• Published 15th Sep 2019
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EQG: Sword Art Online - Aincrad - Mindrop

The Girls get trapped in the newest video game, Sword Art Online. If you die in the game, you die in real life.

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Episode 52 - We Were Wondercolts

Floor 59
April 23 – Year 2

It had been a tough, but good, day in the Labyrinth. However, Knightstar wasn't at The Wondercolts' Headquarters. Officially, she was no longer in the guild. Backbreaker hadn't come back either. Both absences put a damper on their spirits, but they were still Wondercolts. They were still clearers on the front lines and in the Assault Team. That was their focus as they powered forward.

Normally it would not be a problem for either of them to have a break, but the Wondercolts had found the Boss chamber. They had even entered to engage in a quick skirmish to see what they were up against. There were three giant skeletons standing 30 feet tall standing guard just inside the doors. They were quick and strong, and they forced the Wondercolts out, keeping the identity of the boss hidden.

Instead of AFCK baking, Bladescape was taking them to the best cheesecake restaurant in the game, which also happened to be in Mishe. She wanted AFCK to have a break as well after everything that had happened over the week. The Guild still had plenty of spare Col. even after the expenses of stocking up on potions and crystals for the Boss Fight to come, so the cost wasn't an issue.

As they entered the restaurant, there was an excited squeaking sound like some weird bird squawking.

"Doombunny!" a voice called out from the other side of the room. "Colorra!"

"Silica! Pina!" Doombunny yelled back, waving her hand vigorously as Silica waved to her with equal enthusiasm. Doombunny danced through the crowded restaurant on her way over to her friend as quickly as she could. Pina, Silica's feathered blue dragon familiar, was perched on her master's shoulders.

"Dragon Master and Snake Charmer, friends for life!" They both said together before hugging. Colorra affectionately rubbed her head on Pina's in a greeting of carnivore familiars.

Doombunny introduced everyone. The Wondercolts as a whole had a friendly relationship with the young girl, but the two beast tamers had bonded and met up fairly often, especially over the past month or so. Mishe was where Silica often stayed. She found the city comforting and the cheesecake was a good reason to stay.

"We don't want to bother you," Bladescape said.

"Oh, it's not bother," Silica happily smiled. "I only just ordered for myself. It gets lonely eating alone. Even if I only have one other person, that is kind of nice." Silica's cheeks had slowly gotten redder as she admitted to the fact.

"In that case," Bladescape grinned, "we would love to buy you dinner and dessert. The cheesecake is so good here."

"I know, I took Kirito here after he rescued me in the Forrest of Wondering a few-" Silica went silent, blushing

"Kirito rescued you?" Diemond asked, intrigued to find out more about the Black Swordsman. Other than the cold and aloof Kirito they all knew.

"Well, he had something else he was doing," Silica replied, trying to hide something, "but to make a long story short, I had gotten myself lost and he found me and helped me out of the forest, and then he helped me get Pina back because she died protecting me. I couldn't have done it myself. Pina is here today because of him."

"Not that I am not glad that he helped you," Bladescape said as she sat down and the others pulled tables together, "but you probably wouldn't have been in that situation if you were in a guild. I've been wondering why you have not joined one yet? Someone with your energy and enthusiasm would fit well in plenty of guilds."

"No, you are probably right." Silica sighed. "I go from party to party. Pina has healing abilities, so I get plenty of offers when I go looking for a new one, but that is part of the problem. I've not found anything solid. And I'm not anywhere near where you guys are. I would not last a day on the front lines, even if I had the levels. I have heard enough from Doom to know that. I have a hard enough time in a lot of the dungeons down here. But I want to get better. I want to fight on the front lines. Why shouldn't I?"

"Admirable, Darling," Diemond said. "I do hope you succeed. The front lines could use someone as energetic, focused, and enthusiastic as you are. Plus, having another beast tamer around would be fun."

"Thanks," Silica blushed.

"How did you meet Pina?" Bladescape asked while they waiting for their food.

It was a very sweet, if short, story; Silica met the rare Feathered Little Dragon in a forest and fed her some peanuts. Having never encountered one before meeting Pina, Silica hadn't known at the time that the Dragon's non-hostile behavior towards her prior to being fed had been unusual. It reminded Bladescape of Doombunny fearlessly going up to Colorra and offering her what she wanted. They all hung out and chatted late into the night before they bid their farewells.

Backbreaker and Knightstar were still not present when they got back.

"Everyone get a good night's sleep." Bladescape said, taking charge. "I have to go deal with our two missing members. I'm not letting us go down because of a stupid argument. We are friends, not just guildmates."

Bladescape didn't need to track Backbreaker. She teleported to the 22nd Floor, to a small fishing village. It was where Backbreaker preferred to fish.

She entered the only restaurant in the small village. There were only a few patrons left as the hour grew later. They didn't even notice her arrival. She walked straight up to a group of 3 sitting at a table and drinking from mugs. All three were grey- or white-haired old men. They were the perfect reminder that not all gamers were hardcore, young specimens. Sword Art Online flaunted a system where the old could fight like a young adventurer. Or a wise older one who still moved like a young one. But the sadistic mirrors they had been given at the start shattered that potential in a virtual world, replacing their would-be avatars with copies of themselves. Few were able to handle the switch. Some, like Rendil, had converted their knowledge to help, but most of the older aged players fell prey to the idea they were in the same, old and aching bodies. It was something that was easy to do and hard to overcome.

"Hello," Bladescape said, flashing them a warm smile. "I am looking for Backbreaker. She is a friend of mine."

"Take a left outside and then the sixth cabin. The one with an orange door. That is hers."

"Thank you," Bladescape said, giving them a wink to go with the smile before she walked out the door.

She had seen how their eyes naturally wandered. All three of them certainly were family men, and that meant missing not just wives, but kids and probably grand-kids. They were, at the very least, missing birthdays they would never get back. Bladescape was growing up, while they were missing their families grow up. A warm smile and quick wink were really nothing to give them, and it hopefully helped brighten their future more than their slowly emptying mugs could.

Bladescape found the small log cabin. The orange door was certainly Applejack's orange. She stepped up onto the short porch, with its single rocking chair, and knocked on the door.

The door opened a minute later. Backbreaker was there, standing in what Diemond would only describe as gross rags. Everyone else would recognize them as fishing clothes.

"Hi," Backbreaker said, unsure what else to say.

"Can I come in?" Bladescape asked. "We need to talk about a few things."

"Sure," Backbreaker shrugged, stepping aside.

The interior was decorated in all warm wood tones. The walls were the same logs as outside, just polished up a bit. It was a single room loft cabin, set out so that the bed was above the kitchen.

"Nice place," Bladescape said. "How much a night?"

"Pay?" Backbreaker snorted. "Oh, no. I bought this back in October."

"You bought this‽" Bladescape exclaimed.

"Yep," Backbreaker shrugged. "I keep er' on hand to retreat too. She isn't five minutes walk to the water. She's only twenty to the best fishin' spot on the Floor, probably the whole of Aincrad." Backbreaker sat down in her comfy chair and gestured to the only other piece of furniture to sit on; a plain, but cushioned, chair. "You didn't come to track me down without it bein' important. You would have sent a message if it weren't."

Bladescape settled into the other seat. "I would have, but you never responded to Knightstar. Why me?"

"Her freak out messages?" Backbreaker snorted. "Never read em. I got a dozen in the span of a few hours. The system stopped her from sendin' me more. Somethin' about spam an' anti-harassment systems triggerin'. I told the notification not to mark her, but kept the filter on."

"That's part of the problem," Bladescape said, not holding anything back. "The last time I saw her was three mornings ago. She was calculating how to split the guild assets. She was certain we were done as a guild."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Backbreaker stopped her. "Thin's just went off the deep end if Twilight, sorry, I mean Knightstar-"

"I think we might be dealing with Twilight," Bladescape cut in. "I know it is late, but we need to track her down. The Wondercolts found the Boss room, and we did an exploratory push inside. It didn't get us much info. And what is worse, Knightstar is on my friend list, but not in the guild anymore."

"What‽" Backbreaker exclaimed, almost jumping out of her chair. "Sure, she went off hard on Doombunny before you arrived, but that wasn't the end. What else did I miss on my vacation? You looked ready to say somethin'."

"Well," Bladescape said, putting her leg on her knee. "Let's see. Kiefer and Lessa are together. That is what we were going to announce at breakfast when we walked into the argument. Oh, and then I spent that day hunting with Doom. It was intense. I will certainly be joining her again. She has a new skill. A defensive skill. She either uses a little metal shield, barely bigger than a dinner plate, or a special dagger, to defect incoming attacks. It's a skill designed for pairing with a rapier. You just have to complete the dagger skill to unlock it."

"Well that is hard to do," Backbreaker chuckled. "Thunder would not like havin' to do that, even if it is worth it."

"No she would not," Bladescape, said also with a chuckled. She turned serious. "Backbreaker, we need you again. The Wondercolts found the boss chamber. We took a look inside and scouted what we could, but three giant skeletons kept us out. We got nothing."

"You have my shield," Backbreaker grinned. "I was just waitin' for a non-panic message to let me know it was time. Till then, fishin' and rechargin' my mind."

"Fair," Bladescape said. She stood up. "Come on. We have to save Twilight from herself."

"Agreed," Backbreaker said. "But I need to change out of my fishin' gear and grab my hammer."

Backbreaker climbed the ladder to the loft and disappeared for a moment. She came back in normal clothes, hammer swinging on her hips and a backpack on. It was just durable pants and a long sleeve T-shirt, like she wore on the farm, but it included the one thing Diemond would not allow Backbreaker to wear, let alone own, in Aincrad: a cowboy hat.

"So, do yah have any idea where Knightstar slash Twilight is?"

"Some," Bladescape said as they walked to the teleport plaza. "It won't be hard. Friends can locate each other on the game map. Pretty detailed to their approximate location. The exact location will be easy with Search to pinpoint." Bladescape looked at her map. "She is in Algade, which means I will need to use Search."

They teleported to Algade. Bladescape pulled up her menu and then the advanced options for Search. Search didn't automatically grant these tracking abilities. They were unlocked as you continued to master the Skill.

The green trail that lit up in Bladescape's vision raced a path through the streets of the confusing city. Even as late as it was, the streets were busy with players moving about on various business. Bladescape led them on the correct path. They passed three inns before they turned down a side street and then another side street.

It stopped at a door. Bladescape tried the handle but it wouldn't turn.

"Uh, I think it's closed," Backbreaker said. "The sign says it's a shop. The Guidin' Star: Game Guides and Level Counselin'."

"That has Twilight written all over it," Bladescape stated as she looked at the sign. "So... I guess we wait until morning?"

"We passed a few inns on the way," Backbreaker stated. "What time is the meetin'?"

"5pm," Bladescape stated. "I think the KOB is doing their own scouting mission. We have time."

Instead of a bed, the two of them ended up eating and then drinking the hours away. Bladescape recounted the tales from the past few days. Backbreaker got a kick out of AFCK's sandcastles and work. Focusing her away from playing in the sand would be difficult.

From 6am to 8am they were outside the storefront, trying the door every 10 minutes. When it finally opened at 8am, they found the shop to have a warm, bookstore-like feel but without shelves. Tomes were lined up in an open display, like magazines, but never overlapping.

An NPC store assistant greeted them. "Welcome to The Guiding Star, the place where you can find all of your game encyclopedic knowledge for reasonable prices. A special note, as posted by the signs, all displayed books are for display only. Opening them gives an overview of the book and a list of its content, but never any actual information. Also, as with all printed copies, there may be new information that comes after the printing and it will be updated as soon as possible. We print in small batches to ensure our customers have the most up-to-date information on the subject.

"That section is the Bestiary Encyclopedias. They can be purchased as a full set or as single pieces covering that letter range. Health, XP, Col, weakness and attack strategies of the monsters are detailed out. Items dropped and chances of drops are listed for each beast. It is comprised of the best knowledge available to the author. It does not guarantee to hold all creatures in Aincrad within their pages. I can tell you if we cover a specific creature.

"The middle section is leveling guides for various Skills. We offer what we offer. As a former front line fighter, Sage Knightstar has not been able to explore all of the options in many of the Skills. She has assembled the best she can and is working to assemble more.

"The other side is stocked with item information. If you need to know something about an item, it may be found in those encyclopedias. As many of an item's known uses are given, as well as their drop sources and their drop chances for each creature. Not all items may be available and information may be incomplete in some areas. Aincrad is a large world and one that is constantly changing.

"We strive to provide you with the most accurate information so that you can advance at an accelerated rate in the Skill of your choice. You can also schedule a personal consultation with Sage Knightstar."

"That is why we are here," Bladescape said, immediately jumping on that trail. "A personal consultation."

"I will need a name, and private information about your skill level help. It will all be kept confidential. The Sage will need time to look over your information before the consultation."

"We are friends with her," Bladescape countered. "Can you check with her about seeing her right away. We will pay more."

"Let me check with her. Your name?"

"Silica," Bladescape immediately said, earning her a dirty look from Backbreaker. She wasn't going to give Twilight a chance to deny them because she knew it was them. But Silica was someone Twilight at least knew and she would jump at the chance to meet and talk with the beast tamer.

The NPC soon came back out. "For double her normal consultation fee, she will agree to it. Fees will be discussed when you begin."

"Thank you," Bladescape said, smiling. "Where do we go?"

"The second door on your right is the consult chambers."

The consultation chamber was a small, private study. The walls were filled with full bookshelves. A big, wooden desk was in the room, but it was not the primary focus. The layout was centered around two chairs, with a short couch for good measure. Several warm lamps made sure the windowless room was well lit.

After a few minutes Knightstar came in. "Forgive me," she said, distracted. "This business just opened yesterday. I am balancing a few things. What can I hel-"

Knightstar froze mid-way through sitting down. She had been so distracted she hadn't immediately caught who they were. She certainly recognized the two of them.

Backbreaker grinned. "Scholar robes, scholarly glasses, a graduation cap, an' even a scholarly title. You certainly are committed."

"Of course I am," Knightstar said, finishing sitting down. "Are we here to do real business, or just talk?"

"The talk is business," Bladescape countered. "Look, it is simple. We need all Wondercolts on hand for this. We scouted the boss chamber yesterday. The strategy meeting is at 5pm. And yes, we are still a guild. As strong as ever."

"Strong?" Knightstar scoffed. "BB rage quit, walking out. You missed the first half, only seeing Doombunny rip into every single one of us. I was horrible to her before you came."

"And she forgives you," Bladescape said, interrupting her to try and reassure her. "I spent the day speed hunting with her. We had an argument as a guild. We argue I.R.L. at times. It's not only called life, it's natural. Our first argument doesn't mean our last. Friends are stronger than that. We are stronger than that."

"Friends who love you an' need you," Backbreaker added. "Who don't judge you by your words, but your actions. I admit, my choice to walk out was childish an' problematic. I had no idea what to do so I left. I am sorry for that."

"And I could have backed you better," Bladescape admitted, keeping the pressure up so that Twilight couldn't talk until she had heard their arguments. "I at least should have moved the discussion to a private setting and not publicly announced my stance. Because Doom did break a guild rule. And we can't have anarchy or mob rule as a guild and survive.

"But that is just it. We will survive because we are a guild of friends. A guild based on real life friends who have done and overcome a lot of crazier stuff than an argument in a game. Even a death game. If anyone can beat it, it is us!"

"And what of the next argument‽" Twilight fired back. "We won't get to live in an argument free world! For an entire day, we were not unified. Even in our days off, we were unified. I couldn't even get a hold of some members all day! Backbreaker ignored me completely!"

"I went fishin'," Backbreaker defended. "If it was important, I would have responded. But your crazy freak out messages were not so important that I couldn't feel what I was feelin', which was exhausted and needin' a break. Do you have any idea how hard it is to be the shield of the guild? I feel like I have to defend all y’all and other players. I get no breaks fer' y'all. So yeah, I walked out. But I am back. Cause we have a boss to beat and lives to save. An' I am their shield. I am the Iron Bulwark."

"BB was ready to go as soon as I dropped by her cabin," Bladescape said before Twilight could respond. "We all are under a lot of stress. And honestly, I didn't realize all you do. Look at your store, Twilight. You have compiled more information than any info broker and built a store around it. You had it so organized that you could put it to print in a matter of days! That is not only impressive and insane, but it shows your true dedication to the players. The Wondercolts and regular players."

Twilight sighed. "It's all I'm good at. Stats and guides. That's what I am doing now."

"Don't you say that," Backbreaker told her. "Twilight, how long have-"

"It's Knightstar," Twilight asserted. "As Doombunny said, I am no longer Twilight. You were friends with Twilight and only guildmates with Knightstar. If you hadn't noticed, my name doesn't have a guild icon."

"I had," Bladescape stated. "But I figured it wasn't worth pursuing at the moment."


"Enough," Bladescape said, interrupting Backbreaker and standing up. "Knightstar and Twilight are Bladescape's and Sunset's and Backbreaker's and Appkejack's friend. Which is more important than guildmates. If you need something, let us know. The boss raid meeting is at 5pm, at the big chapel on Floor 59. We really want you there, by our side. This doesn't have to be this way. And this moment doesn't close the door either. But I have a guild to prepare for the next fight in this war. And I need all my friends and guildmates on hand to win this fight. Because I want to hug them with my real body, in the real world."

Backbreaker was shocked that Bladescape was giving up. She stammered as she scrambled out after Bladescape. Outside, Bladescape explained before she could even ask her questions.

"Her walls were up. It wasn't going to be won today. She had made up her mind. Unmaking it will take a little time. Just like you needed your time away fishing, she needs hers. Hopefully she will quickly realize how much she needs her friends. But for now, let's not push her away more than she is pushing herself away from us. I guess I really missed a bad fight."

"I would love to say she only went off about safety margins, but it got personal. At one point she asked if Doom had been drinking her own drugs."

Bladescape's face said it all as she recognized the value of the dagger those words built. And then felt that dagger stab herself in the chest. It wasn't a stab in the back, and that is why it hurt so much more.

Bladescape sighed after a while of walking silently. "Oddly, that fight may have been what Doom needed to keep going. She has that Skill Fighting Spirit, which is a hate skill. And she has even more reason to hate this game now."

"That is a nasty outcome," Backbreaker said. "But if I'm runnin' out of steam, she must be runnin' dry."

"Early lunch and then let's get the Wondercolts to that meeting,” Bladescape suggested. “We have two leaders on duty at least."

Bladescape (SS): Lvl 79 – Two-Handed SwordSearchWeapon DefenseLeather Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Sprint – Acrobatics – Blade Throwing – Extended Weight Carry
Thunderborne (RBD): Lvl 72 – RapierSprintAcrobaticsArmor Pierce – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Leather Armor – Weapon Defense – Extended Weight Carry – Search
Backbreaker (AJ): Lvl 75 – Heavy ShieldOne-Handed War HammerExtended Weight CarryHeavy Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Fishing – Search – Martial Arts – Acrobatics
AFCK(PP): Lvl 72 – Two-Handed AxeParryCookingWeapon DefenseMartial Arts – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor – Thrown Weapon – Musical Instrument
Diemond (R): Lvl 72 – Heavy Shield – Mace – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Heavy Metal Armor – TailoringLight Metal Armor ForgingHeavy Metal Armor Forging – Jewelry Making – Extended Weight Carry
Doombunny (FS): Lvl 74 – One-Handed Dagger – First Aid – HideSearchListening – Battle Regeneration – Fighting Spirit – Familiar Communication (Colorra) – Drug Mixing – Reveal - Fencing
Astro (PS): Lvl 72 – Two-Handed Spear - Purchase Negotiation – Armor Pierce – Acrobatics – First Aid – Light Metal Armor – Battle Regeneration – Weapon Defense – Parry – Extended Wight Carry
Kiefer: Lvl 69 – One-Handed Curved Blade – Parry – Weapon Defense – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor – Slash Weapon Forging – Katana – Martial Arts
Lessa: Lvl 69 – One-Handed Sword – Shield – Light Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Equipment Repair – Metal Equipment Repairing – Armor Pierce – Search
Joltron: Lvl 73 – One handed Axe – Heavy Shield – Heavy Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Metal Refining – Cooking – One Handed Weapon Creation – Two Handed Weapon Creation – Extended Weight Carry

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