• Published 20th Mar 2019
  • 530 Views, 31 Comments

Geeks of the Round Table: The Dark Invasion - Gem Productions

Lord Tirek gives a prophecy about an entity that could destroy all fandoms, so the heroes of those fandoms unite to stop it.

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Journal of Wholord, 2nd member of the Geek Triumvirate of Earth
There was a discussion I needed to have with my dearest friend, about a close protege. “Seraphim… You understand that I never wanted Daphnes to be in this pain correct?” I said.

“I understand this, but even Daphnes must fulfill his destiny within Fangea, Ryton. He was… Never one to defeat him,” Seraphim, Lord of the Geeks in "the real world", responded.

“I see… I hope that this could allow us to see him again one day… Nashi will be eager to see him again… I hope he is starting to learn self-control… I put Delta in there for a reason, to make sure he could eventually learn more of himself… I truly do care about him,” I said.

“Delta… He was a good friend… Daphnes will find his true destiny, whether he knows of it or not,” Seraphim reassured me.

Approaching the old castle was a man. He wore leather armor, tall boots, and a bandana. He carried with him all that he would need for what he was doing: crosses, holy water, axes, and most importantly, a spiked whip, imbued with the power to kill Vampires. His name was Simon Belmont. Simon was here on an important mission: to destroy the vampire who plagued this land, the one his eldest ancestor, Leon Belmont, promised the Belmont Clan would Hunt: Vlad Ţepeş Dracula.

3!!! 2!!! 1, GO!!!!!

He entered the castle, then destroyed many mummies with well-thrown crosses. Then he ran into a strange individual. A skeleton dressed as a mercenary, flying with rocket boots, using weapons beyond even Simon’s time, obviously from elsewhere in Fangea, blasting away at Dracula’s minions. “You dare defy our Master? Then I shall end your crucible here, undead one!” A skeletal figure cloaked in robes and wielding a scythe said, before summoning thousands at once to strike at this skeleton.

“Try this then. HADOUKEN!” Ryu said, hitting Death, however, it almost did nothing to him, as if he were unaffected, all before getting hit with a whip from behind both Ryu and this Skeleton. Then Simon saw the small yellow creature he knew as Pichu faring poorly against a giant Medusa head, shooting petrifying beams which could’ve turned Pichu to stone if a man with a black and orange cape, white hair, and blade did not step in and stab it through the eyes.

“Alucard. In the name of your father, will you not change your mind?” Death said, to the man who had taken out the Medusa head.

“No. like I have said before, I will keep that promise I made to my mother long ago,” Alucard said.

“You found anything?” Ryu yelled to Serif.

“Not yet… Candle or nay, I’m starting to feel like summoning this castle was a mistake,” Serif replied.

“You clearly do not know what summoning this fortress does, do you? It brings an evil that returns every 100 years back to life. You, sir, have accidentally brought back Dracula… My father,” Alucard said to both Serif and Ryu.

“Well it wasn’t exactly an accident, but we did underestimate this little encounter,” Ryu said.

“And who’s the guy cuddling our Pichu?” Serif said looking at Simon.

“Simon Belmont. A descendant of a friend of mine named Trevor Belmont,” Alucard said.

“He was my great grandfather, and I intend to defeat Dracula here and now like he once defeated him,” Simon said.

“Yeah yeah yeah. Look, I don’t care about some vamp that happens to live here. All I care about is this thing he got a while back, which Daphnes is probably gonna get to first because he went with that Richter guy Dark pit brought to us,” Serif said.

“Richter? Richter Belmont? We have no time to waste, Skeleton, you must learn discipline, and we have to get to where Richter is first!” Alucard said, before he ran straight through the horde that Dracula had summoned, and Simon was fighting them off with Holy Water, Crosses, Axes, Daggers, and his Vampire Killer, while Serif led Ryu and Pichu past through many more corridors, until he saw a horde of Dracula’s forces blown to kingdom come by Demoman.

“We’ve found nothing, but Bill Cipher’s here,” Piccolo said, flying up to Demoman.

“And I heard a floating skeleton talk about three esteemed guests,” Android 17 said, standing next to Piccolo.

“Whatcha talkin’ about?” Flowey said, appearing suddenly.

“None of your concern, now leave,” Piccolo said.

“Oh, we got religion maniacs. The host ain’t gonna like that,” Flowey said, attacking Simon and Alucard.

“When was a talking Flower a part of Dracula’s Army?!” Simon asked, utterly flabbergasted at the presence of a talking flower.

“And who the heck is this host?” Serif shouted.

“It would seem my Father is hosting it… isn’t he, Asriel?” Alucard said, smirking.

“Indeed, the count has requested a show, and we aim to please,” Dimentio said, attacking Piccolo, before Piccolo decided to use Hellzone Grenade. They then ran on, colliding with someone in blue and someone in green.

“Daphnes!” Serif said.

“Serif?! Good, we’ve got more allies on our side, I think I finally have a good way of tracking the Candle now… but here’s the catch, it’s all the way at the top of the castle… also, a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Alucard,” Daphnes said.

“Oh! By the way, Serif, we’ve been running from Bill Cipher almost since we came in,” Captain Falcon said.

“Yeah, Dimentio kept dropping mummies on us too,” Serif said.

“And I would love to turn that cursed flower to paint,” Demoman said.

“No. We must focus on the Candle for now, Daphnes, Richter, We’ll be following you, whilst also keeping enemies out of the way. Dracula will be my fight… Richter, Simon, you both will have to help me face Dracula,” Alucard said.

“Uhhh… cool. We’ll just look for that Candle up there while you keep the vamp off us,” Seif said.

“Serif! I just said where it is!!” Daphnes said, pointing to where Dracula was.

“Then let’s go! What are we waiting for?” Captain Falcon said, walking up the stairs.

"Another Human who dares oppose me. You will know the power of the King of Vampires, as all have before!” Dracula said, before throwing Captain Falcon back by launching him straight into a wall, and then throwing fireballs straight in his direction. Captain Falcon dodged but tried to avoid Dracula completely, but Dracula would not have this, and immediately trapped Falcon in a swarm of bats.

“Don’t worry drac, I got the hog team. You nab the clerics,” Bill Cipher said, entering the room. Immediately a whip hit Dracula, and Bill saw that it was no ordinary whip.

“Mess him up,” Bill ordered, as Dracula split into four, before both Simon and Richter both hit him at the exact same time, knocking Dimentio to the ground.

“Belmonts! I should’ve killed you long ago… it will not matter now, as long as I kill one of you, you will not stand a chance!” Dracula started to attack both of the Belmonts at the exact same time. At the same time, Ryu landed a Shoryuken on Flowey, who had moved to intercept Serif and Daphnes. Then, as Captain Falcon tried to punch Dracula “out of the way”, he was hit by a warlock punch.

“Fool. You fight for a lost cause. History will repeat itself,” Ganondorf said, towering over Captain Falcon. Meanwhile, Demoman was besieged by an animated swarm of knives.

“Heh heh, you oafs know nothing of your foe,” Ghirahim, who was controlling the knives, said.

“When did these guys get involved?! I thought it was just those three!” Serif shouted.

“Demon Lord Ghirahim… still second fiddle to Demise, reincarnation or not,” Daphnes said.

“And why not? The Demon King is my master after all,” Ghirahim said before Daphnes teleported past Flowey and started to fight Ghirahim himself clashing his blade against Ghirahim’s, as Simon and Richter got thrown to the wall by Dracula before Alucard appeared in front of his father.

“Like I have said before, father… to destroy you, I will use all I am,” Alucard said.

“Very well then, child… Come and face me, and fall by my hands!” Dracula said as Alucard, Richter, and Simon started to fight him, blade and whip clashing against dark magic. Meanwhile, Ryu blocked a warlock punch from Ganondorf with a focus attack.

“I have an idea! Piccolo, Ryu, Daphnes, Demoman, Falcon, pick a foe and stay on him!” Serif said before Daphnes smirked because he was planning to stay on Ghirahim and face him.

“Where you goin’?” Demoman asked.

“I’m gonna help the Belmonts,” Serif said, charging Dracula from the air with his rocket boots. He flew past Alucard, who was gearing up for another attack.

“Serif, be careful! He is not to be trifled with,” he said as the skeleton flew by.

“LEEEEROOOOOOY JENKINS!!!!!” Serif yelled as he flew straight at Dracula and was disassembled by Dracula’s attack. “Perfect,” he said, his skull hitting the ground. Suddenly many small bulges appeared under Dracula’s clothing, and Dracula felt and acted like somebody had thrown a bucket of tarantulas in his clothes. The bulges then came up out of Dracula’s shirt assembled into a hand holding a black candle, before Dracula used his own bit of sorcery to poison Serif’s very Skeleton, which he had rarely used on any of the opponents he faced. Serif dropped the candle as the spell took effect, saving himself with a sparkling object from his fandom of undertale but letting Flowey grab the candle.

“I GOT IT! LET’S VAMOOSE!” Flowey yelled.

“We apologize, Count Dracula, but we must leave now,” Dimentio said politely.

“I shall lend my assistance to this cause, as we agreed upon before they showed up,” Dracula said. Then the villains teleported into the Pillar of Autumn. Immediately Daphnes started to try and fly after the Pillar of Autumn, only to get thrown to the ground by the thrusters activating, and throwing him back.

“DANG IT! That’s another candle gone!” Serif yelled, kicking a rock.

“We can’t just kick the dust here, we still have another shot to get them,” Richter said.

“He’s right, we need to find the next one,” Simon said.

“Agreed… Let us return to your ship. hopefully, we can get to the base of operations so that way we can strategize,” Alucard said. Then Eddie teleported everyone back to the Heart of Gold.


Geno sat at his abode in Star Road, deep in contemplation. Suddenly there was a knock at his door. Answering it, he admitted Pit to his home. “Ah, Pit, why come here to my abode?” Geno said.

“It’s about the prophecy,” Pit said.

“...I see. So has he returned?” Geno said.

“Not all the way, luckily. But the call has been sent, and almost every villain in Fangea is swarming the Seal place,” Pit informed.

“I see… But who I was mentioning was the Knight himself…” Geno said.

“Oh, Daphnes. Yeah, he’s here!” Pit said. “Will you be coming too?”

“Indeed I will. However, I will need time to recover all my power since the last Dark Invasion has left me drained of most of my power,” Geno said.

“No worries! Lady Palutena or Lord Beerus Should be able to help you recover,” Pit said as Geno was teleported to Beerus’s planet.


Luna had been watching the group’s journey with confidence, but now she was scared. She was desperate, she knew that, but nevertheless, she still had his contact info from the time they had fought together the last time a situation like this was upon them. She turned to Palutena and said “I’m going to make a call. Don’t disturb me for a time.”

“I understand… I’ll go see what Pit’s up to,” Palutena said. Then Luna went into a backroom of Beerus’s dwelling and opened her Discord. Then she typed the address of the only one she knew would have anything to offer.

“I must be going insane,” She said as she typed.

Then the screen divided into 9 segments, and at the center, the face that all of Equestria hated- Lord Tirek. The other segments were static to avoid surveillance and keep the speakers undercover, with a greek letter in the center so that the right eyes could identify who was speaking, except for the top right, which showed the robot she knew from Smash as R.O.B.

“Why have you called me, your majesty?” Tirek asked, his voice full of spite toward his jailer.

“Indeed, why call us here, so says *static*,” One of the segments, marked Epsilon, said, flashing as it did.

“I did not expect her interference, but our meeting shall continue. As you all know, the prophecy I gave is coming to pass. I have a plan in place, in action as we speak,” Tirek said.

“Well, Tirek, you know when to not allow girls into the party. After all, wasn’t it you who said any can join the cause?” another segment, this one marked Gamma, said.

“Times change… In any case, Luna may be necessary. Celestia has convinced herself that one of Tartarus's inmates is responsible for the overcast weather and the seal in the clouds, and she’s investigating each inmate spontaneously,” Tirek said.

“Can’t you hire a certain Umbra Witch to keep her preoccupied? Hint Hint,” Gamma said.

“Excellent idea, Gamma. Beta, you have contact with said witch, can you hire her?” Tirek said. A roar from another screen sounded affirmative.

“I actually believe I should, as Beta will be needed where he is,” R.O.B, who was the only face Luna could see, said.

“Smart move, after all, The Entity of Shadows won’t suspect a robot to go in the place of that of one of my commanders. *Static* Can you get over here?” Gamma said before Luna heard something.

“OOah! Must’ve dozed off for a bit there, Wooh, getting up is such exhausting work! Anyway, do you need me to do anything, Sir?” Another person on Gamma's end said.

“Can you go and… greet the intruders in our little abode? I have to go and see if the country our forces are about to open fire on, which is owned by Flowey is still in a stalemate,” Gamma said.

“While that is happening, Alpha, do you have the MDM ready?” Tirek asked.

“Indeed, There will be plenty of booms for everyone! And booms will fill up their hearts! And then... Andthenandthenandthenandthen… We’ll be enjoying the silence of those loyal to the Dark One!” The segment labeled Alpha said, and Luna could almost feel the glee of the speaker through the screen.

“Actually, I intend to fire it at Canterlot and frame Bill Cipher, a known General of the Enemy and probably the one who started this mess,” Tirek said.


“The device will take time to reach its destination, so says *static*,” Delta said.

“Hence, the Umbra Witch, and our alicorn,” Tirek said.

“In which case, if it fails, can we resort to mass invasion if the plan goes awry? *Static* has been wanting to get that of my forces to invade that of Frieza Planet 323 for a long time now, and I want to keep my word on to devouring the Frieza Force’s Souls, they might be more than enough to strengthen them right up!” Gamma says, while also drinking something that Luna saw looked almost like a coffee mug that looked like his face.

“Tirek? Is that who I think that is? Drinking a coffee mug that looks exactly like his face, hungers on souls, loves to make lives miserable while making his own hilarious?” Luna asked.

“No, Luna, I’m the guy who delivers the mail, and I came to deliver a message from me to you. Don’t spoil any story elements!” Gamma said.

Wait a minute! How can Luna see that mug? Tirek explicitly made all undercover screens incognito!

“Not my issue, 30 boy, but maybe you shouldn’t have made mine be able to move as much as it does in chapter 23 of-”

SHHHHHHHHH!!!!! They don’t know that yet!

“Oh, my bad. But it’s awfully cute when you're flustered like that, Sir.”

Right, now can you put the 4th wall back so we can get on with our story?

“Fine, but remember, It’s never gonna be the same if you delete this within posting!”

Alright fine, we’ll keep it. But let’s get on with this.

“Alright, alright, You get back to the meeting.”

Then the 4th wall was repaired and I continued with the story.

“Alpha, how soon can you launch that missile?” Tirek said.

“It will be ready to fire when that of the sun rises in 12 hours!” Another near alpha said.

“We will fire it when Celestia least expects that of the pint of disruption to fire!” The part of the screen labelled Alpha said.

“Ooooh, are you gonna shoot something at Celestia?” A small filly who Luna knew as Cozy Glow said from Tirek’s portion of the screen.

“Tirek, when was *static* with you?” Gamma said.

“Celestia imprisoned her with me because she tried to take over Equestria,” Tirek said.

“Oh sure, you get thrown into the Underworld and get forgotten by society, how completely expected from one-off acts,” Gamma said.

“Actually I believe it would be best if we were to send this filly out with you, Gamma. I know you know of a way in and out of Tartarus,” Tirek said.

“So you expect me to open a way to where you are and drag you straight out? You do realize that it takes time to set them up, right?” Gamma said.

“At ease, I can take over babysitting for you upon your escape’s completion, so says *static*,” the part of the screen labeled Epsilon said.

“Very well. You all know your tasks, make haste. This Light Cancer meeting is adjourned,” Tirek then turned off all monitors in his room. The conversion complete, Luna went out to tell Palutena of her errand, then set off for Equestria.

Author's Note:

D30’s comment: I confess… I added Castlevania on a lark.:twilightsheepish: I did not expect Sword to geek out about it as he did.:derpyderp1: But I am pleased with how it turned out.:heart:
Sword’s comment: It’s true, I’m a huge Castlevania fan, and I have played Super Castlevania 4 for the SNES.