• Published 13th Nov 2018
  • 5,468 Views, 287 Comments

Flash Sentry, Defender of the Peace S4 - Banshee531

One year has passed since our heroes first met and saved all of Equestria. Now, Flash must protect the newly crowned Princess Twilight as she carries out her duties. But when a strange new power awakens, he must learn to grasp his own destiny.

  • ...

Kamen Pony

It was another beautiful morning in Ponyville. As the morning dew began to evaporate in the heat of the sun, we find our young hero and his trusted partner flying through the skies. Flash and Springer had just finished their patrol and were heading to the forest training ground, but one of them wasn't looking particularly energized at this moment in time.

Springer's mouth stretched out wide as a loud yawn flew out. The young jakhowl then rubbed his eyes, trying to keep himself from nodding off. Flash heard this and rolled his eyes. "This is your own fault Springer. I told you we'd be getting up early last night, but you refused to go to sleep!"

"I couldn't help it," Springer moaned as he pulled out a comic from his backpack. The comic's cover showed three figures in suits and helmets that appeared to be insect themed. "The Kamen Ponies are about to stop the Grand Commander Zapper's ploy to take control of the world!"

"Kamen Ponies...Grand Commander Zapper?"

"It's an awesome Neighpanese comic series that's been rewritten into Ponish that Spike got for me when you all were in Canterlot. It depicts a trio of costumed ponies who have powers over the forces of nature. Their enemy, Zapper, uses magic and technology to turn normal ponies into mindless monsters, and the Kamen Ponies have to stop him."

"Sounds like the average Tuesday for us," Flash chuckled as Springer rolled his eyes.

"Well, I still think its cool. In fact, in this issue, Zapper's managed to get their paws on two of the three pieces of the legendary Zenith Medal. If all three pieces are brought together, they'll imbue him with unlimited power!" A huge grin shined on the pup's face, "I gotta find out how it ends."

"Well you can wait until we get home. We've got training, and then we're helping Twilight and the others clean up the Castle of the Two Sisters."

"I know, I know..." Springer groaned as he slumped back. "But I can't help it Flash...the story's so good! The Kamen Ponies have barely been able to keep up with Zapper, so I really wanna see how they manage to pull off the win this time!"

Flash just shrugged at this, "Maybe the answer's just too obvious to realise."

Springer mimicked his partner. "I guess, but its still fun to..."

Flash blinked at the sudden stop of his partner praises, making him turn back with a raised eyebrow, "Fun to what?"

Springer didn't reply, the jakhowl now putting his comic back in the backpack before pointing to another part of town with a smirk, "Go there. Now."


"Just do it, trust me." Flash rolled his eyes but did so anyways, soon finding himself flying to the town's train station. He then landed on the train's platform, seeing the most recent locomotive coming to a stop.

"Alright bud," Flash remarked as he scanned the train's opening doors. "I'm guessing somepony we know is coming here, right? Who exactly are we looking for?"

Springer hopped off and pointed to one of the carriages, "Her!" Flash followed his paw just in time to see a certain mare come off the train. A giant grin graced his face as he galloped to the mare, Springer following suit.


Trixie Lulamoon turned to the voice and smiled, "Flash, Springer, its so good to see you!"

"Same here," Flash told her while Springer ran up and gave her a small hug.

As she returned it, she blinked at Flash, "How you'd know I was on the train? I wanted it to be a surprise."

Flash laughed at this before pointing at the jakhowl hugging her, "Bit of advice Trixie. When you're planning to sneak into Ponyville, Springer is the constant."

Trixie glared down at Springer, breaking the hug as he gave her an innocent smile. A huff soon followed, "Well, there goes that plan."


"Its fine..." She leaned down and smirked at the defender, "I'll forgive you if you help me surprise the others."


They all grinned and laughed as they stepped out of the station, the trio now walking into town. As they did this, Flash asked, "So Tricks, what are you doing here? Not that we're not happy to see you, but I thought you'd be a little too busy as Luna's student to just come for a visit."

Hearing this, Trixie let out a long sigh, "Princess Luna sent me here for a...vacation. I've been having problems focusing on my magic lately, so she wanted me to take a week off to rest and....pull myself back together. That and Ruby Scarlet came for another visit and...I don't want to go on another 'night on the town'." Another sigh followed this as a huge frown now graced her face. "Though, I really don't wanna do this either..."

"What's wrong with a vacation? Everypony needs time to themselves every now and again."

"Yeah!" Springer nodded in agreement. "And if you're having trouble, then its smart for you to have some time off."

Trixie turned to Flash, the frown still on her face. "Did Twilight ever take a break during her studies when she was Celestia's student? And I'm talking voluntary ones you didn't force her to take."

Flash had been about to tell her yes, only for his voice to die at that last condition. It was here that a particular memory popped into his head. It was him helping Shining pull Twilight out of her room by her tail, the filly screaming, 'I don't wanna go play! I wanna study and go to school!'. That and Shining telling her that it was weekend, which meant no school. Flash then shook his head, "No, but that's just Twilight." He turned to Trixie with a half smile, half frown, "Nopony can match her when it comes to studying stamina....and studying comas."

Trixie sighed yet again, her pace increasing as the two tried to keep up with her, "I was afraid of that. I thought I was catching up to her, but now look at her. She's an alicorn princess, and I'm-"

"An amazing pony who's Princess Luna's student," Flash interrupted while patting the mare's back with his wing. "And before you go any further, I'll go ahead and tell you that it doesn't matter that Twilight's an alicorn now. That doesn't make you any less special." He leaned over with a cheeky grin, "You are the great and powerful Trixie after all."

Trixie turned to him, a half death stare on her face, "Oh really?! You wanna know what the great and powerful Trixie was doing when her mentor disappeared?! She was panicking! By the time I managed to calm down enough to go looking for you and Twilight, you two had already left to solve everything!" She barked, her tone repeatedly increasing before staring at the ground, "See? That's how great and powerful I am..."

Flash and Springer gave each other knowing glance, nodding before Flash looked back at Trixie, "So that's it. You think you can't measure up to Twilight."

"Its true, isn't it?" Trixie sniffled, wiping her eyes with her hoof. "Its not like I'm ever gonna become an alicorn, so how am I gonna be able to keep up with her?"

Flash wanted to instantly respond, but this brain made him stop. His mind grinding gears, a few thoughts hopped in place as he remembered the amount of years he was with Twilight, seeing how long she was Celestia's student. Remembering this, he placed a hoof on her shoulder, "Trixie, I'm not gonna lie to you. The odds that you'll become an alicorn are a million to one. Even if being the Princess's student means you have a better chance of it happening, Twilight was Celesta's pupil for years." He then extended the hoof to a shoulder hug, "But just because you're not gonna be an alicorn doesn't mean you're weak."

"Then why was I never chosen to take down some great evil? I mean Twilight's taken on Discord, Chrysalis, Sombra….she took them all on and-"

"Had help," Flash assured her. "And you're just starting out as a student. One day, you'll find yourself in a situation that only you can solve. But...you gotta believe that you can, or you'll always fail."

Trixie let what Flash told her sink in, a small smile slowly forming, "Yeah...I guess. Thanks Flash."

Flash tightened the semi-hug. "No problem! Now come on, Springer and I have got training, but after that, we're heading to the Castle of the Two Sisters. I bet you'd love to see that."

"Sure would," Trixie replied as the made their way to the training ground. Once they got there, they spotted Iron practising with Piecemaker.

When he saw them, he let out a low growl. "You're late."

"Sorry about that," Flash pointed to Trixie. "Ran into an old friend."

Iron let out a snort, smirking at the sight as he remembered her from the Battle of Canterlot and the Royal Wedding. "Guess I can let you off the hook."

"So kind of you," Flash joked as he took off his saddle bags. "Say, where's Lightning?"

Iron hissed while looking away, "After he almost impaled my flank, I told him to go practice his knife throwing far, far away."

Springer shrugged at this, "Harsh, but fair." He placed his bag on the ground, only for it to fall over, its contents spilling out. "Aw crud."

Trixie moved over and used her magic to help, soon lifting up Springer's comic. "What's this?"

Springer smirked up at her. "That's my Kamen Pony comic."

"I see," Trixie commented as she magically flipped through the book, "Cool..." she then skipped to the last page and saw it was blank. "Is it one of those draw your own ending books I've heard about?"

Springer raised an eyebrow at this and took the comic, flipping between the last page and the one before it. "What the heck?! It cuts out in the middle of the story! What a rip off!"

Flash looked over that jakhowl's shoulder and blinked at the last page, spotting something tiny written in the corner. "What's that?"

He, Springer and Trixie all squinted at the sight as Iron walked up to them. "Hey, what's the hold up?"

"Anypony got a magnifying glass?" Springer asked, getting an 'oh' from Trixie before she picked up a rock.

"Allow me!" she fired a magic blast at the rock, transforming it into a magnifying glass.

"Thanks," Springer took it and held it over the words. "Let's see...you may return...from your quest...when the Kamen Ponies are...victorious. Take a closer look...to enjoy the adventure...in this book."

The four all raised an eyebrow at this, all blinking in confusion at the words.

It was then that the comic exploded with light, causing Springer to drop it as he and the ponies stepped back. Before any of them could ask what was going on, they suddenly felt a sucking force pull them closer to the shining graphic novel. "What...is...happening?!" Flash yelped as they tried to pull away, only for their hooves to touch the comic.

As soon as they did, they felt themselves be pulled down, as if the book was a black hole. Springer was the first to be pulled in, followed by Flash, Trixie and finally Iron. And as soon as Iron's tail was pulled inside, the book flickered shut.

"Oooohhhh...that hurt." Springer moaned as he slowly lifted his head, groaning as he rubbed his face. "What just..." he tried to say, only to feel something under him. He looked down and saw he was laying on a piece of hard concrete. He then blinked at the sight, picking himself up as he started to look around. It was here that he noticed he was on a rooftop during the middle of the night. "What the heck?! Where am I?!"

"I have no idea." Springer spun around and gasped. It was Flash, Iron and Trixie, which wouldn't make him regularly be surprised. However, it was what the three were wearing that surprised him. Flash was wearing a black buttoned up vest over a white shirt and black tie along with a black hat on his head that also had a white stripe around it. Iron was wearing a crimson red leather jacket with orange zippers over an orange shirt. Trixie was also wearing a white turtleneck jacket that had a light blue trim.

"No way..." Springer exclaimed as he stared at this sight.

"What the heck is going on?" Iron asked as he stared at his new clothes.

Trixie shrugged, "I have no idea."

Flash turned to her. "You think we might've been teleported?"

Trixie rubbed her chin in thought, only to shake her head. "No, that didn't feel like teleportation. This is something else..." She then saw the huge grin on Springer's face, "What?"

Springer looked slightly away, "Well...you three look just like the characters in my comic."

Flash raised an eyebrow at this, "What are you talking about?"

Springer pointed at the trio, "You're wearing the exact same clothes the characters of my story are wearing in the civilian identities. Its almost...freaky on how similar you all look."

"Well, what about you?" Iron huffed as he pointed at the jakhowl, "Who in your comic wears that?"

Springer looked down at himself, now seeing the gray cloth overcoat and scarf he was wearing. "No way! I'm dressed like Textbook...." The name got three odd looks as he continued, "He's the character who acts as the audience surrogate...you know, the one that get's everything explained to him."

"Oookay..." Flash commented as he fiddled with his new hat, "But why are we all dressed like this? And where are-"


Flash's question was left unanswered as the three rushed to the edge of the roof, now seeing an explosion coming out of a building across the street. "Now what?!"

From out of the smoke rushed out a horde of ponies in black cotton body suits, all of the suits showing off skeleton designs. Their heads were completely covered, say for four holes that showed their eyes, nose and mouth.

"Zap Fighters?" The three ponies turned to give Springer a questionable look.

"The what fighters?"

"Zap Fighters. They're the minions of Zapper." Springer looked up for a second, rubbing his chin before snapping his paw, "I get it now! We're inside the comic!"

The three raised an eyebrow at this. "Come again?"

"Don't you see?! You were right Trixie! The comic is a make your own ending comic, except instead of writing it, you get sucked inside and have to actually become the characters! You aren't just dressed like the Kamen Ponies...YOU ARE THE KAMEN PONIES!"

The trio stared at the jakhowl, blinking in unison before the stallions turned to Trixie. "Is that even possible?"

Trixie gave them a slight grimace as she tried to think, "Well...if the comic is made from a magic conductive material, then it might be possible to create a small pocket dimension. But why would somepony do this?"

"We'll have to find out later," Iron told her with crossed hooves. "Right now, we've gotta find a way out of here."

Springer shook his head at this, "We already have a way Iron, it said so on the comic. We'll return from our quest when the Kamen Ponies are victorious. That means that all you have to do is beat the bad guys and we'll be free."

Flash nodded, catching on quickly. "Springer's right. That thing told us to do this, and I have a feeling it could work. You two up for it?"

Iron slammed his hoof into the other one, a smirk gracing his face. "I still think this is weird, but I'm always up for a situation that has hitting things as an answer. I'm in."

Trixie stared down at the roof, clutching her hoof, "I...don't know. I don't think I can do this." She then felt a hoof on her shoulder, making her look up to see a smiling Flash.

"Stop that Trixie. You can do this."

Trixie's insecurity remained as she did a small gulp, nodding soon after. "O-o-okay...I'll um uh...do my best."

Flash patted her should with his wing as he looked down at the crime taking place. "See? Everything's good. Now, as for that down there...let's do this!"

"Right!" Iron hopped over the edge, landing onto the street while Flash carried Trixie as he flew down. The Zap Fighters instantly noticed them, sneering at the sight as Iron reached for his Celestic Gear, "An Iron Lance Fury will cut these losers down to size." But his smirk quickly disappeared when he then noticed Piecemaker wasn't there. "What the-"

"You two don't have your Celestic Gears." Trixie commented as her horn started to glow, "But a little fireworks show should blind them enough to let you all take them down." But as she cast her spell, all that happened was her horn sparked a few times before firing off a small ember. "Huh?"

Springer blinked at this as a small gulp went down his throat, twiddling his paws as he commented, "Um...the character you're portraying Trixie is uh....well, she's not really good with magic. All she can do is levitation."

"Seriously?!" Trixie asked in horror.

"Alright, we'll do this old fashioned way!" Flash got into a battle stance while pounding his hooves and closing his eyes, "Theta Mode!" But as he opened his eyes, only to feel nothing. His eyes remained normal no matter how many times he tried to activate his heightened senses. "Awww...not again! No Celestic Gear, no Theta Mode, not even basic magic! This is just like that blasted human world! How are we supposed to beat these guys if we can't fight with our usual stuff?!"

Trixie saw the Zap Fighters getting dangerously close and began to panic, her eyes now twitching as sweat started to pour down her face. She then looked down at her costume, only for a bulb to go off in her head. "Wait a minute..." she turned to Springer, "Springer! How do we change into our costumes?"

Springer's hopped in place, seeing where she was going with this, "Yell Henshin."

The three raised an eyebrow at this, "Henshin?" No sooner had they said that, three different colored auras covered their bodies. Flash's was yellow, Iron's red and Trixie's light blue. Seconds later, the light exploded off their bodies and knocked the Zap Fighters back.

At the same time, Flash was consumed by a cocoon of lightning, while Iron's entire body ignited into flames. Trixie was surrounded by snow, which froze into ice the second it touched her skin. The cocoons then faded away, revealing all three now wearing head to hoof in full body spandex suits, all that had armoring in some places along with helmets that resembled insect heads.

Flash wore an all black spandex suit with yellow armoring on his chest, shoulders and boots. His wings were encased in yellow armor that made them look robotic with blades on the very ends. His helmet looked like a lightning bug's head, being mostly black with a yellow mouth guard. It had large blue eye-like visors and a pair of yellow antenna and around his neck was a yellow muffler scarf.

Iron's suit was more bulkier than Flash's, being dark crimson and having orange streaks running down it. The entire style made him look like a being made of molten rock, lava leaking out of the cracks. His helmet was red, with orange eye visors and a large stag beetle horn.

Finally, Trixie's suit was light blue with white armor that had snowflake designs. Her helmet was light blue and had white visors along with large butterfly wings on the side.

The three looked themselves over, all gasping, "Wow..."

"Look at us," Trixie added as she tapped her hoof.

"We look awesome!" Flash cheered.

Iron chuckled, pounding his hooves with a smirk. "Well, more than usual."

"You did it! You're now the Kamen Ponies!" Springer cheered before pointing at Flash, "Kamen Pony Storm." He turned at Iron, "Kamen Pony Magma." and finally Trixie, "Kamen Pony Blizzard."

The three smirked as they glared at the now recovering Zap Fighters." This is gonna be fun." Flash chuckled as he gestured to the Zap Fighters, "Now...count up your sins."

This got a confused look from not only the enemy, but also Trixie. "Huh?" the magician yelped, only to get a nudge from Iron.

"Its the Royal Knight catchphrase," Iron grumbled as he stared at Flash. "But why'd you say it now?"

Flash just shrugged, "I don't know. Something about this situation made me feel like saying it."

Before anypony could say anything else, the Zap Fighters charged at the heroes. Flash and Iron met them with smiles on their faces, ready to use the weaponless fighting styles they had learned in their training.

Flash flew around, picking up speed before thrusting his hooves into the enemy. He then used his tail to grab one around the neck and spun the minion, slamming the Zap Fighter into the ground. At the same time, Iron charged his opponents like a raging bull, slamming them head first and pushing them back until he was surrounded. But that was just what he wanted, spinning around to deal kicks, punches and tail whips that sent the Zap Fighters flying.

The only one not having an easy time was Trixie, who was trying her best to dodge the attacks thrown her way. "Aaaaahhhh!!! How am I supposed to beat these guys without my magic?"

"Use your Snow Bow!" Springer yelled out from the roof.

Trixie looked up at him, "My what?!"

"On your belt." Trixie glanced at her belt, raising an eyebrow as she saw a strange object attached to it, which she magically took off to examine. It was a box with two inch long circular tubes on the top and bottom, along with a triangular ripcord like attachment on the back.

As soon as she focused on the object, two curved ice like spikes shot out of tubes to make it look like a bow. "Wow..." she magically pulled back the ripcord to reveal a long rope connecting it to the rest of the weapon. On the other side, an arrowhead made purely out of ice appeared. "I get it," she released the ripcord and it retracted back into the bow as the force fired out not just the arrowhead, but an entire arrow. The arrow struck one of the Zap Fighters, turning him into an ice sculpture, making Trixie smirk. "This, I like." With that, she started firing arrows willy nilly.

Flash and Iron saw this and looked at their belts, Flash pulling out a sword handle while Iron had a metal stick that quickly extended into a staff. Seeing this, Springer yelled, "Iron! Slam the end into the ground!" Iron did as he was told, and when he tried to pull the pole free, it brought out a large square slab of molten rock. "That's your weapon, the Magma Masher!"

"Awesome!" Iron started swinging the hammer around, taking out even more Zap Fighters than before.

Flash tried channelling energy into his weapon the way he would with Lightbringer, happily seeing the results as a bolt of lightning shot out the handle before taking the form of a blade. "Say hello to the Lightning Blade!"

"Sweet..." Flash started swinging the blade like he would Lightbringer. However, instead of cutting, the blade would pass through his opponents and electrocute them.

With these weapons, the three masked ponies quickly cut through the Zap Fighters with ease, soon leaving just a tiny group of Zap Fighters. There, Springer called out, "Flash, use your finisher!"


"Supercharge you sword and slash them with it. Its called Static Slash!"

Flash nodded and held up the sword, pumping as much energy as he could into it. The blade suddenly grew until it was twenty foot long, Flash lumbering to swing it around. "Static...SLASH!" The lightning sword came down, annihilating them all in a single strike.

A dust cloud soon kicked up, making them cough. The three of them then watched as the cloud faded, revealing the little remains of the Zap Fighters. Trixie let out a sigh of relief at the sight, "Alright, looks like we win. Can we go home now?"

They looked around, but found that nothing was happening. "Hello? We done here or not?"

"I'm thinking not," Flash added.

Springer nodded at this, "The comic was supposed to be the ending of the season. I don't think we get to leave until the big bad is beat."

"Great...just great..." Iron grumbled, "So where do we find-"


The Kamen Ponies suddenly found themselves flying through the air, soon crashing as they let out a bunch of groans. Trixie held her head as she tried to pick herself up. "What just happened?"

Her answer came in the form of a series of laughs that filled the air. The ones laughing were two figures, the first being a gray earth pony stallion with a black mane and tail. He was wearing a gray army general uniform and had an eye patch over his left eye. The second was a crimson unicorn mare with a black mane and tail that was also wearing a white lab coat with a pair of goggles over her eyes.

Up on the roof, Springer gasped at the sight, "That's General Wolfang and Doctor Terrachnid! They're the second in command of Zapper."

Trixie shivered at seeing them. "They look a lot stronger than the Zap Fighters."

"We can still take them," Iron grumbled as he picked himself up and got into a fighting position.

"HA!" Wolfang guffawed, "Like you losers could ever beat us."

Terrachnid nodded in agreement. "You three have stood in our way long enough." It was in that moment that a Zap Fighter ran out of the building, holding something in his teeth. He moved over to the two, Terrachnid smiling as she saw it. "Ah! Finally, the last piece is ours."

Flash saw this and remembered what Springer had told him earlier. "The last piece of the Zenith medal."

"Yes...and with it, our grand commander will become the all powerful god he was destined to become."

"Not if we can help it!" Flash charged, Iron following close behind. But before they could reach the two, Wolfang and Terrachnid smirked before veils of light surrounded their bodies. Flash's eyes went wide seeing this, only for a beam of light to suddenly be shot at him. "Whoa!" He took to the air to dodge, only to then look down and now see a web of some kind. "What the heck?!"

He looked back as the light faded, revealing Wolfang and Terrachnid, complete with new forms. Wolfang was now much more bulky and hairy, while his head was now that of a wolf while his hooves had large claws at their ends. Terrachnid now looked like the cross between a pony and a spider, with four spider like legs sticking out of her back while her head was now that of a spiders. Her tail had also been replaced by a spider's silk sack.

The three ponies all went wide eyed at seeing this, Iron's face scrunching, "What am I looking at?!"

"Their mutant forms," Springer commented as he gagged at the sight.

"Who cares," Flash pulled out his Lightning Blade. "They'll fry all the same," the sword sparked again, the hero now charging at Terrachnid. "Let's finish this!"

The monster smirked. "Nice try." She shot several blasts of webbing at Flash, who cut through them all. But as he tried to stab her with his sword, she simply used her spider legs to lift herself up, another shot of webbing coming out of her rear as Flash flew under her.

"Oh crud!" Flash yelped as the webbing caught him, soon trying to pull away.

At the same time, Iron was swinging his hammer at Wolfang. But as he swung it straight down, the wolf pony monster reached up and actually grabbed the stone mallet. "What?!"

"Wimp," Wolfang chuckled before pushing the hammer away. He then slashed at Iron, making him cry out as he staggered back. And before he could recover, Terrachnid shot another load of webbing that hit his hoof, sticking the defender to the ground.

Wolfang laughed at the sight, "You two suddenly got way less powerful. Not that I'm complaining." He and Terrachnid stepped past the two and focused on Trixie, who was shaking as they got closer.

"What's the matter Blizzard? Scared?" Trixie didn't answer, raising her Snow Bow and pulling back the cord. But as she tried to fire an arrow, the shot went sailing above the two, making them both laugh. "Looks like I was right! HA!"

Trixie's magic gave out at the laugh, causing her bow to drop. Seeing this, Flash yelled, "Run away Trixie! You and Springer need to save yourselves!"

"Get out of here!" Iron added.

Trixie didn't need to be told twice, quickly turning before running as fast as she could. Wolfang and Terrachnid both laughed again, changing back to normal as they watched her flee. "That's right, run away little filly."

Wolfang turned to Terrachnid. "Should we go after her?"

"Nah." she glanced at the male Kamen Ponies, "We have what we came here for, along with a nice little bonus." In that moment, more Zap Fighters arrived. "Bring these two to the hideout and contact the Grand Commander." She lifted up the piece of the medal, "he'll wanna see what we have."

Springer was now searching for the unicorn as he jumped from rooftop to rooftop. He soon came to a stop when his highly powerful ears caught the sound of crying. Following the sound, he arrived at a rooftop and looked down into an alleyway. There he spotted Trixie, out of her suit and curled up behind a dumpster as tears poured down her face.

"Trixie!" He quickly parkoured down the alleyway and went over to her, kneeling down and placing a paw on her shoulder. "You okay?"

"Of course not!" Trixie hid her face into her front legs as she continued sobbing. "I let everypony down...again."

Springer shook his head, "You didn't let anypony down."

Trixie looked up and glared at him, tears messing up the stare, "I freaked out and let my fear get the better of me! I abandoned my friends and left them to who knows what!"

"Flash told you to run."

"I could have ignored him and kept fighting."

"And you would have been captured. This way, you can save them and help stop Zapper."

Trixie rolled her eyes. "Yeah...right. Like a failure like me can do something like that..." A few sniffles followed as she whimpered out, "Can't you do something? You've fought stronger opponents before, right?"

"I can't," Springer placed his paws together and did a deep breath. However, nothing happened, not even a spark of blue flame in his paws, "See? No aura. I can't fight in this world Trixie, as its not my role. Textbook doesn't fight, but..." He tapped her chest next, "You can fight. You're Kamen Pony Blizzard, master of ice. Only you can save them."

"No...I can't! Let's face it," she looked back down at her hooves. "I'm a worthless nopony who couldn't live up to anypony's expectations. I was an embarrassment to my father, I couldn't help when my teacher needed me, and now I let Flash and Iron get captured."

Springer opened his mouth, ready to tell her that she was wrong, but couldn't. His mind went blank as he tried to think of what to say to encourage her. That is, till he looked her over, reminding him of what she was right now. "Trixie...listen. You gotta calm down. You need to chill out because...well, you're Kamen Pony Blizzard."

"I'm not Kamen Pony Blizzard. I don't even know what that is."

"But you are her," Springer told her as he patted her shoulder. "Listen, this comic made you into Blizzard for the exact same reason I think Flash became Storm and Iron became Magma. Because out of all of us, you're the one most like Blizzard."

Trixie turned to him with confusion sprayed all over her face. "What do you mean?"

"Well...I think Flash is Storm because the two are snarky goodhearted ponies who only want to help others. And Iron is Magma because...they're both angry hotheads who love to hit things. That's why I'm betting you got made into Blizzard because deep down, you're both similar."

A small sniff followed as Trixie asked, "What's Blizzard like?"

"She can be a ditz and scatterbrained most of the time," Trixie let out an angry snort at this, only to change back as Springer continued, "But in battle, she's super chill and always knows what to do when the moment requires it."

Trixie huffed and looked away, "I'm definitely nothing like her then. You saw me crack back there."

"You are just like her," Springer assured her. "You just need to believe in yourself."

Believe in yourself.

Those words echoed in her brain, causing a memory to swim into Trixie's mind. One that happened back when she first started learning under Princess Luna.

The Past...

Trixie was sitting on a bench in the corridor of Canterlot Castle. She was soaked from head to hoof, the door next to her open and spewing out a thin cloud of smoke. In that moment, Luna stepped out, also soaked and coughing, "Well, I think I have managed to switch off the sprinklers. I also cast repair and drying spells, so the place will be good as new soon."

Trixie looked away as she whimpered out, "I'm sorry."

Luna did a small giggle as she patted her apprentice's shoulder, "Its alright. Accidents happen after all."

"They happen around me more than most."

"You are just starting out Trixie. You just need more practice."

Trixie's ears couldn't comprehend these words, causing her to sigh as she continued to stare at the ground she was dripping water on. "Maybe...maybe this was a mistake. You should just kick me out already, I'm just wasting your time."

"Don't be ridiculous. If my sister and I kicked a pony out after one mistake, then nopony would last a week here."

Trixie just shook her head, "I'm just gonna end up embarrassing you eventually, like I did my father. He had the right idea, ignoring my existence. He saw what a failure I am."

"Then you're father is a very blind pony!" Luna nearly yelled, forcing herself from going into her Royal Canterlot voice. "You're not a failure, and you never were!"

Despite being slightly rattled and shivering from her mentor's yell, Trixie didn't look up as she muttered, "What if you're wrong?"

A blast of steam poured out of the princess's nostrils, her eye twitching in irritation. "That's it! Trixie Lulamoon, look at me!" The screech made Trixie shiver even more, but she still didn't look up. Seeing this, Luna's horn sparked as her magic forced Trixie's chin up, making them see eye to eye. "You are not a failure! You made a mistake, but you can't let that stop you! I, more than anypony, know what its like to make mistakes with horrible consequences! I am not and never will give up on you, no matter how badly you screw up." She then tapped Trixie in the chest, her glare intensifying, "But all my belief is meaningless if you do not believe in yourself!" Her stern expression softened as she smiled at the mare, "You have much greatness buried within you Trixie Lulamoon. Together, we will unearth that greatness and show the whole world that Trixie Lulamoon is a pony to respect. Understand?"

Trixie stared into Luna's eyes, seeing no doubt or falsehood in them as she spoke. For the first in a long time, Trixie started feeling something in her heart that she had never gotten from her father. Pure unfounded belief and acceptance. The cheers she had received from her show audiences didn't come close to this, nor did the praise she had gotten from Flash and his friends. For the first time in her life, somepony wanted to take a shot on her.

In that moment, she swore she would prove her teacher was right to believe in her.

The Present...

The memories of that time flooded back to her, reminding her of the promise she had made. Luna had trusted her to become her student, and now Flash and Iron had trusted her to save them.

Springer watched as Trixie picked herself up, wiping the tears from her eyes as she said, "Thank you Springer. You're right, I...I can do this! I'm going to find those Zapper freaks, save Flash and Iron, and get us out of this comic!"

Springer shined a huge grin, giving her a thumbs up. "There ya go!" He then pointed to himself, "And I know exactly where to look! Zapper's hideout in the comics is an abandoned weapons storehouse."

Trixie nodded. "Then that's where we're going." She marched out of the alleyway with a confident smile, stopping once she was out on the street. "HENSHIN!"


Flash moaned as his eyes began to flicker open, pain still stinging through his skull as the world around him started to form back together. It was here he realized what was going on, making him yelp out, "Oh no...that's not good."

He was stuck to a wall, his hooves and wings glued onto it by Terrachnid's webbing. He turned to his left and spotted Iron, unconscious and stuck to the wall just like him with a strange helmet on his head. His eyes moved up and allowed him to see that he too was wearing the device.

"Iron...Iron, wake up."

Iron moaned at the voice, mumbling as he opened his eyes, "Sentry? Wh...what happened? Where are we?"

"We're stuck in Springer's comic, remember?"

"Oh...right. We're still in that mess." Iron grumbled as he started blinking, him and Flash now seeing that they were now in some kind of warehouse that had several crates piled up all around. Before the two could ask where they were, they heard hoofsteps, causing them to look down.

There, they saw Terrachnid and Wolfang back in their pony forms, while a third pony stood between the two. Whoever this pony was, their entire body was covered in a dark blue cloak and hood, making it impossible to see what was beneath. Flash and Iron might not have read a single page of this comic series, but they knew enough that Flash asked, "Let me guess. You're Grand Commander Zapper?"

The hooded pony laughed, "Its nice to finally meet the annoyances that have been slowing down my organization's plans. I look forward to crushing you myself once I've gained the power I've been seeking." From out of his cloak, he levitated three metal shards that looked like they fit together into a single circular shape.

Iron growled at this, "The Zenith Medal."

"It wasn't easy getting them, especially with you three ponies destroying my mutants. But now, that no longer matters. Unlimited power is now mine!"

"Not if we can help it!" Flash took a deep breath. "Hen-AAAHHH!" Flash's pained cries came out as electricity suddenly funneled into him, the helmet he was wearing now sparking. Once the shock stopped, he went limp and started panting.

Zapper once again laughed. "Nice try, but you two aren't going anywhere." He turned to Terrachnid, "See to it that they remain out of the way. I'll be back once I've gained ultimate power." With that, he and Wolfang walked off.

Terrachnid laughed at this, smiling at the heroes, "Such a shame I won't be allowed to perform my experiments on you. I'm sure you both would have made excellent mutants."

"I think I'll pass," Flash replied while sticking out his tongue, "Never been much of a mutant kinda guy."

"Just you wait until we get out here," Iron growled as he tried to pull himself free before getting zapped himself. "AAAHHH!"

Terrachnid laughed again. "Sorry, but I'm afraid you won't be going anywhere. Once Commander Zapper has gained the power, he'll be back to destroy you." She then clapped her hooves giddily, "And there's nopony able to save you! HA!"

"You're forgetting about Blizzard," Flash deadpanned. "She'll be coming any second to kick your flank."

Terrachnid's laugh evolved into a cackle, "You must be kidding! That filly can't help you."

Both Flash and Iron smirked, "You'd be surprised."


Terrachnid spun around just in time to see somepony break through the skylight, the figure landing in the center of a Zap Fighter group. It was Trixie, completely masked with a big smile on her face, "Sorry to barge in on you like this, but my ears were burning and that's not a good thing for me." Before anypony could respond, she pulled out her Snow Bow and began firing it while she spun on the spot. A flurry of ice arrows froze all the Zap Fighters around her, the mare then using the edges of her bow to shatter them.

Terrachnid growled before transforming into her mutant form, only to start spitting webbing at the Kamen Pony. "Trixie, watch out!" She spun and fired an arrow at the web, freezing it solid. And as the frozen web crashed to the ground, Terrachnid and Blizzard charged at one another.

Trixie shot another set of arrows at Terrachnid, but the spider pony hybrid used her long legs to hop over the volley. "HA!" She cheered as she landed on top of Trixie, pinning her to the floor. "I always knew you were weak. You can't even aim right."

Though she couldn't see it, Trixie was still smiling under the mask. "Who said I was aiming at you?"

Terrachnid blinked at this, only for her ears to hear the sound of ice smashing. Spinning around, all eight of her eyes went wide as she watched Flash and Iron break the now frozen webbing, the two chuckling as they removed the ice and helmets.

"Much better. So much better," Iron commented as he dusted the last part of himself with his tail.

Flash shined a huge grin at the two mares, "Now we can settle the score."

"HENSHIN!" the two yelled in unison, a flash of lightning and fire shining around that as their suits appeared. They then drew their weapons, Flash quickly swinging his Lightning Blade as he unleashed a bolt of electricity that flew right at Terrachnid.

The spider pony was forced to release Trixie and leap away, but as she landed, Iron swung his hammer, shaking the ground. Seconds later, the spot beneath her ripped open before unleashing a barrage of fire. "AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!"

After a minute, the flames went out and Terrachnid stood swaying with burn marks covering her body. Trixie then pulled the ripcord of her bow, channelling all her power into the weapon. "Frostbite Barrage!" She released the cord, firing multiple ice arrows, all sticking and freezing the spider completely.

Trixie wasn't done there though, as she charged at the ice statue with the blades of her bow glowing. With a mighty battle cry, she forced the blades into the ice, causing both it and the being sealed within to shatter. The Kamen Pony then started to pant as she looked over the remains of her opponent while Flash and Iron moved over to her. "Great work Tricks."

Iron nodded in agreement, "Yeah! Even I gotta admit, that was amazing."

"Thanks," Trixie replied as she wiped her brow, "I still can't believe I did it."

Flash patted her back with a huge grin. "Just goes to show you how wrong you were Trixie! You've got great potential hidden within you."

Trixie smiled back, a great feeling of accomplishment filling her heart. "Thanks. I guess I'm better than I thought. After all, I am the great...and powerful Trixie."

Flash and Iron both rolled their eyes at this, only for a buzzing sound to interrupt them. Flash looked down, seeing it was his belt, which looked like a walkie talkie of some kind. Removing it, he answered, "Hello?"


The pony raised an eyebrow, "Springer?"

"Yeah, its me. You all okay?"

"We're fine thanks to Trixie. Where are you?"

"I'm outside. I just spotted Zapper and Wolfang heading into the building next to the one you're in. They must be heading to the roof."

"Why?" Iron asked next.

"The Zenith Medal can only be reforged in the light of a full moon. That's tonight."

Flash turned to the others, "You hear that? If he does that...."

"We'll be trapped here forever," Trixie finished.

Iron slammed his hooves together, "We ain't gonna let that happen. Come on, let's go kick some flank!" Flash nodded before the trio ran to the exit.

Zapper, Wolfang and several Zap Fighters were standing atop the roof of the skyscraper. As the clouds parted to reveal the moon, Zapper lifted the three pieces of the medal and bathed them in the light. The three pieces started to glow, only to touch as they slowly began to merge together. "Finally, the ultimate power shall be mine!"

Wolfang chuckled at this, only to look down and see the three Kamen Ponies running out of the warehouse. "Commander, we have company."

Zapper glared down, growling, "Then deal with them."

Wolfang nodded and headed for the door, half of the Zap Fighter legion going with him.

Flash, Trixie and Iron raced to the building, soon spotting Springer standing by a door. "Over here! Zapper went in here!" Springer called out as he pointed to the door. Iron stepped in and saw the door lead to a room with both a spiralling staircase and an elevator.

Flash flexed his wings while staring at the roof, "You two go that way. I'll take the express way." With that, he shot up as the three moved to the elevator. But in that moment, it pinged before opening up to reveal a mutated Wolfang and the Zap Fighters.

"Fancy meeting you here," Wolfang roared as charged with his claws drawn. Iron swung his staff, catching Wolfang's stomach as he knocked the mutant out of the building. Seeing this, Trixie and Springer turned to the Zap Fighters, Trixie's bow now primed.

"I'll take care of him! Get rid of those punks!" Iron yelled as he ran out to face Wolfang.

"Got it!" Trixie replied as she shot down three Zap Fighters with one arrow.

Iron then leapt at Wolfang, the mutant dodging the next blow before slashing at the Kamen Pony. Iron managed to block the attack, his hoof spinning to thrust the end of the staff into his stomach. "Augh!" Wolfang staggered back, growling as he glared at Iron. "You'll pay for that."

Iron chuckled and gestured a 'come on' stance, "Add it to my tab furball."

"Grrr….I'm gonna tear you apart limb from limb!"

Flash flew at mach speed, Lightning Blade in hoof as he reached the top of the building. "Alright Zapper," he yelled as he landed on the roof. "Give up before I'm forced to hurt you."

Zapper laughed as the rest of the Zap Fighters hopped between him and Flash. "You'll have to stop them first."

"With pleasure," Flash charged, slicing the foot-soldiers down with ease. Not a single one could even get close, Flash spinning like a lightning tornado as electricity took down all of the Zap Fighters. With the cannon fodder neutralized, Kamen Pony Storm turned to Grand Commander Zapper. "Its over."

Zapper laughed as he lifted his hooves in the air, now showing the fully formed Zenith Medal. "It is now. Behold...ultimate power!" Before Flash could say or do anything, the medal let out a brilliant flash of light, making Flash shield his eyes.


Back on the ground, Iron and Wolfang were still fighting, the two now in a horn-lock with Wolfang's claws and Iron's staff. Iron was now pushing Wolfang back, his staff turning into a hammer as he gave one last push. After being knocked back, Wolfang charged once again, only to duck under a hammer swing. "Hey! Watch it!"

"I am watching it," Iron swung the mallet once again.

Wolfang leapt back just in time to dodge it, only to feel his hoof slip out from under him. "Whoa!" He yelped as he slipped, his eyes now seeing patches of ice under his hooves. "What the heck?!"

Kamen Rider Blizzard giggled as she leaned against one of the multiple Zap Fighter ice sculptures that she had created, the entire army no frozen solid. "Problem?"

"Grrr...I'll get you, you stinking-blaugh!" Wolfang screeched as he tried to pick himself up, only to slip on the ice again.

Trixie giggled again as she aimed her bow. "Here, let me help you stay in place." She fired an ice arrow, this one encasing his leg in ice.

"Grrr...oh come on!" Wolfang yelled as he tried to pull away, but the ice was too much for his claw. "Blast it!"

"He's all yours Iron!"

"You got it! Now, Molten..." Iron's hammer caught fire as he leapt into the air, holding it above his head before swinging it down. "IMPACT!" The piece of blazing earth shot out of the staff, now turning a fiery comet.

"Wait! No no no!" Wolfang screamed as he tried to pull himself free, only for the projectile to continue rocketing towards him.


Iron, Springer and Trixie watched as he was consumed by an explosion, hearing his cries of pain as he faded away. The three all cheered at this, Iron gesturing to the others, "Come on, let's go help Sentry kick that-"

"AAAAAHHHHH!" yelled a voice as he landed in front of them, creating a small crater.

The three ran over to sudden fallen figure, only to see Flash trying to pick himself up, "Uuuggghhhh...that hurt."

"You okay?" Springer asked as he helped Flash up.

Flash moaned as he got back to his hooves. "Sorry. I couldn't stop him in time."

They all looked up, now seeing a blast of light before fading to reveal Zapper's new form. Atop the building was a giant serpent, with many smaller but still quite large serpents making up it's tail. Around it's neck was a piece of bronze armor with a giant version of the Zenith Medal attached to the front. "Behold..." the serpent hissed, "My ultimate form! AHAHAHA!!!"

"This is bad," Flash groaned as he shook his head.

"How are we supposed to beat that thing?" Iron asked next.

Trixie turned to Springer, "Springer, you've read this comic. Is there anyway we might be able to win?"

Springer blinked at her question, his mind now cycling through all of his Kamen Pony knowledge. "Uhhhh...I got it!" Springer snapped his paws, "You can use Galaxy Storm!"

"Come again?"

"Galaxy Storm. Its a power up Kamen Pony Storm used in an event comic," he then frowned as he remembered the next part, "But...that won't work either. When he used it in the comic, he was being supercharged by a special comet."

The others stared at each other, unsure what to do next. "So...is there nothing we can do to do this...Galaxy Storm?" Flash asked as he tilted his head, "Springer?"

"Um...I'm not sure." the jakhowl replied, rubbing his chin in thought. "This is bad."

It was here that a click went off in Trixie's head, "Say Springer....what if we lent Flash our powers?" The others turned to her, confusion on her faces as she continued. "If Iron and I channel our Kamen Pony powers into Flash, he might be able to enter this...Galaxy Storm thing."

"Would that even work?"

Trixie just shrugged. "Probably not in our world, but the rules here might not be the same."

"Sounds like worth a try to me." Iron commented as glanced at Trixie. "But how do we do it?"

"I guess...we just will ourselves to do it? I don't know." Trixie replied before Iron nodded. He and Trixie then closed their eyes and focused, red and blue auras beginning to surround them. Those auras flew into Flash, wrapping around him, only for Trixie and Iron to fall to the floor, reverting back to normal pony form as they watched Flash.

"Hey, I think its working! I feel...stronger!" He was suddenly engulfed in a cocoon of light, his Kamen Pony Suit beginning to shift to a new form. As the light faded, he showed now bulkier armor that had star and constellations patterns on them. His muffler was now gone and his helmet's design was now more regal looking. Finally, his armored wings had doubled in length, large blades now gracing the tips.

The three stared in marvel at Flash's upgrade, "Let's do this!" Galaxy Storm cheered as he spread his wings, taking flight to the top of the building.

Zapper saw his opponent coming and hissed, "Pathetic. You cannot harm me!" His tail's snakes coiled out and launched at him, but Flash's new form spun in the air, easily outmaneuvering the volley of snakes.

"We'll see about that!" Flash yelled as he landed on top of the snakes, doing a barrel roll to dodge another as he used his blades on his wings to cut off the heads of four more attacking snakes. He eventually arrived at Zapper's head, the monster hissing before trying to take a bite out of him. Flash hopped back, performing another barrel roll as he ducked under the snake's snapping mouth.

"Stop moving!" he hissed as he swatted at Flash with his tail, knocking Flash into the roof. A yelp of pain followed as Zapper laughed at Kamen Pony. "HA! Looks like your power-up is nothing to talk about!"

"Oh yeah?" Flash replied as he looked up with a smirk, "Wanna bet I won't beat you with my next attack?"

Zapper grinned back, "I'll take that bet. Bring it!"

"Wrong choice!" Flash then curled into a ball, dodging Zapper's tail as he tried to swing at him again. Flash then spun around, only to straighten out as he flew at the snake with one of his back hooves pointed forwards, "Galactic Pony...KICK!" With that out attack, he slammed into the Zenith Medal on Zapper's chest, shattering it into pieces.

"NOOOOOO!" Zapper cried as the medal faded before him. Seeing this, he let out a scream of pain as his body began to slowly turn to stone. Once fully petrified, the statue shattered just like the medallion had.

Springer, Trixie and Iron all cheered as they watched Flash land, soon reverting back to his normal pony self. Springer then leapt onto his back, "Nice one Flash!"

"Thanks," Flash replied as he turned to the others, "but I couldn't have done it alone. Thanks you two, especially you Trixie. You saved our hides."

Iron and Trixie smiled back, but before they could say anything, a flash of white light caught their attention. A second later, a familiar sucking force pulled the them to the light.

"WHOA!" The next thing any of them knew, they were now eating a load of grass. As the four picked themselves up, they looked around and saw they were back at the forest training ground.

Iron looked to his side and saw Piecemaker was right where it should be, at his side. Picking it up, he quickly made sure it still worked. "Celestic Gear, check."

"Magic..." Trixie's horn sparked before she teleported several feet away, "Check!"

"Aura..." Springer created an Aura Blast and smiled, "Check!"

"And Theta Mode," Flash entered and exited said state several times before breathing a sigh of relief. "Check. Looks like we're back."

"That's a relief," Trixie added.

Iron nodded, "Tell me about it." He then turned to the comic they had just escaped from, picking it up with a frown. "Now to make sure this thing doesn't cause any more trouble."

"Hey!" Springer snatched it back, "Its my comic, and I'll say what happens to it!" But before anything else could be said, the comic disappeared in a flash of light. "What the heck?!"

"Looks like it was a one time use comic," Flash told him as he scratched his head. "Now the story's finished, it went bye-bye."

"Awwww...no fair." Springer crossed his arms and pouted.

Flash chuckled at this before patting Trixie's side, "So...I'm guessing our little adventure wasn't exactly what you were expecting in a vacation to Ponyville?"

Trixie laughed as she nodded, "Definitely not. But still, I'm glad it happened. This little event helped me remember a few things, especially about how much my friends believe in me."

Flash shined a cheeky smile back, "Glad to hear it. I told you that you'd know what to do when the moment called for it."

"Yeah, you were right." She then turned to Springer, "But I gotta ask, where did you get that comic?"

"Spike got it for me. He got it from a comic shop in Canterlot," he scratched his head as he tried to remember the name. "The house of something..."

Flash raised an eyebrow at this, only to facehoof, "It wasn't the House of Enchanted Comics, was it?"

Springer snapped his paw. "That's it. How'd you know?"

"I always saw it in Canterlot when Shining and I went to get comics back in the day, but he said the comics they sold there were too dangerous. Now I know why."

Iron blinked at this, clicks going through his brain now, "Wait a minute...if Spike got you that comic from that shop, you think he might have gotten one for himself?" They all nodded in agreement, only for their eyes to go wide.

"Oh ponyfeathers…"

One race to the Castle of the Two Sisters later, they would soon learn that they were too late. When they arrived, they found Spike along with Twilight and the rest of the girls dog-piled with a comic on a podium called 'Power Ponies.'

After the mares got over the surprise of the arrival of Trixie, along with some hugs and smiles after that, one group would be telling the other group about their adventures into the comic book world for the next few hours. By the time it was over, Twilight decided to write a strongly worded letter to Celestia about inspecting that comic shop

Author's Note:

Okay, let me be honest here. I only did this story, because I wanted to turn Flash into a Kamen Rider. Honestly, the day before I started writing this one, I was freaking out because I had no idea what to do with it. Luckily, I remembered there was a certain pony I had forgotten to give screen time to when her mentor disappeared and the rest fell into place.

What do you think of the Kamen Pony characters?