them today, why don't you just focus on Big Mac, the Cakes and Mr. Time Turner. Just focus on them and show how much you've changed."

"I...guess that could work?"

"I'm sure it will. If you can earn their forgiveness, then other ponies might see you've changed." She jotted down the last few notes and nodded. "And...done. I think I can have this finished by the end of the day." She then held up the dagger from before, "Can I hold onto this? I'll need something to work the pockets around."

"Sure," Lightning replied as he got off the stage. "And...thanks...for the advice that is. And for giving me a chance."

"No problem. Just don't make me regret trusting you."

"I won't." With that, Lightning picked up his bag and headed for the door. "Guess I'll see you later."

"I guess you will."

A little while later...

When Lightning arrived at Sweet Apple Acres, his mind instantly flashed back to his time at the Jubilee farm. That is, till a voice spoke up, "Can ah help yah young-in?" He looked up and saw Granny Smith's head poking out of a window.

"I'm here to help with the apple harvest. Sentry sent me."

"Ah see..." Granny replied before pointing to the right of Lightning. "Big Macintosh is in the south field, he can show you what to do."

Lightning nodded before dropping his bag near the house and heading the way she pointed, eventually spotting the large earth pony bucking trees. "Hey," he called out, making Mac turn and go wide-eyed. Lightning grimaced at this, scratching the back of his head as he continued, "Yeah...you probably weren't expecting to see me here."

"Eenope," Mac grumbled.

"So...I uh, I'm here to help with the apple bucking. Is that okay?"

Mac stared at him for a moment, obviously having an internal conflict in his head. That is, till he asked, "Ya'll ever bucked apples before?"

Lightning hopped in place at the question, slightly gulping as he replied, "No...but I have worked on a cherry farm, and I had to buck cherry trees there. I know I can't use magic, so I'm sure I can get the hang of this."

"Eeyup. You're not wrong about the magic." Mac mumbled as he pointed at a tree, instantly telling what Lightning had to do. Lightning nodded at this, his horn glowing as he levitated a nearby empty barrel to the tree. He then turned and used all the strength he could muster with his back legs, both thrusting into the tree trunk, causing several apples to come loose.

Looking up at the sight, his horn shined again as he magically grabbed the barrel to catch all the apples. And as he caught them, he levitated the apples over for inspection to Mac, who found that not a single one had been bruised or battered despite Lightning's work.

"So...do I pass?"

"Eeyup," Mac replied with a nod, quickly turning and bucking another tree.

That one word was all that needed to be said. As such, the two worked in a half awkward, half comfortable silence for a good hour. Lightning found that apple bucking was actually kinda fun, though he expected he would get bored of it if he did it for days at a time. His magic even helped load the full barrels onto the farm's carts, which Mac didn't mind the convivence.

Once the carts were loaded, Mac lead them through the fields towards the storehouse. As they walked, Lightning remembered what Rarity had advised and spoke up, "Hey um...could I say something?" Mac's eyes turned towards him, the look giving him his answer. Gulping, Lightning continued, "I know you probably won't believe this, but uh...I'm sorry for what I did to you during the Fantasia Festival."

"Ya'll mean turning mah sister into a stone statue, forcing me to hurt ponies ah didn't even know, and then threatening to destroy Canterlot, which also caused me to get electrocuted?"

Lightning stared at the ground, mumbling, "Yeah...that." After a minute, he looked back up at Mac, seeing him just staring at the unicorn with pure anger in his eyes. The sight made Lightning squeak out, "I'm sorry. For that, and more."

Mac blinked at this, only to look away from the unicorn before saying, "Yah know...when ah saw her like that, do yah know what the first thought was that entered mah head?"

Lightning did another gulp, "No...I don't."

"It was that ah was gonna lose another member of mah family, and ah couldn't do a thing to stop it."

Lighting's brain zapped itself at this, causing him to look up at the stallion. His mind went over all the family members of the farm in terms of who he had met, mainly due to Flash. This alone made him realize that he had never met two ponies in particular. "You don't mean...your parents?"

Mac nodded. "They...yah know. It wasn't long after Applebloom was born. When that happened, ah swore ah was gonna do whatever it took to keep the rest of mah family safe. But then you-"

"I get it," Lightning interrupted, only to feel a loud stomp shake the earth.

"Do yah?" Mac harshly growled, his hoof now grinding the dirt he had just stomped.

"I...I think I do." Lightning sighed as he looked away, "I lost my mom when I was about the same age you were when...you know."

Mac raised an eyebrow at this, his glare slightly fading as he asked, "It hurts, doesn't it?"

"More than anything. It sucked so much when it happened," Lightning replied as he looked up at the sky. "My father ended up becoming obsessed with his research while my grandfather tried to be there for me. Then when my nutcase of a father was arrested, I lashed out and pushed my grandpa away." He sighed again, closing his eyes. "I guess...I guess the loss of mom was too much, and my dad getting arrested made it worse. The pain...the pain of losing her just hit me so hard then."

Mac let out a snort, a frown appearing on his face again, "So you decided that instead of feeling the pain, you'd be the one to cause it."

Lightning came to a halt at these words, gasping as he stared back at the ground, "I...never thought about it like that. I mean, its no excuse for-"

"Ah get it," Mac interrupted as he walked up and tapped Lightning's shoulder, "If ah hadn't had mah family after ah lost mah parents, ah might have ended up the same way." Mac then gestured to Lightning, causing them both to continue moving as the storehouse started to come into view. "Ah guess we're a lot alike, with how we both lost our parents."

"Except I let the pain turn me into a monster," Lightning finished.

"We all make mistakes. Maybe that's why the princess gave ya'll a second chance." He turned to Lightning, the frown now gone, "and ah say yah used it well. Ah can see that now. Yer trying, and that's what matters."

Lighting looked back up at the stallion, now seeing a smirk on his face. The sight made Lightning stare in disbelief as he asked, "Does that...does that mean you forgive me?"


Lightning smiled back at the earth pony, the duo soon reaching the storehouse and carefully unloading the apples. Once that was done, they put the carts up and headed towards the house. There, they spotted Granny Smith poking her head out of the window. "Ya'll boys hungry? I got some tomato and broccoli soup on the stove for ya'll."

"Packing the vitamin C for Applebloom I'm guessing?" Lightning joked.

Granny laughed at this, "With lots of OJ. So, wanna join us colt?"

Lightning turned to Mac, "you okay with that?"


"Then sure, I'd love to." With that, the two stallions stepped inside and enjoyed Granny Smith's delicious lunch.

Forty five minutes later...

After finishing the meal offered to him, Lightning was now making his way to Sugarcube Corner, one of the few places he had kept away from since arriving in Ponyville. Despite knowing Wild loved to hang out there for 'obvious' reasons, Lightning was afraid of disturbing the place. After all, he knew it was a place where everypony he knew didn't trust him, loves to hang out. Including Iron.

Despite this, he saw the building in the distance, a small sigh escaping his breath as he looked down at the list Flash had given to him, "Hmmm...maybe this is a bad idea." He looked back at the building, the frown on his face now increasing, "I'm starting to think I should ask Sentry to swap this job with me. Wonder what he's doing right now..."


"WHOA! Get down!" Flash yelped as he, Springer and Zecora hit the floor, barely dodging a swinging slimy tentacle that shot out of Zecora's cauldron. He then glared at Springer, "This is the last time I let you near anything magical!"

"Sorry!" Springer replied as he got up and swatted away a tentacle with his Bone Breaker, "How was I supposed to know mixing those two ingredients would create an interdimensional portal that could unleash a horror that wants to wipe out all life in Equestria?!"

"You used a potion that was glowing dark red! Everypony knows dark red glowy stuff is bad!" Flash barked back as he blocked another tentacle attack. "Haven't you read my comics that feature supervillain mad scientists?!"

"Uh...if I lie and say no, will it change anything?" Springer squeaked out, only to get a death glare from Flash. "I guess not."

"You two, we are far from through." Zecora commented as flattened herself against the wall, "Be careful, my pony friends. One false move could be our end."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence," Flash groaned as he pointed Lightbringer at the cauldron before charging forward. "Well, here goes uh....something! GERONIMO!"

"Then again, he's probably doing something boring. Maybe I should just skip this job and go to..." Lighting looked back at the list, "Time Turner? Guess that's who I'm helping-"

"LIGHTNING!" yelled a voice, causing him to hop in place before glancing up and seeing Pinkie walking out of Sugarcube Corner. "You made it!"

Lightning raised an eyebrow at this. "You...were expecting me?"

"Kinda. When Wild came to grab his train snack, he told me about you doing some random jobs. Then my back got itchy, my eyes fluttered and my tail twitched, which means somepony that either me or somepony else is talking about will show up later."

Lightning's eyebrow raised even further. "Come again?"

Pinkie tilted her head, "You don't know about my Pinkie Sense?"

"I don't. And I'm kinda scared to ask now."

Pinkie shrugged at this before walking around the building, gesturing Lighting to follow. "I don't know why Wild didn't tell you, and I would love to explain it, but I need to get these deliveries done."

"Deliveries?" Lightning asked as he turned the corner, only to see a cart full of different dessert boxes.

"Yup. I'm on delivery duty today. Mr. Cake threw his back out and can't get out of bed, so I'm doing his deliveries."

"Oh...that explains it."

"Explains what?"

"Why Sentry sent me to help out here, but-" Lightning didn't get to finish, as Pinkie suddenly let out a massive gasp before throwing her hooves around his neck.

"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!" She cheered before pulling away. "With you here, Mrs. Cake won't have to bake anything on her own and watch the twins. That is, unless you know how to bake. Do you?"

"I did it once..." Lightning replied before looking down wistfully, "With my mom."

"Okay...well, how are you with foals?"

Lightning let out a shudder. "Horrible. Wild asked me to babysit his cousins once, and it uh...didn't go well. Turns out, electricity magic isn't...entertaining to foals."

"Oh yeah! I think I remember Wild telling me about that!" She then tilted her head in thought before a light bulb popped out of her hair and lit up. "I know!"

"How did-" Lightning tried to ask, only for Pinkie to suddenly remove his bag before strapping the delivery cart to his back. "What the heck?! What are you-"

A piece of paper was then shoved into his face, causing him to go silent as Pinkie spoke up, "Just deliver the desserts to these addresses. Each box is numbered, so all you gotta do is deliver them in order of the numbers."

"Uhhh…." Lightning mumbled as he looked down at the addresses, "Okay. Seems easy enough."

"It's super easy! Box one is the closest house, with box two being the closest to that house. Just follow the numbers and you'll be done in no time."

"And you're willing to trust me with this task?" Lightning asked her as he looked up from the map. "Without anypony to keep an eye on me?"

Pinkie replied with a massive smile. "I trust you. Wild told me all about you, you know...when you're not a evil maniacal power hungry dictator. And if Flash can forgive you for all the horrible things you've done, especially since he told me how you used to bully him all the time in the past and he still forgave you, then so can I."

"Wow...uh, thanks." Lightning said as he did a slight backpedal, "I um...yeah. The ponies of this town are way more forgiving than I thought they would be. Especially compared to where I've been."

Pinkie's smile increased as she nodded rapidly. "That's what makes Ponyville the best place EVER!" She then pointed in the direction of his first delivery. "Now Lightning Claus, go deliver some smiles!"

"Err...huh? I mean, sure." With that, Lightning headed off.

Delivery one...

Lightning walked up to the house address on his list. He then opened the cart and pulled out the first box before moving over to the door and knocking. A minute later, the door opened, causing a wave of water to suddenly flow out and dampen his hooves.

Lightning raised an eyebrow at this before looking up, right into the face of a saddened pink earth pony mare with green hair. It was here that he spotted a tap in the kitchen behind her that had been broken and was spraying water all over the place.

Lightning turned back to the mare and gave her a sympathetic smile.

Thirty minutes later...

Lightning's face was a combination of both exhausted groans and pure focus as he magically turned a bolt connected to the tap of a water pipe. His hoof slowly wiped his brow as he did one last turn, the water then flowing the way it was supposed to go.

He smirked at the sight before turning the tap off, glancing to the mare that had just finished mopping up the water. She quickly thanked the unicorn, nodding and apologizing again for the inconvenience. The defender told her to stop saying sorry and proceeded to leave, only for the mare to appear in front of him with the original delivery he had came to give.

She opened the box and offered Lighting a piece of pie as thanks, which he accepted with a quick two-step munching. As such, she thanked him one more time before he headed out for his next delivery.

Delivery five...

Lightning was a bit confused when he got to his next destination. When he had arrived at a large house and knocked at the door, he was greeted by a barrage of foals. Turns out, he had just arrived in the middle of a filly's birthday party, with his delivery being her birthday cake.

Seeing this, he quickly rushed the cake in, apologizing to the filly's mother for being late. The mother didn't mind, apparently having bigger troubles at the moment. When asked what was wrong, Lightning was shown an area with a bunch of deflated nylon fabric littering the ground of the house's backyard. Apparently, the party was supposed to have a bouncy castle, but the device that kept it inflated wasn't working.

Lightning soon saw the disappointment in all of the fillies and colts faces, causing him to frown. This made him go over to the inflating device, soon seeing a dead battery inside. He knew what to do next, his horn sparking as his signature electric magic charged the battery with ease. In mere seconds, the device was fully powered, ready to inflate the castle.

Seeing this with widened eyes and giant smiles, the foals all cheered as they started playing on the bouncy castle, screams of joy soon erupting from their mouths. Lightning's smile increased at this sight before making his way back to the cart, only to suddenly find his leg being grabbed by something. Looking down, he spotted the filly whose birthday it was, complete with her hugging his leg and thanking him for saving her party.

Lightning's grin grew twice as big as he patted the filly on the head. That is, till his ears started to hear what sounded like a stampede. Looking up, his smile vanished as he spotted almost every colt and filly from the party rushing towards him. And before he could even react, he found himself at the bottom of a dog pile of hugs.

Delivery twelve...

Lightning knocked on the door, which opened to reveal the ponies Lyra and Bon Bon. He gave the next box to them, which they nodded their thanks before shutting the door.

Glad that this delivery didn't have any shenanigans, he turned to make his way to his next delivery. But as he did this, he spotted a trio of ponies trying to hoist a piano up onto a cart. One was pushing it while the other two were pulling on a rope that was tied around it and hooked around a winch.

Seeing their struggle, he hopped onto the cart behind the winch ponies and grabbed the rope with his teeth. As he began to pull, the trio smiled at their new helper before they began to pull again. Within moments, they had the piano on the cart, ready to move the giant instrument.

And as they prepped the rest of the cart, Lightning rubbed his cheek, his teeth and gums sore at the task. The pain was quickly forgotten though as the three ponies all gave him their thanks.

Delivery eighteen...

Lightning had now arrived at a house that was split in half design wise. One half looked like a traditional, old style house, while the other looked more modern. And as he got closer to the building, his ears picked up on the sound of music.

Knowing that regular knocking might be useless, he smacked the door extra hard, causing the music to come to a stop. Seconds later, the door opened to reveal a white unicorn mare with shades and headphones. He then gave her the box, only for the mare to spot his headphones and smile before inviting him in.

Turns out, she wanted to get his opinion on a new track that she was working on. Soon seeing her choice in music, Lightning listened to it with pure bliss, but felt it was missing something. He made his suggestions and the mare's eyes, though they were blocked by the shades, went wide. She added his suggestions and the track just seemed to click into place, turning the test into a rave.

Before Lightning knew it, he was dancing and mixing to the music. That is, till the house's other resident came home, stopping the music and making Lightning realize he had lost track of time.

Delivery twenty...

"Okay, this one is a...Time Turner?" Lightning commented as he looked at the last address on the list. "This guy is who I was gonna help after helping that Pinkie mare. Did she know I was gonna do that next, or is this the weird stuff Wild talked about with her?"

"I've learned not to question it." said a new voice, causing him to spin around and see Equestria's newest princess walking up to him.

Lightning quickly bowed his head, "Hello princess."

Twilight let out a low groan as she flashed a hoof at him, "Please don't. I'm still not used to everypony doing that."

Lightning blinked at this, slowly lifting his head as he replied, "Um...okay. I figured you'd love to have somepony like me bow to you every time you see me."

"Then you really don't know me," Twilight growled as she gave him a flat glare, causing him to shiver slightly. Another sigh following her glare, she continued, "Anyways, what was I talking about?"

"That you shouldn't question anything about Pinkie."

"Oh...right. Like I said, Pinkie has a way of knowing how to help ponies without them even realizing, so you shouldn't question it. I've learned that questioning it doesn't matter."

"I see..." Lightning did a slight gulp before looking down, a big frown now gracing his face. "Can't believe she'd be willing to do that for me, even with my friendship with Wild."

Twilight rolled her eyes at this. "Still feeling sorry for yourself?"

Lightning looked back up at her, the frown on his face slightly tinging towards anger, "I've stopped feeling sorry for myself the day your coltfriend beat me." He watched as Twilight's face went completely red, causing him to chuckle. "I'm just surprised anypony in this town didn't run me out the second I stepped off the train."

"Everypony deserves a second chance." Twilight remarked, her blush now gone as she stared directly into his eyes. This alone made his frown disappear, his face now showing a blank expression combined with slight curiosity as she continued, "You know, when I first met Flash, I thought he was just a thief and nothing more. But then I looked past that and saw how amazing he was." Pure sincerity was in her eyes now as she glared at him. "I will say that I don't approve of you completely Lightning. I know all about the years you tormented Flash, and I still remember every moment of me and my family trying to help him find his place as you did that to him."

"I-" Lighting tried to say, only for Twilight to flash her hoof in his face.

"Let me finish, Lightning Blitz." Getting a silent nod from the unicorn, she continued, "As I was about to say, that's in the past. I, along with several other ponies, are willing to give you a chance. I know you've made mistakes, and I know you're not the best pony. However, I will gladly admit that I make mistakes as well. Nopony here in Ponyville is perfect, especially me and Flash." She let out a long sigh as she said this next part, "For example, I once hypnotized the entire town into fighting over a doll. There was also a time where Pinkie Pie cloned herself a thousand times and wrecked the place, or there's the incident where Fluttershy unleashed a horde of parasprites on the town. Even my assistant Spike is guilty of massive mistakes here with he turned into a raging greed monster a while back. And I'll also never forget the incident we truly believed would be the end of Ponyville..." Twilight shivered at her next words, "The 'Wild Raging Flash and Springer triple sugar incident', which was caused by Pinkie's triple deluxe sugar cupcake muffin surprise." She then leaned over and whispered, "Trust me, you really don't want to know. Especially the part where the two fought off an army of...." she gestured with her hooves, "Imaginary yellow electric rats. Took us forever to clean up that mess."

Lightning went wide eyed at this, his eyebrows almost raising above his head.

Seeing this, Twilight knew what he was thinking as she continued, "The point is Lightning, we all make mistakes and have caused trouble because of them. But that's only the first part of those mistakes." Lightning's face still showed confusion, causing her take a calm breath before proceeding, "Every mistake has two parts. The first is the mistake itself, while the second is how we deal with those mistakes. If you're sorry for what you did and work to fix it, then the mistakes you made won't matter." She then placed a hoof on Lightning's chest and smiled. "You might've made a mistake, but everything you've done since then has more than made up for it. Well, at least compared to what Flash told me you did for him." She tapped his chest next, a more serious expression appearing on her face, "I too believe you can start anew, just like anypony else. I will admit that I am leery at the idea, but I also know that you can show everypony the real Lightning."

Lightning was now shining a huge smile as he heard the princess's words. But as he readied a reply, Twilight's eyes went wide as she asked, "What happened to you two?" Lighting saw she was no longer looking at him, causing him to turn and see Flash and Springer walking up to them. The unicorn had to fight back a laugh as he saw that both were covered head to hoof in green slime, the smell of what could only be described as a combination burnt fish and skunk now on their bodies.

"Its a long story," Flash grumbled as he wiped some slime off his face, "Can you do us a favor and teleport us into the library bathroom? I don't wanna have to clean this stuff up off the floor."

Twilight giggled at the question before nodding. "Sure. One teleportation to a bath coming up." She then turned to Lighting, "Just remember and think about what I said, okay?" Lightning quickly nodded, Twilight giving an approving smile before sparking her horn as the trio were suddenly warped away.

Lightning chuckled at the sight before heading to his final destination. When he arrived and knocked on the door, he was suddenly greeted by the sound of a loud explosion. He leapt back and got into a battle stance, only to remember Pinkie had taken his knives. That is, till the door opened to the sight of Time Turner, his face covered in soot along with the goggles over his eyes. He then pulled his goggles up, "Oh, sorry about that. Experiment went a little wrong. Can I help you?"

Lightning raised an eyebrow at him. "Errr...special delivery."

Lightning held up a box, which the pony instantly recognized. "Ah, yes. I had forgotten about that."

"I'm also meant to help you with something, I was sent by Sentry."

"Of course. I'm always happy for the help. Come inside please." Lightning removed the cart and stepped into the house, Time Turner soon directing him down into the basement. There, he spotted a bunch of different machines, all in different states of completion.

"Wow..." he commented as he looked around, "You some kind of inventor?"

"Oh yes. These are all my own creations. Would you like to see some of them?"

"Sure. What cool stuff have you got?"

Time Turner chuckled at his reply, soon gesturing to the unicorn, "Well, how about we start with this?" He picked up a device that looked like a metal cullender, with lights and a whisk stuck to it. "Behold," he placed the device on his head with the whisk pocking out of his forehead, "the Mag-U-Lator three thousand and one!"

"Three thousand and one?"

"Well, I had a three thousand model, but it got stolen. All I could find was a silver feather quill."

"Oh...well, what does this one do?"

"Allow me to show you," Turner turned towards his work bench and glared a spanner on it. Seconds later, the whisk glowed brown along with the spanner, only to suddenly levitate.

"No way..." Lightning gasped as he saw the earth pony make the wrench float. That is, till the device started to spark, only to explode a second later as the spanner fell back onto the desk.

Time Turner laughed as he removed the device. "Still in the experimental stages."

"That was amazing," Lightning told him as he turned back to the inventor. "You did like...unicorn magic despite being an earth pony!"

"You flatter me. But, I'll keep working on it, along with my many other devices. After all, they're all designed to help the ponies of Equestria."

Lightning shuddered at that statement. "I've heard those words before. My old stallion used to say them all the time, but then-" He saw Time Turner give him a quizzical look. "Let's just say, he made a really big mistake."

"We all make mistakes my boy."

"Yeah...Princess Twilight just gave me that lecture." He went on to explain what the alicorn had told him, with Time Turner nodding as he listened.

"She's a smart mare, but she was a little wrong." This made Lighting tilt his head, causing Time Turner to nod as he continued, "There are three steps to a mistake. The first is, yes, making the mistake. But trying to make it right is the third. The second step is learning from mistake. That, is the most important step of all."

"I..." Lightning tried to say, only for his brain to instantly agree. "Yeah, you're right. You do need to learn from your mistakes."

"Of course. How else are we to prevent ourselves from doing them again?" He held up his Mag-U-Lator. "Take this for example. I made a mistake while building it, but I can use that mistake to help me make it right."

Lightning nodded at this. "Well, my old stallion didn't learn from his mistake."

"And I'm guessing he went on to make a few more mistakes?"

"More than a few."

Time Turner nodded again. "Those who don't learn from their past are doomed to repeat it. That's why, no matter how hard it may seem, we can't simply ignore our own mistakes. It is our past that helps shape our future, but how its shaped depends on what we learn from the past."

Lightning nodded again, completely understanding now. He hadn't learned anything from his father's past, which lead him to repeating it himself. "Thanks. This uh...this helped me. A lot."

"No problem my boy," Time Turner replied before giving him a confused glance. "Say, what did I help with again?"

Lightning laughed and waved his question off. With that moment done, he began helping Time Turner repair several of his inventions, all of them mainly being damaged by the Everfree Forest incident. Once the work was completed an hour later, Lightning headed off. He returned the cart to Sugarcube Corner and got a thank you muffin from Pinkie, though she refused to tell him how she knew his favorite flavor was vanilla along with telling him it wasn't Wild that told her. Seeing this, he grabbed his bag and made his way to Rarity's boutique.

As he made his way there, he noticed a lot more smiles from ponies that had previously given him frowns. Seeing this made him slightly smile, his eyes now seeing some of the ponies were with the ones he had helped while out on his deliveries.

And as the sun began to set, he arrived outside the extravagant building and knocked. A second later, the door opened to a certain beautiful fashionista, complete with a giant smirking smile. "Just in time. I was about to close up shop."

"Sorry. I had a...let's just say, a very busy day."

"So I heard," Rarity replied as she gestured to him a following motion, "So, how did getting ponies to forgive you one at a time go?"

"Good, I think. Big Mac forgave me for...you know, the whole thing in Canterlot. I didn't talk to the Cakes, but I did end up helping them by making their deliveries. Also, Time Turner doesn't seem to be mad at me."

"So all in all, a good day?"

Lightning thought back on the day, a smile soon gracing his face, "Yeah, definitely a good day."

"Excellent," Rarity said as they arrived outside of the changing room. "Then what better way to end such a good day than with a new piece of fashion." With that, she opened up the curtains to reveal a mannequin wearing a certain cloak. Lighting's eyes went wide at this sight, a look of pure bliss and shock on his face.

It was a light gray cloak, complete with his Cutie Mark on the back along with some yellow lightning bolt shaped stitching. It also had a hood along with several dozen pockets on the inside. Rarity magically removed his bag before putting the cloak on the unicorn, clicking the lightning bolt shaped neck buckle before stepping back. "Marvelous. Absolutely marvelous darling." she commented as she floated a mirror over to him, "What do you think?"

Lightning stared at the mirror, looking himself over with a slightly vain smirk. It was here he remembered that he was looking for function, not aesthetic. He opened his bag and levitated out his knives and sent them into the pockets, impressed that Rarity had made the perfect amount necessary. He then started jumping around, seeing if any would fall out due to the sudden movements. Rarity giggled as she watched him, but he didn't care as he saw that none of the knives were falling out.

"Wow...its perfect."

"Thank you darling, I'm quite proud of the product." Rarity commented as she went up and tapped his side. "I knew you would love it."

"Yeah...I really do." He turned to her with a huge smile, "How much do I owe ya?"

Rarity shook her head at this, "Nothing darling, its my gift to you. Also, the first one from me is always free. It helps the business." She then leaned up with both eyebrows hopping, "Just make sure you stay as the pony I made it for, and not the jerk you used to be."

Lightning couldn't help but laugh at that. "I will. I promise."

"I know you will darling."

With that, he stepped out of the store and began to walk home with a large smile on his face. He didn't care if others thought he was up to something, he wanted them to know he was happy. And as he did this, he stared at the town he was now living in, a small chuckle following, "Sentry was right. This town really is someplace where somepony can put their past behind them. Heh...I can't believe I just said that."

And as those words left his mouth, the unicorn knew that the old Lightning was gone. But even though he knew that getting rid of that old version of himself, the new Lightning was here to stay. And this version of the defender wouldn't stop until everypony in Equestria knew that.

Author's Note:

And so Lightning begins his long road to redemption. I originally planned on having him do what Iron did, but I didn't want to be repetitive. I figured this would be a good way of doing things, while also giving some more screen time to the background characters. Hope you liked it.

Next time: Something I've been waiting to do for two years.