• Published 26th Aug 2019
  • 5,597 Views, 170 Comments

Criminally Stupendous - dudenotactive

Roman thought it was the end for him, but in a strange twist of fate the thief somehow lives. Sadly, dying wasn't enough for him to rethink his life of crime, and now he's back at it again.

  • ...

A Dash Of Heroism

The nevermore squawked it's last as Dash struck it with blinding speed. Rainbow Dash hovered above the clouds as she scanned for more. The skies were finally cleared of nevermores, but there were manticores and griffins just flying about. Dangerous creatures that she couldn't handle, even with the Iron Legions with her, the Grimm horde had the upper hand.

Her eyes followed one griffin that flew straight towards the town hall, but was immediately consumed by a beam of light just as it was close enough. Dash smirked, she knew who that light belonged to, Twilight Sparkle was helping the Legionnaires defend the town hall from the Grimm.

When the Grimm attacked, Dash and her friends were still in the restaurant at the beginning. But they were quick to take action, and within just five minutes, they had gathered every civilian they had found to the town hall where they would be safer. Now Dash was in charge of looking for more ponies and making sure they were safe. With her objective in mind, she tucked in her wings and dived straight down. Just as she was about to hit the ground her wings unfurled and halted her descent, and she was only a few feet from the ground.

Her head swiveled left to right, in search of anyone that was caught outside. No one was in sight, not even a single Grimm could be found. Dash could only wonder where they had all gone.

As she flew just above the ground, she noticed a discarded sword on the road. Upon closer look, the ground was different, as if who ever owned the sword was dragged off to somewhere else. Dash felt her blood run cold as she realised the implications, that the owner was taken away. As much as Dash knew that this pony was already a goner, she just had to see if she could save him. Dash couldn't just ignore this, she promised that she would help out with everything she could.

She steeled her heart as she picked up the sword and began to follow the trail.

Trixie was exhausted, she had just finished her job, yet she felt no joy. She plopped straight on her couch, tired and in pain. On her face was a bruise from her close encounter with a specialist that had snuck into the bank. Of course Trixie had disposed of them quickly, but not quick enough to put up her aura shield, which gave her a bad bruise on the face. Now she's just letting her aura heal it.

"Wonderful work Trixie!" Lucky Spice commended Trixie's success as she read a newspaper. The rich mare sat on Roman's couch and was enjoying a cup of honey tea. Sweetened enough for her taste. "You truly are capable without Roman."

"Indeed she is ma'am!" A pony with a long blond mane and pinkish coat spoke as she served Spice some baked cookies on a tray.

"Thank you Lavender Lace!" Spice smiled as she accepted the cookies with delight.

"Lavender..." Trixie groaned out loud as she struggled to move from her place. "Could you get me some ice? And where is Fuchsia Blush?"

"She went out to buy some peanut butter crackers." Lace informed Trixie about Fuschia Blush.

"Good girl." Was all Trixie could say as she learned about Blush's mission.

"A lot has certainly happened since you zapped Roman away." Spice commented as she flicked to another page.

Trixie groaned loudly once more as she recalled her mistake. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Why? This mistake of yours is for the better, since you've been successful on two heists, though there were a few problems but you've come out victorious nonetheless." Just before Trixie could say anything, she heard Lucky Spice gasp.

"What?" Trixie asked, worried for what's to come.

Her expression hardened as she met Trixie's eyes. "I know where Roman is."

Dash flew along the streets as she trailed the tracks. She kept an eye out for any Grimm that she would come across, and made sure that there were no civilians around. She needed to hurry, there could still be hope that she could save whoever got dragged away. There was still a chance, and it was a chance she would never throw away.

She was close, she could feel it. But just as she turned a corner, she was met face to face with a couple of boars. It squealed as it spotted Dash and alerted the other. With both now aware of her, Dash ascended to heights where the boars would never reach her. Oh how wrong she was, the boars performed a move where one spun straight towards the other, the one who didn't spin caught the spinning boar and tossed it at Dash. She was caught off guard by their combo that she only had a split second to react.

Dash grunted in pain, she failed to dodge the flying boar, she was stuck right in her stomach and was brought down so quickly.

She felt the wind kick out of her as she hit the ground roughly. And before they could even land a second hit, Dash rolled away from the boarbatusk's way as it spun forward. She got back on her hooves and attempted to take to the sky, but an intense pain from her right wing had told her otherwise, it was sprained upon the landing. She grunted as she jumped away from another spinning boar.

This was bad for Dash, she was grounded by some pigs that were pure evil. Embarrassing, she was glad that Roman was not here or else she would suffer both physically and mentally.

"So you want to be on even ground, huh? Well you'll be needing more than that to beat me!"

Yes, she was alone and unarmed, but Dash was still tougher than any other ponies. She fought these kind of Grimm a few times in her life, and she'll win like always. The only difference in this scenario, is that she did not have her friends by her side. But then she remembered, she had the sword!

Dash quickly equipped herself, her teeth around the handle of the sword, she was ready to fight.

Dash waited, and the boars squealed once more before charging towards her. Dash was unskilled with the sword, but this was her only hope in fighting the boars. Just as they neared, Rainbow Dash hopped over both of them and swung her sword against their backs, but it only bounced back and away from the hard surface of the boars. Just like their faces, it was armored.

She frowned once more, this indeed was proving to be a challenge. Before the boars could even turn and position themselves, Dash had charged forward, and the nearest boarbatusk didn't see the blade coming as Dash slashed one of its eyes. It squealed in pain and the other retaliated by swinging it's massive tusks at Dash. But she was quick to block it with her sword.

But the strength of the boar had caused the sword to slip out and rendered Dash weaponless. She skipped to the left as both boars attempted to strike but they hit each other instead of her. She grinned and took advantage of their misfortune and ran towards the sword. Just as she reached the sword with her hoof she heard the boar rushing towards her back. Quickly, she swung the blade and landed a clean hit on the attacking boar.

It squealed in pain, it was the one eyed one and was blinded permanently. It ran in a circle for a minute while the other boar only watched. Dash couldn't help but feel pity, that is until something far worse had come into the picture.

From behind her blindside, a large scarred hand had reached over and snatched the blind boar off the ground. Dash dared not to look, but her curiosity had gotten the better of her. Her eyes went from the squealing pig in the massive hand and towards the source. A gigantic beowolf stood behind her, it was practically the size of two houses. Probably bigger than Twilight's library.

Scars riddled it's body, weapons of old and arrows from the past decorated it's back. The bones on this giant were worn out and chipped, yet it's claws and Fang's were sharper than any blade. Two red orbs stared into Dash's eyes as it brought the boarbatusk close to its face.

Then the monster ate it, one chomp and the head was gone. Dash swallowed down a lump in her throat, the same time as the wolf swallowed the boat's head. Dash didn't even hear it coming, it was terrifying that there is a gigantic wolf sneaking around town.

For the moment, they stared at each other, then the unthinkable, the wolf simply moved on and walked away from Dash.

Rainbow Dash was both frightened and puzzled. She stared at it's weapon riddled back as he walked away from her. Silent was it's footsteps as it moved. As if it wanted to be careful with every step. Dash had not seen a Grimm as big as this, nor had she ever heard of one that was passive towards ponies.

Sadly, her train of thought was derailed as she felt something in her back, a sharp pain shot through her body as she was launched off the ground. Her body became light as she screamed through the air, going straight towards a window, which shattered into a million pieces upon impact.

Roman and the ponies laughed as they drank and chattered, a few sang about the moon. One would believe that they have lost their minds during this chaos, but they have learned from Roman about the Grimm. And as long as they were happy, and a little bit more quiet, then they were in the safest place in town.

But their paradise was soon ruined when Rainbow Dash had entered through a window that broke. All eyes stared at her for a second, but the ponies just went back to talking with each other. Their voices mingled as the others sang.

Dash who had barely gotten out alive stared at them all with disbelief and confusion. She was baffled to see everyone so cheery like there weren't any monsters outside. They were just there, being as positive as Pinkie Pie. Then she saw him, sitting on a bar stool surrounded by mares and a few stallions was none other than Roman Torchwick.

"Then I said to him, I wasn't the father!" Dash watched him finish whatever story he was telling and witnesses the group around him burst into a series of laughter.

"Roman!?" Dash exclaimed.

"Skittles? Skittles!" Roman hopped off his seat and went over to her. "Hey, What'cha doin' on the floor?"

Roman quickly pulled Dash back on her hooves and wrapped an arm around her. "What's going on? Why aren't you guys at the shelter?"

"We got stuck here!" The bartender cheerfully spoke as she cleaned a mug. "But then Jack came by and liven up the place! Right Jack?"

"Yup! As long as we're happy, the Grimm pests won't take a step anywhere near us!" He shook her awake and grinned. "Come on, there's this bottle of vodka that is calling your name!"

Dash pushed him away. "Roman, what do you mean?"

"Skittles, don't worry! I'm an expert on these so called 'Shadow Beasts'. They're named Grimm by the way." Roman casually twirled his cane as he continued. "Grimm are attracted to negative emotions, and thanks to the fact that the whole town is panicking, we, my rainbow headed friend, are invisible!"

"But what about the others? Doesn't that mean that... They're going to the town hall!" Dash had connected the dots and realized that they were attracted to the town hall, the place where they kept the panicking citizens of Ponyville. "Roman, we have to do something!"

Roman raised his hooves just above his chest. "Woah there Skittles! I don't fight a battle that isn't mine."

"Wait... Doesn't that mean our friends are in danger?" One of the ponies spoke.

"No it doesn't, the Elements of Harmony and the Iron Legion will take care of this problem and we'll be back to our daily lives!" Roman tried to calm them down, he would not want any problems right now. "You need not worry 'bout that hullabaloo!"

Dash grunted, she honestly expected better from him. "Roman, why can't you help!?"

"Dash," Roman didn't use her nickname. "I'm just trying to go by, and enjoy my time in this town until I get a ticket back to Manehattan. So it would be better if you fly out of here and go help Applejack and the others. Also, take Greg over there, I think his friends are worried for him."

"But Roman, you said that you're an expert on these monsters, I need to bring you back and tell Twilight everything!"

"Oh, right, Sparky! Yes, I would love to see her right now!" Roman tapped the handle of his mug as he breathed heavily, the sarcasm in his voice was clear. "Listen, I have been stressed out since yesterday, and it's thanks to Sparky. Because of that, the Grimm were attracted to the negative emotions that I gave off, which brought them here today!"

"Roman, my right wing is sprained and I can't fly to the town hall! I- no, we need your help!"

"I said, this isn't my fight, Dash."

"Oh yeah? Maybe you're just scared!"

Roman gritted his teeth. "Really? You're taunting me now? That's my thing Dash, go get your own!"

"Yeah, I'm calling you chicken!"

The spectators couldn't hold their gasp as they watched the two argue, none had tried to break them up, they were too scared to even stand between them.

"Among your friends, I really like you the least, Rainbow Dash." Roman took a step forward.

Dash did not back down and mimicked his move, now both were glaring into each other's eyes. But due to Roman's height because of his stance, she had to tilt her head to even meet his eyes. "I want what's best Roman. Or should I say Jack?"

"Keep this up, and I'll snap your wings off and blame the Grimm." Everyone gasped once more, but Dash was unnerved by his threat.

"I'd like to see you try, Roman Torchicken."

Before Roman could even lift his cane, the door was forcefully opened, a very scary looking boarbatusk stood in the opening, and it's eyes were set right on Roman.

"G-Grimm!" A pony screamed, but before the whole room could crumble into chaos, Roman held up a hoof in the air and silenced everyone.

"Let me show you how it's done." Roman tossed up his cane and held it by the other end.

The boar squealed in delight, it had found what the whole horde was looking for, and it would be it's meal for the day. But Roman had other plans. The boar began spinning on the spot as it prepared to charge towards the pegasus. Roman smirked as it sped it's way towards him, he had expected it, that much is true. Boarbatusks were simple creatures, unlike the stronger ones.

As it got too close for comfort, Roman slipped the cane in its way, and with one quick motion, the direction of the boar was switched. Instead of the thief, it went straight towards the sky where it slammed roughly against the ceiling. And just as it was about to land on its back, Roman had shown no mercy and brought his cane down on its defenceless stomach. In just a short moment, Roman had already defeated the Grimm, though it was still alive, his power and strength was now known to everyone in the room.

Even Dash was taken aback by his skills, he had made quick work with the boar without taking a single step. Only his upper body had moved during his turn against the boar. The way it squealed showed that Roman was in control of the situation.

"Knife." Roman requested from the bartender, to which she produced a kitchen knife in record time, then she simply tossed it over to Roman.

The thief caught it with ease, and now he had what he needed. He crouched right next to the boar and gave it a light shove. The Grimm was stuck on the floor thanks to its tusks, he smirked, this thing had no way to escape.

"Tell me Skittles, how do you kill a boarbatusk?"

Dash was confused that she was being quizzed on the subject of Grimm. "Uh, stab it with the sharpest blade, beat it till it doesn't move, or blow it up with a spell or explosives."

"That's good and all, but there are better ways to kill a boar." Roman traced the Grimm's stomach with the knife, he could feel the monster pause it's struggles for a second before it began to panic. The boar squealed even louder this time, and now the whole room couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. "Honestly, it's like you guys didn't do any research on these freaks. The easier way to kill a boarbatusk is it's stomach, the hide isn't strong around these parts like the one on its back."

Then with a flick of his wrist, the boar had permanently ceased all movements. Dash along with the other ponies in the room had flinched as Roman dug the knife deep into the Grimm.

"No need to feel bad everyone, these are Grimm, they're made to kill anything that has a soul." After that, Roman gave the knife to Dash. "You convinced me, I'll help. Even though I don't want to."

"Really!?" Dash watched as Roman placed a hoof onto her chest. "Uh, dude, why are you touching me inappropriately?"

"Everyone, cover your ears and whatever you do, do not listen to the words that I'm about to say! Same goes to you Skittles."

The ponies quickly did as they were told, none knew as to why, but it was what Roman wanted.

"Why do we need to cover our ears?" Dash questioned.

"Because what I'm about to say is too important, and I can't risk anyone hearing it. Or else I'll have to make sure that they stay quiet."

"Fine." Dash scoffed.

Dash held her ears shut, she eyed Roman as his lips began to move. She was puzzled, his voice was too muffled to make out the words. But soon, her eyes widened as he had started glowing orange, the ponies around were tempted to hear what was causing him to glow. But none could gather the courage to even move. As for Dash, there was something warm in her chest, it was a strange feeling yet it felt natural to her.

Then it started, she had begun to glow as well, her eyes couldn't believe what she was seeing. And a new source of energy within her had surged throughout her body. Dash felt the pain in her right wing lessen and soon enough, the sprained wing was nothing but a memory.

The ponies were all staring at them with their mouths agape, they witnessed some sort of magic that none of them could even understand.

And once Roman was done, he retracted his hoof back and smiled. "Well?"

"I... I don't understand."

Roman rummaged through his jacket and pulled out a notepad, he shoved it into Dash's hooves. "Read it, and do it quickly, I'll be leaving soon."

Roman only sighed as he went back to the bar counter. "Take care of Greg, will ya'. He'll just slow us down if we bring him. And don't stop partying people! Now that I'm on the job, this Grimm problem would be done in a jiffy!" The bartender nodded as she brought out another bottle.

He looked back at Dash and found her staring at her own hooves.

"Ready Skittles?"

She smirked as she felt the power coursing through her veins, then she faced Roman as lightning had begun arching around her hooves. "I was born ready!"

"You better be Dash, I would rather not have to carry you to safety, and be sure you remember my notes, they'll keep you alive."

Roman tapped his cane on the ground and a part of the floor erupted in black smoke, once it dissipated, Dash was greeted by a strange looking door. It laid on the floor as if it was a part of it. It was not big, about the same size as a regular front door of a house. The door was definitely made of wooden materials, the design was just a simple one. There was a small window near the top, it was round with orange tinted glass, and Roman's symbol was on the window, showing all who owned the door.

There were also scorch marks at the bottom end of the door, a few scratches, as well as some bullet holes that only showed darkness on the other side. And the most interesting part, the yellow tape that went across the door, from the top left corner to the bottom right. Written on it was "Police Line Do Not Cross". Dash couldn't tell if it really was a tape, or just a part of the door itself.

"Woah, you better tell me how you can do all these things, or else I'll make you tell me!" Dash smiled as Roman reached for the knob with his cane.

"Only time could tell Dash, and trust me, I would love to explain it now. But we need to have a crash course lesson with your aura training to see how you'll do against the Grimm." Roman pulled the door open to reveal the same bench he had sat on an hour ago.

Roman grinned as he met Dash's eyes, and she returned the grin back to Roman. The thief snickered as he prepared to jump through.

"So let's take this door of opportunity, and break some legs."

Author's Note:

Special thanks to Gnarl for the idea of Roman's semblance.

Originally, it was gonna be some kind of floating eyeball that acted as a sentry or like a camera for Roman. But Gnarl's idea was just too good to pass up. Lol, it reminds me of dorohedoro where they make doors and junk. Good show and manga.

Also, this was the chapter where Roman was about to reveal the eyeball semblance, but like I said, idea was too good. Sometimes, other people think up better stuff than you.

Anyways, if you were interested in how it would've gone down, Roman would use his eyeball semblance to survey the surrounding of the tavern to reveal that they were surrounded because of Roman's negative emotions. And it would've ended there. But I like this way end way better honestly, thanks again Gnarl

Semblance: Door - Roman is able to summon forth a door that is about the same size as a regular door, but is not in any way at all an ordinary door, both by purpose and design. Roman is also able to alter the sizes and shapes of his door, as long as it does not exceeds 6' by 6'. The distance of the exit is short, Roman could not perform any long distance jump. His current record of distance is about 20 meters. (Had to Nerf the distance, 5 kilometers just seems too much and a little op for the MC)

"The greatest asset to any thief worth their salt , is a solid and clean get away." - Gnarl or the quote was probably from some movie I don't know about.

A bit off topic, but I kinda wished for a dorohedoro crossover. Who knows, maybe someone will make a really good one.