• Published 20th Mar 2019
  • 530 Views, 31 Comments

Geeks of the Round Table: The Dark Invasion - Gem Productions

Lord Tirek gives a prophecy about an entity that could destroy all fandoms, so the heroes of those fandoms unite to stop it.

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Hidden Charms

Twilight was trying to talk to Flash, but Flash was ignoring her. “Why are you acting like this? I thought we were friends,” Twilight said.

“Yeah, and then you decide to come back here just so you can beat me in the Battle of the Bands. I want this, Twilight, and you're trying to take it from me! Some friend,” Flash Sentry said, clearly under The Dazzlings’s influence

“That's not why—” Twilight said, on the ground.

“Come on, Twilight. We've got things to do,” AppleJack said, helping Twilight up.

“You really think you're gonna help them?! Ha! I bet you have no idea what you're even doing!” Flash said as Twilight started to cry.

“Please, don’t waste such a burningly passionate relationship with the girl of your dreams over a contest you stand no chance in next to me,” Mettaton said, driving up.

“Oh will you shut up you walking tin can?! You’re not even special! ‘Ooh, look at me, I’m a giant rolling robot with ego issues!’ That’s what you are!” Flash said.

“Oh, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet! The first round was child’s play. Now go try to salvage something a little more enduring than a contest,” Mettaton said, dragging him to face Twilight. “Well, apologize.”

“Why should I? You’re not my boss!” Flash said, getting free from his grip.

“I’m fine. You don’t have to worry at all Mettaton,” Twilight said, trying to reassure Mettaton.

“I said apologize,” Mettaton primed his taser before Flash whacked it with his guitar.

“Well,” Mettaton turned to Twilight. “You’re welcome for trying. I know what it’s like to lose a friend,” Mettaton said.

“You know… you might not be so bad after all. Hope you get into the finals,” AppleJack said, wishing him luck.

“Believe me, we have a common enemy, only our approaches are different. You want to undermine the sirens, whoever they are, and I want to outshine them. Do yourselves a favor, and don’t get in my way,” Mettaton said.

“Did you even look at the people with the red gems in the middle of their chokers?” Twilight asked him.

“Hm? No. Thank you,” Mettaton said, going on his way.

“Well, hope you get what you want eventually...” Twilight said.

“Fantastic!” Principal Celestia said while laughing.

“Hmph. You're never gonna top that performance, "Rain-goons". You shouldn't be allowed to when you have such a big advantage over the rest of us,” Trixie said.

“My superior guitar playing and off-the-charts awesome singing voice?” RainbowDash said.

“Oh, don't be ridiculous. I mean her! If you were really all that, Rainbow Dash, you wouldn't have needed to bring in some magical ringer to have half a chance. Everyone's talking about it,” Trixie said.

“Ha! Puh-leeze! I could win this thing as a solo act and everybody knows it!” RainbowDash said.

“Sure you could,” Trixie said, before disappearing.

“She's gone! Oh, wait. There she is,” The humane six said.

“Next up, the Rainbooms,” Principal Celestia announced.

“Knock 'em dead, Rainbooms!” Spike said, cheering RainbowDash on

“I'll be here... just... watching,” Sunset Shimmer said.

(stop at 0:41) Sunset realized what was happening: RainbowDash was showing her ears. But something wheeled past her before she could do anything.

“NO! NO! NO! I SIMPLY WILL NOT BE OUTSHINED!” Mettaton said. “And I can see all that magic bursting out from you, so why don’t we put it to use! Don’t hold back, RainbowDash! And Napstablook, flip my switch!”

“Are you sure?” Napstablook asked, wary.

“Yes, I’m sure,” Mettaton said.

“Ok,” Napstablook said, and AppleJack saw the switch on his back.

“Oh no… I feel like we should all DUCK!!!” AppleJack said, grabbing everyone and getting down onto the ground. Mettaton began to shake, then whir out of control, until finally exploding.

“Well… I guess that nothing had to happen with him.” RainbowDash said, believing they had won.

Then everyone heard, loud and clear, “OHHHH YESSSS!!!” “Oh no...” Daphnes said, hearing it himself.

“What- no… WHO is THAT?!” Twilight said as a new robot took the place of the box. This was entirely different, and now, Twilight could see the reason behind his mannerisms. He now looked human, and, Sunset hated to admit, handsome.

“This, darlings, is Mettaton EX! Let’s dance!”

3!!! 2!!! 1, GO!!!!!

Mettaton started with a series of glowing boxes to RainbowDash. RainbowDash used her magic, now turned into a shooter, to destroy these, but saw the green energy that came from them. The Dazzlings looked at this energy hungrily. “Can you keep up the pace?” Mettaton said.

“Heh… I’m done,” RainbowDash said, putting away her guitar, and powering down.

“Oh I don’t think so,” Mettaton said, shooting lasers off a disco ball at RainbowDash, who was now dodging instead of fighting. “Let’s make this… EXPLOSIVE!” Mettaton said, throwing bombs at RainbowDash and making her fight box such that she had to shoot them.

“I said, I’m done. No and’s, if’s or but’s. I’m not fighting anymore,” RainbowDash said, not attacking them.

“I see that magic,” Mettaton said, absorbing the green vapor. “But it’s for later. Not enough all at once yet, see?”

“So? Aren’t you gonna force me to fight? Because I’m not interested,” RainbowDash said.

"You're not the one in charge here. This is my performance now," Mettaton said, kicking RainbowDash several times. With each successful kick, the audience cheered and more green energy appeared, that Mettaton siphoned.

"Will you leave me alone?!" RainbowDash said.

"Pop quiz! What do you like most about Mettaton?" Mettaton said.

"Nothing! Now get your legs outta my face!" RainbowDash screamed.

"That's right! Legs was the correct answer!" Mettaton said. "Your answer really showed us your heart. Why not show you mine?" A heart-shaped mechanical component detached from Mettaton and shot electricity at RainbowDash. RainbowDash noticed that every strike, whether hers or Mettaton's, produced negative energy.

“Almost… NOW!” Mettaton said, turning to face the Dazzlings, three green beams primed in his chest.

“What is he planning? Feeding us until we’re stronger?” Adagio said, not immediately realizing there was a plan for their undoing.

“! No, wait, that’s too much! RUN!” Adagio said, narrowly avoiding Mettaton’s blast.

“Oh well, then I’ll just have to do this the old-fashioned way.” Mettaton jumped at Adagio with a flying kick, only to get winded by Flash.

“Not so tough without that shell, huh?” he said.


“Wait, was that what he was planning?! He planned to overfeed them the whole time!” Twilight said, before realizing it could accidentally overflow into the rest of the school.

“Come on! Get up please! We need your help getting everyone out of here!” FlutterShy said to Mettaton, who lay damaged on the floor next to them, with tears in her eyes.

“I’m alright, I just… Flash is strong, and without my exterior shell I’m vulnerable,” Mettaton said, walking away.

“You need to get out of here now! You’ve already ruined his plan!” RainbowDash said to Flash, mildly annoyed.

“Well, Mettaton looks like he had more stamina at the end of the fight, so he will be going on to the final round,” Principal Celestia said. The energy from the blast still lingered.

“I’ll deal with that,” Mettaton said, absorbing the energy and shooting it into space in the form of a beam.

“Hope you do well in the Finals! And… hopefully we can get the mist out of the sky before it becomes a problem,” Twilight said, wishing Mettaton well.

“! I need to try and divert that energy!” Daphnes said, before trying to access his malice once more, only to roar in pain, and throw malice on almost all the walls, which was absorbing the energy of the mist and was creating more black and red mist, fueled by evil, which caught the Dazzlings’s attention.

“What is that?!” Adagio and Aria both shouted in unison, as Sonata looked at Daphnes with concern in her eyes. Immediately Serif grabbed Daphnes and flew away from Canterlot High.

“I know that was stupid of me… And I won’t do anything like that ever again.” Daphnes said, looking down whilst cleaning his arm away from the Malice.

“Well, the final round’s tonight. Let’s get in position,” Goku said.

“You’re right… Make sure you can keep a close eye on Mettaton and the Dazzlings… Whatever happens will determine the fate of everyone. Hopefully, we can stop this Entity of Shadows from re-emerging… ” Daphnes said.

Author's Note:

D30’s comment: I feel like I made Mettaton too hateable, and then I remembered that he does drop a pearl once in a while.

Sword’s comment: The key to the Entity’s defeat lies within the near future… However, it shall not be revealed yet.