• Published 15th Sep 2019
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EQG: Sword Art Online - Aincrad - Mindrop

The Girls get trapped in the newest video game, Sword Art Online. If you die in the game, you die in real life.

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Episode 93 - The Last Attack Bonus


Floor 61 - Front Line Floor 71
August 28 - Year 2

Bladescape got to breakfast late. She wasn't worried about it. While things had been a lot more formal for meals, everyone knew she had fainted. She would certainly be given a break. She wasn't even wearing her armor at the moment.

Breakfast was almost done. The plaque on the wall was red with a white stripe, which meant they would be forming parties after breakfast. The white stripe meant some players were on a free day. Most players would be given missions that didn't require full parties, or even officers. But others might be fielded on the brand new Floor. Still, Bladescape wasn't worried. The other councilors had set the color and had an idea of what needed to be done.

Bladescape sat down and realized that everyone had stopped talking and was looking at her. They were not mad. They were looking for something, like she had forgotten to wear pants. Or better yet, like she was wearing completely miss matched clothes.

"Yes?" Bladescape asked when no one said anything.

Diemond cleared her throat and stood up. Her tone was delicate. "We all know about the battle, well, I was there after all, but they all know. We also know how long and hard you have been working to score a Floor Boss' Last Attack Bonus. And you clearly scored it. So, dear, what was it?"

Bladescape pulled up her menu. "I never actually looked at it," Bladescape admitted. "With how things played out, I never got around to it and then I forgot."

Bladescape found the item easily in her menu. She popped it out onto the table. It was in a basic box. "It says it's called Sunset Box," Bladescape explained. She tapped on it and it prompted her to confirm that she wanted to unbox the item. It was rare to have to unbox an item. Bladescape had never heard of it happening in SAO, but that didn't mean that players didn't skip over a minor detail.

The brown box disappeared and in its place was left a voluptuous cloak. It shimmered and shifted in the light, like it was on fire. It was in her yellow, orange, and red colors, and the center of the back included the outline of her cutie mark. This Last Attack Bonus was no fluke. It was intentional. Equestrian Magic had influenced what she received.

The cloak wasn't standard Wondercolts colors. Any hesitation about the mismatch was dispelled when Bladescape saw the defensive properties of the cloak. It was like wearing an extra layer of armor on top of her Dagannoth plate armor. Plus it boosted her Weight Carry Limit, added in an attack bonus modifier, and added a Search Skill modifier. Nothing about it was a simple cloak. It was truly worth the title of a Floor Boss Last Attack Bonus.

Bladescape stood up and wrapped herself in it. Unlike her Wondercolts Cloak, which only covered her shoulders and back, this securely wrapped around her. It lacked a hood, and It was looser in the front, more than most cloaks. It was more like it was draping off her shoulders, but it was a fully encompassing cloak. The single fastener was two pieces that clipped together to make her sun symbol. It was a monochromatic fastener, but it felt nice to be wearing her cutie mark again. It felt right to do so.

"This doesn't fit with our colors," Bladescape stated.

"But is it worth it?" Diemond pressed.

"Absolutely," Bladescape replied with a definitive nod. "This is a unique piece that can't be ignored. We will need to come up with a way to ensure that my adjusted look is still known as a Wondercolt look, just a very special piece of equipment that we can't afford to pass on."

"I know we can pay the paper for that," Astro stated. "Paying for an article will give us several opportunities to explain it, and the boss battle, to the rest of the players."

"We should get that set up for the day," Bladescape said. "I know I am off today for health reasons, but we need to make sure that info is released before I am seen in the field."

The council agreed and they decided to send Rime and Ulelisa to retrieve a team from the newspaper, when they were finished eating.

"That is your cutie mark on your back," Diemond said when Bladescape went to sit down.

Bladescape stopped. It was her mark, and it was personal and I.R.L. stuff, but the others deserved some explanation.

"Most of you don't know this," Bladescape started before she paused. "And many of the charter members don't either. But this symbol is very important to me.

"When we got trapped here, I knew my role was to protect my six friends and our new one, Astro. We soon gained Kiefer, Lessa, and Joltron. I knew that to succeed, we needed something to bind us together. We had already planned on being the Wondercolts before the game started, so it didn't take any time to rally to that and our guild colors.

"We chose our colors and we chose our symbol. And then I chose to set aside my personal crest, this sun symbol, in order to be the best I could be for the guild. To make sure I could bring us together. What use is there for a leader who is not playing by the rules they claim to uphold?

"So I became the epitome of a Wondercolt. I became the beacon that everyone saw and understood what it is to be one of us. I was a beacon you all were attracted to. By now, the Assault Team and the clearers know who the Wondercolts are because of it and the standard I set for what being a Wondercolt. Most of Aincrad has an idea of who we are because of it.

"But I missed my mark. It was everywhere in my real life. Setting it aside hurt, but it was the correct choice. Even without it, I became one of the best warriors in Aincrad.

“However, this crest has a deeper connection than I can easily explain. I think the best thing is to just say that it is my soul in a picture. That is why it hurt not having it, and the longer I waited, the more it hurt. But I can't deny who I am. I beat the boss as myself, Sunset Shimmer, not Wondercolts Bladescape.

"I won't waste this opportunity. I am fully me, the Sunset Shimmer behind Bladescape. I will get to Level 100 by Floor 75. I will make the final boss in the Ruby Palace taste the metal that is Harmonic Salvation.

"Asuna is the fastest fighter with a blade. There is no one who can match her speed. Kirito has the best reaction time. Heathcliff is an offensive machine that knows how to use the sword and shield combination to the maximum.

"However, Asuna's Rapier is light and often inefficient. Kirito's sword is barely stronger than what you carry and he lacks a shield. The same can be said for the Commander. His strength is in his shield, but it isn't as strong as the Floating Bulwark. He isn't a tank, although he is significantly more maneuverable because of it. He is the perfect shield user.

"What I have that they don't have is the heaviest hitting weapon in Aincrad right now. Harmonic Salvation is unmatched by any weapon when it comes to a damage dealt by a blade or blunt Weapon. And she can only get stronger. Her speed is top notch too for her classification.

"Beside," Bladescape said, grinning. "I probably should let you know I am now certain I have a unique skill, Greatsword. I am the most unrelenting player in Aincrad."

Bladescape popped out Harmonic Salvation and drew the blade. She spun it into an attack position. The simple sweep attack shocked everyone. They knew the Two-handed Sword Skills, and they were keenly aware of the difference.

"I am your Kaisho," Bladescape declared. "I will always lead from the front, never from the rear, and I will not lose; not to this game and not a soul. Now I am fully myself, that makes me better and safer. It makes us better as a guild. I won't abandon my friends, no matter how new or old they are, because we are a team. I will lead you to victory!"


Thunderous applause and cheers drowned out the dining hall. They saw her as their Kaisho who was as loyal as ever and now able to be somehow better for them than she already was. They were blind to the change in colors. None of them could object. None of them even had it cross their mind.

Bladescape sheathed Harmonic Salvation and put the sword back into her storage. She sat down for breakfast and enjoyed it as things returned to normal.

Breakfast didn't last long and the runner went off to get the journalists. It was a RedCon day for most of the guild, but they got the parties sorted out and their jobs assigned quickly. Most teams were gone within 15 minutes. The only ones around were waiting for the Councilors in their group. All 11 charter members were present, in case their insight was wanted.

The runners came back with the newspaper crew. They took them to the guild hall where the council was waiting. The runners were on break for the day and dismissed with good wishes. The writer from the paper walked around Bladescape, examining her while he tapped his pen on his chin.

"I see," He finally said. "We can have this ready for tomorrow morning, and we can make sure everyone who matters has a copy by lunch."

"For a price," Lobelia coldly said.

He just nodded back. The photographer, who was in charge of the record crystal that would take the picture, spoke up. "Of course, we can release it for free, but if you want someone yelling ‘extra, extra, hot off the press,’ well it's going to take people moving the papers, rushing around, and telling players they need to buy a copy or be out of the loop."

Bladescape had thought back to a few occasions where that had happened. It had worked. They had purchased a paper and it was always important information.

"Fine," Bladescape stated. "We should get started if you are going to do this right. Especially since we are paying."

The words were a warning. The photographer understood, but the writer didn’t seem to hear.

"The new look isn't Wondercolty," the writer said. "That presents a problem."

"That is what you are here to do," Backbreaker said, standing up in her imposing armor. "To fix it by explaining the change. Or can you not deliver?"

He snorted back, annoyed at being caught in his own pit. "So, underneath is your old armor. The one you stripped off in yesterday’s battle?"

"Was that info printed?" Bladescape asked.

"No photos, but it was stated. Along with you changing into a dress and single-handedly defeating the three witches after you saved the raid party from their debilitating spells."

"We need to get a paper subscription," Bladescape added.

"That can easily be arranged," he replied.

The photographer interrupted. "Okay, I need you, Bladescape in a power pose. Take two steps to the left so you have the Wondercolts banner in the background. I want you to sweep the cloak off to the left and put your hand on your hip. That way we can see the blue armor under the fire cape."

He left the crystal hovering in place, adjusted her a bit, and then took the picture. "Good! Now, are all of the original Wondercolts here?"

They all stood up.

"Gather in front of your council table. I want the Iron Bulwark's shield visible, but the rest of your shields and weapons need to be sheathed. Doombunny, I need to see you and your snake friend on your shoulders, perhaps crouching down in front is best. Yes! That is perfect. Keep that pose.”

He almost took the photo but stepped back. "Now, I decided I do want the two normal shields, the painted ones, also displayed. Your colors, your faces, your symbol, and the banners will tie you, Bladescape, in with the look we all know. Plus, I like the two dragon heads in the background. It shows power and strength, yet unity."

That picture wasn't hard to take. He also decided a Council picture was a good idea. Lobelia's traditional dress with her sword and Wondercolts shield was too hard for him to pass up on. Plus Kamishi's samurai look was important to capture.

"I can give you the real story of the Boss Fight," Bladescape stated. "One that is worth the space for all the photos."

"I'm listening," the writer said. "But first, this new look wasn't done overnight. Right?"

Bladescape had to keep her cool. She needed a level head or she would say something he would print and she would forever regret. "It's the same weapons and equipment I have been using. The cloak is the Last Attack Bonus, but Harmonic Salvation was made by the Smith Lisbeth, and my Dagannoth Plate was crafted by Ashley."

"I was never clear as to why you went with her over your own armorer. Diemond’s sale was a huge success."

Bladescape sighed. This was going to be a pain. Worth it, but a pain.

“We went with Ashley not because our own Diemond couldn’t make me armor. Ashley has a different vision than what Diemond was able to do at the time. I had to secure the best materials for myself in order to get it.”

He nodded. “So, this new look is what then? Is Diemond going to be adjusting anything?”

Diemond scoffed. “Do you understand anything about this world? I can’t change any of it. It is a unique piece dropped by a Floor Boss. I would make-...well it doesn't matter because my vision isn't what we needed for our Kaisho."

He gave a nod that concerned them and pressed Bladescape to explain more.

“Now, what is this symbol that is the clasp and on the back?”

Bladescape nodded. “It’s a sun. It’s actually the same symbol as I used I.R.L.” Bladescape immediately regretted what she said.

“So, the game gave you this sunset symbol that is what you actually use? How does that work?”

Bladescape sighed as she prepared a half lie that had to be carefully played. “I have no idea. Yes, my real name was in the game signup, but the reality is that it’s a fluke. When I fought the Sirens, sorry, the three witches-”

“Stop!” He interrupted. “Sirens?”

“We will flip back to that,” Bladescape said. “When I fought them, they made a statement. ‘No one can stop us now. You are a bunch of disorganized rats scurrying about. We haven't needed to unleash our full power yet! Is there not a single one of you who has the glitz and glam or shimmer and shine to take us on! Or, has the sun really set on your pathetic raid?’”

“I fired back a corny line, ‘The sun doesn’t set until I decide it does. And I don’t lose. I don't need my armor to beat you, because you can’t beat me.’” Bladescape took a deep breath in before continuing. “It is no secret that all throughout Aincrad there are places designed off other games, quests that are near copies of other games, references to folklore, and more that is artfully borrowed, and that is what makes some of them fun, the hidden references. I called them the Sirens earlier because they are an obscure, non-japanese, reference that I recognized.

“And once it fully clicked, I realized that my armor wasn’t what I needed. I happened to have a dress that Diemond had made me with the same sun symbol on it, my sun symbol. It’s an old symbol from my childhood, one whose origin I don’t fully know. It is one I have always had with my name. But I grew up on that siren legend.

“The key was fighting as myself. That is how they were always defeated in the stories. The warriors had to not fight as knights. They couldn’t control a person with only a blade, only a warrior with armor and shields. And what do we bring to a boss raid? The best armor and equipment we can muster. How did we do? Poorly. We did poorly.”

“The symbol is connected to their tale. But as with all folklore, there is the kid version you can tell the little ones, and then there is the grand, epic tales you can tell to a crowd of adults where people are getting run through with swords and decapitated with plenty of colorful language to describe their deaths.”

“And the symbol?” He pressed.

Bladescape had to fully invent this tale or risk their magic secret being outed. And if that was outed, a lot more might be outed that they couldn’t afford to be known, like her Greatsword Skill.

“The knight that kills them in most tales is the sun knight. His shield has a sun symbol on it, and I always saw this symbol. He rides a red chestnut stallion with a yellow mane. As he goes to fight them, he comes to their location and realizes that all the dead are knights and warriors with shining armor. They all are from various kingdoms, with their coat of arms and city emblems on their shields and such. He takes off his armor and leaves his shield. He goes in on foot, and is able to kill them. Which is what I did.”

Bladescape was prodded some more. “What tale is this? And where is it from? Aren’t the Sirens water singers that lure sailors to their death?”

“Yes,” Bladescape nodded. “They are the best known for being water creatures, but they are not the only fantastical women who sing to their prey. Perhaps a better translation would be Dazzlings. It is a more accurate one to the original language, but that doesn’t say much about them except that they dazzle. A lot can be dazzling. Sirens is a more accurate translation to what they are: creatures who lure their victims to their death through song.”

“Okay,” he conceded. “So, then, tell me how you led the raid.”

Bladescape grinned. She had slid the tale past his scrutiny and now she had the opportunity to give praise where it was due. She would not waste the opportunity to highlight every brave fighter and all that they did.

“I didn’t do this alone. Most of the raiders were not regulars. There was a mirror who told us who was safe and who wasn’t. Don’t ask me about how that even came up, that was outside my control and knowledge. I just played along and found myself being placed as raid leader, as my guild title, Kaisho, reflected. Without the regular leaders, I got the new strategy in place, but it was they who hammered away at the three witches until they were forced to say those words and I realized where they were based on.”

Bladescape told a fantastic tale, highlighting the efforts of everyone. She recalled their names and she knew what they had done. Some got more praise than others, like Dynamm for leading the recovery forces, Godfree who was always at the front of the pushers, and AFCK was highly praised for playing the music the entire time; as well as Kirito, Asuna, Agil, and Klein for their roles whittling down the HP of the bosses.

By the end of the tale, she was sitting around a table in the dining hall with the editor and the photographer, drinking tea with cupcakes, as she explained everything. Outside of a few guild members in the kitchen, it was just her and them.

“I think we have enough,” the writer finally said. “We can get this written and printed easily. By noon tomorrow, everyone will see your new look and understand that it was the Last Attack Bonus.”

“We know you are busy,” the photography said, standing up. “Thank you for the refreshments and cupcakes. They were as legendary as I had heard.”

“We still have the matter of payment,” the writer said. “Or do you not want the extra edition?”

“Price?” Bladescape asked.

“200,000 Col.”

Bladescape didn’t blink. She had expected it to be high, but that was overpriced. The photographer was obviously surprised the price was set so high. He knew he was speaking to a guild with a lot of Col.

Bladescape took a sip of tea, not showing any emotion. “That is a steep price for something you will only make more profit off of selling them as hotter news.”

He shrugged and waited for her response.

“I’ll tell you what,” Bladescape said, grinning. “I’ll pay that price, but only if you pull through.”

“What do you mean?” He asked, trying to play innocent.

“I’ll pay you 100,000 Col now. The other 100,000 will be an incentive for you. An incentive to paint the picture as is. The story I told you. I am fully aware how easily you can spin this story to any angle you want. You could spin a positive tale that is designed to backfire and only hurt the Wondercolts and our image. I have read enough of your pieces in the paper. So, I will withhold the rest to ensure you do your job.”

He thought for a moment.

“Or,” Bladescape said, loosening up to add a slight grin. “I could strike a deal with your photographer here, who no doubt could write the story as well as you, and write it straight and true too.”

That earned a glare from him. “Fine. 100,000 now, 100,000 upon delivery. You want a piece that explains the cosmetic change to the Wondercolts’ Kaisho because of the Last Attack Bonus you got. You want a piece that reinforces your allegiance to the Wondercolts, and you want a piece that also praises the unsung heroes of the boss battle. I can tell a straight story.”

“Then we have a deal,” Bladescape replied.

The writer stood up and both bowed. Bladescape stood up and pulled out the cash from the Guild's reserves. Bladescape walked them out, but only to the gatehouse. She stepped back inside and changed into her sunset dress. She was going to spend the day riding, since she was off to take it easy.

Bladescape (SS): Lvl 97 – Two-Handed SwordSearchWeapon DefenseLeather Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Sprint – Acrobatics – Blade Throwing – Extended Weight Carry - Greatsword - Rend
Thunderborne (RBD): Lvl 87 – RapierSprintAcrobaticsArmor Pierce – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Leather Armor – Weapon Defense – Extended Weight Carry – Search - Martial Arts
Backbreaker (AJ): Lvl 91 – Heavy ShieldOne-Handed War HammerExtended Weight CarryHeavy Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Fishing – Search – Martial Arts – Acrobatics - Sprint - Rend
AFCK(PP): Lvl 85 – Two-Handed AxeParryCookingWeapon DefenseMartial Arts – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor – Thrown Weapon – Musical Instrument - Rend
Diemond (R): Lvl 85 – Heavy Shield – Mace – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Heavy Metal Armor – TailoringLight Metal Armor ForgingHeavy Metal Armor Forging – Jewelry Making – Extended Weight Carry - Rend
Doombunny (FS): Lvl 92 – One-Handed Dagger – First Aid – HideSearchListening – Battle Regeneration – Fighting Spirit – Familiar Communication (Colorra) – Drug Mixing – Reveal -- Fencing - Sprint - Armor Pierce
Astro (PS): Lvl 87 – Two-Handed Spear - Purchase Negotiation – Armor Pierce – Acrobatics – First Aid – Light Metal Armor – Battle Regeneration – Weapon Defense – Parry – Extended Wight Carry - Search
Kiefer: Lvl 86 – One-Handed Curved Blade – Parry – Weapon Defense – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor – Slash Weapon Forging – Katana – Martial Arts - Search - Armor Pierce - Sprint
Lessa: Lvl 84 – One-Handed Sword – Shield – Light Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Equipment Repair – Metal Equipment Repairing – Armor Pierce – Search - Acrobatics - Wood Carving
Joltron: Lvl 86 – One handed Axe – Heavy Shield – Heavy Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Metal Refining – Cooking – One Handed Weapon Creation – Two Handed Weapon Creation – Extended Weight Carry - Acrobatics
Knightstar (TS): Lvl 81 – One-Handed SwordShieldEquipment AppraisalParry – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor – Search – Armor Pierce - Purchase Negotiation - Sale Negotiation

Author's Note:

Okay, it was a crazy week in Texas last week. I'm good, safe, warm, and back online! Now the important stuff!

I know some of you don't read the blogs, which is fine. But the announcement details are all in the latest blog: The Future of Aincrad - Special Announcement. Important details about this story, and the next one. The future is bright.

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