• Published 15th Sep 2019
  • 18,903 Views, 958 Comments

Cold Fire - Arcanum -Phantasy

A cynical and distrustful man has a drunken conversation at a bar with someone and finds himself waking up in a land of talking ponies the next day. The catch? He's now a Ninetales. "Great...where's the bar?"

  • ...

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Ch. 11 Good Vibes "Uh.....Nope. I've Got Nothing."

Autumn smiled as she went over her scripts, her head tilting slightly back and forth to a song she chose for the scene she was reviewing from where she sat against one of the wagon's walls. The wagon's gentle creaking as Treehugger pulled it calmed her nerves as she scrutinized the dialogue of a particularly frustrating scene. She let out an irate huff as she glared at the paper held in her magic's grip.

It just doesn't sound right, she thought, tapping her chin with her hoof. Maybe if I...no that won't work. Perhaps if Star Dancer says...no that's even worse.

"Maybe I should just scrap the scene all together," she sighed as she rubbed her temples.

Her eyes wandered away from her work as she mulled over her options only for her thoughts to freeze when she saw a familiar sight. Laying in a corner curled up under a red blanket was Alex. The Ninetales snored softly, his ear flicking every so often as something Autumn couldn't see irritated it. The sight brought a smile to her face as she put her work back into her bags.

He looks so peaceful, she thought, a small giggle slipping past her lips.

A small blush joined her smile as she remembered what happened the previous night. She could tell that Alex was a very private creature. To tell her about his past, even a vague story about his old friend, was a sign that he trusted her. A trust that she was Tartarus bent on keeping no matter what. Alex needed a friend, somecreature to count on to be his support when he needed it most. Giving him a place to live and helping him get a job were good starts, but what else could she do to help him?

Whatever he needs, she thought, a determined frown growing on her muzzle. And I'm not the only one who has his back.


"You're up early, soul sister," Treehugger smiled, the first rays of dawn her only source of light as she prepared a simple breakfast.

"Nah," Autumn yawned. "Force of habit. Got any coffee?"

Treehugger just smiled and pointed towards a small tin box between her wagon and a crate of oats. Autumn beamed brightly as she made her way towards the tin. With a simple levitation spell, she pulled the sacred treasure towards her and gently pried it open. Sure enough, a collection of small instant coffee packets greeted her. Still smiling, she levitated a packet out of the tin before she sealed it shut and put it back.

When the caffeine-starved Kirin looked around for a way to use her prize, Treehugger waved at her, then pointed at a dented steaming kettle with three equally damaged metal mugs. She nodded her thanks before she went to work making her drink.

"Never pegged you for a coffee drinker," Autumn said, greedily bringing her mug to her lips.

"I don't make a habit of it," Treehugger chuckled, chopping an apple on a plank of wood next to a deep pot of steaming oatmeal. "All that caffeine throws my energies out of balance if I have too much."

"Then why do you have it?" Autumn asked with a smirk.

The Earth Pony let out a faint sigh and said, "Sometimes tea isn't strong enough soul sister."

"Right," she muttered, her mind wandering to the half-empty bottle of Dragon's Tar in one of her saddlebags. "Gotcha'."

The two sat in comfortable silence, the sounds of breakfast being prepared harmonizing with the sound of birds greeting the new day. All through it, Autumn's mind wandered to her new friend and what she knew of him. More specifically, who had hurt him so deeply.

"Easy soul sister," Treehugger breathed. "Your mane is smoking."

An irate growl forced its way past Autumn's lips as she leveled a soft glare at the mare. Sure enough, the distinct smell of smoke surrounded her as her mane and tail let out small streams of the dark gray gas. She took a deep breath to find her center and let it out as a frustrated sigh. The smoke slowly faded away as her temper faded and the wind took it away.

"Sorry about that," she said with a rueful smile as she took another sip of her coffee.

"Apology accepted," Treehugger smiled, but said smile wilted a little as she asked, "Now, what is troubling you?"

"I'd ask 'is it that obvious?', but it's kind of hard for me to hide that kind of thing, huh?" she chuckled, a bitter hint slipping past her happy facade.

Treehugger just nodded as she slid the chopped pieces of apple she was working on into the pot before pulling out another one from a nearby create to repeat the process. Autumn let out a tired sigh, her eyes drifting to her half-full mug as she tried to think of the best way to voice her thoughts.

"You...heard about what happened to Alex, right?"

Treehugger's knife froze mid chop for a second before it returned to its original pace and the Earth Pony nodded.

"How could somecreature do that?" she asked, eyes locked with her reflection in her mug, small trails of smoke returning to her mane. "It's evil. Worse then evil. I don't have a word for how horrible that ash stain is!"

As her anger started to grow, so to did the number of smoke trails that appeared on her mane and body. Small clusters of pink and blue flames started to dot her body.

"If I ever meet that rancid pile of dragon dung I'll-!"

Just as she was about to assume her Nirik form, she forced herself to take a few deep calming breaths to reel herself back in.

"Sorry," she sighed, her hooves still trembling around her mug as her anger started to fade into sadness. "I guess what I want to know is, how could you hear all that and not be furious?"

Treehugger's smile melted into a frown at that, her chopping halted as she seemed to mull over the Kirin's words. Then, with a voice as soft as silk and as solemn as a grave, she answered.

"Alex came to my camp in the worst state I'd ever seen a creature. His energies were a tangled mess and filled with poison. If he hadn't came to me when he did and let me help him, I don't want to think about what would've happened to him. At the time and right now, he doesn't need me to be angry at the one that hurt him. He needs me to bring him to a place to heal and creatures that will help him do that."

As she said that, she gave Autumn a small knowing smile before she let it drop and gave her chopped apple her full attention.

"I don't like to hurt others," she added. "But if I ever met the creature that hurt Alex? Let's just say, it would take a long time for me to cleanse my aura afterwards."

Autumn nodded in understanding, her eyes locked onto the Earth Pony's lightly trembling hooves.

"Same here," she sighed, staring into her mug. "Let's hope it never comes to that."


Autumn let out a sigh, her script returning to her saddlebags as she rose to her hooves. A small smile graced her lips as she made her way towards the sleeping Ninetales. As she stared down at him, his words from the night before drifted to the front of her head.

"I've been alone ever since."

Not anymore, she thought, settling down next to him with a saddened smile.

As she rested her head against his side and let her eyes drift shut, a small blush grew on her muzzle as one last stray thought crossed her mind.

...So warm.


Walls of gold surrounded me as I sat on my throne, a fancy gold and red robe decorated with flame prints draped over my shoulders. I smiled proudly as I stared out into my totally decked out throne room, ornate tapestries and tall stained glass windows showing my wealth to all who came to visit me. A mountain of gold coins towered behind me tall enough to reach my castle's high vaulted ceiling. I was the richest Ninetales in this or any other world, but it was all worthless to me compared to the Kirin doe sitting in the throne next to me.

Like me, Autumn was wearing a robe, but her's was a dark green with white tree prints all over it. The crown that sat on her head was a thinner and more elegant version of the one sitting on mine with small diamond flowers lining the base. She looked up at me with a warm smile as she leaned her head into my side. A gentle warmth filled my chest as I rested my head on top of her's, careful to avoid the tip of her horn as I let the rich scent of campfire cinnamon fill my nostrils.

"Beautiful," I heard Autumn sigh.

"Yes, you are," I chuckled.

Autumn giggled.

"I was talking about your throne honey, but thanks."

"No need to thank me," I said with a smirk as I pulled myself out of our cuddle to look her in the eye. "I'm just telling you the truth."

Autumn gave me a bashful smile as a bright blush colored her cheeks.

"Sweet talker."

"Only for you," I said with a wink.

Another adorable giggle made its way out of her as she looked up towards me, eyes half-lidded and cheeks still bright red.

"You know," she smirked. "There won't be anypony coming to court today and a king needs an heir, right?"

I nodded, a wide grin growing on my muzzle as I leaned down to meet her. Our lips moved closer at an agonizingly slow pace as we tried to savor the moment.

I blinked and I was laying in the middle of a moving wagon with a red blanket wrapped around me. As my groggy brain struggled to make sense of what was going on, a single thought rolled around in my head.

The fuck just happened?

You cannot deny my power!

Brain! I swear to whatever god dumped me in this world that I will kick your fucking ass!

Go ahead. We share an ass.


"What time is it?" I groaned as I forced myself to my haunches.

Some noise and movement to my left caught my attention. Leaning against me, raising her head sleepily was the very same Kirin I was dreaming about.


Not my fault this time.

Just checking.

"Sleep well?" she yawned.

I nodded, actively trying to look at anything but her to hide my blush. Of course, because the universe hates me and the dream I had wasn't exactly heading in a direction that could be shown to general audiences, when my blanket slid off of me I had a whole new thing to freakout over. Namely, when I turned my head back towards Autumn I noticed that her face was a lot redder then I remembered, her eyes were wide, and they were locked onto something in front of me pretty close to the ground. I think my head almost burst into flames when I quickly wrapped my blanket back over myself like a cloak.

"IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!!!" I howled. "It's just- I was- there was..."

She just blinked awkwardly at me while I struggled to come up with something intelligent to say.


Don't blame me for this. This is Little Alex's fault.

"Sorry," I sighed, then deadpanned as I added, "This never leaves this wagon."

"Agreed," Autumn nodded, then gave me a coy smile as she added, "By the way. You have nothing to apologize for."

I felt my tails fluff up at that, but before I could say anything else she casually made her way towards her bags.

God, kill me now, I thought with a groan as I looked out one of the wagon's windows.

Judging by the light purple tint of the sky, I could guess that it was about an hour away from sunset. Not the best time to wake up, but hey, what are you gonna do?

Or who?

Shut the fuck up!

The view outside suddenly started to get covered up by what looked like rock as we moved forward, momentarily pulling me away from my own mental crisis.

"The hell?" I muttered as I stood up to get a better look out the window.

Sure enough, the rolling hills and open wilderness was replaced by walls of dank stone and support timbers with hanging lanterns serving as the only source of light as we moved forward.

"Looks like we're going through a mine," Autumn mused.

I turned my head towards her as she stared out the window on the wall opposite of me.

"Did Treehugger say anything about a mine this morning?" I asked.

She looked at me with a confused frown and shook her head.

"Maybe she's taking a shortcut to save time?"

I shrugged.

How the hell should I know? I know about as much about this world as a dinosaur does about nuclear fusion. For all I know, we could be going the opposite direction and heading towards an active volcano. So, if going through a hole in the ground will get to Ponyville quicker, then so be it.

"Hope we don't have to go through this for too long," I muttered, frowning out the window. "I'm kind of sick of caves and tunnels."

We sat in silence for a few minutes, each staring out our windows at the passing rock walls. I'd peek over my shoulder every so often to check on her. Apparently, she had the same idea because I'd catch her staring at me every so often. It wouldn't be a big issue under normal circumstances, but everything from earlier made this whole thing kind of awkward. It was that whole Extrasensory incident all over again. Of course, Autumn's comment made things a lot more complicated then they needed to be.

Was she coming onto me? Nahhhh. She was just messing with me. Making a joke out of the whole thing to make me feel better.....right?

I snuck another look at her before I gave the stone walls outside my full attention and sighed.

Right. I mean, come on. We barely know each other and I don't think we're...anatomically compatible anyway. Then again, Pokémon are pretty flexible when it comes to mates, but I highly doubt Kirin are the same way. Besides, she could do way better then me.

My thoughts were interrupted when the scene outside my window suddenly changed. Large, one-story plank-wood buildings straight out of an old western with a whole bunch of mining lights hanging from the cave ceiling keeping what looked like a giant town lit. I spotted a few houses and what looked like an old-school saloon as we passed, but that didn't really keep my attention for very long when I saw what was living here. Anthropomorphic dogs walked around the town, all of them coming in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Some of the bulkier ones walked on their knuckles like gorillas while the slimmer ones stood upright. A few of them wore brown or gray vests, but most of them were buck naked except for a studded collar around their necks.

"Okay," I muttered. "I'll bite. What the hell are these?"

"Diamond Dogs," Autumn said from her window seat. "Looks like Treehugger's bringing us through a whole village of them."

"Are they dangerous?" I asked, already getting ready to use Iron Tail.

"Not really. They used to drag ponies into their mines for cheap labor, but nowadays they tend to keep mostly to themselves. If they have to do business with somecreature, it's usually to trade gems or metals."

"Good to know," I nodded, watching a pack of Diamond Dogs walk past us. "So they won't cause trouble if we don't make any. Fair enough."

I powered-down my tails and continued to stare out my window. Not even a second later, the wagon slowed to a stop. I shook off my blanket and jumped to my paws. I could see that Autumn wasn't that far behind me out the corner of my eye as I turned towards the wagon's back door. A few seconds later, Treehugger opened it and let herself in.

"If this is Ponyville, I'd say you guys need to rename the place," I said flatly.

Treehugger just laughed my comment off before she said, "Be at ease soul brother. We're just taking a small pitstop to refill some supplies."

"Right," I sighed. "Sorry. Things got a little...tense back here a few minutes ago and...uh...sorry."

She raised a brow at me then sent a questioning look Autumn's way. God bless the gi-er doe she didn't say anything, but let's just say I'll never ask her to play poker with me.

"I'm all for positive vibes, but can you two wait until we get to an inn first," Treehugger smiled.

A smile that grew as she added, "I have less to clean that way."

My whole head damn near burst into flames and, yep, Autumn's horn is steaming again. Well fuck me.

That's the idea.


Treehugger just chuckled at our misery for a few seconds before she backed out of the wagon.

"Come on now," she smiled. "Come on out and stretch your legs."

I nodded and made my way out of the wagon, a small squeak behind me that may or may not've come from the cute blushing Kirin behind me as she followed. The second we were out of the wagon, it was like a flare got shot above us. Everyone was staring at us. None of it was hostile as far as I could tell. Mostly just curious or maybe cautious. I guess Kirins and Ninetales aren't a common sight around these parts.

I ignored the stares as much as I could and turned towards Treehugger.

She gave me her trademark lazy smile and said, "Welcome to Ore Town soul brother. It's, like, the biggest Diamond Dog village in Equestria and just the place we both need right now."

"How so?" Autumn asked, her face less red than it was a second ago.

Our driver pointed a hoof at the saloon and said, "That place makes a good brew. You two could probably use some after all the time we've been on the road."

"Hell yeah!" I cheered.

"Celestia knows it," Autumn sighed, then frowned as she added, "But I didn't bring any bits with me. How are we-?"

Treehugger pulled a card out of her mane...somehow and handed it to me. It was a black laminated card with her cutiemark on it.

"Show this to the barkeep," she smiled as I took it with a paw. "That should take care of everything."

"Okay?" I blinked, staring at the battered card.

So ponies have credit cards. You know what? Sure. Why the hell not.

"Never pegged you for a drinker," I chuckled.

"You guessed right soul brother," she giggled. "Now go on, enjoy yourselves. I'll join you after I finish gathering supplies."

"If you say so," I shrugged and made my way towards the bar after I gave Autumn the card to hold with her Jedi powers.

As I made my way towards the bar, I watched Treehugger head down a street towards what looked like some shops out the corner of my eye. Something about her gait felt different to me. She seemed less relaxed then she usually did. As she walked out of my line of sight, I couldn't help but wonder about her a little bit. In spite of everything shes done for me, I knew basically nothing about her. I frowned at that as I stepped into the bar.

Maybe I should see if we can hang out sometime. No therapy visit or any of that crap. Just two... intelligent animal people hanging out.


Treehugger casually made her way through Ore Town's market district, her eyes sweeping across what various stores had on display. Every now and then, several packs of Diamond Dogs would look at her in confusion before their eyes wandered to her cutiemark. The second they did, wide smiles would spread across their muzzles and they'd whisper excitedly amongst themselves. A few pups even gave her happy yips, waving happily at her as they walked by. She giggled as she waved back before continuing on her way.

Just like I remember it, she thought, a soft smile gracing her muzzle as she took a deep breath of the stone-scented air.

She halted her advance and closed her eyes. When she reopened them, a faint glow lined her lavender pupils as she gave her surroundings a slow once over. Green, blue, and lavender waves of dim light washed over everything around her like a gentle heartbeat. Her smile grew as she basked in a view only she could enjoy for just a few more minutes before she let the glow fade away from her eyes. As it did, the world returned to how it was just moments ago to her.

So many good vibes. Just the place Alex needs to heal.

Her smile grew slightly as she stopped in front of one particular shop. It was made of the same sand-swept wood as all the other stores that surrounded it, just as bland and unassuming as it's neighbors with a faded copper sign hangings at a slight angle just above the door. As with most things in this world, it was not the store itself that raised Treehugger's spirits, but what was hidden within.

She walked through the shop's front door into a scene of quiet tranquility. Countless charms and talisman hung from the walls and ceiling, each ranging from intricately woven dreamcatchers to simple stone carvings or wood carvings. Behind a desk decorated with dozens of stone animal figurines sat and elderly green Diamond Dog, a pair of brass-rimmed glasses and a tattered gray collar his only garments as he studied a large emerald in his paw. Treehugger let out a nostalgic sigh as she approached the front desk. Half way towards her destination, the Diamond Dog noticed her. He blinked in shock for a moment, then beamed and set the stone he was examining aside.

"By big Sun Pony's shining plot," the Diamond Dog chuckled, his voice dry and gravely with age. "Grog not expect to see Tree Pony since she left his home."

"Good day soul brother," she smiled, lightly bowing her head in honor of the elder dog that stood before her. "How have you been since I left."

"Good, good," Grog laughed. "Grog has been well. Business slow, but Grog get by. What of Tree Pony? Have retirement been well?"

She nodded, then said, "Getting in touch with the world's aura has been the, like, greatest thing I've done. I could never think of a better way to spend my days."

Grog chuckled to himself, his friend's way of speech always tickling him in a way that only she could.

"Tree Pony always speak in tricky riddles, but Grog cannot deny the wisdom hidden within."

The Diamond Dog's eyes turned distant as he said, "Grog still remember days when Tree Pony come to him to fix magic rod."

Grog's eyes turned sharp as he leveled his Earth Pony friend a pointed grin and said, "Speaking of, how magic rod? Has Tree Pony come for repair? Enhancement?"

Treehugger giggled at her friend's enthusiasm.

"No soul brother. Hickory is safe in my wagon and will stay that way for as long as she is not needed. What I seek is an amethyst. One with a very powerful aura if you have it."

Grog's smile wilted at that. He let out an irate "Blech" and waved a paw at her as he stepped back from his desk and made his way towards a door built into the wall five feet behind it.

"Tree Pony no fun anymore," he muttered with false irritation. "Grog remember when she give this old dog real work."

She giggled lightly as he stepped through the door.

A few minutes passed as Grog went about his business in the store's back, some thumps and muffled barking curses the only clues as to what the elder dog was doing behind the closed door. All the while, Treehugger waited patently, her eyes wandering casually over the wears he had on display. In time, the door swung open and Grog made his way back towards the front desk with a handful of amethysts in his paw.

"Best Grog has," he smiled proudly as he placed the gems on the desk. "Freshly dug and raw. Just as taken from mine aside from cleaning."

Treehugger stared down at the gems with her usual calm smile. Grog barely noticed the faint glow on the edge of her irises as she studied the gems. As soon as it was gone, she pointed at one gem in particular.

"I'll take this one. It's aura is strong and soothing."

Grog nodded, picked up the rejected stones, and placed them safely out of sight behind his desk. Treehugger reached up to her mane for her bit purse, only for Grog to wave her off and push the gem closer towards her.

"No charge," he smiled. "Tree Pony save village. Village owe Tree Pony far more than single gem."

"As you wish soul brother," she nodded.

As she took the stone, a small frown grew on her muzzle as she mulled over a particular thought. Grog noticed and gave her a concerned frown.

"What bother Tree Pony?"

For a few minutes Treehugger stayed silent, eyes locked onto the stone sitting in her hooves.

With a deep sigh, she watched the amethyst shine in her hoof as she said, "Soul brother, have you heard any rumors about any Kitsune lately?"

"Magic Foxes?" he asked, tilting his head in confusion. "Grog not hear much about them. Magic Foxes not leave their mountains often so sightings rarer than platinum vein."

"So you haven't heard anything?" she asked, storing her purchase in her mane as she locked eyes with her friend.

"Grog not say that," he smirked. "Grog hear rumor from Yak traders that Magic Fox appear in Frozen North a year ago."

"The Frozen North?" she asked. "Why would there be one up there?"

He shrugged then said, "Grog not know. Magic Fox seemed to like snow. Yaks say Magic Fox use snow and bright lights to fight Winter Ghosts during Bell Battle. Magic Fox disappear roughly day after battle from what Grog hear."

"I see," she hummed, then gave her friend a smile and small bow as she added, "Thank you soul brother."

"Think nothing of it," he chuckled, waving off her comment. "Grog happy to help Tree Pony."

A warm smile spread across his joules as he added, "Come back more frequently. Old dog not full of much more years and love talking with Tree Pony."

"I will try," she nodded. "I love talking to you too."

"That all Grog ask," he chuckled. "Now go. Go save more."

She gave him another small bow and let herself out of the shop. As she made her way out of the town's shopping distract, she mulled over what Grog told her. It was true, Kitsune were known for their spiteful vanity and seldom came down from their mountain homes for anything. Nothing short of a capital slight could convince them to come down to mingle with the "lesser creatures" as they saw it. To hear that a Kitsune decided to leave its home to fight Windigos in the Frozen North struck her as suspicious in more ways than one.

Maybe they invaded its territory, she thought as the sounds of business faded away behind her.

Her musings were interrupted when she spotted a strange contraption parked next to her wagon.

It looked like a deflated hot air balloon, but instead of a basket it had a small sailboat attached. The balloon was attached to where the boats main mast and sail should've been. A fixed near the bottom of it were a set of small wooden wheels with steel rims.

She eyed the contraption with a perplexed frown as she slowly orbited it.

Strange. I wonder who owns this.

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