• Published 23rd Sep 2019
  • 388 Views, 0 Comments

The Purple Twilight Shades - Kentavritsa

Twilight is moving into a dorm-room with Rarity, as she is stating a new class at the University. The real adventure, starts with the discovery of a complimentary book. Little does she realize, the depth of the adventures lying before her.

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Late Reading: 2 - Part 1

I am curious!” I ponder; “What kind of a book, did they leave me with?” I continue.

Of course, I still do wear my panties and top; just as the rules state. While I had considered to pull my stockings and gloves off, I ended up keeping them on. It is not as if they are in the way, I barely even feel them anymore. As a matter of fact, they are actually quite comfortable; once you have worn them for a while, you just can not help but getting used to wearing them.

My friend Rarity is also lying in bed, on her side. Since she has a book of her own, I imagine she will be reading it for a few hours; before she turns over, and finally does fall asleep.

I cast a side-glance towards Rarity, where she is resting on the other side of the bed in the small room. Just like me, she is wearing her uniform. She apparently did not bother changing clothes, before she went to bed either. Why bother, when the clothes are both comfortable and stylish? I could not blame her, exactly.

“Comfortable?” I inquire.

“Yes, thank you; and quite stylish enough, even for me!” she responds, affording me a side-glance to catch my eye.

“Maybe we should take a closer look, tomorrow?” I suggest.

“Yes, but we have all week!” she responds, now casting a glance at her own book.

I catch the hint, knowing she is interested in what adventures her book may hold.

I am alone in the small room, turning to the right to give myself a moment to see what I am looking like before I enter the next room. Nothing special, but I am nude. That much is obvious, but it does not bother me in the least.

Right now; I am looking forwards towards what is awaiting me, in the next room. A promise that is already exciting me.

As I finish examining myself, I have a picture of who I am, and what I look like. Everything has already been prepared for me, waiting for me on the other side of the concealed sliding door to my right.

Since I am ready to move forwards, I turn towards the door; confirming my consent, by pressing the black surface on the wall to the side of the door. I need but extend my hand, and press the palm into the plaque. I spread my fingers as wide as I can, and the doors slide up. No sound and no hint towards the action, but I approach the entrance and step into the room before me.

Once I have cleared the threshold of the door, the doors slide shut as quiet as they had slid up just a moment before. Had I turned around, I could have seen an identical plaque at the same position by the side of the door now behind me. Just that I never did turn around. Why? Why bother, I am absolutely certain, I do want this adventure and the experiences that are about to come with it.

Looking down, I notice that the black stone-floor is coated with an inch-thick layer of rubber; corresponding to the frisky squeaking noises in my every step, as well as the generous bounce. This treat had been extended to the titanium walls, as well.

Overhead, I have a mate, black rubber night-sky adorned with pin-prick LED stars. This illumination makes me enjoy myself even more, than I had been expecting. I could not complain, it is the little touches that makes this experience come to life.

While I am ogling the surroundings within the room, the doors to the promised wardrobe slides up, in order to present me with the items I had chosen for myself. Made to measure, based on the scans submitted by Ellie the Waitress. I had been standing still, calm and collected, long enough for her to perform the task for me, as I move up to the floor, where I am now.

Interesting, do we have these scanners here on campus?” Twilight ponders.

These stockings are looking interesting, just right for what I had in mind!” I ponder, as I am examining the ensemble before me.

“I was promised, that I should be able to walk with these beauties on!” I mumble, as I reach for the right stocking.

These stockings are full-length, silicon white with what appears to be designer's hooves. Just that the individual hooves are metallic bloody red, with delight-ful suction.

I lift up my right foot, just before I slide it into the stocking and slide it down. I feel the tight, smooth and slippery, wet surface inside the stocking as I continue to pull it all the way up my leg.

I giggle. Standing on one foot is one thing, but standing on a single hoof does make for a very different challenge. Though I guess the suction would help, when I am the master of it.

Once I finally had slipped the left stocking on, I stand on both hooves and consider which garment to put on next; taking the time to explore the suction, tentatively tugging at the right and left hooves just to get the feel of it.

The sensitivity under both hooves is exciting, to me; just as the feel for the suction is enjoyable. The hoof itself is fairly stiff, but gives of a squeak to accompany the regular and expected tap with each step. I am almost enough distracted, to walk around the room just to hear the delicate little noises of my own hooves. As delightful as they are, it is not why I am here, or why I had chosen to ask for these specific stockings in the first place.

As I once more turn my undivided attention towards the interior of this wardrobe, and the promised contents; I soon find what I am looking for, a pair of panties matching the pair of stockings I am already wearing.

Now I afford myself only a slight tease; by permitting my hooves to stick just enough for a minor delaying impediment, and nothing more. Lifting my hooves, right and left; stepping into my panties, before I pull them all the way up. With a few tentative tugs, I manage to get the garment into place; feeling the tightness, hugging my hips and thus increasing and furthering the feeling I had already built up with the stockings.

While the stockings and panties may be separate and individual garments, they fit together seamlessly as a single ensemble. That is what I see in the mirror before me, and that is how it feels to wear them together. Maybe this is why I chose the panties, directly after the stocking?

Once I had put the panties on, I pull out the top; slipping it down over my head. I give the top a few tentative tugs, in order to make sure it is on just right; so I can enjoy the perfect fit as intended.

The top gives me a tight, comforting hugging feeling. It had slipped into place eagerly; now holding on to the perfect position, once in place.

As I lift my hands up, to grope myself; I feel the two twin orbs, firm and a bit squishy under pressure. I find the B-cup comfortable; not too small, and not too large or heavy.

Once in place, the top easily closes the gap to the panties I had just put on, a mere moment before. From a pair of tights, into a sleeveless catsuit in an instant.

I extract the right and left glove respectively, in turn; slipping my right hand into the glove and pulling it all the way up to my shoulder, before I repeat the process with the left glove. I feel the tightness, all the way from my shoulders, and over the arms, hands and to the tip of each finger. Now I am feeling, as if I had been wearing the complete catsuit, in place of the previously sleeveless one. I am silicone-white, from the neck down.

As I lift my hands up before me, I see the tight material hugging my skin. The shape imposed does appear rather complimentary, to me. What I see is clearly my hands, as if painted with white silicon, but with a hint of editing towards the designed appearance. Though I guess the fingers still look a bit more, as if I had been wearing rubber-gloves, and the nails are looking like in an anime show.

Just one more garment left, before I am fully dressed up!” I ponder, giggling in excitement.

As I reach forwards, inside the wardrobe; I grab the mask, intended for my face. Just as the rest of the ensemble, or suit; it is clearly a glossy silicone-white rubbery garment. I relish in the sensation of the smooth and slightly slippery surface, as I extract the face-mask.

Once I had extracted the mask, I slowly and carefully press it up against my face, feeling the sleek silicon against my skin. With just a little bit of an effort on my part, pressing the mask on and tugging at the edges a few times; the mask is a tight fit, I barely feel for more than a few minutes before it had slipped out of mind.

Since I have finished, dressing up; I take a step back and close the wardrobe. The doors quietly slide shut and I can no longer see the interior of the wardrobe, or the contents now hidden within.

Since I am dressed up, I step towards the door and extend the palm of my right hand; pressing it towards the plaque, spreading my fingers as wide as I can. The doors slide up and I step right in. The doors slide shut, silently, as I passed the threshold and I am standing in the next room.

Just as the doors close behind me, a pair of doors identical to the doors of the wardrobe in the previous room swings up. Behind the doors, is a small room; with shelves with the mistress’ personal products.

As I am looking into the small room, I notice that my mistress is approaching me from inside. She is pushing what is to pass for a comfortable chair before her.

She looks more like a sophisticated model, than a Barbie doll, but she still has a hint of a doll to her presence!” I ponder.

She is bare-foot, but wears a suit identical to the one I am wearing; aside from the colouring pattern, of course. The suit gives the impression of bare skin, almost to the point of nudity. She wears a tight silicon bathing-suit. She also wears metallic bloody red lip-gloss and deep, bright sapphire nail-polish as lacquer on all her nails. While her toe-nails are cut short and polished smoothly, the finger-nails are inch-long, semi-square and semi-opaque.

As I look closer at her hands; I notice that the nail starts just after the final joint of the finger, and she has bright, cerise touch-pads under the tips of her fingers, starting at the end of the final joint and all the way in under the nail. She also has a suction-cup covering the palm of her hand.

“Have a seat, please!” she offers, as she has entered the small room.

“Thank you!” I respond, as I accept the offered seat, and sit down.

Crystal-clear silicon-pads to cushion the seat, squishy, but very comfortable to me. Under my back, rump and arms, but not under my hooves. Curious. Yet, I guess she does have a point, a reason behind the choice. I will learn, soon enough.

The cushions are not glued in place, or anything; just put into place. She could pull any of these out from under me, at any time and for any reason.

“Sapphire!” she exclaim, before she is producing what is to pass for nail-polish.

“Spread your fingers, and relax!” she continues.

“Okay!” I respond; as I follow her instructions, preparing to enjoy the attention she is granting me.

With that, she is painting my nails; from thumb to pinkie, right and left. Once the nails are polished, she cap the vial, and puts it away before she is producing the next vial. Now she is coating the tips of my fingers, where she has her sensitive touch-pads. While I am not looking, I still know I have bright, cerise touch-pads, just like hers.

Of course she is coating the palms of my hands, right and left; thus making producing a pair of fresh suction-cups, just like her very own.

“There you go, feel free to squeeze the armrests, please!” she incites

“Oh, squishy!” I exclaim.

“Delicious, isn’t it?” she inquires, as she is polishing my right hoof with the ruby-polish.

She is starting from the upper rim and continues down, then starts anew; right and left, right and left. As she is reaching the outer edge behind the hoof, she moves over to the left hoof; repeating the process, exactly as she had polished my right hoof. A few minutes later, both my hooves are lacquered; hard and glossy, slippery and smooth. At this point, I can no longer feel the touch; if she is polishing the hoof, hard as it is coated with ruby.

She lifts up my right hoof, coating it with suction-cup gel; leaving the hoof with delicious suction, which I could control at will. I will just have to practice, in order to master this new addition.

“Press your hooves down, gently please!” she instructs me, as she finished polishing my hooves and made sure they are a foot apart.

I hear a twin squeak, as I do as she had told me; knowing the suction holds my hooves down, firmly.

“If you could give your right and left hoof a tentative tug; to ascertain the suction is holding up, please!” she continues.

“Okay! Here goes!” I respond, as I give my right and left hoof a tentative tug.

The only reaction is a squeak, but neither hoof budge in the least. Without further instructions, I make another attempt, with the same result. Once, twice, thrice; I tug at my hooves one at the time, still nothing more than increasingly loud squeaks, in return.

Excellent, excellent; I am certain, the suction is sufficient, for you!” she points out, signing for me to cease my attempts to pull my hooves free from the floor.

“Okay, Mistress!” I respond, relaxing in my still comfortable seat.

“Lip-gloss, anyone?” she teases.

“Yes, please!” I respond, nodding in ascent.

Of course I accept the offered treat, and she readily produce the item before me. I beam a wide grin at her, and she is applying the lip-gloss. I feel a wet gel spreading out over my lips, and feel my lips growing smooth and elastic; as they take on the promised wet-look high finish gloss.

“There, perfect!” she announces, just as she draws the contours of my lips, with a clear lip-liner.

“How does it feel?” she inquires, courtly.

“Delicious; soft and smooth!” I proclaim.

This is, exactly why you do have a Mistress!” I ponder.

“If you close your eyes, please; so that I can apply your eye-shadows!” she instructs me.

With the grin still plastered onto my lips, I close my eyes, as per her instructions. Once I had closed my eyes, she produces the promised shadow. I feel her applying the bright, cerise gel over my right and left eyelid. The gel coats my supple skin, while leaving it more elastic and leaving the desired colour of the chosen shadow.

As she had finished applying the shadows, she slipped away the container and produces a glossy and black mascara. I feel the brush pulling at my eyelashes, as she applies the mascara. My eyelashes curls upwards progressively, while she is pulling at them. While I can’t see it with closed eyes, but the lashes does become somewhat longer, before she had let go and finished the process.

“There, perfect; you can open your eyes, since I am done with your make-up!” she announces.

I open my eyes; finding myself staring into the reflection of my face, in the mirror she is holding up before me.

“How does it look?” she inquires, eagerly with excitement lacing her voice generously.

That is exactly, how I feel!” I ponder, as I hear her excitement.

“Excellent; I could not have done it better, myself!” I respond.

Of course, I could not; I don’t have access to the kind of expensive quality products she has, just as I am no makeup artist myself!” I ponder.

“I take it, you are looking forwards, towards the premium treat, I have in store for you!” she exclaims.

“As a matter of fact; yes, I do!” I respond; before she had even had the time to explain, exactly what this premium treat is.

“Just a moment, and I will get right to it!” she points out, grinning.

“I have nothing better to do, right now!” I respond; “But it feels a bit strange to sit here, with a Mistress tending to me like this!” I ponder, not yet feeling the ultimate effect of what she had already extended to me.

I was to learn, soon enough; but, that will take a few more minutes.

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