• Published 15th Sep 2019
  • 18,905 Views, 958 Comments

Cold Fire - Arcanum -Phantasy

A cynical and distrustful man has a drunken conversation at a bar with someone and finds himself waking up in a land of talking ponies the next day. The catch? He's now a Ninetales. "Great...where's the bar?"

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Ch.3 Straight from the Horse's Mouth...."Hey, no fox pun this time."

"GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!!!" I roared, pacing the length of my cave.

Two weeks had passed since Lemon found my cave and to put it simply, everything fell to shit pretty much immediately. While the new cave wasn't that far from my usual food sources, it was just enough of an inconvenience to grate on my nerves. Water wasn't much of an issue since another lake was pretty close to the cave, but there was a bucket of other things that ate at me. Mostly the fact that something was sneaking into my den every night. How did I know that? Well, it might've been the incredibly subtle fact that I kept finding cheesy party decorations hung up all over the place every morning. First I just threw them out, then I ended up tearing them up, then I had to start torching shit when a cake suddenly popped up in the cave. I knew it wasn't Lemon's doing due to the lack of her scent, but that did very little to put me at ease. Instead, I kept picking up the smell of bubblegum and baking flour. Considering the only Pokemon I could think of that could have that smell was Slurpuff, I was more annoyed and confused than worried. My fans seemed to pick up on my state and apparently decided to guard the cave entrance one night. When I woke up the next day to a fully decorated cave, my annoyance turned into worry. Slurpuff isn't exactly renowned as a nimble or stealthy Pokemon, so there was no way in hell that was the culprit. So that left me with one question; what the fuck is sneaking into my home?! The end result was a whole week of sleepless nights as I tried to catch my intruder in the act. The payoff was less then favorable to say the least.

I let out a savage roar as I torched the streamers hanging from the ceiling.

"Fucking Lemons!" I growled, tails flicking erratically as I continued my pacing. "They can't just leave me alone, can they?! Am I going to have to battle her for her to get the hint?!"

Another blast of flames shot out of my mouth as I cremated the tenth cake to appear in my home so far before resuming my pacing.

"Oh, but she knows that I can't do that! If I fight her here, there's a chance I'll burn the forest down and I don't want that!"

The room started to spin as my lack of sleep and thoughts started to meld together. The walls started to feel like they were closing in on me, the air was hot and dense. I could feel my power starting to react to my mental state, but instead of gathering into my chest for another Flamethrower I felt it start to travel to my tails. I didn't dwell on that for very long. I needed to find a way out of this. I needed a way to defend myself that didn't involve torching my home to the ground. My tails flicked more erratically as they started to tingle with power.

"WHY DID I HAVE TO BE TURNED INTO A FIRE TYPE!?" I demanded and slammed one of my tales into the nearest wall.

I froze as the sound metal hitting rock echoed off of the walls. I blinked, then looked over my shoulder at the wall. Instead of their usual shade of yellowish-gold, all nine of my tails were a glistening silver with the tip of the tail that hit the wall stuck in it like a rock pick. Perplexed, I focused on the tail in question and it pulled itself free from its target. I watched in wonder as they moved like metallic ivy in a constant group sway.

"Is this...? Does this mean...?"

Shaking away my shock, I focused on the flow of energy running through my tails. Like my Flamethrower, the energy was moving from my chest to where I apparently needed it to go. In this case, that meant my tails.

"Iron Tail? I can use fricking Iron Tail?"

As I stared at my now metallic tails, a wide grin spread across my face.

"Now that's more like it."


My whole body was numb and heavy, my breaths coming out in heavy gasps as I stared out into the dark. Faint gray shapes faded in and out of my sight as what little strength I had flickered. Iron Tail used a lot more power then I thought it would, especially given my previous state. Now there I laid, helpless and in the dark, barely conscious enough to see past my nose. I should've been scared. I should've been angry. I was too tired for any of that.

Take me. I don't care what's fucking with me. Just put me out of my misery already.

A trace of movement caught my attention as something pink walked into my blurry line of sight.

"About fucking time," I sighed as I closed my eyes. "Go ahead. Quit fucking around and take me out."

"What do you mean?" asked a high pitched female voice, a trace of what sounded like concern in her tone.

Not Lemon. Thought as much.

"I get it. You could kill me whenever you want, however you want. Just get on with it and get it over with."

"What?" she asked, her voice faint with pain. "I-I don't get it. Why would I want to..? Don't you like parties?"

A weak chuckle made it past my lips as I answered.

"A party? Please. Why the hell would anyone pull something like that for me? I'm not stupid. Just cut the act and take me out already."

My would-be assassin just stood there doing...I don't even know what as I waited for her to get on with it.

"Th-That's not what I want," she stammered.

I let out another faint chuckle at that.

"Alright then, I'll humor you. What do you want?"

Another moment of silence, then my guest said, "My friends and I are here to solve a friendship problem. Since you're the only creature living in Fluttershy's animal sanctuary, we thought maybe you might have a problem we could fix."

I rolled my eyes at her obvious lie. There were tons of other creatures living in the forest. Hell, I was friends with about forty of them. And friendship problem? Seriously? Just how stupid does she think I am?

"Cute story," I sighed. "Now get it over with."

Another long pause, then I heard something that made me open my eyes a bit; sniffling.

"Are you really that sad?" she asked.

I sighed, then closed my eyes.

"Either kill me or leave me alone."

I heard a shaky gasp then more sniffles as I waited for my fate. At the same time, I couldn't help but mentally laugh at the irony of my situation. I spent the whole day perfecting a move that would allow me to defend myself without destroying the forest and now I'm too weak to use it when I needed to.

Some soft clopping caught my attention as whatever was in my cave approached me. I felt a presence at my side when the sound stopped, a faint whimpering accompanying the louder sniffling. I braced myself for whatever she had planned, only to flinch when what felt like a pair of arms wrapped around my upper body. A few drops of water landed on one of my paws as the thing hugged me. I don't know why, but I didn't feel scared as I let her do whatever she wanted to me. It was...nice to be honest. My whole body went limp as sleep started to take me away from my troubles. I was dimly aware of something warm and soft wrapping around me as my consciousness faded away.


The sky was bright and clear as I went through my normal morning routines. As I walked, my mind wandered towards what happened last night. Putting aside the fact I still couldn't figure out what she was, I could at least admit she wasn't a threat. Well, a physical threat at least. I doubted that she was really being nice just because. There had to be some other reason she was being so nice to me.

No one's like that unless they want something, I thought with a frown.

Not helping me make sense of things was the red blanket I was wrapped in when I woke up this morning. My first thought was to get rid of it, but decided against it. Unlike the party junk Bubblegum left behind, the blanket was something I could actually use.

"I need a drink," I grumbled as the lake came into view. "Whisky. Gin. Vodka. Hell, I'll take a Bud Light at this point."

Lamenting my lack of booze, I approached one of my few sources of water to slate my thirst. As I did, some movement in the corner of my eye caught my attention. What I saw made me question just how much of my sanity was still intact or if there was something in the water I should be concerned about. Standing across the lake from me was an orange wingless version of Lemon staring at me. Its mane and tail were blond with the tail tied at the end while a brown cowboy hat sat on its head. Its green eyes were wide as it stared at me like a deer caught in the headlights as I tried to figure out the best way to get away from it. It was bad enough that I had Lemon and Bubblegum to deal with, the last thing I needed was another thing making my already insane life even more complicated than it already was.

Back up. Slowly.

I was just about to start following my thought when the horse thing called out, "Wait!"

I froze, a little surprised to hear a southern accent in its female voice, then sighed as I growled out a, "What?"

The horse cleared her throat and said, "Ah just want to talk to ya'. Can Ah do that?"

I frowned as I mulled her offer over. While I wasn't sure I wanted to take any chances with an unknown Pokemon, this one didn't seem like one that could give me too much trouble. She looked like a normal, maybe rock type if Lycanroc was anything to go by, so Iron Tail should be more then enough to take care of her if things go south. Besides, this could be a chance to get some info about my current region.

"Fine," I growled, falling to my haunches.

"Thank ya' kindly," she smiled then started walking around the lake towards me.

I nodded as I watched her like a hawk, all the while taking note of how strange she looked. Yeah I know, pots and kettles, but you try imagining a cowboy-pony hybrid and tell me it looks natural for a Pokemon. Another thing I noticed was that she didn't trigger my bad memories like Lemon did. That alone gave this orange-flavored Ponyta wannabe a bunch of points in her favor.

In a few seconds, the country pony thing was sitting in front of me on her haunches.

Wanting to cut to the chase, I asked, "What do you want?"

She grimaced then said, "Not the nicest fella, are ya'?"

"Give me a reason to be and I can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Right now I'm just humoring you."

"Fair enough," she allowed. "Twi did say you Kitsune can get a bit ornery towards strangers."

Kitsune? That's what she thinks I am? I mean, she's not wrong in a way, but has she never seen a Ninetales before?

"Something like that," I sighed. "What are you anyway?"

"Me?" she asked, blinking in shock.

"No, the tree behind you," I deadpanned.

"No need for that," she glowered. "Anyway, Ah'm an Earth Pony."

Now it was my turn to blink dumbly.

That has got to be the laziest name for a Pokemon species I've ever heard. Seels probably look at that name and laugh themselves into drowning.

I forced my groan down my throat as I asked my next question.

"Do you have a name?"

"Eeyup," she smirked, holding out a hoof towards me. "Names Applejack."

Again, I blinked at her, only this time I burst out laughing.

"And what's so gosh darn funny?" Applejack frowned, raising a brow as she let her hoof fall to the ground.

"Sorry," I smiled, barely getting my laugher under control. "It's just that, a few minutes ago I was bitching about wanting a drink and now I met an Earth Pony named Applejack."

A goodnatured chuckle passed her lips as her frown morphed into a smile at that.

"Ah get it. Wish Ah brought some cider with me if'n you wanted to wet your whistle."

"It's fine," I smiled. "The name's Alex by the way."

"Well, nice ta' meet ya' Alex," she smiled.

"Like wise," I nodded. "What brings you around here anyway?"

"Well, you Ah guess," she shrugged.

I blinked at that, then gave her a sly smile as I said, "Why Applejack, we've only just met. I would think we should get to know each other a bit more before we start making moves."

"Wha? What the sam hill are ya' talking abou-?"

She froze for a minute and a deep blush started to spread across her muzzle.

"Th-That's not what Ah meant!" she sputtered. "Ah mean my friends and Ah were summoned here to solve a friendship problem and your the only creature around here we can help."

Again with the friendship problem BS, I thought as my smile melted away.

"First Bubblegum and now you," I snorted. "What the hell are you talking about."

"Exactly what Ah said," She frowned at me, then added, "Now it's mah turn. What are you doing in Fluttershy's animal sanctuary?"

"Animal sanctuary?" I asked, tilting my head . "I'm in an animal sanctuary?"

She nodded.

"Huh. I thought it was just a forest," I muttered. "And who or what the heck is Fluttershy?"

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