• Published 26th Aug 2019
  • 5,597 Views, 170 Comments

Criminally Stupendous - dudenotactive

Roman thought it was the end for him, but in a strange twist of fate the thief somehow lives. Sadly, dying wasn't enough for him to rethink his life of crime, and now he's back at it again.

  • ...

Big News And Big Mistakes

Something had happened to Manehattan, hundreds of newspapers told the crimes of the new criminal that struck the city with a blow that came out of nowhere. The MPD were shaken to their core as their pride was tarnished from such failure and humiliation. Many things were said after the bank robbery, some said that a pegasus possessed a staff of destruction. Few had claimed that they had seen more than two, said that there were more in the shadows.

There were even those who had been sure that it was the goddess of greed and her champion, punishing ponykind for the lack of offerings.

All of these are greatly over exaggerated and only a few rumors were even true.

These were currently the topic of the city, it was not new, but it stuck with those who were there. They had never seen such a terrifying yet amazing heist. The duo's showmanship was truly impressive.

Of course they were still criminals guilty of their crimes, nothing will ever change that.

So now everyone was wondering. "Where is Roman Torchwick, and is he satisfied with his bounty? If not, then where does this threat to Manehattan's peace shall strike next?"

Trixie couldn't hide her grin. The cards in her hooves were all she ever wanted. She eyed the others, Roman and the dumb twins were focused on their own hands to notice her at all.

If she was careful, then she has this game in the bag. That's why she needed to start strong to show these guys how powerful she was with this first move. With one mighty slam, she revealed her first strike to all.

A plus four card!

She held her head high with a twisted smile that was overflowing with pride. She eyed the unlucky pony that was the first of many to taste her wrath. Roman Torchwick.


"Nah, I rather not." Roman said before he placed his own plus four on Trixie's.

Flim only shook his head while smirking as he stacked another plus four.

"You thought you had me dear brother of mine. But I too have a plus four!"

Which meant that it had returned to Trixie, a total of sixteen cards. It would've been bad if she didn't have another plus four!

But... It ended up the same.

Thirty six cards were added to Trixie's hand. This clearly frustrated the mare.

"Hold the buck up!" She raised her voice, halting Roman from adding a card on the pile. "How is this possible!? I only have four plus fours in the whole deck!"

The stallions immediately averted their eyes from the mare, trying hard not to make eye contact.

"You cheating donkeys!" She yelled at them as she tossed her cards face down.

"Trixie..." Roman loudly sighed. "You can't just accuse us of cheating when you literally dealt our hands, and gave yourself all the cards you wanted."

"So wait, she is also cheating?" Asked Flam.

"You have no evidence that Trixie did such a thing! Why should Trixie take this from a cheater who got caught red handed!?"

"Because you catching us is how I, the Stupendous Roman Torchwick, had caught you my dear Trixie." An evil grin had found itself on Roman's face. "You said that there were only four cards, of course you'd know, but that's where you've made your first mistake. You shuffled the deck in a way that gave you the advantage and allowed you to receive the four destructive cards."

"What, you're trying to say that Trixie had the plus fours? That's absurd! Trixie was the one who was given over thirty cards!"

Roman clicked his tongue. "You could've pushed it further, yet you chose to accept the punishment. All because you didn't want to get caught with the four cards. And if you still deny it, then how about we check your hand that you threw down? Hmm?"

"I said I had over thirty cards Roman! The chances of me having two extra plus fours is high because of you three!"

With one quick swipe, Roman had gathered Trixie's cards, but left it facing down. The smile still present on his face as he watched for Trixie's reaction. As expected, she flinched when the cards were now in his hooves.

"If you're so confident, then let's make a wager. I'm gonna draw from the top of your deck, and if I get two wild cards in a row, then I win. But if I don't get the cards, then you win." A confident look was adopted on his face. "And I wager my hat."

The twins gasped. They couldn't believe that Roman would confidently bet his own prized hat. But of course, they could see that Roman was serious.

Trixie glared at Roman with a fiery gaze that could melt a pony with one glance. His accusations were all true, and she was backed into a corner. But would Trixie truly admit to her crimes? She didn't want to, but her hooves are tied and there's nothing she could do. The cards on top were indeed the plus fours. She had used her skills to make sure she was the one to receive them, but she didn't expect that the three stallions in the room would cheat. She should've seen that one coming from a mile away.

"Playing games? Oh, I am truly sad that you had not ever thought to invite me!" Roman and twins looked away from her cards to see who had just spoken.

Trixie didn't let the opportunity to slip out of her hooves and shuffled the cards with her magic. She let out a sigh of content as she made sure to separate the two plus fours.

Satisfied, she looked up to see Lucky Spice standing behind Roman.

"My, you are truly a disappointing stallion for not asking if I would like to play as well." A playful smile was on the old mare's face.

"Sorry Greeny, but this is simply a team bonding exercise."

Spice eyed Trixie first, then the twins. "Oh, so you've taken a liking to these con artists who were in my territory." It wasn't obvious, but Flim and Flam could see that Spice was not fond of them at all. "As much as I disagree with your choices of who you hired, I'm just here to deliver some great news."

"Hold that thought Greeny." Roman spoke right before he faced Trixie's cards, with one quick move of his right wing, the two plus fours had slid out of the deck and was finally out in the open for all to see. "Shuffling them won't work Trix', especially when I was actually watching you."

"What, how!? No! I won't accept this!" Trixie wailed before stomping off to her wagon, leaving the others behind.

"Outstanding work, boss!" Flam complimented the thief.

"Indeed it was, truly stupendous! Teach her what's what!" Said Flim.

"Alright, alright boys. Now, you were saying Greeny?" He turned to face his informant/friend.

"Well, I have good news and great news! Which do you wish to hear first?"

"Give me the good one first, I like to sweeten my coffee before I even take a sip."

Spice nodded. "Well Roman Torchwick. You have successfully reached the front page of over ten different tabloids. The ponies of Manehattan couldn't stop talking about you, and surprise to say, a few had started a fan club about you!"

"A fan club? Sure I had one back in Remnant, but that was just a bunch of teenage girls who only cared about my looks."

"Oh I actually had one of my men check, it's a bunch of teenage girls. And yes, they did make it because of how you look." Spice said before showing Roman the front of a newspaper that had his winning smile, and it was also his good side.

On a side note, they had also captured a very good picture of Trixie, which is great because Roman doesn't want to listen to her whining if she wasn't added on the papers.

"How they ever got that I will never know. But to be honest, I feel insulted that they only liked me as this handsome guy and not because of my personality! Insulted, I say!" Roman spoke over dramatically.

Flim nodded his head. "I understand how you feel boss, mares only cared about a stallion's look, and not how we feel."

Roman chortled and the twins did the same. "Alright... Back to business. What's the great news then?"

Spice then called over one of her workers over, the pony brought with them a heavy duty trolley, and on it was a pile of rocks. Roman and the twins eyed these rocks curiously.

Spice took one from the top of the pile and presented it to Roman, and using the pickaxe that her worker had generously given to her, she cracked the rock in two. Roman's eyes widened once the contents of the rock had been revealed.

Crystals of various colors were hidden inside, and there was no doubt about it. These were dust!

Roman took a closer look, his eyes couldn't even believe what he was seeing. They were indeed real, and not some kind of fake.

"But how?" He asked.

"The beauty of rock farming!" She answered. "The crystal you've given to me the day we met was sent to a rock farmer who is a good friend of mine. She was ecstatic to discover such a gem that she was happy to grow them instead! For a fee of course, but we can talk about that later. Anyways, after she had successfully grown the first batch, she immediately sent it over the same day!"

"Wow, I am impressed with her dedication! But... rock farm?"

"Do they not have rock farms in your world?" She asked with only a hint of curiosity.

"Nope, like I said before, our clouds moved on their own and our planet revolved around our sun."

"You're home is truly bizarre."

"I could say the same to you guys... Alright then, I'll leave the negotiations with my boys, and I would like to meet this lady one day, to properly thank her for these. Tell her that I'm satisfied with her work."

"Oh, I'll tell Snow, she'll be happy to know that she did amazing work! Alright then, I'll be taking these back to extract the crystals, it'll be ready tomorrow. Good day Roman."

Spice gave him one last nod before leaving him and his employees.

Roman then faced the twins to address them. "Well, boys, we got our first task! Start looking for a place to start our business, Candlewick Corp won't build itself!"

"Yes boss!" Both saluted before trotting off to look for the best place to set up.

"Welp, guess I'll go do my own thing then." He spoke even though he was alone. "Huh, Snow... Dust... Wait a second!"

"Teacup!" Trixie shouted as she glared at her target, a simple teddy bear that sat on the coffee table. "I said... TEACUP! No!"

Roman, who was in the kitchen area with a can of soda, peaked over the book in his hooves. He eyed the mare curiously as he tried once more to change the bear, but was unsuccessful with her attempt.

"What'cha doin'?"

Roman's curiosity broke Trixie's focus and caused her to miss the stuffed bear again, and the sign that hung on her wagon was the victim instead.

"WHAT does it look like I'm doing?"

Roman glanced at the damaged wagon and back at her. "Remodeling."

"Trixie is not remodeling! You've caused Trixie to damage Trixie's wagon!"

"Woah there Trix', where's this anger coming from? Was it because I outed you earlier?"

"It isn't about the card game!"

Roman lowered the book. "Then what?"

Trixie turned away from Roman with a huff. "It's nothing. Okay!?"

Roman sighed. He tossed the book onto the countertop and made his way over to Trixie. Roman stared at the bear once he was next to it, then he looked over to Trixie. "How did you learn to use your aura?"

The showmare was taken aback by this question, to which she knows the answer of.

"I focused my mind and cleared out all distractions, just like you said."

"What I'm trying to say Trix', is that you're trying too hard that you've used too much energy on each attempt, which caused the destruction of your poor sign."

"Get to the point Roman."

"Jeez, so impatient." He said, and Trixie only rolled her eyes at him. "Empty your mind and only think about a teacup, make an image of the teacup you want. What shape is it? What color? What does it look like?"

With his suggestion and guidance, Trixie turned towards the teddy bear. Her horn lit up as she focused at her target with the object in mind. Soon enough she wasted the spell at the bear, and she gasped in delight upon seeing her newest attempt succeeded with the spell. Roman gave her a light pat on the back, a peaceful smile on his face as he eyed the pink teacup on the coffee table.

Trixie couldn't hide her emotion as she let out an adorable laughter filled with joy. "Roman, I did it! I did it!"

"Never doubted you for a second Trix'!"

"Teacup!" She said once more as she changed Roman's drink into a pink teacup.


He was unheard by Trixie as she transformed a random book on the shelf into a teacup. "Teacup!"

"Trixie! Stop!"

"Teacup! Teacup! Teacup!" A few more objects were turned into teacups.

Roman, who didn't want any more teacups, struck Trixie on the back of the head with his hoof. The mare recoiled forward with her hooves on her head as she registered the pain.

"W-what was that for?" She whimpered.

"You've gone a little too crazy with that spell of yours."

"Sorry..." She shyly looked away. "It's just... I was just excited that I finally did... real magic..."

"I understand how you feel Trix', but try not to ruin some of our stuff. We lost a few good books. Besides, this just means you've got a new trick up your sleeve!" He wrapped an arm around Trixie and pulled her close to him. "You make me proud Trix'. So what's next on the agenda?"

Hearing his praise, Trixie couldn't stop herself from blushing. Her face started to redden as he held her in his arm.

"T-thank you! T-Trixie is truly amazing!" She pushed Roman away and straightened her back with her head held high. "As f-for my next challenge, Trixie will attempt to teleport an object!"

"Teleporting? Sounds like a good idea, would be useful on our future heists."

"Of course it would be useful! Trixie is great and powerful!" She boasted.

"I have an idea for what to use as a target."

Roman wasted no time to gather every teacup that used to be something else and placed them on the floor in one line and away from anything valuable.

He then stood next to Trixie, where it was safe and far from the danger zone. "There, and this time I want to help out."

"Ha! Trixie does not need your help, but Trixie welcomes it anyways!"

"Alright, see those teacups? What I want you to do is picture an image, a destination for those little pink teacups."

"Oh, I can do that!"

She closed her and thought of an image. She charged up her horn, the pink aura enveloped the bone on her head as she filled it with magic. And with a flick of her horn, one teacup had disappeared from the line.

"Amazing! Where did you send it?"

Trixie gave him a smug look. "Check under your hat."

Roman did so, and right on top of his head was the teacup. He was impressed, she had been successful on her first try. Not only has she been training hard with aura, but she was also giving her best with magic training.

"Teleport!" She yelled out with her horn pointed at the teqcups, and sent every single one to Roman.

Roman was taken by surprise when teacups just popped into existence in his arms. Roman stumbled back a little but he managed to catch himself with his cane.

He greeted Trixie's smug smile with a glare. "Really?"

"Ho? What's wrong you cheating dolt? Jealous of Trixie's great and powerful skills?"

His iconic grin returned. "Heh, I'll be looking forward to our next team bonding exercise so I could crush you."

"Oh Trixie is trembling in her hooves! As if, you could win. Cheating or not."

"We'll see. Anyways, help me get rid of these, we already have a lot." He jiggled the teacups in his arms.

"Alright, just let me throw it away!" Her horn lit up.

"Wait Trixie-!" His words were cut short as Trixie cast the spell on the teacups with Roman along with it.

Trixie took a full minute to register what had just happened. She was alone in the hideout. Dread filled her heart as she realized her mistake.

And worse of all, she had no idea of where she sent Roman to.

Author's Note:

So I was checking out the statistics of this story and noticed chapter 4(The Thief And The Showmare) is the second most viewed. Over 700.

I'm guessing people kept going back to that chapter and I'm curious as to why