• Published 28th Oct 2018
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My Little Pony: The Wingless Knight - Aegis Spirit

One day, a young thestral pony wakes up in the Ponyville Hospital with neither memory nor wings.

  • ...

Chapter 12: Winter Wrap Up

I was fast asleep at night until I heard commotion outside my room. Yawning, I got out of my bed and opened the door. Twilight was downstairs by the open front door with a scarf, warm saddle, and yellow boots.

“Oh, maybe a little too early.” I heard her say.

I yawned again. “Twilight? Why are you up this early?” I asked her, rubbing my eyes.

Twilight smiled sheepishly. “Sorry, Crest. I was so excited about Winter Wrap up, I didn’t realize what time it was.”

Winter Wrap Up was a tradition in Ponyville. At the end of Winter, the ponies work together to clean up winter. “Well, I’m glad your excited, but maybe it would be best to rest up for it.” I said with my eye’s barely open.

“Right. Goodnight Crest.” Twilight replied as she closed the door.

“Goodnight, Twilight.” I said before I went back to my room and went to bed.

The next morning, we woke up and ran toward town hall where everypony was meeting for the Winter Wrap Up. Spike was still asleep so Twilight decided to carry him on her back. I suggested we let him sleep, but Twilight wanted him to be a part of the Winter Wrap Up.

“Those must be the team vests Rarity designed. Blue for the weather team, green for the plant team, and tan for the animal team.” Twilight said, seeing the ponies wearing the vests. “I wonder which team vest I’ll be wearing.”

“I’ll take a blue vest, the same color as my blank, which I think I hear calling my name. “Spike, Spike, come to bed!” Spike said, before groaning. “It’s too early.”

“Twilight, I still think we should have let Spike sleep in. He’s barely keeping himself awake.” I told Twilight in concern.

“Oh I’m sure Spike will be fine. He’ll be up and at it when we get started.” Twilight said as we reached Town Hall. I rolled my eyes and continued to follow Twilight. By the time we got there, everypony, including our friends were here wearing their group vests depicting which task they’ll do. Mayor Mare was standing at the entrance of Town Hall.

“Thank you, everypony, for being here bright and early. We need every single pony’s help to wrap up Winter and bring in Spring.” Mayor Mare said. Everypony cheered in excitement. “Now, all of you have your vests and have been assigned to your teams, so let’s do even better than last year and have the quickest Winter Wrap Up ever.” Everypony cheered again.

“Oh, this is so exciting.” I heard Twilight said next to me. I wonder which group I’ll be in this year.

“All right, everypony, find your team leader and let’s get galloping.” Mayor Mare exclaimed. Everypony went to their assigned teams.

“Oh, gosh, where should I go? I’m not sure where I’d fit in.” Twilight said as she looked at the different groups. “What exactly does everypony do?”


“Everypony belongs to a team. What should I do? Where should I go?” Twilight asked.

“Don’t worry about it, Twilight. I’m sure we’ll find a group where you belong.” I said to Twilight.

Twilight smiled a little. “Thank’s, Crest. Oh, what about you? What group will you be in?” Twilight asked me.

“I don’t know.” I shrugged. “I change groups every Winter Wrap Up. I suppose you could say I’m a pony of all trades. Last year I helped Fluttershy with waking the animals.” I explained. Just then, Rainbow Dash swooped past us and toward a group of pegasus’.

“All right, team, you’re cleared for takeoff.” Rainbow Dash instructed the group. The Pegasi flew to the sky.

“Rainbow Dash.” Twilight called out, getting her attention.

“Oh, hey, Twilight and Crest. What’s up?” Rainbow Dash asked as she watches the pegasus’ in the sky.

“What are you doing?” Twilight asked.

“Sending off one of my flight crews to retrieve the birds that have flown south for the winter.” Rainbow Dash explained.

“Oh, can I help? How about if I help clear out the clouds?” Twilight offered.

“Um, Twilight. That’s nice of you to offer, but I’m pretty sure you’ll need to fly.” I told Twilight.

“Oh, right.” Twilight said, looking at her lack of wings.

“Crest’s right. Sorry, Twilight.” Rainbow Dash apologized before taking off.

“Great. Now what do we do?” Twilight asked us, when we noticed Spike laying on a bush.

“I don’t know about you, but I’m gonna be napping.” Spike said before he fell asleep.

“Come on, Spike, This is serious business! Winter needs to be wrapped up, and I’m determined to do my part… somehow.” Twilight said uncertain.

I thought to myself which group Twilight would fit in. “Well, maybe we can try Rarity. She’s making nests for the birds when they return.” I told her.

Spike instantly woke up. “We’re going to see Rarity?” He asked.

“Yep, unless you want to go back to sleep on that bush.” I said smirking, knowing how he’ll respond. Twilight shared my smirk.

“Are you kidding? Let’s go!” Spike exclaimed as he jumped out of the bush. Twilight and I chuckled a bit at his reaction.

We walked over to Rarity’s boutique as she was making a bird nest with a ribbon on a wooden table.

“Rarity, please tell me there’s something, anything I can help you with.” Twilight asked, or little more like pleaded.

“Well, how would you like to help create Ponyville’s finest bird’s nests.” Rarity offered.

“Yes. Though I’m surprised that you were making them Rarity.” Twilight said.

“Of course. When the weather team guides the birds back North for the Spring, they’ll need a place to live and lay their eggs.” Rarity explained, showing us the nest she made.

“Wow, Rarity. That one’s really beautiful.” Twilight complemented Rarity’s work on the nest.

“Oh, why thank you most sincerely. Would you like to try your hoof at a nest?” Rarity asked.

“Would I? Wes! Where do I begin?” Twilight responded excitedly.

“I’ll help out too.” I said as I grabbed some hay and branches..

Rarity levitated a basket of hay and branches over to us. “Okay, now take some of the straw and hay over there and a little bit of branch.” Rarity said, laying the materials in front of us. “Now, Weave them through there. Yew! Take some ribbon. Yes, ooh, n-not there. Yes, uh, tuck it in over there, but be careful not to… No, no, no, I guess that will do. Oh, dear.” Rarity said as we worked on making our bird nest. Mine was… decently well done, maybe not as good as Rarity’s. Twilight’s was… um… looked like she just jammed all the straw and hay together and made it look like a bird’s nest. Rarity, Spike, and I weren’t sure how to react to Twilight’s nest.

“There! It looks just like…yours. Oh my.” Twilight said depressingly as she compared the two nests Rarity and I mad.

“That nest needs to be condemned.” Spike said out loud as Rarity and I looked at him a little angry.

“Oh, Spike. It’s not so bad. Maybe the birds can use it as an…” Rarity tried to think of a use.

“An outhouse?” Spike deadpanned.

“Spike, it just fine. It’s just a little rough around the edges. Let me lend you a hoof. Let’s just untie this ribbon. And if we take out these sticks here, resale this.” Rarity said as she got to working on Twilight’s bird nest.

Twilight depressingly sighed as Rarity continue to undue the her nest.

“I think we lost her.” Spike whispered to us.

“Don’t worry Twilight, we still have other groups we could try. Like, how about Pinkie Pie? She’s over at the lake” I suggested.

“Alright.” Twilight simply responded as she started walking away.

We arrived at the frozen lake where Pinkie Pie was ice skating around a frozen lake in order to break the ice up.

“Hi, Twilight! Hi, Crest!” Pinkie Pie called out to us as she spun around on the ice.

“Wow, Pinkie Pie, you’re quite the skater. Probably the best skater I’ve ever seen.” Twilight said impressed as we ran toward the edge of the frozen lake.

Pinkie Pie skated to us. “Thank’s Twilight. I’ve been doing this since I was a itty-bitty, little, little twinkie Pinkie. Just comes naturally.” She said as she skated around the ice. “Which is probably why they designated me the lake scorer. I cut lines in the lake with my skates. That way, when the rest of the weather team comes here to break the ice, it’ll be easy as pie.”

“How clever. When the thick ice begins to melt, it’ll break along the lines. Well, you sure have a lot of work ahead of you. There’s quite a few lakes in Ponyville.” Twilight said in amazement.

“Mind if we help you with that?” I asked Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie skated near us. “Sure, Crest. Come on, put on those skates over there. I bet you’ll be a natural, too.” She said, pointing her hoof at the spare skates.

“Okay.” Twilight said as we headed to the spare skates.

After we put the the ice skates on, we got the ice. Twilight was having a bit of trouble standing. Pinkie Pie some how was skating on only one hoof.

“You okay, Twilight?” I asked her.

“Uh, maybe on second thought…” Twilight was interrupted as she fell on her face.

“What are you talking about? You said you wanted to be helpful. Now get out there.” Spike said as he pushed Twilight. I glared at Spike a little and skated along side Twilight.

“Hang on, Twilight.” I called out as Twilight started to spin out of control.

“Twilight, steer! Steer!” Pinkie yelled.

I tried to catch up to Twilight, but she did a instant U turn and rammed into Pinkie Pie. They screamed as they ran into Spike and crashed in the snow, and ending up with making what looked like a standing snow pony. They shook the snow of them and Spike started laughing.

“You are a natural, Twilight. A natural disaster!” Spike said.

“Not now, Spike!” I told him slightly angry at him. “Are you two alright?” I asked Pinkie and Twilight.

“We’re okay, Crest.” Pinkie replied as she got off of Twilight. “Twilight, you did a great job your first time around. I’m sure my first time was just as wobbly and bobbly and crasherrific as yours!” She told Twilight as she got up.

“Really?” Twilight asked, cheered up that even Pinkie Pie had trouble..

Pinkie looked unsure for a moment. “No.” Twilight looked down in disappointment as Spike withheld his laughter. “But did I make you feel better?” She asked.

Twilight chuckled a bit. “Yeah, I guess.”

I stood next to Twilight. “Don’t worry, Twilight. I wasn’t that good when I started ice skating, either. It took me a lot of practice in order to skate properly. Maybe we can try another group.” I comforted her, not mentioning that I kept falling on my back and face my first five times. Twilight smiled a bit, knowing that even I had trouble with it.

“Yeah, Twilight. I bet you’ll be super awesome at something that keeps your hooves on the ground.” Pinkie encouraged her. “I know! Fluttershy could probably use your help with the critters.” She suggested.

“Well, I’m pretty good with little animals. Yeah, I’ll go help her.” Twilight said as she started to slide, but I stopped her.

“How about we take our skates off.” I suggested.

“Yeah.” Twilight chuckled nervously.

After taking our skates off, we headed of to help Fluttershy with the critters. Not surprising that she was picked to be leader for it. When we arrived, we spotted Fluttershy ducking her head in one of the critters holds.

Hope you had some wonderful dreams and restful hibernation, but it’s time to get up now. Spring is coming.” Fluttershy said before she tucked her head out. A couple of hedgehogs yawned and walked out of the hole.

“Aw, how cute.” Twilight awed as the two hedgehogs walked past us.

“Aren’t they? This is my favorite task of the whole season, when I get to see all my little animal friends again.” Fluttershy said.

“Uh, what’s hibernation?” Spike asked.

“It’s when animals take a long nap during the Winter to conserve energy.” I answered him.

“Exactly, Crest.” Fluttershy said as she walked to another den with a bell in her mouth. “Wake up, little porcupines.” She said in a den. “Animals would sleep through the winter to save their energy and eat less food.”

“I definitely like the idea of hibernation, except for the eat less food part.” Spike said, as a couple of porcupines came walking out of their den. Hm, I wonder if dragons hibernate as well. Explain why Spike had difficulty staying awake this morning.

“Oh, but just look at all these warrens and dens. I’m worried that I won’t be able to wake up every animal before Spring comes.” Fluttershy said with concern on her face.

“Don’t worry, Fluttershy. We’ll help.” I said smiling.

“Oh, you will? Oh, that would be wonderful.” Fluttershy said before she gave the bell to Spike.

“Okay. Let’s start there.” Twilight said as she looked at one of the dens. She walked to it and ring the bell. “Hello? Wake up little friends, wherever you are. Spring is coming.” I heard her say.

I went to another den close to hers. “Hey, critters. Time to wake up.” I said in a gentle voice. Inside the den were a couple of chipmunks all curled up. They slowly raised their eyes and started yawning. “Come on, little fellas. Spring is almost here.” I said. The chipmunks slowly got up and walked out of their den.

“I wonder which cute, little, furry creatures I’ve awoken.” Twilight said in glee. I turned to look at her only to see a couple of snakes popped their head out hissing. Though then again it looked like they were yawning. Twilight was completely frightened by them. “Ahh, snakes! Snakes!” She yelled as she kept backing away. All the way into a large den. Twilight instantly ran out screaming with a swarm of bats flying right behind her.

I ran towards her as she was about to hit a tree. I stood between the two and softened the blow for her as she and I hit the tree. I looked up rubbing my head just to see a bee hive falling towards us.

“Twilight, look out!” I yelled as I pushed her away. My head ended up right inside of the bee hive as it fell top of me and the bees started stinging my face. “OW! OW!” I yelled in panic. I ran around trying to get the bee hive off my head. While running, I ended up falling in another critter’s den. As soon as I fell in, I started smelling a horrific stench. Good news, the stench forced the bees away from me. Bad news, the den I fell in turned in belonged to a pair of skunks.

“Oh my gosh, Crest! I’m so sorry!” Twilight apologized as I stepped out. She, Pinkie, and Spike quickly covered their noses. The two skunks walk out past me.

I sighed. “It’s okay, Twilight. Just… help me with this.” I asked, gesturing to my smell. The instantly nodded their heads.

After Twilight, Spike and I traveled back to the library, we made a tomato bath to get the skunk stench off of me. Not to mention the bees left my face hurting.

“Ohh…” I groaned in pain, still feeling the bee stings on my face.

“Oh… All this winter wrap-up stuff is a lot harder than it looks.” Twilight complained as Spike was scrubbing my mane.

“Right, because there’s no magic. Why don’t you just use magic, Twilight, and get it done the right way?” Spike complained.

“Spike, the whole point of the Winter Wrap Up is to show pegasi and earth ponies they can clean up Winter without the need for magic.” I lectured him.

“Crest is right, Spike. Ponyville has never needed magic to wrap up Winter.” Twilight aged with me.

“But they never had you here before, either. Think about how much quicker they could wrap up Winter with your magic.” Spike pointed out.

Both Twilight and I started feeling irritated at the young dragon. “No, no, no! I’m gonna find some other way that I can help out if it kills me.” Twilight exclaimed in determination.

“Well, the only group left to try is Applejack’s. They’re plowing the snow at the farm.” I informed her.

“Then let’s go!” Twilight said before seeing that I was still in the tomato bath. “Um, after you smell better.” She added nervously. I just sighed in annoyance at how bad I still smell.

After finally getting the skunk smell off me, we headed towards Sweet Apple Acres. There, we saw earth ponies pushing snow plowers. “Keep pushing, Caramel. That’s it, Bumpkin. I know it’s hard work, but you guys are doing great. Yeehaw!” We hear Applejack told the earth ponies.

“Hey, Applejack, how’s everything going?” Twilight asked.

“Oh, just dandy. Little slow starting, but peachy, all the same. There’s a lot of ground to clear, you hear? we can’t even start the planting and the watering until we get all this heap of snow hightailed out of here.” Applejack told us.

“Well, we’d like to help.” Twilight offered.

Applejack blinked in surprise. “Well, I… I don’t know, Twilight. I mean, Crest can push a snow plower no problem. But…” Applejack said unsure as she looked at Twilight.

“Just give me a chance.” Twilight pleaded.

“Well, I never turned down a hard worker, but…” Applejack didn’t finish as Twilight slipped herself into a spare snow plower.

Twilight started pushing the snow plower, but it wasn’t moving an inch. She continued struggling, but to no prevail. Twilight eventually gave up and looked at herself in disappointment.

I walked down to her from the snow hill I was on toward my depressed friend. “It’s alright, Twilight. You gave it you best.” I tried to comfort her.

Twilight was deep in thought as she looked at the other ponies with snow plowers. She looked behind her at Applejack, Spike, and I. “Oh, here goes.” My friend said to herself before her horn started glowing. As I was wondering what Twilight was up too, her snow plower started glowing and moving. For a second I noticed the snow plower was moving on it’s own before Twilight walked with it.

“Well, that way works too.” I said smiling before returning to Applejack and Spike. I noticed Twilight’s snow plower was moving a bit faster than the other earth ponies pushing their’s.

It didn’t appear I was the only one who noticed this. “Hmm, she’s awful strong for such a little pony.” Applejack said suspiciously. Twilight continued moving the snow plower faster than the other ponies.

“That’s my girl! following my advice.” Spike exclaimed.

“And what in tarnation dow that mean?” Applejack demanded.

“Um… Applejack. Twilight is using her magic to move the snow plower. But before you object, Twilight’s been trying all day to help out without using magic. All the other groups we went to didn’t work well for her. So… please let her use her magic this once.” I pleaded to Applejack.

As Applejack was thinking, we noticed Twilight’s snow plower was moving faster, even more so than she can walk. “Oh no.” I muttered in concern, realizing that Twilight was loosing control. Twilight’s snow plower nearly crashed into other ponies. As she was moving, her snow plower started forming a snow boulder in front. Another pony moved close to her and ended up getting by the snow boulder.

Twilight’s snow plower turned around and headed right toward us. All while forming and rolling another snow boulder. “Look out!” I yelled as I pushed Spike and Applejack out of the way. Unfortunately, I ended up getting caught in the snow boulder. I got trapped in the snow boulder as it was still rolling. “Twilight! Please! Stop!” I yelled as I was rolling around the snow boulder. Eventually, we crashed into the bottom of a cliff. As we were dazed from the impact, our collision caused the snow from the cliff to create a avalanche.

Seeing nothing but snow, Twilight and I quickly dug our way out. By the time our pierced through the snow surface, we could see much of the cleared farm land was covered in snow again. I shook the snow out of my hoody as Applejack and Spike came running up to us.

“Nuts, Twilight! You used magic!” Applejack exclaimed in frustration.

“The nerve! Can you believe her!” Spike said, completely inconsiderate of how Twilight feels.

“Spike! I don’t want to hear that sort of talk from you! Especially since you’re the one who kept pestering her to use magic!” I yelled at him, giving him the stern glare. Spike immediately shut upped.

“That’s not how we do it ‘round here, Twilight, and especially not on my farm!” Applejack lectured Twilight as her eye’s started to water a bit.

“Well, see, I just wanted to… Oh!” Twilight cried as she ran off.

It completely broke my heart see Twilight cry. “Twilight, wait up!” I called out as I got out of the snow and ran after her with Spike right behind.

We chased Twilight all the way back to Ponyville and managed to see her hide in a snow covered bush.

“Come on, Twilight, come on out.” Spike asked her.

“I’m a winter mess up.” Twilight responded, completely depressed.

“Twilight, I know trying to help out didn’t go as well as you hoped. But don’t let that bring you down. You’re still one of the best unicorns out there.” I told her.

Twilight stuck her head out. “You mean that?” She asked.

I nodded my head. “Of course. Your smart, organized, and thoughtful of everypony around you. Besides, we have problems wrapping up Winter every year to tell you the truth.” I told her. As if on cue, we heard some of our friends arguing.

“Rainbow Dash, y’all on the weather team need to melt the rest of this snow here on the ground and the trees pronto.” Applejack told my blue pegasi friend.

“Got it!” Rainbow Dash responded. She was about to take off, but was stopped by Fluttershy.

“You can’t. My poor little animals’ homes will get flooded if the snow melts too fast.” Fluttershy told Dash.

“Got it.” Dash replied, but was interrupted by Applejack.

“I’m telling you, Rainbow, you got to melt that snow now.” Applejack insisted. Rainbow Dash flew toward the air before Fluttershy called out.

“No! You simply must wait.” Fluttershy pleaded.

“Okay.” Rainbow Dash said, not sure what to do.

“Go!” Applejack yelled.

“Stop!” Fluttershy yelled.

They kept saying go and stop repeatedly until Rainbow Dash got frustrated with them. “Ugh! Make up your minds!” She yelled at both of them.

Just then, I noticed Mayor Mare walking up to them. “Oh, what in Equestria are all you arguing about?This sort of silliness is why we’re late for Spring last year, and the year before that, and the year before that!” She told them in frustration.

“Did she say late?” Twilight asked. I nodded my head yes.

“I was hoping my amazingly inspirational speech would urge everyone to do better than last year, but now it looks like we’re going to be later than ever! I mean just look at this catastrophe! The ice scorers made the ice chunks too big to melt. The nest designer’s horrendously behind. We need several hundred, and she’s only made one. And don’t get me started on all the clouds still in the sky, the icicles on the trees. This isn’t good. Not at all!” Mayor Mare told them.

“And it’s gonna be all to pieces disastrous if we can’t get our seed all planted.” Applejack pointed out.

“Chillax, Applejack! We’re busting our chops as fast as we can.” Rainbow Dash told her.

“No, not fast. You have to wake animals slowly.” Fluttershy told her.

I noticed somepony else walking up to the group and saw it was Big Mac and Caramel. “Uh, A.J.?”

“Oh good gravy! Caramel lost the grass seeds again, didn’t he?” Applejack asked him. Really, that happened last year.

“Uh, yep.” Big Mac confirmed, as Caramel look disappointed at himself.

A blue fur Pegasi flew toward them. “Ditzy Doo accidentally went North to get the Southern birds.” The Pegasi told everypony.

“Oh, that featherbrain! Didn’t she learn her lesson last year when she went West.” Rainbow Dash complained.

All of them started arguing as more ponies showed up. Mayor Mare grew tired of this and had enough. “Stop this at once! We don’t have time to argue! It’s almost sundown. Spring is going to be late again. Another year of scandal and shame! If only we could be more organized.” She complained.

Twilight had a flash of inspiration and jumped out of the bush. “Spike, get my checklist and clipboard, stat!”

“Yes, ma’am.” Spike saluted and ran off.

“Realized what your best at?” I asked Twilight, even though I already knew the answer.

Twilight nodded and walked to everypony else. “Stop, everypony! Stop!” Twilight tried to get everypony’s attention, but they were too busy arguing amongst themselves. A green bird landed next to Twilight. I was trying to figure out a way to get everypony’s attention until Twilight grabbed hold of the bird with her magic and forced it the whistle out loud. Once everypony heard the whistle and stopped arguing, Twilight let go of the bird. “Sorry.” She quietly apologized to the bird as it looked at her angry. “I know you all want to complete your jobs on time, but arguing is no way to go about it. What you need is organization, and I’m just the pony for the job.” Twilight assured them them as Spike arrived with a clipboard in claw.

Twilight wrote down a to does list for everypony. She had Big Mac deliver wooden straws to Rarity and a bunch of other ponies helped her out making the bird nests. For cutting up the ice on the frozen lakes, Twilight had Pinkie and a group of ponies skate the ice criss cross. That way, the ice was divided into smaller pieces. In the snow covered farm, Twilight had all the snow plowers push the snow in one direction instead of randomly, like earlier. Not only that, she also had ponies plant seeds as they were moving behind the snow plowers to save time. For waking the little animals, we set up bells right next to their dens, and attached a rope to each of them. Once Fluttershy pulled the rope, all the bells shook and woke the little animals right up. Though when the snake came out, Twilight hid behind me shaking.

I patted my hoof on Twilight’s head to let her it was alright, as Fluttershy nodded at a bird on top of her head to chirp out loud, signaling the sky team. The sky team formed into a tornado that cleared the sky and the snow. With the sun showing brightly in the sky, the ice melted on the lake.

The last thing we needed to do was plow the grass and plant seeds. We spent all night doing this and by morning, the birds returned and headed towards their newly made nests. Twilight and I looked over to see all the tasks completed.

“Great job, Twilight.” I complemented her.

Twilight blushed a little as Mayor Mare headed towards us. “I can’t believe it! Spring is here on time! And we have you to thank for it. If it weren’t for your organizing skills, we would still be arguing.”

“Uh yep.” Big Mac said. Everypony laughed joyously.

“It was a team effort.” Twilight told her.

“And since you helped every team, we have an official vest for you.” Mayor Mare told Twilight as Rarity levitated the vest to her. “We give you the title All Team Organizer.” She announced.

“Gosh, I don’t even know what to say. Thank you, everypony.” Twilight gratefully thanked us.

“You’ve earned it, Twilight.” I said smiling. I was glad Twilight found what she was great at.

“And hereby I declare that Winter is wrapped up on time!” Mayor Mare told us. All of us cheered.

“Spike’s sure gonna be in for a hog sized surprise when that last piece of ice melts.” Applejack told us.

I’m sorry, WHAT! I looked over at the lake and saw Spike sleeping on a small piece of ice. I quickly ran over to the lake, jumped in, and push the ice Spike was sleeping on to shore. Even with the ice melted, the water was still extremely cold. When we reached the edge of the lake, my friends came running toward us.

“Crest Shield, why’d you bring Spike? Do you know how funny it would been when he woke up in the lake?” Rainbow Dash asked.

I shuddered from the coldness of the water. “Rainbow Dash, Spike’s cold blooded. If Spike fell in the lake, especially with the water cold, he would have gotten severely sick.” I informed them before sneezing. Guess I wasn’t so lucky.

After Twilight, Spike and I returned to the library, we realized that I got a cold because of my swim earlier. Right now I was laying next to the burning fireplace with a blanket over my back. Spike was sitting on a rocking chair next to me while he was wearing a warm robe and writing Twilight’s message to the Princess.

“Dear Princess Celestia, Winter Wrap Up was one of the most special things I’ve ever been a part of here in Ponyville. It helped me to learn that we all have hidden talents, and if we’re patient and diligent, we’re sure to find them. And as always, with good friendship and teamwork, ponies can accomplish anything. How’s that, Spike?” Twilight asked the dragon, but he didn’t give a response. “Spike?”

Spike was fast asleep on his rocking chair. “Well, he did wanted some sleep.” I commented before sneezing again. Twilight and I laughed together as Spike was snoozing.

Author's Note:

I apologize for not updating my story sooner, but I've been very busy lately with work. Not only that, I've been writing a Star Wars fanfiction story on Fanfiction.net called Star Wars: Friendship is Harmony. I would very appreciate if anyone would want to read it. Thank you all for your continued support and I'll update the next chapter when I get the chance.