• Published 28th Oct 2018
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My Little Pony: The Wingless Knight - Aegis Spirit

One day, a young thestral pony wakes up in the Ponyville Hospital with neither memory nor wings.

  • ...

Chapter 9: Look Before You Sleep

It started out bright and sunny this morning, but the pegasi ponies were covering the sky with dark clouds. The pegasi weather ponies forgot to make a storm last week so they’re making up for it today. Applejack and I were helping out knocking the dead branches so they wouldn’t hurt anypony when the storm blows them off and lightning doesn’t hit it.

Rarity came to help out as well, though differently. Instead of taking the branches down, I saw her mending them back on the trees. Not only that, she used her magic to form the leaves into art forms of ponies.

“Perfect.” Rarity said, admiring her work. I admit I’m impressed how Rarity can turn anything into a form of art, but she really needs to know that now isn’t the time for that.

Applejack seems to share my opinion. She threw her lasso on the branch and took it down in front of Rarity. She spit her lasso out and looked at Rarity. “Just take the broken limbs down, Rarity. Don’t ya’ll care about other than prettifyin’?” She told her.

“Somepony has to. You are making an absolute mess of the town square, Applejack.” Rarity argued as she looked at all the fallen branches on the ground.

“Yeah, well, the storm’s gonna make an even bigger mess if we don’t prune all these branches so they don’t tumble down on anypony.” Applejack told her.

“I simply cannot image why the Pegasus ponies would schedule a dreadful downpour this evening and ruin what could have been a glorious sunny day.” Rarity said.

Applejack scoffs. “Think more practical like, will ya? They accidentally skipped a schedule last week, so we need a doozy of a downpour to make up for it, is all.” Applejack explained to her, while I kicked the tree, causing the leaves and branches to fall to the ground. Unfortunately, it started raining before we could finish with the trees.

“Oh no! My wonderful styled mane shall be ruined!” Rarity cried out.

“Ya should have hurried up and finished the job already!” Applejack argued.

“Oh! Ah! Oh! It’s coming down too fast! Aah! Oh! Oh! Aah! Help me!” Rarity said as she began running around to avoid the rain droplets.

Applejack looked around for shelter. She spotted a table nearby. “Uh…there. Hunker down to your heart’s content whilst Crest and I finish this.” Applejack told Rarity.

Rarity galloped to the table, but stopped after she saw how muddy it is underneath the table. “Oh, no, no, no!” She cried.

“What now?” Applejack asked, annoyed. I just continue kicking the trees before the storm hits. I didn’t want be in the middle of their arguing.

“I’d prefer not to get my hooves muddy.” Rarity told her, gesturing to the wet mud underneath the table.

I took my hoodie off and put it over Rarity’s mane. “Here you go, Rarity.” I said. Before Rarity could reply, Applejack spoke up.

Applejack sighed. “There is just no pleasin’ you, is there? Everything got to be just so.” She said.

“Oh, well, and how does muddying my hooves serve any useful purpose?” Rarity argued.

“Y’all wouldn’t know useful if it came up and bit you.” Applejack argued back.

“That doesn’t even make any sense.” Rarity continued. Okay, this is starting to get out of hoof.

"Does so.”

"Does not.”

"Does so.”

"Does not.”

"Does so.”

"Does not.”

I sighed. “Girls.” I tried to interrupt.

“Does so Infinity. Ha!” Applejack continued.

“Does not infinity plus one. Ha!” Rarity countered.

Rarity said before she and Applejack glared back at each other. “What say we go our separate ways before one of us says something she will regret?” Rarity suggested.

“I reckon y’all are gonna say something you’ll regret first.” Applejack told her.

“On the contrary, I believe it shall most certainly be you who says something you will regret first.”

“I’m not sayin’ anything!” Applejack argued.

“Nor am I!” Rarity said.

“Y’all just be on your way, then.” Applejack continued

“After you!” Rarity continued.

“GIRLS!” I raised my voice, getting Applejack’s and Rarity’s attention. “I know you two have your differences, but arguing isn’t helping anypony right now.” I told them. Suddenly lightning stuck they sky, scaring us. Both Applejack and Rarity hugged each.

“Perhaps we should stick together for now and find some shelter.” Rarity suggested.

“Uh-huh, perhaps we should…and fast.” Applejack agreed. Well, at least they agree on something.

Applejack went over to the table and got underneath it for shelter. “Nice and dry under here…sort of.” She said, looking at the mud covering her hooves.

Rarity looked at Applejack’s hooves. “Oh! unacceptable.” She complained.

“Crest! Applejack! Rarity!” I heard Twilight call out. We looked at the library and saw Twilight at the front door of the library. “Crest! Applejack! Rarity!” She called out again.

“Twilight?” We said.

“Come inside, everypony. Quick.” Twilight said, gesturing us to come inside the library. We galloped to the library. Rarity and I went inside, but Applejack came to a screeching stop.

“Whoa, nelly. Is inside a tree really the best place to be in a lightning storm?” Applejack asked.

“It is if you have a magical lightning rod protecting your home like I do.” Twilight answered. We can think the previous librarian before me for that. “Come on in.” She welcomed our friends.

Rarity sighed in gratitude. “We are most grateful for your invitation.” Rarity said as she bowed a little.

“Thank you kindly for the hospitality.” Applejack said as she walked in.

“Of course girls. Our friends are always welcome here.” I told them.

Rarity raised her hoof in front of Applejack and pointed at her muddy hooves. “Uh, do be a polite houseguest and go wash up, please, won’t you.” She told Applejack.

Applejack groaned. “If I got to spend one more second with that fussbudget Rarity today, I can’t be held responsible for what I’m gonna do.” I heard Applejack muttered.

“I’ll help you out, Applejack.” I said as I followed her outside.

We went to the side of the library where the hose was. I grabbed the end of the nozzle and pointed it at applejack’s hooves.

“I’m sorry about Rarity, Applejack. You know how she is when it comes to perfecting everything.” I said as I spread the host on her hooves.

“I know Crest. I just wish Rarity wasn’t so obsessed with making everything pretty.” Applejack said, frustrated. I finished cleaning Applejack hooves and we went back inside the library.

“What in tarnations?!” Applejack said in surprise. We saw Rarity and Twilight giving each other mud masks for some reason. “Now wait just a golden minute! You make me wash the mud off my hooves, but it’s okay for y’all to have mud all over your faces?” She asked.

“Silly. This is called a mud mask. It’s to refresh and rejuvenate your complexion.” Rarity told her.

“We’re giving each other makeovers!” Twilight added excitedly. “We have to do it. It says so in the book.” She said as she levitated a book to us.

Applejack began reading it. “Slumber 101: Everything you…” She stopped when she realized what the book was about. Huh? I didn’t think Twilight would want a slumber party. “Oh, hey would you look at the time? I got to skedaddle on home quick. I’m powerful late for,…for something. Uh, good night.” Applejack said as she headed toward the front door.

“Applejack, wait. The storm.” I warned her. As if on cue, thunder crashed nearby. Applejack zipped back over to us.

“Or maybe I’ll sit here for a spell.” Applejack said.

“Hooray, slumber party!” Twilight exclaimed excitedly while clapping her hooves.

Rarity threw mud on Applejack’s face and began rubbing it in. She finished by placing a pair of eye pads fruit over Applejack’s eyes. “What in the world is this for?” Applejack asked.

Rarity sighed. “To reduce the puffiness around one’s eyes, of course.” Rarity told her.

“Puffiness, Shmuffiness!” Applejack said before she ate them. “That’s good eatin’.”

I heard Twilight giggling. “Isn’t this exciting? We’ll do everything by the book, and that will make my slumber party officially fun.” She said as she was reading said book.

“Did you hear that, Applejack? You certainly would not want to do anything that would ruin Twilight’s very first slumber party, would you?” Rarity told Applejack, not bothering to be subtle.

“Of course not, and you wouldn’t, either, I reckon.” Applejack said.

“So, do we have an agreement?” Rarity asked.

“You betcha.” Applejack said before she spit on her hoof for the agreement.

“Oh, gross! You know, there’s messy, and there’s just plain rude.” Rarity said in disgust.

“You know, there’s fussy, and there’s just plain getting on my nerves.” Applejack told her.

“Fortunately, I can get along with anypony, no matter how difficult she may be.”

“Oh, yeah? Well, I’m the get-alongingest pony you’re ever gonna meet.” Applejack said.

“That’s not even a word.” Rarity told her.

“This is gonna be the bestest slumber party ever! Yay!” Twilight said in the middle of their argument.

“Yay.” Applejack and Rarity reluctantly said.

I looked around for my hoodie and saw it was folded up next to the stair case. “Well, I hope you girls have fun.” I said before I place my wet hoodie and started walking up the stairs.

“Crest, wait.” Twilight called out. I stopped at the bottom of the stair case and turned around. “Don’t you…” She stopped as her eye’s stared at my back. I looked at my back, and guessed what she was looking at.

“It’s my scars, isn’t it? Where my wings used to be.” I said.

Twilight nodded. “I’m sorry Crest. It’s just that I never saw you without your hoodie.” She said frowning.

“It’s okay Twilight. So, what was it you wanted to say?” I asked

“I was going to ask if you want to stay? You don’t have to do the girly stuff.” She said. It looked like she really wanted me to stay.

“Um…sure, Twilight. Just let want to change the sheets for everypony.” I told her.

“Oh. Okay, Crest.” Twilight said before she turned toward Applejack and Rarity. “So girls, the first on the list is hair braiding.” She said.

I went back upstair and changed the sheets. Since Applejack and Rarity would be taking my bed for tonight, I took out a spare mattress and put it in Twilight room next to her bed. I figured I would let Twilight teleport the bed to her room. I placed the old sheets and my hoodie in the laundry room and headed back down stairs.

As I came down the steps, I saw that the girls were just finishing up braiding each others manes.

“So. How are you getting along over there, Applejack?” Rarity asked with a smirk on her face.

“Just fine, Rarity.” Applejack responded, annoyed.

“This is so awesome!” Twilight giggled. “Makeovers, check.” She said as she used her magic to check the book. She teleported the curly liners off their manes. For some reason, their manes went back to normal instead of being curled up. “Ooh! It says here we have to tell ghost stories. Who wants to go first?” She asked.

“Me!” Applejack volunteered. “I’d like to tell y’all the terrifying tale of the prissy ghost who drove everypony crazy with their unnecessary neatness. Ooooh. I’m sure y’all are familiar with that one.” She told Rarity, lacking any subtly.

“Never heard of it. But I have a much better one.” Rarity responded. “It’s the horrifying story of the messy, inconsiderate ghost who irritated everypony within 100 miles! Ooooh!” Rarity said, also lacking subtly.

“”That’s not a real story! You made it up!” Applejack told her. Like your one to talk Applejack.

“It is a ghost story, They’re all made up.” Rarity told her.

Suddenly, thunder crashed and the light’s turned off, scaring both Applejack and Rarity.

“I’ve got one.” Twilight said, holding a flashlight at her face. “This story is called The legend of the headless horse. It was a dark and stormy night. Just like this one, and four ponies were having a slumber party just…like…this one.” She told us. “And just when the last pony thought she was safe, there, standing right behind her, just inches away, was…THE HEADLESS HORSE!” She yelled. Lighting struck again and Twilight threw over a blanket over her head, giving us and illusion that she didn’t have a head. Rarity and Applejack got so scared, they both hugged me from each side.

“Um…girls?” I said in embarrassment.

Both girls opened their eyes and quickly let go while blushing.

Twilight lifted the blanket off her head and put it away. “Your turn, Crest.” She told me.

“Well, this story is about the legend of the Pony of Vengeance. Long ago, before Princess Celestia and Princess Luna became the rulers of Equestria. There was once a Earth Pony General by the name of Sword Strike. Legend says that Sword Strike was a great warrior, a revered leader in a vast army. During an attack by a dragon horde, his cowardly Commanders abandoned him. Sword Strike fought to his last breath against the dragon horde. But his story did not end there. For Sword Strike’s hatred against his Commanders were so strong, he returned to the land of the living as a vengeful spirit, a ghostly, black armored pony who would hunt down and spread misery to those who had wronged him. To this day, many guard ponies remember the legend of Sword Strike. This legend reminds them to always look after their subordinates, or risk the Pony of Vengeance returning from the dead to avenge their selfish mistakes.” I told them.

“Wow, Crest.” They said in interest.

Twilight went over to the book. “Ghost story, check.” She said as she check off the book. She walked back to us. “Now, who wants s’mores?” She asked.

We lit the fire place up and got out the marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate. Applejack and I were roasting marshmallows over the fire, while Twilight and Rarity were making s’mores.

“Then you place one marshmallow on the top of the chocolate. And be sure it’s centered. That’s critical. And then carefully put another perfectly square graham cracker on the top. And…done. Ta da.” Rarity said after instructing Twilight how to make a perfect s’more.

“Ooh!” Twilight said, admiring the s’more Rarity made.

“Nah, you just eat ‘em.” Applejack said before she munched on Rarity’s s’more, much to Rarity’s annoyance. She belched after eating the s’more. Okay, that was just rude.

Rarity scoffed at Applejack’s behavior. “You could at least say, excuse me.” She told Applejack.

“Oh, I was just about to, but you interrupted me.” Applejack told her. “Pardon.”

“S’mores…check.” Twilight said, checking off her book. “Now the next item of fun we have to do is Truth or Dare.” She said. Why do I have a bad feeling right now.

“I dare Applejack to do something and neatly for a change.” Rarity said.

“Oh, yeah? Well, I dare Rarity to lighten up and stop obsessin’ over every last little detail for a change.” Applejack responded.

“I think the truth of the matter is that somepony could stand to pay a little more attention to detail.” Rarity said.

“And I think the truth is somepony ought to quit with her fussin’ so the rest of us can get things done.” Applejack told Rarity.

“Um, I don’t think this is how the game’s supposed to work. You have to give an honest answer to any question or do whatever anypony dares you to do.” Twilight told us.

“I dares you to step outside and let your precious tidy mane get ruined again.” Applejack dared her. Seriously, Applejack? That’s a little uncalled for. What if she catches a cold out there.

Rarity gasped at Applejack’s dare.

“You have to. It’s the rule.” Twilight told Rarity.

“HA!” Applejack yelled in triumph.

“Fine!” Rarity said before she slowly walked out the front door. She came back a couple second later completely drenched and shaking. Applejack snickered at Rarity’s dismay. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a towel for Rarity.

“Here you go Rarity.” I said, offering the towel. Rarity grabbed it with her magic.

“Thank you, Crest. At least your considerate, unlike somepony.” Rarity said as she glared at Applejack. She placed the towel over her mane and walked toward Applejack. “Okay, I dare Applejack to play dress-up in a froufrou, glittery, lacy outfit.” Rarity dared Applejack.

Applejack gasped at her dare. She glared at Rarity and walked to the basement. She came back wearing what looked like a outfit princess. I wonder how she got dressed that fast.

“Happy?” Applejack grudgingly asked.

“Very.” Rarity responded with a smirk.

“Um, do I ever get a turn?” Twilight asked.

“I dare you to enter the next rodeo when it comes to town.” Applejack continued.

“I dare you not to enter the next rodeo that comes to town.” Rarity responded.

“I dare ya to not comb your mane a hundred times before bed.” Applejack continued.

“And I dare you to comb yours just once.” Rarity continued.

Okay that’s it. I’m putting a stop to this. “I dare you two to stop fighting!” I yelled. Everypony looked at me in surprise. Now I’m feeling regretful yelling at them. “I’m sorry. Twilight, maybe we should try something else.” I suggested.

“Um, yeah. Maybe we should check off truth or dare and move on.” Twilight said before she looked back at the book. “Let’s see what our next fun, fun, fun thing is, shall we?” She looked at the next thing on the list. “Hmm, what does this mean? Pillow fight?” She said. Oh no.

“Oh, please. I am not at all interested in participating in something so crude.” Rarity said before a pillow was thrown at her face. She spit out the feathers that got in her mouth. “Oh! It…is…on!” She said before she threw the pillow back at Applejack.

“Twilight, I think we get out of way.” I said to her before Applejack got hit in the face by the pillow.

Twilight and I got out of the way before Applejack started bucking some pillows at Rarity. Rarity got hit by them in the face and she kicked the pillows back at Applejack.

Rarity’s shots missed as Applejack lassoed three pillows together and whirled them at Rarity.

Rarity used her magic and levitated the pillows. They each through the pillows at one another while

“Oh, I get it. Pillow…fight. Fun!” Twilight said before she got caught in the crossfire. I got in between Rarity and Twilight, and took some shots.

“Uh, girls. Maybe we should take it down a notch.” Twilight asked a little dazed from the hits.

“I will if she will.” Applejack told Twilight.

“She started it.” Rarity retorted.

Twilight and I continued to get hit in the crossfire as pillows started getting covered in pillows. Twilight and I popped out of the pile of pillows. She had some feathers in her mouth and she spit them out.

“Maybe we should just call to a night and get some sleep.” Twilight suggested. To which I nodded in agreement.

Twilight teleported my bed to her room. Since their were only three beds, Applejack and Rarity had to share my bed. I was hoping everypony could at least get some sleep. Unfortunately, that didn’t seem likely thanks to Applejack’s and Rarity’s bickering. Especially for somepony with sensitive hearing.

“Keep your muddy hooves on your side of the bed.” I heard Rarity said.

“My hooves ain’t muddy.” Applejack replied.

“They were. There might still be a little on them.” Rarity told her.

“There ain’t. See?” Applejack said. I put my pillow over my head to block out the noise.

“Ew!” Rarity said in disgust. The pillow didn’t work.

“Now who’s bein’ inconsiderate.” Applejack said. I took my pillow off my head and saw Rarity hogging the blanket. Applejack took the blanket from Rarity and wrapped herself in it. Rarity got off from the bed.

“I have to make the bed again so the blanket will be right. Get up.” Rarity said before she pushed Applejack off the bed.

“Just go to bed. Please.” I mumbled.

“Hey!” Applejack said.

Rarity used her magic to fold the blanket on the bed neatly. Applejack was about to get back in bed by lifting the blanket up. “Unh-unh-unh. You’ll ruin it. You have to do it like this.” Rarity said before she slid in better the cover.

“Yeah. That’s not gonna happen. GERONIMO!” Applejack yelled before she jumped on the bed. This caused Rarity to bounce off the bed.

“Hey!” Rarity said as she was launched off the bed. “You did that on purpose.” Rarity told Applejack.

“Um, yeah.” Applejack admitted.

“Get up so I can fix it again.” Rarity ordered.

“Can’t hear you. I’m asleep.” Applejack said before she started making imitated snoring.

Rarity got fed up and pulled the blanket off Applejack with her mouth.

“I ain’t budgin’.” Applejack told her.

“You will if you want any blanket!” Rarity said while holding the end of the blanket with her mouth. Applejack got up from the other side of the bed and started tugging the other end of the blanket.

That’s it. I can’t take it anymore. I tried to be patient with them, but enough is enough.

“OKAY, SHUT IT!” I snapped. Both Rarity and Applejack stopped tugging the blanket. “I know you two are different from one another, but that’s no reason to be at each other’s throats. Your both grown mares, so start acting like it.” I told them.

Twilight woke up as well. “Not only that, it says right here that the number-one thing you’re supposed to do at a slumber party is have fun. And thanks to you two, I can’t check that off.” Twilight told them while holding the book and quill with her magic.

“I’ve been tryin’ my darnest to get along.” Applejack told her.

“No, it is I who have been trying my best.” Rarity countered.

“No, it was me.” Applejack said.

“No, it was I.” Rarity.



The two of them started butting heads again, literally this time.

I hope you're happy, both of you. You’ve ruined my very first slumber party. The makeover, the s’mores, truth or dare, the pillow fight! I mean, is there anything else that could possibly go wrong?!” Twilight asked in frustration.

Before I could warn her on saying that last part, lightning stuck again on the top trunk of a tree near the library. The one Applejack and I didn’t get to in time earlier.

“Sorry I asked.” Twilight said.

I quickly turned the lights on and we looked out the window. We gasped when we saw that the top of the tree was limping toward a house, indicating that it was about to fall.

Applejack turned toward Rarity. “You see?” That’s why we need to take down all those loose branches in town, not spiffy ‘em up.” She told her. I nodded in agreement.

“But I…” Rarity tried to say, but Applejack interrupted her.

“Out of my way, missy! Time’s a wastin’.” Applejack said before she head to the window. She opened the window and took out her lasso. She started whirling her lasso.

“Wait! Stop! Don’t!” Rarity tried to warn Applejack. I raised an eyebrow what Rarity was warning her about.

“No waitin’! No stoppin’. Doin’.” Applejack said before she threw her lasso at the tree. She manage to grab hold of the tree before it fell.

“Good job, Applejack.” I said.

“Thank ya kindly, Crest. And that, my friends, is what we call getting her done.” Applejack said before she grabbed the rope again. I quickly realized what she was about to do.

“No! Don’t pul…” I didn’t get the chance to warn her as Applejack pulled her rope. Suddenly, the tree came down at us fast. I pushed Applejack out of the way, but the tree hit me hard. I was pushed of the top floor of the room and I fell on the ground floor. I got up and saw Applejack hanging from her rope. She slowly climbs back up using the tree while I took the stair case.

I could hear Rarity whimpering up top. “I tried to tell you it would come crashing down in here!” Rarity told Applejack.

“Well, you should have tried harder!” Applejack replied as I reached the bed floor. She looked at Twilight in guilt. “I’m mighty sorry, Twilight.” She apologized.

“It’s…well, its not okay. There’s a giant tree branch in the middle of my bedroom! And the book doesn’t say anything about having a giant tree branch at your slumber party, or at least I haven’t found that entry yet.” Twilight said as she started flipping through the pages.

“What in tarnation are y’all doin’ over there?!” Applejack asked Rarity, who was placing books back on the shelf.

“Cleaning up this mess somepony made! Who was that again? Oh, right…that’s you!” Rarity yelled at applejack.

Applejack went back to twilight, but she was still looking through the book. “Baking, BFFs, brothers. There’s nothing in here about branches.” She told us. I really need to tell Twilight that she can’t get all the answers from books one of these days.

Applejack and I tried pulling, kicking, and bouncing of the tree, but it did nothing. “Rarity, for pony’s sake, stop sweatin’ the small stuff and help us get rid of this thing!” She yelled as Rarity was still trying to put the books on the shelf. Rarity just ignored her. “I said hustle over here and help us!” Applejack continued before a strong wind came through the window. “Look…I’m sorry, all right?” She said. I stopped and listened.

“What was that?” Rarity asked.

“I said I’m sorry! I should have listened to you when you noticed where this here branch would end up. Your annoyin’ attention to detail would have saved us from this whole mess. But right now, you need to stop bein’ so dang fuzzy, pickin’ up all those little things, and help me move the one big thing in here that actually matters! Please!” Applejack yelled.

Rarity finally looked over at us, but stopped when she looked bothered by something. “Uh, uh, but I’ll get all icky.

“Rarity, sometimes you have to get dirty doing hard work, but that isn’t what’s important right now. What is important is overcoming it. Please, we need your help.” I told Rarity.

Rarity hesitated a moment, but finally looked at Applejack and me. “Oh. Let’s do this!” She said in determination.

“Well, they do have a section about backyard slumber parties. Is that what we’re doing right know? Does this count as camping?” I heard Twilight ask.

Rarity, Applejack and I came up with a plan to get rid of the branch. Rarity started using her magic to turn the huge branch into a bunch of ornaments. Applejack was about to kick the bottom of the tree out the window, but she noticed the look Rarity and I were giving her. She placed her hooves back down and grabbed the stump instead with her jaw. She threw it out the window and closed the window. I only wish there was more I could have helped with.

Rarity looked at her self, and she was covered in mud and leaves. “Ohh. I look awful.” Rarity said

Applejack put her hoof to her chin and came up with an idea. She walked over to Rarity and placed some of the eye pads from earlier on her eyes. “Better?” She asked.

Rarity smiled and chuckled. “Thanks.” She said. Both of them hugged each other.

“Ooh, pretty. Where did these come from? They’re not in the book, either.” Twilight said, finally noticing the ornaments Rarity made.

I chuckled a bit how focus she was on that book. “I’ll get some towels.” I said before I walked down the stair case. “But Rarity, I don’t think you or our friends can ever look awful.” I said before I left the room.

I came back with a bunch of towels on my back. We cleaned the room up from the rain and placed the ornaments on the shelfs. After we finished, we went back to bed for a while.

When morning came, we were playing a 20 questions. We were trying to guess what item Twilight was thinking off. Rarity and and Twilight braided their hairs again.

“Is it bigger than a barn?” Applejack asked.

Twilight chuckled. “Nope.”

“Is it smaller than a saddle?” Rarity asked.

Twilight chuckled again. “No. only 3 of your 20 questions left.” Well there goes the book idea.

“We’re never gonna guess what you’re thinkin’ of. It could be anything.” Applejack said.

“Are we getting warmer.” Rarity asked.

“Why? Is it too cold in here for you? I can turn up the heat.” Twilight said, not getting what Rarity was saying.

“She means, are we gettin’ any closer with our guesses.” Applejack clarified.

“Oh! No. And that technically counted as a question, so only two more left.” Twilight said.

“Is it…A 6-legged pony with a purple, polka-dotted mane and shootin’ stars comin’ out of it’s eyes…” Applejack guessed.

“Who flies through the air all over the world to hide magic sparkly eggs?” Rarity finished. Where in Equestria did they get that idea from.

“That’s it” Twilight answered.

“It is?” Applejack, Rarity, and I said. Though I was more surprise that it was.

“No.” Twilight said before chuckling. “Just one more question. Do you have an idea Crest?” She asked me.

I thought of all the questions we asked Twilight and I looked around the room. I was trying to see something that Twilight was interested in. When my eyes fell on the telescope, I thought it was worth a shot. “Is it a telescope?” I asked.

“YES! That’s exactly what I’m thinking of.” Twilight said before she looked at Rarity and Applejack. “It was just so nice to see you two finally getting along, I wanted you to be able to win together.” She told them. Rarity and Applejack started laughing together. “See? We could have been having fun like this all along.”

“If only somepony hadn’t been so persnickety.” Applejack playfully said while looking at Rarity.

“Well, maybe she wouldn’t have been if somepony else hadn’t been so sloppy.” Rarity playfully said back.

They looked at each other before smiling.

“Sorry for bein’ such a pain in the patootie.” Applejack apologized.

“Oh, no. I’m sure I was much worse.” Rarity responded.

“That’s kind of you to say, but I’m the one who’s sorry.” Applejack responded back.

“Oh, I’m much more sorry than you are.” Rarity continued.

Applejack scoffs. “Are not.”

“Are too.”

“Are not.”

“Are too.”

“Are not.”

“Are too.” Rarity finished before they both started to laugh.

My smile dropped as I looked at them. “Rarity, Applejack, I’m sorry I snapped. I just didn’t want two of my best friend to fight.” I said to them.

“No, Crest. Ya were right to be angry with us. We were behaving like foals.” Applejack said.

“Indeed. I should haven’t argued with Applejack in the first place.” Rarity said.

“So…still friends?” I asked.

“Of course!” They said before they gave me a hug. Twilight came in between us after we broke.

“I declare my first slumber party a success.” Twilight announced.

Applejack, Rarity, and I cheered and clapped our hooves. Twilight levitated the book to her and wrote in it. “Have fun, check!”

We then set up another game in the room. One of us would be blindfolded while the others would direct that pony through some obstacles. Applejack volunteered to be blindfolded. We used eye pads as blindfolds for her.

“Now take two steps to your left. Uh, no my left.” Rarity said, trying to instruct Applejack.

“Well, which is it? WHOA!” Applejack said before she tripped over a pile of books. She quickly got up with a pillow laying on her head. “That mess is your fault, Not mine.” She said before laughing.

“Sorry.” Rarity laughed as well.

I noticed Twilight was writing a letter she uses to send messages to my Mom and I looked at what she writing.

“Dear Princess Celestia, it’s hard to believe that two ponies who seem to have so little in common could ever get along. But I found out that if you embrace each other’s differences, you just might be surprised to discover a way to be friends after all.” Twilight finished before she looked back at us. “So…who’s up for another slumber party tomorrow night?” She asked us.

Applejack and Rarity looked at each other and grind. They threw a couple of pillows to her face. “How about a week from Thursday? Ooh, how about two weeks from Saturday.” Twilight asked again. The girls and I continued to laugh.

“A month from now?” Twilight continued.

I heard birds chirping out side and the Celestia’s sun finally showed through the clouds. I looked back at the girls and was glad I had such amazing friends.

Author's Note:

For the story, I was inspired by Damocles in Ryse, Son of Rome.