• Published 23rd Sep 2019
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The Purple Twilight Shades - Kentavritsa

Twilight is moving into a dorm-room with Rarity, as she is stating a new class at the University. The real adventure, starts with the discovery of a complimentary book. Little does she realize, the depth of the adventures lying before her.

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An Experiment Initiated: 7

“I was considering, what we were discussing earlier; just before we went up to the secret garden, for a cup of tea!” I offer, eager to explore what we had been discussing.

“Oh!” she responds; “You mean, that adventure, just after I had left the book on my night-stand?” she inquires.

“Yes, exactly!” I respond; “I recall; you had enjoyed it, quite royally!” I confirm.

“Yes, I was indeed enjoying it!” she continues.

“Good, then I was not mistaken; thank you, Dear!” I offer; “I was considering, trying something out, to see if our picture of the event is, what we thought it was!” I add.

“An experiment, intended to recreate a part of the adventure; to see if we were right, confirming or denying the original assumption?” she inquires.

“I believe, that is the idea; if you are willing to partake, all assuming we can recreate the scene reliably such as we picture it!” I explain.

“Sounds like fun, I am in; which part would you suggest, we try to recreate?” she responds.

“Assuming we can find the item, my first idea is to see how you react on my fingers probing your rump!” I suggest; “Just that I can't do that, for as long as I imagine is due!” I continue.

“Oh, that? I guess we need a proper toy, to recreate that part!” she points out.

“If you have a tube or plug, available in your wardrobe; we could explore this, just before we go to bed?” I suggest.

“Sounds like an idea, I will just have to check; in order to see, if I can find the item you are referring to!” she points out.

“Since you are the one using it, that would make perfect sense!” I respond.

“Yes, it does; I'll check that, right away!” she offers; as she is going towards her closet, in search of the item I had mentioned.

“I think our respective wardrobes are coming with identical items, only fitting the current owner of the specific wardrobe!” I ponder, following her towards the bed-room.

“For what it is worth, I really do hope you will find a fitting tube for our experiment!” I offer; “One that is doing exactly what we want it to do, for you!” I continue, as I approach my own wardrobe.

“Me too, but you never know!” she responds, as she is opening the door to her wardrobe.

I had been looking closer at the accessories, but had not gone into detail. The toys had never been interesting, so I had never really examined them. Maybe I should have, because then I would have seen the tube I was hoping she should find.

If my boots are found under the suit, the accessories are located at the height of where they are supposed to be used?” I ponder; “Which means; her tube or plug should be at mid-level, matching where her croutch is!” I ponder.

As I step into the room, I open the door to my very own wardrobe. When I scan the interior, I soon find where the items should be located. Of course, this is also exactly where I am finding the tube in mind.

How large would I need her tube or plug to be?” I consider, comparing the items with what I recall from the experience of the time of play.

One inch is not enough, two inches is risky; I would feel safe with nothing less than three, four may work and five inches just looks too much!” I ponder; “But what do I know, it is her experience we are trying to recreate here!” I conclude.

“How is it going, are you finding what you are looking for?” I inquire.

“These should be just about right, for the night!” she responds.

“Good, because now we can continue with something fun; while we are waiting for the right time!” I point out.

“Going by what I recall, from before you started; these should be just right, even if my recollection may be a bit fuzzy from all you gave me!” she concludes.

“Pick up your choice, and leave it on the night-stand!” I point out.

“Okay!” she responds, as she is withdrawing, from inside of her wardrobe.

I am watching her closing the door, before she turns around towards her night-stand; then she takes the few steps and opens the drawer. She is placing the tube in, as I had told her; before she closes the drawer and finally returns towards me.

“There, all set for tonight!” I point out.

“Yes!” she responds, giggling as she is nodding.

“Okay, I guess it is time to see, just how well this is holding up!” Twilight suggests.

“Should you or I perform the insertion?” I inquire.

“Just let me get into bed, and you can do the honours!” she offers.

“Thank you, Dear; just indicate when, and I will do it for you!” I respond, as I am watching her climbing up onto the bed.

She had opened the drawer of her night-stand, showing the crystal clear tube waiting for me to insert it; just as soon as she is ready, that is.

She is folding up the quilt and slips in under it, leaving herself exposed; in order for me to help her, inserting the tube for her.

“Since this is the one you chose, I will insert it for you!” I offer.

“Thank you, Dear!” she exclaims, as I am picking up the chosen tube.

I just hope, this will work; and that it is as easy, as it had been to slip my fingers in in the morning!” I ponder.

“If this is the one she had chose, but it does feel a bit larger than I would have been comfortable with!” I consider; as I feel the smooth and slippery five inch tube in my hand, playing with the idea.

Of course, I know this is indeed the tube of her choice; I had seen her putting it there, before.

“For some reason, I want you on your back; so that I can see it take effect, assuming it is still working!” I point out, explaining my situation.

“Oh, okay!” she responds, turning around; “I am just looking forwards to read my book, for a moment; before I am falling asleep!” she continues.

“I know, and I will help you to turn around; if you need help, my Dear!” I offer.

Since I am standing by the side of her bed, with the tube in my hand; I need but to lean over her, reaching for her crotch. From there, I slip my hand in between her legs; feeling my way towards her rear orifice, before I press the tube into her anal cavity.

While it is resisting, initially; I merely need to push a little bit harder, in order for the tube to start sliding in. Once it is sliding in, I am pulling back; not to push it in too fast, or too far.

“Thank you.. !” she responds.

I see the tube plop, riveting itself firmly into place; noting she experiences a distinct pinch, just as her lips starts to seal over. With that, she is utterly incapable of having climax.

“I guess that confirms the first part!” I point out, giggling.

She just nods, mute and thus incapable of expressing anything verbally.

Maybe I should tease her, for just little bit? A minute or two!” I ponder.

“I hope this will feel, just as good as it did in the morning; when I was eating you!” I offer, as I am mounting her bed.

She just nods, and I approach her; closing in on her freely presented mound, placing my lips squarely on her orchid. Since she does by no means protest, I move onto lapping at her. She is just as wet as she had been in the morning, and just as deliciously sweet as back then.

As I had started to eat her, I could barely contain myself. My hands soon reaching for her hips and then back under her rump, leading to my discovery of the tube I had just inserted; deep within her, holding her in the desired state.

While I may have intended for this to last but a minute or two, I found myself lingering for considerably longer; feeling her first orgasm, with my tongue inside her, as I am lapping away at her.

Just as in the morning, I clearly feel her orgasm; as she is contracting, momentarily pinching my tongue. I find it exciting, but realize I had to break of now. I have no intent, distracting her too much; so she could not read her book, or sleep the entire night.

Now I make due, with just caressing her rump; feeling the firm orifice, with a hint of squishy quality to it.

If this is good or bad, but she manages to have a second orgasm; before I had pulled out, letting go of her.

Now I am pulling out, up towards her face; affording her a kiss, squarely on her now sealed lips. While tightly sealed, I still do feel her lips; just as I had seen and felt them before.

I disengage and climb off of her, sliding of the bed; before I set hoof on the floor and walk around the bed to my side. Maybe I could have just rolled over, to my side; but this somehow felt more right, for me.

While I am walking over to my side of our bed, she folds the quilt back over herself; before she turns over, and pick up her book. She is opening her book, just as I reach my side of the bed.

Once I am on my side of the bed, I fold the quilt back, climbing up onto the bed; unfold the quilt, and pick up my own book. I open the book, and start to read.

The book is quite exciting, to me; I had been reading for a few hours, last night, and I had been reading a bit more in the morning. Now I close the book, putting it aside; as I had placed the book on the night-stand, I turn over to my friend, Twilight.

“Seems, she had enjoyed her book; just as much as I had, but she is just putting it aside!” I ponder.

“Good morning, Twilight!” I exclaim.

She does remain quiet, lips still tightly sealed; but she is turning towards me, nodding. She just looks at me, gazing into my eyes. Is there pleading, in her eyes; am I imagining this, and what is she pleading for?

“Oh, of course; she can't tell me what she needs, but she can answer my questions!” I ponder; “I just need to ask her, the right questions, so she can let me know, exactly what she needs me to do!” I continue.

“Slept well?” I inquire, and she nods.

“Enjoyed your book?” I inquire; she nods quite vigorously, her eyes still pleading.

“Excited?” I inquire, she once more nods, vigorously.

I am closing in, on what she needs me to do, for her!” I ponder.

A moment later, I notice her blinking. Is she winking at me?

“Would you like me to give you more?” I inquire, and she is nodding.

Of course she did want more, expecting it to feel better by the minute I am eating her; she could not willingly break of, in the state in which she had found herself. Her excitement, fueling her orgasms; slow and far between, but she is still having them.

“If you don't mind, I will come over to you; folding the quilt, so that I can give you what you need!” I offer, she nods once more.

With the quilt beautifully folded up, I slip my legs out of bed and down onto the floor; before I raise to my hooves, and walk around our bed. As I reach her side of the bed, I face her, looking at her, once more.

Since she wants me to eat her, that is exactly what I will do!” I ponder, as I am mounting her bed.

“Okay, here you go!” I offer, as I am approaching her mound.

I part my lips, placing a kiss squarely on the petals of her orchid, extending my tongue. I tentatively start lapping away, finding her just as juicy and sweet as I remember her from the day before. Strangely enough, she is always this juicy and sweet. No more, and no less.

While I do enjoy it, should I have been suspicious? For now, the notion fails to enter my head. Do I enjoy it, too much? Then again, she seems to enjoy it, too.

Maybe I could afford her an hour?“ I ponder; “Well, why not; she certainly is worth it, she is my friend!” I add.

A very close friend, and we are sharing the room here, I know she would have done the same for me, if our positions had been reversed.

I am lapping away at the petals of her orchid, as I am eating her up; my hands soon finding their way back to her rump, giving me a firm grip, even despite the slippery surface I am to hold on to.

Does her rump excite me, wet as it is; or is this wetness exciting me even more?” I ponder; as I am enjoying myself, as I am doing my best to please her.

As I am holding on to her rump, the tips of my fingers are rubbing the rim; caressing her from within. I could not prevent it, if I had tried; but I don't really want to, unless she had told me to.

This tube is giving me a better grip, than I had had the day before; before I had inserted the tube, into her rump. Fascinating, exciting. Why had I not thought of this before? Oh, yes; I had not even known she wanted me on top of her before I met her in this room.

Since she had already been excited enough, to orgasms before; the orgasms had not quite registered, I just feel them growing tighter and faster as I keep stimulating her.

Is this me, how I am pleasing her; or is it from the affliction, and the tube I had inserted into her the day before?” I ponder; “For now, I will assume she enjoys what I am doing for her!” I conclude.

Before I knew it, the hour is up; she had reached the orgasmic state, wherein she is experiencing a continuous orgasms. She is peaked, and can't be more excited, than she is now. I ignored it, more for my own pleasure than anything. It could not hurt, she is certainly enjoying herself. I could as well permit her just little bit more fun.

While it had never been a full hour; since I had given her more than the ten minutes, to reach orgasms, the previous night. I am not aware of, and I do not recall exactly how long I had spent; eating her, lapping away at her orchid, and its petals. I had enjoyed it, and so had she. That much I do know, from what I do recall.

In her orgasmic state, I simply feel her orchid constantly throbbing; as it is contracting, actively around my tongue. I can no longer count her orgasms, as if I had felt the urge.

Somehow, I had grown used to it; now finding it enjoyable, and exciting.

I could get used to this!” I realize; “If she wants me to; I would be only too happy, to do this for her!” I ponder.

Why does this make me think of being at the Spa, when she is caressing my tongue, with each orgasms?” I consider.

I can't up and ask her that, right now; not just because I am enjoying to eat her now, but it does not feel tactful and elegant enough to ask her right now.

An orgasm is positive, something good; signifying joy, and excitement!” I ponder; “But it is private, touch; you don't just as about these things, right of the bat!” I continue.

She may be my friend, and roommate; but that does not mean, that I can ignore her feelings and sensitivities. A Lady like me, just do not go of and trample others feelings.

In the end I pull back, just like the first time, yesterday; slowly pulling my tongue out of her, slowing down to a virtual stand-still. Finally, I stop; pulling my head out of her crotch, looking up at her. As I look into her eyes; I notice them being glazed over, since she had once more reached the orgasmic state.

In this state, she can't extract the tube by herself, she needs me, to extract it for her!” I ponder.

With my fingers still maintaining a firm grip, I give her a few more teasing moments; caressing her rump, with the tips of my fingers. I need to pull the tube, out of her; but am a bit undecided, right now. Is it uncertainty, as to exactly how to extract the tube; or, is it just that I enjoy teasing her? When is the right time; now, or in a few more minutes?

Since she is enjoying it, still; I think I could afford to give her a few more minutes, and explore another item!” I ponder; “Maybe I should give her nipples a few minutes, just for the fun of it?” I conclude.

I slowly let go of her rump, pulling myself up; my face reaching her chest, permitting me to explore the new idea. I start by lapping at the right nipple, then places a wet kiss on the top of her rather large nipple, before I am pushing forwards. The size is chocking me, when I am finally taking the nipple into my mouth.

With the entire nipple in my mouth, I start licking it; enjoying the moment, hoping she is enjoying this.

I may have to try this again, later; when I have extracted the tube, so I can ask her about how this feels to her!” I realize.

I suck in, lightly, before I am starting to pull back. Now I realize, it is a challenge to pull away; while I am sucking, when her nipple is this large. As slippery as it is, coated with lubrication; it is still just as hard, and the surface is quite coarse under the lubrication. It is, exactly as her Mistress in the book had prepared her. I could do nothing about it, partially because I am oblivious as to what she had even done.

I suck slightly harder, then pull harder; such harder, and pull even harder still. I continue like this, until I feel the nipple slipping out of my mouth.

Her nipple had slipped out of my mouth, with a distinct sucking noise; then I move my focus to the other, left nipple. I lick the tip of the wet nipple, placing a kiss on the top; before I push forwards, feeling the nipple slip in between my tight pressed lips.

With the nipple in my mouth, I am licking it for several minutes, enjoying the slippery surface and the coarseness underneath. I continue licking, as I am starting to suck.

I start to pull back, then sucking harder; pulling harder, and sucking harder and harder as I go. Her nipple is stretching, just enough for me, to notice it. I doubt she is consciously aware of this, but she is still bound to feel it. Even if that would have to be subconsciously. I keep teasing her, until the nipple is slipping out of my mouth.

Still glazed over!” I realize, as I am looking up; “How long can this hold on?” I ponder.

I could as well help her out, or she is missing out on the entire day!” I ponder; “And she will miss out on reading, I know she is looking forwards to!” I continue.

Now I am pulling down, pushing her up to the point I can once more reach her rump, comfortably.

Once I have reached a comfortable position, I reach for her waist; permitting my hands slide down towards her rump, before my fingers are once more slipping in. I push harder, feeling my fingers slipping in; giving me a firm grip of her, permitting me to maintain a comfortable hold of the plug, I had inserted into her rump, the day before.

First I just tease the rim of her rump, by caressing the squishy silicon; before I am grabbing an even stronger hold, slowly pulling at the tube.

At first, nothing happens. I start to pull harder, but still nothing happens. Only once I slip my thumbs in, under the tube; am I able to pull at it, slowly extracting the tube from inside of her rump.

I feel the hard, firm tube stretch; like an elastic gummy-worm, refusing to let go. I pull harder, and harder; feeling the tube stretch further and further, before I manage to actually pull it out. Inch by inch, the large tube is finally coming out. In the end, it is finally losing the grip; then it is snapping back, almost whipping my fingers in the process.

A moment after the tube had come out of her; she is clearly experiencing the long awaited climax, before she is coming back and gaining focus. Her eyes are no longer glazed over, and she manages to focus on me.

“Oooh, oooh, oooh!” she moans, as her lips slowly unseals and she can part her lips enough to articulate.

“It was that good?” I inquire; “Then I really need to read that book, once you are done with it!” I continue.

“Ooh, ooh!” she responds; “Yes, it was indeed that good!” she continues.

“I think you need a cup of tea, urgently; and I certainly need a cup, too!” I point out.

“A cup of tea, certainly would not be wrong; right now, if you could help me up to our secret garden!” she points out.

“Certainly!” I respond; “My pleasure!” I add.

“Thank you, Rarity!” she offers; now weaker, since the exhaustion is taking its toll.

I need to hurry!” I realize.

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